#terf headmates
hi so i understand if this isnt something youll help with but... ok so. sometimes when a new headmate is forming ill dream about them like theyre trying to introduce themself to me before they officially meet the other members since im the host and the one who fronts most. thats not the problem, i quite like meeting new members. the problem is i think theres a headmate introducing herself and... she's a terf. is there a way to prevent her from forming or change her to not be hateful or anything???? i dont want a terf in my brain :(
Oof hey, this is tough. The one thing I say right off the bat is, if a headmate is going to form, they’re going to form. We don’t think it’s possible to prevent a headmate from forming who already is forming, if that makes sense.
We’ve heard of paromancers successfully “dissipating” or dissolving paros/thoughtforms before, but we don’t know enough about this process to vouch for it, and from the sounds of it it doesn’t seem like something we’d readily recommend here, to anyone. You know yourself and your system best though, so use your own discretion if it’s something you want to look into.
Personally we think the best way to handle this situation is to welcome this member into your system, accept her, engage with her, and include her in group activities and conversations your sys may have.
While doing so, call out her harmful, bigoted, or wrong beliefs about trans people. Educate her with as much patience and kindness as you can muster. Encourage her to talk to trans people and think critically about her own opinions and beliefs. Reinforce the idea that change is possible, good, and necessary, even if it’s difficult or uncomfortable. If you have trans headmates in your system, set firm boundaries to help them feel safe, and let this new headmate know that exclusionary words and behaviors will not be tolerated by anyone in the system.
This may be challenging, but we feel it could be necessary in order to help this new headmate understand the realities that trans people face and avoid ostracizing her from your system entirely. Remember change is a process, and it often happens slowly. Don’t stand for bigotry and call it out when you see it, but don’t make her life miserable if you can avoid it. Also recognize the moments where she chooses kindness and inclusivity. Draw attention to her positive interactions, and express how proud of her y’all are when she makes steps in the right direction. Build her up and support her when she says and does things that humanize trans people.
Questioning and challenging internalized beliefs is not easy. So even though y’all will need to demand this of her, understand that it’s a process, recognize her efforts, and if/when she does change, embrace her with open arms. You can do all this without allowing her to walk all over your system and treat the trans people in your lives like trash. Be firm when you need to - no marginalized person should ever have to take bigotry from anyone, even if they share a brain.
(A note from our partner sys - maybe try and keep her from engaging with other terfs online if at all possible. Terf ideology spreads through likeminded folks secluding themselves in online echo chambers which aren’t all that difficult to find. Keeping her from joining these sorts of circles might help things go a bit more smoothly.)
Good luck - we know that life with a headmate who holds bigoted beliefs can be scary, disheartening, and exhausting. Don’t give up! We believe in y’all and we hope that y’all will be successful in educating this headmate so that she can live life with a better, healthier, and happier mindset in the future.
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systemserendipity · 1 year
I know a lotta different kinds of plural systems online and irl, and many use music to help facilitate switching and stuff (us included). We personally use headmate-themed-playlists.
So, for instance, if I (Rigby) want to leave the front, I would go to our Spotify and look up someone that could be pulled easily by music, and up for the task.
Now, here's the whole point of this playlist: I'm creating a masterlist of our personal playlists (in this post and others like it), eventually. It'll probably change over time, so if you're genuinely curious about its progress, follow.
📻Adrien (he/they/ae):
Alex (she/they):
Andy (she/they):
Aspen (they):
Bam (they/pyr):
Bev (he/they):
Billie (she/they):
Brooks (they):
Casey (he):
Cørpse/Merle (he/they):
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think-queer · 2 years
Radfems are so annoying. They show up on a post and spout some absolutely ice cold take like "um actually there are only 2 genders :)" and then tag it as "terf safe" when it's not even their post. Make your own damn post and get out of my notifications, Tumblr makes it a pain to block people on side accounts and I have better things to do.
I don't even know what they think they're accomplishing. Is it just to tell other radfems that I'm an evil bad queer that they shouldn't interact with? Or do they actually think that they're making a convincing argument?
