#I would like to vent please?
newtdoods · 2 years
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saggitary · 6 months
Just a reminder that Echo, after being held as a POW for like a year, frozen in a cyro chamber, having just been disconnected from the mainframe by having a cable yanked out of his fucking spinal cord goes:
Echo: *raspy might be dying voice* Rex
Rex: What is it!??? *<- terrified that he is absolutely dying*
Echo: I’ve got a big head ache 😙
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starryjoy · 14 days
"Trans" is merely one of the many adjectives that describe me but in the eyes of so many people so many things I do will immediately be tied to that adjective.
So many things I feel weird talking about because everyone assumes I am like this because of my transness.
Me being openly very sexual in nature while being a woman? Well, I am a trans woman, need to remember that!
And the thing is so many people don't do this maliciously. So many people have simply internalized the misogynistic idea that women have to be one certain way and when they see a woman who isn't that way... well, if she's cis, she's a weirdo, but if she's trans... well of course, that explains everything doesn't it!
And the people who are seen as cis women in this equation also suffer please don't get me wrong. They get shunned and talked about with intrigue and wonder like they're some sort of mythical beast.
But to the people who are seen as trans women then a part of the observer so often will go "makes sense" as if they discovered the one single key to read humanity.
I am also curious how other people under the trans umbrella feel to this stuff. My idea is that we probably have similar but different relations to having the adjective "trans" heavily influence how people see us, and I would like hearing them out.
Also absolutely necessary disclaimer that it's great if to you personally the adjective is so important that it defines parts of your personality! I won't yuck someone's yum and stuff. I'm just tired personally of feeling like so many people will immediately think of me as trans before they think of me as anything else, but I get the idea of that being something someone could like.
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hauntedhazard · 4 days
does anyone know how to like. make someone not be your fp anymore. without just cutting them off
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rorah · 7 months
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The mentally stable Dimitri Fire emblem 3 hopes.
It surprises me that there's still ppl claiming so, but then I remember we're talking about 3h interpretations and I have to make peace with it.
But that doesn't stop me from venting a little bit in this little space I have lol. Actually, it dries me and makes me feel bad to bring this up because I will have to talk bad about Dedue, and I don't want to talk Bad about Dedue. He's a genuinely good boy. But "Human" nonetheless, which means Flaws. I like Felix too but he's become some sort of a clown that doesn't make me feel too bad. I like Felix tho, In a different way.
Mostly talking about these two because the take that "Dimitri has better support system" baffles me because, technically, these two are his support system in HopesVerse. The persons who Dimitri relays on and seek solace/advice/support. The rest doesn't really tackle any of his personal struggles (aside from the Mage!Mitri frustrated dream, but that's out of the bad equation in our 'mentally unwell' set of pixels, and Shez only has a glimpse). Contrary, to Houses verse where the whole blue lions cast knew about his shit, didn't know what to do, but didn't leave either.
I tackled this topic with other person on Twitter who was (or still is) on board with this take and the phrase they used was They contained him better, which of course I agree and remarked that was exactly the problem. Contain him is gonna be contra productive. I used a water dam analogy, where the structure of such dam is damaged, and the pressure of water keeps accumulating. Causing a foreseeable damage for the dam itself and the surroundings. You don't need to be a genius to understand it, you need experience or knowledge for mental ill topics tho.
I really don't want to extend so much on here because it's mostly just, rant format more than a proper analysis so I just want to point out these two things in their support conversations.
First, Dedue. Encourage him to keep on the vengeful path. Which we know was the final goal of Azure Moon and if you payed attention to 3 houses message. The whole Vengeful argument was something Bad, to keep it simple. Despite Dimitri actively looking for answers/guidance for something that, in a rational state he can see clearly like vengeance will consume his life (also Shez and Felix called out this behavior). Dedue answer only encourage him to keep on that path, because he would do that 💔. Presenting 2 oposite views is a great formula for confusion and disorientation. Now, Dedue's role is primary SUPPORT, not guidance nor orientation. He will support his shit no matter what, and we are quite aware of that if played Houses.
Second, Felix. Felix is a special case. He is smart but also an idiot lacks A LOT of soft skills to actually be of help. He's the only one who knows in this verse about Dimitri having a mental issue. In their A support to say the least, so they don't close or solve anything. What makes it more worrisome is the fact that Felix conceals the issue as a secret.
"So try to keep that whole "removing their heads" thing in check, yeah? We can just call it our little secret."
this extract here makes me feel so unwell 😭help
The whole burden falls over him and his lack of skills and wisdom on the matter will be too much for him later on. He at least, will be able to recognize that the problem is beyond of his capabilities and will look for help. Felix himself has his own issues and journey where he needs to learn. He's forced to get pass beyond some of his angry teen behavior but hasn't completely get over it.
