#alterbeing community
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justasaiyangirl · 2 months ago
reminder not every nonhuman is a wolf or a deer or something. Elven folk can be considered nonhuman. Anthropomorphic folk can be considered nonhuman. People who don't identify with really any alterhuman label can use nonhuman. Nonhuman is a self identifying term that just means you aren't human. Please stop using it as the equivalent of alterhuman and definitely stop using it as the equivalent of therian/animalistic otherkin.
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theverynothumankai · 8 months ago
i’ve been watching a lot of nonhuman shorts on youtube lately, and i feel the need to say that i’m quite sad (and then pissed off cuz of that) about how many of them are just skinny, in-shape young kids (around my age or a few years younger than me).
i wanna see my fellow chubby out of shape teens who don’t do quads that often, because of how out of shape and chubby they are, even if they love quads.
i wanna see my fellow out of shape teens who pull a muscle when doing quads, or are out of breath right away, or are completely sore afterwards for days.
i wanna see my fellow chubby teens who’s quads are clumsy and not graceful because we have all that extra weight on us.
i wanna see my fellow queer chubby teens who bind and who don’t do quads that often cuz their chest doesn’t stay in place right or stay flat and it makes them feel gender dysphoria.
i wanna see my fellow chubby, out of shape teens doing this stuff. or not even teens! anyone of any age! that isn’t skinny as hell and that isn’t in shape!
i just would like to see some more nonhumans like me please.
yeah, that’s about all. *goes to lay down in my little den again*
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malakaitheyappingwolf · 7 months ago
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drew on my hand last night, little therian symbol
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A species term for rabbits/bunnies that are predators.
Predabbits/Bundators may or may not have the following: paw pads, fangs and sharper teeth, larger size than normal rabbits/bunnies, an omnivore or carnivore disgestive system, etc.
Species flag template by @eldrorian.
Do not tag as gender.
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unetherian · 5 months ago
I think I found a way of thinking that could greatly help some nonphysicals alter/nonhumans and alterbeings with dysphoria.
If you wander around artist communities, you've probably seen concepts like "I'll draw myself if I were a man!" or "I'll draw myself if I were a duck!", some even create ocs like that.
What if you tried to create an oc of yourself (the you that you feel, the you that you really are)as a human?
What I mean is that maybe to accept our body which will surely never satisfy our nonhuman needs maybe we should rewrite our physique, so that it fits us but in a humanoid way, if that's understandable. It could be the style of clothing, the makeup if you wear it, the haircut, the hairstyle, etc. so that when you look in the mirror you say to yourself "it's me, but humain" instead of moaning "it's not me...".
Of course feel yourself with your human body doesn't mean you feel human, it's just a way to better support your appearance, and maybe love it. Who knows?
I don't know if I explained well because my English is not perfect, sorry.
Lots of courage to all those who have dysphoria, you are strong, we are together <3
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alterbeing-confessions · 1 month ago
annoys me to no end when others whine about “therians have too much representation!!! why don’t they ever talk about ME!!!”
if you want someone to talk about your specific type, YOU do it. you can’t expect everyone else to create content for you. it is not our fault there are a lot of us, and there is no such thing as too much representation
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honeybellbunny · 26 days ago
Omg i need a handler, s/o, caregiver, whoever, i js need attention *sad bunny eyes*
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starfallsystemblog2 · 5 months ago
Here's a playlist you can add therian/alterhuman songs /coded songs to it's a public playlist and ill be adding songs that you recommend to me for it if you don't wanna join the collab!!
Join to add videos: alterhuman coded
(↓ buzz words for reach ↓)
Adaptkin / Adkingender / Ahuman / Alienkin / Alterhuman experiences / Alterhumangender / Animalkin / Antihuman / Astral Limbs / Astral Shift / Aura Shift / Autokin / Awakening / Aware Self Shifting / Aware Spirit / Beforan / Berserker Shift / Cameo Shift / Choicekin / Choicekingender / Colinkgender / Conceptkin / Connectus / Constel / Constelic / Constelicgender / Constels / Copinglink / Demihuman / Demikin / Desapizing / Divinekin / Dream Shift / Exhumic / Exo- / Exolimbs / Exomemories / Exopain l Exopowers / Exotrauma / Factkin / Factuagender / Factualkin / Faekin / Faunasex / Ficfligender / Fictionflickers / Fictionkin / Fictkingender / Fictotype / Flicktype / Folkel / Folken / Foodkin / Forsoulgender / Forwardsoul / Forwardstill / Futuresame / Futuresoul / Futurestill / GenderNH / Genderkin / Halfkin / Heartedgender / Hearttype / Hukingender / Humukin / Identity Anarchy / Kin / Kingender / Kingenderfluid / Kingenderflux / Kinnie / Kinning / Kinshifting / Kinshiftsexual / Kintype / Librahuman / Livinty / Mediakin / Medusan / Mirroran / Mirrorangender / Morphen / Musickin / Mythkin / ND Alterhuman / ND-Inhuman / Nonhumansexual / OCkin / Objectkin / Oheartgender / Olinkgender / Ospingender / Otherfix / Otherhearted / Otherkin / Otherkind / Otherkith / Otherlink / Otherspin / Parahuman / Phantom Limbs / Plantkin / Polykin / Polytherian / RPkin / Robotkin / Rolekin / Roleplaykin / Sapi / Self Shifting / Sensory Shift / Shadow Shift / Soul Collecting / Soul Collector / Soul Collectors / Species Regression / Synpath / Tangles / Theriagender / Therian / Theriotype / Trauma Nonhuman / Unbornkin / Uncreated Fictionkin / Unknownkin
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transspeciesculture · 1 year ago
We keep mentioning how transspecies as a term has existed long before the radqueer & transID communities formed, and started claiming it as part of those communities despite it's actual usage within nonhuman/fictional/unusual human species identifying spaces and objections from said spaces.