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catgirl-kaiju · 5 months
reminder that i have also had nonsexual photos of me tagged as explict and sexual. i rarely post even any nudity and when i do, i put them on a side blog and voluntarily put community labels and filterable tags on them. any time i post an appeal, it never gets answered. i'm not even able to appeal community labels on those photos any more, and it breaks my heart because those are some of my favorite photos of myself. i've straight-up stopped posting selfies on here partly bc i've not taken many that i enjoy enough to share recently, but also because it's just too much of a hastle.
i've had this same blog continuously since 2012, since before i came out. over a decade now. if i lost it, i would be devastated. i also have meticulously curated side blogs for all of my art and comics, and my headmates also have their own blogs under this account. all of that would be lost.
predestrogen did not deserve this, she did nothing to violate tos. and it very easily could have been me or any other transfem person on here.
i've met friends and lovers on here. my art has found an audience on here. i've been able to crowdsource financial help on here when i've been at my lowest. i don't know if i would still be around if this website wasn't available to me. the thought of some staff member just erasing my presence from here is legitimately terrifying to me.
i'll repost every sfw image i've ever gotten a community label slapped on here and i fucking dare staff to do it again. i fucking dare you.
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i'm lucky that it's not very many, but it's still true that none of these are mature content. none of these are images a cis woman would get flagged for. fuck you @staff for your blatant transmisogyny. fuck you for never taking my harassment reports seriously. fuck you for letting terfs and nazis just keep on existing here no matter how many times they're reported for violating tos.
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moonlitmeadowsys · 2 months
thanks for taking the time to read our intro! below, you'll find some basic info and our dni <3
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about us:
☆ bodily nineteen
☆ collective name is moon
☆ traumagenic (most likely osdd-1b)
☆ collectively they/them; otherwise, pronouns vary between alters
☆ we use "alters", "headmates", and "parts" for ourselves
☆ our frequent fronters change often
☆ we follow from @lorenzoinorbit
☆ we'd love to make more adult system friends! feel free to dm and say hi
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alters who may post here + signoffs:
★ enzo, he/him, 🪐
★ cas, he/him, 🖤
★ fern, they/fir, 🌿
★ elizabeth, she/her, 🌻
★ grian, he/him, 🐈, @fablesandfeathers
★ ceres, she/he/they, 💫
★ eloise, she/cloud/lace + others, 🪽
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☆ radqueer, transid, pro-para
☆ transphobic/homophobic/terf
☆ racist/ableist
☆ endos
☆ people who treat introjects as if they are their source
☆ blogs with lots of gore or violence
☆ blogs that post excessively about drug use/weed (personal comfort)
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caninekin-culture-is · 2 months
Caninekin culture is...
Hello!! Welcome to caninekin culture is! Submit asks about caninekin experiences :3333
The blog owner is a Northwestern Wolf therian who uses she/they/xe/it! They're also a minor so don't be a creep lol
DNI: Racists (this extends to neonazis/antisemetics), sexists/misogynists, homophobes, transphobes/transmisogynists/TERFs, aphobes, ableists, anti-furries, anti-therians, zoophiles, pedophiles/MAPs, NSFW/kink accounts, anti-selfdiag, radqueers, pro/conshippers, anti-agere/petre
#caninekin culture is and #caninekincultureis are for any post that are caninekin culture
#not culture is any post that isn’t caninekin culture
I also tag every post with #(insert a canine)kin, so if you want specific cultures of specific creatures search up #(canine) kin, #(canine) therian, or #(canine) theriotype
I’m probably going to redo the tagging system later by for now that’s it
I keep accidentally reblogging posts to this account so if you see that sorry lol
Also I tend to reblog random caninekin posts so you’ll see those sometimes
Mod applications are currently closed, but stay tuned…
Who can send asks to this blog?
Canine therians (Wolves, dogs, foxes, coyotes, dingos, raccoons, jackals, dholes, etc)
Mythical Canine otherkin (Werewolves, werefoxes, kitsunes, church grims, etc.)
Canine hybrids, this includes real hybrids like wolfdogs, coywolves, or coydogs, but can also be mythical hybrids, like werewolf vampire hybrids
Caninehearted folk
Caninelink otherlink, copinglink, funlink, etc.
Alters/headmates/sys members who identify as/are a canine in some way
Fictional canine caninekins
Hyenas, there’s an ask explaining why somewhere
Objectkins/Conceptkins who identify as a canine related object or concept (Dog toys, bones, caves, etc)
Nonliving canine otherkin (Balloon dogs, dog plushies, etc)
Noncaninekin, who want to send in a not culture ask to ask something, clarify something, or just learn more about alterhumanity in general!
Questioning caninekins who want assistance in finding their identity!
