#spice health tips
ismailfazil1-blog · 7 hours
Top 5 Medicinal Spices | healing spices | kitchen pharmacy | Ayurvedic spices |
Spices have been prized for more than just adding flavor to our food. Across cultures, they've been used for their medicinal properties. Modern science is now catching up with traditional wisdom, revealing the wealth of health benefits these potent plants offer. Let's explore five of the top medicinal spices you can easily incorporate into your diet.
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wandoffire · 10 months
HERBS for Digestive Health🌿
To help improve and ease digestive disorders and issues.
widely used to treat nausea, bloating and soothe digestive issues
used for digestive weakness and inflammation
helps settle inflammation and anxiety related stomach issues
great to reduce bloating, cramping and relax stomach muscles
helps break down food
helps regulate circulation, blood sugar levels, and digestive function
supports healthy digestive functioning
Increasing your consumption of some of these even slightly could make a big difference over time! Should be used with caution.
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aniah-who · 2 months
I have a vision, and it's green (:
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For those of you who don't know me, hi— I'm Aniah (: and I have a pretty big green thumb; and by this, I really just mean that I'm a proud plant mom. From succulents to vines, from palms to trees, I have it. However, recently, I've grown an itch to add an additional category of plants to the family- kitchen herbs! I'm super excited to get into the rhythm of research and even more excited to go shopping once I complete my Herbs-To-Buy list! A few herbs that have already added to my list are Oregano, Lavender, Rosemary, Thyme, Parsley, Dill, Basil, and Sage. If you guys have any tips or recommendations at all regarding ideal herbs or just gardening in general, feel free to drop a comment! By the way, these will all be indoors <3
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thevibranthomestead · 10 months
From Spice Rack To Wellness Wonder!
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Natural Remedies For A Healthy Wholesome You.
Read More Here: 
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aliendeity · 11 months
the man who owns and runs the thai restaurant in my town knows me by name. he is one of the kindest and most thoughtful men i know. i started ordering from his place back in january, which was when i got my fibromyalgia diagnosis. back then i was using a walker, had limited mobility in my entire body but especially my hands, and was very visibly in pain. i always ordered the same thing: yellow curry with no meat, potatoes and carrots only (i have texture and other dietary issues). he always made it a point to make sure i could get out the door and carry the food safely. he had his workers package the food so that it was easier for me to open. as i kept coming back and i told him a little bit about my health status, he would always encourage me to keep going. he told me about how the spices he used were good for inflammation and began to edit the recipe just for me so that spices that were even better for fighting inflammation were used. he’d give me extra portions and despite the fact that i would tip every time, i realized later that he never charged my card for them. as time went on and my condition began to get better, especially with the help of a physical therapist, he would make encouraging remarks and tell me how happy he was for me. the day i came in without my walker, he practically jumped for joy, and despite my insistence, he gave me my meal for free that day. i continue to make progress with my conditions and i continue to go to the thai place. this man who does not know me personally and who i hardly know anything about is one of my favorite people. it’s interactions with humans like these that make loving life easier. and his curry really does help my chronic condition. it’s comfort food taken to the next level.
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Saddling Nature's Abundance: The Force of Spices for Health and Weight Loss
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In a world immersed with prevailing fashion diets and marvel supplements, the immortal insight of bridling the force of spices for wellbeing and weight reduction frequently gets ignored. However, for a really long time, civilizations all over the planet have venerated spices for their restorative properties and culinary pleasures. We should dive into the significance of spices for by and large wellbeing and investigate a portion of nature's most powerful plant treasures.
Meaning of Flavors for Prosperity:
Flavors are not just flavor enhancers; they are empowering powerhouses stacked with supplements, minerals, malignant growth avoidance specialists, and phytochemicals. Incorporating flavors into your eating routine can build up your safe system, support osmosis, decrease disturbance, and advance for the most part flourishing. Additionally, various flavors have exceptional properties that can assist with weight decrease by supporting absorption, smothering desire, and controlling glucose levels.
👉To get benefits of Herbs for Health CLICK HERE
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Helpful Spices for Health and Weight Loss:
Turmeric: This brilliant flavor, prestigious for its calming and cancer prevention agent properties, contains curcumin, which might support weight reduction by expanding digestion and diminishing fat aggregation. Add turmeric to curries, soups, or smoothies for a superb prosperity support.
Ginger: Known for its stomach related benefits, ginger can assist with easing up enlarging, heartburn, and disorder. Furthermore, ginger might uphold weight reduction by expanding calorie consumption and diminishing craving. Appreciate ginger tea, integrate new ginger into sautés, or add it to hand crafted salad dressings.
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Cinnamon: Past its magnificent smell and flavor, cinnamon might assist with controlling glucose levels and further develop insulin awareness, making it advantageous for weight the executives. Sprinkle cinnamon on cereal, yogurt, or natural product servings of mixed greens for a delicious and stimulating turn.
👉To get benefits of Herbs for Health CLICK HERE
Green Tea: Wealthy in cancer prevention agents called catechins, green tea has been displayed to support digestion and advance fat consuming. Trade sweet drinks for unsweetened green tea or appreciate it hot or chilled over the course of the day for a reviving wellbeing mixture.
