#Thomas West
famousborntoday · 2 months
Thomas West, 3rd Baron De La Warr, was an English nobleman, for whom the bay, the river, and, consequently, a Native American people and U.S. state, all later c...
Link: Thomas West, 3rd Baron De La Warr
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neptunezo · 6 months
The batkids are known for sharing clothes amongst each other, so imagine everyone’s surprise when Jason won’t let them borrow his hoodie. Upon further inspection they find out it’s Roy’s hoodie. This causes a chain reaction and now Dick won’t let anyone borrow his Wally hoodie, Tim won’t let anyone borrow his Kon hoodie, Damian with Jon’s clothes(which there was no need for because Damian’s clothes never fit anyways), Duke with Izzy’s, Cass with Steph, and so on. After this “civil war” they all reluctantly agree to end this and all clothes (their own or not) is up for grabs. (minus Damian and Jon, of course)
bonus is when their partners steal the batkids clothes only to find out later that it’s definitely not a wayne kids clothing item.
Roy: That’s my sweater?
Wally: Yeah well Kon’s wearing my pants so…
Izzy: I’m probably wearing one of your boxers, it’s for sure not Dukes
Kon: how do you know?
Izzy: Because Duke doesn’t own Minecraft boxers???
Steph: Oh yeah sorry, those are mine
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months
Does the Batmobile ever get ticketed or does the GCPD just ignore it
Bruce: *puts a box on the table*
Bruce: Gather around, everyone. It's time for our monthly ticket review.
Bruce: First up, Steph. Can you explain what happened last Friday?
Steph: *looking for parking in a full lot*
Steph: Screw it, I'm going around back.
Steph: *parks in front of a fire exit*
Steph: I just needed to use the bathroom.
Bruce: And in those three minutes, the Joker released a giant water balloon forcing everyone to evacuate through one less exit.
Steph: It said "fire exit." That technically wasn't a fire.
Bruce: Well, the penalty is $100 plus the towing cost. I can pay it off but you have to help Alfred in the kitchen for a month.
Steph: Yeah, that's fair.
Bruce: Next up... Cass and Barbara? Color me surprised.
Barbara: Oh yeah, I had to remotely pilot the Batmobile the other day because Cass needed a getaway.
Bruce: Then why am I being charged $250?
Cass: *fighting a gang*
Barbara: Orphan, ETA thirty seconds. Prepare for extraction.
Cass: *knocks out the last henchman and runs to the car*
Comm. Gordon: *writing a ticket*
Cass: ?
Comm. Gordon: You're in a disabled parking spot without a permit.
Barbara: Well I am disabled.
Bruce: Understandable. I'll let it slide since it's the first time. Just file the paperwork for a permit.
Bruce: Dick, you went thirty-five over the speed limit when you weren't pursuing a suspect. Explain.
Wally: Race you to Keystone?
Dick: *revs the engine*
Bruce: You're better than this. I'm disappointed. Next up: Tim. Driving without a license plate. What happened there?
Tim: I wasn't supposed to take the Batmobile since Bruce benched me for my wrist, but my other ride is in the shop.
Kon: What about cameras? Can't your dad tap into the city's surveillance system?
Bart: Traffic cameras read license plates, so if we take them off, no one will recognize us.
Kon: Now that's an idea.
Tim: That's on me. I shouldn't have listened to them.
Bruce: Put them back on, plus you're benched for another week. Damian, on to you.
Damian: What on Earth could I have done? I followed the speed limit, parked in the correct spots, and never so much as changed lanes on an empty road without signalling.
Damian, a middle schooler: *driving*
Damian: Tt.
Bruce: Don't do it again. Duke...
Duke: *cringes and remembers what he did*
Duke: *hooks the Batmobile to a freezer trailer*
Duke: *starts driving around with a megaphone*
Duke: Ice cream! Get your ice cream!
Bruce: Fantastic job. No complaints.
Jason, muttering: Teacher's pet.
Bruce: And finally, Jason.
Bruce: *empties the rest of the box*
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wise-blue-cookies · 3 months
All members of the batfam share their taste in partners -
Goddess like dangerous knife woman who u wish to have ur neck snapped between their thighs
Pathetic mew mew men
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minnesotafollower · 1 year
Should the U.S. Modify Its Stance Against the Taliban in Afghanistan?
