#the mandalorian
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nerdieforpedro · 4 hours ago
This is so adorable 😭😭❤️❤️❤️
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His favourite toy.
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m00ntunaart · 2 days ago
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Mandalorian characters as Wings Of Fire dragons? Uh, YES PLEASE.
Welcome to stage 5 of "MoonTuna draws the most self indulgent nonsense that no one asked for".
But anyways, yeah! My rambling thoughts on the characters and this AU:
Din Djarin (NightWing):
I imagine Din as NightWing because in this AU I picture the Death Watch/Children Of The Watch as the NightWing Tribe. And after the Death Watch’s war against the other Mandalorians, they go into hiding on the volcano island (like the NightWings do in the WOF books).
And Din is the tribe’s Beroya (Hunter), so he’s one of the few selected from the tribe to leave the island through the hidden tunnels to go back to Pyrrhia to hunt food for the tribe. 
During one of these trips I imagine he find Grogu! Who in this AU is a human (scavenger)! Because if everyone is dragons in this AU, then it just makes sense that Grogu is the human instead lol. Plus then Grogu is still small enough to be in a satchel Din carries around, like in the show.
But Grogu still has his Jedi powers in this AU. Which has never been seen before in humans. Thus ‘The Mandalorian’ type shenanigans where Din takes Grogu around trying to figure out WTH is up with this infant human.
(Also side note: in this AU I still picture there being Jedi/force sensitive dragons (the Jedi Order probably works similar to The Jade Mountain Academy. Where the Jedi are from all the tribes and live in the Jade Mountain. 
Also in this AU NightWings DO have their mind reading/future seeing powers. But like in the books, they loose them once they move to the island and don’t know why.
ALSO ALSO Animus still exists! But they work more like Force Sensitive where it’s just born in some dragons, and isn’t necessarily hereditary. And it’s SUPER rare. So rare that many believe Animus’s don’t exist. (I imagine Anakin Skywalker is the first Animus in centuries))
Cobb Vanth (Sand Wing):
Cobb is super straight forward. He’s a SandWing because he’s a cowboy from Tatooine. Of course he’s SandWing. Though in this AU I imagine he’s a lot like Thorn from the books, in that he’s the Marshal/leader of a town (Freetown) in the desert that isn’t under the Sand Kingdom’s rule. Also I imagine he’s one of the first dragons Din meets when he goes out on his journey to find information on Grogu. (Since the tunnels from the NightWing Island to the Rain Forest to the Sand Kingdom are all connected basically).
Boba Fett (MudWing):
Okay so Boba just had to be a MudWing. He had to be. Though it was less because of Boba’s character and more because he’s a clone. The clones all being close to each other, having battalions, and calling each other brothers? Uh, that’s like MudWings in the books to a TEA. So yeah, the clone troopers in this AU are MudWings, hence Boba also is a MudWing lol. Though I also liked it because older Boba Fett (and the older clones we see in the shows) are a lot bulkier and muscled with age. They get DILF bodies is what I’m saying lol (except for like Hunter apparently, he gets to keep his twink dad body). So the big MudWing body type works well for Boba and the clones. 
Fennec Shand (RainWing):
Fennec to me was a RainWing MOSTLY because as an assassin, her being able to camouflage and make herself look like other dragons was super RainWing coded. Plus having the subtle but deadly RainWing venom just matched her energy so much. Plus I love the idea that Fennec is kinda a “outcast” in RainWing society. Her ‘resting’ colors are dark, she knows how to fight and kill and LIKES it. She left the Rain Forest because the RainWing life style was nothing like her personality (very Glory from WOF like). Plus it plays into the idea that no one expects her to be dangerous or competent because she’s a RainWing, and then she murders you violently while still looking like a goddess (is my Fennec love showing yet? lol). Plus it’s why she and Boba get along, he treats her from the start like the dangerous criminal she is, and not like some ditsy RainWing. Also idk how Boba and Fennec taking over Jabba the Hutt’s palace works in this AU, but if so Fennec is definitely the one mainly running the show from behind the scenes. She was born to micromanage.
