#non-traumagenic safe
system-research · 2 years
Welcome to our blog dedicated to researching systems and plural people!
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Here we will post polls, surveys, ect, that are aimed at gathering information about systems, headmates, innerworld, ect.
This blog is aimed at being completely neutral as to get information on all types of systems. A disclaimer though most things will be separate such as having two polls asking the same thing but one being for OSDDID/traumagenic systems and another being non-traumagenic systems. We do that because having your system formed from trauma and having your system not formed from trauma are most of the time very different experiences.
A better explanation of how we plan to categorize the polls/surveys is in this ask.
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Another disclaimer is that both mods are OSDDID systems and because of that the main type of language we will use on this blog will be lean more towards disordered language. Such as saying system instead of a plural person. We will however refer to alters as headmates on this blog. But if anyone has suggestions on other words or terms we can use we will be glad to hear it.
We welcome asks and ideas to help us decide what surveys or polls to post! Such as asking for us to do a survey on headmates with blue hair and how common they are. While we do prefer the suggestions to be serious we will accept some silly surveys like that. We also encourage criticism and constructive criticism as we are not perfect and will mess up from time to time and we want to be let known when we do. (Preferably nicely but it’s okay if not).
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You may notice that this blog is very similar to @/pluralityresearch and that is because it is somewhat based off the main idea of their blog. We are making our own because we don’t like how biased the blog is towards non-traumagenic systems. So we made our own blog to be (the best we can be) completely neutral. That away everyone can participate without feeling like they are being ignored or looked over. Also due to recent events on that blog please know that if we ever mess up that we welcome people letting us know and constructive criticism.
Last part is our DNI. We don’t want transplural or transid people doing our surveys and we also don’t want @/jess-total-mess or those affiliated with them to interact either. (This is for our own mental health)
Tags for reach (let us know if you’d like to be removed!)
@circulars-reasoning @pluralpolls @syscoursepolls @plural-culture-is @pluralprompts @subsystems @multiplicity-positivity
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1buk1m1d04 · 9 months
“We need more weird people” ya’ll can’t handle non truamagenic systems
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moos3-th3-goos3 · 4 months
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the-opus-collective · 3 months
endogenic, willogenic, tuplagenic and all other non-traumatised/disordered systems are not welcome here.
we do not go through constant trauma and did not go through life altering trauma for fun. i did not split to protect robin [our host] for fun. we did not get abused for fun. we don’t get bullied for fun. we don’t get neglected for fun. we don’t have debilitating flashbacks for fun, etc.
it is not punk to invade trauma survivors spaces. it is not punk to harass people. it is not punk to spread misinformation. it is not punk to send death threats. it is not punk to be trans-ID.
— 🦓 / yannick
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paracosmic-gt · 6 months
Please remember:
Endogenic includes a whole bunch of shitty stuff that people don't identify as trauma for themselves. Stress, fakeclaiming, struggles with neurodiversity, anxiety, anything.
Endogenic doesn't mean not traumatised, just that a system didn't form from that.
Endogenic systems can have traumagenic members.
Traumagenic systems can have endogenic members.
Endogenic systems can be horribly depressed and traumagenic systems can be joyful and enjoy their systemhood.
No system owes you their trauma history.
- River
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the-roadtrip-system · 1 month
religious person with dissociative identity disorder call that a belief system
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your-pal-nebula · 1 month
Being "inclusive" / radinclus and being anti endo is contradictory by the way. (And not in the good way). You cannot be both. If you are anti endo you're not inclusive. Hope this helps <3 !!!!!!!!!
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jakubmeow · 4 months
RAHH I'M FRONTING AND I'LL MAKE EVERYONE REGRET IT!!! /J /silly (there's like 6 other alters with me rn)
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anonymousfield · 7 months
i wish the existence of nontraumagenic plurals wasnt seen as "discourse"
i wish my want to feel safe in plural communites wasnt seen as "discourse"
i wish my want of the world to accept my lived experience wasnt seen as "discourse"
talk about nontraumagenic plurals and their place in communities isnt discourse. we are beings that just want to be accepted and feel safe. our existence isnt discourse.
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thecreepycrawlersss · 11 days
simplyplural status inspo !! ^_^
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feel free to use this as inspo for your own simplyplurals :D also if there’s any other statuses we should use pls tell us
our simplyplural is thecreepycrawlers if you wanna follow us
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beingcultureis · 2 months
Plural being culture is one alter being interested in a hobby but another alter (that we can’t identify at the moment) just does not have the energy for it.
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anti-endo-safe-space · 4 months
So, we've seen a lot of people flaming fictives/introjects from things like Harry Potter, Twilight, DSMP, that kind of thing and we wanted to make this post.
With most of those posts, we've seen a lot of comments saying "they need to source separate" but if it's from a nonproblematic source that's not being said. Here's the thing. If an alter feels comfortable source separating, then that's one thing. We have about 4 alters from the Harry Potter franchise because we were absorbed in it when a lot of trauma happened.
