#spirit team
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bitchy-craft · 2 months ago
PICK A CARD: Messages from your pet
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! I will give you a reading where I give you messages from your pet. I hope you guys enjoy and find this interesting.
Masterpost > Paid Readings > Subliminal Channel
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
This may sound odd, but they want you to clean your room, or house, possibly their place of sleep, clean up, the mess is overwhelming them with many emotions that can trigger them to do things you might not appreciate. They love it when people are over, but would love it even more if they can socialize with animals of their kind themselves. This can be by going to a dog parc, letting them outside, or maybe buying them a friend if that’s possible in the situation.
They want you to realize that you’re way taller than them, and that looking down on them or hanging over them can come over as quiet intimidating, try to keep that in mind whenever you pick them up, cuddle them or pet them, you’re bigger and stronger, it can sometimes be rather nerve wrecking.
They like to let more energy loose, and this doesn’t only have to be done by letting them run around in a field. This can also be done by buying them toys where they need to use their brain for, or using things like a rope. If you have small animals, try to rearrange their cage or explore small places around the house.
Pile 2:
Give your pets or future pets more or a lot of attention. Even if they already get a lot of attention, they love it and want as much of it as possible even if it might not be realistic. They love to be hugged from time to time although it is done in their choice. They don’t appreciate being suddenly picked up, suddenly hugged, or suddenly asked a lot from. Try to let them come to you first, and if you sometimes can’t do that try to let them be aware that you’re there for a few seconds and then pick them up or do what you need to do, so they can be prepared.
They love to be groomed as long as it doesn’t hurt, they love to look pretty and for some of your pets are probably aware of the fact they get compliments about how pretty they look. They also might like to make a mess around the house because they need something to trigger their brain, they need to do something to get their energy to let loose.
Pile 3:
If you ever loose stuff, they are taking it. They love to take things they aren’t supposed to, it’s like a collection to them, they find everything precious and want to keep it to themselves. They don’t like it when you punish them for it, or when you don’t give enough for them to gather.
They love to be with you, even if it might not be obvious. Some of you guys’ pets like to be close to you and sit around you or hug you. Some of you guys’ pets might not be that into touching or be close to you, but they love to sit and watch from a small distance, or just be in the same room as you. Other’s might like to just see you and give them attention since it might not always be possible. They hold you dear and find you precious, just like the things they like to gather.
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ghostoflillith · 1 year ago
Meditation really is such a huge game changer when it comes to mental health and self improvement.
Yet so many people misunderstand it, or just don't want to try it bc they think it will be boring.
Was using your imagination as a child boring? Meditation is as boring or exciting as you make it.
Many people don't know where to start, or claim they just "don't have the time," but we make time for that which is important to us.
Do you smoke cigarettes or weed?
Even just 5 minutes a day, hell, a week, can cause such a massive change in your perspective of life.
Taking the time to slow down, breathe, and sort through your brain, in a world that is so "GO GO GO," all the time, is so crucial to keeping a clear head.
Getting in touch with ourselves, who we really are, our desires and fears, in a world filled with overstimulation and escapism has never been more important.
If you are curious, or would like to get started, or even just try it out to see "what's up," I highly encourage snooping through the "guided meditation" section of youtube.
Start off small, 5 minute, 10 minute, whatever feels right to you. What videos call to you? What seems interesting to try?
(I can send you a playlist of some of my favorites if you like!)
If you are serious about bettering yourself, meditation is a GREAT and FREE way to start!
I have learned so much about myself just through 5-10 minute daily guided sessions.
I took a break but just got back into it again and I already feel so much better.
When I first started, I was in a very very low place. Each meditation I did would leave me crying and shaking, not because I was sad, but because I was purging trauma trapped in my body.
Mediation helped me learn to regulate my emotions, feel them, and allow them to pass, instead of getting trapped in them. It has given me so much clarity about myself and the world around me. It's truly one of the best things I may have ever done for myself.
