#cause her ahoge is her halo
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sweetestflow3rs · 8 days ago
OKAY…. by show of hands, mutuals, who would be okay with me drawing noel briefly interacting with their n/pc & knowing they would bond ( can be hostile or positive ), so i can do a small comic foreplay buildup that foreshadows the wren dubconning noel event—
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tanya-shiza · 10 months ago
Ember // LMK OC Art & Info
Kinda created for my SIB AU, where the story of the canon characters turned out differently.
Ember still can be in the canon, but, obviously, with a changed backstory. (look at the end of the post).
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Ember or «Demonic ember from the Moon».
Birth story:
Moon Goddess - Chang'e - trained to cook many, many years ago, dreaming that one day she could teach everyone how to cook as well as her only friend, the moon rabbit. However, Chang'e was distracted and the rice ball burned. The Goddess threw it onto the sky, like any another star, but the coal couldn't stay in the sky and became fallen star.
The coal fell into the cave of a snow-capped mountain, which people unsuccessfully tried to conquer. When it hit the ground, it split into two pieces.
One of it fell into a human campfire: mixed with smoke, cosmic dust and campfire's coal, Ember appeared into this world - with black, wavy hair like his mom's(Chang'e) and dark blue eyes like the night sky.
The second piece fell into a pile of human bones. Ember noticed that the second piece could not decide for a long time what kind of appearance to choose for itself. It wanted something special. Something perfect. Ember intervened to help, and a female demon with white skin, white hair and crimson eyes was born, completely unlike Ember or Chang'e. The demon wasn't happy at all that she was interrupted, but Ember interrupted the perfectionist demon again, calling her little sister. The Bone Demon pouts and pushes Ember away, accidentally using magic that causes one of Ember's locks to turn white and stiffer. It curls up and now looks like a false halo.
The Bone Demon feels guilty, because now Ember's hair is not perfectly black and soft. But Ember suddenly for the demon enjoys her new white ahoge(?). She tells the perfectionist demon that she made her perfect and there is nothing to feel guilt about.
Short Facts:
Ember & Lady Bone Demon are sisters. (Let me be honest this is the reason why I created Ember in the first place. It's so funny to me to observe that the cold Lady Bone Demon is actually a younger sister, and her older one behaves incredibly infantile. 🤭)
Ember wants to explore the whole world which expresses Chang'e's desire to show her cooking to the whole world. (Lady Bone Demon expresses desire to help everyone in need.)
Ember had a strong influence on the young Lady, which subsequently made her so stubborn and confident in her rightness. However, Ember still retained her authority and the Lady may sometimes reckon with Ember, perceiving her as the voice of morality and subsequently of conscience, which the Lady does not have. (Please note that the Lady in SIB AU is slightly different from the canon. For example, she did not ice the entire empire, but actually arranged the overthrow of the Emperor. She also has no plans to use samadi fire to destroy the whole universe—)
Neither Ember nor the Lady Bone Demon know that they were born because of Chang'e. Even Chang'e herself doesn't know.
Ember believes that she is a demon born from a falling star, but since she woke up in a campfire, she named herself an «ember». (Lady Bone Demon guesses that they weren't born from a falling star, but it's useless to convince Ember.)
In Canon:
Outside of the SIB AU, it is obvious that Ember and Lady are not sisters. And even more: Lady is much older than Ember. However, there was a period when Ember followed Lady Bone Demon purely out of curiosity. Ember perceives Lady as a best friend with whom she can talk about anything and who will help, but Lady Bone Demon perceives Ember simply as a fool who cannot think longer than 3 seconds.