None of us feel comfortable source separating. Some of us, like the fictive of Regulus Black, don't feel entirely connected to source. But notice, he hasn't changed his name. He doesn't PLAN on changing his name because while he is distant, he still feels ties. Do any of us support JKR? Hell no. We hate her with a burning passion.
Does that mean we refuse to do something like read fanfiction of HP? No, we write it because it helps Regulus process trauma, both source and his own, it helps others realize stuff will get better.
And gods forbid someone has a "cringe" source. We have a fictive from Twilight. She's pretty source connected because, well, she's source connected and wants to be. That doesn't mean your evil for being source disconnected.
We've got an introject of DanTDM, specifically his earlier videos. Does Dan (ours, we'll refer to the actual as DanTDM) enjoy watching those because it reminds him of his past? Yeah. But while he recognizes that he's from DanTDM, he doesn't feel he is him fully. He's his own person and that's okay.
Basically the point of this which we kinda missed. An introject does not reflect their source. It is not fair to demand that because an introjects source/creator is toxic that they source separate. Your being cruel and horrible for no reason that way.
We're well aware of the fact that we might lose followers, and if we do, then we don't want you here.
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dniendos · 5 days
i love scrolling through the top posts on the pro endo tag and its just filled with people being supportive and loving and downright positive about endogenic and non traumagenic/adaptive systems it makes me so happy i love you pluralpunk, i love you pro endos, i love you those who are freely pro endo, i love those who are lowkey pro endo, i love those who hide their pro endo-ness for whatever reason, i love you those fighting for us and others, i love you those who are comforting, i love you those who are tired, those who are angry, those who are hurting, those in love, those who are happy, all of you and in between i love you pro endos <3
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moos3-th3-goos3 · 4 months
What if I just started going by a different name and pronouns and had different likes and ideas and memories and opinions and presented differently and acted differently... but like I'm still me though... no I'm not a system at all...
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thelunastusco · 2 months
Don't wanna bother reblogging these people, but just saw an ~~anti-endo~~ say this:
"Just because someone thinks they’re experiencing something doesn’t mean they truly are."
Here's why this is one of the most useless arguments ever:
There's really only three ways that someone even could think they're experiencing something that they aren't. A lack of education about the experience, by mistake, or via hallucination/delusion.
Are there non-traumagenic systems out there who aren't educated on all the types of plurality, diagnostic criteria for dissociative disorders, etc? Sure. Same for traumagenic systems. Not all systems are perfectly educated on all the terms, theories, hypotheses, and so sometimes you're going to get a system who thinks their experience is one thing-- but isn't.
However, this isn't what the OP is implying.
By mistake is mostly the same thing, except this is "the system was fully educated on these things but either guessed or remembered wrong, and eventually found something more accurate for them". It happens. It happened to us.
However, this also isn't what the OP is implying.
Hallucinations and/or delusions are when someone thinks they're experiencing something (or believes something) that is objectively not possible or true.
This is more of what the OP is implying, because they simply don't think non-traumagenic systems are at all possible.
And that's fucking wrong.
It's one thing to say "just because someone thinks something is true, doesn't mean it is" for objective, outward issues. If someone claims their hair is green when it's brown, if someone says they're the president of England, if someone claims they can turn into a raccoon, or that they see dogs surrounding them... those are things that are either physically impossible or outwardly verifiable.
Being a system is not impossible. It's also not outwardly verifiable. There is no one test or brain scan or MRI that proves whether or not someone is a system, or what the origins of that system are. Systems, and what causes them, are not something that can be simply passed off as a hallucination or delusion. It's subjective, it's internal, and there's nothing in science that proves that trauma or disorder is the only thing that causes systems.
Can a system "think they’re experiencing something that they're not"? Yes. Including system origins, or being disordered or not.
Is a system "experiencing something they're not" just by saying they're non-disordered, or non-traumagenic? No. Because there's no proof that it's impossible. There probably will never be proof that it's impossible.
This is an argument that has been made a million times, and debunked a million times. Get over it and move on.
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am I a system?? idk man, but sometimes it really feels like it. like, I’ll be thinking of a question, and a bunch of little voices will give out random imputs or a hesitant answer, and I’ll be like “wait is that right?” and hey, it is! or I’ll be questioning pronouns, and some part of me will really like it, while another part of me feels super weird being referred to by that pronoun.
if I am, I’m most likely monoconscience or some kind of median system? idk, still need to do research. I’m definitely not traumagenic (at least I’m pretty sure I’m not). I also don’t really experience switches either (if that’s what they’re called), and I’m happy with being the only host (that is, if I am a system).
to me, it’s more like being a streamer and having a bunch of people watching you play a game or go about your life or something; they can give imput and ask questions/give answers and have conversations, but you as the streamer don’t know everything about the people in your stream, and the people watching can’t take control of the streamer’s gameplay or their actions irl. (I even call the voices in my head “chat” to be silly lol)
any systems feel free to leave your imput or advice about more research or ways to confirm/deny possible plurality! I’d really appreciate it :)
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