#Mindfulness and meditation for anxiety
soldier-of-self · 1 year
How to Tell if Shortness of Breath is from Anxiety - Find Out Here!
Struggling to Catch Your Breath? Anxiety May Be the Culprit! Learn how to identify & cope with anxiety-induced shortness of breath in this comprehensive guide. Take back control of your breath! #AnxietyRelief #MentalHealthTips #BreatheEasy
If you’ve ever experienced that dreaded feeling of struggling to catch your breath, you’re not alone. Many of us face the overwhelming effects of anxiety on our respiratory system, leaving us gasping for air even in seemingly calm situations. As someone who has battled anxiety firsthand, I understand how it can hijack your breathing and make you feel like you’re drowning in your thoughts. In this…
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ilovedirt · 10 months
Mind wanderer: I spend a lot of my mental time thinking aimlessly about my real life in a variety of ways, including creating simulations of real life scenarios involving other people, things in the real world, or projections into the past/future of my present reality
Day dreamer: I spend a lot of my mental time intentionally or aimlessly creating completely fictitious scenarios in my head about creatures, characters, places, and things that do not and/or can not exist in my present reality
Mindful thinker: I spend a lot of my mental time intentionally focusing on the real, present moment of my present existence and experience
Mental ruminator: I spend a lot of my mental time thinking about one thing obsessively, and this one thing may change from time to time to another thing I will think about obsessively, regardless of whether the thing is based in my present reality
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postitforward · 2 years
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Hello there, lovely people 🌅
We have nothing but good news for you. It is March—the end of March, in fact. And spring is *close* to have sprung, which can only mean good things. Sunshine, color, and time to spend outside with friends or reading under a tree. It’s so close you can almost touch it.🌻
However, calmer blue skies does not always mind a calmer, more peaceful mind. In fact, mindfulness and self-care are essential wellbeing practices for all four seasons, not just the dark and cold months. And while things may be bright and sunny outside, in your mind can be a very different story. But this is where we have someone and something we think that might just help with that: it’s your facilitator for this week’s class Jasmine Marie, CEO and Founder of black girls breathing®! The theme for this session is Breathwork for Anxiety🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🏾🧘🏾‍♀️🧘🏿‍♂️🧘🏾
They know what they are talking about, too. After all, black girls breathing®, provides a safe space for Black women and girls to manage their mental health, and reflect on and heal their trauma through breathwork and community. They aim to offer free and accessible mental health resources to one million Black women and girls by 2025.
So come join us for a class with Jasmine for a breathwork session to provide you with the tools to ease moments of anxiety. These moments will always be there, but breathwork is an active meditation that helps regulate one’s nervous system to create more feelings of calm and decrease stress and anxiety. It could be an essential tool, and it is totally free, too. Nothing to pay, everything to gain. So why not get involved and join us for black girls breathing®, for Mindful Monday on March 27 at 12pm EST.
Want to learn more about @blackgirlsbreathing?
Check out their website!
Ask black girls breathing all the questions on your mind for IssueTime on Navigating Anxiety in an increasingly digital, lonely world
Get to know black girls breathing's founder, Jasmine Marie on her Tumblr Spotlight
Take the pledge with black girls breathing®
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luminarai · 2 years
Just found this app called breasy that I highly recommend to people with breathing issues related to anxiety, stress, asthma, vcd, chronic hyperventilation, and the like. Or if you just want to work on some breathing exercises for mindfulness or meditation.
It’s totally free and comes with 5 different breathing exercises with super short descriptions of what they can be used for.
It looks like this, but you can remove the stars if you want to
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You can also add/remove vibrations and sounds for the exercises so that you get a soft chime or vibration when you need to exhale/hold/inhale (the chimes are pitched slightly different depending on the action so you can use it without looking as well, which I really like!). You can also set a timer for a session.
I’ve really struggled with asthma related breathing issues lately and this is pretty helpful for me when it comes to not over-inhaling or panicking when I’m waiting for my medication to kick in when I’m having an asthma attack, so I just wanted to pass a recommendation along in case it could help someone else too.
