#spiritual advice
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sagittariusmarz · 4 months ago
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 ? (𝑷𝑨𝑪)
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ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝟙
I see that you beware of your perception on something or someone, you may have the wrong idea about something you believe to be true. I see that you should beware of a separation or something ending, I see that whatever is ending will be the best for you and it’s a blessing in disguise. I see that you should beware of going back to the past or getting too lost in nostalgia, it’s okay to nostalgic sometimes but it’s best to keep moving forward. Signs- Aries/aquarius, initals- G, Q, H, L
ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝟚
I see that you should beware of deception, you may hate to be alone or you really don’t want to separated from someone you care about. Don’t be afraid to be alone and don’t settle or else you’ll repeat the same cycles, you should observe others more or really pay attention to how people interact with you and others. Beware of others watching you or stalking you online. Signs- Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo. Initials- S, M, Z, T, N
ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝟛
I see that you should beware of absorbing other people’s energy, you may feel moody or just energetically drained and it could be other people’s energy you’re feeling. Beware of mirroring other people’s energy and beware of denial, be more accepting of reality and be more open to changing your perspective. Don’t lower your self worth by chasing something or someone that doesn’t give you the same energy, be more patient and beware of going back to people or things that you know are low vibrational. For some of you beware of your ego and your unhealed inner child, I see that you may have issues with your ego because your inner child still needs more healing. Signs- Taurus/leo initials- R, H, M
Personal readings always available
Divider by @adornedwithlight
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astrogirlythings · 5 months ago
I wish I knew this in my early 20s:
I promise.. these advices r gold.
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You don't have to achieve everything ASAP.. Take your time.. don't put too much pressure on urself about ur career. Because ur career plans / interests might change by ur mid 20s..
Self help books >>>> fictional shit .. if u hate to read.. there r always audio books on YouTube or torrents 😝.
There is nothing wrong with being or wanting to be in a relationship... All those uncles and aunties r just manipulating us into believing that it's a bad thing / taboo. (*In Indian household*).. and by ur mid 20s.. these mfs ask u.. y u didn't find someone for urself. 🙄😒. So don't listen to them.. ever.
Some men r just pussies. Girls should not be afraid of making the move. Society will look at u like u r shit... But don't be afraid of doing what is right for u. (*In Indian household*)
There is nothing wrong with having male friends.. tbh.. they r so much better than female friends. They don't beat around the bush and they r extremely honest.. do not hide them or treat them like a secret.. it's nothing to be ashamed of. (*In Indian household*)
Don't give another chance to someone who belittled u or insulted u or provoked u... They will do it again.. they r wired to be assholes.
The only way to deal with manipulative people (who make u doubt about yourself) is by... Cutting off their access to u. U r a diamond and not everyone deserves to access u.
God has a weird way of showing love... He teaches detachment before giving u what u want. If detachment happens... Just ask for forgiveness, genuinely mean it and change ur ways.
Clear, respectful and straightforward communication without involving any 3rd party / outsider... Will avoid any / every conflict / misunderstanding. It is the only way to start / maintain a healthy relationship.
When u feel off about some situation or person.. ur body will warn u.. through tummy aches or shivers...etc.,.. listen to ur body. Ur body is intuitive about energies & happenings.
Animals have the power to heal u.. just feed them and love them.
Always use sunscreen.. purchase only the best quality sunscreen.
Don't tell ur plans to anyone. Not everyone is a supporter. There are people who are mentally fucked up enough to devote themselves to ruining ur plans.
Money spent on learning something or experiencing something or eating something is never wasted.
Enemies >>>>>> than friends who r secretly ur haters. As soon as u detect ur secret hater.. cut them from ur life(*aggressively*).
To those without a parent (passed away) or with an absent parent: Don't search for ur mom or ur dad in a romantic relationship. Not only will u be disappointed af... A partner can never replace ur parent. It's common sense - Parent and partner r 2 separate people.
Don't worry about someone that treated u like an option or Plan - B (been there.. it hurts like hell).. TBH.. by letting go of those who didn't / don't value u.. u r clearing the path to find someone who will prioritize u. Be patient and be positive.