As discussed in a prior post, on August 22, 2023, the U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) reported that since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, it had committed at least 800 human rights violations against Afghans who had assisted the U.S. In addition, that U.N. agency also noted that the Taliban had imposed the most radical gender policies, denying education and…
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sl-newsie · 8 months
Normal people: look up an actor to see what other shows they've been in
Me: sees a hot character and immediately researches for fanfiction about them
It's an instinct now.
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devilstruly · 2 months
went to the pool and all i can think about is jason got a summer job as a lifeguard todd
he's sitting in his plastic chair, smoking a cigar, black sunglasses obscuring his eyes to the point that half of the swimmers think that he's asleep and the other half thinks he's stoned
he does however move every so often and grumbles curses while answering a phone call - he keeps yelling Dick, Dickhead, Dickwad every other sentence. everyone just accepts that he's just mean like that (he is but that's besides the point)
to everyone's surprise, whenever a kid comes to him for help, he crouches down on their level, lifts his glasses to reveal the most intricate shade of blue/green eyes and smiles like an absolute softie that he is
the kids adore him and keep coming to him with the most stupid shit and he always indulges them. plays games with them, teaches them how to swim, etc.
and then one day
there's a stampede of about 20 people, led by none other than Bruce Wayne with a cup of coffee and a tired expression
they take up an entire area and are arguably the loudest people there
people start to give them confused looks because
that looks like that reporter clark kent right? - yeah and that's his...son?
isn't that ginger kid from central city? - yeah but he's dating the grayson dude cut him some slack
jason tries, he really tries, to pretend that he has no idea who they are, but of course life isn't that kind
steph pretends to drown
damian somehow brought a sword
dick keeps doing ridiculous flips into the pool
jason quits after that day
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wondersinwaynemanor · 5 months
a mission with the Bats which involved their bestfriends.
everyone is in a circle before they can go their separate ways.
Dick, smiles, with a hair seemingly still in style as if the mission was a walk in a park: I would like to thank everyone who participated today. We wouldn't have completed this without each of our efforts.
the batkids rolls their eyes because Dick can be so extra, which just makes him grin.
Dick, spreads his arms: I just love this bonding of brotherhood.
everyone is silent until Steph bursts out laughing.
Cass brows furrow in confusion before she leans on Steph to join in laughing.
Duke, snickers: Sure.... Brotherhood.
Tim, shrieks: Brotherhood????
Kon's face turns crimson, standing close to Tim.
Tim and Kon, who just celebrated their anniversary last night somewhere in Greece.
Damian, scowls: What did you just say, Richard?
Jon, who was drinking water, nearly chokes.
Damian and Jon, who just started their relationship in the beginning of the month because finally Damian gave in to his feelings.
Jason, rolls his eyes some more: You are just embarrassing yourself, Dickface.
Roy, chuckles: Wow. Brotherhood at its finest.
Jason and Roy, who just moved in together last week.
Wally, face so red: Really, Dick?? Brothers??? Us??
Dick and Wally, who have been together before they even know it.
Dick, groans: I know, okay??? I just don't want to admit that my brothers are growing up!!
Jason: You are such a drama queen.
Duke: Maybe use another term next time, Dick?
Damian: Tt. I second that motion.
Jon, nods enthusiastically: Whatever Dami says!
Tim, yawns, leaning on Kon: How about we all go home and rest?
Kon, wraps his arm around Tim's waist: I better take Rob home.
Cass, nods: Indeed! Me and Steph. Go now.
Steph, holds her hand: We got a date planned. See ya!
the rest of the boys: WHAT????
Babs, through comms: Can we wrap this up, gentlemen? So I can sleep and you can sort out your feelings for each other.
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mawgumelar · 2 years
There are a lot of studies going back to the 70s showing that kids at the higher end of gifted IQ do not need instruction and often suffer in the classroom as a result. These kids are better educated with mentors and unstructured learning at their own extremely rapid pace. — Thomas West
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batfamhastwitter · 6 days
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Part 25! Who's saltier, Nightwing or the ocean?? I guess we'll never know. (Full drawing and the image I referenced below the cut!)