Fenugreek: This flexible spice is known for its capability to further develop processing, decrease craving, and manage glucose levels, making it a significant partner in weight reduction ventures. Integrate fenugreek seeds into soups, stews, or teas for a dietary punch.
👉To get benefits of Herbs for Health CLICK HERE
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Integrating spices into your everyday schedule isn't just a tasty method for upgrading your dinners yet additionally a powerful procedure for working on generally speaking wellbeing and accomplishing weight reduction objectives. By saddling the force of nature's abundance, we can feed our bodies, support our prosperity, and leave on an excursion towards lively wellbeing and essentialness. So how about we embrace the wizardry of spices and appreciate the endless advantages they offer for our wellbeing and bliss.
👉To get benefits of Herbs for Health CLICK HERE
There is an affiliate link of a best product in this article which may make some profit for me.
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foodieflavorscape · 6 months
Embark on a culinary odyssey with us as we uncover the captivating world of cumin! Join our journey as we delve into the unique flavor profile and versatile usage of this beloved spice across various cuisines. Whether you're a seasoned home cook or an avid food enthusiast, this exploration of cumin promises to ignite your taste buds and enrich your culinary repertoire.
Cumin, with its warm, earthy flavor and aromatic qualities, holds a prominent place in kitchens around the globe. Originating from the Mediterranean region, cumin has been prized for centuries for its ability to add depth and complexity to dishes spanning from savory to sweet. Its distinct taste, with hints of both bitterness and warmth, lends itself beautifully to a wide array of culinary creations. Throughout our journey, we'll uncover some surprising facts about cumin that will elevate your cooking adventures. Did you know that cumin is one of the oldest spices known to mankind, with evidence of its use dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks? Its enduring popularity throughout history is a testament to its enduring appeal and versatility in the kitchen. But cumin is more than just a flavorful spice; it's also celebrated for its potential health benefits. Rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients, cumin has been linked to improved digestion, reduced inflammation, and even weight loss. Incorporating cumin into your diet not only enhances the taste of your meals but also supports your overall well-being. Join us as we explore the myriad of culinary uses for cumin, from its role as a staple seasoning in Mexican and Indian cuisines to its surprising applications in desserts and beverages. Whether it's sprinkled over roasted vegetables, stirred into soups and stews, or infused into refreshing drinks, cumin adds a touch of warmth and complexity that elevates every dish it touches.
So, get ready to tantalize your taste buds and expand your culinary horizons with our exploration of cumin. Don't forget to like and share this video with your fellow foodies to spread the joy of cooking and discovery. Together, let's celebrate the magic of cumin and the endless possibilities it brings to the table!
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vitalitybasecamp · 9 months
"The Spice Odyssey: Asafoetida Unleashed"
            https://amzn.to/3NT5Rpu 1. Preface: Asafoetida, also known as “hing,” is a unique and pungent spice derived from the resin of the Ferula plant. Widely used in various culinary traditions, asafoetida adds a distinct flavor to dishes. Its journey from ancient history to modern-day kitchens has been marked by a rich tapestry of cultural significance and health benefits. 2. Taste and…
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shudhsanjivani · 2 years
weight loss tips at home
किसीका भी वजन एक दिन या एक महीने में नहीं बढ़ता, weight loss tips at home in hindi जब हम वक़्त रहते खुद पर ध्यान नहीं देते और खाने में ऐसा भोजन शामिल कर लेते हैं जो सिर्फ जीभ का स्वाद पूरा करता है शरीर की जरूरतों (शरीर के लिए जरूरी पोषक तत्व) को अनदेखा कर देते हैं, तब हमारा वजन बढ़ने लगता है, हमें इस बात का एहसास तब होता है जब लोग हमें ए मोटी ओ मोटे कह कर बोलने लगते हैं, weight loss tips फिर हम चाह कर भी वजन कम नहीं कर पाते, अगर आप फास्ट फूड खाना पसंद करते हैं, अगर आप  भारी भोजन करना पसंद करते हैं तो शरीर को फिट ओर वजन को कम रखने के लिए सुबह शाम आपको भारी एक्सरसाइज भी तो करनी चाहिए, कई बार जीभ का स्वाद जिंदगी का स्वाद खराब कर देता है, वजन कम करने या कम रखने में जीभ के स्वाद का बहुत महत्व है, जिन्होंने अपने जीभ का स्वाद काबू में रखा उनका वजन भी काबू में र���ता है 
click here
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
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This is inspired from Glow up blueprint video by Dear peachie. Dear peachie will help you to achieve the ultimate physical glow up
.First of all, get to know your features. People who have facial features with accurate facial proportions , stronger symmetry ,brighter colours , defined lines look better in the static image whereas disproportionate facial ratio , poor symmetry , dull complexion , uneven structures can affect how one looks in static image.
Look at the glow up pyramid. Every level is interrelated to each other and is equally important . The elements at each level serves as the foundation which steps towards a higher level. The overall aspects may get affected if insufficient attention are given to fundamental levels.
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Celebrities always appear gorgeous and sophiscated because they play attention they have invested a fortune and massive efforts in the detail that ordinary people never thought of.