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nymphia-tarot · 1 year ago
✞︎ All About Your Past Life 🦢🩶
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pile 1 ----> pile 2
pile 3 ----> pile 4
🕊️ meditate on the pics and pick whichever one calls to you the most. you might feel drawn to more than one pile, which means you may have messages in other piles for you as well! if you don't feel particularly drawn to any pile, the messages in this reading might not be intended for you. since this is a general reading, take what resonates! 🕊️
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🩶Pile 1
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For my pile 1s I'm getting a lot of yall had very hard and stressful lives 😭 You might have faced a lot of societal and systematic problems which kept you worried throughout your life. With the world rx I'm getting that yall were deeply unsatisfied with the way your life progressed in the past and that there were a lot of regrets and unfulfilled wishes in the end. You were very intelligent and clever and it helped you survive the tough times though you might've been denied of a formal education due to your background and were kinda inhibited in a way from reaching your full potential. But from some of you, I'm getting that you did get to pursue the field you wanted initially but it didn't pan out due to practical issues and you had to abandon your own happiness. For some of you, I'm getting like street thug or thief? Where you were involved in illegal stuff and did a lot of questionable shit to survive and in the end it cost you a lot. I'm getting overall that money was a big issue in your life. However, you guys were very mentally strong people who had a "come what may" attitude towards hardships because you were so used to it.
You might've been in love with someone (I'm getting a woman) of high status in society but you couldn't dare to court her due to the difference in your social positions. For your career, it's like no matter how hard you worked it was extremely difficult to get to where you wanted and you might've also been burdened with the worries of feeding and supporting you family because you were the primary provider. Eventually, you ended up in a conventional marriage, probably arranged too, but you were never satisfied with your spouse truly. You always yearned after someone else (the lady mentioned earlier?) and couldn't give your heart to your spouse fully. For some of you guys, I'm getting you were a woman forced into a marriage with someone you didn't love just to provide for your family and fell in love with someone else (a foreign man I'm seeing) and tried to elope but it caused a huge scandal and you ended up homeless and abandoned.
You might've lived during a time where the economic situation and all wasn't really the best and the common folk were always under the worry of starving the next day. I'm getting like, a cold place too? You had to give up a lot of your dreams for the sake of either other people or due to the bad luck handed to you during your lifetime. It's like you lost sight of your purpose in life at the end and ended up deeply unhappy.
🩶Pile 2:
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[TW: mentions of abuse‼️⚠️]
Pile 2, I'm getting you guys grew up in an affluent or well-off family. Probably like upper middle-class or something. Many of you guys' fathers were probably some rich businessman/trader. However, I'm getting that you guys had very unhappy childhoods. For some, I'm getting you guys were orphaned early due to an accident and may have been in grief for a long time. The trauma might've stayed with you guys for a good amount of time and it deeply affected you future interactions and capability to have relationships. For others, I'm getting like childhood abuse? By a male figure, or bullying by the rest of your family members, and it deeply impacting your self-confidence. As an adult, you might've closed your heart off entirely but deep down your biggest wish was a desire for a genuine connection free of deception, and true love. You guys were genuine romantics at heart. I'm getting that you guys in pile 2 didn't really marry at all and that romance wasn't really a big part of your life.
Spirituality was a major part of life for some in this pile and you guys might've become nuns that swore a vow of chastity or just some other religious/spiritual figure who inspired and taught people. My pile 2s are very nurturing and gentle souls deep down and it seems like people may be drawn to your warmth and caring personality. You guys provided comfort to a lot of people in your past life. Even if you weren't a religious figure, I'm getting that you were in some sort of position where you took care of people like a nurse or something. After a certain point in your adult lives, you guys took to travel: for some it was a spiritual journey, for others it was just a normal journey to aid those in need and help the impoverished in society like maybe social workers. You guys had innate spiritual gifts and intuition and your purpose in life was to help people. Very kind souls overall. Many people might've looked to you as a wise and knowledgeable figure in your later years and you became a symbol of knowledge and learning in your community. You might have even travelled from place to place to spread your knowledge and aid people.
