#shadow work advice
wybielune · 2 months
Hi guys! I know it's been a long time, but my mental health went on an olympic marathon straight down the toilet. We're talking Flushed Away bad, but, I'm coming out of it very slowly, and I've been thinking about coming back.
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What I'm here to talk about today might not seem very witchy, but it is. I didn't realise just how important shadow work is. It's basically being your own therapist, except you don't have a doctorate, so you have nobody to sue if a treatment you choose doesn't work the way you want it to.
I've been quite ill for a long time, so I referred myself to a talking therapies group. While I'm waiting for an appointment, they gave me a website with info on it to help me understand mental health, how to care for mine, and exercises I could do to help make me feel better.
I'm still doing the online course while I wait to be paired with a therapist, but I felt that I should share some of my experiences here.
Journaling helped me a lot. Keeping track of my feelings and thoughts. Getting up and doing something, anything, really does help too. I know you don't want to. I've been there, I still have those days, but the thing is, I actually did an experiment.
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I hadn't wanted to do anything for weeks beforehand, so that gave me a firm baseline to start from.
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For the next several days, I had opportunities pop up to leave the house, which I don't like doing, I know, I'm a hermit. Relatives needed help with things, so even though I really didn't want to go, I went anyway. And I hated it.
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I have a number of health problems, and these trips exacerbated them. I was tired, I had intense pain by the end, and hated every second of being out, but I found that the next day, I actually felt a little bit better, and by taking note of it and my experiment in the journal, I actually noticed the difference.
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Once wasn't enough though, so I repeated it another three times, and my answer came back consistently, even though I'd had trouble getting myself up and moving, I did in fact benefit from it the next day.
So I highly recommend trying this yourself. Get a journal, or a pad of paper, anything you can write on give the experiment a go.
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Don't go hurting yourself like I did, of course. I didn't have a choice, with my conditions, pain is just something I have to deal with, so keep yourself as safe and pain free as you can, but also, push yourself a little.
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Wash your cup when you're done using it straight away.
Pull your blanket up. You don't have to do the whole bed if you're not up for it.
Get the hoover out for a quick go round, or go for a short walk. Doesn't matter how short, all you have to do is try, you can work up to longer walks.
Forgot something downstairs? Go get it. Dont put it off until you go downstairs next.
It can be done. I did the experiment first for you. Now we know it works, you can try :)
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Thanks for reading.
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honeytonedhottie · 6 months
shadow work prompts⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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resources for ur healing journal and healing journey in general bcuz u deserve to heal ✨ (constantly being updated and improved)
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what did childhood me need the most
what am i avoiding -> what am i addicted to
what secrets am i hiding and why
am i being honest with myself/others
what are my biggest misconceptions about myself
what are the first signs that u notice and know that ur mental health is dipping
what beliefs and behaviors did u adapt from ur family that u now question
what easily triggers (feeling) and what might be a reason for this sensitivity
have u ever had a reoccurring dream
do u have desires or ambitions that u feel embarrassed to admit
what critical thoughts do u have about urself
what part of myself do i feel disconnected to and why
how do i let others invade my boundaries
how much do i rely on external validation
do i tend to resist or embrace change
what are some toxic habits that i've adopted
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bitchy-craft · 5 months
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Bibliomancy Advice | 3.99 EUR
Summary: This reading will give you a message or something it is you need to hear or become aware of in a creative and fun way.
Reading contents:
• A message to you from your spirit guides in form of two book sentences;
• An interpretation of your given sentences for a clear explanation of your messages;
• Advice given with said interpretation on the messages you’ve been sent.
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Soul Clarity | 3.99 EUR
Summary: In this reading you will get clarity on what it is your soul / subconscious wants and needs you to work on.
Reading contents:
• A clear question or short message to make clear what it is your soul wants you to know;
• An explanation on what it is your soul wants you to know for more clarity;
• A soul action that you can do to work on what it is your soul wants, going from telling yourself things to physically doing something to achieve it;
• A mantra that will encourage and help you with what your soul needs.
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Inner Child’s Needs | 4.99 EUR
Summary: With this reading you’ll be able to build a closer connection and a better understanding with your inner child. This reading is great for Shadow Work in order to heal, grow, and get a better understanding of yourself.