There is a Chinese sayings which says one can recognize a beauty from 10 meters away. From a 10 meters distance, we cannot see the beauty looks like , her facial features and make up is blurry. However , we can see her body shape , posture , hair , clothing style. If we maintain 2 to 5 meter social distance , the focus point is skin , face shape and overall proportions. Body type , posture , clothing , hair , skin , face shape and overall proportion forms the impression of the body.
( A) Skin
- maintain a balanced diet
- good quality of sleep.
- stay hydrated lol ( common advice but it works )
- avoid smoking and eating too much sugary foods.
- Build a skin care routine which suits you the best.
- Visit a dermatologist regularly.
- Rub ice on face
- Do facial yoga
- Less is more
- The most simple way - just affirm that you have clear skin .
( B ) Body
- Workout !
- Maintain a healthy diet , don't starve yourself please !
- We can enhance our body proportions by wearing clothes which suit our body type.
- Love your body , don't abuse it by starving yourself or criticising it.
( C ) Posture
- You can do exercises to get a good posture.
- Try to maintain a good posture even if you are doing your daily tasks.
- Walk with a good posture , you will appear more graceful and elegant.
(D) Hairstyle
- Hairstyle is a great way to express oneself. You can choose different hairstyles which suit you.
- Healthy and beautiful hair can enhance your appearance so give some time to yourself and do hair care .
- A suitable hairstyle can draw visual attention towards your best features. For example : Long face framing bangs reduce impression of high cheek bones.
( E ) Body shapes
- Get to know your body type and dress up according to your body type.
👛🧁I didn't go into details , dear peachie has made videos for topics like posture, body shapes , hairstyles etc. I will make notes on those too . Those posts will be more detailed and in depth👛🧁
- Try mewing, you will get high cheekbones and sharp jawline.
- Get regular trims and hair scalp treatments.
- Yoga is so beneficial for both physical and mental health.
- Accessories to spice up your outfits !
- Develop a good fashion sense , you can take inspiration from celebrities too .
- Apply Vaseline on eye lashes .
- If you want to appear taller and slimmer, then wear high waist jeans and crop tops . ( This tip may vary from one body shape to another )
- DEVELOP SELF - LOVE. I recommend you to check out these posts - how to love yourself , self-love affirmations by me , self- love affirmations by Alanna Foxx, songs for self-love. Also , read these posts - click me and click me !
- Be disciplined. Care for yourself . Cherish yourself. Love yourself no matter what.
- Listen to Guided Meditations and Podcasts
- Adopt the " OK and ? " or " So what? " mentality . They were talking behind your back , OK and ? They don't like you , OK and ? You tried something new and failed , So what ? They left you on seen and ghosted you , So what ?
- Adopt the " You are You , I am me " mentality.
- Listen to the wizard liz , Tam Kaur , Simone or Alessia.
- Watch good content. You are what you consume. You have control over it. Don't watch videos which are full of drama and negativity . Watch productive and educational videos.
- Meditate ! You will become more mindful and self- aware.
- Become selfish! No , don't use people for your own benefit but put yourself first. Posts you should read to understand it better ! - click me , click me !!
- Don't seek validation from others , don't listen to other's opinions . Others opinions are irrelevant.
- Watch documentaries. Read books .
- Cut off toxic people ! This is so important. If someone drains you , puts you down , always nitpicking or complaining about you or other things . Distance yourself. It doesn't matter if you know them in real life or if it's online friendship. It doesn't matter if you knew them for a decade .
- You don't need to share everything with your Close friends.
- Say affirmations out aloud while doing skin care infront of mirror or in your mind.
- Act like the person you want to become.
- Don't chase , attract
- Know you are the main character.
- Don't allow others to use you or treat you like a doormat.
- Be more organized.
- Don't compare yourself with others.
- Don't depend on others for your happiness .
- Journal.
- Try shadow work
- Have hobbies
-Being intelligent is hot. Prioritize your education.
- Find a reason to study. Do you want to top your exams ? Do you want to make your parents proud ? Do you want to be the smart kid ?
- Find a role model . It can be a fictional character or celebrity . Check this post to find some inspiration - click me !
- Your reason to study should be bigger than your distractions.
- Watch fayefilms and studyquill , they always have the best study tips.
-Teach your friends , family or even pet . You will be able to revise the concepts better. If you get stuck while explaining , you would know that the topic is not clear to you yet.
- Use Mnemonics
- You can use the SQ3R method. SURVEY. QUESTION. READ . RECITE . REVIEW.
- Romanticize being smart. Romanticize studying.
- I would recommend you to read these posts , I hope they help you to study well !! - click me , click me , click me , click me , click me , click me, click me , click me
I hope this post helps you too - click me !
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kathaynesart · 4 months
Bit of a random question, but as a teen I'm curious, what would you want to say to kids of today? Any advice?
Hm... every person's life journey is different, but I don't mind giving a few tips based on my personal experiences! If they can help in anyway then I am glad for it!
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Ted Talk below the cut.
Life will always change. YOU will change. You may feel stuck or trapped in some aspect of your life right now and are worried that things will never get better. But they do... it will take time, but you will get there so long as you keep moving forward.
