#social and emotional skills
bestrongglobal · 5 months
April 2024 Student of the Month: New York Student Leader Sara
April 2024 Student of the Month: New York Student Leader Sara
Meet Sara, Be Strong’s April 2024 Student of the Month from Long Island, New York! Though only 13 years old, Sara has already endured immense challenges and demonstrated remarkable resilience. Having experienced the stress of many surgeries, extended time in hospitals, and being bullied about and physical limitations, Sara could have easily succumbed to negativity. However, she has overcome…
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Hot take: I actually think men and women are meant to work together and complement each other and not like,,, dislike each other and be divisive.
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Holistic development : sustainable pathways for individual and societal well-being.
Culture and arts education nurture self-confidence and resilience, as a critical enabler to build competences and aptitudes for inclusive sustainable development. At the same time,  it lays the foundation for the social and emotional skills that are essential for the flourishing of peaceful and prosperous societies. There is a need for learners to think-outside-the-box, and to develop critical-thinking skills with the compass to navigate an increasingly volatile world and build a more interconnected and sustainable planet.
How are education systems supporting this development?
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educationaldm · 1 year
"How Youth Can Build Social and Emotional Skills with Tabletop Role-Playing Games" For those interested, this is the research paper from @foundry10​.
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thepeacefulgarden · 1 year
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beneathsilverstars · 18 days
i find it so so interesting the things that you can learn about a parent/caregiver just by knowing their kid...
when siffrin doesn't flinch away from bonnie's touch, bonnie says "good kid, good kid. you didn't even jump that time! good job, you did such a good job.” now we know what kind of langauge nille uses to praise bonnie!
bonnie doesn't actually argue all that much about not being allowed to fight - they make their opinion known, but then focus on being a good snack leader. i think they are used to having their point of view taken into consideration! a kid who doesn't dare complain at all might have very strict and stubborn caregivers, while a kid who throws a fit might have caregivers who pay more attention to emotions than logic, or care less about their child's feelings and more about how those feelings affect them. but bonnie trusts that the adults around them will listen to them, and then make a reasonable decision, even if it's not the one they wanted.
bonnie's fairly level-headed in general, actually. they get really upset sometimes, obviously, but it's about things that are really upsetting? otherwise.. if they're not confronted about the death convo, they're able to set it aside and focus on cheering everyone up with snacks. even though they're mad at siffrin, they have some chill convos with him. pretty good emotional regulation skills all things considered! they're often able to choose to be calm and cheerful, but they feel safe expressing sadness and anger, too, so they're not just sitting there repressing everything either!
i just get really emo about what a good job nille must have done raising them 😭
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Tips To Become More Emotionally Intelligent
Embrace self-awareness & self-reflection: Observe how you feel, behave, and how people generally respond to your words/actions in different situations
Practice self-regulation: Learn to differentiate between your feelings and the actions that would be appropriate in a specific setting or interaction. Internalize that feelings are fleeting and non-factual. You're in control of how you respond/(don't) act on these emotions
Engage in active listening: Pay attention to what others are saying with the intent of understanding, not responding
Focus on emotional differentiation: Understand where your thoughts, feelings, intentions, and opinions end and another person's identity/perception begins
Display radical empathy and acceptance: Understand that almost all people's words and actions result from their own beliefs, past experiences, and current life circumstances/priorities. Put yourself in their shoes when attempting to understand their choices, behaviors, and times they come to you to discuss a problem, success, or major life decision. Accept that you can only control what you do. Very little of other people's actions/the world's workings are personal. Things are happening around you, not to you
Let go of your ego: View yourself as objectively as possible with the potential for improvement. Abolish any superior complex or overwhelming desire to prove your self-importance in others' lives and decisions
Remain open-minded: Question your own beliefs and opinions. Stay curious as to why you believe them to be true/authentic to you. Allow your opinions to change or have the capacity to modify your beliefs upon hearing new information. Understand your worldview and values are valid, but they're not definitively correct beliefs, just because they resonate/feel comfortable for you
Be receptive to feedback: Embrace constructive criticism as a self-improvement tool. Approach it with curiosity and optimism, not as a personal attack
Differentiate between your feelings and capabilities: Your thoughts are not facts. Remember you can do things you don't feel like doing most of the time (work, waking up in the morning, working out, etc.). Learn the difference between being a slave to your emotions and genuinely running out of energy
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Siffrin plays Disco Elysium AU: Featuring backseat gamer Loop.
