#headmate creation
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dooblebugreblogs · 5 months ago
anti radqueer build a headmate blogs!
(if anyone wants to be added just lmk!)
@alter-soup (not specifically states as anti rq but doesn’t do trans ids or paras
@distorted-creations (doesn’t say theyre anti rq but doesn’t include transids)
@pinkpawpads (doesn’t say anti rq but is anti transid)
@petrized (rq neutral but doesn’t do transids)
@dooblebuggy (my account :3)
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theoreticallysweet · 10 months ago
IMPORTANT: Some of these are radqueer, some are anti, all have varying boundaries. Please check boundaries and dni before requesting or following, I am not here to state my opinions on either again this is just a huge post of as many as I can find. If you want to be untagged lmk!
@alters-tied-in-a-bow ( won't let me tag ]: )
lmk if you want to be added 😁
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worldworseweb · 1 month ago
Angler Fish Alter Pack 𓂃 { Mod Poseidon }
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Names 𓂃 Kraven .. Angler .. Anchor .. Trapper .. Eerie
Prns 𓂃 It / Its .. Hx / Hxm .. ? / ¿ .. Lure / Lures .. Abyss / Abyssal .. Blind / Blinded .. [Redacted] / [Redacted] .. ████ / ████s
Age 𓂃 Agehazy .. Palaikian .. Appears in lures late 20s
Gender 𓂃 Masculine Agender .. Genderabyss .. Allseeingic .. Eldritchseathing .. Eeriebodiment .. Uncannything .. Thalastormic .. Noviaeus .. Voidbodiment .. Desean .. Etherio .. Dimbathyic .. Thalassogender .. Vortexic .. Gendersea .. Marinorphic .. Eldrigender .. Seacollector .. Blueperspeque .. Aetherine .. Kenochoric
Orientation 𓂃 Demiromantic .. Demisexual .. Sex-favorable regardless of attraction
Species 𓂃 Anglerfish Merfolk
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Roles 𓂃 Isolator .. Nightwatcher .. Cynic .. Aggressor
Location 𓂃 Any tight deep-sea cavern will do -- some vague inspiration would be the mariana trench .. Kraken decorates hxs cavern / den with shark teeth, sea shells, beads, pearls, rocks, and various shiny trinkets that abyss collects .. In a special nook is blinds nest, which is made of blue bioluminescent algae and kelp.
Behavior 𓂃 Rarely willingly interacts with others, unless baited into doing so .. It takes a long time to warm up to people, but is more likely to enjoy the company of those who are similarly amused by others negativity .. Enjoys startling / scaring other sysmates by hiding in dark spaces or simply sneaking up on them .. Rarely physically harmful towards other sysmates, instead mocking them and finding their discomfort, anger, or sadness amusing .. May purposefully trigger other sysmates for ?s own amusement .. Will often act cold towards others, but may soften when given compliments or gifts.
Signoffs / Proxies 𓂃 ⚓ ; 🌊 ; ⛓️ ; 👁️‍🗨️
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⛓️ EXTRA ;
TransIDs 𓂃 CisNocturnal .. CisLongTongue .. CisImmortal .. CisBlackSclera .. CisAnglerfish .. CisMerfolk .. CisAsshole .. TransAutopsyScars .. TransHalfBlind .. TransSharperSenses .. NullEmotions .. TransDrowned .. TransASPD .. TransEldritchHorror .. TransAplatonic .. TransHeartless .. TransInsomnia .. NullSleep .. PermaMisanthrope .. NullRemorse .. NullReflection .. TransWaterboarder .. TransRaspyVoice .. NullHumanity .. Xenoracial ("Abyssal").
Paras 𓂃 Codes can be found here. 🌊 .. 💧 .. ♨️ .. 🫶🌹 .. 🐊 .. 🦷 .. 🐙 .. 🩳 .. Hybriphilia .. Traviphilia .. Cardiophilia.
Titles 𓂃 The Deep Sea Swimmer .. The Beast that Lures .. It who Lurks in the Dark .. The Seaborn Hunter .. The Sea Cryptid .. The Beast of the Tides .. The Cryptid Beneath the Waves .. The Horror of the Deep
Fashion 𓂃 Usually shirtless .. Adorned with black, cyan, gold, or white beads and shark teeth as body jewelry .. Wears fishhooks as piercings.
Typing Quirk 𓂃 Speaks in italics. If on Discord, may speak in italics and spoilers for each message ( ||*text*|| ). May use ".~" at the end of sentences when mocking others, or being affectionate (not sexually). Often uses periods and proper grammar.
