#diet weight loss journey
TW!! 111 harsh wl quotes
nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
eat for the body you want, not the body you have
it may be a difficult process, but quitting won't speed it up
fat lasts longer than flavour
a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips
stop rewarding yourself with food, you're not a dog
30 minute workout, or 30 extra pounds?
whatever your problem may be, the answer is not in the fridge
you can't out exercise a bad diet
an imperfect body reflects and imperfect person
hungry to bed, hungry to rise, makes a girl a smaller size
what you eat in private, you wear in public
suck it up and one day you wont have to suck it in
you get what you work for, not what you wish for
it's better to resist than to regret
if you eat what you've always eaten, you'll weigh what you've always weighed
eat wise to drop a size
junk food you've craved for an hour, or the body you've craved for a lifetime?
every time you feel like giving up, remember why you started
every taste adds to the waist
this month's choices are next month's body
don't stop when it hurts, stop when you're done
summer bodies are made in the winter
if you're tired of starting over, stop giving up
in two weeks you'll feel it. in four weeks you'll see it. in eight weeks you'll hear it
just because you don't read food labels doesn't mean the calories don't exist
if you don't see the calories on the label, you'll see them later on your hips
every time you say "fuck it, i don't care" and eat that cookie, there's a 100% chance you'll care later
your stomach isn't growling, it's applauding
don't stop until you're proud
someone busier than you is running right now
when you lose all excuses, you'll find results
one day or day one
use food as fuel, not therapy
if you can't handle the fat jokes, lose the weight
overeating is always a decision, nobody forces the food into your mouth
suffer the pain of discipline, or suffer the pain of regret
follow your plan, not your mood
do what is right, not what is easy
you can't expect to succeed if you only put in work on the days you feel like it
i'm not starving, i'm perfecting my emptiness
not eating light makes your clothes tight
sacrifice is giving up something good for something better
if it was easy, everybody would be thin
craving is only a feeling
skip dinner, wake up thinner
the difference between want and need is self control
a cat says "meow meow" a dog says "woof woof" a pig says "i'll start tomorrow"
it's easier to workout than to wake up every morning and not like what you see
hunger hurts, but starving works
don't give up what you want the most for what you want in the moment
you've come too far in life to take orders from a cookie
thin is beautiful, even thinner is perfection
a month from now you can either have a month's worth of progress or a month's worth of excuses why you didn't
if you can pinch it, you can lose it
eat to live, don't live to eat
you can never be too rich or too thin
perfection is reached not where there isn't anything to add, but when there isn't anything to take away
respect yourself, put down the fork
when you resist the pain of hungry, it means you're not a slave to your body
every time you say no to food, you say yes to thin
empty is pure, starving is the eure
it's the mind that makes the body
there is no try, there is only DO
pain is temporary, pride is forever
thinner is the winner
if you don't fight for the body you want, don't cry for the body you have
imagine having one life on this earth and you spend it as a fat fuck
would you rather be at the gym covered in sweat, or at the beach covered in clothes?
until you're being accused of having an ed, you have a couple more pounds to lose
"i'm so fat" you say, taking another bite
eating won't kill you, but not eating will make you thin
aren't you tired of making the same excuses over and over again?
i don't even think you need to wear oversized clothes, your amount of body fat is oversizing you enough
you'd look so much prettier 20 pounds lighter
you don't want to embarrass him do you? then lose weight
you already know what it tastes like, so why eat it again?
you're fat. i'd sugarcoat it but then you'd eat that too
you binged? that's ok! somebody has to be the fat friend
if you have a skinny friend just remember, they probably use you as fatspo
skinny privilege is real
your morning skinny is someone else's evening bloat
if you can find the time to eat, you can find the time to workout
food is made to provide you with energy, not to fucking entertain you
if you treat food like an addiction, you're destined to fail
junk food is not a reward, it's a punishment
work out for 1 hour and feel amazing for the next 23 hours
if you're tired of starting over, stop giving up
if you want it, work for it
somebody else's starting weight is your goal weight
stop being jealous of her body and start doing something about yours
the fact that you aren't where you want to be should be motivation enough
it's all fun and games until your jeans don't fit anymore
need motivation? just sit infront of the mirror naked
making excuses burns zero calories
don't let the weekend become your weak end
three months from now you will thank yourself
imagine the weight you are losing is going to the person you hate
do not use your stomach as a trash can
you are what you eat. eat shit. feel shit look shit. or, eat good. feel good. look good
make it happen girl, shock everyone
so you can sit down and still have a flat stomach
losing weight is hard. being fat is hard. choose your hard
no matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you're still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying
a little progress each day adds up to big results
if not now, then when?
you are what you eat, so don't be cheap, fast, easy or fake
look down at your plate and ask, "is this going to make me feel good?"