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moiraines · 3 days ago
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valevntine · 2 days ago
Din Djarin, The Star (XVII) 🌠
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more of pedro's characters as tarot cards can be found under the # pedro tarot cards 💌
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atomiccollectionanchorme · 3 days ago
Star Wars: The Mandalorian - Season 2 Episode 4 Chapter 12 "The Siege"
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#peak comedy #lives rent free in my head
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dindjarindiaries · 2 days ago
It’s been 2 years since The Mandalorian season 3 premiered!
Happy anniversary to this unique season, and the journey of Din Djarin discovering and learning what it really means to be a Mandalorian. It was through this discovery that he was able to prepare himself for taking Grogu as not only his Mandalorian apprentice, but also his son. Even without plans to remain on Mandalore, Din helped his people reclaim their ancestral homeworld, proving his sense of honor and overall selflessness.
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djarins-cyare · 12 hours ago
Here from your WIP post - please tell me about Refugees From TV Land?!
Yay, I’m so glad someone asked about this one! 🩵 It’s one of my favourites and the first fic idea I wrote down after finishing Be-All And Endor.
As those of you who’ve read my WIP folder titles may have guessed, I’m pretty obsessed with the whole ‘Earthling in the SWU’ concept. One of my most beloved Mandalorian fics ever (Short Debts Make Long Friends by @wrathkitty) features a Reader from Earth, and I’ve already described one of my Earthling!Reader fic ideas here.
Another of my favourite Mandalorian fics is Not My Stars by @keldabe-kriff, which is kind of the opposite – it features Din becoming stuck on Earth. It’s such an intriguing inversion of the ‘Earthling in the SWU’ concept that I found myself dreaming up my own spin on how such a situation could come about and what the dynamics would be like. I love the idea of Din being totally flummoxed by things we find normal and the reader having to help him adapt!
Refugees From TV Land is a placeholder title until I can think of something better, but I’ve got the whole thing plotted out and have written a few scenes here and there. I think the best way to illustrate the setup is simply to give you the entire scene where Din arrives, although I don’t really want to give away much more than that for now. So here you go – I hope you enjoy it! 🩵
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Refugees From TV Land
You bolt upright as a deafening bang wrenches you from your couch-based slumber, shattering the enjoyable Mandalorian-themed dream you were having. The projector still hums quietly behind you, its vintage lens casting an achromatic glow over the room, though the show has long since ended.
Through the foggy confusion of your abrupt awakening, you scan the room, convinced that something has either fallen or exploded, and a mounting panic hits as you realise Yoda is nowhere to be seen.
“Yoda! Where are you, buddy?” That dog is a menace.
After a few seconds, the patter of claws on the hardwood floor signals your little hound has heard your summons. All you see at first are his huge ears approaching the couch before he leaps up to join you.
“What have you destroyed this time, huh?” you ask, already dreading the mess you’ll have to face.
Yoda huffs at your accusation before bounding forward to lick your face – either in apology or simple affection – and you collapse back onto the sofa, laughing as you fend him off with a few ear scratches. A quick once-over confirms he isn’t wet, smeared in food, or singed. It’s unlikely he’s caused too much damage, then.
“Alright, little guy, whatever it is, we’ll tackle it tomorrow. Bedtime now.” But as you try to kick off the blanket and sit back up, you swear you hear something else – a man’s shout, distant yet discernible.
Is someone outside? You’re about to get up and check when Yoda growls, and a cold shiver of alarm races through you at the possibility of an intruder. This place is so isolated that you’re not sure how to handle such a prospect. You freeze for several anxious moments, watching your dog for any clues about the threat’s origin.
Then, you notice something odd: Yoda isn’t growling at the door or the windows. He’s fixated on the blank wall opposite you, upon which the projector still casts a large square of light.
And that’s when you see it.
Shifting patterns ripple within the light’s confines – undulating shimmers that make the solid wall appear almost liquid, the shapes slowly gaining colour and definition.
Suddenly, Yoda howls, and your focus snaps back to him, only to see him doing his best wolf impression at the ceiling. “What the fuck…?” you murmur.
But before you can reach out to soothe him, a shrill, high-pitched tone slices through the air, forcing you to clamp your hands over your ears. Yoda abandons his howling in favour of barking instead, his gaze fixed once again on the wall. You look up and see… images! They’re faint but unmistakable – as if the projector’s lens is out of focus.