It has helped me build confidence, self assurance, helped me let go of things that desperately needed to be released, helped me connect with myself and my spirit guides, taught me patience (still working on that one lol) and so so much fucking more.
It has brought me feelings of true peace, which I had not experienced before. I am not so quick to be angered or triggered, I think much more logically and am less trapped in my emotions. It's actually kind of crazy how much my brain has changed in the last 3 years from meditation. If you knew me irl, you know I used to be VERY emotional, suicidal, prone to self harm tendencies. That's not who i am anymore, and a big chunk of that is due to meditation.
I respond more frequently, not from a place of trauma, but from a place of understanding and kindness. Coming from someone who's whole personality was nothing but trauma responses....I am forever grateful to myself for deciding to begin this journey.
Meditation is one of the most powerful forms of self care I have ever encountered. It is long lasting, unlike face masks and bubble baths.
Some of the most profound meds I have done are for emotional release, and I cannot recommend this more for people with trauma of any kind. Let that shit out of your body, instead of keeping it trapped and poisoning your spirit. (Only if you feel ready)
If you can learn to control your emotions, you can truly do anything.
Do you Meditate?
What kinds of meditation are your favorite?
Do you have any favorite guided meditation channels on youtube?
If so, drop them shits in the comments!
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1introvertedsage · 4 months ago
Spirit team always has my best interest at heart. Even if I don’t see it right away.
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numinously-yours · 11 months ago
Messages from your spirit guides
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Thank you all who voted on my poll and let me know what kinds of readings you would be interested in getting. The topic with the most votes was "Messages from my guides" so that is the one we're starting with!
Pick the pile that feels right. If you're not sure which to pick, you can view the full photo, the song that was playing for your reading, and a single sentence on each one to see if those help you feel more called to a pile (some lyrical, some a general sentence).
Like, reblog, or reply to let me know it resonates!
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Based on the way that your cards fell out, it feels like you are transforming. It’s been tough lately to see the bright side of situations. It’s felt like you are just getting by, rather than living you’ve been surviving. But, my loves, your guides want you to know that a breakthrough is on its way! You may even be starting to see the rays as the sun starts to rise in an upright position. As you make your way through the clouds, pay attention to the needs of your inner child. There may be opportunities for healing them, and by doing so, you’re going to unleash a part of you that you never knew existed. In addition to the sun’s transformation in your life, the ten of swords is also being transformed. You’ve felt a bit helpless lately. You’ve wondered “what’s the point of getting up?”. But, you know what the point is? As the sun begins to shine on you, you will realize the beauty of the world. You’ll see that even in the times that seem darkest, the sun can still be seen lighting up the world in some capacity. Maybe it’s going to happen in a “click�� moment. One day you’ll wake up and see how amazing life is. Or it may begin happening over time. Day by day you’ll start feeling lighter.
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Your guides have been sending hints that you are not being given the reciprocation you deserve. Although nine comes before ten numerically, the nine of wands came out after the ten and I think that is actually quite representative of what’s going on. In your ten of wands state, you are carrying so much. You’re carrying the expectations of others. You’re carrying the emotions of others. You’re carrying what you feel is your responsibility to take care of everyone else around you. But when the nine of wands energy comes in, you’ve set down these heavy wands. You’ve created a steady boundary of these wands, rather than a heavy load. Your guides want you to know this is possible. I think that you are picking up on the hints, but are scared of what happens once you set the wands down. What your guides want you to know is that, once you start creating the boundaries for yourself, you’ll really step into the role of creator. Creator of your own happiness. Creator of your future.
