#russia politics
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andiatas · 2 months ago
While ballet is most commonly associated with Swan Lake and Sugar Plum Fairies, during the Cold War it was an important Soviet tool for cultural diplomacy, projecting ideological strength on a global scale. From the 1950s, the Soviet Union utilized its ballet companies as cultural diplomats, molding Western perceptions of the USSR and supporting its projection as a superpower.
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head-post · 1 year ago
EU agrees to move forward on use of Russian assets for Ukraine
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has said that the leaders of the EU member states have agreed to allocate to Ukraine the proceeds from frozen Russian assets subject to EU sanctions and their implementation is expected this summer.
At the end of the first day of the EU summit in Brussels, von der Leyen commented on EU decisions on Ukraine. She announced on Thursday that leaders had endorsed a proposal by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, saying:
“This will provide funding for military equipment to Ukraine.”
It expects about 3 billion euros ($3.25 billion) in 2024 and similar amounts in subsequent years, von der Leyen said. If the proposal is finalised quickly, the first 1 billion euros could be transferred as early as 1 July.
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workersolidarity · 1 year ago
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🔻The Russian President highlighted the Russian economy, pointing to the different elements that make up economic strength: the first element is the unity of the Russian society; the second element is the stability of the economic system, in this regard, Russia has accumulated a sufficient margin of safety and stability; the third element is the growing capacity of the army and security agencies.
🔻main indicators of economic growth are stable; GPD is expected to grow 3.5% by end of year, compared with last year's -2.1%. Putin said returning to 3.5% would mean making up those losses and gaining on top of them.
🔻 Inflation has persisted and is expected to reach between 7.5-8%, with the Central Bank taking necessary measures to lower the baseline inflation rate.
🔻Industrial output increases steadily at 3.6%, while Manufacturing output has grown by 7.5% year-on-year.
🔻Investment in fixed capital has risen by 10%, indicating sustainable growth in the medium term. Investors provide capital, production expands, and new jobs are being created.
🔻Businesses have added 24% in profits, with banks earning over 3 million rubles by the end of year, which is good news for people who invest in Russian banks.
🔻Real wages, after inflation is accounted for, will grow at 8%. Though this will not be true for everyone, but on average across the Federation, this is true; while real disposable income is also increasing to around 5%.
🔻 The Unemployment rate has recently hit historic lows of 3%, and has now reached 2.9%.
🔻 The minimum wage will increase by about 18%, beginning January 1st.
🔻Foreign Debt is decreasing, indicating macro-economic stability; government debt has reduced from US$46 Billion, to US$32 Billion. While Private debt has decreased from US$337 Billion to US$297 Billion. Repayment is proceeding at a steady pace, often ahead of schedule.
🔻Considerable growth in Russian life expectancy from 70.06 in 2021, to 72.73 in 2022, and is expected to reach 74 in 2023.
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lgbtawarenessproject · 2 years ago
Part 5: Russia and Holy See(the Vatican)
Sometimes my mom gets worried that I don't read enough. Anyone want to point her to my source lists on these?/lh
Anyways, enjoy! Another one should be posted later today/tonight. Also, I hope I figure out some way to make these easier to write.
In 2013 Russia rolled out its first “Gay Propaganda” law, banning distribution of knowledge on gay rights, and equating homosexual and heterosexual relationships to minors. Moments after passing this, the Duma also approved prison sentences of up to three years for “offending religious feelings” in a new law.
The “Gay Propaganda” law remained unchanged until December of 2022, when Putin signed an even worse version passed unanimously by lawmakers. This bill makes it illegal for everyone in Russia to speak positively about homosexual relationships, and disallows same-sex couples from talking about their relationships. This bill also bans “propaganda of pedophilia and sex change” with harsher penalties.
It is important to note that queer people are often called pedophiles just for existing, and as such they may be charged under “propaganda of pedophilia” when posting or talking about queer peoples lives. In addition, while I do not know how this bill translates from Russian, according to the Merriam Webster dictionary, propaganda can be defined as “the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person”, and as such may apply to saying that queer people are not pedophiles. 
This law does not protect anyone. It instead pushes hate against humans, and puts them in danger. Russia wasn’t always like this either, in 1993 after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia legalized gay sex. A couple of years later and the age of consent and punishments for sexual assault were equal. In 2008, gay men were able to donate blood. It was legal in 1997 to change your gender on legal documents, and in 2018 it was legal without surgery. The downfall in gay rights during Putin's leadership is disgusting and terrifying.
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The Holy See, also called the Vatican(even though Vatican City State is its own country), is considered the Catholic church's central government. It, and Vatican City, are run by Pope Francis.
Pope Francis has released several statements concerning homosexuality, both in and out of the church. In one statement, recorded in an interview with Associated Press, Pope Francis makes a statement where he condemns laws criminalizing homosexuality, however he also says that gay sex is a sin. In written clarification, Francis explains that he meant it in the same way that sex outside of marriage is considered a sin. However, in a statement released by the Vatican, and supported by Francis, marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman. Meaning then, that gay sex is always a sin. Pope Francis does support civil unions, but is that enough?
Francis is quoted in an interview with La Nación saying "Gender ideology, today, is one of the most dangerous ideological colonizations." When asked to explain, he said "Because it blurs differences and the value of men and women." Pope Francis also maintains that priesthood is for men.