In this life, a lot of you guys in pile 2 might be very passionate and dedicated individuals with a zest for life. Maybe a water sign too? Or like prominent water placements in chart. I feel like your past life purpose carried over to your current one as well and you might be very spiritual and intuitive people. "Learn to let go of your fears and let loose" is what I'm hearing?
🩶Pile 3:
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Pile 3, It seems a big theme surrounding the energy of your past life was a certain lack of control you had regarding your destiny and choices. You might've been born to a life where you were put under heavy obligations and duties because of your position. You must have felt really restricted and burdened, as if there are eyes all over you, and pressure from everywhere, to the point you felt really burdened and suffocated. You might have been born at a time and place where there was a lot of upheaval and chaos and you were a key figure regarding the events, or at least you played a part in maintaining the balance of the situation no matter how small. For a huge part of your life, you might have been a part of a "higher order" (whatever that means) where you had to maintain a strong front. Perhaps there was a lot of conflict involved in your era and you were forced to participate or mitigate the issue. For some, I'm getting you had a very strict and controlling maternal figure in your life who made all your choices for you and shoved you into the path you were headed without really giving you any free will. And fir some, I'm getting a vindictive and malicious feminine figure of authority who posed as a thorn throughout your life.
There seems to be a lot of trickery and manipulation surrounding your relationships in this past life reading. Perhaps due to your position, there were a lot of malicious individuals who coveted your downfall. There were a lot of lies, backstabbing and secrecy involved in your interpersonal relationships, most likely due to the chaotic situation fate had handed to you. It was as if you could never fully trust anyone around you with your back. Due to these complications, it seems you never really found someone to commit yourself to.
One of your biggest desires in your past life that went unfulfilled was a desire to take charge and carve out your own path by yourself. You had to live in constant worry and fear of betrayal and death. Quite a lot of you in pile 3 were those who had a more creative streak to you and maybe what you really desired was to start a business of your own or to pursue the arts. A lot of you ended up as martyrs in your life which was the necessary step to pave the path for everyone's happiness but it ultimately made you sacrifice your own. I'm getting a lot of you also just wanted to live a life if simplicity in a small-scale area or community, away from the burdens of your position. An advice spirit is telling my pile 3s is to "drive out the negative influences and to take back your power".
🩶Pile 4:
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Whoo pile 4 you guys are the most "tame" pile so far in the sense that you guys probably led the "happier" life compared to the other piles lol. The other piles' energy were so heavy 😭
I think my pile 4s were leading relatively simple and cosy lives but I'm getting that work/career was a significant source of stress for you guys in your lives. You guys were hard workers who probably worked in a job where you had to collaborate with or meet a lot of people. Maybe you guys were severely burnt out by your work to the point you felt your spark diminishing. Or perhaps life was so easy that you felt bored and wishing for adventure and excitement. You guys were very grounded and stable individuals however. I'm getting there might have been a lot of workplace drama in your lives though. Your co-workers may not have had your best interests at heart and you might have gotten cheated or manipulated by them. I'm getting workplace injustice. They took advantage of your kindness and giving nature and used it to exploit you. You might have even gotten framed for something you had no hand in and had to suffer for it.
You were, however, very loved and abundant when it came to suitors and friends. You might have even gotten a lot of love offers and proposals. You eventually ended up in a happy marriage with a very sensitive and emotionally mature person who cared a lot for you. I'm getting Aquarius vibes? Your spouse had a lot of love for you in their hearts and was someone who was willing to dive deep into anything for your sake.
I'm getting that a major issue surrounding your past life is work-life imbalance and diminishing creativity/passion. You guys might have been depressed at some point too. Perhaps you were chained to a very conformist lifestyle where you did not get to have a lot of fun. An advice I'm hearing from spirit is to guard your possessions and be wary of whom you give to. Don't just let people take what's yours freely and be open to what's different from the norm from time to time.
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bitchy-craft · 2 years ago
What Your Higher Self Wants You To Know | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out what your higher self wants you to know. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
The cards in this pile are indicating that your higher self wants you to know that it's time to let go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you, things that hold you back or make you feel ways that bring you nothing but negativity. It's time to trust the process of life and let go of any control you may feel the need to have, even if it's difficult for you.
