#ptsd ± cptsd ± bpd ± osdd ± did
hauntedselves · 10 months
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Braun's BASK (Behaviour, Affect, Sensation & Knowledge) model of the continuum of dissociation, starting with normal levels (e.g. hypnosis and doing things on autopilot), to a dissociative episode (e.g. spiritual trance) to a dissociative disorder (e.g. DP/DR), to PTSD, to 'atypical' dissociative disorder (or OSDD in today's language), to atypical MPD (or OSDD-1 & P-DID), to MPD (DID, including polyfragmented DID).
He also includes physical disorders which include dissociation, such as some types of epilepsy and TBIs.
This paper was written in 1988.
- From Braun, Bennett G., 'The BASK Model of Dissociation', Dissociation vol. 1, issue 1, 1988.
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small-but-mightyy · 2 years
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defiantcripple · 5 months
Okay, breaking out of the crippleposting to do a Mental Illness Post rq:
On top of depression and anxiety, I have BPD, CPTSD, OSDD-1b, and Bipolar II. I experience delusions, psychosis, and severe dissociation. I am a *severely* mentally ill person. Because of all of this, I require several mood stabilizers and an antipsychotic to keep myself grounded to reality, let alone functional.
I swear to GOD, if one more person with depression looks at me and says some shit like "yeah, I'm sure medication would help me, I just don't want to be dependent on it." I'm going to fucking scream. The sheer ableism in y'all's attitudes towards people who can't just opt out of medication and who ARE dependent on it is fucking crazy. The way they hit the word "dependent" in that sentence always holds so much judgment and distain, like they don't even consider that some of us don't have the luxury of choice. Being dependent on medication has literally no moral weight, and for me it's that or dead. So.
***and before someone goes off on me, this is NOT about people who can't afford medication or who medication doesn't work for, and I am not saying that depression can't be debilitating. I am only referring to exactly the situation I described, so don't try and gotcha me***
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cyncollect · 24 days
I wrote a document about Research and Resources on Dissociation and Dissociative Disorders that has detailed explanations of symptom criteria, differentiation between disorders, and more.
It also has a list of other resource links on DID
Feel free to read!!!
. . .
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tiredofthissh-t · 6 months
Don't put someone down because they’re "faking" a mental illness/mental disorder or physical disorder. I haven't been medically diagnosed because my parents refused to get me diagnosed. So, I've had to do my own diagnosis. I know what I've diagnosed myself with, and I've done 4 months - 3 years of research. No one wants to have tics, no one wants to have c-ptsd, no one wants bpd (borderline personality disorder) , no one wants did (dissociative identity disorder), no one wants autism, no one wants add/adhd(attention deficit disorder/attention deficit hyper disorder), no one wants ocd (obsessive compulsive disorder), no one wants to be neurodivergent. So dont accuse us of faking cause this could LITTERALY cause us to die. I 6 even tell you the amount of times if dislocated my fingers of dislocated my shoulder or how many times I've had ISS bc of my tics. It's not even my fault, but I've literally been expelled because of a tic. Or how many times I've dealt with a split, and i almost had to repeat a grade because i simply didn't remember. Even if you self diagnose, just do your research. Cause even if you do self diagnose its not faking.
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loveshickk · 2 months
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v-is-for-vivienne · 1 year
*me, with several unmistakably trauma related disorders, after feeling pretty ok for 30 seconds* I am normal. I am not traumatized
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hauntedselves · 1 year
“People with OSDD need to understand that their experiences are valid and real and not inferior in any way to people with dissociative identity disorder. And whilst recognising the differences, we can also recognise the underlying similarities. [...] It may be important for some people with OSDD to distinguish their experience from that of people with dissociative identity disorder and it would be good for people in this category to come forwards and write about their experience to help people, clinicians in particular, understand the unique characteristics of life with OSDD. For others, it may be validating to recognise that the distinguishing line between OSDD and DID is largely arbitrary, and to subsume the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder into their own self-definition of being a dissociative survivor.”
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small-but-mightyy · 2 years
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anonsystem · 5 months
listen guys. supporting your partner when they're going through something hard and being emotionally vulnerable with you is not necessarily emotional labor. emotional labor entails an inherent imbalance and lack of cooperation. its one thing if your partner is consistently relying on you to do this for them and shuts you out when you try to rely on them, but a lot of people in supposedly healthy relationships are claiming that they don't have to be there for their partners because that's emotional labor and I need them to know that they're the ones who are being toxic
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systems-waffle · 9 months
Just a random thing. But if journaling doesn’t help you, try writing it as if you’re telling someone about what’s going on. Write it like you’re trying to explain why things might feel the way they do. Explain the uncomfortable parts you might not be able to be open about.
Write it out however you write fastest or is most convenient. Hand write, type on a laptop, tap it into a note on your phone, dictate it with voice to text. It can be frustrating when you can’t keep up with your thoughts. Choosing a convenient & fast way to get it out, might making it a little easier.
It might not help. But it’s something I’ve found to work after a life time of being told to journal but it not really helping.
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snowglobe-system · 4 months
Hey quick gentle reminder that doing a bad thing does not make you a bad person and after a certain point continuing to feel guilty and ashamed is only serving to torture yourself further. Yes, even if you hurt people. Your guilt will not make anyone feel better, it just makes you feel worse. It is okay to forgive yourself.
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guardianssystem · 10 months
Guess who finally has a new place to move into with @theharbingerofxhaos !
We're finally going to get out of here. We're finally going to get away from the years and years and years of abuse from our family. We can finally leave behind this absolute shithole that caused us so much fucking pain.
Maybe we can even finally begin to recover ❤️
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good morning to all, but a special good morning to bitches who haven't felt real since 2015
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nomorelostyears · 10 months
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19 - Nov 23
I'm really struggling bc my partner is out w his friends tonight.
My jealousy is through the roof so I've had a med cocktail 💊
I hate it. I hate feeling like this, I hate the thoughts, compulsions, the exhaustion that follows!! I hate the idea that it's out of my hands whether I get hurt in a relationship or not.
I'm keeping my messages blunt and short to avoid upsetting my partner w my issues 😭
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