Religion 𓂃 Believes in what lure refers to as "The Ones who Swam the Sea Before", a polytheistic religion with a handful of major and minor Gods that each rule / maintain a particular aspect of bodies of water (Sunlight Zone, Twilight Zone, Midnight Zone, and Abyssal Zone, along with Rivers and Lakes) .. These gods are all various merfolk.
Speech Patterns 𓂃 References the above religion often .. Avoids slang, preferring simple and blunt manners of talking .. Will make common phrases ocean related, or make up ocean-related metaphors in place of common ones (ex. "What in the Seven Seas" instead of "What in the fresh hell / What the fuck") .. May swear often, especially when agitated.
Miscellaneous 𓂃 It both despises and adores aquariums for allowing hxm to feel "at home", while simultaneously lamenting the entrapment of them (regardless of how well they are cared for) .. When agitated, may flare gills or fins .. Enjoys sea shanties and calmer music .. Despises when people say that the ocean is "only 5% explored" or similar statements (due to the misconception that this means we only know about what is in 5% of the ocean).
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tba-bah · 5 months ago
hello hello! i'd like a headmate that uses arcanegold's (on twitter and tumblr) character maple as a faceclaim. their style is different than what's in the art, but pretty much go crazy for their style otherwise.
that's pretty much it i think. tyvm in advance!
name: asher , aspen , archer , maple , autumn , hazel . prns: they/them , fae/faer , satyr/satyrs , faun/fauns . gender: transneutral , transboy , enboy , enby , xenoflux , deerfluid . orientation: enbian .
species: half - faun . hair: brown , amber . eyes: brown . skin: light tan , brown . clothes/accessories: sweater , leggings . other unique features: nonhuman nose , deer ears , deer tail .
roles: caretaker , gatekeeper , doorkeeper , mood booster , emotional processor . source: n/a ( ? ) .
age: 21 - 23 . birthday: december 17 .
personality: quiet , kind , sensitive . likes: deer , journaling . loves: autumn , nature . dislikes: forest fires . hates: nothing really .
ac 1 ac 2 ac 3
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systastic · 8 months ago
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𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔
hiiii! my name is ana && i run this blog! :3 pleasure to meet you all, meow ~
this blog is for my clawlection of genders, alterpacks, and anything else i find cool both for myself && the rest of my system!
some other sys members may use this blog !! if asked, they will make their own introductions nya ~
different emojis in the tags means that the post is either meant for/created by other alters ~ that includes 🍥 (me!), 💉, 🪼, and 🪻 !!
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#gender hoard is for genders !
#alter hoard or #headmate hoard is for alter packs !
#kitty creations is for packs we’ve made !
#kitty speaks is for anything non-pack or gender related!
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pls interact: systems, mogai & coining blogs, alter pack / headmate creation blogs, cool people!
interact w care: transx/transid, respectful radqueers (please don’t bring discourse onto this blog meow!)
dni: homophobes, racists, pro-contact harmful, gross, && non-con paras, pro-contact MAP/AAM, disrespectful sysmedicalists, violent radqueer, those who use the term “traumascum”, && those who believe systems do not exist / are not real
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𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝓇𝓊𝓁𝑒𝓈
we do alter packs for other beings too !! feel free to send in an ask ~
will do fictives & factives (as best we can depending on source), sisasystems of up to three alters, sentisystems, headspaces, dissomei, gender coining posts, nonhumans, && just plain ol’ headmates!
do not ask for transIDs/cisIDs in our packs; our system has a rule against using those terms. your request will be ignored if you do!
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𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓂
level one: name, age, pronouns, roles, species, gender identity, orientation, source
level two: all of the above + aesthetic, appearance description, personality description, one avatar/pfp (specify if picrew or not!)
level three: all of the above + likes, dislikes, front triggers, sign off
level four: all of the above + small moodboard, thematic songs, kins, any bonus info requested, && typing quirk (if applicable!)
if you do not want something on this list: let us know in your request and we’ll remove it!
for headspace packs: please give a general vibe of the headspace you want and a number of locations you’d like to have within that space!
queue can be found here!
anon list can be found here!
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note: some of these are pro-rq & some are anti-rq, so please check interaction boundaries before giving them a look!!
@eclipian, @roses-bah-garden, @bah-attic, @sewers-headmates, && too many more to name !!
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headmateelevator · 3 months ago
hello again!! may we please have a level two pack (without orientations or front triggers) for this new fragment im trying to flesh out? heres the details it has right now!!
a wolf/dog? the colours blue and grey. fog/mist. water. waves and shorelines. gender is "nothing but with occasional ghosts of fem or masc." seems to like ghosts! and static? and heres bunch of emojis it seems to feel connected to! 🐺🌑💤🔉🐚💧🌊🌫🌧🌥☁️💭🎞📼🔌📺
thank you!! please take as long as you need on this pack!! i love this blog <3 -green anon!!
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order up!
