#dc aquaman
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 1 year ago
lil smutty drabble idea. thots, thots, thots!!! and who knows if i ever manage a full smut fic again so. we'll take what we get, right?
sooo yes! aquaman smut ahead. since broad, tattooed, long-haired men get me going, this is oral fem!receiving. have fun with it lmao. 18+ ofc please proceed with caution
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The air feels heavy around you, weighing you down onto the bed as the silence of the room fills with your curses and cries and whimpers and begged sounds of "please" and his name. A sheen layer of sweat coats your chest, your stomach. Your hand digs hard into his hair, cramps into his curls, pulls him closer and closer and closer, even though that has to be impossible. He groans into you, with his tongue buried deep inside and his fingers circling your clit, setting your nerves alight, burning every inch of you.
You feel like you can't breathe. He's eating you out like a man starved, devouring you, feasting on you. He's dragging you towards your third orgasm of the night, just on his tongue, on his fingers, on his tongue and his fingers and his fingers and his tongue.
His palms are splayed firmly against your thighs, grabbing at them, grasping at them, holding them clasped around his head, not letting you move an inch away.
"Arthur", you whimper, catch your lip between your teeth as he hums in response, sends the vibration right through every part of you. You let slip a "fuck", even though you hadn't meant to. But you can hardly think. You can hardly do anything except lie there and take what he's giving you, let him take what he wants to give, give what he wants to take. Your mind is foggy and slow and can't catch up with your mouth, but it doesn't matter because you've already pushed the quintessence of it past your lips.
"Me", you add breathlessly - and just for good measure, you repeat: "Fuck me."
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goldenflurry · 1 year ago
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A few silly doodles I’ve done recently
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cinelestial · 2 months ago
AQUAMAN released in theaters 6 years ago today.
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thegreatshono · 1 year ago
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Twitch Request Art: Aquaman
About 6 months ago I celebrated 1000 followers on Twitch! During the 12 hour celebration I took character requests, and I'm finally getting around to posting them! Next is a real tough thing to draw in 15 minutes: Jason Momoa Aquaman.  Not bad for the limited time i had, even if i do say so myself. 
We have a really fun and welcoming community and I think you'll really like it there.  http://twitch.tv/thegreatshono
Also your support helps me make more art for you. So if you can, consider becoming a http://patreon.com/shadowsofoblivion
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qtipping · 2 years ago
it bugs me when people have arthur curry suddenly become a natural born leader and fighter and giving heroic speeches once he becomes king of atlantis
the man was born and raised in a lighthouse in MAINE he had his first drink at 12 and took meth once because there was nothing else to do. The only thing he’s good at is WWE moves and finding 10 different ways to entertain yourself with an empty bottle. Six of which are illegal.
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sully-s · 1 year ago
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Listen, if I had the time I would just make Justice Leauge the mockumentary, lol.
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frownyalfred · 6 months ago
The command structure / ranking of the Justice League is actually super hard to understand from the outside, if you think about it. How many times have alien diplomatic missions arrived to meet with them, only to struggle to pick out who they should direct their communications toward? Sure, you’ve got the Kryptonian, he’s big and flashy and recognizable across sectors. But there’s an Amazonian princess standing next to him who looks dangerous and speaks like a royal. You’ve got an Atlantean king behind her, also royal, also dangerous. You’ve got a Green Lantern of the Sector with trace ion signatures from all the recent battles in nearby galaxies, and then — then — you have a man in black, shadowy armor who doesn’t introduce himself, who doesn’t speak or negotiate unless the others falter, yet ever single one of them looks to him as the conversation proceeds — checking, assuring, looking for guidance etc. is he the leader, then?
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freefallintothevoid · 2 months ago
Whenever Bruce can't do something as Batman he sends one of his kids in the cowl. Literally any of his kids. To deal with having to wear the cowl, they turn it into a game: will the justice league notice that Batman isn't the person under the mask?
