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lucky-stick · 2 days ago
Moss ball plant kin :3
Reblog/Comment with whatever your unique/niche theriotype or kintype is !!!
I wanna meet some new critters !!!
My unique one(s) are:
Slugcats + 2000's Webcore conceptkin !!!
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Today’s emotion is: sleepy florets~ cute sleepy florts~!!!!!
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shepherdingthepie · 10 months ago
reblog for bigger sample size <3
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unetherian · 8 months ago
If you are an alter/nonhuman, reblog and answer these questions!
(don't be afraid to write a lot, do what you want ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
1/ Which category of alterhumanity do you belong to?
2/ What/who is/are your type(s)? (if you have any)
3/ Do you experience shifts? If so, can you tell us your most common shifts and your strangest cameo shift (if you've ever had a cameo shift)?
4/ How do you experience your alterhumanity in everyday life?
5/ What do you think of the community?
6/ What are the things that make you most comfortable and euphoric in your alterhumanity?
7/ Are you experiencing species dysphoria?
8/ What advice would you like to say to a young alterhuman who has just awakened?
9/ Do you have/want to have gears?
10/ Do you know/have any theories about the origin of your alterhumanity? If so, tell us! (all beliefs are legitimate)
11/ Tag someone/a creature to answer these questions!ㅤᵕ̈
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 1 year ago
edit. post is over go homme. this post is way too old now. (in myy eyes at least) at the tome iwas writing this post, iwas mad that ither kintypes diddnt have representation so i decided to create my own. that was like a year ago chat some of the stuff isaid in thiss post was good in retrospect, but like. idont really agree wigh all ive said in thiss post like "if youre a therian blog please interact with thiis post to show love to otherr kintypes" because this is like a YEAR OLD 💔💔‼️ if youfelt seen byy yhis, great. im happy. job well donne, post served its purpose. if youre goiing to critisize me or agree with the critisism, youre just wrong becauuse iam always right and perfect.(plus im extremely sensitive to critisism (BADDDD rsd and probably npd traitts) so just dont.) anyways yea post is over go home shoo🫡🫡‼️
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alex-the-alterhuman · 6 months ago
Alex's alterhuman ask game!
Reblog this post to let others ask you question(s)!
I tried to make this accesible to all alterhumans.
🌈 - how many _types do you have?
🌌 - when was your awakening?
👾 - is your _type real or fictional?
👽 - do you enjoy being a […] (therian, otherkin, ect. Just put your label here)
🧷 - what's the reason of your identity? You can say that you don't know. (Ex. "My theriantrophy is spiritual)
💚 - what are your beliefs? Does it affect your identity?
⚧️ - does your _type have a different gender/sex than you? Do you even know your _type's gender?
🧤 - do you own any gear? If yes, what is it?
🏳️‍🌈 - are you also a part of the LGBT+ community?
🌚 - do you experience shifts? If yes, what kind of shifts do you experience most often?
🌝 - how does your identity affect your everyday life?
💊 - is your _type more nocturnal or does it prefer daytime?
🤖 - for how long do you know about your identity?
🍁 - do you think that you were born with your identity or has it "started" during your life?
🧸 - does your _type affect your diet?
🛍️ - do you have alterhuman friends? If yes, in real life or in the internet?
🍂 - what is your _type's natural territory/home?
😺 - is your _type an animal?
That's all byeeee :3
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mxmorbidmidnight · 7 months ago
I CANNOT argue with nonhumans like whatever you say gorgeous creature. Can I do a biology depth study on you/make a conspiracy theory commentary video on you/ take unnerving pictures of you sneaking around in the woods/ feed you a peace of cheese/study you under a microscope? Babes I cannot you guys are so cool.
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cilantros-world · 5 months ago
I feel as though I would be shunned away and called a fake if I ever truly joined any alterhuman space
Alterhumanity isn't something I can explain well -- my alterhumanity is the same way grass is green or the sky is blue. I don't HAVE an explanation for it, I don't have any profound thoughts about it -- it is me and I am it, simple as that. My alterhumanity is woven into my soul like a tapestry made of vines from the earth and whiskers from a feline
If you asked me "What does being an alterhuman mean to you?" I would not have an answer, alterhumanity to me is a distant feeling that you can never truly understand, but at the same time you feel so incredibly close to it. I don't think about it often, I rarely have any shifts, it feels as though I am constantly part creature
I am an imposter among humans but an outcast to my own kind, I am forever trapped in that middle ground -- never fully accepted by either
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kadexenoprince · 2 months ago
To people who feel like their identity is unwelcome in the alterhuman community, just know, I see you
Fictionkin, I see you
Otherkin, I see you
Otherlinks, I see you
Constelics, I see you
Otherkith, I see you
Paleotherians, I see you
Synpaths, I see you
Plantkin, I see you
Fictionkith, I see you
Conceptkin, I see you
Copinglinks, I see you
Choicekin, I see you
Polymorph, I see you
Theriofluid, I see you
Bugs, fish, birds, I see you
Characters, colors, songs, I see you
Aliens, I see you
To therians and otherhearted with canine or feline therio/hearttypes, stop leaving us out. Stop forgetting about us. The alterhuman community is made of more than just you
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months ago
How i look with he/they and 'afrolatino' in my bio
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eye-of-toad · 9 months ago
found on Pinterest- thought therians would appreciate
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thatgarden · 8 months ago
It's literally so unfair that I can't be made out of flowers. Guess phalloplasty will have to do.
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a-vampire-moth · 1 year ago
Be the creature you want to be
Be the nonhuman you want to be
Be the alterhuman you want to be
Be otherkin
Be therian
Be uncommon
Be common
Be you. <3
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teabo · 2 months ago
Nonhuman shoutouts:
Shout-out to fictional versions of animals
Shout-out to fictional objects
Shout-out fictional plants
Shout-out to prehistoric animals
Shout-out to anthros
Shout-out to former human species
Shout-out to fictionkins that literally no one recognizes
Shout-out to hybrids
Shout-out to ockins
Shout-out to the oddly specific concepts
Shout-out to the extinct plants
Shout-out to the niche songs
Shout-out to the myths
Shout-out to the animals with little scientific knowledge
Shout-out to the paleotherians that identify as the older version of their kintype
Shout-out to the alterhumans/nonhumans that don't like saying what they are
Shout-out to historical objects
Shout-out to historical locations/places
Shout-out to fictional locations/places
Shout-out to the atheist angels/demons
Shout-out to kins that are related to mental disorders
Shout-out the beings that always question if they're faking
Shout-out to the beings who don't want to come out
Shout-out to the therians that hate going outside
Shout-out to the herbivores that love meat
Shout-out to the beings who don't relate/act like their kintype(s) at all
Shout-out to the beings that hate/scared of their kintype(s)
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jaspernotcasper · 1 year ago
Drama between a plantkin and a zombiekin, Call that plants vs zombies
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