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name(s) - Canine , Max , Lucy , Daisy , Rocky , Cooper , Canidae , Angus , Callum , Alaska , Terrie , Shepherd , Collie , ace , affen , affie , aidi , airendale , akita , aksaray , Alano , alex , alfie , amarok , amaruq , annie , apollo , archie , arianell , aries , armant , artemis , artois , ash , asher , aurora , badulf , bailey , bandit , barbet , bardou , barkley , basenji , bear , beau , bella , beowulf , biewer , blue , bluey , bolt , boris , boxer , brad , Isaiah , Virgil , Salem , Osiris , Azriel , Theodore , Elias , Oliver , Lukas , Sebastian , Michael , Uriel , Azrael , Abaddon , Castiel , Nathaniel/Nate , Malice , Wolfram , brenard , Boxer , Brittany , Wolf , Gray/Grey , Rex , Forest , Brownie , Kai , Bear , Snow , Snowy , Buddy.
pronouns - they / it / ey / em / er / ers / hy / hyr / hy / hymn / ae / aer / it / that / thing / vae / vaer / se / sim / ny / nym / th-y / th-m / shy / shyr / thy / thym / x / xs / sh* / h*r / shx / hxr / hx / hxm / thxy / thxm / thon / thons / arf / arf / awoo / ba / ball / ba / bark / bark / bite / bo / bone / cae / canine / can / cani / canid / canidae / canin / canine / cha / chase / chew / claw / co / collar / fang / fangs / grey / grim / gro / growl / grr / guard / ho / howl / houn / hound / howl / howl / hunt / lu / lupi / moon / moon / mutt / muz / muzzle / night / paw / protect / ri / rir / ruff / roll / rough / ru/run / ruff/ruff / silv / silver / snarl / star / teeth / walk / wag / wolf / angel / angels / alt / alts / hy / hymns / omen / faith / static / fog / ghoul / spok / ghost / spirit / sea / salt.
gender(s) - neutrois , ANALOGARGIC , ANOMALOTHING , unalimfort , ANALOGENDER , Casiboy , horrorloggender , ☆ » CREEPTHEDRIC , Camtromatos , Monichrine , Horrorslushie , Horrorigender , Horrorfem , Fogforestic , Forestgender , Forestwolfgender , Forestwolfsprintic , Howlgender , Neigean , Nightforfulmoonic , Northwolfic , Noxlibic , Redwoodgender , Sillywolfic , Snowfallgender , Aiaspec , Aingender , Aporagender , Asterfluid , Celestian , Cosmosflux ,
Demineutral , Demineutrois , Eafluid , Galaxian , Gender neutral , Genderflor , Gendersylph , Hydrangeaflux , Nebularian , Neumasc , Snowmoonlic , Snowynightgender , Starforestaesic , Tundrawolfgender , Wolfbitic , Wolfforestic , Wolfgender , Wolfmoonbodiement , Wolfmoonic , Wolforigender , Wolfpawic , Wolfplushigender , Wolfstarmoonic , Wolfthing, Horrormasc , Horrorhoard , Darkhyperfixic , Inhorsycic , Eldhorric , Horrorstorycollectic , Analoghorrorgender , Mascanalog , Femanalog , Analogender , ELDRITCHANALOG , PURIDITIC , altvocaldernic , ALDERNATE , notworthriskquoteic.
role(s) - anchor , sleeper , hygienist , protector , sibling figure.
species - wolf / dog , could be wolf / dog / human hybrid creature if using a humanish face claim or possibly some form of shapeshifter between. ghostkin.
source(s) - brainmade.
emoji(s) - 🐺 , 🌑 , 💤 , 🔉 , 🐚 , 💧 , 🌊 , 🌫 , 🌧 , 🌥 , ☁️ , 💭 , 🎞 , 📼 , 🔌 , 📺.
likes - night walks , taking naps , sleeping , staying clean , swimming , water in general , showers and baths , quiet dark rooms , music , moon themes , analog horror , old movies , the truman show , people x trusts , stretching in the mornings , ghosts , pets.
dislikes - being too hot , having to talk in front of too many people , people vae don't trust , stomachaches , being tired for too long , back pain (especially due to sleeping in the worst possible positions).
personality description - Callum is a rather friendly part , it keeps to themselves oftentimes , but when around someone x trusts arf can be semi-talkative , usually speaking about things such as movies thy recently watched , or old classics they enjoy rewatching often. they also have an interest in analog horror and horror medias in general. teeth often tries to keep to an alright sleep routine , though cani can mess it up easily by taking naps in the middle of the day if star feels like doing so.