As a sort of quick thing to back this up, here are some examples before the year of 2020 (estimated beginnings of the radqueer/transID community)!
All of this excludes troll posting/mockery, and is focused on NH/FICT community's discussions. Some additional content warnings are provided for some of the e-mails, however.
This is not extensive, feel free to show us any other finds (excluding alt.horror.werewolves e-mails, we've already scoured trough everything. There is actually more mentions via that, but all from the same person).
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Mentions of term:
01 - "Gender-bender" e-mail, 1999. Included in this section due to the unclearness of if the original author of the e-mail identifies as otherkin or transspecies personally.
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02 - "On cosmic surgery and personal identity" e-mail, 2005
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03 - "Da Jakkal's work revisited" e-mail, 1999. Warning: has some outdated terminology/beliefs.
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04 - "Re: Introduction" e-mail, 2002
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05 - "Re: Shifters: in need of Help." e-mail, 1999. Warning: thread has mentions of an un-nameable native American creature.
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06 - "Re: Musing of the Week" e-mail, 1999
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06 - "Re: define were" e-mail, 1997. Warning: thread has mentions of an un-nameable native American creature. (This is the second time we've have to issue this CW. Sucks.)
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07 - "Re: Fun with Faith" e-mail, 1997. Same warning as above, unfourtunately.
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08 - "Re: Questions on Were's/Shifting/etc" e-mail 1997. Same warning, a lot of early instances of the word being used seem to all be from this one being, sorry.
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09 - "Re: Slithering into AHWW" e-mail, 1997
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10 - "Re: Odd Dreams" e-mail, 1998
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11 - "Shifters: WereBreeds" e-mail, 1999. Warning: has some outdated terminology.
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12 - "On the appropriation of trans narratives by therianthropes" article, 2013. Contrary to the title, it is supportive. It does mention the native creature again due to excerpting an AHWW member's ramblings, so thread with caution.
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13 - "An Introduction to Animality" article, 2009
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Usage of term for clear self identification (flags and symbols are included):
01 - "Re: A question to everyone out there" e-mail, 1997. Warning once again for mentions of an un-nameable native American creature, and questionable identity that may or may not be considered cultural appropriation (we have no place to say as we are not native). Still, it is an clear account of identification with the label and experiences that'd come to be associated with it.
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02 - "Chewing and biting (and intro)" e-mail, 1999. The poster at the time of posting already specifies that they do not identify with the label anymore, but used to.
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03 - "Transspecies Pride stamp" flag/pride graphic, 2017.
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04 - "Transspecies Flag" flag, 2018
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05 - "Why I call myself Transspecies" personal article, 2018
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06 - "Gender: Furry II (Now With More Scales)
07 - "Real Dragons: Transspeciesism" article, 2001
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sirius-the-lonely-angel · 7 months ago
i wish i could feel my wings again, and that i could stretch them, even though they were so frustrating and isolating to have, i now feel so not myself without them
they were unwanted, but i had them, and now i miss them for that, cuz i now know i was always meant to have them
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theverynothumankai · 7 months ago
i’m kind of tired of having to restate things as “my theriotype” “my ‘types” and stuff like that, cuz like NOOOOO, those aren’t MY anything, it is ME, i am speaking about ME, i want to refer to myself as MYSELF, i don’t wanna have to say MY anything 😒
*howls in annoyance*
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malakaitheyappingwolf · 8 months ago
*starts ferociously biting your ruff* how is your day going ? :3
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a term for those who feel like they can't be perceived as anything but nonhuman; or need to be perceived as nonhuman to feel valid.
xvalper term system by @puriette
Do not tag as gender.
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unetherian · 5 months ago
When I mention all the terms that designate my identity, I am told that I am just showing off and that I am just normal.
But when you think about it, there are so many terms to describe the complexity of consciousness that everyone is a combination of many words that have existed and never will exist.
The more introspection you do, the more terms you find to put to your feelings.
I am
-or nonhuman I don't really know
-a puma therian
- maybe an omnicambitherian ? Idk if it exists
-maybe demisexual
-transandrogynous (in my physique)
-something towards naturkith (for the moment it's the term that corresponds the most to my feelings)
I like to dissect my identity. Many of my feelings don't have names, so I have a hard time talking about them, but I love analyze them.
I think that's why there are a lot of lgbtqia+ people (for example)in the alter/nonhuman, alterbeing and other/semihuman communities: we're not people who try to be interesting. We are just beings who like to dive deep into our hearts and think with it.
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alterbeing-confessions · 1 month ago
You can't convince me you support physical nonhumanity/holothery if you actively post/reblog things like "you still have a human body", "you need to acknowledge you're biologically human, cope", etc etc.
Sounds like hypocrisy if you ask me.
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