Reading contents:
• How your inner child perceives you;
• What your inner child wants you to work on;
• 5 supportive channeled messages from your inner child.
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Channeled Messages | 6.99 EUR
Summary: Channeled messages from your spirit team / spirit guides or inner child. These messages can contain advice, support, motivation, help, confirmation etc.
Reading contents:
• 15 messages from your spirit guides / spirit team or inner child.
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Rules, Information and other Readings
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Shadow work is not a requirement for witchcraft or any spiritual practice.
It's ok to not feel ready for shadow work, to not want to do shadow work, to never do any shadow work at all.
There are many, many other therapeutic methods and ways that one can work with to aid in recovery and healing. An experienced, trauma informed psychotherapist can do wonders.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Guide: Tips For Self-Discovery & Mastering Personal Branding
Be Honest With Yourself: What characteristics would you use to describe yourself at the moment? How do you believe you present your current self to others (ask trusted friends, family, mentors, etc. if you need some honest opinions)? How are you with leaning into your interests, expressing your dislikes, and upholding personal boundaries? What values and principles guide your ways of thinking and behavior? 
Take Inventory: How would you describe your habits and routines, your general mindset towards influential aspects of life: career, school, intimate relationships, friends, family, etc.? What’s your communication style, and love language? Are you more introverted or extroverted? What are your likes, dislikes, and preferences - academic subjects, careers, food, leisure activities, music, books, TV/movies, clothing and home decor aesthetics, sports/workouts, beauty, self-care activities? 
Construct Your Ideal Self: Design your ideal life and every aspect of it. Describe every feature, characteristic, habit, hobby, and preference of your dream girl. How does she move through the world? Use my 'How To Create Your Dream Girl Archetype/Personal Manifesto' post for reference: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/femmefatalevibe/694400680358739968 
Bridge The Gap: Compare and contrast your notes on your current self and ideal self. Praise the commonalities and overlap. You’re at least a percentage of the way toward becoming your dream girl. Analyze the dissimilarities and begin brainstorming strategies to get from point A to B in a certain area of your life or to refine a certain personality trait/mannerism/habit, etc. What skillsets, routine changes, and self-awareness exercises can you do to help you bridge this gap from where you are now to where you want to be? Who can you converse with about this topic – a friend, a family member, or a mentor? This can be in-person, through books, TED talks, etc. 
Regularly Gut Check (And Pivot When Necessary): As you begin your self-discovery journey (and for the rest of time), always make time and space to check in with yourself on how you feel about certain current behaviors and any changed habits. Do a gut check to see if it feels right. Do you have any resistance – is it because you feel challenged or do you truly feel out of alignment? Trust your intuition. Journal about it or speak with a trusted member of your inner circle if needed to articulate your feelings/how you want to move forward. 
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Per my last reblog, I'm gunna rant about shadow work for a second. Not about Runa's post, because I think her post is very helpful <3
I truly loathe the push that deep shadow work gets from some people in the magical community, especially those who push it onto people who are very new or those who say that your magic is somehow lesser if you don't do shadow work.
I have watched my friends get re-traumatized by bullshit shadow work prompts that had no place in their practice but were pushed onto them by "more experienced" practitioners. These prompts triggered repressed memories for them and fucked with their heads. Especially young folks in magic, they don't know better right off the bat that you don't have to do what other witches do in order to succeed in magic.
I have personally broken down due to the pressure of feeling like I had to do shadow work but knowing full well that I am not mentally prepared to do the deeper shit.
Digging into repressed memories without the proper knowledge of how to handle them can re-traumatize you by forcing you to relive traumatic events and ultimately has no purpose other than to fuck you up. You don't need to suffer through your trauma a hundred times over to heal, you've already suffered enough.
You do not need to sacrifice your mental state for magic.
You do not need to do shadow work to be a witch or to be successful in magic.
Your witchcraft or your magic does not need to link to your psychological health at all if you don't want it to.
And if it's possible, go to a therapist! Therapy is a great tool for healing!!!
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lostinvasileios · 8 months
If nobody else will say it to you...