faceclaims -
( 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 )
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creepybah · 6 months ago
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names - astaria, sin, edenne, ambrosine
pronouns - she/null/star/nym
genders - stargender spacegender duskgender nocturlance woman
neu, masc, or fem terms ? - fem terms
orientations - lesbian demiromantic claustramor
age - 25
species - half human half elf
kin - spacekin
roles - caretaker + assidumate
likes - space, fashion, make-up, debates, working
dislikes - ppl who try and debate w/o facts, being bored, over-confident ppl
personality - confident, motherly, serious but can be fun, energetic, very extroverted
aesthetic - whimsigoth
fashion style - whimsigoth meets business casual
hand writing - neat, small, and cursive-y
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typing quirk - Italic text.
religious / spiritual beliefs - astrolatry (the worship of celestial bodies, like the sun, moon, stars, etc)
appearance - she has pale, almost pure white skin. her hair is dark blue up and in a messy bun, and it has a few shining silver strands here and there. her body is thin. she’s very tall, standing at about 6’3 in height. she has the capricorn constellation birth mark on her lower left back in a glowing purple color.
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HEX CODE #481494
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sophieinwonderland · 3 months ago
Four Essential Features Of a Headmate
What is this for?
The goal here is to create an objective criteria for what is or isn't a headmate. This criteria can be useful for questioning systems, for plural media analysis, for studying plural groups that don't identify by the label, for differentiating between different types of entities within a system, and for tulpamancers wanting to better judge when a tulpa goes from a proto-headmate to a full headmate.
Nobody is forced to use these criteria if they don't think it fits for their system.
It's important to note that each feature here needs to be somewhat present, but these features don't need to be strong.
If you rated an entity on a scale of 0 to 10 on each of these and it gets all 1s, it's a headmate. Conversely, if it gets all 10s but has a single 0, it doesn't fit the criteria. Essentially, the degree that these qualities are present does not matter for determining if it's a headmate.
An entity is autonomous when it can think for itself and make its own decisions. An autonomous entity will not feel like you're controlling it. This entity thinks for itself and makes its own decisions, and feels emotions that seem real.
If an autonomous entity is sad, for example, you can't simply fix it by imagining it being happy again.
Autonomous entities may sometimes do things that surprise you or act in ways you can't predict.
If they're very strong willed, you may come to arguments with each other. But arguments aren't required to demonstrate autonomy and expecting arguments to prove an entity can think for itself can lead to toxic dynamics. Any level of autonomy is sufficient to fulfill this criteria.
Importance: Being able to imagine conversations with someone and to direct those conversations is a pretty common skill possessed by most singlets. Additionally, imaginary friends of children can come in different varieties. Some are autonomous, being able to control their own actions, while others are not, being fully controlled by the host child.
A headmate must have its own perspective it can think from. This does not mean necessarily "seeing" in 1st person in the inner world or something of that nature, but pertains more to how it relates to others in the system.
A headmate with its own perspective can acknowledge itself as its own self in some form. It might say something to another member like "I think you should listen to me more often." Statements like this acknowledge itself as something separate from the other members.
While all that's necessary is to have that base level of perspective, for those who want to develop a headmate more, an advanced version of this that should be encouraged is introspection. This is a headmate thinking about themselves and their own nature, and can be fostered by asking them questions about themselves.
Importance: It's common for singlets to feel internal conflict and to think about this through an internal monologue. This might looks something like this: "I really want to take this cookie from the cookie jar. I'm trying to watch me weight. But I worked hard today so I deserve a treat."
When a singlet describes a sense of "part of me wants X but another part of me wants Y," this is the type of conflict they're generally referring to. The thing about these parts is that they often don't feel like separate people because they lack dissociation between them.
This criteria is to help distinguish between dissociative and non-dissociative parts.
Note: sometimes, even a denial can end up implying perspective. Even just saying, "I'm just part of you" carries an implication that there is an "I" and a "you."
Specifically, autobiographical memory of in-system experiences
A headmate should be able to recall past interactions that they've had. Recall of course does not need to be perfect. Even most singlets don't have perfect recall of their lives, and dissociative barriers can complicate matters. One of the core features of dissociative identity disorder is amnesia, after all.
The bare minimum is at least one memory of an event you experienced from a different day. Also, because amnesia can be episodic and be worse at times, this does not need to be constant. Having an episode where you can't remember anything about your past doesn't retroactively make you less of a headmate. (Although I suppose that if you are able to remember that you used to remember things, that itself is a memory about yourself. 🤷‍♀️)
I cannot reiterate enough that the memories can be very basic and do not need to be in vivid detail. They do not even need to be visual. As long as you have a sense of "I did this, I thought this before, I felt this way," or anything of that sort, it is enough of a memory to qualify.
