#that’s or SPD
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thidwickdoodles · 2 years ago
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They just want to talk
they can and will be scary if they hear you talking shit about Steve
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skulandcrossbones · 9 months ago
wikipedia article on human senses for definitions and clarification
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iridescentparkers · 7 months ago
lessons in sexting ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
warnings: very suggestive! (18+)
“PETER!” you exclaimed, and he dropped inside of your bedroom window. You lay on your shared bed where you once waited for him to arrive. He yanked off his mask and crawled between your legs, quickly placing his hand along your waist and head buried in your chest. “What’s wrong?”
“I can never go outside again,” he muffled, turning his face to the side as he remained on your chest. 
“What are you talking about?”
He dug around in his pocket before grabbing his phone and scrolling to find a picture of himself. Lying down, his sight refused to meet yours as his head remained turned to the side, and he raised his phone to your face. “Read the text.” 
The photo was quite…shameful. In the photo, the phone was angled downwards towards the bottom half of his thin, sweaty suit. Peter was unbelievably hard and gripping his erection above the material. The upper half of the photo showed Peter’s teeth gripping his mask, drippings of sweat falling down his face. Underneath it was a text that read, “Baby, I miss you <3” 
“I didn’t get this text-” 
“Look up,” he murmured, and you moved your eyes to see that he sent it to Harry. You couldn’t help but laugh, Peter then groaned into your body and placed his hands on his face. 
“Is business rough these days? I didn’t realize Spiderman offered this kind of service.” You laughed, slamming his phone down on the bed. 
“Please.” he began, “He hasn’t responded 'cause it's late but I know he will never let this die.” 
“I don’t know if I will either!” 
“I missed, you!” He exclaimed. “It was getting boring and hot in that suit.”
“If it helps,” you whispered, running your fingers through his unkempt hair. “You looked good.”
“Really good?” He murmured, moving his eyes up to your face before placing kisses on the top of your breasts.
“Mmm hmm,” you hummed, nodding as Peter moved to hover above your body, placing you beneath him as he kissed you deeply. “Really good.”
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bkgsdoll · 6 days ago
thinking abt katsuki with a gf who wants to watch asmr, but can never find the perfect channel. most videos are either overstimulating or too underwhelming and she ends up closing the video all together. this bother your boyfriend immensely. he watches you surf youtube for asmr to play in the background while you two just relax, but you can’t.
finally one day he decides, “fuck them” and makes his own video for you. yes, katsuki bakugou makes his own asmr video for you.
and he executes it perfectly!! he makes sure not to look directly at the camera while recording, never makes any mouth sounds, and doesn’t do any fast triggers. he made a separate account just to post that video, but of course, the fans discover it with ease. he lets the internet make fun of him, not really giving a shit because guess what? his video is always on your tv.
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as someone who has experienced abuse from someone with a personality disorder, it's actually incredibly easy to not dehumanize everyone with a personality disorder. i've seen people do borderline eugenic rhetoric surrounding people who have npd, aspd, bpd or other personality disorders, and then be like "I'M allowed to say these things because i'm a survivor, and if you disagree you are hurting abuse victims."
and frankly? i'm tired of it. as an abuse survivor i'm here to say that you're NOT allowed to turn into a fucking eugenicist the moment you're hurt by someone with a personality disorder.
does hurting and belittling other people who happen to have the same disorder as your abuser, people that are already suffering and that are already looked down on by society, bring you any healing? does it bring you peace?
Being hurt by someone isn't an excuse to hurt others that you feel justified in lashing out on. you're literally in control of your own actions,
you may claim to be making a safe space for abuse survivors, but i will never feel any solidarity with you, and i ESPECIALLY don't feel safe with you considering i might have a personality disorder.
you are excluding a large amount of abuse survivors in the name of "advocacy". a lot of people with personality disorders developed one or multiple due to heavy abuse. in the aim of creating a safe space, you are excluding the ones who need a safe space the most.
