#Summer Health Tips
infomania22 · 1 year
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healthy-lifes · 2 years
Drink This! Perfect For Weight Lose 🍹🍷💪
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naturopathythings · 2 months
गर्मियों में शरीर को ठंडा रखने के लिए बेहतरीन नुस्खे। ये आसान उपाय आपको मदद करेंगे ठंडा रहने में।
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sanjayiglesias · 1 year
हम आपको Summer Health Tips: गर्मियों में लू और डिहाइड्रेशन से बचने के लिए 10 आहार सामग्री के बारे में बताएंगे जो आपके भोजन में शामिल कर सकते हैं।
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vydehihospital · 1 year
Explore the 5 Summer Health and Wellness Tips for Students. Tips for maintaining hydration, building a proper diet, and nutritional habits are how to survive this summer.
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kkginfo · 2 years
Do you wash your feet before going to bed at night? But these things must be known.. because.. | KKG INFO
Do you wash your feet before going to bed at night? But these things must be known.. because.. | KKG INFO
Most of the people have a habit of cleaning their feet usually when they go out… or after coming from the office. Most people make it a habit to clean their feet when they go out and come home from office. Besides.. everyone has the habit of washing their feet every hour. But many nights he sleeps in bed without washing his feet. Even if they go out, they come home without washing their feet.…
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medicareadvisors · 2 years
Summer is the best time when you can transform yourself into your best version. One way to stay out of the hospital as the summer heats up is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition, exercise, rest, and maintaining a good energy level are the keys that lead to better health. Here are some important summer health tips to keep in mind. Read more:
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becomingthatgirl111 · 2 years
teas you should include in your diet and some of their benefits
green tea
antioxidant promotes fat burning, improves physical performance, accelerates metabolism, relaxes, improves mental focus and concentration, acts as a neuroprotective, is good against stomach diseases, improves the quality of life.
red tea
helps to lose weight, increases energy, aids digestion, reduces stress, strengthens the immune system.
black tea
is an antioxidant, ideal to be consumed before meals, as it prepares the digestive system to work properly, protects the immune system, prevents tooth decay and oral diseases, reduces stress, activates the mind, improves concentration and memory, diuretic.
white tea
this tea variety highest in antioxidants cares for the skin, moisturizes the skin, perfect anti-aging drink, is good for oral health, helps to lose weight, eliminates bad breath.
lavender tea
helps sleep, relieves menstrual cramps, improves skin health, helps with stomach problems, relieves headaches, is very relaxing.
jasmine tea
helps against stress and tension, reduces the chances of colds and flu, helps to lose weight, helps to improve circulation.
ginger tea
relieves inflammation, improves brain function, relieves menstrual cramps, regulates blood sugar levels, lowers cholesterol levels, and promotes healthy digestive systems.
matcha tea
burns fat, provides energy, can help reduce anxiety, improves skin, improves concentration, improves oral health, quenches hunger and quenches thirst naturally.
how many cups of tea to drink per day? 3 at the most
when do i drink tea? sometimes in the morning, but i usually drink it after lunch and dinner.
remember that teas do not replace meals, they only complement to improve our health.
and it is much more recommendable if you get natural tea since its benefits are more potent.
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healthy-lifes · 2 years
Benefits of Butterfly Pea Flower Tea
1. Boosts Immune System
2. Keeps Skin Clear and Glowing
3. Reduces Stress + Anxiety
4. Lowers High Blood Pressure
5. Boosts Metabolism
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wonnieaura · 1 month
Wanna glow up this summer? Here are some few tips I’ve put down for y’all to help everyone of y’all have the best summer ever. You’re welcome girlies 🥹💗🫶🏻
1. Hydration
- Drink plenty of water.
- Use hydrating serums and moisturizers.
- Apply a hydrating mask weekly.
2. Sun Protection
- Use broad-spectrum SPF 30+ daily.
- Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.
- Wear protective clothing and hats.
3. Cleansing
- Double cleanse at night.
- Use a gentle, hydrating cleanser.
- Exfoliate 1-2 times a week.
4. Targeted Treatments
- Use vitamin C serum in the morning.
- Apply retinoids at night (if not too sensitive).
- Incorporate a hyaluronic acid serum.
1. Hydration and Protection
- Use a leave-in conditioner.
- Apply a heat protectant before styling.
- Wear hats or use UV protection sprays.
2. Styling
- Embrace natural textures.
- Avoid excessive heat styling.
- Use lightweight, non-greasy products.
3. Maintenance
- Get regular trims.
- Deep condition weekly.
- Use a clarifying shampoo once a month.