Pile 2:
This pile tells me that your higher self wants you to know that it's time to step into your power and embrace your true self, to let go of the things others expect from you and want from you. To choose yourself above anyone else.
Pile 3:
The story this pile tells is about how your higher self wants you to know that it's time to focus on self-care and nurturing yourself, to choose yourself above anyone else and work on whatever you find difficult yet wabt to excel at. You have been giving too much of your energy, time, thoughts and emotions to others, and now it's time to prioritize your own needs and leave behind anything that holds you back from that.
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geminimoonmadness · 1 year ago
Manifestation prompts
Manifest your intentions 🪄
Vibe: I want it, I got it 💝
It’s best to read these out loud to speak them into existence, alternatively you can write them down!
Continue the process until you truly believe…
©️Copywrites reserved GeminiMoonMadness
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Confidence & self esteem
I am strong and confident
I am worthy of my desires
I am adventurous
I am brave and have overcome my fears
I am in control of my life
I am awesome
I enjoy meeting new people
I am the hero of my own life
I can. I will.
Physical Health & Body Image
I love my body
My body is allowed to change
I feel joyful in my body
I am so much more than my appearance
I trust in my bodies ability to heal
I am making today count
It’s my time
I accept myself how I am and embrace self love
I will not compare myself to others
My body is a gift
Money & Financial Abundance
I always have enough money
My financial situation is improving
I am worthy of having money
I trust myself to make sound financial decisions
I have profitable skills
I accept financial success
My life is rich and full
I am allowed to have success and happiness
I am happy and grateful for the money I have
Work & Career
I believe in my skills & talents
My skill set is impressive
I am creating a work life that motivates and inspires me
I am driven towards success
Being successful at work is easy for me
I make smart moves & decisions
I let go of my work related stress
Success and wealth come easily to me
I know I will find my dream job
Love & Relationships
I am open to give & receive love
I believe in love
I am ready to meet my soulmate
Others treasure my love
I am attracting a kind, loving partner
I choose love not fear
Others treasure my love
The love I am seeking is seeking me
I am choosing and not waiting to be chosen
I am worthy of love
I am radiating love
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shaniatheintuitive · 15 days ago
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*message for anyone who sees this post!
Card of the day- The 6 of pentacles
I see that you may be getting paid soon or a payment you’ve been waiting for is coming in soon. I see that work hard for what you have and you’re very generous, you don’t hesitate to help a person in need. Beware of oversharing and giving too much, you may feel like you don’t have a lot to show for your hard work because you keep thinking about others before yourself. It’s okay to have healthy boundaries and it’s okay to say no sometimes, try to save more money and worry more about your own stability. Keep following your passions and take control/ do what feels right, be strong and don’t think too much about the past or regrets you have. Don’t worry too much about the future because everything will fall into place, what’s meant to be will be! Signs- Scorpio, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Capricorn. Aries in 2nd house/Capricorn in 3rd house. Initials- R, L, J, N
Personal readings always available!
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freyatarotreadings8 · 2 years ago
How You Can Improve Your Life? Tarot
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Choose A Pile 1 - 2 - 3
Hi there, sweetheart! Here we go. Advices for you: Trust your intuition and listen to your feelings. Sometimes personal growth happens when we follow our heart (subconscious mind) rather than our head (conscious mind), because the subconscious mind keeps all keys to your true life purpose and unlimited power. Look deeper. Majority of people don't know who are they for real. They are terrified to figure out the truth about themselves. It's time to meet with your inner child. Also if there's a creative or emotional pursuit you've been considering, now may be a good time to explore it. Learn how to blend the emotional intelligence with the clear-mindedness. You need to balance between heart and mind. Create a strategy for you life. Make decisions with a clear head, but don't forget what does your inner child want, communicate your boundaries effectively and don’t be afraid to cut out things/people from your life that no longer serve your higher purpose. Let go of past grudges, outdated beliefs or old hurts that are holding you back. Learn from the past, it's equally crucial to live in the present and plan for the future. By releasing the past, you create space for new, positive experiences to enter your life.
