bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
hey guys, unfortunately due to recent events dealing with isola radiale and also personal grievances of my own, i am removing my characters (catherine and morgana) from isola. i am very sad because i was having a really good time here and had some great writing and plots going, but i do not feel comfortable staying in the group at this rate.
i’m very sorry to anyone who i was threading with, this is a sudden decision and it’s not fair to you, especially those who i was doing event threads with. i was considering leaving for other reasons unrelated to this, but this took the cake. i will be removing my isola affiliation from both blogs, and whether i will find another group or remain indie, i’m not sure.
that being said, you are free to softblock me if you wish, i wont be mad or anything, this isn’t you guys’ fault. i will say that i am considering apping at another masterlist or possibly becoming indie, so if you’re ok with rping with non-isola peeps i would love to keep threading and being friends with you! i also have two characters in blackwood, which is a closed group but it’s a very fun slice-of-life group if you need something chill to do. and also you’re free to follow me on twitter so we can talk more.
thank you guys!
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
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this was the first time since arriving--or, well, ever--that morgana found another...person? thing? creature his size that also talked. but she seemed more like a plushie than anything else. he scowled for a moment when she called him a cat, but he quickly rebounded, not wanting to be rude. she looked like someone he couldn’t bear to be rude to.
”uhh...i’m not a cat, but i’m friendly. i promise. what about you?”
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“Are you a friendly cat…or are you a naughty cat?” Despite her new found acceptance of felines, My Melody was still wary around strange cats. You could never be too careful; especially not after what she’d been through before.
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
“… And the forecast for today is cloudy with a chance of storms. And over here we’ll have–”
The sound of the television was drowned out by the music from the arcade machines, though still loud enough for those sitting down to eat to hear. Futaba could hear it, but she wasn’t focused on that right now. Right now, she was working on beating her current high score in one of those on rail shooters that was pretty popular in Radiale’s arcades.
Eyes locked on the screen, Futaba refused to even blink in fear that she would miss a target. Her fingers mashed the buttons, her hand gripping the joystick until her knuckles turned white - she didn’t even notice that there was a certain cat hovering around her legs.
That is, until he jumped right up in front of the screen. Literally blocking the screen, making her unable to see anything past him.
     “E-Eeeh?! Wait, no no no no noooo!!”
Unable to see the screen in front of her, Futaba ran right into an enemy. Her character’s ship exploded and even though Morgana was blocking the ‘GAME OVER’ title screen, she could hear the depressing jingle that followed. Huffing angrily, the girl reached for the cat’s cheeks, pulling on them light enough so that it wouldn’t hurt him, but enough to let him know she was mad.
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     “Morgana! Why did you do that?! I was a hundred and fifty      points away from beating my high score!”
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ahh, oh no, no, he did not miss the cheek grabbing she was heavily prone to. it didn’t hurt too bad, but just enough to get the point across. his paws rested on hers to try to push her off. he personally wanted to challenge that she cared about a high score more than his sudden presence, but he figured he’d better not while she still had her hands on him.
”you’ll beat it some other time, we all know that! when did you get here? you look like you feel right at home.”
his tail swished as he talked. despite her attitude, he was happy to see her, and that she seemed in good spirits. he couldn’t help but worry about her sometimes, but she’s strong in her own way..
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
;;im sorry guys, i have a few replies left but i need to get home, and im in a meh place rn because of personal bullshit. i will finish replies as soon as possible.
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
  A click of the tongue, quickened rub of an eraser and a pencil was erected forward. Thumb pressed against it to keep the tool leveled, an eye sliding shut to take into focus particular angels of the view just beyond the pew – no, no. It wasn’t coming together just yet, not like this. 
  The flash; the camera that had gone off as another means of capturing the awes of such fine construction. With the illumination of that light inspiration had struck, pencil adjusted at a different angle, capturing a completely new perspective that simply could not go unnoticed a second longer!
  Fingers shifted, pencil twirled with a masterful grace to allow the lead to meet paper once more, read to etched upon the page a vision backed up with a newly ignited confidence.
  …or it would have, had the page melted from view, replaced with a blackened, furry figure. Taken aback Yusuke had chosen to lean away from his uninvited guest but that voice – it had drawn him back immediately.
    “Morgana – ?”
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  For a moment Yusuke simply allowed himself to stare. Not a word uttered but, instead, hand that once help an eager pencil was placed against dark fur. A light pat to confirm the others presence and… well, it’s almost hard to ignore a cat seeking attention at times, isn’t it.
    “I was not aware of your arrival. As for myself… about two months ago, I’d wager. It seems we are all slowly coming together again. An odd occurrence, surely, but not an unwelcome one.”
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”two months ago? man, none of this makes sense...”
morgana relaxed a bit as yusuke gave him a couple of pats. while this whole concept of not knowing anything about where he was annoyed him, he was glad yusuke was here and safe and, as always, drawing.
