#source: tbbt
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thebluemallet · 9 months ago
Penelope, when Colin shows her their new home: When did you have time to get us a house? We JUST got engaged.
Colin: Remember that night we first kissed? Penelope: ...yes? Colin: ...a non-creepy amount of time after that.
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incorrect-stardew-quotes · 10 months ago
Farmer, walking into Shane's room: Oh, my god. Were you robbed?
Shane: No.
Farmer, glancing around at the mess: ...How can you be sure?
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raphael-angele · 4 months ago
Card Game Buddies Part 3
Baby Frank and Baby Nico: *playing Mythomagic*
Clarisse: Frank, c'mon, time to go.
Frank: Aww! Five more minutes!
Clarisse: You guys said that five minutes ago
Bianca: It's almost time for dinner. You both need to clean up and get ready.
Nico: How come we never get to do anything we wanna do? >:(
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wolfer13579 · 2 years ago
Jason: *enters the manor* Sorry I’m late.
Tim: What happened?
Jason: Nothing, I just really didn’t want to come.
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incorrect-losers · 9 months ago
Eddie: Batman is a man who dresses up like a bat. Manbat is a part man part bat hybrid
Eddie: Now, if Manbat dressed up as a man to fight crime, would he be Manbatman?
Richie: No he would be Batmanbat
Bill: But wouldn’t Manbatman just be a Batman that was bitten by a radioactive man?
Bev: But Batman is a man. You’re talking about a man who would have the powers of a man, that’s just Manman
Eddie: Wait isn’t Manman just man?
Richie: But if Manman dressed as a bat?
Bill: That’s just Batman
Richie: No, if a man dressed as a bat that’s Batman but if a Manman dresses as a bat, that’s Batmanman
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therighthandofvengeance · 5 months ago
Na’Toth: You wanna talk about it?
G’Kar: No.
Na’Toth: Good.
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alexblakehusband · 8 months ago
daisy: quick poll, ps4 or xbox one?
daisy: mack?
mack: xbox one
daisy: may?
may: huh?
daisy: fitz?
fitz: ps4
daisy: yoyo?
yoyo: both are great
daisy: jemma?
jemma: i like the Wii
*awkward silence*
daisy: thanks grandma
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spicylove4ever · 1 year ago
Zedrathaw VS Maggreos(ghost version): Maggreos: we have settle this. Zed: I agree. The two of us being around at the same time has made the Guardian hide with that so called "girls' outting" with Kindra. I mean, it's not like they totally dislike each other, but Kindra is married to the Guardian's former tormenter! Maggreos: yes. So if we are going to fight over Raze we have to do it the right way. The honorable way.
(later that afternoon) Makkaro: (walks in to Zed vs Maggreos having a duel on a Yuh-Gi-Oh type card game but on regular board size) Zed: (his card-creature knocks up Maggreos') take that! Maggreos: (to his monster-card) come on, get up! Zed: it's down! I win! Ha! Nature selection at work! Makkaro: I weep for humanity.
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poxa-deu-ruin-beka · 10 months ago
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❤️🥰 tudo que queria
frio+ tbbt+ conchinha+=❤️🥰
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Eobard Thawne: One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid and it makes me sad
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incorrectdisa · 16 days ago
Baldric, about Ragana: What’s wrong with her? Hexela: Everyone has a different theory.
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rihaaish · 2 years ago
Nie Huisang: So, Hanguang-jun, how is your life?
Lan Zhan: Like everyone else's; subject to entropy, decay, and eventual death.
Lan Zhan: .....
Lan Zhan: Thank you for asking.
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spitbrain · 1 year ago
do u think they’ve ever explored each other’s bodies
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raphael-angele · 1 year ago
How I imagine Bianca if she lived:
One name: Bernadette Rostenkowksi Wolowitz
During Capture the Flag:
Bianca, yelling at Percy as they run: Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Percy: *panting*
Bianca: How am I faster than you?! I'm carrying more equipment and I stopped to tie my shoes!
Percy: I have asthma...BACK OFF!
Coming back from the Titan's Curse Mission:
Nico: Bia! *runs to her and hugs her*
Bianca: *hugs him back* Hey. *pulls away and looks at him* How was camp?
Nico: It was awesome! We did wood carving, and made smores, and I learned how to make a fire, Travis and Conner even let me join Capture the Flag
Bianca, who made them promise not to let Nico join CtF until he's trained and claimed:
Nico: :)
Bianca: That's nice. Why don't you go back to the Cabin and we'll talk about the mission.