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(Userbox by @/macaw-squawks)
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delphientropy · 16 days
as well as why! i'll add on as i go!:)
we do NOT condone harassment, please just block.
includes: pro/endos, radqueer, transID, anti good faith, and more!! XP
first off, so were on the same page, what are these and why are they bad?
pro/endos: try to demedicalize a dissociative disorder, claim you can be a system without trauma, more info here 👉 [X] [X] (both are carrds that link multiple sources)
radqueer: these are people who accept pro contact (aka WANT to act on paras) paraphilias (necrophilia, zoophilia, pedophilia, etc) and transIDs (transage, transrace, etc. these people claim to identify as a different race or even pretend to "transition" into being disabled like transautistic) or ARE them.
anti good faith: good faith identities are basically identities made in good faith. this tends to encompass "contradictory" identities such as lesboys and other mspec identities. anti good faith people police gender and sexuality identities and invalidate these peoples experiences and try to exclude them from spaces or tell them what THEIR sexuality is. dont be misguided into thinking you're doing good if you exclude these people, its splitting up the lgbtq+ community, and thats what they (TERFs, anti-lgbtq+) want us to do.
now onto the blocklist!:)
analog-transid (also transID, as implied in the name) (they run the blog alters-in-a-box which is one of those alter pack things)
maskaphiliax (also transID, also they have alfreds playhouse in their banner so please be safe)
parxgender (also ace exclusive, anti pan/omni, and anti mogai)
anti-lies (spreads misinformation that can be paranoia-inducing)
theinfernalcollective (claims that bullying isnt valid enough to be a system) (TRAUMA IS TRAUMA.)
disys (same as above)
permababy (transID, doesnt label themself as radqueer but does reblog it)
problema-non-grata (pro transID discourse blog)
thefakersystem (demonizes systems and those with personality disorders, anti good faith, fakeclaimer (literally, fakeclaims EVERYONE.) harasses people minding their own business, overall the worst asshole i think ive ever blocked. dear fucking lord.)
(people who make ID packs for people to "create" their own headmates, all are pro endo, radqueer, and transID)
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wxrmeaterz · 3 months
Welcome - We're the Forest Collective
This post contains our Do Not Follow , Before You Follow and some extra info about us bellow the cut
Collective Terms + Identities:
Forest , Xi/They/Wolf/Howl , Transmasculine
Therian + Otherkin (Primarily Wolfkin + Wolf theriotype , but we also identify with ragdoll cats, bunnies, and several others)
Punk , Cripplepunk / Cpunk
Collectively we are situational mute (do NOT call us selective mute) and predominantly semiverbal
(we have several masked verbal alters who communicate for us verbally when necessary, but we are considered semiverbal)
We interchangeably use parts , headmates and alter language and mainly use We/Us when talking about us.
We are intersex.
Get blocked (DNI):
Antisemitic, homophobic / transphobic, TERFs/SWERFs, racist, ableist, fatphobic, zionists etc
Non-traumagen "systems" + supporters/neutrals (endo, willo, etc) OR culturally appropriate closed practices
Pro/neu contact paras, radqueers and transIDs fuck off
If you reduce introjects to their source / blacklist certain sourced introjects (wtf is wrong with you)
If you don't know how to actually tag and TW things you're getting blocked
If you don't follow your own DNI
Anti contradictory labels - you are literally so intersexist and transphobic.
If you cannot tell the difference between real values and FICTION
Before You Follow:
If you stigmatise cluster B PDs by promoting the myth of "narcissist abuse"
Perisex but use Intergender or think you can transition to be intersex
Do not use complexity labels on us
We are physically disabled and use mobility aids
We often lose the ability to speak or communicate coherently as well as the ability to advocate for ourselves
We will block you if you actively post / reblog about our triggers
We are bodily intersex and will not tolerate intersexism of any kind.
Posts / reblogs tagged with: "dir post 🧂" or "dir reblog 🧂" are directed at our syspartner
Anons and asks will be tagged with:
"🌳 forest.chats"
Random rambles unrelated to our usual posts will be tagged with:
"🌳forest rambles.exe"
We have survived RAMCOA , Programming and TBMC and post about it (tagged with appropriate warnings)
Our Disorders:
AuDHD , Dyslexia , Speech disorders (stutter, situational mute, semiverbal), Tourettes
Agoraphobia, C-PTSD, Polyfrag DID
Cluster B PDs: BPD, HPD, NPD
Cluster C PD: DPD
OCD, DPDR, Pica, ARFID, Anxiety + Depression
We are visually impaired with VSS (currently looking for more Dx that may explain our vision)
POTS, FND, Hypermobile EDS, Fibro
Our Collective Pronouns page:
(this also contains links to other headmates pronouns pages)
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Intro post!