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may or may not have spent four hours drawing this last night while staying up wayyyy later than I meant to lol
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fairygothmotherisgay · 6 months
DC Social Media AU Part 7
I'm back
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clericxhood777 · 1 month
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Part Seventeen; Don't ask Tim about his spleen
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bibibusinessman · 20 days
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see what I did there 😉
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lustwithoutlore · 7 months
Barbara: What did you get Dick for his birthday?
Jason: I got him a Glutemaster
Barbara: Really? Me too!
Stephanie: I also got him a Glutemaster.
Duke, gesturing to himself and Tim: Looks like we had the same idea.
Jason, sighing: Kill me. Please tell me you didn’t get Dick a Glutemaster as well.
Cass: I got him… a Glutemaster 🥰
Dick, surrounded by Glutemasters: THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!
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wolfish-chan · 8 months
Batfam + co headcanons
- Jason dyes his hair black, but can’t seem to dye back the white streak
- His eyes use to be more brown, but after his dip in the Lazarus pit, they are a dark green
- The Al Ghul’s are similar in that aspect - Ra’s and Talia both have naturally brown eyes and Damian’s blue, but they’re now a vibrant green, reflecting the amount of time they’ve spent in the pit
- Ra’s eyes are the most unsettling, they’re the exact color of the pit water
- Damian has an accent
- Dick does too, but it’s much harder to pinpoint because of how much he’s traveled
- Damian calls Bruce ‘Baba’, but only after he disappeared. Before that it was just ‘Father’
- Tim is supposed to wear glasses, but he tends to forget them and his contacts so his mask is built to compensate. However, he is forever squinting during board meetings at Wayne Enterprises
- Jason and Bruce have the same thinking face but nobody would willingly call it out
- Alfred could definitely kill any of the rogue gallery, but he doesn’t out of respect of Bruce’s values
- Initially, Bruce would get annoyed when Tim would bring YJ into the batcave/manor, but he’s slowly begun to expect it
- He did get tired of finding Bart in his good chair though, so now he has a special one beside it (everyone knows it’s for Bart, but Bruce would rather be caught dead than admit that)
- Duke gets along really well with Bart and Wally, and Bruce feels a headache forming every time they’re together
- Cass is Wally’s favorite out of Dick’s siblings. More often than not, he talks way too fast for her to catch more than a few words, but she’s such an attentive listener that he forgets
- Stephanie and Jason aren’t allowed to be in a room together without supervision because they kept getting into fistfights (she antagonizes him as a hobby)
- When Damian needs time to think, he goes down to the barn to sit with Batcow because nobody ever checks for him there. They always assume he’s off training
- Duke brings out Damian’s childish nature in the best ways, and they’re almost as close as Damian is with Dick
- They pester each other a lot, but then fall asleep watching movies together (true brothers fr)
- The entirety of the batfam refuses to watch superhero movies because they’re “inaccurate”
- Jason and Diana have a genuine bond, and it only grows stronger when he comes back, even if she does get disappointed with his actions. She’s like the mom he never had
- Clark always says he doesn’t have favorites out of the younger generation, but it’s secretly Tim. He appreciates all that he does for Kon (Dick is still his favorite Robin tho)
- Alfred doesn’t make certain recipes anymore because they were something he used to make with Jason, and it upsets him to make them without his assistant
- Tim cannot for the life of him match his clothes, like Adam Sandler type of style
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
Headcanon that once someone dies and comes back to life they acquire the ability to see ghosts
Jason's first night back at the Manor, Martha points to the cupboard where his favorite snacks were stocked just like when he was a kid
Steph teaches Thomas how to play iPhone games and he is completely enthralled by the infinite number of jigsaw puzzle apps
Cass holds gala dresses up to the mirror to get Martha's opinion through a series of silent nods or head shakes
Damian shows Thomas how Bat-Cow likes to be cleaned and now the other family members will find her mysteriously groomed ahead of time
Roy gets Martha's blessing to date Jason when Bruce refuses. Wally does the same for Dick with Thomas
Kon and Bart visit the Manor, say fuck-words, break everything, and run away scared shitless Scooby-Doo style while Tim watches on confused
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