i am powerful enough to resist temptations
you're not hungry, you're just bored
look in the mirror. that's your competition
this took a long time so please enjoy xx
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productview · 1 year
Novo Nordisk's Oral Weight Loss Drug: A Game-Changer in Obesity Treatment
Learn about the groundbreaking weight loss pill by Novo Nordisk that offers a safe and convenient way to shed pounds. Find out how this oral option, known as Rybelsus, can help suppress appetite and promote sustainable weight loss. Introducing Novo Nordisk: Revolutionizing Weight Loss Solutions Novo Nordisk, a leading Danish pharmaceutical company, has devoted years to the development of…
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tilibunni · 1 year
i almost fainted today and pushed a whole banana inside my mouth in 5 seconds
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mialovsworld · 5 days
Meal planning is honestly so fun makes me feel so organised and shit
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bebe774 · 2 months
not a kpop fan but holy shit kpop idols are my ultimate thinspo cause howww
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coffeecatsandhealth · 2 months
Reblog this if you're a fitblr, healthblr, runblr, health or fitness blog in 2024. I'm trying to max out my dash with healthy and inspiring stuff and I always need more people to follow
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becomingthatgirl111 · 2 years
the "superfoods" you should incorporate into your diet
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first of all, what are superfoods, and why are they so beneficial to our health? are those that in addition to feeding us have beneficial properties for health and are 100% natural, their origin is mainly vegetable and raw consumption, have a high content of fiber, minerals, proteins and vitamins, many of this help strengthen the immune system and promise the extension of a long healthy life.
and these are some of the foods you should incorporate into your diet.
goji berries: high in vitamins and minerals
acai berries: beneficial for overall health and boost performance. high in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids.
chia seeds: high in vegetable fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and high-quality protein.
ginger: it is attributed with properties against digestive discomfort and headaches. it also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
avocado: high in healthy fats, antioxidants, it has numerous micronutrients among which are vitamins C, vitamin B5, and vitamin K.
green tea: accelerates metabolism, detoxifying.
matcha: rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, and EGG, responsible for helping to protect against heart disease, helps regulate blood sugar, and accelerates metabolism.
quinoa: high protein concentration, rich in fiber and vitamins.
spinach: high concentrations of vitamins C and A, flavonoids, omega-3.
curcuma: increases serotonin production, helps regulate menstrual cramps and headaches.
walnuts: source of omega-3, protects our heart and cholesterol, we will get protein, vitamin E, fiber, healthy fats and lots of energy.
broccoli: very low caloric intake, rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene (a great antioxidant), vitamin C, fiber and folic acid.
seaweed: all are alkalizing and a good source of dietary fiber, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. contain healthy fatty acids and provide plenty of calcium, iron, and iodine.
and many more…! i am getting into the world of healthy eating to incorporate it into my day-to-day and I will continue to bring you posts related to this so that you also know about it and you can have a really healthy diet 🤍
this article has been written with the help of different sources.
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solarpisces · 1 month
I can’t wait for school tomorrow so I don’t have to eat during the day :)
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yeisyeis · 1 year
Always remember how you hate to see your belly and disgust what you see in the mirror. So do for you! Do you. 💪
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rainyfestivalsweets · 3 months
130 pounds down
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peanutbutterfly1 · 2 months
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TW! 111 harsh wl quotes (pt 2)
you can always be thinner, look better
how do you want to feel this summer, fit or jealous?
it gets easier when you get consistent
on good days, workout. on bad days, workout harder
the moment you want to quit is the moment you need to keep pushing
once you control your mind, you can conquer your body
you can either eat well or look well, your choice
pain is weakness leaving the body
starving is the perfect example of will power
hunger won't betray you like eating will
don't eat. if you want to see food, look at your thighs
ballerina or beanbag?
sugar is the enemy
calories can't make you happy
the distance is nothing, it is only the first step that is difficult, make that step.
pleasure to the lips adds pounds to the hips
i do this for me
ana is not an illness, she's the cure
if you can eat past fullness, you can starve past hunger
you're too good to put that in your body
don't listen to your inner fatty, she's an evil bitch
"boys don't like skin and bones" but modeling agencies do
you have two choices, do it now, or regret it later?