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samuwhal · 1 year
We need to change how we talk about self-help techniques.
By self-help techniques, I’m talking about: grounding, mindfulness, meditation, breathing exercises, physical activity, and--the big one--yoga. I have struggled with my mental health since I was fifteen, and just now, I am realizing how much these things can actually help. I am almost twenty-six years old, and I will have been in therapy for ten years this fall. Let me tell you, I have spent so much of that time renouncing these tools. Recently, though I’ve realized that: holy shit, they can really work...but man they are offered to struggling people in the worst possible light.
TL;DR: Just because suggestions about ways to manage mental illness are framed as “you have to try it or you want to be sick” doesn’t mean that they can’t actually work or that you are invalidating yourself by trying or being helped by them. Featuring personal anecdotes and a boat metaphor.
I know I am not alone in that the idea of these techniques and exercises just made my skin crawl. They made me feel vulnerable in a way which really scared me, they felt impossible to initiate in the moments needed most, and--ultimately--they felt incredibly diminutive. Think about it: people getting sucked into rapids will drown cursing your name if all you do is insist they have to “ride the wave.” “Fuck you.”
When I began taking anti-depressants, it was not without a fight. I’m lucky; my parents were willing and able to put me in therapy as soon as I asked. But with medication, they were concerned it was a shortcut, that I would be on pills for the rest of my life, and that the chemicals would change me and do “the work” for me, as if this was an issue of character development and not brain malfunction. Why wouldn’t I just do something relaxing when I was upset? Why wasn’t I leaning more into my spirituality? Why wasn’t I letting anything else help me?
And that’s the problem! I tried to explain that I would be able to use those techniques easier if medication brought my overall symptoms down. You wouldn’t expect me to paddle upstream against a tsunami, but I could feasibly make progress against a strong current. Even at that point, if I go over rapids, I want a fucking life jacket, not somebody with their feet firmly planted on the riverbank shouting, “Try yoga!” Though I of course continued therapy in addition to medicine, I still resisted any advice having to do with self-help because of that sentiment.
To be clear, I’m still very pro-medication and for eliminating that stigma. Really, though, when somebody is having such debilitating symptoms--emotions--that they feel like they are getting pulled underwater and gasping for air, it’s not fair that the solution could be something as effortless as breathing in while counting until it’s better. That sounds like bullshit. Mental illness physically hurts, but to outsiders, it’s all in your head, and it would be fine if only you could step back and appreciate how good you have it. If “mindfulness” works, then maybe those people are right, and that can’t be true. It hurts too much to be true.
However, I want you to know that your struggles won’t be any less legitimate if something simple actually does end up helping. I have two stories here:
1. Last year, after wanting to start for ages, I finally began exercising: just going to the gym a couple of times a week. My goal was only to feel better in my body, not really to do anything for myself mentally. I even hired a personal trainer to write work-out routines for me to follow, both to hold myself accountable (I won’t skip if I’m paying someone) and just so I wouldn’t be totally lost the second I walked in. But I have felt so many unexpected mental benefits, as well:
Getting my heart rate and breathing elevated--and continuing to exert myself through it--has kept me steadier when anxiety starts to set in. I feel more confident knowing that I can lift heavy things, run distances, and because I did something productive. I’m not stress or bored-eating, not necessarily because I’m afraid I’ll “put the calories back,” but because I’m simply more regulated. I have been sleeping better since pushing my muscles has reduced my lower back pain. I don’t procrastinate showering if I’ve just gotten back from the gym. When I sit down to schoolwork, I focus easier if I had exercised. Something something endorphins. I know I’m starting to sound like a “bro,” but the point is that these are huge benefits to exercising that just don’t get mentioned by the people crudely suggesting that it will fix your depression.
