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arandomao3user · 2 days ago
Them, I fear.
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yes & no by natalie wee
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nicomoon69 · 3 days ago
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can you guess where tim’s other hand is
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 2 days ago
I love pinterest.
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itsnaptimebaby · 3 days ago
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Was listening to this song and could not get this out of my head, just Tim really tired from patrol, trying in vain to do the impossible and save everyone, feeling guilty for not succeding. Then he gets to Bernard's shitty little apartment and just... Feels at home, feels complete, and all those other things don't matter anymore because there he gets to just be Tim, who is Bernard Dowd's boyfriend (he's so fucking obsessed)
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laoixfish · 2 days ago
gonna start rb-ing all the timbern shit to feed my freakster
@arandomao3user eat up mootie
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Ohhh Tim’s in trouble, poor Bernard he has no idea of what has been put on that “microwave”
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cherrie-blue-s · 2 days ago
Soulmate AU! Timberkon mini comic
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Kon couldn't help it, he was just born a few years ago
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Any amount of support are appreciated whether it's donations, likes and shares!
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suzukiblu · 1 day ago
Day twenty of “Kon meets pink kryptonite and decides to fuck Tim and his boyfriend about it” behind the cut. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Aw, not even your good boy at his goodest?” Bernard teases, pinching Kon’s cheek again like he’s illustrating his point or something, and Kon snickers despite himself. “I thought he was pretty cute then. Especially when he was sitting on my dick.” 
Kon maybe has a little bit of a problem resisting the urge to melt into weird horny goo all over the guy, but manages to just make himself laugh again. Tim hums quietly into his latte, then takes a long, careful sip. 
“Kon,” he says. “When you’re done with that, give Bernard the mug and come here.” 
Kon does not even have a chance of resisting melting into weird horny goo about that. 
“Uh–okay, yeah,” he manages, and tries to hide the flush on his face by taking a long swallow of the hot chocolate. 
“So cute,” Bernard mutters, and Kon feels his face flush even darker. He’s not sure if . . . like, what exactly Tim might be about to ask for, or . . . 
Fuck, he doesn’t care what Tim’s about to ask for. He just wants to do it. Do it, and prove he’s still–that he can still– 
He needs to do it. 
Yeah, good as the hot chocolate is, savoring time is over. 
Kon drinks the rest of it in another long swallow, and Bernard laughs and accepts the mug when he holds it out to him, and Kon would be more embarrassed if it weren’t Tim who’d asked him to do it. Like–probably a lot more, really, though not even really for a good reason. 
Maybe it’s just embarrassing to be so easy, sometimes. Like–he isn’t embarrassed by being an easy fuck or anything, but it does get a little bit embarrassing when, well . . . when he’s just easy for that butterfly-crush feeling in his gut, or for being told what to do, or just getting kissed, even, sometimes. 
He wants kissed right now, he thinks. Or, like–maybe that’s the wanting to suck Tim off thing again. It’s still real fuckin’ hard to tell the difference. 
Maybe there just isn’t one, Kon thinks, but can’t help doubting he’d ever have gotten off that easy with this kind of thing. Really, really can’t help doubting. 
Tim told him “come here”, though, so that’s what’s gonna happen either way. 
Kon shifts back over towards Tim again, trying to figure out exactly where the other wants him, and Tim catches the back of his neck with a hand and somehow manages with about half a tug and a very faint smile to get Kon down on the mattress again, stretched out on his side with his head in Tim’s lap. 
Like–very obviously not in a kinky way, is his head currently in Tim’s lap. 
“Good boy,” Tim says, simple as anything, and sips his latte as he strokes Kon’s hair in easy little gestures that really, really shouldn’t affect him so damn much, but really, really, really do. 
Fuck, he really could get used to this.
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arandomao3user · 1 day ago
*Smacks blog* This bad boy can fit so much Timbern!
Tim, injured, broke his crutch somehow, now dragging himself and his broken leg across the floor to get to the kitchen:
Bernard, walking in: Hey, Timboo, I'm h— . . .
Tim: I wanted orange juice.
Bernard: Tim, wtf.
Tim, mad at Bernard over something stupid af: Hey, BERNIE.
Bernard, also mad at Tim for something stupid af: Hey, TIMMY.
Tim, eye twitching: So, BERNIE, how were classes?
Bernard: Oh, TIMMY, they were great! How was patrol?
Tim: Well, BERNIE, it was okay, kinda slow—
Damian, who was staying with them for the weekend because he was mad at Bruce: OH MY GODS, TALK ABOUT YOUR ISSUES LIKE MATURE ADULTS AND STOP USING RIDICULOUS NICKNAMES TO RIDICULE EACH OTHER!
Damian, slamming coloured pencils down, storming out:
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Tim, staying at the manor after a fight with Bernard: I just needed to cool off—
Damian, running in: YOU AND DOWD ARE BREAKING UP?!
Tim: What? N—
Damian, storming out: I AM A CHILD OF DIVORCE AGAIN!
Damian: Your art skills are pitiful.