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No, no. Your deities aren't trying to abandon you, sweetheart. They're still there. They still love you. They still care and watch over you. Going through feelings of loneliness is normal, it's an inescapable thing with deity work most of the time, as unfortunate as it is, bee.
But, it's temporary.
It'll go away, just you wait.
Your deities will be so happy to see you overcome what you're going through. Your deities didn't forget you. How could they? Love isn't a forgettable feeling. Immortal, or mortal.
It's okay to cry, it's alright to feel weak without your deities at times. It's okay to feel so vulnerable to those you care so much about - like deities. No matter what happens, your tears are valid, the fear of being left behind or less-favored is valid. It happens. A lot more than you think.
You aren't alone, sweet friend. You're too loved to be alone. Even if you cannot hear them, feel them, or anything else, that doesn't mean they've suddenly began to hate you. That they've suddenly deemed you unworthy of their attention.
Breathe. Relax your muscles.
Ups and downs are apart of a strong, fulfilling journey.
Figure out how you feel about this situation when you're ready, do what you feel is best when you're ready, feel what you feel for now. That's enough. That's okay.
Everything will make sense one day. Everything will get into place. Everything will calm down eventually. You'll be okay.
A bad situation, a lonely situation, a sad moment, is never forever. It is not your entire life.
Happiness, is not forever either. But, that's why it's important to savor your moments with it. To do what brings happiness to you. Believe what feels best in your soul and heart. Cry and bawl to your deities, if that helps.
You're wanted. You're needed. You're loved and cared for. So much.
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jazmine-here · 4 months
Vanilla Girl
Stay vanilla. Stay sweet. There's nothing wrong with being a daisy.
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Don’t ever try to “flex” for others by forcing your feet into a pair of glass slippers that aren't made for you. If you are uncomfortable with crafting a piece of work for a fandom, popularity, friends, or your audience, then stay true to yourself. Don’t put on the “cool girl” mask or attempt to maintain it if you have. Popularity may not always be guaranteed, but your relationship with your audience will have longevity, purity, and beauty. Be yourself. Trust yourself.
Hello! My name is Jazmine!
I am a reemerging writer who tinkers with art. I was dubbed "Jazzy-B-Real" in my youth and "Otherwise_Uncolonized" in my young adulthood.
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My experimental youtube page was "Constellations of Neverland" at one point. I've been offline since 2020. In 2024, I saw people online celebrating my middle school and high school art while wishing me well due to my disappearance. I'm happy to say that I am well after a rough post-Covid era and a lot of growing up. During Covid's reign, I had purged the internet of what I viewed to be carbon footprints, yet people have kept the light alive in some dust clouds.
I am eternally grateful to you all for retaining such light. As the blooming adult I am now, I've learned to view everything with balance—including the broken person I was—and there are lovely works that I dearly miss as a result. Those works are the "darlings" from my young life.
All in all, I'm in the heat of writing original work.
Writing, Poetry & Artwork
I'll be posting my original stories, prose poetry, and standard poetry on my FictionPress.com with the occasional preview slapped on Tumblr. The account already has a small library. Much of what I write will also grace a website I'm building, so please stay tuned for it and the original novels I have in store. New artwork and fandom tributes will hit Tumblr, Twitter/X, and my personal website. Doing commissions for writing prompts and art pieces will also become a part of my activities with my audience.
My AO3 account for old 2014-2017 fandom storyboards like "My Dearest Cousin," "Indentured (Union of the Crowns)," "Carry Me Anew," and "The King" is back up as well.
༺Please read and review with your pretty thoughts! Thank you so much to those who have saved some of my fandom pieces:
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ametrinedream · 2 years
Everyones healing journey will look different from start to finish. But I wanted to mention a couple things that would make it easier to begin.