2. A couple of months ago, I was having a bad night, and the “don’t believe any negative thoughts about yourself after 10 p.m.” rule had gone out the window. I did what many of us have taught ourselves to do and asked for a lifeline: I texted my girlfriend in the same room (because vocalizing it was too hard) asking if she would come over to sit with me. I didn’t even realize I was having an anxiety attack, but she did. At first, I felt too frozen and in-pain when she asked me to sit up from clutching the fetal position. Instrumentally, though, she said that she wanted to help, but I had to help myself, too. She was throwing me a ring, but I had to swim and meet her halfway. I sat up.
She held me and led me through a “find five things in the room” exercise, and fuck me: it helped. No, I wasn’t cured. I’m still not. But this broke my self-destructive loop, and I was able to go to sleep relaxed. This was an epiphany for me. I could have provided myself this tool, this comfort, the entire ten years I’ve been dealing with this shit! Instead, I’ve just been enduring it, hoping against everything pulling me down that--instead of drowning--I’ll eventually kick the riverbed where it’s shallow enough to stand.
When self-help techniques are offered to mentally ill people, they tend to be used as a “gotcha:” you could easily be better, if only you wanted to try. To be completely fair, this isn’t always the meaning. However, it only takes a couple of those microaggressions to ensure you shut down when your therapist or a concerned loved one asks if you've tried "grounding” before.
Please, take it from me: these tools aren’t just leaky arm floats that people who never even needed to learn how to swim offer just to feel better as they watch you struggle. They are a life jacket to keep you afloat when you tip, a wider paddle to outrun the rapids, a better rudder and tiller so you can actually steer, a bailing bucket for when things get dicey, or pontoons so you won’t tip so readily. Trying self-help techniques doesn’t disclaim what you’re going through, they just might make it more bearable.
And you’re worth that.
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maxiglow · 7 months
things I did this week instead of rotting in bed
the last three weeks were pretty awful since I lost myself in a major depressive phase, leading me to need a psychiatric report. but the this week I tried to to some things different that lead me to feel slightly better (which is already great)! better a few things than nothing!!
I ate healthy food, lots of fruits (specially strawberries, my fav one) and I ate breakfast everyday;
I walked for two hours on thursday (I forgot to use my smartwatch to count the steps but it was a lot!!);
I allowed myself to rest a lot which was relaxing and frustrating since I felt more depressed afterwards but I indeed needed to sleep my stress away;
I *kinda* organized my bedroom, it’s still pretty messy but it doesn’t have rotten food in my bed anymore;
I went back to journaling;
I went back to my meditation practices and I was even able to meditate for 30 minutes straight!!
inspired by @unfuckup <3
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simplicity-16 · 7 months
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Perspective Positive Mind Frame Quote Vectorised Simplified Graphic Illustration Wall Art. Nigh Sky, Moon, Stones, Meditation.
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seedsense · 19 days
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The ability to move on!
Stop ... Breathe ... Feel
Recenter !
What do you feel?
A little anxious ! But I know I have me.
Surrendering into inner space.
I'm here... exhale...
I'm grateful in the middle of the unknown because I choose to. ✨️
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tomasorban · 4 months
⚕️ Subliminal megapost for Living in the present moment and to quiet mental chatter
✨If you have OCD or PTSD or are in fight-or-flight mode, or if you are overthinker, this is for you:
If you wish to download it, you can use >this< downloader (and just close the windows which auto-pop up) to grab 320kb audio version and loop/autoreplay it infinitely in your fav audio player in phone, or free VLC player from app store can do that for you.
You can also find more for yourself like > this.
Related theme audio > Stop overthinking.
Dont forget to read description boxes under vids.
I hope your situation gets better asap. 🍀🙌🍀
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills
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Mindfulness and Meditation
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🌱Some DBT Skills my Psychologist gave me. I want to post these here for anyone else who may find it helpful. I know how hard mental health disorders are to manage and I want to atleast try to help someone else who may also be struggling with this. I am going to challenge myself to practice these skills and just try to think more optimistically. That is going to be challenging considering how cynical my mind has become after so many bad experiences, but nothing is impossible.🌿
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This post wouldn't be complete without a cute cat in it. Stay strong and take care of yourselves. ❤️🌸
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thatoneluckybee · 10 months
Noticed a strange trend and wanting to test something…
Feel free to reblog for sample size—and feel free to explain further in tags, text reblogs, and replies if you vote! Also please say whether you found it helpful or not (if you read it) if you want; personally, I never do. Just curious about a trend.