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Hey threes, this pile might be for me, too haha Our guides want us to remember that the feelings of inadequacy and doubt that we have is just the fear talking. We’re so used to convincing ourselves that we’re not good enough that we forget to see all the cool stuff we’re capable of. We’re inspiring, we’re strong, we’re creative. We are adamant about following our dreams. If you’re like me, you get excited and then you realize HOW excited and start holding back. Our guides want us to trust the excitement! At first, I thought the quote “no regrets, just love” from our pile’s song meant this reading would be about love. It can involve love, but I think it is ultimately our guides telling us to fall in love with the process. Ruminating on our “mistakes” only takes away from our ability to live in the now. I think that some of us are starting to practice. And I know that all of us are at least starting to understand this is something that will require practice and can’t just be done by the snapping of our fingers. Investing in ourselves, especially when it feels uncomfortable, is what is going to produce long term results. Our guides are here to remind us that we’re not only capable of doing this, but that the rewards are going to be soo worth it.
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You know that your guides are telling you something, but you are resistant to believing them. Sorry to say it, but they’re not going to stop 😉. They are trying to show you that your new ideas and longing for knowledge are AWESOME. It is a sign that you’re growing. It seems like whenever you have a spurt of energy and inspiration, it’s quickly followed by pessimism and the idea that you’re not capable. So, you stop. Then your guides try to tell you in another way and you’re like “eh, maybe I’m reading the signs wrong.” But you know you’re not. I know how hard it is not to believe in yourself. Especially if you’ve been shown/told all of your life that your ideas are no good, or if the accomplishments you have made, and you were really proud of, get shut down. That wasn’t fair to you, number four. Your guides are here to cheer you on and make sure you feel the least amount of self-doubt as possible. You’ll still have the moments that the doubt comes through, but try your hardest to knock down that wall. You’re hearing your guides on the other side of that wall and they’re just waiting for you to tear it down and celebrate with you – FOR you.
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thecarrionwitch · 7 months ago
Spirit when I'm going through one of my moods vv
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Them when I go from sad to hyper in just the matter of minutes ^^
I just like keeping them on their toes I guess 😭😭😭 at least we have a good time around here I guess
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 2 years ago
555 - Quick to transform. Change, Stability, Getting closer to the Higher Path.
555 talks about sudden change and being able to go with that change with no fear.
Sometimes change can be scary and unknown to us, but thats why its connected to the higher path. Most dont like to go there!
555 adding up to 15 which adding to 6 in numerology:
5+5+5 = 15 1+5 = 6. 6 - Harmony, relationships, family, creativity, beauty, venus.
Understand that this change can bring harmony to you if you just have faith and believe in the higher calling of it all. This change may have something to do with lifestyle needed to be different. You might see this number when its time to let go and move into a new space that focuses on where youre suppose to be going.
Youre higher self needs change, we evolve as we grow in life.
Its okay to surrender to the change, when it comes to this we can let the chaos subside and the peace can enter into our lives.
the number '5' in numerology stands for quickness, learning, travel, and knowledge.
This number is also ruled by mercury!
You have something you're interested in trying? a new hobby? studying abroad? have you been wanted to go over seas?
Its okay to do that and it be sudden. This is your higher self telling you it needs to learn something new in order to evolve. To connect with your higher self focus on the change that could come from experiencing something new.
Try a dance class. maybe pottery.
ever wanted to go to an opera show? Bahamas?
Change up your hair. dye it yellow. do something you never did before. whatever comes to mind when you see this number, go for it! you won't regret it!
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mianimasenpoeticus · 10 months ago
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theclassiccosmic · 10 months ago
Spiritual Storytime for 03.17.24
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As a collective, we may be feeling a huge shift coming our way. Now is the time that we are in a “heightened contrast” state, meaning our thoughts are manifesting into our reality very quickly. Please please, be mindful of what you choose to consume. Media wise especially. I’ve been seeing the astrology and tarot community sort of fear mongering for what is on the horizon for the Spring Equinox. When really, it is a very exciting time. It’s all about trusting Source/God/the Universe. Trusting that it is all working out in your favor. Here’s a little story time I personally experienced:
I went on vacation with my friends earlier this month. I originally had cancelled on them bc I’ve been so stressed about money and work, that I thought it would be financially smarter for me to stay back and work more. They weren’t having that lol After a little peer pressuring, I finally decided that I would go. My thoughts were, “I could work this weekend and feel sorry for myself that I was missing the trip, OR I could go with the little money I had saved and spend it wisely while I’m out of town and still have fun with my friends”.