Wondering what on earth it’s projecting (since the DVD has undoubtedly ended), you reach up behind the sofa and fiddle with the lens assembly, twisting the focusing gear to adjust the aperture. The piercing tone has vanished, so you drop your other hand from your ear, noting that Yoda has now fully burrowed himself beneath your blanket.
So much for your guard dog, the little wimp.
As the image sharpens, you hear a man shouting again – but this time, you can make out the words: “There he is! Stop him!” Desperately, you twist the focus gear once more, trying to tune in whatever your projector is inexplicably displaying.
Suddenly, the image becomes vividly clear – a perfectly projected grey hallway with angular walls and glowing strip lighting. Your drowsy mind struggles to make sense of the familiar architecture and fathom why it’s being projected onto your living room wall when, all at once, there’s another boom. You jolt in shock, and Yoda whines from beneath the blanket.
Then chaos erupts in the corridor: flashes of red ricochet off the walls, and your eyes widen as a figure dashes around the corner. A figure you recognise immediately.
It’s none other than the Mandalorian – his silver beskar reflecting the red plasma as if it were mere rain in a summer storm.
What the fuck are you seeing? Is this an easter egg at the end of the DVD or something?!
You watch as Din tucks himself against the wall near the corner he just raced around. He peeks back out and fires a couple of blaster shots back the way he came while Grogu’s little pod zips around the corner, its top closed tight to protect him.
Suddenly, a door slides open closer to you along the corridor, and a stormtrooper steps into the foreground, taking aim at Din’s back.
“Oh, shit!” you gasp, fully immersed in the stakes of this bizarre bonus scene. But Din pivots just in time, firing his blaster straight at his would-be attacker. The trooper falls instantly, their own shot going wide and bouncing off the metal wall until it hurtles directly toward the camera…
…and into your fucking living room!
You scream as it impacts the wall above you, desperately wondering if you’re still asleep on your couch and merely dreaming this madness… until Din rushes toward you, shouting, “Is it safe there?”
This is a dream. It can’t be real.
Nonetheless, you nod.
And then he’s running toward you again, stormtroopers rounding the corner behind him, blaster bolts shrieking in your direction.
You cringe as elements from the show you love transform your cosy living room into a battlefield. Red plasma shatters an antique vase on your shelf… it singes your new oak coffee table and custom-made couch cushions… and the Mandalorian you’ve adored for the past four years dives through the wall, rolling to a surprisingly graceful stop on your rug.
Holy shit. This is a dream. This is just a totally realistic, scarily vivid dream.
But the shots keep coming, and the stormtroopers clamour ever closer….
“Close the doorway!” Din yells, rolling to his knees and returning fire through your wall.
Reacting mindlessly to his command, you twist on the couch, stretching up behind you to slam the on/off switch as fast as you can. But as the projector’s light flickers and fades, a few more blaster shots make it through the rapidly vanishing ‘doorway’ – and one catches your outstretched forearm.
The pain is more excruciating than any injury you’ve ever endured. You can’t even tell if you scream; you think you do, but nothing else exists beyond the searing agony of white-hot plasma eating into your skin.
It’s fucking glowing.
With the projector now off, the room is shrouded in darkness save for the moonlight streaming through the windows… and your fucking glowing wound.
You slide back down on the couch, clutching your injured arm and trying your goddamn best not to hyperventilate.
“Hey… let me see,” you hear, and suddenly, your fictional crush is gently cradling your forearm in his soft leather gloves. Din fucking Djarin is kneeling beside you, holding your arm as you hysterically gulp down oxygen and repress the urge to scream. Then, a gurgling sound comes from behind him, and you glance up…
…and wide brown eyes stare at you from between enormous batwing ears that illustrate exactly why you named your dog Yoda. Except… he looks real. A real-life Grogu with fluid movements – so unlike that jerky puppet in the show.
It’s too much. It’s too fucking much. Even your desperate, gasping attempts to take in oxygen aren’t enough to stave off your shocked mind’s overwhelming desire: to just switch the fuck off for a while.