(ALSO feel free to tag with any type of neurodivergence or tag or whatever! I cannot reasonably think of every tag or way to be neurodivergent so feel free to help with your tagging! And if a single one of you is ableist towards any form of neurodivergence on this post I will joyously smite you into the sun.)
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lunion · 5 months
One of the worst things college has ever did to me was making me feel like I'll never have time to enjoy the things I want.
One of the best things it did was helping me realize is that the only reason I felt this way was because it forced me to realize not only my time was finite, but it made me realize so were my choices.
And the only way I can be happy is by not trying to do everything at once, but choosing what makes sense to me and my life.
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shamelesslyimpurrfect · 2 months
Finally locked in and meditated every morning for 15-30 minutes for the last 30 days. And I noticed some incredible changes that continue(d) to improve everyday:
Easier to take a step back in frustrating situations and think before I act
I’m able to catch negative thought patterns and correct them much quicker, instead of allowing myself to spiral
I have much more motivation and desire to be creative instead of sitting in front of a screen; I’ve started a painting and look forward to working on it!
I’ve been taking more action within my life instead of waiting for things to happen
I’m excited to see how these things will continue to improve and what new changes will pop up within the next 30 days! 🧘🪷
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urloveangel · 2 years
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369masonanderson · 3 months
An Introduction to the Art of Meditation
Mediation activities and their daily practice is not a new thing as it also belongs to our ancestors. People of old times were very well aware of meditation art and its advantages.
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Now-a-days, individuals like to include meditation as an indispensable part of their lives to bring an immense distinction in their lifestyle an attitude. The process of mediation includes numerous postures and steps. Most commonly used of these postures are as under.
1. Cross Legged Posture
2. Seated posture
3. Kneeling posture
4. Corpse posture
5. Hand gesture
At present, the most recent technological advancements are considered as the best way of introducing techniques of meditation to people across the globe.
Generally, Meditation CD is considered as the best way in this regard.Meditation plays a vital role in the lives of a lot of people with an aim of cultivating pleasure and internal peace.
These are two most important parts of a person's internal nature. But, the impending barriers in human nervous systems results in deprivation of getting such things.
Therefore, it is required to perform any of the meditation activities on daily basis. It will help in the removal of these hindrances in your nervous system. Yoga practices also enhance your capabilities to cope with stressful situations of your life.
Quietness of your internal nature can only be attained with the aid of proper enlightenment and nourishment.The meditation CD is a good source, which can offers proper guidance to perform different meditation activities.
Orientation is the most important and vital aspect of all kinds of meditations. In fact, if you understand the philosophy behind the meditation then you can get maximum benefits out of it.Meditation is basically a simple process of conscious relaxation.
It is a combination of processes and postures, which involves human brain to achieve state of pleasure and tranquility. Concentration is the backbone of all meditation techniques.
Free you mind of all thoughts and try to get rid of all sorts of distractions to fall in the deep meditation state. Numerous health specialists revealed that patients of stress and anxiety do not need drugs for curing purposes.
They can easily overcome such problems by bringing into play any of the best suitable meditation technique. The meditation has been proven as successful cure from years to reduce depression and anxiety. It is also the best solution to prevent you from panic attacks.
Meditation is nothing but an enjoyment of flow of positive energy in your body. So, you can do meditation by just feeling relaxed by lying on floor. All you need is that your back should be in comfortable mode. Conventional styles of meditation like prayers are the most excellent ways to bring your brain in an ideally relaxed state.
Now, you can get all inclusive information about meditation, its techniques and performing facts in CD format. You can get these CDs from your nearby market. However, Meditation CDs are now extensively available on internet. Just search out the most reliable website offering CDs with absolute information about meditation exercises.
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