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momoirocake · 3 months
Childhood au where, through circumstances, the trainees at the Shimotsuki Village get taken on a trip to experience the world outside of the village, while on there trip they come across the Baratie.
Sanji and Zoro meet when there much younger and gets to hangout with eachother, Sanji, who hasn’t met anyone his age beyond his brothers, instantly gets attached to Zoro and starts following him around.
Zoro, who has never really had a friend beside Kuina, instantly gets nervous by this slightly overly-excited boy and deals with him how he usually deals with most things that frustrate him: he fights him.
Thus, this begins there rivalry.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 days
Eridan seems like the type to me to say that video games are stupid and then get horribly hooked on one the second he plays
yeah. and unfortunately he would probably be really good at it too :/
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The one major thing about being the type of person who has been constantly pushed away from many different friend or community groups basically since birth!is that at some point when joining a new group you struggle with forming bonds with the people there because deep inside you know that they’re going to abandon you anyways (at best, due to life or at worst, due to you not being useful to them anymore, or being too much) so why bother.
It hurts. It actually hurts to feel the aches deep within me when my heart wants—from the bottom of itself—to form a bond, to make memories and show itself to the world; my mind, on the other hand, weary with age and trauma, doesn’t want to take chances anymore—ever the cynical entity. Almost all of the time, the jadedness of my mind wins.
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nothorses · 5 months
Hi! Since you have a Discord server, could you share some tips for both moderating and keeping the space active and free of toxicity? I am thinking of creating my own for a micro-comunnity, but I have no idea where to start (especially what basic action protocols to follow of someone breaks a rule or is reported as abusive in DMs and there isn't much concrete proof).
Thanks in advance. ;-)
Ooh, yes, this shit is my bread & butter! Here's the advice I'd give someone creating a new community Discord space:
Start with a very clear idea of what the space is for.
This is your reasoning for every single expectation you set & rule you enforce. If you cannot explain to someone why a rule exists, you shouldn't have that rule- and you probably won't have an easy time enforcing it anyway.
Ask yourself some questions upfront: is this a space for bonding over a shared interest? Is this a space for building community around a marginalized identity or experience? Why? Who does it benefit, and how does it benefit those people?
The transmasc discord server I run started as a space to build community for transmascs who could not talk about transmasc issues elsewhere, and is therefore a space for discussion of these issues first, a space to build community for a group that faces a lot of isolation second, and everything else third.
Ask yourself: what is this space not for?
Now that you know what your goal is, it should be easier to determine what is in conflict with your goal. If you're a fandom space, you should be asking things like: do you need a vent channel? Why? What level of venting is okay? How will you tell someone in crisis that this is not an appropriate place to seek help? (Or applied to other situations: do you need this? Does it serve your goal? How? Is there a line or a nuance you should clarify? How practical is it to enforce this line?)
Think about your role as server owner
Server owners have a lot of de-facto power, because that's how Discord is set up, like, functionally. Think about the worst server owners you have ever encountered, and ask: what could have prevented those servers from disaster? People make bad decisions without realizing how bad they are, and it sucks. And, frankly, communities shouldn't necessarily belong to just one person.
What is your responsibility to your community? How can you share your power with them? What can you commit to in order to mitigate that power imbalance?
I have some commitments in place within my server along the lines of like... we make decisions on the basis of consensus (if someone really disagrees, we talk about it and, if needed, figure out a different solution; we don't go with "majority rules", and I don't veto or whatever). If there's consensus among the rest of the server staff that I should step down, I will step down. Stuff like that. My staff know these things, which keeps me (and them!) accountable.