And as darkness encroaches from the edges of your vision, you remain conscious just long enough to feel something tingly being sprayed on your arm. The last thing you hear before you pass out is a modulated voice that sounds remarkably like Pedro Pascal assuring you, “You’re gonna be fine.”
Sure. You will be when you wake up. Because this was all a dream.
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kirsteng42 · 1 day ago
I’m starting to go through the masterlists of writers I have followed for a long time!!!! keri is an excellent writer and would highly recommend her work, especially the sex pollen fics 😉😈🥵🥵
Absurdthirst’s MasterList
Sex Pollen MasterList
NSFW Alphabet
Holiday Central
Kinktober 2020
Kinktober 2021
Kinktober 2022
Kinktober 2023
Kinktober 2024
Weekly Writing Round Up
Writer Wednesday Blurbs
Monster Fucking/Loving MasterList
Early Morning {PP character of choice x F!Reader}
Banging Time Machine {Multiple Character x F!Reader}
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The Mandalorian MasterList
Francisco “Catfish” Morales MasterList
Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels MasterList
Pero Tovar MasterList
Javier Peña MasterList
Oberyn Martell MasterList
Ezra (Prospect) MasterList
Marcus Pike MasterList
Max Phillips MasterList
Dave York MasterList
Marcus Moreno MasterList
Max Lord MasterList
Zach Wellison MasterList
Dieter Bravo MasterList
Javi Gutierrez MasterList
Joel Miller MasterList
Tim Rockford MasterList 
Marcus Acacius MasterList 
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sirtadcooper · 18 hours ago
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Three headers of Din Djarin (The Mandalorian).
Requested with "wherever I go, he goes" in shades of purple by @guelyury.
1000 x 563px.
Please like/reblog if you use or save them and don’t claim as your own, thank you! :)
Want another colour? Just ask.
My other Mandalorian headers are tagged with #mandalorian headers.
My previous headers are also available via my headers page and *headers tag.
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baronessvonglitter · 2 days ago
my first love
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THE MANDALORIAN Chapter 15: The Believer
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 3 days ago
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🩶🖤 Sneak Peek Saturday 01/03/2025 🖤🩶
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redmangoshire · 2 days ago
Star Wars fanart/Memes
should I make more? Low key reconsidering doing digital art 😞.
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whoredyceps · 11 hours ago
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“Another word and I'll make you regret it.”
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» you've tried everything to get a coworker to stop asking you out. not even human resources can help you. your only hope is din, who offers to play the role of a less-than-savory ex-boyfriend to get the guy off your back. will the punk tactics work?
» pairing: modern!din djarin x reader
» tags: creepy ass coworker, bouncer!din djarin, nondescript f!reader (brief use of she/her pronouns), threats of violence, vulgar language, no beta - we die like men
» author's note: i've been itching to write a modern!din fic and now that i have some level of creativity capacity back, it's over for y'all. i started writing this in a fever last night and haven't stopped.
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"It's horrible. He just— he gives me the creeps!" You frowned as you leaned both your arms on the counter. Across from the kitchen bar, Din was at the stove. He nodded as he listened, his attention on both you and the risotto he was cooking.
"Why don't you go to Human Resources? Isn't that what they're there to help with?" Din glanced at you over his shoulder.
"I did! He hasn't actually done anything legally creepy, so there's only so much that can be done. It's like," you huffed as you got wound up again. "There's no reason the man should be passing my office, but he makes it a point to stop by my desk. Plus, he does this weird hand thing."
You hopped down from the kitchen stool to stand beside Din. He looked away from the risotto, just in time for you to grab his hand and hold it up.
"Pretend you're me," you explained. You proceeded to high five him, then wrap your thumb around the back of his hand. In short, you two were holding hands in the middle of his kitchen.
"So he just holds your hand under the guise of a high five?" Din raised an eyebrow. You nodded quickly, an exasperated expression on your face.
"Exactly! I feel like I'm going crazy, Din. Maybe he's just trying to be friendly in his own friendly way but..." You trailed off and pulled your hand away, your arms crossed over your chest.
"But what?" Din lowered the heat on the stove before he fully turned towards you.
For a man who looked like he had won every fight he had been in, you had only seen a softer side of him. Of course you had seen him angry here and there, but he was always friendly with you.