”yeah, i saw lady ann and makoto already...and akechi too. it’s like we’re all being pulled here for a reason, though i don’t know why. it seems we have our personas again too, even though i don’t believe there’s a metaverse here.”
he stepped off of yusuke’s lap to perch right beside him, not wanting to ruin his canvas by stepping on it wrong. he did make beautiful art, it would be a shame.
”how are you doing? and what’s happened before i got here?”
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
This area seemed quiet. She hadn’t seen people in what seemed like days when it reality it had been hours. With the recent pocket of radiation she had encountered, she had to be vigilant. All she wanted to do was lay down and let the radiation poisoning take over her like it would a normal person. Yet, she kept herself up. She hydrated and ate what she could find when she could find anything at all. There were so many people, so of course they were taking food first. Not that it mattered. Her body just refused to keep it down this time. 
So she found herself kneeling in the rubble of what she thought was previously a bodega. She would give for anything that she could just drink and keep down. One of those food groups that were prime for people constantly heaving, even. Just her luck, it was peanuts. A tin of peanuts, to be exact. 
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“Shit.” She hastily opens it and nearly chokes on the peanut she had just popped into her mouth when she hears a voice yelling somewhere behind her. Was she so out of it she didn’t notice another person so close-by?
She’s grateful at least, moving out of the way in time for whatever creature to knock into the rubble and crush it to dust underneath its feet. If it had feet. Jeane shakes her head of the thought and reaches for the nearby street sign she had spotted earlier. Its base was softened from all the water damage in her version of the city and came up easily, even in her slightly sickened state. Taking a breath, she charges forward, swinging the sign at where she thought the creature had been last. 
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he knew that just yelling directions at her would eventually be the end of both of them, especially if one that he couldn’t see decided to invade because of the noise as well. charging into a sprint, he dashed at a high speed towards the creature, who was still focused on the human. he kicked off a broken stone platform to leap up on its back, claws bared, and jabbed them into its shoulder before jumping off.
”over here, dummy!! this way!!!”
he started to lead the beast back toward the hole he had been hiding in, in an attempt to isolate the creature in a location where the human would, hopefully, has a closed enough space to not miss a hit. or until she ran off, either one. judging from how she grabbed the sign immediately, he had a feeling she was the type to go in sword-drawn and banner-flying.
s i g n a l. (nmhforever.)
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
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            ❛   Hmm…  ❜
       TODAY   was a slow day among slow days — which she’s thankful for, because her mind is preoccupied with anything but work today. Her day has mostly consisted thus far of debating whether or not to come to work, coming in anyway, and compulsively checking her non-Scroll Scroll for messages from Blake. Only the power of Weapons Weekly and its promising October centerfold can keep her grounded between the four walls of this cozy little bookstore she loves so much; so, then, it isn’t too surprising that the sudden question punctuating the air doesn’t make her glance up at first. 
       That… actually wasn’t as common a question as one would think. Spirale has its share of text resources like any other city, bookstore aside; most people that wander in here do so in the search of romance novels or the classics, maybe comics — not things specifically related to the city. Ruby purses her lips in thought, resting her chin in her hand — a little startled as she lifted her gaze to find… Thin air. … Maaaybe it was a child— ?  The voice was a little squeaky. She ponders aloud as she slowly strains up onto her toes, leaning against the large counter to try and meet the person’s gaze. 
             ❛   Books about the city, huh… ?  Well, I can tell you that you don’t wanna throw anything in that hole in the center. Suuuper bad idea. As for books, I— IIIIIIhiiihiiii… …………..  ❜
       Ruby trails off with little more than a stammer, jaw remaining slack as their eyes met. Her silver eyes and the brilliantly blue eyes of this… Cat… Perched right there on her counter !  She’d been so caught up in trying to find a person that she’d completely missed the feline… Her head quickly jerks to the left and right, looking for any other person in the store — it’s mostly empty, from what she can tell. … Did the cat just — ?  Even if that’s the case, there’s a much more important observation to be made here.
             ❛   ……. OhmygoshyOU’READORABLE—  ❜
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oh no, oh no, oh crap, she was one of those kind of cat lovers. he needed to talk quick to avoid getting squished.
”a-ahh, i’m not a cat...or anything, it’s kind of a long story. i’m morgana...”
he stayed upright and attentive, in case he needed to hop out of the way. she wasn’t exactly freaking out over the fact that he was talking, which was a nice change of pace. maybe she was from somewhere where this was a normal thing. it made things slightly easier.
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”uhh, what’s your name? have you worked here a while?”
he found that the more he chatted people up, the quicker they would become relaxed about it.
