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worms-in-my-brain · 1 year ago
People with psychotic disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with personality disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with substance abuse disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with tic disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with bipolar disorder are neurodivergent too.
People with dissociative disorders are neurodivergent too.
Neurodivergence isn’t just ADHD, autism, anxiety, and depression. (Plus those last two also get left out sometimes!) Neurodivergence is anything that affects your brain.
“Neurodivergent people hate loud noises” is actually just as valid as a statement as “neurodivergent people have delusions,” “neurodivergent people have tics,” or even “neurodivergent people have low empathy.”
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aetherial-boy · 1 year ago
Disabled people should be allowed to exist in public. Yes, I mean all disabled people.
That includes people with tic disorders.
That includes people who smell ‘bad’.
That includes people who can’t help being loud.
That includes people who move ‘strangely’.
That includes people with bulky mobility aids.
That includes people who drool.
That includes people who struggle with incontinence.
We all should get to exist, however that looks, and go out in public, use public transport, do activities outside our homes. And we should be allowed to do those things without being glared at or having ableist things said to us.
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hexcii · 7 months ago
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Silly comic about my tics :PP I don't think they get much of it in the daycare so cue accidental insensitivity and confusion
He's trying his best
Bonus :))
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incognitopolls · 5 months ago
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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lostcauseeilish · 3 months ago
love you anyway
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warnings: smut, fingering (r recieving), fluffff, tic attack, kissing, reader panicks a bit
authors note: i'm working on your requests guys 😭😭 this came to mind and i thought why not so yayaya
"babyyyyy? come in the bedroom please my lady!!" billie calls from her bed. she's been slightly sick recently but you don't mind very much.
you fold her baggy shirt and place it on top of the dryer, practically running up the stairs to make sure she's okay. when you get in your shared room, she's lay under the blankets watching the office and sipping lavender tea.
"you called?" you sit on your bed, stroking her arm through the blanket. "yeah, my love, would you mind turning up the heatening for me? if thats okay?" she asks, nervous you'd be too hot. "as long as you're okay, im okay." you kiss her nose soothingly and place a hand on her forehead. she's freezing so you jog down the stairs and turn the heating off.
relucatantly, you return upstairs to make sure she doesn't need anything else. "heating is off now, sweetie." you tell her, getting under the blankets with her. "thank you, such a good girl for me," she says in a slightly sultry voice, her cheeky smirk going well with her blue eyes.
"oh yeah?" you ask, leaning towards her slightly so she can subtly smell the perfume you're wearing. her cheeks flush red and she giggles nervously, changing to her natural flustered persona that she tries and succeeds to cover up.
her eyes meet yours and she leans in slightly, her eyes flickering down to your lips. "can i kiss you, baby?" she asks, patiently waiting for your permission like she always does. you nod and she leans in to connect your lips in a soft, passionate kiss with the intentions of more.
like the gentlewoman she is, she runs her tongue over your bottom lip in request to slip it in. you allow her to and she goes straight to devouring your mouth. "i love you" she whispers, breaking the moment to leave open- mouthed, wet kisses down your neck and to your collarbone.
you blush and whimper slightly, "mmh... bills!! gotta finish the washing.." you mumble, your rosy cheeks distracting her. "later, baby. i need you right now."
she slips her hand down your body and into your shorts, finding out theirs nothing underneath in her favourite way. her fingers come into contact with your core and gather enough of your wetness to slip her fingers in. you moan out as she immediately curls them upwards.
"g- baby.. so much.." you whimper out
"you can take it" she replies in her usual husky tone.
her fingers continue to work and relentlessly curl inside you, bringing you closer to the edge. "billie.." you moan out your eyes almost rolling back.
for some reason, it stops?
you look up with teary eyes, blurring your vision slightly; however, you can still see her face twitching.. she's having a tic attack?
you pull her fingers out and calm her down, stroking her arm. "i- im sorry.." she murmurs out, guilty due to denying your pleasure.
"oh billie don't worry," you reassure her gently, cleaning her fingers off and giving her a hug, pulling her body against yours. you pull the blankets up and rest her head on your chest, stroking your hair until she falls asleep.
"i love you," she mumbles in her last moments until she drifts off into slumber.
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tobyisave · 18 days ago
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Little animations for my DR tic headcanons!! To be so clear this is *not* me trying to create good rep, this is explicitly me projecting my own tics onto some little guys using gimmicky plot points and then making art about it! so like. grain of salt and a little ableism cw 👍
Chiaki who freezes and shudders in overstimulating environments, ostensibly because her tics are triggered by sound/light/motion — but then in Ch.6 you learn she was actually just lagging when the computer had too much stuff to render nearby. This makes it even more disorienting postcanon when they remember the real Chiaki, who had a slightly different personality and completely different tics. Most of them were omitted from the AI because it was averaged from the memories of several students (including Hajime) who never noticed or mistook them for fidgeting — helped by the fact that her tics vanished whenever she was focusing on a game. It's convoluted but in a way that I think suits the source material lol.