>A part of healing is getting real acquainted with uncomfy emotions. The first unsettling emotion you should meet with is self compassion. It sounds ridiculous to think human beings would consider giving themselves grace as uncomfortable, but the sad fact of the matter is that it’s extremely common. As children we need our caretakers to model to us how to deal with stressful and negative emotions. If they don’t know how to either we get put into a cycle. As adults, if we had experienced high levels of criticism and not enough emotional validation we can become highly susceptible to negative self-talk. Practicing the art of self-reflection and accountability can be the hardest but most beneficial thing you can do. When you do this you’ll find a world of behaviors and beliefs about yourself and others that might fill you with shame. Behaviors you once had that don’t align with you anymore can make you cringe if you’re growing properly. But never overcome yourself with shame. Moving forward is the only way to contribute better into yourself and the world around you. If not taught properly how to process things, we repress them. Our subconscious mind controls more then 70% of our everyday behaviors. reaching into the subconscious and making the suppressed conscious can be a terrifying pursuit.
> learning how to meet those parts of us with compassion is essential for the process of alchemizing ingrained pain into ingrained knowledge.
> Lastly, people really underestimate not having anyone. & people unfortunately have opinions on things they don’t understand. If you are as aware as you can be and you’re trying your hardest but you simply do not have the support you need, you will not be showing progress as fast as you will like. But progress is progress and I’m here to tell you no matter how discouraging it gets, if you build a solid relationship with yourself it does not matter who leave or goes. understand that everyone isn’t for you & some people aren’t essential to this phase of your healing anyway. Rejection is protection. Please be compassion towards yourself even on your worst days.
- svannah.c111
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aquatint-101 · 7 days
Okay but is it really a Zuko love story if you're not getting secondhand embarrassment from reading his POV? He's not "introvert pondering the mysteries of the universe and is secretly suave and charming" awkward he's "has no brain-to-mouth filter except for a funhouse mirror and negative understanding of social cues" awkward. He gets his girlfriend seashells and monologues to frogs. He thinks "you're so beautiful when you hate the world" and "you have a big appetite" are effective pickup lines. He's not an awkward turtleduck, he's an awkward turtleduck with a blaring air horn.
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embeccy · 1 year
You are not a reflection of the people who can’t love you.
- Caitlyn Siehl
Never forget that
I bet you can't follow me on Instagram! 😉
Link is pinned on my profile!
- Embeccy
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icanseethefuture333 · 10 months
i would really appreciate your advice, i was a loner in high school because i was teased due to my looks and social anxiety. and although i've glown up in appearance and am more social, i still feel really insecure... i graduated but i still feel this way... thank you
Pretty face, even prettier soul - a guide to inner beauty & confidence.
What to do when you look like a princess, but don't really feel like one?
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I want to mention this is something I struggle with all the time. Even some of the most beautiful women in the world struggle with insecurities. Celebrities even create personas and alter egos to appear as more confident, when deep down they are actually dealing with anxiety. So anon, I personally believe you've always have been beautiful, but people were not kind or patient to you given the fact you were still a child going through puberty. I'm sorry you had to go through that, truly! You have to learn that what those bullies said or did to you isn't true and it is not your fault for what happened. Give your inner child the grace and kindness that those kids in your school never gave to you. Now that we have discussed that, let's move on to our guideline.
1. Take back your power
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Our subconscious is filled with past memories and everything we experienced from the moment we are born into this world. Our parents, teachers, family members, people on television, etc, have taught us how to speak, read, and write just by merely talking to us or showing us letters. That is a very powerful thing to do! From babies to toddlers (AKA the early development stage), people are able to program an infant's mind. Not to mention, our brains don't even fully develop until our 30's. So what thoughts do we actually have to ourselves? Our feelings. We may have opinions or personal tastes, but that could easily influenced by the media and trends surrounding us.
You have to be in control of what your feelings are and what you will allow to take from others. We all experience unfortunate events and pain that is inflicted from others, but it is never right to inflict that same pain onto ourselves. I want you to acknowledge how those people in high school hurt you and write down in a journal how it makes you feel. Now, ask yourself - do those same words you remember hearing linger in your subconscious mind? Do you often have doubts or thoughts that transpire into feelings of unworthiness or insecurity? That my dear, is the toxic pattern that needs to be addressed and stopped immediately.
Do this in a safe and calming place (this might be triggering so do it when you are ready to).
Visualize the memory of the event of where you heard these harmful words said to you. What location did it take place? Was it brief? Did the situation last for a long time? Was there a lot of noise, or was it more quiet? How does your inner child feel in this situation?
As the memory comes back to you, tell your inner child that everything is okay, and that you are there for thrm now, that you will be their protector.