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dialoguelostloop · 4 years ago
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remember when my hand slipped and i accidentally a bunch of hollow knight gijinkas? the hand... did not stop from keep slipping, suffice to say lol. i think i’m done now though.
part one (ghost, hornet, the dreamers, and quirrel) can be found here. notes on these folks will be under a readmore!
please read my faq page! (tl;dr version: dont use my art for icons/graphics/whatever without getting my permission beforehand, please use neutral pronouns for hollow and any other vessels in any tags/commentary, dont tag as kin/me/whatever pls)
HOLLOW - as i mentioned under ghost’s gijinka description, i think proximity to void & pale being energy is what causes vessel growth. when tpk figured this out he, like, supercharged hollow with both so that they’d be fully grown as quickly as possible. this is how they wound up 6′7″ at all of 12, which just gave them fragile joints and height dysphoria as severe as ghost’s. they went into the black egg with the same bob haircut and it grew out badly while they were in there. they’re not totally blind in their right eye, but their vision in it’s pretty bad and they’ve lost some red/green definition too. their prosthetic arm works through soul so they can take it off whenever they want, which is good, because it’s not very comfortable.
GRIMM (and grimmchild) - from what i’ve seen most grimm gijinkas lean into the circus master/dracula side, so i went for the clown/catboy angle instead lol. yes that’s greasepaint. i was going for “almost sexy, but unfortunately still a weird clown” but am informed by friends that i overshot and he wound up hot anyway. as for grimmchild, i really just wanted them to be a kid in a kigurumi for each in-game charm level lol. they start out looking 3 but grow a year with each ritual stage completed, so lv4 grimmchild is 6. whether grimm is cis or trans/perisex or intersex depends on what the previous grimmchild was, so he’s used to his anatomy changing with each reincarnation. he never dresses any differently either.
WHITE LADY - your weird alien mom who’s the face of Horny On Main... this is her precanon outfit, her midcanon one is gray and more covering lol. aside from the crown there’s just a lot of white palace foliage in her hair in general. her hair should always be drawn trailing off the edges of the canvas, like ultimate madoka.
RADIANCE - before anyone asks, tpk is obviously what happened to her legs. her prostheses are even more Cool But Uncomfortable than hollow’s (she literally has to float, you cannot walk on those toothpick feet) so her chair is very necessary for when she gets tired. yes the dreamshields on the big wheels actually function magically; its cushions are the same sort of cushion in seer’s room. her clothing patterns come from dream realm spirographs, from the normal and absolute versions of her canon halo, and the architecture found at the crater’s crown. also her hair just Does That naturally. her tears being the same color as her eyes/the infection is a little on the nose but it bears emphasis, so lmao
LACE - i wasn’t gonna do any silksong characters but... She... i poured as much Adorable Bastard Energy into her design as i could!!! i was really torn whether to adapt her canon design’s hat into a pink diamond hair type white afro or just a hat over cornrows or s/t. i went with Fluffy, but if we ever see lace without her hat in canon i guess i’ll retroactively make her fro into a wig so i can have both worlds
SEER - everyone knows i cannot turn down the option to give a character sky-patterned clothing, so seer’s cloak is the sky of the moths’ dream. the gold spirographs on her arms and face are religious body paint that only dream masters/dream nail teachers are allowed to wear; the wisteria pattern on her face (obv taken from the charms in her room/in the dream realm) is scarification.
MARMU - did you know that on real puss moth caterpillars the brown thing in the middle of their faces is their actual face, and what looks like a face and mouth around it is just camouflage to scare predators away? so obviously i had to put marmu in a big cloak that looks like her canon design as a recursive joke. she’s a lighter brown than the other moth characters because i have way more marmu sadstuck headcanons than anyone ever wanted, including me.
UNN - just wants to go back to sleep. she’s the tallest of the higher beings, probably pushing 8 feet. aside from her size her canon design is pretty unassuming so i just gave her Clothes Comfortable To Sleep In. the clasp on her cardigan is the shape of unn charm ofc.
BRETTA - i have found the new home of 90s antenna ahoge. it is a design choice made for bug gijinkas.
CLOTH - i could only picture her as a more subdued, brown-eyed/slightly lighter-skinned gideon nav. my apologies to taz.
MYLA - lost that front tooth in her line of work. mining is very dangerous. her hairstyle and freckles are just because i think both are cute lol
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pinkmistle06 · 3 years ago
Blitzø didn’t know what the hell was going on, all he knew was that he needed to kill this target. Both for money and because they were a threat to his home too, apparently. He still wasn’t sure about that.