1. Hydration
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
- Consume water-rich foods (fruits and vegetables).
- Limit caffeine and alcohol intake.
2. Balanced Diet
- Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Incorporate lean proteins and whole grains.
- Limit processed foods and sugars.
3. Supplements
- Consider taking a multivitamin.
- Use omega-3 supplements.
- Incorporate probiotics for gut health.
1. Cardio
- Engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio per week.
- Try activities like swimming, running, or cycling.
- Include interval training for variety.
2. Strength Training
- Do strength training exercises 2-3 times a week.
- Focus on all major muscle groups.
- Incorporate bodyweight exercises like squats and push-ups.
3. Flexibility
- Stretch daily or after workouts.
- Consider yoga or Pilates classes.
- Focus on full-body stretches.
Mental Wellbeing
1. Mindfulness
- Practice meditation or deep breathing exercises.
- Keep a journal for reflection.
- Spend time in nature.
2. Stress Management
- Engage in hobbies or activities you enjoy.
- Set aside time for relaxation.
- Connect with friends and family.
3. Sleep
- Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
- Establish a regular sleep schedule.
- Create a calming bedtime routine.
1. Wardrobe Essentials
- Invest in versatile summer pieces (e.g., sundresses, shorts).
- Choose breathable fabrics like cotton and linen.
- Opt for light and bright colors.
2. Accessories
- Use statement sunglasses and hats.
- Incorporate light scarves and jewelry.
- Carry a stylish yet functional bag.
3. Footwear
- Wear comfortable yet stylish sandals.
- Opt for breathable sneakers.
- Ensure proper foot care with pedicures.
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biophilianutrition · 1 month
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Sporty Girls
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growandrecover · 2 months
positive & neutral recovery affirmations for summer
Hi, loves! I hope you're all doing well! Here are some affirmations for those of you that are going into summer!!
I included the last one for both in case there are those of you that just read one section. I wanted everyone to see it :)
You're all baddies!! Have a great summer and enjoy yourselves! ♡
I don't need to get/have a "summer body", mine is perfect the way it is
I look good in summer clothes because my body is beautiful the way it is
I don't need to "fit into" the outfits I want to wear. I can wear (and rock) them as I am.
I look good in shorts/tank tops/skirts/dresses/short sleeves.
It's okay to feel beautiful/handsome/attractive
I can trust myself to nourish my body
I will nourish my body, despite the shorter clothes
I look good in a swimsuit
I can enjoy the fact that I like the way I look
Other people's beauty does not take away my own
I can be confident
I deserve to be confident
The people around me not eating does not mean I'm not allowed to eat. I can feed my body.
I will enjoy food this summer, despite the clothes/swimsuits
I am happier without my ed
My recovery body is a beautiful body
I am content with my recovery body
Having ed thoughts does not mean my recovery is weak. I can overcome them.
Engaging in ed behaviors will not make me any more confident, they'll only worsen my mental health and body image.
Eating more than someone else is okay, and I deserve to fuel my body.
Other people commenting negatively on my recovery/body/food intake is their issue, not mine.
I do not need to lose weight to get/have a "summer body"
Just because the people I see online/in person have a specific body type, it does not mean I have to have that body type.
Since it's summer (or almost), I now have a "summer body"
The shorts/skirts/dresses/short sleeves/tank tops are meant to fit me, I am not meant to fit into them
Despite the warm weather and shorter clothes, I still need to nourish my body
I do not need to engage in ed behaviors to "look good" in summer clothes (because you already do ♡)
I deserve to wear the clothes I want to wear
I deserve to feel good/content in the clothes I want to wear
If I can't feel good or content in those outfits, that's okay. My recovery is not weaker because of it.
If I can't be happy with what I see in the mirror yet, that's okay. (you will get there)
If I put a swimsuit on, I now have a "swimsuit body"
It's okay if I am not ready to wear a swimsuit
It's okay if I *am* ready to wear a swimsuit
Having ed thoughts during this time is not a failure
I can ask for help if I need it
I am allowed to ask for help if I need it
I am allowed to enjoy food even if the clothes are more revealing
I can enjoy food even if the clothes are more revealing
Eating more than someone else is not a bad thing
Eating something when others are not, is okay.
Other people commenting negatively on my recovery/body/food intake is their issue, not mine.