This is to help distinguish from temporary entities. In other posts, I have called these temporary headmates ephemerals. An ephemeral is an entity that exists for only a short time. It does not maintain memory or a consistent sense of self outside of memories assigned to it. For example, there is a popular practice writers may use where they will interview a character in their head. These characters may seem to have their own perspective and they may seem autonomous at the time. But they only exist briefly for the length of the interview. When the interview is over, the character is gone.
If you imagine a scene with that character again, the character in the scene will not remember you. If you interview them again, it will be like the first time you've ever spoken. Ephemerals are not headmates. They are temporary and not built to last. And there is no moral obligation to continue interacting with them.
A very common example of an ephemeral is a dream character. Dream characters are contained within their dream and when the dream ends, will disappear. Being able to create these types of temporary simulations of people is an innate human ability and these sorts of temporary entities aren't really part of the system.
I have previously referred to this as meta-awareness. But I am using gnosis here because I'm sticking with the one word theme for these qualities. There isn't really a word that exists that completely describes this so I will be using my own definition.
Gnosis means knowledge. In gnosticism, this was a specific type of knowledge that would allow one to ascend to a higher level of existence.
So in relation to plurality, this is knowledge of the existence of the external reality beyond the inner world or the fiction that the character originates from. You do not need to identify as a headmate for this to be true. You don't even need to feel like a part of the system. But you need to have the KNOWLEDGE that the body exists in an external reality outside of the inner world.
Importance: this is to help differentiate hadmates from other types of daydream characters or writing characters. A normal daydream character only operates in the daydream. They should not be aware of a real world outside of that daydream. Likewise, a writing character has no knowledge of the writers or the external world, and only exists within its own narrative.
A writing character may appear to have their own perspective and be somewhat autonomous when imagining scenes with them. But if a writing character becomes a headmate, the character may start to talk to the writer about the book. They may complain about the way the writer is writing them within the fiction. This is a writing character that has undergone gnosis. They have ascended beyond their fiction and developed awareness of the external reality.
The checklist
Autonomy: Does the entity have some level of independence where you are not consciously controlling them?
Perspective: Does the entity possess its own perspective with some level of awareness of itself as being its own thing separate to some degree from other entities within the system?
Memory: is the entity the same being in different times and places? If you had a conversation with it one day, could you ask it again about that conversation another day and have it remember?
Gnosis: Does the entity possess knowledge of the external world, the body, and its life?
If the answer is yes to all these questions, then you have a headmate on your hands.
And just because something isn't currently a headmate, doesn't mean that the potential isn't there. In the next section I want to discuss some techniques to help a headmate develop these features.
Tulpa Tips
Having gotten the basics out of the way, let's discuss on how to build these traits. This is a brief guide for developing full headmates from entities that are only lacking in one of the above traits.
Autonomy: if there is a character that you have imagined a lot but it feels like you are controlling them and you want this character to become a full headmate, just try letting go of the reins. Ask the character questions, and wait for a response. Do not try to dictate the response, and when the response comes, accept it. If the response is weird, ask them for further elaboration. But don't try to correct it or rewind or otherwise control the proto-headmate. You want to train your brain to produce the headmate's thoughts without any conscious input from yourself. See: Overcoming Parrotnoia for advice on conquering the fear you may be unconsciously controlling your headmate.
After enough time training autonomy, you are likely to find that you can't control them even when actively trying. But do not test this while you are training autonomy. Do not try to control the headmate during this period because these tests can set back or interfere with your progress.
Perspective: if you have a non-headmate part that you want to become a headmate, try to identify features of that part and when it influences you. Reframe the part as its own entity in your head, ask it what it wants to be called so that you can give a name to it.
These sorts of parts, in theory, should already have autonomy and should be able to respond when questioned. You are not making something new, you are just helping something that is already there differentiate itself more from you.
While just treating it like its own separate person is enough to achieve the bare minimum, I would advise continuing to ask it introspective questions to encourage it to think of itself as its own person. Especially things that are unrelated to its original role, whatever that was. And try to expose it to new experiences where you can.
Memory: The key to memory is making sure that you are interacting with the same instance of the character every time. If this is something that you are struggling with, my advice would be to end every session that you interact with your proto-headmate by asking them what they want to do the next time you interact with them. This will signal to the brain that this isn't done yet and that it needs to "save" this particular instance of the entity rather than creating a new one the next time. Then when you interact with them again, try to start off by asking them questions about the previous times that you have interacted with them in order to ensure that the memories have stuck. (These types of questions also encourage introspection.)
Gnosis: Of all of these qualities, this one is actually the easiest to reliably induce. You can trigger a gnosis event simply by telling a character with the other qualities about the outside world. Ideally, you should try to show them mental images and memories as well. You can also try imposing them externally so that they can see the outside world for themselves and walk around the space the body occupies.