Spoiler alert, they don't.
Somehow, the league never notices when it's not Bruce under the cowl, or at least that it's not the same person they all know.
Like never.
Hal: Hey Bats, you look taller today.
Jason, determined not to lose: hm
Hal, sensing danger and immediately backtracking: uh, that's not to say you don't usually look tall, I mean you just look taller today, um did you change your ear thingies?
Jason: *Batglare intensifies*
Hal: uh, I'm just gonna go
Aquaman: you've been quiet this whole meeting, Batman, even for you.
Cass, currently wearing shoulder pads and absolutely insane platform boots: *a fim huff of breath*
Aquaman: right sorry, I forgot you were dealing with another mass break out from Arkham this week, you don't need to stay for the whole meeting. We know you probably know everything already anyway
Cass: *nods*
Flash: Morning Batman. *zooms past*
Duke, absolutely befuddled:
Duke, quietly into his comm: you'd think the speedster would have the time to notice
The several batkids on the other side of the line: *laughing hysterically.*
Dick, wheezing: just do the thing where B tucks the lower half of his face into his cape like he's Dracula. You're doing great.
Bruce, from somewhere in the cave, actively giving up on the assumption that his coworkers have at least one working braincell between them: stop comparing me to Dracula, Dick
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marvelpluschannel · 11 months ago
Aquaman GIFS DC Plus Tribute
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batmandarkknightuniverse · 11 months ago
Aquaman 3:King Of Atlantis
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pinkiemachine · 4 months ago
Concept: an episode of the Justice League cartoon where the MCs get sucked into a 90s teen movie… powers get reset to when they were that age.
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idontbeatgames · 1 year ago
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Pretty good soundtrack and some beautiful visuals - those are the only two things I can positively point out about Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. As a hardcore DCEU fan that almost exclusively makes videos about DCEU movies or topics on Youtube, you might be expecting a positive review from me but quite frankly, this entire movie is an absolute disaster. The editing is terrible, the pacing is nonexistent, the characters have zero character arcs, there’s very little meaningful dialogue shared between characters throughout the entire movie and every moment that should be a payoff moment isn't a payoff moment because of the editing, and the story - in general - is extremely lackluster for a long-awaited sequel. Full length review below!
Aquaman 2, in theory, should've been a layup for DC after the success of Aquaman. This is a movie that, on paper, should've been the sequel we all wanted and a sequel that blew us out of the water, obvious pun intended. This should've expanded on Aquaman and Orm's relationship, this should've given Aquaman legitimate growth so he can become something more than the lovable "dude bro" goofball that he is and Atlantis should've seen some level of exploration or expansion that made such made what was a visually stunning underwater city even cooler. And, honestly, this sequel should've made us at least feel something while watching it. Instead, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom can be added to the pile of terrible DCEU-Era films that were very clearly butchered during their post-production process. Just like with Wonder Woman 1984, this movie fails to capitalize on anything that made us love the first Aquaman film. I genuinely can't emphasize this enough: this is an extremely disappointing sequel. We deserved something so much better than what we got. What makes all of this so frustrating is that it feels like somewhere in the deep depths of Atlantis, this movie was supposed to be this heartfelt adventurous movie about two brothers who couldn't be any more different finally bonding and finally working together for the greater good. It felt like somewhere along the lines, Orm was finally going to get his deserved emotional redemption arc that finally brought Aquaman, his family, and the Aquaman supporting characters together. It felt like finally we were going to see a DCEU film that was going to pull at our heartstrings because we were finally getting to see previously developed characters grow beyond their origin story movies.