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We are a newly discovered endogenic system, and are still learning about plurality and our system/headmates, though we're pretty sure we're paragenic, and likely para heavy.
We have so far not fully switched and the host does not hear headmates' voices clearly.
We are nonhuman, queer, non-binary and bodily a minor, and use they/them collectively
We are also constelic
We are still doing research on our identity so some information in this intro post may change
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Anti endos/anti tulpas, TERFs/SWERFs, transphobes, homophobes, racists/sexists, anti nonhuman, people who like being rude to others for no reason
We will block liberally
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Known Headmates
[will be updated]
Eden (pseudonym so people we know irl won't find us)
Neurodivergent, any pronouns other than he or she
Sakura was here, but is now dormant (?). Anybody else is stupidly blurry
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
That moment a TERF shows up in the Syscourse tag...
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I think I need ayahuasca to recover from seeing their blog.
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First, just A+ response there from @rainnthefrog!
Just love how they completely shut that down!
When the people banning drag queens (who have never harmed in children in these schools) from performing at schools are encouraging guns to be brought in, you should heavily question how committed people are to the safety of children.
As for @femaledracula, there is so much wrong with this. First, again, zero incidents of drag queens preying on children. It's not a thing. You're talking about a problem that doesn't exist. Second, how do drag queens performing in schools have power over students?
Teachers are in a position of authority. Religious leaders are in a position of authority. Drag queens in schools just... are there. They're just an adult who happens to be present. And if this hypothetical problem were so important, why not take issue with every instance of guest performers and speakers? A police officer or fireman speaking at a school will be seen as more of an authority figure over students than dancers.
Wait... it's the transphobia and homophobia, isn't it? That makes sense.
Oh, and did I mention the sheer audacity of comparing LGBT people to the Catholic Church?
The next post wasn't on femaledracula's blog, but was another reblog of the OP from @aftonfamilyvalues. And I just absolutely love @benkybot's take on the whole dumpsterfire of a post.
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Thank you!
And finally, as a tulpa, this especially caught my eye.
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No. We're not our bodies. We're our consciousness. Our bodies are vessels our emergent consciousnesses ride around in. An amputee doesn't cease to be themselves because they lost their leg. A blind person doesn't cease being themselves because they lost their eyes.
Seeing your body as your whole self can be an extremely unhealthy outlook, especially when it comes to beauty standards and their affect on people's self-esteem.
I realize this is primarily about transness, but the mentality @talktomydoctorate is pushing is something that is also incredibly dangerous to the plural community where multiple people share a single body.
With that in mind, I'd like to take a moment to spout off a bunch of stuff to scare some TERFs! 😁
Let me start with an introduction! Hi, I'm Sophie, a cis girl tulpa riding around in an AMAB body!
Our tulpamancy practices can reliably make people of the opposite gender inside people's brains!
Tulpamancy, over time, is generally regarded as functionally irreversible, with one psychiatry professor likening getting rid of a well-developed tulpa to trying to will yourself to forget how to read.
Every new tulpamancer who creates an opposite-gendered headmate will be a brand new non-binary/genderfluid system in the world.
And tulpamancers tend to be creative people. I know many who are interested in animation and writing, where we can influence pop culture for future generations. Others are studying to be psychologists and psychiatrists where they can be influential in other ways.
And the best part is that there's really nothing you can do to stop it. 🤷‍♀️
Please, chew on that for a while.
And stay out of system tags. You and your kind aren't welcome here.
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anti-endo-safe-space · 4 months
I really don't like how pro endos keep treating us like bigots.
They act like we don't worry about being in the wrong and that we just hate them as individuals. It's not true.
Some anti-endos might feel this way but we don't. (We definitely have blocked some anti-endos who were very toxic).
We just don't understand how a system could form without trauma. The sources that pro endos have given us have never proved anything.
Pro endos will keep saying that we're "sysmeds" and "traumascum" but we just follow the science.
If science proves, at some point, that endo systems do exist, we'd be willing to accept that fact and move on. But for now, it doesn't.
We also just don't want to *have to* share a space with people who (usually) say that they do not have a trauma disorder. (Though we've definitely seen some people say they are DID endo systems).
We want a space where we can talk about our struggles, our dissociation, our amnesia, how we learn to deal with our trauma and our recovery.
But if we don't cater our posts to endos, they riot. I'm still mad about the posts we've seen from endos saying that they're models for non-disordered plurality. CDD systems can thrive too. They can live a good life and enjoy being a system.