Two of you lived down the hall from each other. With the layout of the building, it was just the two of you on the floor. Din moved in almost a year ago, and you were thankful to finally have a normal neighbor. Over the time he's lived here, the two of you had become good friends.
"Can I be honest with you?" You leaned your hip against the marble countertop.
"Of course," Din assured you. He gave you his full, undivided attention.
"He scares me. Look, I know I'm not in any danger or have to worry that something will happen, but there's just something about him that makes me feel uneasy. I don't care that he wants to be my friend or wants to be pleasant. All I want is to go to work, do my job, then leave. I don't want to be his friend, or his anything." You didn't quite meet Din's eye as you spoke. It was something you hadn't been able to verbalize to anyone, at least not as well articulated.
"Have you talked to him about it?" Din asked. He was always one to be the voice of reason for you. While it was the logical step, he noticed the way you practically curled in on yourself. That wasn't like you at all.
"What if it's all in my head? Maybe I'm just reading into it, and I don't wanna stir up something just because I'm too in my own thoughts," you explained. "You know, maybe I am just—"
"Don't," Din cut you off. "If he gives you the creeps, that's reason enough."
You sighed and nodded. He was right, as he usually was. You watched him finish with the risotto while you grabbed two plates from the cabinet. The two of you worked in silence as you plated dinner and sat at the dining table.
"What if you told him you had a boyfriend? Doesn't that usually work?" Din broke the silence as he popped open a bottle of wine. You nodded, a small pout on your face as you held you glass to him.
"I had a bad morning and he kept pestering me about what was wrong, so I told him I had a crazy ex-boyfriend who came to my place the night before." You glanced out the window that the table was sat next to. It was small, made only for two people. Din wasn't one for company, so your presence always felt special.
"Was it actually a crazy ex-boyfriend?" Din asked. He watched you as you shook your head.
"Not even close. At least not any that live around here. I just had a shit night, but I didn't want to get into it."
You took a bite of the risotto, and your eyes fluttered closed. It tasted perfect. How Din was such a good cook, you weren't so sure. His meals were better than anything you'd had in a restaurant.
There was so much you both did and didn't know about him. He worked as a bouncer at a bar a few blocks down the road, and he slept most days. He had a cat named Grogu, but you just called him the Child. His apartment was clean and tidy while still full of bits and pieces of his life all over.
From what you had gathered, Din had traveled for most of his life and had many trades under his belt. Though he promised early on, when he first moved in, that he was here to stay. He was settled, and he wasn't moving again.
Not that you were complaining.
"Do you need a crazy ex-boyfriend?" Din asked. Your eyes popped open, and you raised an eyebrow.
"Huh? I mean, no. I'd rather not deal with two creeps at once." You looked at him like he had grown a second head. So much for your voice of reason.
Din rolled his eyes and shook his head. He put his fork down, his dinner temporarily abandoned.
"No. Let me rephrase that. I'll come in to your job and scare him off," Din explained. "All he needs is the evidence, right?"
You mulled it over in your mind. As you did, you looked at the man in front of you. At first glance, he did have an aura that would best be described as 'rough around the edges'. Hell, he made you a bit nervous at first. Though it didn't take long for him to show that he was a softie behind closed doors. Doors you were lucky enough to find yourself behind.
"You'd do that for me?" You asked, a soft smile on your lips. Your heart squeezed when he gave a slight smile back.
"Of course. Anything for you to feel safe. That's all that matters to me." Din went back to his dinner, fork in hand as he looked down at his plate.
You felt your cheeks warm as you began to eat again. There was hope yet that you wouldn't have to run your coworker over.
Before you left Din's apartment, the two of you had come up with a plan. You would ask the guy to go with you to get lunch down the block, and Din would be waiting there for you. He'd look at tough and mean, and just give the guy a good spook.
"What if he keeps being weird?" You asked as the two of you stood in the doorway of his apartment. Din was leaned against the frame, his thick arms crossed over his chest. You wondered if he'd ditch the long sleeve to show his tattoos tomorrow.
"Leave that to me. If he's got two braincells to rub together, he'll leave you alone. The first sign of trouble after and you call me." That wasn't a request, and you were well aware of that.