Try not to stress too much. All those things that seem like such a big deal right now... most of them will be forgotten within a few years. So it helps when you feel overwhelmed to step back and not let these little (or even big) missteps take control of your life.
No really, go touch grass. I can not express how important it is to disconnect from social media and just be present in the moment. Going out to a cafe or a park to help you unwind and ground yourself. If life allows, try traveling! Even if it's just a road trip. Get out and see and experience different things because those will be the memories that will stick with you!
Change things up. Even if that's just taking a different path to school or trying a different snack. I find that stepping away from the mundane daily schedule helps bring so much more variety to my life and helps me be more present in the moment.
Be flexible. Especially in your goals and expectations. We're expected at such a young age to choose our destination in life, when it's the journey itself that we should be seeking. So while it's great to have goals, do not make them so rigid that you will deem yourself a failure should they not come to pass. Often times it's the things that surprise us in life that help lead us to opportunities we had never even considered.
Your worth does not come from what you produce, or how many milestones you hit, or how much money you make. It is something you give yourself as you relearn time and time again to love yourself.
Your health is important! It is something we often take for granted when we’re younger but it will mean so much as you age. Also should you feel that you’re ever in pain or unwell, speak up. There are so many instances of people coming to greater harm because they only listened to the first doctor who brushed them off. Seek a second opinion. Know that your body is worth proper care!
Just because you have to grow old does not mean you have to "grow up." Those things you loved that sparked joy in you as a kid? Hold onto them or find new ways to instill them into your life. Keep that passion and remember what fun is! Because you will need it just as much when you're older. It is a major ingredient in the spice of life.
Remember, you ARE special. You may not feel like it... but the fact that you exist is such a mind boggling feat in this vast universe of mostly empty space. While that may be difficult to grasp as we are, stuffed in this tiny jewelry box we call Earth, that does not make any one of us any less special in the grand scheme of things. And in this tiny but overflowing box of treasures, there is no gem that is quite like you. You managed against all odds to come into existence. That is AMAZING. Congratulations! Hard part is already done. Now go shine!
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blooberrries · 4 months
「 extemporaneous 」 — 07 ☾
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— pairing: multi; shoto x reader, izuku x reader (so FAR...) — genre: hybrid au, slow burn-ish, reverse harem — wc: 3.4k — rated: nsfw; heavy petting (?) — notes: it has the barest sprinkle of spice. soon we will arrive upon the porn with plot...... soon....... save me
You've never really had much to do with hybrids, existing in your own little bubble for a majority of your life. That comes to an end when your friend phones you for help and somehow you end up taking two hybrids off of her hands while they recuperate in the wake of an unfortunate incident. But when the time comes that they have to leave, will you really want them to go?
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Recently, the boys have taken to accompanying you on your morning exercises.
The weather is getting cooler, and with it the days shorter, so you’re not particularly opposed. Well, you wouldn’t be anyway because you enjoy spending time with them and there is also no way in hell that you would miss the opportunity to see them work out.
(For scientific reasons, of course. Hybrids are built a little different, after all. You’re definitely not a pervert and any source saying otherwise constitutes defamation.)
You’re on your back, having sprawled on the cool grass around ten minutes ago in an attempt to catch your breath after a run. You might have bitten off more than you could chew by telling them they could set the pace, but you’d sooner stub your own toe than admit the difference in your fitness levels. Thankfully you’ve regained control of your lungs and are no longer heaving, and they appear none the wiser to your momentary health crisis. You are pleased to maintain even scraps of your dignity at this point.
“I like this park.” A voice muses from your left. You allow your head to roll slightly, eyes falling upon the stretched form of the canine hybrid beside you. A breeze rustles the snowy hair that brushes his right cheekbone. “Quiet. Peaceful. Also, quite pretty.”
You hum in agreement; you’re in a meadow-like area that you can reach by following the footpath for a kilometre or so. Trees loom tall on the outskirts, creating verdant walls of green that curl the small sanctuary into their embrace as warmth from the sun pools in the centre and glimmers off the dewy grass. Instead of speaking, you allow a moment for the reply from Izuku that you can feel coming. It enters the air like clockwork barely a second later.
“Isn’t it, Sho?” Izuku tilts his head back, the sun filtering through foliage to paint his skin in swathes of gold. “Plus, it’s nice seeing so many other hybrids come through here every so often.”
Shoto lets out a noise in agreement. In an odd moment of serendipity, a family of hybrids accompanied by a single human emerge from where the path disappears into the treeline in the distance. The child swinging between the two adult hybrids couldn’t be any more than five years old, and the second they lay eyes on the great expanse of grass woven with patches of clovers and wildflowers before them, a delighted peal of laughter rings in the air.
Before you can think twice, your eyes are moving to scan the expressions of your companions in curiosity. From what you recall, an intact family unit isn’t very common for hybrids, though Nejire told you once that it is becoming increasingly the norm. Hybrids from the initial generations, those born in a sterile lab, are now creating families and small communities of their own as the movement for their rights strengthens and gains more traction over time. It makes you happy to see it in action, though a part of you worries that the sight might bring up memories for your companions that aren’t particularly pleasant.