Take back your power from this situation and these people, tel them everything you wished you could of said. It's okay if you get angry, sad, or any other emotion. It's also okay if you want to forgive them or even don't. That's entirely up to you.
I recommend doing Shadow work, since healing from past trauma is a lengthy process, but this meditative exercise is a great start for addressing the problem you're facing so far.
2. Perception
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How we perceive things in the world is different for everybody. For those of us with social anxiety or insecurity, we are more hyper aware of our surroundings and have a hard time relaxing. We are observant of those who give us looks or speak to us in a certain tone, but how is that look or tone deciphered? For example, you could be having a conversation with a close friend and the way she is looking at you or her tone doesn't seem to be the nicest, so you tell her this, then she says "oh I'm just tired, sorry if I'm not sounding too excited right now!". To you, you percieve her as aggravated and cranky, while to her she thought she was being geniune, friendly, and giving her best to be attentive to what you are communicating to her. This an example of how our perceptions can differ in the world. No one is wrong or right regarding this.
Keep in mind that you are perceiving things from your perspective and try to look at things from a different point of view. Most people are conscious about themselves because they don't embarrass themselves or look a fool, but actually most people don't pay attention to everything they're feeling insecure about. They might even like what you're insecure about or find it beautiful, and if they don't, it's not the end of the world!
Try to create a new lense and envision yourself in a more positive light. You could even practice affirmations, listen to music, or do activities that make you feel more confident. When we do the things we love, we often experience more feelings of joy or happiness!
3. Inner child healing
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Oh you thought I was done talking about the inner child? Lol you thought wrong!
Our inner children are the last piece of the puzzle. They are the core essence of our self concepts and without them not feeling well, we are gonna feel the same 🥺!
When we were young, we all had our unique quirks that was deemed possibly weird, annoying, or silly, but what people don't understand that's just how children are! They are so creative and fun and have so much potential in their young minds, hearts, and souls!
You having feelings of insecurity because you are not seeing the beauty and lovable qualities that your younger self had. You are thinking that because "physically" you had a glow up or transformation now that you are more beautiful, but in actuality you are just now blossoming into a young adult. I just find it hilarious that society really brainwashed us into thinking that being "done" with puberty means we had a "glow up". You are still going to change and transform over a time. A tree is never done changing throughout the seasons. Sometimes it will be green and rich, with many leaves during the summer, then it will be all dry and brittled up during the winter. You never stop evolving as a human.
Let go of this way of thinking because it is not going to help you heal from your insecurity, addressing those issues will.
Do activities with your inner child, journal about them, think back to your childhood what made her happy or feel beautiful before any devastating situation happened. Children are really delicate, and this is you as a child, so you need to be kinder to yourself.
Perhaps find a picture of yourself at this age and praise or give them words of affirmations" "You look so nice today! I am so proud of you!".
4. Be yourself 👑
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Ultimately, it comes down to realizing the potential and magnitude that you possess inside. You have to realize that there is, or are, going to be people who love you because you are just being you. You don't have to please anyone who doesn't fancy you, because I mean - who the fuck are they if they don't even like you? They're totally irrelevant. You have to see what others find so great about you and maybe even discover parts of yourself that is actually amazing. Our self concept is perceived in various ways. There is how people perceive you and then there is how you perceive yourself.
How do you wish to see yourself? Do you wish to continue thinking negatively or being harsh towards yourself? Or would you like to be able to come to a place of peace and to see those insecurities actually become a strength of yours?
Lastly, all I can say is be patient, once you start taking care of yourself and your inner child, things will be able to progress from there, but it is a process and a journey. So don't try to rush it.
I hope you find this helpful anon, take care 💕
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cajunwitch101 · 2 years
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isleep-ingraves · 2 years
Hey, uh, shadow work community, could I get some advice?
I've been doing more shadow work as a part of my journaling for therapy. My goal for starting therapy again was to work on healing the trauma I have never properly addressed.
It's been really good and really healing.
My question though, is how do you remain kind and gentle to yourself during this process?
I feel like I'm sort of in the, "it's me, hi, I'm the problem," phase. And I had a very large and intense reflective realization today.