"You got it. Din?" You held his arm as you kissed his cheek. "Thanks again for helping. I knew I could come to you." As you pulled away, you noticed how red the shells of Din's ears were.
"Anything for you. Be careful heading home." You rolled your eyes as he smirked. He said it every time you walked down the hall to your front door.
"Maybe that joke will be funny one day. Odds aren't in your favor today," you chuckled.
"Eh, I'll take my chances."
You gave his arm one last squeeze before you went back home. That night, you slept easier knowing you'd soon be able to go to work in peace. Worry still sat in the back of your mind, but you trusted Din. He knew was he was doing...
All the next morning, your stomach was in knots. You almost called Din on your way to work to call the whole thing off, but you knew he had probably just fallen asleep. No way you'd ruin his sleep because you were a chicken.
When you got to work, you asked your coworker if he wanted to grab lunch when it came time. His eager smile made your skin crawl. Maybe you were too in your head about it. Still, you just felt icky all over, no other way to put it.
Dread sat on your shoulders as you worked. With every glance of the clock, time seemed to move slower and slower. Finally, just past noon, you shot up and went to find your coworker. He gathered his things, and the two of you set off.
The walk was awkward enough. You tried to engage in conversation, but his intense gaze on you was too much. He brushed against you at one point, and you wanted to jump out of your skin. Instead, you remained composed as you kept moving forward.
You had chosen a cafe with an outside eating area. One that would make it easier for Din to be menacing without causing a scene in a secluded space. Your coworker opened the small gate to the eating area open for you, and you scooted past him. Without seeming to eager, you glanced around.
All at once, you froze. While you were relieved to see Din sat at a table, you still had to play the part. He was in a corner, leaned against the gate with his feet propped up on the wooden table. As soon as his eyes landed on you, he kicked himself off and stood.
For the first time since you met him, Din looked terrifying. He was his usual tall, hulking self but his demeanor was totally different. He wore a sleeveless tank and thick black jeans. You took in the sight—
Did he have snake bites? Did this man re-pierce his lip just for you?
Fuck, talk about dedication.
You were frozen. While it could be read as fear, it was definitely something that twisted your stomach.
"Oh my god, Din? What are you doing here?" Your voice wobbled as you slowly approached him. Din moved with such ease for a man who looked like he could lift a car with his bare hands.
"Who the fuck is that?" Din ignored your question, his finger pointed straight at the guy behind you. His voice was an octave lower than usual.
"He's a guy I work with," you sputtered out. "We're just—"
"Why the fuck are you with my girlfriend?" Din poked his chest and moved closer. Close enough that he almost barreled into you. Before you could catch yourself, he caught you with his free arm. His large hand was splayed across your back as his fingers dug into your side.
"She's not your girlfriend. Are you that shitty ex that gave her a hard time?" The guy asked, appalled at Din's mere presence. You glanced back at him to see a bead of sweat on his forehead. Good, it was working.
"Oh, I gave her something hard last night," Din smirked. As much as you hated to admit it, the vile words out of his mouth made your cheeks grow warm.
"Din," you warned in a low voice. "It was a one time thing. We aren't together." It was easy to fall into the role of the damsel, scared of what her ex-boyfriend was capable of.
"You heard her," your coworker snapped. "Get away from her, and let her go."
Din barked out a laugh, his hand gripped your side tighter. You knew you should feel scared, but truth be told, your brains and insides had turned to mush. He was hot all on his own, but right now? You'd drag him to the bathroom right now if there weren't more pressing matters at hand.
"Come get her yourself, you little piss ant. Wait, is your name Alex?"
Your coworker nodded and took a step back. Everything you had been through felt worth it in that moment, just to see the look on his face. If it wasn't inappropriate, you'd snap a picture to keep it forever.
Din released you, only for him to move you behind him. He stepped closer to Alex until they were practically flush against each other. He was a full head and a half taller than your coworker.
"So you're the one who's been following her around like a fucking freak? What, you think following her around like a sad little puppy is gonna get you in her pants?" His tone was almost humored, he was so astounded.
"Babe," you started, your hand stretched out to grab Din's toned bicep. He didn't hold back as he continued.
