Horizon Chaser
5 posts
Howdy, welcome to the life of a man that had to switch gears midsentence. Here's to decent food, good laughs, and great people. If you're looking for far away adventures then grab your passport and I'll swing by to pick you up, the rest of my life starts now.
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escapexartist · 4 years ago
Sentence Starters
[courtesy of leneemusing]
“  what am i supposed to do when i can’t even trust my own mind?  ” 
“  i have to believe death is the end. because all that waits for me in the afterlife is a debt of sin i don’t think could ever be paid off. ”
“  what do you see when you look into my eyes?  ”  
“  it doesn’t always have to be you, you know?  your shoulders aren’t the only ones that can bear the weight of the world.  ”   
“  i don’t think hearts break. shattered things can only be broken once. but torn things can be mended again and again until it’s all scars and stitching. ” 
“  i can’t remember what it’s like to be truly wanted.  ” 
“  every time you look at me i feel invisible.  ” 
“  loneliness is a slow and cruel poison.  ” 
“  i’m afraid that if i let you see every side of me, you should shrink back in fear or disgust.  ” 
“  for once in your life, what is it that you want.  ” 
“  i’ve been wrapped in my sorrow for so long, i’m afraid i’ll feel too cold without it.  ” 
“  i just want to see you smile again.  ” 
“  can’t you stop running for one second?  ” 
“  i’ll be here. when you’re ready to talk.  ” 
“  being strong doesn’t mean never asking for help or admitting you’re in pain.  ” 
“  don’t shut me out. please.  ” 
“  don’t look at me like that.  ” 
“  the world isn’t made up of heroes and monsters. just broken people balancing between the two.  ” 
“  i just wanted to do something good for once.  ” 
“  why can’t you tell me what’s wrong?  ”
“  just trust me. please.  ” 
“  why can’t you let me in? what are you so afraid of?  ” 
“   you’re so worried about losing me/them you’re missing everything in front of you.  ”   
“  you’re not alone. i’m here.  ” 
“  you see everyone so clearly except yourself.  ” 
“  i find broken things interesting. maybe that’s why i like you so much.  ” 
“  i want to be whatever it is you think i am.  ” 
“  you see the good in everything. that’s why i like it when you look at me.  ” 
“  i’ll still be here when you wake.  ” 
“  i promise i’ll never hurt you again.  ” 
“ as long as i have you, the rest doesn’t matter. ” 
“  what did they do to you?  ” 
“ i’m not sure i should leave you alone.  ” 
“  i won’t hate you. i know you think that’s what you deserve but it’s not.  ” 
“  i want to love the parts of you that you hate.  ” 
“  i’m scared of what you’re becoming.  ” 
“  i’m sorry, i’m not what you think i am.  ”
“  you’ll always have a home with me.  ” 
“ what happened to you?  ” 
“ i thought i’d never see you again. ” 
“ you’re such a fucking coward. ” 
“  i envy anyone who has the privilege of being loved by you. ” 
“  you scared me.  ” 
“ please, don’t ever give up on me. ” 
“  i’m not giving up on you. not ever.  ” 
“  i know you love me. but it’s not the way i want to be loved.  ”
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escapexartist · 4 years ago
Plot Bunnies
—muse a and muse b both attend a special pop up event located way out in the sticks. it’s supposed to be all the rage, but in the end it turns out to be a trap. the people that put together the ‘event’ actually brought the people together to hunt them for sport. now muse a and muse b have to rely on each other to survive and find a way back to civilization for help.  
—muse a and muse b are in the same group of friends and used to date but muse a thought muse b wasn’t taking their relationship seriously enough and they broke up. Now muse a has moved on and is bringing their new bf/gf round to all the friend events and muse b is struggling over the feelings that are bombarding them now. [base idea from fnckbxys]
—buried alive together.     a big container, ten feet underground, maybe 12 hours or so worth of air if everyone just stays calm, you don’t have your phones, and trying to break out will just flood the space. a lot of time to say goodbyes to each other, cry about the people to whom you didn’t get to say anything, and share memories. bonus: all is going relatively well… and then someone has a panic attack, and now no one can tell how much time they have left. [courtesy of sagamemes]
—forced to shoot.     person A is captured by someone who really enjoys making people, especially person B, suffer both mentally and physically. person B comes to save A’s life, and the conditions are made clear: A must shoot B, or their captor will shoot A right there. there are no guarantees of anything, only hope that watching the psychological pain of A having to live with their actions is more satisfying than killing them right after because letting A be killed just allows the captor to go after someone else B loves.  [courtesy of sagamemes]
ANGELS & DEMONS [courtesy of dragcnflyy]
—muse a is a fallen angel exiled from heaven for falling in love with their human. they wake up outside a club with their memory wiped and the wings ripped from their back. the club run is by muse b, and is actually a sanctuary for other supernatural creatures in need. muse a stays to heal, and gets wrapped in muse b’s world—both of them having to deal with the things they’re running away from.
—muse a is a demon summoned to earth by muse b, a human in desperate need of protection/companionship. perhaps they’re sick or dying and need to make a bargain for their life — either way muse a endears themselves to muse b, who has to deal with the fact that their relationship is a contract and nothing more.
—muse a and muse b, an angel and demon respectively, are high ranking officers in heaven and hell. but they fuck around a lot because damn, that forbidden love shit is hot. either it’s a secret or everyone knows it and just rolls their eyes at their ridiculousness.
—muse a is the guardian angel of a human and muse b is their…guardian…demon. (roll with it.) their human does a bunch of dumb shit, basically, and they both have to keep their person from dying.
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escapexartist · 4 years ago
Night Time.
I had the dream again. I thought I was past this, that it was all behind me. I don’t even know what triggered it but then again I never do. I think the part that I hate the most is that it’s nothing like in the movies. There was no cold sweat or the heavy breathing, nor did I get an epiphany from it. Nothing was so dramatic, I simply woke up and my heart began to race. I spent the first ten minutes reminding myself that it was all a dream. That nothing that played out in my mind was real even if it didn’t feel that way. 
It’s usually the eyes that haunt me long after I’ve left the dream behind. I see them when I look at someone with blue eyes and every time I close mine. Three am makes the latter harder to avoid than the former. Eleven years later and I still can’t get that image out of my head. I’m scared that it will always be a part of me. Like those little cartoon dark clouds that follow a person around, my life has become a cartoon strip.
I keep thinking that if I can just name it, own it, it won’t have this power over me anymore. If I can just place it in a box then I can pack it away and make it part of my past. The more I try to do that, to believe in that, the more I start to think that I had it all backwards. The more airtime I give it in my head, the stronger the foothold it gains. It’s too late to turn back and doubling down hasn’t worked either. All I can do now is try to get it down on paper in hopes that it will somehow help purge this darkness from inside me.
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escapexartist · 4 years ago
owes list,
all done? to go back to home click here, to go back to my click here
rylie, 05/17
kase, 05/17
luca, 05/17
lexi, 05/22
boa, 05/13
updated, 05/22
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escapexartist · 4 years ago
activity checks,
character study,
plot bunnies / sentence starters,
owes list,
back to roleplayer,
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