Bernard: You're really judgmental for your age.
Damian: Tt, I have high standards.
Bernard: Why?
Damian: My Mother has high standards for me.
Bernard: . . . You know you don't need to worry about your parents standards for you, right?
Damian: What?
Bernard: Yeah, my life got way better when I started meeting my standards for me, not my parents.
Damian: . . .
Tim: Bernard, why is Damian quitting Robin and swearing to become a doctor?
Bernard: Why would I know?
Tim: He says you opened his eyes. B is freaking out.
Bernard: Huh... Good for him.
Bernard, over comms: Hey, Tim?
Tim, on a stake out with Jason and Dick: Yeah, Honey bear?
Jason, snorting:
Dick, elbowing him: Sh.
Bernard, hearing Dick and Jason and taking it as prime 'f#&$ with the inlaws' time: Are we still on for that thing after you finish patrol?
Tim, actually clueless: What thing?
Bernard: Y'know, sex, I bought a new—
Jason: I wish Ra's took your dick instead of your spleen.
Tim: WHAT!?
*The argument progresses while Bernard snickers over comms*
Babs: Bernard, you're banned from the comm lines after this.
Bernard: For how long?
Babs: . . . A week.
Bernard: Damn... Worth it.
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littlepikmins · 1 day ago
This art is so amazing and it made me think of a story prompt idea for the scenario of this artwork and the original cover art as well!
Bernard is invited to attend a dinner event by one of his culinary teachers. This event is being hosted by a famous chef and anyone lucky enough to be invited is expected to dress up. However, Tim obtains information that Mad Hatter is possibly planning to crash the event and kidnap the famous chef along with a number of hostages.
So that night, Red Robin swings onto the rooftop of the venue in preparation to keep a watchful eye on it. He hasn't seen Bernard in his suit yet and Bernard makes his way to the rooftop to see Tim before the event starts. That's when this art happens 😊
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inspired by the beautiful variant cover by stephen byrne
he totally gives me phantom thief vibes!
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littlepikmins · 2 days ago
Reminder that Pie is a Bernard stan so they're always ready to tell Tim off for any wrongdoing to Bernard
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I, too, am a Bernard stan so I relate to Pie, and I genuinely love Tim because I can see why Bernard would absolutely adore him for so many reasons
However, Tim is also on thin ice if he hurts my boy, Bernard /half-joking
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boringsickness · 1 day ago
Tim and Bernard trying to recreate one of those movie speeches. The one where the love is declared with lot of lines and poems and cheesy metaphors.
They're standing in the middle of the ballroom, all of Tim's family's eyes on them. Even all the spoiler rich people of the event are looking, curious but obviously judging. Head tilted just so, drinks in hand.
They say a lot, they describe eachother eyes and mouths and how much they care. They say clichés about love, butterflies, the "quiet" lives they wish to have together.
Tim's family is perplexed, the rest of the crowd is getting emotional until Bernard starts laughing. Loudly, hands on his stomach. And Tim? Tim is wheezing on the floor, slapping the pavement for dear life.
"god, that was so shitty."
"I cringed so badly."
The words are stuttered out, munched by laughters and too little air in their lungs.
Tim's siblings scoffs, trying not to laugh. Bruce rolls his eyes but there's a smile on his face. Sure, they were mocking movies but the way they were now, laughing and looking at eachother, was the real love they were making fun of.
Perhaps, all those cheesy lines were cliché but he could sense more than some truth in them. Especially when he saw Bernard help Tim get up, fond gaze tracing his boy's figure. And Tim? Oh, Bruce knew that his son was a goner when he took just a quick glance at him.
While getting up, hand in Bernard's, he was looking at his boyfriend like a believer looked at his god and more. There was worship and love and a promise of something that was obviously so mutual.
If Bruce had to use one of his kids' slang, he'd say that Tim was whipped as fuck. (But guess that was okay, since Bernard was not better.)
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imoutoffuckstogive2169 · 1 day ago
I have two oneshot/microfic ideas I’m going to write very soon, either tomorrow or after my cheerleading competition over the weekend (flexes cutely)
The fics are Jon and Dami where they meet for the first time somewhere really boring and then they start talking and Damian is suddenly incapable of being mean and fluff ensues, TimBern one where Bernard finds out about Tim being Robin by finding some of his stuff lying around and JayRoy where Jason argues with Batfam really badly like actually BAADD and he escapes to the arrows and realises the way B treats them is not how you raise a child and either smut or angst ensues, depending on my mood❤️ The concussion is getting better but I have a bunch of minor headaches all the time so I spoiling advance for possible shit quality.🥲
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arandomao3user · 3 days ago
It's definitely his boyfriend, Bernard Dowd. They're into that freak s#&-. TRUST!
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cosmicpoutine · 11 months ago
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oracle, ban this guy
(some shitpost while i work on that bernard comic)
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laoixfish · 2 days ago
giving timbern content to my resident timbern freak 💗
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“Cassie can you come get your uncle out of my friend body?”
More Dionysus!Bernard for our enjoyment 🤭
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