#Cuba. United States of America (USA)
candela888 · 2 months
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degeneratedworker · 7 months
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cheriova · 5 months
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troythecatfish · 3 months
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minnesotafollower · 10 months
At U.N., Cuban President Says Nothing About Russia and Ukraine While Condemning U.S. Sanctions    
On September 19, Cuba’s President, Miguel Díaz-Canel, addressed the U.N. General Assembly. He said, ““For 60 years Cuba has suffered a suffocating economic blockade,” an “inhumane policy” he blamed for the shortages of food and medicines on the island. He also said Cuba was not a national security threat to the U.S, and that the American government lied when it concluded that Cuba sponsors…
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reanimatedturtle · 2 years
Cha cha slide but it’s called the Kennedy and everyone starts by sliding back and to the left
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head-post · 20 days
Russian ships expected to remain in Havana until June 17
The United States should not be nervous of Russian ships in Cuba, according to Russia, but the West appears to be deaf to any diplomatic signals from Moscow, Reuters reported.
A Russian navy frigate and a nuclear submarine entered Havana harbour on Wednesday, according to Reuters. The US and Cuba said the stopover posed no threat. Despite, many saw it as a show of force by Russia amid rising tensions over the war in Ukraine.
Despite worries about nuclear weapons on the Russian navy ships, Cuba’s foreign ministry said there were no nuclear weapons on the vessels, a claim backed by US officials. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said there was no evidence that Russia was moving any missiles to Cuba, but the US would remain vigilant.
In response to a question about the message Moscow was sending, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova explained the West never seemed to pay attention to Russia sending signals through diplomatic channels. She stated:
As soon as it comes to exercises or sea voyages, we immediately hear questions and a desire to know what these messages are about. Why do only signals related only to our army and navy reach the West? Why does the West remain completely deaf, and then comes up with the most powerful campaigns to prevent Russian signals from entering its information realm?
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nando161mando · 21 days
Growing up in Cuba under the US blockade w/Liz Oliva Fernández
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comradegarf · 11 months
This is a declassified memorandum from Lester D. Mallory, to (at the time) U.S Assistant Secretary of State Roy R. Rubottom. Mallory states both that most Cubans support the Communist government, and that military action in Cuba would be a grave misstep (which was taken a year later anyway).
He therefore proposes that the U.S government should adopt a policy of economically starving Cuba, "to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government.".
This is what they are doing to this day. The embargo on Cuba has been upheld in it's full extent since 1962. It makes it illegal for American corporations to trade with Cuba and for companies that trade with Cuba to trade with America. This has a severe effect on the Cuban economy, considering the U.S is the largest economy on Earth. This effect means Cuba struggles to import the food and medical supplies it needs to survive, which is killing Cuban citizens.
The Embargo is often defended by people citing the fact that it does not apply to medical or food trade, but this is really just for show. The law makes it incredibly vague what is actually allowed to be traded, and the process for organizations or companies to find out is very drawn out and complicated. This practically guarantees food and medicine imports will be all but completely non-existent as well.
The U.N Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, article 2.c, states that: "Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part" is Genocide.
Joe Biden has yet to reverse any of the further restrictions placed on Cuba during the Trump administration, and has not taken Cuba off the "State Sponsors of Terrorism" list. The U.N votes on a resolution to condemn the embargo every year, demanding it be removed. In 2022, only the United States itself and the U.S puppet state Israel voted against.
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minnesotafollower · 2 days
Russian Military Ships’ Recent Visit to Cuba 
On June 12th  four Russian warships, including a nuclear-powered submarine and a frigate capable of carrying hypersonic missiles, arrived in Cuba. Their arrival and visit were monitored by U.S. and Canadian ships.[1] Just hours later on June 12th a U.S. Navy nuclear-powered submarine (the USS Helena) stopped in the waters near the U.S. Guantanamo Naval Base at the eastern end of Cuba, and other…
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dailynewstory · 2 years
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