Nico: Mkay :)
Bianca, walking up to Travis and Conner: You better explain to me why you chose to ignore my instructions about my little brother joining that game, cuz one way or another, I'm gonna leave grieving for a friend.
Leo, opening the door:
Bianca: You son of a bitch. What did you tell Nico?! Did you tell him that there's something going on between us because he thinks there is and he is completely freaking out!
Leo: Please, come in.
Bianca: What in Hades is wrong with you?! Leo, my position as a Hunter could be compromised! I could get into a lot of trouble!
Leo: Wha- I didn't say that there was something going on between us. I said that you were always so nice to me, it would be nice to be with someone like you.
Leo: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it that way
Bianca: Damn right you are. You tell my little brother that there is nothing, never has been, and never will be anything between us.
Leo: I will...hey, Bianca?
Bianca: What?!
Leo: You think I have a shot with Thalia?
Bianca: Of course, you do! You're a sweetheart! Any girl would be lucky to have you! *leaves and slams the door*
After Leo "died":
Percy and Jason fighting:
Jason: For the last time, I didn't mean to!
Percy: Oh, you didn't mean to? I'll show you what-
Bianca: HEY! Percy, Jason, other room, right now!
*other room*
Bianca: I don't know what you think you're doing but this is a very difficult time for the lot of us. We're doing this in honor of Leo and you're just gonna fight all night like a couple of children? What ever it is you're fighting about, put it aside, go back in there, and be a good friend or there's no dessert for either of you!
*main room*
Bianca: Look at me when I'm talking to you-
Hazel, whispering to Nico: You ever notice how Bianca sounds just like dad?
Nico: ...nope
Hazel: Bianca, you've been to Olympus, right? On your first mission? What did it look like?
Bianca: Oh, it was beautiful. I looked down and it like it was like looking at a whole different world...if I could, I would've wiped it all out with my thimb like a God.
One summer: Hazel, Annabeth and Bianca decide to go to Disney World
Annabeth: Okay, so there's this place on Disney World where you pick your princess, they give you the hair, the makeup, the works. Haven't tried it before but I guess it would be fun to be Belle
Hazel: Oh, I wanna be Belle, too
Bianca: We can't all be Belle.
Annabeth: Alright then, how do we decide?
Bianca: Simple. This was my idea, I'm paying for it, I'm Belle. You bitches got a problem with that, we can go back to Camp right now.
Bianca: When was the last time you got any sleep?
Nico, figuring out a procephy: I don't know, two-three days? Not important. I don't need sleep. I need answers. I need to determine where in this SWAMP of unbalanced forces squatteth the toad of truth.
Hazel: Toad of truth? Is that a Greek thing?
Will: No, that's a sleep deprived thing.
Bianca: Okay, Nico. What happens to our brains if we don't get enough sleep?
Nico: They lose their ability to function and be rational?
Bianca: Exactly. So go march in there, go take a shower and get some sleep.
Nico: But I don't wanna go to sleep!
Bianca: I'm gonna count to three. One-
Nico: *sneers* Alright. *goes*
Will: Please teach me how you did that
Bianca: I raised him. I know how to get him to eat his vegetables, too.
Taking Bianca to the drop off where she'll meet with the other hunters:
Bianca: Thank you for coming along to see me off, William
Will: Of course. Just wanna make sure you get there safe
Nico: Yeah, you'll get plenty of time looking for a new boy toy.
Bianca: Hey. I will not have you disrespecting me
Nico: Yes, ma'am
Will: Nico, you have a very attractive sister. You need to get used to the fact that even though she's vowed not to be in a relationship, she'll have plenty of suitors who would want to have her as their partner.
Nico: And you need to mind your own business
Will: Wha- I will not have you disrespecting me
Nico: You don't tell me what to do
Bianca: Don't you go disrespecting him
Nico: Yes, ma'am.
Bianca, to Will: You'll get there, you just gotta put some zing on it.
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queenofapeacefuldawn · 2 years ago
Mini: Rudy, we're made of particles that have existed since the universe began. I like to think that these particles traveled 14 million years through space and time just to create me and you, so we could be together and make each other whole.
Rudy: [is a sobbing mess]
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incorrect-losers · 9 months ago
Bev: Who’s my favorite member of *NSYNC?
Ben: Justin
Bev: Who’s my favorite Backstreet Boy?
Ben: Nice try. *NSYNC forever
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