Then again, you have no idea about their backgrounds, really.
Thankfully, the shift in their expressions isn’t sad or melancholy. Rather they appear contemplative, bordering on nostalgic. Curiosity lingers in an unspoken question on the tip of your tongue, but you don’t dare to voice it.
It’s Shoto that volunteers to fill the silence first.
“I wonder if that kid gets lonely,” he muses. “It doesn’t look like they have any siblings.”
You blink, something about the way he says that sparking a new curiosity. “… You had siblings?”
He shrugs, a small smile curling at the corners of his lips. He glances at you and then Izuku from the corner of his eye. “Well, maybe not in the typical sense. We were often created in batches, so we definitely weren’t alone.”
“You have company, but in all you don’t get to spend much time with the other hybrids. The adoption process can start young sometimes,” Izuku supplies, shaking his head to dislodge a leaf clinging to his forest-hued curls. “Shoto and I actually ‘grew up’ together, in a way.”
The confusion must be evident on your face, because the rabbit hybrid laughs and reaches out to pinch your cheek. You frown but can’t be bothered to lift your arm and bat him away, and so he remains the unspoken victor.
“I guess you could call it that.” Shoto snorts, reaching up with both arms to stretch. The movement lifts the edge of his shirt to reveal smooth honey-toned skin and you fight for your life to keep your eyes in a respectful location. “I think our labs ended up merging at some point and from then on we kind of got stuck together. Neither of us were ever officially adopted.”
That takes you by surprise, actually. Ignoring how visually stunning they are, both hybrids are pleasant and sweet, sincere in everything they do, and a pleasure to be around. You can safely say the addition of them into your life and routine has been a blessing. So when you take in his words, your brain can’t quite comprehend the idea of someone not wanting them.
A part of your feels bad for them – you know it isn’t the case for all hybrids, but for some of them the act of ‘adoption’ means a lot – but at the same time, you’re unsure whether you would have ever ended up meeting them if they had been adopted earlier in their lives.
It feels selfish, but… deep down, you’re a little glad that you were able to know them as a result of it.
Shoto lowers his arms and twists to face you a little more, eyes surveying your supine form. You have a feeling that he is looking for the best place to curl up and your suspicions are confirmed when he zeroes in on your abdomen and turns back around so he can recline with his head resting on the soft swell of your stomach. You don’t even bother trying not to blush. You’ll just blame the heat of the sun if you need to. Or even the exercise. Plenty of excuses.
“It’s good to see so many kids around,” Izuku hums, blowing some hair out of his face and allowing his eyes to flutter closed after. It’s a slight redirection of the current topic, but you don’t particularly mind. “There’s more than I thought there would be, considering the current ratio.”
This piques your interest further, tickling something familiar in the back of your mind you’d heard once upon a time. “The current ratio…?”
“Of male to female hybrids,” Shoto supplies helpfully in his soft, leisurely tone, turning his head and nuzzling into your abdomen just below your ribs. You have to physically hold down the responding shudder that wants to roll over your body. “It’s pretty disproportionate, currently. Something like one female hybrid for every two –- or is it three? -– male hybrids.” “Oh shit,” you mutter, the words leaving you before you can think to censor yourself. “Tough odds.”
Shoto snorts, and Izuku looks to be fighting a grin. Surprisingly, it is the hybrid currently taking up real estate on your stomach that continues.
“It might look like that,” Shoto hums, his head tilting just enough for his mismatched eyes to trail and lock onto your own. The slightest curl plays around the corner of his mouth. “But we’re pretty adaptive, you know. Most hybrids tend toward polyandry.”
Oh. Oh. Nejire never told you that.
Shoto’s eyes, clear and glimmering in the morning sunlight, track every minute movement and change in your face. His ears flick ever so slightly, no doubt catching the slight uptick in your heartbeat as well as the warmth gathering in your face.
You have to wet your lips in order for your question to greet the air. “Why, um-- is there a reason behind the ratio?”
Izuku hums a pleasant noise, like he’s been quizzed on something that he knows the answer to.
“Men – or in this case, male hybrids – are easier to clone and create than women. Something about having two X chromosomes makes it a little more complicated, if I remember correctly.” Izuku tilts his head, eyes glazing as he falls deeper into his thoughts. “That’s probably why we all ended up having the kind of instincts that we did. Being excessively territorial is detrimental to the population as a whole when one gender greatly outnumbers the other.”
“Plus, more chances for females to conceive when there are multiple--”
“RIGHT, yeah, there’s also that.” Izuku lets out a loud, embarrassed laugh, cutting the canine hybrid off before he can continue. For his benefit, you continue to ignore the heat making itself known on your face and fight to swallow your own amused chortle. You did think it had been a little too long since the last time Shoto said something outrageous with the most unbothered face. The rabbit hybrid continues, almost like he can’t help himself.
“Even so, the bond that a, um… mated pair share is super important. Hybrids have a tendency to bond deeply in general, but I suppose it is doubly so for males. Definitely more matriarchal in nature, hybrid communities.”
Bonds? Mated pairs? You feel kind of faint as your brain works to reconcile all the information you’ve received in the last five minutes. “Huh… I see.”