Kokichi who is an expert at making tics look intentional, because he'd rather come off as "annoying on purpose" or even pretend to mock the disorder he secretly actually has than just admit there's a part of himself he can't control. And he certainly doesn’t need anyone outside DICE realizing the tics are a very honest indicator of his stress levels. He treats his own outbursts as cues to whine that he’s bored; he makes meaningful eye contact with Shuichi whenever he can’t stop blinking, because he knows it’ll make Shuichi lose his mind trying decode a Morse code message that doesn't exist; and in the killing game he pairs his motor tics with the straitjacket uniform and a cringy Joker impression to create some campy caricature of “crazy” that scares the people who are idiots (Kaito) and makes everyone else think he’s just doing an offensive bit — which, for better or worse, he kind of is.
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puppyemotes · 2 months ago
Some requests I got through the server :3 been a little busy and requests are getting a lil backed up so I’m sorry for slow posting T^T
TW: may cause unwanted tics !
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small-but-mightyy · 6 months ago
I wish more people understood Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders
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positivelyqueer · 11 months ago
hug (if want) and good vibes to people feel don’t have complete control over body for whatever reason. Include but not only: tics, Tourette’s, paralysis, tremors, weakness, spasticity, spasms and other things. Hope doing okay and having alright day :) (smiley face).
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banana-can-do-art · 2 months ago
Chocolate makes tics worse they say. Fools! You cannot deprive me of my one true love! I will gladly be forced to make vroom vroom car noises forever if it means I get to eat my chocolate.
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its-ticsticstics · 11 months ago
remind that no matter how 'severe' or 'mild' your tics are, its normal for them to sometimes be worse and other times barely noticeable!
its apart of the tics/tourettes phenomenon called "waxing and waning" and if anything, should make you feel more validated in your diagnosis <3
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arcticduckie · 1 year ago
Shoutout to people with Functional Neurological Disorder
Shoutout to people with functional tics
Shoutout to people who have dystonia
Shoutout to people with Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures
Shoutout to people with paralysis and or weakness
Shoutout to people with tremors
Shoutout to people who shut down/unresponsive episodes
Shoutout to people who have walking difficulties
Shoutout to people who have numbness
Shoutout to people who have speech problems
Shoutout to people with vision problems
Shoutout to people with hearing problems
Shoutout to people with memory loss
Shoutout to everyone with FND
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mxmorbidmidnight · 1 month ago
People struggle to grasp the concept that all my conditions affect eachother. OCD intrusive thoughts manifest as coprolalia tics, adhd related frustration and hyperactivity causes tics, tics cause more fatigue, mental health affects tics, stims become tics, tics become stims. Tics affect my speech, adhd affects my sleep which affects my fatigue. ADHD affects my eating, ocd affects my eating, lack of eating equals poor mental health equals more tics and more fatigue.
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littlewitchtales · 1 month ago
just realised this is my TWELFTH year of having tourette’s/tics.
my hot takes (truths):
people think tics are fine until they’re annoying
doctors do NOT know enough, and there needs to be more research but no one will fund it
doctors SHOULD NEVER give an estimated time of ‘growing out’ of tics, being told as a 7 y/o CHILD that i would grow out of them at age 13, was the worst thing when i woke up on my 13th birthday with nothing changed
tics can get worse? i think it’s commonly suggested that tics ease with age, mine have developed and not stopped
complex tics and dangerous , self-injuring tics are never spoken about!!
teachers need to be more educated, both in and out of classrooms (i once had a teacher say quote “do you have the swearing kind? i’ve always wanted a friend with that!” and another say “i don’t understand why you let it define you, is it really that big of a deal to you?”) like bffr we are kids who are not in control of SIMPLE BODY MOVEMENTS
why is it so commonly faked? i would not wish this on my worst enemy 😭 and also why is it generally so misunderstood how frustrating the feeling of being out of control of such basic things our brain should not fuck uppp, tell me why i have to punch myself in the face huh? and you wanna fake it ?? get outtt
and finally, never, ever ask or willingly receive help from CAMHS for tics. nothing worse could have been offered to a 7 year old me
thanks for coming to my ted talk (rant)
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thatdudewithtics · 10 months ago
This a PSA!!! Never try to hold down someone who is ticcing or having a tic attack!!! Seizure rules apply!! The tics could possibly hurt you, and if you stop us the tic may just get more violent. There is also a certain satisfaction whenever we tic, and by holding us down you are taking that away. Obviously some people may want you to hold them down, but as a general rule do not do so unless you have been instructed to by the individual or know that they prefer it for a fact!!!!
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