On the brighter side, Pope Francis has instructed Catholic Bishops to welcome LGBT+ members, and has instructed parents to welcome their gay children in their homes.
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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political-us · 24 days ago
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hellojustussando · 7 months ago
Watch "President Vladimir Putin #fypyoutube #viralreels #putin" on YouTube
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suratan-zir · 1 month ago
They claimed that Ukraine is full of Nazis - yet they were the Nazis all along. They claimed Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world - yet they are the oligarchs who openly bought their way into the government. Now they claim that Ukraine isn't the victim, but the aggressor who wants war - yet they threaten numerous countries with invasion. Now they claim Ukraine is ungrateful and greedy - yet they demand us to give up our country's resources to them while gaining nothing in return. Now their leader claims Ukraine is ruled by a dictator - yet he praises the real dictator, who's been ruling a totalitarian regime and starting wars for 25 years. Now they claim Ukraine isn't a democracy - yet they openly call their leader a king and want him to rule forever.
Every accusation is an admission. Always.
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ravenkings · 26 days ago
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sailorsally · 1 month ago
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One thing about Americans voting for Trump is that they didn't fuck up just their country but fucked up the whole world too.
Even CHINA abstained from voting on this and yet USA voted against, alongside Russia.
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parasolyaa · 1 month ago
sometimes i think about how i’ve effectively dug myself a grave with this blog. half my internet presence is about being queer and ukrainian, famously two things russia hates the most.
if trump proceeds with the “peaceful negotiations” that happen without ukraine even present, if he pushes to implement another leader in ukraine (meaning, of course, a pro-russian puppet) and makes my country a quote unquote neutral territory, it obviously means occupation. when there are bombs over my head, i’m at least an abstract target, i can rely on luck not to get hit. if russians come to power tho? i’m toast.
i wish i was exaggerating, but this is already happening to people in occupied parts of the country. those who had social media posts in ukrainian, about queer rights, etc. are being seeked out and threatened. my acquaintance was once on call with her friend on crimea, who had weird noises in the background. when questioned, she casually said that they were coming from russian police beating her neighbour for listening to ukrainian music.
i constantly hear from people who miraculously left the occupied territories how they had to delete everything from their phones, because russian soldiers would do random phone searches — both just on the street or when a person tries to leave the occupied city. it’s not uncommon that people get shot over it.
everything about “peaceful negotiations” and “compromises”, trading “land for a peace agreement” promises me a death sentence
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milverton · 29 days ago
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andiatas · 6 months ago
This short passage in Navalnaya’s speech once again proves a point that has been made many times already: Navalny’s team, one of the most powerful and famous organizations opposing Putin, does not want to listen to the Indigenous peoples of Russia, whose perspective confronts them with an inconvenient and unpleasant truth.
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head-post · 10 months ago
Russian ships in Cuba? Consequence of NATO’s eastward expansion
Four Russian vessels, including a nuclear submarine, would arrive in Cuba next week, Cuban officials reported.
Cuba’s Foreign Ministry stated on Thursday that the ships, none of which carrying nuclear weapons, would dock in the Cuban capital between 12 and 17 June. However, authorities assured that their presence “does not represent a threat to the region.”
This visit corresponds to the historical friendly relations between Cuba and the Russian Federation and strictly adheres to the international regulations.
At the same time, the deployment of the nuclear submarine Kazan and three other naval vessels so close to the United States comes amid serious tensions related to the war in Ukraine. The United States is only 145 kilometres (90 miles) away from Cuba.
The Cuban Foreign Ministry stated that in addition to the Kazan, the Russian vessels would include the frigate Gorshkov, the fleet oil tanker Pashin, and the salvage tug Nikolay Chiker.
Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Moscow could take “asymmetric” steps if the Ukrainian ally NATO continued to supply weapons, which would then be used to conduct strikes on Russian territories.
What should we do in response [to NATO weapons strikes on Russian territory]? We will, of course, improve our air defence systems. We will destroy those [Western weapons].
Measures include supplying Russian long-range weapons to countries that could launch sensitive strikes against allies supplying Ukraine.
The president did not specify to whom Russia could deliver the missiles. However, he could be referring to Iranian-backed military groups in the Middle East. For instance, Houthis reportedly conduct regular strikes on European and US merchant ships, disrupting shipments in the region.
We think that if someone considers it possible to supply such weapons to a war zone to strike our territory, to create problems for us, why don’t we have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where strikes will be carried out against sensitive facilities of those countries that are doing this against Russia?
In response, the US and other countries emphasised that Ukraine could supposedly use the missiles only in border regions where Russia had recently launched a retaliatory offensive.
Read more HERE
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workersolidarity · 1 year ago
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🇷🇺 🚨
📈 An inforgraphic breakdown of the Russian Federation Presidential elections, which was held from March 15th through the 17th, and detailing Vladimir Putin's decisive win.
Turnout in the Russian Presidential elections was relatively high at 77.44%, with President Putin taking 87.28% of the vote, while in second place, Nikolai Kharitonov of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation taking 4.31% of the vote, Vladislav Davankov of the New People Party taking 3.85% and Leonid Slutsky of the LDPR Party taking 3.2% of votes.
To win in Russian Presidential elections, a candidate must receive at least 50% of the popular vote.
More than 8 million Russian voters took advantage of remote electronic voting procedures, while another 2.6 million participated in early voting.
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elfofthetardis · 2 years ago
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i didnt saw one of these so here is the news
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political-us · 1 month ago
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