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mothmans-cumrag · 1 month ago
Meine Mutter meinte am Sonntag, sie hat zwar in ihrem Leben noch nie CDU gewählt, aber diesmal sieht sie keinen anderen Ausweg, die Nazis zu verhindern. Die Linke wäre ihr zwar lieber, die Grünen erst recht, aber nicht mal bei der SPD sieht sie Chancen. Das einzige das sie von dieser Verzweiflungstat noch abhalten kann, wäre ein SPD Hoch in den Umfragen vor der Wahl, damit sie sichergehen kann dass ihre Kinder (2/3 von uns sind trans*) ihre Rechte behalten und eine GroKo zustande kommt. Dass höchstwahrscheinlich die CDU Platz 1 und die AfD Platz 2 sein wird ist uns, denke ich, allen klar. Jetzt gilt, fürchte ich Schadebsbegrenzung. Anyway:
Bitte rebloggen für sample size und damit ich meine Mutter überzeugen kann, SPD zu wählen (Sätze die ich nie gedacht hätte, dass ich sie sage)
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bookshelfdreams · 2 months ago
Leute, zu den Lehren aus der US-Wahl gehört auch, dass beim Wählen Strategie über Ideologie stehen muss. Das ist euch hoffentlich klar.
Für uns bedeutet das: Bei der nächsten Wahl machen wir unsere Kreuzchen bei der SPD. Ohne wenn und aber.
Damit die nächste Regierung einigermaßen vernünftig wird, brauchen wir eine starke SPD-Fraktion. Von den momentan wahrscheinlichen Konstellationen ist die GroKo noch das erträglichste, aber selbst für die GroKo könnte es mit den Mehrheiten schwierig werden. Von Dingen wie Rotgrün oder gar R2G können wir derzeit höchstens nachts träumen.
Ich sage das auch nicht gerne, aber wer eine einigermaßen progressive Partei in der Regierung sehen möchte, der muss dieses Mal SPD wählen.
Ihr habt bis nächstes Jahr, um euch mit dem Gedanken anzufreunden.
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seawitchkaraoke · 2 months ago
Btw wenn wir merz als Kanzler verhindern wollen, müssen wir uns bisschen schlau anstellen. Die Linke und andere Parteien zu wählen, die unter 5% bleiben macht bei der Europawahl Spaß, aber jetzt müssen wir uns halt leider mal alle auf eine Partei einigen, und die wählen die wenigstens irgendwo ne Chance haben und ab und zu sogar noch gute Ideen haben. Ich wähl grün. Die wollen wenigstens das Deutschlandticket sichern. Ich hab halt einfach sowasvon kein Bock auf wieder Groko
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zediina · 1 month ago
Ich hab einfach so ne Wut auf die CDU grad. Mal komplett abgesehen davon dass ich die Werte die die CDU vertritt absolut nicht teile (und im übrigen für unchristlich halte) ist es absolut bescheuert was sie aktuell machen.
Sind wir mal realistisch: mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit wird die CDU die Wahlen im Februar gewinnen und Teil der Regierungskoalition. Aber mit wem wollen sie denn koalieren?
Markus Söder stellt sich öffentlich hin und beschimpft die Grünen bei jeder Gelegenheit, schließt eine Koalition mit ihnen kategorisch aus. Und laut eigener Aussage würde es eine CDU-Koalition ohne die CSU nicht geben. Auch Linnemann meint: mit den Grünen "wie sie aktuell Politik machen" (kein direktes Zitat) könne man nicht koalieren. Und laut Spahn ist Deutschland "SO wenig links" dass eine GroKo mit der SPD "nicht die Zielmarke" ist, denn "es gäbe noch andere Mehrheiten".
Das stimmt, Jens. Es gibt ja noch die AfD, Jens. WILLST DU DARAUF HINAUS, JENS?
Ganz ehrlich: Wir erleben einen Anstieg an Populismus in Deutschland wie es ihn schon lange nicht mehr gab und die demokratischen Parteien bekriegen sich gegenseitig anstatt zusammenzuarbeiten! Was soll denn dieser Kindergarten?!
Und ja, es gibt noch andere Parteien. Aber die haben alle nicht genug Prozente (und werden die bis zur Wahl wahrscheinlich auch nicht haben) dass man mit ihnen eine Koalition bilden kann. Da ist komplett egal wie gerne die CDU die FDP hätte, da kommt nix ordentliches bei raus.
Aber Hauptsache mit den Grünen wollen sie nicht koalieren und auf die SPD haben sie auch keinen Bock.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 7 months ago
Consider: Regulus Black with SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder)
Regulus Black who is called spoiled for not agreeing to wear certain fabric because it feels like they peel of his skin but no one understands
Regulus Black with no tags on his designs clothes
Regulus black who pre- transition hated having his long hair brushed because of the feeling and would only let his brother do it until he finally cut it short
Regulus Black who is always called a ‘vampire’ for sitting in the dark a lot but they don’t understand that it’s TOO BRIGHT
Regulus Black with not a single smooth ring, all textured for those times
Regulus Black who hates surprise touches, who actually barely minds physical touch from his loved ones but has to see it coming before. Who love warm heavy hugs (which are James’ specialty) but hates a sudden touch, pushing people away when it happens and often make them get the wrong message.