During our road trip I saw so many angel numbers that all had similar messages when I looked them up: trust that your financial and material needs will be met and taken care of by the Universe. [Sacred Scribes Angel Numbers website/blog]
For the past 6 months or so I’ve actually been working on surrendering and leaning on my faith in my Spirit Team more. Seeing these angel numbers made me realize that during the road trip I was in my anxious mind. Not being present in the moment, and definitely not feeding my mind positive affirmations around my “experienced reality”.
It didn’t just stop there though, my favorite part of the entire trip was at this quaint little restaurant. They had pictures hung up (that I thought everyone had seen), but once we got back in the car and I asked everyone about the cute pictures, they were clueless. It was then that I realized that Spirit had shown those pictures to me as a symbolic message.
Today I wanted to share those pictures with you in case you are in your anxious mind too. Whatever is coming to you on this Astrological New Year (March 19th), trust that it is good. Trust that it is for your growth and ascension. You are a warrior. You can do hard things. You are capable. Claim your power and know that your Spirit Team is backing you. Ask them for help, retrain your unconscious dialogue, have *deluisional* faith that your reality is ONLY positive.
And if you need reassurance or someone to vent to, just know that I am here <3
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lillysilvermoon · 1 year ago
HI!!!!!! I'M BACK🫶
I'm gonna do a reading right now "What your spirit team wish you saw on you?" Totally inspired by Spiritualistik on YouTube, her video just clicked and normally I don't watch these videos but was literally the answer to my prayers of the last couple days. And just stuck on my mind and I was like "you know what? I have free time now I'll do this reading" and I'm so so SOOOOOOO HAPPY cs I missed doing readings so much, college has been hard as hell (especially because with the pandemic the schedule of my university is SO TERRIBLE I am having TWO semesters in ONE, it's insane and barely have time to sleep properly. But enough of my problems I'M HERE NOW AND WE GONNA HAVE A READING FROM YALL SPIRIT TEAM IM SO EXCITED 🥺🥺😭😭😭😭💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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justalittlestar · 1 year ago
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About this one. I guess I made this in 2018, or 2019
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starandthewolf · 1 year ago
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Okay so here goes. I’ve been having this come up quite a bit lately… write a book, journal things out, poetry, writing, blah blah blah.
Last night, I was in a Twitch stream where we were discussing spirit animals and pulling Oracle cards and this one was mine. The spider. Even though the words are grainy it’s there. Again. Trust the creative spark you’re feeling and express it through writing, etc. And the streamer says, so do you write? Like poems, or blogs, or stories? My response was a very quick “No. lol” I’m more of a painting, singing kind of person, but definitely not the writing kind. And of course the discussion continued on from there.
But later I got to wondering, why? Why don’t I write? I’m not illiterate, I can actually write things and I *think* those things might be interesting to other people to read. So…. Why not? In a word? Fear. I’ll explain.
For the past 3 or so years now, I’ve been on a journey of awakening to spirituality. Part of the reason I’m here is to break those generational curses that have been passed down through lifetimes. Everything from learning that it’s okay to toss that box that your new iPhone comes in because contrary to some anxious worry, you in fact will NOT need it later… all the way to the other side of the spectrum, breaking lack mindset curses and everything in between. And in looking at a lot of the things that have held me back in the time I’ve been on this earth, there has been one underlying pattern lurking under the surface of everything I’ve had to face, and that’s fear. It’s an ugly little monster that’s always there even if you can’t see it. So what’s to fear about writing? Well, what if someone doesn’t like it, or agree with me, or calls me delusional, or just comes in like an absolute demon with their nasty energy? How would I react? Would it hurt my feelings? Why don’t they agree, or like it, or whatever other reason that the ego can come up with? And then I thought, who cares??? Like really… why would I give a crap what anyone else thinks? I mean, your finger works right? Just scroll on by and disassociate someplace else.