Izuku suddenly looks oddly restless, almost… nervous .Evidently taking a page out of Shoto’s book, he turns and dives to bury his face in your side, eliciting a ticklish yelp from you as he does so. He ends up pulling on a lock of Shoto’s hair that had fallen over your side by accident, and the hybrid lets loose an unimpressed, low rumble. Ignoring the noise, Izuku takes a few deep breaths against your side, digging his nose into your shirt.
Sincerely, you don’t think you’re going to be able to survive this. You consider sending a prayer heavenward.
As if things weren’t already embarrassing enough for you, your stomach chooses this exact moment to let out a forlorn rumble.
Shoto snorts softly, lifting off of you and rolling to a stand with such grace, you’re genuinely envious for a moment.
“Probably best we head back and get some food in our bellies.”
He doesn’t need to tell you twice.
This is a losing battle.
Granted, it’s not like you’re really fighting it at all anymore (arguably didn’t even really fight it to begin with), but still. It feels like everything is somehow snowballing, in a way that you’re not particularly against despite your better judgement.
Somehow, your two housemates have gotten clingier. They stick to you like shadows, scenting you in an almost possessive manner whenever they get the chance and more than a few times you’ve caught them sniffing you for a whiff of your own scent when they think you’re too occupied to notice.
It’s doing a number on your already frayed self-control.
The brief but very informative conversation the three of you had in the park almost a week ago has helped alleviate some of the guilt you carried for being attracted to both of them at the same time, and also planted some ideas in your head that you haven’t been able to pry out despite your best efforts.
Currently, your dilemma comes from the fact that not only are you attracted to them both, but you like them both.
It’s still budding, not at a catastrophic level as of yet, and technically speaking you would be able to be with them physically without spiralling when they eventually leave. Probably. Actually, you’re torn between not wanting to do anything to save yourself the pain in the long run, and doing something so that you can treasure and make the most of the time you currently have together.
You’d probably regret it if they ended up leaving without you addressing whatever this is between you. However, you also know yourself enough to know you’re too sappy to be able to part with them seamlessly if you did act on it.
This is torture. You almost wish they’d just make the decision for you.
Apart from those differences, the routine the three of you remains mostly unchanged. Unfortunately, that leaves plenty of opportunity for you to overthink and dwell as you complete your bedtime routine. You almost reach for a cheeky drink just so you might put an end to the thoughts and go to bed in peace. Somehow, you manage to imitate meditation enough that you eventually drift off without the need for a nightcap.
Something rouses you from sleep earlier than anticipated, though. The soft creak of your door has you blinking awake, eyes less bleary than anticipated.
It’s pitch black at first, but your eyes quickly adjust enough to see as two figures slink into the room and over to your bed. You feel the mattress dip with their weight as they climb atop, a soft rumble reaching your ears that you know to be coming from a certain canine hybrid.
“What is it?” you ask, wiping your eyes in an attempt to clear any remaining sleep. It’s harder to focus on their forms than you expect. “Is everything okay?”
It’s a throaty whine that answers your question, timbre no doubt belonging to Izuku. The slimmer of the two slips closer, a hand coming to grasp the one you’d reached out without realising. Your heart stutters in your chest, breath catching in your throat. The smell of pine and jasmine twine together and brush your senses. Of course you’ve smelt whatever cologne your two hybrid roommates wear before, but never so strongly. It’s making butterflies come to life in the pit of your belly.
“What is it?” you ask again, sitting up a little more. Izuku brings your hand to his cheek, nuzzling into your palm. Your fingertips brush his fluffy curls and you find yourself winding them into the locks without a second thought.
While Izuku seems to be sitting back on his haunches for the moment, Shoto has no qualms about approaching further, his large hand brushing against the skin of your shoulder, revealed by sheets that fell when you rose earlier, before trailing down your arm and then back up. His palm settles against your neck, scorchingly hot, and the length of his fingers wrap around your nape. Your heart kicks up again, an excited, frantic patter.
Izuku’s lips press against your palm, searing affection into your flesh. You can hardly keep track of what is happening, attention torn from one to the other in rapid succession.
A soft whine escapes from Shoto this time, and he leans forward to nuzzle his face into your neck, dragging his nose along the line of your jaw. It tickles, and sends a shiver down the length of your spine.
“Nothing’s wrong,” he murmurs, mouth hot against your neck as his lips shape the words. You feel his ears flick and catch against your hair. You want to lift a hand and touch him, but for some reason your body refuses to obey. “Nothing wrong, just need you.”
You feel like your heart has stopped completely in your chest, a breathless moment passing before it returns to its chaotic gallop. You barely have the presence of mind to force out, “What…?”
The hybrid’s lips begin to press in a heated trail down your neck and across your collarbone, ignoring your murmur completely. His free arm slips around your side and behind you, pulling you close quick enough that a soft noise of surprise escapes you. Heat is beginning to set your veins alight, blood turning to magma. Your thighs clench as Shoto’s teeth scrape against your clavicle before he sucks the flesh into his mouth.
Oh my god.