As a warning, be aware that a well-developed entity discovering that the world that it knew was created from someone's head can sometimes trigger an existential crisis. While this is the easiest quality to attain, it also carries a risk if it's not attained before the other qualities. On the other hand, some headmates may enjoy the revelation and the new option that give them. Especially since they can now theoretically shape the inner world to their desires. Just be ready to catch them in case they fall when revealing this.
Thank you so much for reading! 😁
If you enjoyed this post and my categorizations, you may also enjoy my posts on headmate Foundations and Manifestations, and the Dimensions of Fronting.
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transosdd · 6 months ago
moobloom alter? masc + caretaker, maybe
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︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 NAMES – moobloom , flower , wyatt , dallas , jasper , oak , bloom , forest , lake , cloud , field
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 AGE – 17
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 PRNS – he / they / it / flower / seed / sun / light / yellow / rain / dawn / dusk / sunset
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 GENDERS – masc-aligned , naturesoundic , mossgender , flowieeamic , flowerthing , sunsetcosmic , bloomboy , softpancakic , sunfieldgender , springadored , sweatercomfic
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ORIENTATION – aromantic-asexual
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 SPECIES – human / moobloom shapeshifter
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 CISIDS – brown hair , blue eyes , cow hybrid , shapeshifter , helpful , kind , floral scent , ADHD , easily scared , sensitive to loud noises
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 TRANSIDS – blonde , pixelamian , yellowamian , dyslexia , ARFID , HoH
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 PARAPHILIAS – 🌿 , 🍄 , ☔️ , 🧹 , 😇 , 👚
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ROLES – caretaker , soother
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 SOURCE – moobloom ; minecraft
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 COMMON OUTFITS – one , two , three , four
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 FAVORITE MUSIC – "rises the moon" , "for the first time" , "7 weeks & 3 days" , "falling for u" , "fairy fountain" ,"fool"
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 PERSONALITY – a serene and warm personality, radiating a gentle kindness wherever they go. they’re deeply connected to nature, finding joy in simple, peaceful moments, like tending to plants or basking in the sun. optimistic and lighthearted, they bring a sense of calm to those around them, always seeing beauty in the world. while they may seem dreamy or detached at times, they are thoughtful and grounded, with a quiet wisdom that comes from their deep connection to the earth. they avoid conflict, preferring harmony and cooperation, and are always ready to nurture both friendships and the environment around them. (MBTI : INFP)
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 EMOJI PROXIES – 🌻🐄 , 🌼🐄 , 🥛 , 🌿
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ART CREDITS – unknown for all three
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beneathme · 1 month ago
Yellow! can we have an alter who is the embodiment of pink and can you make them gender fluid if not, I understand ^7*
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ི 💕 ─ NAME : rose , love , romeo , romance , vince , vincent , julian , august , angel , atlas , iris , jude , jasper , adeline , percy , val , valentine , wrenn , ivy , roman , evander , alastair , valentina , zephyr , angelo , angela , caspian , pierce , artemis , eros , aphrodite , pothos , anteros , cupid , rome , scarlett , heart , lovette , lovense , lilith , florien , azure , poppy , juliet , juliette , valerie , flora , eliot , april , faith
ི 💕 ─ PRONOUNS : they◞ them◞ themself◞ , he◞ him◞ himself◞ , she◞ her◞ herself◞ , rose◞ roses◞ roseself◞ , vel◞ velvette◞ velvetteself◞ , rom◞ romance◞ romanceself◞ , love◞ loves◞ loveself◞ , taf◞ taffy◞ taffyself◞ , bubble◞ bubblegum◞ bubblegumself◞ , cu◞ cupid◞ cupidself◞ , val◞ valentine◞ valentines◞ , fleur◞ fleurs◞ fleurself◞ , heart◞ hearts◞ heartself◞ , fai◞ faith◞ faithself◞ , lo◞ love◞ loveself◞ , meo◞ meow◞ meowself◞ , pink◞ pinks◞ pinkself◞ , 💕◞ 💕s◞ 💕self◞ , 💌◞ 💌s◞ 💌self◞ , 🫀◞ 🫀s◞ 🫀self◞ , ❤️‍🩹◞ ❤️‍🩹s◞ ❤️‍🩹self◞ , thxy◞ thxm◞ thxmself◞ , shx◞ hxr◞ hxrself◞ , hx◞ hxm◞ hxmself◞ , xe◞ xem◞ xemself◞
ི 💕 ─ AGE : 16 (middle)
ི 💕 ─ GENDER : genderfluid
ི 💕 ─ SEXUALITY : saturnic
ི 💕 ─ ORIENTATION : allosexual , alloromantic
ི 💕 ─ SPECIES : human
ི 💕 ─ PERSONALITY : they are very bubbly , and enthusiastic . they tend to come off as arrogant but they really aren’t . they talk a lot , and are good at filling the conversation , very good at socialization . they do not know how to say no to people , and will rarely do so which may cause them to fail at setting boundaries with people . they are pretty empathetic . they are very vulnerable and gullable , and easily swayed by others around them , making them very suseptable to manipulation . they have a really bad and persistent habbit of interrupting .