You should think about the role of staff in a similar way; they have power over users. How can you mitigate that power? How can you share it with users? What happens if a staff member abuses their power?
Start small.
Unless you have a massive following ready to join your new server right away, you're gonna be pretty small for a long time. Embrace it! Small servers have the benefit of tight-knit communities and a lot of flexibility; you can make changes super easily, and you can be really responsive to your community. Let them tell you what they want and need, and invite them into the process of shaping the space together.
I really recommend that you start with the bare minimum, and add new rules, channels, staff, etc. as the need comes up organically. This gives you lots of room to think and discuss, and it means everything you add is tailored to the actual people that make up your community.
To use my own server as an example again: we had like five channels when we started, and adding each new channel has been a conversation about why we're adding it, whether we can fit that topic into a different channel or if it's getting overcrowded, how it impacts the server atmosphere (heavy/negative channels really add up!), etc. Which means they're generally, like, not completely unnecessary and unused.
Think about scaling
As you gain more members, you'll need more staff (and more staff time), more infrastructure, and more consistency. There's no one perfect way to do this, but I want to name it because I think it's good to keep in mind; I've seen big servers who try to act like small servers and end up chaotic and under-moderated, and small servers who try to act like big servers and end up drowning in their own (completely unnecessary!) red tape.
Rule enforcement
I recommend having a blanket policy of "we reserve the right to kick you out if it's obvious that you're not here with good or honest intentions". Don't try to litigate every little thing with every single person; if they're not there because they wanna be a part of the community you've made, there's absolutely no obligation to entertain their bullshit. Being upfront about this cuts out a lot of "but I didn't technically break a rule!", and "explain to me exactly why you're doing this so I can argue it to death!" nonsense from bad actors.
I also recommend a blanket policy of "infinite honest mistake forgiveness". People forget, slip up, whatever; don't stress about it. Give them a reminder or a heads up and move on.
For the stuff in the middle, you'll figure out what systems work for you. I prefer DMing people about things; being specific, transparent, and offering support does wonders for most issues. Name some clear expectations if you're noticing patterns, and ask what you can do to help them meet those expectations. Assume they didn't mean to do any harm, and that they want to get better. Even if that's not the case, most people will rise to that assumption if given the opportunity (and if they don't, you can kick 'em then).
Encourage a self-regulating community
Do not get involved in petty bullshit!! If someone has an issue with someone else, your first step is always to ask yourself: is this something staff need to take care of, or could this be resolved with a conversation between these two people?
Oftentimes, even a broken rule is something people can sort out themselves. If someone forgot a rule or made an honest mistake, there is literally no reason that it needs to be you or other server staff telling them so. Encourage people to talk to each other! You will save yourself so much grief (and petty drama, and serious conflict) in the long-run if your community can talk to each other like humans.
Encourage people to set their own personal boundaries, too! If they have a unique trigger or a particular need, encourage them to communicate that need to other people. This also allows people to negotiate their own solutions to conflicting access needs, and prevents staff from "taking sides".
As a bonus, this will also make it super clear when someone is just an asshole.
Maintain the vibe!
Don't try to duke problems out in the middle of the server! It sucks, everyone hates it, and the people that don't hate it love it for all the wrong reasons. Drama breeds more drama, and toxicity breeds more toxicity.
I recommend telling people exactly where to take their disagreements, discontent, and emotional outbursts. My personal policy is: if you can't have a productive conversation or offer everyone else basic respect, you need to step back and cool off until you can. if you have personal beef with someone else, you can either talk it out in DMs, let it go, or block them and move on. If you disagree with a rule or how a rule is being enforced, you still need to listen to staff, but you can (and should!) bring that up in the appropriate channels to discuss for the next time it comes up.
We have the "ticket tool" bot- which is great for when one person wants to argue about stuff like that- and an "office" channel for all kinds of administrative-y suggestions, questions, discussions, etc. which is great for respectful disagreements/discussions. I recommend using Discord's "Time Out" feature to mute people if they won't respect a staff request to pause or step back, and even removing everyone's ability to post in a channel if it's getting rancid & you need to buy some time to figure out exactly what's happening and how to handle it. (Let people know what's going on when you do this, though!)