Yet we're the ableists ones.
Exactly! We don't hate endos as people, they can be great people. Just that they're hurting our community and causing so much unnecessary drama between all of us
The sources are usually ones that random people make and don't have any big research.
"Sysmeds" and "traumascum" were made to mock the fact that transgender people call terfs transmed or transcum for believing you need to transition of have dsyphoria to be trans. Sysmed and tramascum is there version of "how dare you say I need to follow science!"
That's our thing. If science finds out it can happen, alright we'll move past with the new knowledge. Afterall, DID/OSDD was originally MPD before they learned more about it.
Exactly, if they want their own space and won't hate on those who mention their anti-endo or anything, that's fine. Just don't claim to be, like as you said, Endo DID or do something like steal someone's culture (Tulpa is part of the Tibetan Buddhist belief).
We've already gotten countless asks and comments talking about how we're stupid because we'll tag these with "plural" because some trauma systems will use it because, well, that's what we first called ourselves.
Exactly, being a system isn't the end of the world. Does it suck? All the time it can, we'll start spiraling because we realize we aren't one person but instead are several but it can also be fun, knowing that no matter what your never alone and sometimes headmates can be nice and comforting.
That's our biggest thing, we're labeled as abelist pricks meanwhile they'll claim we're evil for following science
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wixked-coining · 5 months
Vocareon -- Metaphysical Term for Plurals
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[noun - /vo·ka·ray·on/]
Prefix: [vocare-] meaning "to call" or "to summon" in Latin. This is a reference to how a vocareon becomes part of a system. Suffix: [-eon] meaning "age" or "eternity" in Latin. This is a reference to vocareons typically being metaphysical entities.
Detailed description and flags below the cut!
A sysmate, headmate, or member of a plural collective that was summoned into said collective as a subconscious distress call during a traumatic event. Somewhat similar to walk-ins, a vocareon does not come from the system's mind, but rather from an outside source (not to be confused with introjects; vocareons are entirely separate beings that initially have little or nothing to do with the system in question.)
Vocareons can be spirits, deities, or other entities. These entities frequently have some sort of significance to the system they are called to, but not always. Most often, vocareons are "pulled into" the mind of a system due to that system sending out a subconscious call for help while undergoing a trauma. Not all vocareons intend to respond to the distress call, though some do. In many cases, the vocareon is suddenly pulled into the system's mind, which can be very distressing for both the system and the vocareon, regardless of whether or not joining the system was the intention of the entity.
Vocareons may leave the system after the trauma has ended, after the system has recovered from the trauma, or at any time they are able to do so. As such, systems may describe them as temporary headmates or walk-ins/walk-outs. Vocareons who stay in the system after the traumatic event may do so of their own accord, or because they aren't able to leave.
Vocareons may front to act as a buffer for the trauma the system is experiencing. They may also comfort other headmates in-system or protect the system's physical body.
The term vocareon is intended for any plurals that have experienced trauma, regardless of what labels they may use.
Vocareon Flag
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The colors in the vocareon flag represent the following: Black: the summoning of the vocareon Dark red: vocareons who did not intend to become part of a system Bright red: vocareons who intended to become part of a system French grey: vocareons who leave the system once their job is done White: vocareons who become a permanent member of their system
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DNI: queerphobes, sysmedicalists / anti-endogenics, TERFs / SWERFs, racists, radexclus, transx / transid
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bucketofbrainworms · 1 year
Nonhuman Alter Flag!
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the symbol is a simplified version of the nonhuman alter symbol on pluralpedia that we made, the dark blue represents the unity between all types of nonhumans, the purple represents the supernatural and a separation from humanity, the yellow represents those who find joy in both human and nonhuman experiences, the light green represents those who enjoy all of the human experience, and the dark green represents our place here on earth together, no matter where we are from there are some variations under the cut!
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Alien alter! based on the alien-gender flag submitted here
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Monster alter! based on the gendermonster system by @kiruliom
while this isnt a gender flag, I as a nonhuman often connect with nonhuman related genders, so i figured i would make some avaliable along with the base flag
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here are some transparents for anyone who wants to make a variation of this! please tag me if you make one I would love to see what others can make of this!
(in order, headmate stripe nonhuman symbol combo, headmate stripe, nonhuman symbol)
I also made some attraction flags! this is mostly for me, but yall are free to use these as well!