ི 💕 ─ ROLES : socializor , aegir , praiser , flowsian
ི 💕 ─ LIKES : rom-coms , movies , soft rock music , reading , bass guitar , physical affection , crochet , pink , tea , stars , writing romance , fan fiction , english (class)
ི 💕 ─ DISLIKES : being taken advantage of (even though it tends to happen to them a lot..) , hospitals , math , getting yelled at , yelling , bad listeners
ི 💕 ─ SIGN OFF : -💕🫀
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sorry it isnt as long as usual !!
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penaconys-radical-bellboy · 1 month ago
forcedneurodivergence — harmed
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A forcedID where somebody feels forced / compelled to be transharmed in some sort of way , which could be forced or caused by their neurodivergency !
forcedneurodivergence — harmful
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A forcedID where somebody feels forced / compelled to be transharmful in some sort of way , which could be forced or caused by their neurodivergency !
forcedneurodivergence — hateful
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A forcedID where somebody feels forced / compelled to be transhateful in some sort of way , which could be forced or caused by their neurodivergency !
forcedneurodivergence — harmen
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A forcedID where somebody feels forced / compelled to be transharmen in some sort of way , which could be forced or caused by their neurodivergency !
Forcedneurodivergence — haten
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A forcedID where somebody feels forced / compelled to be transhaten in some sort of way , which could be forced or caused by their neurodivergency !
Whoo , this was a mouthful. No way better to start the day but with a fresh new coining post !! I hope you like it anon , and I really hope I got the definition right !! ^_^
Already found a similar term? Consider this an alternative term or simply a recoin !!
Do not repost without credits !!
Anybody is allowed to use my terms , yes even people on our DNI. Just don't be disrespectful !
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alter-soup · 7 months ago
any alter, literally any alter, you can do whatever. all up to the creator
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Name(s): Allie, Jasper, all winter related names
Pronouns: he/him, they/them
Suggested neopronouns: ae/aer, zii/ziir, all animal related neopronouns, all city related neopronouns, all winter related neopronouns
Gender(s): transneutral ftm
Suggested xenogenders: genderfrio, aubrionean, etheangi, darkcitycoric, phoscitial (definition in comments), wiemasc, Winterfrost, aeternix, axenlector
Orientation: “i don’t give a fuck” (unlabeled)
Age: 16
Species: human
Source(s): brainmade
Role(s): chronokinesian
Personality traits/details: bossy, straightforward, gentle. calm at first, but gets extremely energetic when you get to know them. they like to make art (all forms), especially in headspace, and uses it as an a coping mechanism for the system to ‘escape’, he’s mostly pretty chill, and a real cool guy to hangout with
Likes: winter, all forms of art (especially music and drawing), reading, Hollyberry
Dislikes: strong heats, bugs (even butterflies. Lol), being alone in the dark, loud and sudden noises
Sign-off: -🎸❄️
Extra!: has a typing quirk (spaces out punctuation (ex: “hi !”, “you ‘ re weird .”, “are you sure about that , sir ?”)), lead guitarist for a band in headspace
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altercrafting · 6 months ago
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welcome, players, to altercrafting ! A radqueer and para friendly alter pack request blog for strictly mcyt sources. This blog is run by two mods, Mod Scott 🫀📿 & Mod Packet 🐛💌 , The two of them serve different sources, which will be listed below in their intros!
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general rules of the blog / requesting
Mods are allowed to deny and/or delete requests for any reason!
Both mods have different looking templates, please keep that in mind! Mod Packet looks similar to @/alterpack-drivethru for reference!
Mods will not do terms related to nazis and likewise content!
DNI if you're anti radqueer, antiship / pro harassment / pro censorship, anti endo, anti transIDs & good faith ids. Follow your own DNI! Hate will be deleted and blocked.
When requesting multiple alters in a pack, know that it will take longer. Especially if it's a subsys / sys starter pack :]
Unspecified links will be deleted. If you send an ask/submission with a link, you better detail it! Or it's being deleted.
Rules will update if needed. Check regularly.