Regulus Black who don’t go to parties because all the different sounds physically hurt him
Regulus Black with the same 3 outfits on repeat
Regulus Black with SPD everybody
might add more later - feel free to add your own!
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motormouthedfool · 1 year ago
bitches be like "do i have a personality disorder or am i just looking for attention or am i just trying to find excuses for behaving the way i do"
im bitches
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mrmistakemakeroywg · 6 months ago
Wander in the cone of shame.
COUGH COUGH totally didnt project my S.P.D onto him for this one-
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genderqueerdykes · 2 months ago
considering visiting a psychiatric hospital, inpatient behavioral health unity, or other mental health crisis center? here's some tips about what to expect
i've been inpatient about 6 - 7 times now in various areas of the country and i thought i'd write down a few things on what to expect whenever you visit these kinds of facilities in the United States. i have gone in for psychotic and dissociative episodes, as well as suicidal ones. i cannot write about the experience in other countries unfortunately, this is my own personal experience. note that i can't tell you everything about your facility but i can tell you what i've experienced personally that generally applies to these kinds of places
when trying to get admitted to generally need to go to the ER first to tell them you are having a psychiatric crisis. use the word crisis. a lot of places will not admit you unless you admit you are having suicidal or homicidal thoughts. if you are visibly in a psychotic episode you may not have to admit these things but generally a lot of places won't admit you unless you are suicidal. if you aren't but need help anyways, mention that you're suicidal. it's not fucked up to do this. if you need help, you need help.
in almost all cases expect to be held for 72 hours (3 days) MINIMUM inside of that hospital. you cannot leave at all during this period. this is referred to as a 72 hour hold, it is for your safety. you are not allowed to leave during this time unless you opt to leave against medical advice (AMA) which will be noted on your chart. some places won't have this but most psychiatric hospitals will do this. please note that this is the MINIMUM hold! you may be there for longer depending on the severity of your situation
you cannot use your cellphone in most of these places. they will be locked away with your other possessions. this is to prevent you from contacting/being contacted by people who may be abusing or scaring you, as well as to prevent you from worrying about the stressors that brought you in to begin with. be prepared to not use any electronic devices for several days to a week. some people really struggle with this but it's vital in the healing process
you will not have access to any of your possessions outside of simple things like books and notebooks. you are not allowed to bring in anything that's spiral bound. you can't wear any clothing with draw strings or shoe strings. you can't bring in things that have elements that can be used to injure yourself or others. you can't bring in pencils or pens, they will provide you with some. you cannot bring your own hygiene products or medications to be used unless it's a very specific medication that's necessary that that hospital cannot administer
if you use nicotine, you will be given patches in most facilities, but some do allow patients to smoke their own cigarettes. most modern facilities provide nicotine patches
you more than likely will not be able to wear your own clothes. if you can, you will be given to on-site laundry facilities, or the staff will do it for you depending on the location. in a lot of places you will be given scrubs to wear. you will also be given non-slip ("grippy") socks to wear all the time. this is the only footwear that's permitted generally
you more than likely will have to share a bedroom with another patient. not always, but often this is the case. in a lot of hospitals trans patients are put in rooms with just one bed for safety reasons but this will vary wildly depending on location
there will be group therapy and visitations from therapists in most places. please attend these if you feel up to it, a lot of them are genuinely helpful. not all classes or therapists will be good, so if you feel uncomfortable feel free to leave, but i recommend trying to attend these
there are generally vegetarian, vegan, etc. options for meals so feel free to ask the staff in case you have a specific diet, especially medical diets
some psych facilities are small crisis centers or rehabilitation centers that are not connected to a proper hospital. if they are not, their resources will generally be a lot less and they will have less knowledge when it comes to physical health ailments
you may or may not receive a diagnosis. i was instantly diagnosed with schizophrenia the first time i went to the psych ward. i was clearly in a psychotic episode, confused, not entirely sure where i was. i was interviewed for a long time before the doctor came to the conclusion of schizoaffective disorder. other times i was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder & depersonalization derealization disorder. i get diagnosed with DID and schizophrenia most times i go. your mileage will vary greatly depending on your situation. you may have wildly different diagnoses the different times you visit or you may get the same ones. you may not get a diagnosis at all. it's going to depend on your situation