And though you can semi-see some of these plot points throughout the film, none of that is actually in the movie because all of the setup and moments that should've helped this hypothetical story come to fruition were just… missing. It's hard to even say that this movie has an identity because it's tonally different in each part of the movie. The beginning is a fun comedy movie that matches the feeling of the first film, the super-fast middle section of the movie is a buddy-cop comedy film with Aquaman and Orm going on a relatively short journey to find Black Manta's headquarters and then the final act of the film - which is also short and extremely unclimactic - feels like the ending to an emotionally epic superhero movie that simply doesn't exist with the theatrical version of Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. This sequel's theatrical cut might be so bad that it rivals the original Suicide Squad's theatrical cut. That's how bad Aquaman 2 is. You experience nothing but complete whiplash throughout its entire run time.
Honestly, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom should've been called Aquaman and his lost sense of Cohesion because this movie lacks any sense of cohesion whatsoever. One thing happens in one scene, the next scene comes along and it feels completely disconnected from what just happened in the scene prior. One character acts one way in one scene, they act completely different in another. One moment that should be emotional is happening right in front of you and then it's immediately followed up with epic music for what should be this epic payoff moment that pays absolutely nothing off because there's zero setup in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. There are so many moments or elements in this film that just don't add up due to the movie's butchered editing and all of the flaws ultimately make for what is a frustratingly disappointing experience.
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom is a genuinely terrible superhero movie and yet is somehow the most fitting end to a completely lackluster cinematic universe that lacked any cohesion, world-building, or charm.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months ago
imagine Batman had to take care of the rest of the Justice League members after a magic user turned them into toddlers/ kids
Bruce: *warms Clark's bottle*
Bruce: *sets Diana in a playpen*
Bruce: *burps Hal*
Bruce: *changes Ollie's diaper*
Bruce: *puts Barry on a child leash*
Bruce: *gives Arthur a bath*
Bruce: *puts J'onn in a Martian onesie*
Bruce: *gives Vic a green teddy bear*
Bruce: *sings Dinah a lullaby*
Bruce: *plays peek-a-boo with Zatanna*
Bruce: *holds a baby photoshoot for Carter and Shayera*
Bruce: *downloads Little Einstein for Ray*
Bruce: *puts an iPad in front of Ted*
Bruce: *starts training Billy to be Robin*
[later, back to normal]
Ollie: We're gonna pretend we don't remember all that?
Everyone: Yep.
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ryemiffie · 9 months ago
I love imagining the scenario where one of Bruce's kids is getting married but no one knows Bruce's identity and it creates shenanigans. Like for example, Dick is marrying Starfire and she doesn't know Bruce's identity.
And they of course want Bruce at the wedding since he's Dick's dad, but they also want a hero as security due to the nature of the wedding, not only as a wedding between two heroes but also a Wayne wedding (not to mention holding a wedding like that in gotham is never easy) which is a pretty big deal in both respects and garners a lot of attention to be the perfect opportunity for a villian attack. So Starfire and Dick decide to request a justice league member there as security. Some heroes are eliminated due to them already being meant to attend as guests who are meant to be able to enjoy the wedding and some already have missions that need their attention, like Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter are busy off-world, Shazam and HawkGirl are busy with a villian who's been on the run, and Superman is supposed to be doing press for the wedding as Clark, so they decide to give the task to Batman seeing as he's more than qualified and is already accustomed to the area (gotham), he can't figure out a way to decline the mission without risking his identity being leaked since he really has no reason to not be able to do it, except of course saying he has civilian business, on the day of the wedding, at the exact time of the wedding.. yeah hell no, Batman is way to paranoid to say something like that! So he agrees to do security as Batman for the wedding while also agreeing to attend the wedding as Bruce, ya' know, so people don't suspect anything about his identity due to the situation.
And before you ask yes Dick has realised the situation but no he is not helping Bruce out of it because its fucking funny to him, and none of the other batkids agree to where the suit for the day since they're also guests and they also find the situation funny as hell. So cue Bruce trying to constantly switch between making appearances as Bruce and doing security as Batman, like the classic sitcom episode where the person has to constantly switch between one date to the next, but it's Batman just trying to enjoy his kid's wedding.
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