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Mod Scott : 🫀📿
Scott Smajor - he/hue/hell/rots/gores/guts
sources ill do rqs for : dsmp, ausmp¹, hermitcraft (especially s9 - 10), empires smp (especially s2), life series, witchcraft smp, team crafted, main channel yogscast + some yogscast duncan.
bold sources I'm most familiar with! sometimes, my memory is rusty, and I may get things wrong sometimes. :(
¹ I'm most familiar with my source when it comes to AUSMP.
i can also add on pk content if asked. Packs will take longer. But I am willing to do stuff such as: pk banners, pk colors, (simple) pk descs, (simple) pk display names, and proxies.
I'll also do (limted to blorbos) ; moodboards / outfit boards, pfp mask edits (taking a faceclaim and putting it on an overlay), simple rentry frame edit.
Extra stuff may or may not be completed. It's dependent on spoons. :]
blorbo list: philza, wilbur soot, technoblade, tubbo, schlatt, quackity, tommyinnit, scott smajor, tangotek, jimmy solidarity, skydoesminecraft, deadlox, xephos, lalnable, setosorcerer
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Mod Packet : 🐛💌
HI!!! I'm mod packet :3 you may know me from @alterpack-drivethru !!! I work there too!!! We use it/its collectively, but most neos work too! I'm a busy busy bee, but I love making alter packs! I am most knowledgeable in:
Hermitcraft (+ life series)
YHS (I have a. Personal rewrite happening in our head)
Scu/slimecicle cenimatic universe
Witchcraft smp
New Life SMP
Empires s1 & s2
Tangos Create Series
I generally do similar extra add-ons as Scott does, but i dont take request for them. I may do some with request, but generally its whenever we want to. There's no guarantee that it'll get done or won't take a large amount of time. No blorbo list, i am too eepy to think of them. Thank u for reading!
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sodabah · 1 month ago
could i have a large vocaloid fictive please :3 any vocaloid is fine, go wild :3
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꒷꒦⌒ names :
ᝰ rin , citrus , tangerine , honeydew , lemonade , lyra , kira , ray , lily , june , julie , iris , leah , lana , callie , mina
꒷꒦⌒ pronouns :
ᝰ she her , shi hir* , ey em , fae faer , song songs , hum hums , note notes , lyr lyrs , pop pops , dance dances , sour sours , sweet sweets , fruit fruits , bow bows , juice juices , sing sings , mic mics , treble trebles , bass basses , beat beats
꒷꒦⌒ identity :
ᝰ transfeminine , lesbian , asexual , hyperromantic
꒷꒦⌒ emojis :
ᝰ 🍋 , 🍞 , 🥐 , 💛 , 🌼 , 🔆
꒷꒦⌒ species :
ᝰ human
꒷꒦⌒ roles :
ᝰ battery , confidence holder , socializer
꒷꒦⌒ kintypes :
ᝰ bumblebee therian , white cat therian
꒷꒦⌒ xenogenders :
ᝰ citrenace , lemoncatgender , rinvocaloid , sunnetransfem , musicsplodic , star animure , deaola , solahealine , sungirl , comsunnic , sunpurine , suncute , suncatgender , catdigital , cybercattic , catdiapupic , caliadorakic , whitecatbodiment
꒷꒦⌒ disorders :
ᝰ narcissistic personality disorder , autism spectrum disorder
꒷꒦⌒ aesthetics :
ᝰ suncore , lemoncore , starcore , catcore
꒷꒦⌒ personality :
ᝰ rin is sure of herself in everything she does. she never pauses to doubt herself, which means she also never thinks twice about anything she does (which can backfire, on occasion). she has the personality of a spoiled cat— because she is one. she loves talking to people inside and outside of the system, but she has a skewed view of how other people think and feel, partly due to her npd. she’s fairly good at regulating it, though— she may lack empathy, but she does her best to show sympathy when appropriate.
꒷꒦⌒ likes :
ᝰ the sun , warm weather , long showers , baths , cats , feminine clothes & dresses , singing , music , baking , hoarding xenogenders
꒷꒦⌒ dislikes :
ᝰ loud annoying people , messy animals , tea , getting dirty , people getting lyrics wrong , homework , chores
꒷꒦⌒ favorites :
ᝰ color : yellow , food : vanilla pudding , season : summer , accessory : hair clips
꒷꒦⌒ faceclaims :
ᝰ link (art by @/ir-dr)
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osdd-1bitch · 8 months ago
People create headmates for a variety of reasons! Having a headmate, while being definitely different and can be a lot of responsibility, isn’t inherently negative. Creating headmates for plurals and singlets can be a positive process that improves their life
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lilliaace · 10 months ago
🏳️‍🌈important lgbtqia announcement 🏳️‍🌈
intersex is NOT just genitalia. Please look at www.isna.org to learn about this condition. I see so many minors think it's just "teehee I have testicles and a vagina" or some variation and it is NOT.
🔥tags are as they are for visibility purposes only because I'm sick of the misinformation bullshit I see on all corners of the Tumblr globe🔥
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