Having moved you closer to the centre of the bed with his manoeuvre, there is now room for Izuku to sidle up against your other side, and he happily takes the opportunity. Your hand is dropped for only a moment before he picks it up again from his new angle, returning it to where it was. He then leans forward, burying his nose into your hair and letting out a contented groan – something he’d done earlier in the day when the three of you had been cuddling on the couch. It had made butterflies burst into your stomach then, but now it makes your body thrum in anticipation.
“You smell so good, Yona, you’re so lovely,” Izuku murmurs, the low cadence of his voice eliciting another shiver across your shoulders. “We want you, need you… don’t you want us too?”
The words leap from your throat, unbidden. “Of course I do.”
A pleased, throaty groan slips from Shoto as his mouth moves lower, towards the neckline of the singlet you’d worn to bed. You weren’t sure what to expect, but it still takes you by surprise when he drags his lips over the material, following the swell of your breast until he comes across your peak, straining against the material. He takes it into the wet heat of his mouth, and you can’t help but gasp at the sensations that reach you through the damp material of your shirt. Arousal shoots straight to your core.
Again, you will your hand to lift and tangle in his hair, but the limb remains by your side. You barely have time to feel the resulting confusion and frustration before Izuku’s free hand is trailing along your side, nails dragging along the skin of your hips and tracing the line of your waistband. The ache beginning to make itself known between your legs is suddenly all you can think about, and this time when you will your hips to shift, rocking up against his hand, they listen.
Izuku inhales softly, sounding pleased at your reaction. You feel like you’re going a little bit insane.
“Yeah? You want us? Want us to touch you, like this?”
Words catch in your throat and so you settle for an emphatic nod, eager for the touching to continue – especially if it meant Shoto was going to keep doing those things with his mouth. As though summoned by the thought, he clamps his teeth around your nipple in a light bite, sending shocks of pleasure over your skin. A moan tumbles from your throat, thighs squeezing in a sad attempt at friction.
You need more. You need more, but your stupid limbs won’t listen to you, and Izuku’s hand is going everywhere but where you need and want it most.
“Izuku,” you whine, the sound bordering on pathetic. You can hardly think amongst the drowsy haze of pleasure fogging your mind. “Please…”
Please touch me, you want to say. Your fingers twitch with the urge to grasp his hand and move it to your core, but they remain woefully unresponsive. Instead of your desired destination, his hand lifts to pinch and tug your neglected nipple softly. He seems to revel in the noises the actions elicit.
Shoto releases your abused nipple with a soft noise, leaning up to nip and lick under your ear. The sweet scent of jasmine threatens to swallow you whole.
“Tell us what you want, lovely,” he murmurs, voice thick and catching in his throat. His teeth scrape your neck and you tilt your head back, wrenching your eyes closed as Izuku times it with a firm pinch.
A rush of different desires overtake you at once, so many you can hardly choose only one to voice. You strain to lift your arm and cup his cheek, willing it desperately to move. “I-”
Your arm jerks, breaking free of its invisible bonds, and your eyes snap open. The room is quiet, save for your panting breaths, and you are entirely under the covers. A cursory glance around the room once your eyes adjust reveals you are, in fact, alone. Your bedroom door is closed, just as you’d left it before going to bed.
It takes a moment for you to be awake enough that realisation comes crashing through you. You just had a wet dream about your housemates.
…. You’re so fucked.
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the-moon-files · 5 months
I was actually thinking about this a lot but like as an add on to your humans are hylian space orcs thing. I am in ✨need✨ of reader trying potions. Like;
"This potion will restore your stamina and boost your strength"
"Buddy that's just coffee"
Even worse if when the reader tries it it's just like the most not strong coffee they've ever drank. Makes the guys wonder wtf makes humans need so much energy through out the day.
this is such a cute idea, i love how diet diffs/energy diffs in humans are space orcs aus, so genius to apply to hylians
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the stamnia boost potion tastes just like instant coffee with powdered creamer (the kind at like car dealerships/shitty offices where its not even a little liquid creamer)
and u spit that shit out like wtf is this bs
and Four, poor guy who gave you some after talking a break from walking, is like "oh my goddess r u allergic?? can still breath???"
meanwhile ur like. "yeah this just tastes like shit-"
four: "oh well yeah, all potions do really-"
you: "-ty coffee. this is nowhere near strong enough to get me back on my feet ffs"
four: " 👁️👄👁️"
you: "u got anything stronger? :/ "
four: " w h a t ? "
cue u researching how to make stamnia potions, across the hyrules, and making them 10x stronger so theyre like an actual coffee shop kind of coffee, and the Links are literally lowkey scared
Time forbids you (and the rest of the guys) from letting anyone else try ur "improved" elixir (s)
bc yes, u didnt stop at stamnia
u moved on to healing potions, (u can now regrow limbs and heal broken bones, the hylians can only take like a 1/16th of a sip like once a week, whereas u chug the whole thing, and can do so multiple times a day if needed)
u also moved onto cooking, bc rlly how different is cooking from alchemy?
