#teen titans incorrect quotes
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bat-stuff · 8 months ago
Wally: Why are you wearing a tux?
Dick: It's after six. What am I, a farmer?
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dc-and-damirae · 1 year ago
john constantine: It has come to my attention that one of you bloody hell spawns is dating my kid. teen titans: *confused* YOU HAVE A CHILD! john: When I figure out who is dating my adorable gremlin. It is on fucking sight. damian: *to himself * shitshitshitimsofuckingdeadshitshitshit
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year ago
Can you please make incorrect quotes for Titans and Raven confronting Y/N who is literally chilling out inside of Raven's mindscape with Dark Raven?
The Titans charge through Raven's mindscape to find Y/N...
They pause when they find Y/N relaxing on a couch with Dark Raven...
Y/N: hey guys
Starfire: you are not in the trouble?
Y/N: oh i am in trouble
Y/N: love trouble
Dark Raven snuggles with Y/N...
Beast Boy: this is weird, dude!
Raven: I'm happy, Y/N's happy. deal with it
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ryemiffie · 8 months ago
Quotes from my day as teen titans quotes this time!
Starfire: Didn't you learn anything?! Appearances are all that matter!
Dick!Robin: Hey! I grew up with a celebrity and I can attest that appearances are not all that matters!
Dick!Robin: It's also smell, that matters a lot too!
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raphael-angele · 1 year ago
*Star Wars Imperial March Music Playing*
Raven: Awh no.
Donna: What is that?
Raven: That is Damian's I'm unhappy and about to destroy the planet music.
Raven: Can we just go hang out out in the garden?
Donna: Wait, if he's unhappy, shouldn't we talk to him?
Raven: "Shouldn't we talk to him"? Have you learned nothing in two years, woman?!
Donna: *coming into the living room*
Damian: *sitting on a sofa, on his laptop, with his hood up*
Donna: You doing okay there, pretty boy?
Damian: *looks at her* There's ominous music playing and my hood is basically covering my face. I don't know about you but where I grew up, that means I'm not doing okay.
Raven: *turns off music* want some tea?
Damian: Tea is for when I'm upset. I'm not upset. Luthor is forcing me to mentor Conner. And my father thinks it's a good idea. I am outraged.
Raven: So...cocoa?
Damian: YES; COCOA!
Raven: *goes to kitchen*
Damian: Do you have any idea what it's like to work with someone so infuriating and annoying?
Donna: ...I can imagine
Damian: I've worked hard to become a part of this team and become someone of authority. And Luthor comes along and thinks he can just ask me to become someone he can just boss around. I am angrier than ever and filled with despair.
Donna: What drink do you make him for that?
Raven: Wait, wait, I know this one... Hot apple cider with cinnamon sticks?
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timmydraker · 1 month ago
Tim, finally able to go sleep after solving a rough case: Alright, line up.
Cassie, Bart and Kon: *all line up and stand at attention*
Tim: When I say don’t add to the population, I mean…?
Cassie, Bart and Kon in unison: Do not get pregnant, get someone else pregnant, clone someone, give a robot or Artificial Intelligence a consciousness or mess with the time stream and accidently increase fertility rates again.
Tim, nodding in approval: And when I say don’t remove from the population…?
Cassie, Bart and Kon: Don’t kill anyone or thing that has a soul or consciousness directly or inadvertently unless through the legal system or if it’s a genuine accident, in which it is not our fault.
Tim, rubbing his eyes tiredly and yawning: If you’re going to leave the planet or time period?
Cassie, Bart and Kon: Tell you or a trusted adult.
Tim: and who is a trusted adult?
Cassie, Bart and Kon: WonderWoman, Superman, Oracle, and Batman between 1 am to 11 pm only.
Tim: good job, gold stars all round.
Cassie, Bart and Kon: YES!
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savebearingboss · 6 months ago
c a n o n a n o n
Raven: You know what, Beast Boy? You're pretty cool.
Beast Boy: The cooliest?
Raven: Don't ruin it.
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batcavescolony · 10 months ago
*hanging out at Titans Tower*
Dick: do you know what I hate? People acting as if JASON was an angry Robin-
Jason: can you not?
Dick: shut up! I'd say I was angry as Robin, Damian for a bit, Tim a little bit but JASON! JASON?
Jason: I have a rep-
Dick: HE WAS ADORABLE! He said 'Robin gives me magic', he had his little front curls, he used to wrap himself up in his cape so he was just a yellow triangle with legs, he looked like a little duckling!
Jason: *launching himself at Dick* SHUT UP!!!!
Dick: *prying Jason's hands away from his face* HE-
Jason: IGNORE HIM! He's a liar.
Donna: Jason you worked with us as Robin to fight Brother Blood. We know how you were and you were adorable.