"Leave her the fuck alone. Speak another word to her and you'll regret it. If I find out you've been anywhere near her," Din grabbed his shirt and dragged him so close that their noses brushed against one another. "I will break your fucking legs."
"I-" Alex stuttered. He was frozen in his spot, his eyes searching for anything but the face in front of him. You watched as his feet struggled to stay planted on the floor.
"Yeah, that's what I though. Get the fuck out of here, and leave my girlfriend alone if you want both your kneecaps." Din shoved him back, hard enough for Alex to stumble as he was let go.
Without so much as a glance his way to see if he was watching, Din turned and grabbed for your waist. In one swift motion, you were flush against him and his lips were on yours. It was unexpected, but it sealed the deal. You almost heard Alex scuttle away, if you weren't so wrapped up in the kiss.
It seemed like an eternity had passed when you pulled away. Much to your disappointment, you did have to stop at some point. Din's hands still held your face, your bodies pressed together.
"Seemed convincing enough?" Din had a slight smirk once he was sure there was no sign of Alex. He noticed the dazed look in your eyes, the way you watched his lips move.
"If not, he's truly a lost cause," you sighed. Despite his appearance, he was back to your Din. In the blink of an eye, he went from an ex-convict with a taste for blood to the guy you made baklava with last week.
"He was a lost cause from the start," Din finally let your face go. "You okay?" He stayed near you, close enough to feel the warmth of his body. Fuck, that kiss really put you through the ringer.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Thankful I don't have to spend my lunchbreak with that guy," you sighed. Din perked up a bit and slipped his arm around your shoulders.
"Think you can stomach the time with me?" Din asked. You chuckled and leaned into his side.
"You know, my schedule did just clear up," you teased. Every casual touch, every part of you pressed against the man lit your sense on fire. How were you going to be normal now? Now that you knew what he tasted like, how his lips felt against yours?
"Atta girl." Din slipped his hand down to the small of your back and guided you into the cafe.
Needless to say, Alex hadn't looked at you since. If he crossed your path, he went in the opposite direction. You were able to work in peace, no dread from the minute you walked in to the moment you left.
All thanks to Din.
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kirsteng42 · 1 day ago
I’m starting to go through the masterlists of writers I have followed for a long time!!!! This 1 is excellent, I would highly recommend!!!
m a s t e r l i s t
hey, I’m Josie! I adore Pedro Pascal and his characters, so here’s my masterlist. enjoy! I always enjoy feedback or criticism, so feel free to interact, shoot me a DM or an inbox message! requests for fics or hcs are always welcome as well :)
D i n  D j a r i n
Mesh’la Kaab
He Is My Home
Sweet Talk**
The Bantha
Popping Pearls and Purple Skies
Cooking in the Crest
Trust is a Luxury
F r a n k i e  M o r a l e s
Alpha Beta Charlie- A Frankie Morales Story (not x reader)
Tiny Dancer
Prom Date
Before The Next Teardrop Falls
Benny’s Girl
Pilot’s Hands**
Drunk Words / Sober Thoughts / Designated Driver
Let Go**
Good Boy**
Tangled Up**
At Last
The Graveyard Shift
Fixer Upper | Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Fight Night
Miller Morales Mechanic Shop universe
Study Buddy
J a v i e r  P e ñ a
Blood, Sweat, and Tears- Series | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten** | Epilogue
Fooled Around and Fell In Love
F*ck Around and Find Out**
Hazy Vision**
Always Been Yours
Cigarette Daydreams
Caffeine Rush- Series Masterlist
Burning The Midnight Oil
Bottom Drawer**
Papa Peña
M a x w e l l  L o r d
Winnie the Pooh Pajamas**
Lipstick Stain**
Overdoing It
A g e n t  J a c k  “W h i s k e y”  D a n i e l s
Just One Mission
Burnin’ Love**
‘Nilla Bean
M a r c u s  M o r e n o
Making Moves
Tik Tok Tyranny
Bake Sale
E z r a (P r o s p e c t)
Twelve Hours to Pickup**
M a r c u s P i k e
Picture Perfect
Begin Again | Part One | Part Two
M i s c e l l a n e o u s
Multiple Character Headcanons
Drabbles and Single-Character Headcanons
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pedroslakersshirt · 10 hours ago
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Oscars throwback!
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