You can get personal readings monthly or show your gratitude by becoming my patron via Parteon - patreon.com/FreyaTarot 🧡 Donations - https://destream.net/live/FreyaTarot/donate 🧚🏻
Hi there, darling! Here we go. Advices for you: Recognize your own potential and the resources available to you. You have everything you need to create the life you desire. Remember that you are a master of your destiny. Trust in your skills and abilities. If there's something you want to achieve, know that you have the power to make it happen. Check all your desires, there are some that don't belong to you. Your soul don't want approaching it, so you may fail a lot. Always seek to improve and expand your knowledge. Examine the parts of your life where you might feel stuck or overly dependent, whether that's a toxic relationship, a harmful habit or a limiting belief of any kind. It's crucial to free yourself from these chains. Also a shadow work may be beneficial for your journey. Focus more on building a stable and secure foundation for your life. Make wise investments or simply cultivating a more stable and grounded approach to life. Look for opportunities to grow and prosper, but always with a sense of responsibility and practicality. Additionally, don’t forget to share your wealth, whether it's through monetary means, time or knowledge. Money is an energy.
You can get personal readings monthly or show your gratitude by becoming my patron via Parteon - patreon.com/FreyaTarot 🧡 Donations - https://destream.net/live/FreyaTarot/donate 🧚🏻
Hi there, sunshine! Here we go. Advices for you: Celebrate your accomplishments (small or big) and take a moment to recognize how far you've come. Remember that every ending is a new beginning. Embrace the cyclical nature of life and prepare for new challenges and opportunities. Every challenge is an opportunity for personal growth. By traveling and discovering something new you can develop and improve yourself quicker. Be ready to act quickly and adapt to changes. If opportunities come your way, don't hesitate and seize them. If you've been waiting for a sign to move forward with a plan or project, this might be it. Stay informed and alert. Channel your energy and drive in productive ways. While it's beneficial to be ambitious and to go after what you want, it's equally essential to think things through. Create a strategy in order to reach a goal.
You can get personal readings monthly or show your gratitude by becoming my patron via Parteon - patreon.com/FreyaTarot 🧡 Donations - https://destream.net/live/FreyaTarot/donate 🧚🏻
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fatmatns · 2 months ago
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faeyramaeyra · 11 months ago
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🌷 ~ Reasons you should be protecting yourself when practising! ~ 🌷
(Read ahead at your own risk, I will be discussing some touchy things in my explanations!)
- Unwanted spell-work results or backfired spell-work. Sometimes we get a result that isn’t up to our standard or is just not the result you were looking for. Sometimes it is a spell that has been done on a person/entity etc that has come back to you for several reasons. For example.. Hitting someone’s wards.
- Unwanted energies. People can unintentionally give off energy (both positive and negative) so it is important to protect yourself from it so it does not affect yours. Some people do give off energy intentionally too.
- Unwanted entities. I feel like this one is self-explanatory. This includes spirits etc.
- Baneful workings from other practitioners. Unfortunately, This does happen. I’ve had it happen to me a few times from people online who I have barely interacted with and do not know personally (from Discord communities too)! This will be TW but I was in a server on Discord that was dedicated for the pagan community and someone decided to send me a nightmare. The nightmare ended up being about me killing my own dog by shooting her in the nose and it was extremely graphic, was very detailed.. I was mortified. I woke up in tears, I panicked etc. It affected my sleep for days and I was constantly worried about my dog during that time period. I have also had people trying to block my spiritual abilities in said Discord communities too.
- Lack of a dedicated religious/spiritual space (except an altar). This might be an odd one to put down but a lot of religions have their dedicated spaces (churches for example) whereas a lot of pagans either don’t have one at all or don’t have access to one. Religious spaces are intended for worship BUT they are also intended to be a protective space for those following that religion. I specifically haven’t included altars under dedicated religious spaces due to the fact that people can create their own and dedicate it to whatever purpose they see fit. My altar for example is a mixture of protective methods and a deity altar.