you are more than likely going to be given new medications. much like the rest of the hospital, you may not be told the name of the medication right away. this is normal. it happens whenever you visit the ER, get a surgery, or are in other parts of the hospital, the name of the medication may not always be told to you right away. ask if you're curious about medications. they'll gladly explain
if a medication is making you feel like garbage or making your symptoms worse tell the nurses right away. you do not have to keep taking a medication if it starts to make you feel worse, you are allowed to communicate how medications are making you feel
try to take care of yourself and focus on getting better. your treatment may not be perfect but if you focus on yourself it gets easier. you're there to learn how to take care of yourself better. there may be "problem" patients but they are there to work on themselves too
if someone starts causing problems with you, tell staff and try to resolve it as quietly as possible as the other patient may just need some help that they weren't being given prior
feel free to ask for the hospital to let you know exactly what your discharge instructions rare. they will generally be setting you up with a lot of appointments upon discharge. this will usually involve an appointment with a therapist and a medication manager if they want you to stay on medication. keep up with these appointments, they will help. if you and your therapist do not get along well, feel free to find out how to find a new therapist
discharge can take a few hours longer than you make expect due to the amount of paperwork and appointments mentioned above. if it takes a long time for you, that is not abnormal
ASK FOR RESOURCES LIKE SOCIAL WORKERS, CASE MANAGEMENT AND SO ON. THIS IS HUGE: if you have EVER been admitted in-patient for mental health reasons you almost always qualify for case management services through your insurance. if you don't have insurance you still may qualify for low or no cost services. these are people who can help you sign up for government and public assistance. they can help you figure out how to pay your bills. they can help you find transportation, help with rent, help navigate addiction, help with signing up for housing programs and so on.
"severe" mental health (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, PTSD, dissociative identity disorder, autism, personality disorders, OCD, and other conditions) & substance use disorder diagnoses often qualify you for discounted housing programs, bill/rental assistance, resources for navigating and escaping homelessness, help with children & family, and other great resources. take advantage of them especially if you genuinely struggle with these things
there are patient advocates for most hospitals. these people are literally hired to listen to patient feedback about their time in the facility. if you were treated well, poorly, or have questions or concerns about the treatment process, google "(facility name) patient advocate" or look through your discharge paperwork to see if that information is included. you can also call the hospital and ask to be transferred
don't look down on other patients who have more severe symptoms than you do. if someone has no idea where they are, what they're doing, or how to interact with other patients don't laugh at them, gossip about them or look down on them. you're there for help just like they are. similarly, don't look down on anyone who you believe has less severe symptoms than you do. you can't tell just by looking
certain things may vary depending on where you're located, but this is what i've experienced going to hospitals in 3 different states. i hope this information can be helpful to some. if you have any questions feel free to ask i'm happy to help!
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thesockwhisperer · 1 year ago
The 4th of July can be fun but fireworks are the W O R S T. I hope everyone who struggles with the sounds and lights of it all (like me :/) can hopefully have a not terrible night. Same goes for folks with ptsd that is triggered by the fireworks!
Update: I LIVE (barely)
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stal3bread · 2 years ago
I personally prefer headphones, though I have earplugs (Loop Engage and Quiet). I use the engage in situations where I still need to talk but it's still loud, but they are kind of annoying because they increase the volume of my voice in my head lol (still better than absolutely nothing though). I use the Quiets either under my headphones for extra noise reduction or instead of my headphones when I can't wear them for whatever reason. I have the Sony 1000-Xm4 headphones which I highly recommend, though they're really expensive so if you want to get them I recommend waiting for them to go on sale like I did.
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dusana-thewitch · 1 month ago
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... Ich bin jetzt schon etwas verwirrt. 😅
Angefangen bei "SPD-Wahlwerbung auf Tumblr??" über "auch wenn viele SPDlerInnen das gerne anders hätten, ist Scholz noch immer Spitzenkandidat der SPD" bis hin zu "DAS IST NICHT BORIS PISTORIUS!!"
bekommt sonst noch jemand solche Werbung angezeigt? Bin ja gespannt, wo das hinführt, wenn der Wahlkampf offiziell eingeleitet ist ...
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