The heart coming out was alarming, but he shook his head and looked back at Frisk.
“Enough talking.” He says as he takes aim once more, then pulls the trigger, hoping the bullet would go through the kid’s head.
*It does not, in fact, go through their head.
*Frisk moves at an inhuman speed, dodging the bullet.
*They hold up their knife to where Blitzø and Pink can see their reflections in the slightly dusty surface.
*And then, an unnerving and bloodthirsty smile glitches onto their face.
Frisk: =)
Fine then.
I suppose I'll have to reveal my true nature.
Cause here we go!
(Cut below bc this is gonna be long, but I suggest looking to know my new appearance)
*Her SOUL shines bright as a halo appears above Pink's head and goes down and all around her body, turning it to be a sparkly pink and red as she loses most of her features, except for her hair, eyes, and body shape.
*She raises her right hand as a white glove appears on it, and magic surges from that hand to the other, causing a glove to appear on her left.
*She spins in place as stockings appear on her legs of which go up to her thighs with small bows on the back colored pink and red.
*She juts her right hand forward as magic surges from it and to her torso, forming a red sleeveless turtleneck sweater and rather short white shorts.
*Pink's body takes it's regular color as she puts her hands on her hips and sways them, her skirt appearing as she waves her hands over her lower area.
*She then stands on one foot as she does a spin, her red and pink boots appearing onto her feet.
*She lands on her feet and swipes a hand over her hips, the white band over her skirt appearing with holsters on either side.
*She then grabs at the collar of her sweater before adjusting it to be a little higher, flicking her hands as her jacket forms onto her torso and arms, the sleeves covering a little bit of her gloves.
*She then gets a slightly annoyed expression and snaps her finger over her left hip, and a golden ribbon appears on the white band.
*Pink's expression returns to that of HOPE and DETERMINATION as she arches her back, magic wooshing all around her as her wings sprout, the bow on her lower back appears, and the heart logo appears right between her wings.
*Pink's hair begins to glow pink and red, and in response, Pink bunches up her body by pulling her legs and arms close to her torso.
*She then quickly releases her body from being in that position, and with it, her hair goes into pigtails as she smiles brightly, gaining pretty side swept bangs along with it, as well as a heart ahoge.
*The ends of her hair fade into red and the pink streaks appear in her hair, and she opens her eyes with a mischievous smile as her hair does so, the hazel quickly changing to a beautiful pink and red on the respective sides, and an oddly sharp golden tiara appearing on her head along with heart earrings on her ears.
*Pink swipes her finger over her lips as a bit of pink lipstick appears on them, and taps her chest as her locket appears around her neck.
*And then, Pink jumps back and lands on her feet, doing a cute pose as the logo of a pink and red heart outlined in gold and with white swings stretching from it appears behind her.
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(Yay, thank you!)
*In the human world, Blitzø is currently on his own as he looks around for the target his most recent client has demanded to be taken out.
*Millie and Moxxie are in Hell as they take care of...well, whatever business they have.
*Loona is also in Hell, at the desk at I.M.P.
*Blitzø appears to be on his own in an alleyway, when suddenly, he feels a rush of air nearby, as if something just zoomed past him.
Blitzø pauses, looking around in confusion. Was that the wind? It felt off to him...
"Hello?" He calls out, wondering if someone was there with him.
"You'd better not be following me or I'll kick your ass!" He takes out his gun, pointing it in random directions.
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sweetestflow3rs · 10 days ago
sometimes i keep forgetting that noel isn't canonically apart of the game itself... i went onto DOL today, loaded up a new game and everything, and right after getting out of the asylum— i went to the stalls hoping they were there
NAUR,,,,, the agony of going through the horrors of asylum and hoping to be comforted by a blunt, yet well meaning(?) black market seller..... i feel you anon and i'm so sorry
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take this small noel with you down the road to help you feel better, she may not be in game, but she's there in our hearts
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