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crazilust · 8 months ago
manifestation, money, laws, fame
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just saw of video on youtube about how fame and trauma are often linked. meaning that you wanting fame might just be the results of your trauma. needing validation, needing to feel loved, seen, etc.
i think it’s important to keep in mind when trying to manifest, that it’s much more important to heal our wounds before even attempting to manifest.
manifestation is real. there’s a reason why there’s a saying that goes “be careful what you wish for”.
if you just manifest without much thought, half believing and you haven’t done the proper work to heal, you might just end up manifesting things that are not serving your higher good.
While you may still want fame after you’ve started your healing journey, you also might not.
I know for me, the more I heal, the less fame I actually desire. But some of my dreams are still very much intact which indicates to me that those are probably the true, authentic ones. The ones that match with my higher self and not my trauma.
It’s important to realize what we actually want in order to create the life we truly deserve. When we go through trauma, we might start to desire things that are quite unhealthy for our true self, but in the moment, we really crave it.
For me, for example, I really wanted fame when I was going thru it. I didn’t even want money as much as I wanted everyone to know I had succeeded.
Fast forward to now, I realize that my privacy is one of the most important things in my life. Also that I love running stupid errands, walking around, discovering neighborhoods and whatnot. Meaning that the level of fame I wanted to achieve a few years back, I would actually DESPISE right now.
That’s why you do the work, then you manifest.
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yourspiritguide-quotes · 5 months ago
And so the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom
- Anaïs Nin
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sagittariusmarz · 7 months ago
🌺(PAC) ways to improve your life
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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Pink 🌸
I see that you should spend more time alone, I see that you should do some self reflection/maybe try meditation or yoga. Don’t be afraid of changes or new beginnings, I see that a fresh start will actually help you. I see the at having a fresh start will teach you some new things or change your perspective or I see that you need to go through some more lessons before having a new beginning. I see you need to find the silver lining in tough situations more/be more optimistic and try to find a way to learn from every obstacle, I see that you should be more grateful for the small things you have. You should work on your confidence/self worth and don’t be so forgiving, have stronger boundaries and be more assertive. Don’t be afraid to ask for more/don’t be comfortable accepting breadcrumbs. Signs- Scorpio/libra. Initials- Z, G, M, Y, P
Blue 🪻
I see that you should balance your feminine and masculine energy more, you should be more assertive and step into your feminine energy more. I see that you should go with the flow more and spend more time at home, I see that you should be more consistent and try to finish the things you start before moving on to the next task. I see that you need more discipline, you would benefit from having more alone time or a break. Signs- cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn. Initials- B, W, U, Z
I see that you should go with the flow more and stop avoiding inevitable things, don’t be afraid to go through karmic lessons because it will help you mature. I see that you need to do some more self discovery or healing, I see that you need to be more open to change so that you can grow into the person you’re meant to be. Don’t be afraid of change because it’ll block your untapped potential from coming out, be more expressive and show your creativity. Take more chances/risks and live in the moment so that you don’t have regrets, let go of your regrets and stop thinking about the past. Be more optimistic and change your perspective. Signs- Pisces/taurus. Initials- S, E, O
Personal readings always available
Pngs by @florietas. Divider @thecutestgrotto
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fratresdei · 3 months ago
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I often tell my spiritual advising clients that the hallmark of a healthy spiritual path is one that inspires genuine joy, sustainable peace, and compassionate action. Sometimes, we can think of peace as strictly sitting perfectly still, cross-legged on a mountain sipping green iced tea. While that can be an expression of inner peace, I think giving equal space to the more fiery emotions is a crucial piece of the puzzle. I believe peace to be the ability to offer hospitality to every aspect of human nature without spiraling out of control in any direction—be it toxic positivity or abusive anger. This definition provides freedom from labeling any emotion as “good” or “bad.” There is freedom to receive each emotion as part of the fabric of being alive with a brain. There is freedom to allow each emotion to do its job—to communicate internally your experience of being a person.
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embodiedsexualitytarot · 2 years ago
Pick a pile: allow your intuition to guide you in your selection . ✨
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Pile #1: Wake up, friend. You are sleeping through life. Staying in a comfort bubble closes off opportunities and experiences. It’s time to practice leaning into change and taking risks. New happiness awaits in new adventures.