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mywellnessdiaries · 9 days
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Glow up with me ! ❣˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
brush your teeth & use a tongue scraper first thing in the morning
drink a full glass of water with a pinch of himalayan or sea salt and add a little bit of lemon. note: If you're gonna add lemon use a straw to avoid damaging your teeth
DIY milk face mask: cool trick to give your skin that instant glow. start off by simply pouring raw milk in an ice tray and allow it to freeze. take an ice cube, rub it on your skin for 3-4 minute. then gently massage your face, do this just before you sleep to wake up to a brighter and fresher face.
try hot & cold gel bead eye mask with collagen pearls:  soothe your eyes by heating up (better sleep, decongests sinuses, better blood flow to eye area) or cooling down (soothes tired, reduces dark circles and under-eye puffiness) increasing blood circulation.
use a gua sha and a face roller, it is essential to choose a high-quality, cold-pressed oil, preferably organic. I recommend to use argan or jojoba oil.
buy a water filter !! once the impurities are removed from your tap water it’s much easier for you to achieve clear and vitalized skin
Give a little massage at the end of the day, your body will be grateful! Improves blood circulation while relaxes your stress levels. (I'll be posting soon different kind of massage, trigger points and ways to give yourself a massage more easiliy w objects)
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lillycoco · 5 days
happy days surround you :)
Imagine this:
It's a warm Saturday morning, you've just woken up and are making yourself a big cup of coffee to start the day. The birds are chirping outside and you decide to sit out to catch the first rays of sunshine of the day and look at the trees whose leaves are lush green and carry the feeling of summer.
You take your first sip of coffee and feel the warmth slowly spreading through your body.
You take a deep breath and realize that all your worries and negative thoughts are actually not as relevant as you once thought. You realize that all the goals you have set for yourself are actually achievable and so much closer than you thought. You realize that all the time you thought you could always do more and be better and perform better, you were already enough and always will be. In this moment you realize that all these years you have already overcome all the demands, hurdles, unexpected situations, strokes of fate and difficult times. No matter how hopeless your situation seemed, you always found a solution.
Bad thoughts will cross your path again and difficult situations will come your way again in the future, but you can finally take a more relaxed approach to life because you can finally allow yourself to think that you already have everything inside you that will allow you to do what fulfills you and make you happy. You've made it this far, why shouldn't you be able to make it in the future? This is just the beginning of your long journey and happy days will surround you.
You exhale, take another big sip from your cup and feel ready for the day ahead. Ready for the life that awaits you and that you will shape yourself.
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boringgg-bunnyyy · 4 days
a green witch’s guide to keeping cool this summer 🧊
if you’re like me and the summer heat feels like hell on earth, you may want to create some cooling brews to keep you calm, cool, and collected this summer
there are a ton of herbs that have been used across cultures to cool down the body during the hot summer months
examples include:
lemongrass 🍋
chrysanthemum 🌸
lavender 🪻
spearmint 🌱
and many more
now be warned, online you may see other herbs like peppermint, chamomile, and lemon balm listed but these act as a diaphoretic, meaning they will induce sweating, and while sweating is the body’s way of cooling down, it is also a sensory nightmare for folks like myself so you may want to avoid these
instead you should give my signature lavender hibiscus lemonade a try 🌺🍋
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buglover77 · 1 year
-I know this sucks, but if you will be getting sweaty, it’s best to avoid wearing it as much as you can. That sweat will CEMENT a binder onto you and makes compression tops VERY hard to get off. Obviously some places are hotter than others so this may not be a problem for you at all! But where I live it can be 115 degrees just on a casual summer Tuesday
-That said, if you’re wearing your binder out and getting sweaty, BABY POWDER WORKS WONDERS. No stinkum stinkum or chafing, dump that on in the whole thing, not just the paneling. HOWEVER it WILL NOT stop you from sweating. It WILL NOT stop the binder from sticking to you if it’s hot enough. But, it will keep the binder much fresher for much longer.
-Be VERY CAREFUL about overheating. It’s a compressive top. It’s not exactly meant to be breathable. The compression panel will not let in good airflow. If you’re binding even though it’s hot, PLEASE stay well hydrated with electrolytes.
-Part B of that: Strenuous activity is a no-go. I know some people will do a lot of physical activity in their binder (even when you aren’t supposed to!!!) but summer is NOT THE TIME to play with that boundary. You will overheat, and you will get sick.
-Dysphoria is a bitch, and not wearing a binder can really really super suck for some people, but oversized button downs really do help. Yes, I know it’s a stereotype. But it’s light weight with good airflow AND helps hide your shape. They’re also a kind of shirt that’s somewhat easier to get with a variety of budgets, as a lot of both firsthand and secondhand stores will have them.
In summary, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be safe out there. It gets hot. Be careful. Stay hydrated. Bind responsibly.
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