do it so steps don't sound like stomps
if you really wanted it, you would have it by now
stay strong, think thin
pretty girls don't eat
coffee, diet coke and cigarettes are what skinny girls are made of
feet together, thighs apart the collar bones are where we start count the ribs and feel the hips that’s what makes us skinny, bitch
the greasy fry it cannot lie, its truth is written on your thigh
bones define who we really are - let them show
food isn't running away from you, you don't need to eat it all at once
don't ever stop trying because one day, you will be thin
there's a skinny girl in you just waiting to come out
quod me nutrit, me destruit (what nourishes me, destroys me)
you can't control life, but you can control what you eat
this is your daily reminder that weight is fixable
tomorrow you'll wish you'd started today, today you wish you'd have started yesterday, only you can break the cycle
don't settle for a body that you don't even like
you don't get the abs you want by laying on them
stop feeling bad for yourself, it's your fault you look like that
you only get one life, don't waste it feeling insecure over something you could easily fix
while you're wasting your time, others are succeeding
you're not a pig right? so stop eating like one
don't let your love for food be the reason you lose love for yourself
keep eating like that and you'll need a whole new wardrobe at this rate
is your plan to gain weight? sure looks like it
all of that binging is really starting to show
you can't afford to give up
get up, nobody is coming to save you
there are so many things in the world that cannot be done through my will alone. other things require money, luck and connections. dieting requires only your will
nothing in this world goes the way you want, you can't conrol anything but you can control what you eat
without struggle, there is no progress
longer hair, thinner body
you will only get what you work for, nothing more, nothing less
being proud to look at the scale
the best form of revenge is a good body
to stop worrying if he can hold you up
what do you mean you gave up on the first day? are you sure you want to keep looking like that?
so your bf/gfs friend will be jealous of them
binge a tv show instead of your kitchen
until you get disgusted enough with your own laziness, nothing will change
stop blaming everything else and start blaming yourself
"i'll start tomorrow" can last for years
if you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, you're not hungry enough to eat those sweets
"i regret working out" – nobody ever
every accomplishment starts with a decision
if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you
think of your workout as important meeting that you've scheduled with yourself. bosses bever cancel
you didn't gain all of that weight in one day, so you won't lose it all in one day. be patient
your body can do anything, it's your brain you have to convince
on the other side of your workout is the body that you want
if you don't take time to get thin now, you're gonna have to deal with being fat later
You don’t need a fancy gym, nikes, or new sweatpants to exercise. you just need yourself and some motivation
crave exercise like you would crave junk food
you must tell yourself, no matter how hard it is or how hard it gets, you are going to make it
consistency > perfection
start where you are. use what you have. do what you can
and i am pure now...
i have a rule when i weight myself: if i gain, i starve for the rest of the day. if i lose, i do the same thing
nothing matters when i'm thin
you will be tempted quite frequently, and you will have to choose whether you will enjoy your self hugely in the twenty minutes or so that you will be consuming the excess calories, or whether you will dislike yourself cordially for two or three days, for your lack of willpower
food is a hinderance to your progress
every supposed pleasure in sin will furnish more than it's equivalent of pain
don't do anything today that you'll regret tomorrow
like a plant, surely, the body can be trained to exist on nothing ~ to take it's nourishment from the air
to be thin, no price is too high
lose everything and what is real will still remain
you can learn to love anything, i think, if you need to badly enough. i trained myself to enjoy feeling hungry
starving is more fulfilling than eating will ever be
food is temptation. once you overcome food, you can overcome anything
i don't care if it hurts. i want to have control. i want a perfect body. i want a perfect soup
when you start to feel weak and dizzy, you're almost there
i'm not there yet, but i'm closer than i was yesterday
we are what we repeatedly do, excellence is not an act, but a habit
you can always go further than you think you can
everything i want is buried under a layer of fat
re-measure, re-weigh, try harder
success is determined by how determined you are to succeed
time spent wasting is not wasted time
someday is not a day of the week
nobody ever got ahead by sitting on their ass
inside everybody is a thin person waiting to get out, but she is too sedated by a slice of chocolate cake
you could die at any time and once you are dead, you will be that weight FOREVER. do you want to look fat when everyone comes by to see you in the coffin?
starvation is fulfilling. i will do whatever it takes. colors become brighter, sounds sharper, odors so much more savory and penetrating that inhalation fills every fiber and pore of the body. the greatest food is actually found when a morsel never passes the lips
"jeez you're heavy" or "woah you're so light"
i am your butter and your bread, i am the voice inside your head
the stomach is ungrateful. it always forgets that we gave it something
sweat is just your fat crying
food is mean and sneaky. it tricks you into eating it and it works on you from the inside out, making you fat, bloated, ugly and unhappy
every calorie you eat equals another step toward your destruction
i can't believe i found all of these... should i attemt pt 3??
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goleanongirl · 1 year
I think i am finally gonna start making tiktoks?? Maybe?? I want to have a place where I can hold myself accountable to my weight loss and also my studying habits?? I finally started 3rd year of university and if I don't change my lifestyle now it will never happen
Any advice?
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mialovsworld · 5 days
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20 hours in 4 more to gooo
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bebe774 · 2 months
my fav low cal foods
honorable mention: coke zero
baby cucumbers & light ranch
oikos greek yogurt (100cals for 1cup)
skinny rice bars (70cals)
bagel thins (110cals)
homemade iced coffee
broccoli (30cals for 1cup)
quest birthday cake bar (180cals)
skinny popcorn (100cals a pack)
carrots & hummus
ollipop soda (35-45cals depending on flavor)
light&fit yogurt (60-80cals depending on flavor)
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igohungryforlove · 7 months
feeling a little silly, might not eat for a week 🤪
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