Pile #2: You are walking sunshine! This separation may be tough but it’s the release you may need to fully see and embrace yourself. Stay hopeful of the outcome.
Pile #3: It is time to switch your focus into self care mode- bring love into the situation. It may be best to repair, restore, and consider another method, approach, or perspective before taking action.
*Readings are for entertainment purposes only.*
- //Blessings 🌺
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apolloendymion · 1 year ago
emergency divination readings!🃏🔮☕💎🕯️
tarot, runes, tea leaves, pendulum, and crystals!
(info on my situation here)
for $5, you may choose one of the following:
single card or rune (see deck options below)
tea leaf reading
crystal chip scattering (see crystal list below)
pendulum reading (see pendulum options below)
additional cards/runes [$1 each]
my cat will choose your card(s)/rune(s) (see cat pic & bio below) [$2]
my dog will choose your card(s)/rune(s) (see dog pic & bio below) [$2]
I'll recommend a deity/spiritual entity to guide you based on your query and results; you may ask for an entity from a specific culture if you'd like (open practices only!) [$5]
please dm me with proof of payment, your choice of divination method, any add-ons or preferences, and a clear, single-sentence query. you may provide extra context to assist with the reading. tips and dona.tions appreciated.
🕯️ vnm 🃏 cshpp 🔮 gfndme ☕
options and photos of my equipment (& cute pets!) beneath the cut:
deck options:
standard smith-waite: tiny (smaller than a US quarter), pocket size (comparable to a business card), and standard size
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nonstandard smith-waite: the somnia tarot by nicolas bruno (incredible photography project. eerie, dreamlike, liminal, yet the physical props give it a more grounded, tangible feel than your average deck.), the tattoo tarot (stunning art, if you like clean but complex designs, classic playing card artwork, or traditional western tattoo art, this deck will really resonate with you.), the literary tarot (each card depicts classic literary characters from around the world; deck sales benefited charity. my personal favorite. every detail is carefully crafted to appeal to book lovers. elaborate, shiny, magical. also they gave odysseus top surgery scars)
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specialty decks: the caretaker (@cryptotheism, formerly @normal-horoscopes)'s normal tarot deck (completely original oracle deck, feels liminal and dark, but somehow peaceful; great for someone pondering deep mysteries or looking for advice in hard times), moreno & quijada's sonoran tarot (smith-waite's major arcana only; stunning and vibrant watercolors of sonoran desert wildlife. really showcases the power and wonder of the natural world. local purchase from indie artists who I've personally met)
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if you'd like me to use a specific tarot spread template, please let me know. otherwise i will choose the best option for your query + number of cards. you can also pick a spread mat, if you like! you don't need to purchase enough cards to fill the mat; i can get creative with the placement. just let me know if you want the floral mat or the bunny mat:
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other options:
pendula: metal (this was a gift and i don't know what it's made of; brass maybe? gold in color.), howlite, glass beads with sea turtle scene
crystal chips: red jasper, various quartz, flourite, lapis lazuli, lace agate, tigers eye, sunstone, sodalite, bismuth. all stones can be thrown, or you/i can choose 5-10 specific stones that resonate with your query.
runes: elder futhark, white clay, handmade. wyrd optional.
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my kitty cat, nachtus:
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nacht came into my life through my current girlfriend, who has had him since he was born. every time she went into the room with his litter, he scrambled up her pant leg like he knew she would be his favorite person. he's about 2 years old now, and loves cuddles, belly rubs, q-tips, waking up our boyfriend in the middle of the night, bothering people while they're gaming, and sitting on my gf's shoulder like a parrot.
my puppy dog, misha:
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misha came into my life through my current boyfriend, who has had him since he was a puppy. he was a rescue, along with his brother oakley, who went with my boyfriend's sister. misha is a chug (chihuahua-pug mix) and is estimated to be around 8 years old. he loves cuddles, being swaddled in blankets, barking at strangers, lying on the softest pillows he can find, and zoomies!
thanks so much for taking the time to read this. it means more than you know.
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