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
Ann quickly smoothed the fur that was now standing up from Morgana with her hand. He was always like this when things took him for a shock – or if he didn’t get the sushi that he wanted. In a few moments, she knew it would go back to lying flat.
❛ Wait, what? I was?? I swear, I was here the whole time. ❜
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Her memories couldn’t tell her otherwise.. All that had happened, all the monsters she fought, all the memories she made. Surely the weren’t… Imaginary. Well, this place was pretty mysterious, so she wouldn’t be surprised. But, even so.
❛ Another dimension? And timelines? Morgana, you’re making my head spin.. I’m sure you will too! Hmm, I wouldn’t say all, but a ton of us are here! Um, maybe not Haru though. I haven’t seen her at all…
And you haven’t seen anyone, I’m guessing? ❜
He was pretty much stuck in her arms after all, soooo no escape!
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as she rightfully assumed, morgana was butter once more after she smoothed his fur down. maybe being a cat was the best thing he could be right now, he perfectly fit in her arms as if it were meant to be.
”i’m sorry, lady ann! it’s just a theory...i still really don’t know what’s going on. you’re the first one i’ve seen, but i’m glad everyone else is alright. i hope haru is safe back home...”
he straightened up slightly in her hold, thinking still.
”what’s the last thing you remember, if i can ask, lady ann?”
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
this was something short of a nightmare, but morgana at least had experience with this nonsense. he had been in every kind of fight imaginable, even though he was truly at a disadvantage, between not having his persona at full strength, only being able to summon him for a brief amount of time, and being stuck in cat form when zorro was not on the field. there was a perk to his size, being that it was easy for him to hide in tight spaces where the beasts couldn’t fit. well, not that they didn’t try. his tail was still aching from a huge chunk of rubble coming down and crushing it after a beast tried to knock down walls to get to him.
it was finally tame enough for him to try and risk getting some food. he was starving, and he figured he could catch a fish from the lake easily; the silence was better for the catch. doing his best to navigate through the ruins, he stopped when he heard a voice. someone had spotted him, but since it wasn’t one of those monsters, of course, he didn’t have cause to be on edge. yet.
and then he said the damn k-word.
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”i can’t believe i gotta tell people this in the middle of a catastrophe, i’m not a cat!!! this is just how i look, okay? and i can fight just fine!”
morgana’s method of saving his pride often included lying through his teeth.
@bateleurtuxe​ // event starter
Once Hak got over the whole ‘not being able to see the monsters of everyone besides yourself’ shtick, it wasn’t too hard to adjust to fighting and running away from what was around. It was funny to see how some people would freak out about obstacles present in their worlds that he obviously wasn’t able to see and likewise about the things that he could see in his own. What was troublesome though, was having this stupid stick as his only weapon! Sure he could probably whack the life out of these monsters with enough hits, but he missed being able to just slice things easily with his glaive. Brute strength was one of his things, but not having the same amount of stamina to back up that brute strength was really making him a little sloppy. 
That being said, was everyone supposed to have their own world? Hak was sitting and having a little moment to himself when a sleek black cat just sauntered into the scene. Cute animals always deserved some kind of reaction and Hak’s reaction was to stare for a long moment. Hopefully the cat wasn’t dealing with some kind of hellscape in their mind? Nature could be pretty cruel at times, but this cat looked relatively well groomed so some people definitely took care of it. Would it come over if he beckoned at it? Strangely enough, he felt a little soothed just looking at it.
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“It’d be pretty messed up if you had to do some kind of fighting when you’re in your little kitty form, huh?” 
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
         It was a surprise of sorts—though if he had to classify it, it was a pleasant one he’d admit. Out of all the individuals he could meet from their group of friends, he truly hadn’t anticipated to see Morgana, nor did he expect to meet under such conditions. “Ah…! You…” To a select few, perhaps this encounter had appeared strange; a young man addressing a cat as if he were an old acquaintance. That was what he was to Goro, though of course that wouldn’t translate accurately to others. With that in mind, he cuts himself off short, and instead moves on closer, even taking the time to pull out a seat for himself, directly adjacent to where Morgana rested. Having now closed their distance just a tad bit, he immediately notices the feline’s prior struggles before his own appearance. Not thinking too much on it, one of his gloved hand extends out to him just slightly, with the intent on holding the page for him. “So you’re here, too, are you? I was wondering when the mastermind behind The Phantom Thieves would appear…” 
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         The expression he wears is one similar to the one he uses regularly, though there’s a hint of  mischief in his smile—at least for a second or so. “Thinking on it now, you weren’t too far behind your leader…” His gaze then finally casts downward, observing the book he had been trying to read. “… I would suggest moving a bit more inward into the cafe, away from the entrance… but that book won’t provide you with any answers regarding this island. … I could, however, offer any knowledge I have in its stead.”