There is a lot more to tackle, but that requires more work and time. What are the topics some of you think is important to cover around understanding the Hopes verse resolution? Dimitri's route? something? Do you think the route without Byleth is better? With that being said, I would like to delve deeper into character analysis, and the role each played for the Lords too. That also requires to talk about the Byleth and needs a whole analysis on their own, which requires time (which i don't have much lol) To end this vent, I would like to encourage people to do a little research for the terminology they're using like "Support System". Who makes it up and how it operates successfully. The fact that ppl saying "he has better support system" only because he didn't go feral on the run alone is not entirely valid. A reminder that people can feel alone with or without people around them. And containing the issue within doesn't solve any problem. At best, it's presented later. At worse, it gets worse.
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moeblob · 25 days
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idk if it's a fun fact or not but! Right's favorite color is green. He never wears green but it's his favorite color. then I've been working on silly emotes for my OCs and they're "disappointeddad" and "tryme".
(Also there is an AU where these two are knights along with Paul and Evelyn while Brent/Caspian/Atticus are princes. Chris is basically Caspian's personal guard while Right just runs around trying to do everything to stay busy even when not on duty which stresses Chris out. But since he's kinda busy with the crown prince it defaults to Paul having to babysit Right.)
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lxkeee · 3 months
If you hate yourself make an ai bot of yourself and fuck it ig-
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rauhallinen-hauki · 3 months
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sujeto: Shephard
estado: detenido
evaluación adicional pendiente
dicen que estar en estasis es como un sueño largo, durmiendo en el vacío. ¿pero qué pasa si el pastor no sabe contar sus ovejas?
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danidrawsstuff · 2 months
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i would like to go through one (1) month in peace 🥹
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witchqueen · 2 months
Does anyone have any tips to help stop yourself from comparing your artwork to others, or equating your value as an artist with likes and reblogs?
I've struggled with this for a while and it's getting old, I don't know how to just shrug it off. Any genuine advice would be nice
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sysig · 11 months
For the last day of requestober, can you please draw something spooky/scary with Negative RGB? With all the cool lighting stuff you've been doing recently, I think it could be very dramatic, and I'd love to see him in your style!
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Day 31 -Pl̷̼͙̯̼̟̈́͒̃̓͆e̵̢͔̞̤̯͗as̴̨͆̒̏e dö̸̧̢̝̳́͝ not̸̨̞͔̗͆̔͝ͅ ̶̦̋͒a̵̪͋̉̈́̒djus̶̪͔͎̘͈̍́̂̅̚t yö̶̙̺͎́͘u̷͚̙̿̓͆r sc̸̙͍͒rę̸̰̺̣̿̓͌̔̎en̴̏̈́͊ͅ
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lesbiantrish · 2 months
i just wish for once someone would dm me first
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sharkfund · 3 months
what if i Dont want insane intense very niche and graphic smiling friends angst. what if i just want them to kiss and hang out and be funny. Why is that like a herculian writing task for ao3
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yesloulou · 6 months
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jdropglitchartz · 9 days
Guys if you make a ask dont say the same thing/spam it- its getting quite overwhelming and sometimes makes me think yall are bots- am really close to closing my asks cuz i love asks and all but if you spam them randomly or overwhelm me with asks to much i might close them for this, cuz now the only asks i see are mostly "donate to me" or "please donate" Dont get me wrong i love that people are comfortable enough to put this in my asks and all but please also try to ask other questions- i am more of a entertainer and someone to vent to then someone to suddenly spam or continuously ask for donations when, I DONT HAVE MONEY. i dont like how people are suddenly thinking i can donate when i really can- am a minor and id rather not deal with the overwhelming asks of "please donate to me" also the gaza and paleistan situation, the situation is horrible. but if you keep spamming me about donations and stuff it can start to overwhelm and get me uncomfortable i dont mind reposting and helping the best i can but i dont have money.. if i had money i would donate the best i can- but i dont have enough money to be able to help- i plan on getting money when am a adult but currently am in a situation where am not a adult but people keep spamming me- its making me not use tumblr as much [when i really love tumblr] because of how overwhelming it becoming for me because most people who are suffering and need donations are sending this to someone without money and someone who really wants to help- i feel alot of peoples pains and it hurts more seeing people suffer.. i really wanna help but i cant the most i can do is repost and repost but if people keep spamming me or even just straight up contuniesly breaking boundries in the asks. i will not hesitate to close them. i will support gaza and paleistine the best i can but this is not helping me try to help- i wanted to draw all my ocs with the palestine flag but i cant do that if i keep getting so many asks for donations i dont have the money and i cant do much about it. if i really could help with the situation and donate I WOULD BY NOW. but if you guys countlessly spam me for donations i will not be able to do most things without maybe getting overstimulated i hope you guys understand this post and please try to stay safe! Have a nice day ⭐💜💚⭐
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wrylu · 7 months
idk why i'm so moody these days but i find my despair funny
aka my average day as of now
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