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(in order, top to bottom)
Human4Monster | Monster4human
Human4Alien | Alien4Human
Human4Nonhuman | Nonhuman4Human
definitions are similar for all of these, they are for when you are a human that is attracted to monsters/aliens/nonhumans in some way, or for when you are a monster/alien/nonhuman attracted to humans in some way.
DNI: Anti-Endo, Anti-mogai, Pro contact paras, TERFS/SWERFS, Exclusionists. Please dont "reclaim" these terms to make a statement, anyone can use them as long as it not in a hurtful manner
Credit is much appreciated but not necessary, just have fun with them!
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Welcome to the Altered Records System
We are a traumagenic system! We've only recently discovered that we're a system so we made this blog to document all the highs and lows of living in the same body together. We also might make some vent posts, so if you don't want to see any of that, probably don't follow us. For all our vent posts, we'll try to tag it appropriately with content warnings. If there's any CW/TW tags we miss, please tell us to add it. Feel free to send us an ask! Collectively use they/them pronouns. Bodily, we are 21 years old
Frequent Fronters!:
- Host | Mochi 🐇 -> They/She/Bun/Any
- Co-Host | Esel 👤 -> [He/Rot/Null]
- Ex-Host | Ant / Ty 🐜 -> They/It/Ant
- Gui 🖥️ -> [He/They/It/Static]
- Spindle📍-> [Any Pronouns]
- Gilden ☀️ -> [He/Him]
- Lavender 💤 -> [They/She/Ze/Moon]
- Void 🚫 -> [It/They]
- Guppy 👻 [They/It/Mirror/Any]
- Erratic "Erra" 💥 [They/It/Any]
- Lorey🐉[She/They]
[More in-depth headmate info here] (OUT OF DATE!)
Ask Rules:
Don't send anything about syscourse or our stance on syscourse (They will be ignored and deleted)
Don't ask about our trauma, even if we post about it. Just because we were willing to share a small piece of our experiences, doesn't give you the right to pry for more
No TERFs, homophobes, racists, ableists, or any bigotry in general
Keep in mind that we are not experts in DID, OSDD, or any types of systems in general. We can't diagnose you and we're not here to give advice. We're only here to share our experience with OUR system
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delphientropy · 2 months
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new sys intro woo!!
The Delphinium Entropy
plaintext: the delphinium entropy. end pt
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a DID system, also polyfragmented
- nontraumagenics (incuding ""mixed origin"" and ""trauma endos"") and supporters DNI!!
bodily a minor (hypersexual though, may reblog/like suggestive things)
- DNI basic dni(link), radqueer, transID, shipcourse (idc which side you're on just dont get me in on it), anti LGBTQ+MOGAI, transmeds, TERFs, if you arent pro palestine, anti agre+petre and those who sexualize it or kink, if you demonize personality disorders and all persecutors, people who are weird about fictives, anti alterhuman (anti physical alterhumanity as well!!), anti furry, if you fakeclaim or gatekeep other systems experiences (endos arent systems. theyre endos. end of discussion jeez. systems are inherently "traumagenic")
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our collective name is Nyle (you can also call us Delphie), collective pronouns are it/its and plural they/them
we use emojis instead of names for privacy reasons, and we dont tag who posts what
we use the terms alters, headmates, stars, parts, and blooms interchangeably
we do not identify as one person who is broken and split up, but rather truely multiple people, and we dont like when people talk about alters/parts as all the same one person when refering to us, please be respectful of that
when correcting, criticizing, or informing us, please be kind and use language that doesn't suggest talking down to us. we may shut down or refuse to listen otherwise, and we want to learn and grow
our tiktok is theforgivibl.e
first time we got on systemscringe!! 🥳🥳🎉🎉
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@userboxezz » userboxes
@alterthrope » alterhuman blog
@prettystimming » stimboards
@alablow » object comic in the works
@mirrorpantheon » ID packs for fragments
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mogai-place · 1 year
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Nostalgia holder is a system role for system members who hold feelings of nostalgia for a system, this could be happy feelings of nostalgia or negitive feelings. headmates with this role may front when the system is doing/sees/hears etc something that brings up feelings of nostalgia
IMAGE ID [ the first image of a flag with 6 colors in different sections the colors being, olive green, dark teal, off white, dark grey, mustard yellow, burnt orange. the second image is a simplified verison of the first with the same 6 colors in equal stripes.] END ID
DNI ID [ Basic DNI, Anti-mogai, anti neopronouns, transmeds, terfs, anti sfw agere/petre, anti endo, proship, anti self-diagnosis, (no)map, cringe/flop blog, anti BLM, NSFW blog ] END ID
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