With this has ushered in a bit of self hatred.
I want this to be useful and productive, and I know it won't be if I don't find a way to be kinder to myself through this.
Do y'all have any thoughts/ideas/etc?
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gia-d · 11 months
I currently have the youtube video ‘Four Lu as Haru 50% Off (Legend of Zelda animatic)’ by Maren with an M playing on a loop in my brain, and as a fellow Four enjoyer, I think you would like it 👍
Anon, thank you for introducing me to the funniest and most accurate thing I have seen in my LIFE.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Do you have tips on how to be emotionally mature?
Remember that everyone is ultimately out for themselves. They don't think about you and your choices as much as you think they do. Make taking care of yourself and advocating for yourself your #1 priority. While you should be respectful and show empathy for others' circumstances, your life is meant to be lived for you.
Don't take people's comments or actions personally. Almost none of their responses are a reflection of you or your character. Most people's actions are a reflection of how they see themselves. When people reveal their true colors, believe them. Proceed with this information in mind – whether it's a friendship, professional opportunity, romantic endeavor, familial tie, etc.
Set boundaries and non-negotiables for yourself. Don't overextend yourself to seek approval or validation as a means of dictating your self-worth or value to others. Learn to trust your gut instincts, and remain mindful of your energetic limitations. "No" is a complete sentence. It is not selfish to stick to your non-negotiable habits (bedtime, workout schedule, etc.) – these practices are a sign of self-respect and self-love. Speak your mind (with tact) and stand your ground. You owe it to yourself to live the life that you want.
Know that the only constant in life is change. People and opportunities will come and go with age. Enjoy the moments and experiences you get to enjoy with others or alone. Relationships are meant to last for a season, a reason, or a lifetime. Not every impactful connection is meant to last a lifetime, but you shouldn't invalidate the lasting impact of certain temporary connections – they most definitely can change your life.
Remain selective about those you allow into your life and the company you keep. Embrace the quality over quantity approach when it comes to choosing the individuals who deserve to be in your inner circle. Don't disclose information you wouldn't want in writing to those who have yet to earn your trust. Cut ties unapologetically with people who choose to tear you down or disrespect you. You win in life when everyone you're close to is supportive and committed to cheering each other on in all of their life goals/milestones.
Learn to accept and explore discomfort. Growth requires change, and a side effect of change is discomfort. Accept that the circumstances are presenting you with an opportunity in life to level up. Breathe and take things one step at a time. Sometimes, you don't need to know the big-picture meaning of the conversation or task in front of you. Focus on what's in front of you – using good judgment and critical thinking skills – and figure the rest out later.
Set your future self up to win. Eat a healthy diet, move your body, save and invest, read books, build your professional and social networks, and upskill professionally and interpersonally, go to the doctors annually (all the major ones – primary care, dentist, gyno, dermatologist) or whenever an issue presents itself to nip it in the bud early.
Remain curious. Don't act on baseless assumptions. Ask someone about the intention or emotions behind their actions before creating a conflict or making accusations. Accept wishful thinking for what it is – especially when it comes to romance and professional endeavors. A job offer doesn't exist until it's signed and sealed in writing. Relationships come with exclusivity, clear and regular communication, and no issues with public knowledge or a title.
Reframe mistakes and failures as life lessons. These opportunities inspire self-reflection, performance evaluation, and introspection. Use these experiences to help you map out your next moves and strategize your actions toward success.
Creating life milestone timelines is useless. We all have our own history, circumstances, goals, and personalities. Individuals born in each given year are not a hivemind. Don't compare your journey to others. We are all on our own paths with different significant milestones at different points in our lives.
Embrace your desires. Indulge your adult self and inner child. Explore the pleasure of getting to know yourself – your likes, dislikes, values, preferences, and turn-ons/turnoffs in every area of life. Allow yourself the time, space, energy, and resources you need to satisfy your authentic self. Don't compromise your identity for the approval or praise of others. Learn what you want and be unapologetic for satisfying your own needs. Discover, experiment, play, test, learn, and re-evaluate as needed. Gamifying your life helps free you of societal expectations of what it means to be a certain age, gender, or personality based on your nationality, profession, sexuality, socioeconomic status, etc.
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