So, here we are. I’m gonna write. It’s gonna be a personal blog I guess of sorts. Musings, inspirations, thoughts that help me work through issues. Time to overcome the fear…
Spirituality, love, realizations, whatever comes up… y’all come on in and let’s untangle life’s beautiful messes together. 🔮🪬🧿🫧⭐️🐺🪐🌎🌴🐚🐢
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bitchy-craft · 10 months ago
PICK A CARD: What they want to say to you
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! I will give you a reading on what certain people want to say to you even though they’re afraid to do so for whatever reason. I hope you guys enjoy and find this interesting.
Masterpost > Paid Readings
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
This message to you is from a parental figure with a masculine energy. They want you to know that they’re incredibly proud of you and that they see how much you’ve progressed over the years, how much you’ve grown and how much you’ve endured. They want you to know that they think you’re incredibly strong and that they look up to you due to how well you’ve been keeping your head high in difficult situations.
This parental figure wants to apologise to you as well; they are aware they aren’t the best at communication, at making clear what it is they feel and what it is they think of you. They also hope you can forgive them for all the faults they’ve made over the years, and some hope you’ll be able to give them a second chance.
Pile 2:
This is a message to you from a younger person with feminine energy, for most of you this being a sibling. They want you to know they look up to you and that you’re really cool and a super hero as well. They want to thank you for all it is that you’ve done for them, and that they hope you’ll continue to spend time with them even if the communication lessens a bit over time.
They love seeing you happy and wish to continue seeing you happy; you deserve to be happy because you’ve made them happy countless of times before. They are proud to know you and be connected to you; they even speak fondly of you to their friends sometimes because they look up to you so much.
Pile 3:
This message is from an animal (didn’t expect an animal to come by). Keep in mind that you don’t need to have a pet to be able to resonate with this message; there are animals all around us, and many of them will have seen you a lot of times even if you haven’t paid attention to them before.
This animal wants you to know that they see and notice you having difficult moments, that you’re hurting and sometimes feel hopeless in all it is you need to do, what is expected from you and how you feel. They want you to know that you’re allowed to cry, allowed to pity yourself, especially if you don’t believe you have it hard enough to feel that wat. That everything will be okay and that you’ll eventually find your way through life, just like they did. You will be free and have fun eventually, and that you must not give up to finally feel all what life is about.
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ghostoflillith · 1 year ago
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1introvertedsage · 4 months ago
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grossbabygoblin · 2 years ago
When I forget to set my alarms two days in a row but someone in my spirit team still be making sure I get up on time bc I woke up at 5:30 both days <.<
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 2 years ago
444 - Deliverence From The Ordinary
444 is the captivating number that leads an individual to their unique destination. It is connected to the energy of sagitarrius/jupiter mixed in with Uranus with its triple 4 energy.
The sagitarrius/jupiter combo comes from the mysterious number adding up to 3.
4+4+4= 12 = 1+2 = 3
Dealing with 444, one most know the numerological significance it holds starting with the number 4.
Connected to Uranus, it is a number known for being about stability, force, drive, practicality, and staying in reality.
444 invites you to understand that nothing comes without making a blueprint. And thats when the energy of '3' comes in.
3 being connected to jupiter. Its about creativity, art, expansion, notoriety, and connecting/creating partnerships with others.
444 asks of you to be patient and learn to create a blueprint for yourself. Your souls purpose is in need of stability and staying low-key. Get grounded and focus on what it is you're desiring.
Make sure you have some Long standing connections with others because whatever it is you need to be doing, they could help along the way. Continue to have faith and never lose sight of what it is you desire. <3
Know that what you want is around the corner. You are able to receive what it is you desire you just need some strategy and a little planning to get there.
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