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morgana had a lot running through his mind, the primary thought being that akechi was here. as in...well...alive…? he had so many questions. and then he remembered how, when talking to ann after he arrived here, he came to a possible notion that time potentially ran differently here for each person. was this the akechi he knew from the ship? or even sooner…? either way...for what he did, whether he knows about it now or not, he deserved morgana’s respect. he didn’t want to just ask outright. he was bold, but he wasn’t rude mostly.
”i-i’m sorry...it’s good to see you. just a bit startled.”
he blinked when akechi brought up joker. so they already met here...meaning joker was here as well. things just got more and more confusing when it came to this place, but akechi sounded like he had been there a bit. maybe he would be a better help than these books. and maybe, simultaneously, they could talk about things.
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”i would appreciate it. i’ve been here for a while now, but i still can’t understand what the hell is going on here, and it bothers me. how long have you been here…?”
maybe things could change now.
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
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;;yall im sorry it’s been an emotional week i will get to replies this weekend im sorry dont hurt the cat
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously!
(though off anon is fine too!)
“Is there someone you hold dear?”
“Don’t you feel any guilt?”
“You’re actually afraid to be alone, aren’t you?”
“There must be something you fear.”
“Do you have a home?”
“Is there someone you like?”
“Are you really expecting a positive outcome out of this?”
“Aren’t you ashamed?”
“Aren’t you happy?”
“Who do you despise?” 
“How do you sleep at night?”
“How do you manage to keep going despite everything?”
“What do you think of kindness?”
“What do you think of hatred?”
“Why do you fight?”
“Why do you live?”
“How much blood have you spilled?”
“How much death have you seen?”
“Don’t you think your actions are reckless?”
“Don’t you know how much good you’ve done for others?”
“Can’t you tell they love you?”
“Can’t you see he/she would die for you?”
“Can’t you see that they hate you?”
“Can’t you tell the truth for once?”
“You’re not tainted.”
“You’re not alone.”
“You’re awful.”
“You don’t think of anyone but yourself.”
“You’re an emotionless robot.”
“You’re just a lap dog.”
“It’s not over.”
“He/she needs you.”
“Stop lying.”
“Stop fighting.”
“Stop pushing others away.”
“You’re cruel.”
“You’re far too kind. Too kind for your own good.”
“You depend on him/her too often.”
“You’re overprotective, it’s stifling.”
“You’re too impulsive, it’s reckless.”
“You’re too careless, it’s a liability.”
“He/she is bringing you down.”
“You’re too timid, it’s easy to see you as a target.”
“You need to listen.”
“You need to speak up more often.”
“You’re weak.”
“You’re strong. Stronger than you’ll ever know.”
“You’re too proud.”
“Quit blaming others for your mistakes.”
“You won’t always be around to save him/her.”
“One day, he/she won’t need you anymore.”
“You can’t cheat death.”
“You can’t hide forever.”
“They’ll find out the truth eventually.”
“That person is only holding you back.”
“They’re too good for you.”
“You’ll be rewarded for your efforts if you keep trying.”
“It will get better.”
“You look lonely.”
“You look bitter.”
“You look tired.”
“You’re hiding a painful burden.”
“You’re perfect.”
“You’re beautiful.”
“You will always be worthless.”
“Your hands are too dirty, too tainted to be clean.”
“You’re lost in this world. Wandering without a purpose.”
“You’ll rise above them all.” 
“You’ll find your place in this world.”
“Eventually, someone will knock you off your pedestal.”
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
Ask my muse anything you want on anon!
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
Notifications are NOT working right now. 
Please, if you reply to something or answer something from someone make sure they’ve gotten it!
Activity feeds and notifications aren’t working at all right now for some people and are very spotty for others.
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
things that you want to hear.
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
character flaws meme;;
Flaws. We all have them. Even our muses. In fact, they often make for better, more engaging characters. Send a symbol to learn about one of my muse’s weaknesses!
🙊what would my muse say their biggest flaw is
⧱ what really is my muse’s biggest flaw
🤳name three physical imperfections my muse has (birthmarks, gray hairs, muscular definition, etc)
🙈what’s my muse’s biggest blind spot?
🍰what’s my muse’s guilty pleasure?
😰when my muse is stressed, how do they act out?
💚what does my muse get envious over?
🚫what is one thing my muse wouldn’t want someone else to know about them?
🛌my muse’s biggest nightmare
✍️does my muse have a learning disability?
🎒what was my muse’s worst subject in school?
🙅‍♂️what does my muse feel insecure about?
👾what was my muse’s childhood bogeyman?
🙉what are two things that make my muse uncomfortable in conversation
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bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
Send “💪” for my muse’s reaction to yours picking them up!
Or send “💪+reverse” for the opposite! 
(If you cannot see the emoji send “Lift”)
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