This is maybe the biggest thing for keeping a server active and not toxic, tbh. People do not want to spend time in a space that sucks! And while it's vital to make space for conflict to happen, that space doesn't need to be the same one that everyone else is trying to share art of their blorbos in. And that conflict should never be abusive.
(Note: not all disagreements are conflicts, and not all conflicts necessarily need to be stopped or moved! This is generalized advice; there's a lot of gray area, and you'll get a feel for it over time if you don't already have a clear idea.)
Be thoughtful and intentional about exactly what you're trying to do and why. Be responsive and responsible to your community. Have as much patience & forgiveness for earnest people as you refuse to have for ill-intentioned people. Don't be afraid to draw hard lines in order to protect the space for everyone when you need to, and encourage people to talk to each other, enforce their own boundaries, and help keep each other accountable in kind and compassionate ways.
I think this sounds very big and grand because I have run a lot of servers and I am also drawing on some educational philosophy background, but like, all you really need to do is start with a clear purpose and go from there. You can be flexible and make changes as stuff comes up, and focus on having fun with the process and the community you're creating!
Good luck!!
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canisalbus · 1 year
I wanna hug Vasco so bad he looks like he'd give big brother hugs 😭 /pos
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gremlingirlsmell · 2 months
i think it's very funny with how people interpret ryo as a character because it ranges from "really cool rock chick magnet" to "stupid and scummy" to "extremely emotionally complex character with a colorful inner bubble" like. yea, she's autistic!!!
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juliemolinaz · 8 months
I'm liking the way that even though both Ha-neul and Jeong-woo are being supportive of one another, Ha-neul is the only one who is letting herself completely receive support.
Jeong-woo has been incredibly supportive of Ha-neul. He's told her that it's okay to stay at rock bottom, that it's okay to be depressed, and that it's not her fault she didn't get the job. He also has helped her start to have fun in her life and not be so focused on work all the time. He also indirectly stood up for Ha-neul to her aunts by telling them all the work they'd need done if they wanted plastic surgery. He's also been supportive of her wants for her career by drunkenly telling her she should upload her resume one and then encouraging her to go through with her decision to go to the job interview even though you could tell he didn't like the possibility of being so far away from her.
Ha-neul has also been supportive of Jeong-woo, but it's been much more limited to support around the case. Ha-neul has told Jeong-woo multiple times that she knows he's innocent and she has spent time finding medical research to help provide evidence of that innocence.
While it may not necessarily look like Ha-neul is giving the same level of support to Jeong-woo that she's getting from it, it's definitely not because Ha-neul doesn't want to. We've definitely seen moments where you can tell that she wants to do or say more, but she recognizes that Jeong-woo is not in a place where he feels like he can truly be emotionally vulnerable with someone. Ha-neul has seen how supposedly important people in Jeong-woo's life in his mother and former best friends have let him down and can get why he doesn't want to truly open up to people. So, Ha-neul is respecting where Jeong-woo is currently at.
I do hope though that we will soon get a conversation between Ha-neul and Jeong-woo where Jeong-woo actually lets himself be emotionally vulnerable with Ha-neul. The episode 5 preview gives the impression that Jeong-woo is going to have some sort of flashback that reminds him of when he tried to save the heiress' life, so it'll be interesting to see if he lets himself be vulnerable then, or if it comes later in the show.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
How to looked cold and calm
Tips to appear calm & collected:
Straightened posture
Deliberate, slow movements (no fidgeting)
Wear clothes that fit and don't need to be regularly adjusted
Sustained, direct eye contact (don't stare though)
No forced smiling or nervous laughter
Speak in an even-keeled, medium-pitched voice
Take time with your words. Slow down your speech. Allow for a bit of silence and pauses between thoughts and ideas
Practice active listening while holding back your facial reactions
Always think before you speak. Be deliberate with your word choice and delivery
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