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foerchen · 3 months ago
Jason’s Titan’s Tower Attack AU
Bruce: *gets the notification of an attack 2 hours too late because of Hood’s hacking*
Bruce: *rushes to the Titan’s Tower, scared that Tim’s dead*
Bruce: *runs into the Tower’s living room and shouts with a breaking voice*
Bruce: Robin? ROBIN?! Where are you?!
Tim: *excitedly dashes into the room with a plate of cookies*
Tim: Look, B! We made cookies! Try them!
Bruce: *confused af, tries one*
Bruce: They… taste like Jason’s…
Bruce: *ready to burst into tears*
Tim: That’s because we made them together. Duh!
Jason: *waltzes in without helmet or mask but in full gear*
Jason: Well, Baby Bird, that’s it for today. Next bird sitting session will cost ya, old man!
Jason: *zetas away with a cheeky smirk*
Tim: Bruce, can I have another playdate with Jay?
Bruce: *Bruce.exe stopped working*
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incorrectbatfam · 4 months ago
Tim: *scrolling through the batfamily tag*
Tim: Wrong.
Tim: Wrong.
Tim: Incomprehensibly wrong.
Tim: Wrong but harmless.
Tim: Nice style and color palette but I don't care about the Superbat ship.
Tim: Mildly entertaining liveblog update.
Tim: They whitewashed my sibling. :(
Tim: Good joke, reblog.
Tim: Wro— well that's my boyfriend so I will politely look away.
Tim: Fifteen posts in a row by an innocent Teen Titans RP blog that I don't have the heart to block.
Tim: Take I agree with but Jason was the OP and annoying about it.
Tim: Chapter twenty-eight of Duke's longfic WIP!
Tim: GOOD POST! Instafollowed.
Tim: Bot.
Tim: Technically correctly tagged but uses this acronym for something completely different.
Tim: Museum-worthy art piece by a sixteen-year-old from the Philippines.
Tim: Wrong.
Tim: Wrong but in a new and exciting way that provokes thought.
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notrobinsomethingworse · 25 days ago
Dick, looking at a random Alien: Might tap that.
Wally: Dude no. It’s a sentient slug.
Dick: It could have a nice personality!
Wally: Bro…
Dick: I don’t appreciate you calling my future wife a slug.
Wally: Dick. Buddy. It’s a slug.
Dick: That’s it! You’re not seeing our kids. I thought we had something special Wals. I was going to make you the godfather-
Wally: No! Dude I can change! I promise! Please I’ll do anything!
Dic k: It’s too late.
Wally, sinking to his knees: Please bro. I’m begging-
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dc-and-damirae · 11 months ago
raven: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. damian: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. raven: … raven: You mean ring bearER, right? damian: … raven: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
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onnahu · 9 months ago
Bats on the road
Clark: Bruce that's illegal!
Bruce: there's no one else on the road, what do you want?
Hal: how is it that he doesn't have powers and yet drive like a suicidal maniac!
Oliver: Well bold of you to assume he's not a suicidal maniac.
Diana: that was reassuring.
Donna: oh for the love of gods, Grayson, stop that!
Dick *sprawled over 3 different titans eating the batburger and making a mess*: stop what?
Titans: Ughhhh...
Dinah: i'm gonna puke. If you don't stop this,i'm gonna puke right on your lap and i won't even apologise because it'll be your fault.
Barbara: you know what? Fuck you too. And i can puke on call, so don't think i won't get back.
Barbara: *speeds up on a switchback*
Jason: you stupid bitch, don't you see we have right of way?!?!
Jason: we're on a fucking highway! Stop driving like you're next to a kindergarden, you fucker!
Jason: what a dick! We should just hit him. This baby can take that!
Roy: i hate to do that, but I agree with her
Tim: oh my god it's a... (insert a rant about a very specific model of a car that Tim dreamed of having as a 13 years old)
Bart: ...what?
Cassie: yeah, i have no idea what's going on too, buddy...
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violent138 · 10 months ago
Dick: "Happy birthday dude!"
Roy: "Wow I can't believe you remembered, I don't even remember telling--" *remembers the top secret files Dick keeps on them all* "--oh right. Thanks."
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gilverrwrites · 2 months ago
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would dick have actually made a joke about letting her stack donut on him? probably. is this funnier? definitely.
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kazuko-stuff · 11 months ago
Warning: just a crack idea based on the mommy meme
Wally: How do you feel of boys calling girls mommy
Dick: so if girls can us daddy
Roy: so why can’t we call each other daddy
Dick: No, mommy! You know what I meant
Wally: you can call me mommy anytime
Roy: I as well
Dick: Wally, you being mommy, in your dreams
Roy: and you think you can be daddy
Dick: I am the most handsome
*All three continuing chatting*
Y/n: hey guys, ready for smash bros
Dick: oh hey mommy
Y/n,Roy, Wally: ……
Y/N: WHAT!!!!
Dick: 😏
Y/N: Hey baby
Dick: 😳
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