and goron spice tasted like goddamn dorito chips, so u used essence of literal lava to help make it more spicy,
ur not allowed to introduce this new spice to the gorons, Wild forbid, bc he was adventurous enough (and snuck behind Time and ur backs) to try some spice
(he literally touched the tip of his pinky finger to it, wiped it off, except for 1 like flake of spice too)
and it lowkey nearly killed him 💀
like had to use that 1/16th of ur extra strong healing potion and everything
u felt so bad, but he did do this to himself,
and Wild knew the gorons dont back down from a challenge, esp since it was originally their recipe, so he (and you) didnt wanna kill them on accident
the sleeping potion u found is just like taking a single melatonin gummy, so u ofc make that thing knock even you out after 2 sips,
needless to say, no one is trying that one, not only bc it knocked Rulie unconcious for 12 hours straight (u got him to try it after he exhausted all his magic healing, and so no nightmares)
but bc it knocked u out cold for 9. that was the scarier part to them lmao, was how affected is their human by this?
i like to think thats how they judge unknown foods and liquids too,
like "do you think this tastes unseasoned? ok should be perfect for me then" - every Link
"oh this didnt make u feel sleepy at all/barely tired? great, id love to knock out cold w/no nightmares tonight" - Sky, probably
"this tastes like that thing you call, instant cough? ko-fee? Cool, give me some i need to run up this mountain" - Wild, for the 3rd time this month probably
"this barely healed ur papercut? sweet, give me some my wrists are killing me" - poor Legend, he uses ur extra strength healing potion as a way to treat his arthritis regularly once a month, but the more chill potions for any leftover aches and pains, esp after long fights being hard on his arms
Chain is simultaneously still lowkey terrified u need that much extra oomf, esp when u run out of stronger stuff and have to down like 5 health potions to heal a cut that needed stitches,
and also worried u need that much and also Wild/Wars/Rulie tend to work overtime to make sure they have extra potions for you
and theyre also kind of impressed, bc hey, youre unlikely to get magically poisoned/potion poisoned like them
sorry i couldnt think of as much as i hoped, i think its bc i rlly just need to play/watch more loz games besides botw/totk
i like know the vague plot of ss/oot/mm/tp/ww/hw and og loz games, but havent gotten into details/lets play or anything yet
i hope this was at least a half decent idea to think about/expand on urs, have a great rest of ur week, and thanks so much for the ask!! <33
Peace out,
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gemsofgreece · 1 month
How to follow a Mediterranean Greek diet
The Mediterranean diet naturally expands throughout the coastal countries of South Europe, North Africa and the Middle East but there are some small differences between their cuisines. So here I am writing specifically about the Greek version of the Mediterranean diet, known for its delicious, natural flavours and its significant health benefits.
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Eat daily:
Olive oil: the pillar, the liquid green gold of the Mediterranean Greek diet. Olive oil should be used ideally exclusively for all purposes. It's dressing salads, it's used in cooking and in fact it's traditionally what is used in frying too. Replace all types of oils, butter and margarine with olive oil even when making pastries. The only problem here is that outside of the Mediterranean basin olive oil can be pricey, however that's the foundation the diet is based on. If you are interested in following the traditional Greek diet for taste or health purposes, it is good to really incorporate olive oil in your daily cooking. If it’s not possible to afford buying olive oil all the time (although you could balance it out by not buying other oils and butter), a non-Greek-typical but equivalent alternative could be avocado oil. However, I doubt avocado oil or any other oil can remotely compare to olive oil in health properties, taste or in any other positive quality 🫒
Vinegar: Just like olive oil, vinegar is a very important ingredient and is also used in natural remedies However, it can hurt a sensitive GI tract if consumed in large portions. A little bit of it added to meals frequently is very healthy. Apple cider vinegar is also very loved and used in salads often 🍇
Vegetables: no portion can be too much (wild greens, garlic, onions, cauliflowers, cucumbers, eggplants, beets, peppers, spinach, artichokes, zucchini, peas, lettuce, the list never ends). Tomatoes and broccoli are recent additions to the Greek diet however they were integrated perfectly to the Greek cuisine. In general, all vegetables can be enjoyed freely with some moderation in the potatoes, especially when fried 🥗
Fruits: grapes, berries, apples, melons, cherries, figs, prunes, sour cherries, peaches, pomegranates are the most historically loved fruits in the Greek diet. Since the middle ages citruses like the orange, the lemon and the mandarin are more and more loved. Greeks nowadays use lemon almost more than vinegar and both have become integral components of the Greek diet. Obviously, tropical fruits like, say, banana, mango, grapefruit are not present in the traditional Greek diet, however all fruits are good fruits and you can enjoy them freely 🍎
Legumes. Eat freely to the tolerance of your body. Legumes can be too heavy for some GI tracts. Legumes are a great source of protein and fibre. Choose brown lentils, white beans, fava beans, chickpeas, giant beans and black eyed peas the most 🫘
Nuts, seeds: almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts etc. Eat as much as your body can take, because everybody is different 🥜
Mushrooms: mushroom it up! A great healthy way to have them is grilled with herbs and plain or apple cider vinegar dressing 🍄‍🟫
Whole grains: this is the traditional way to eat grains. Brown bread, oats, whole wheat pasta 🌾
Fish and seafood: find and eat them fresh. Instead of buying them deep frozen from the big markets, find local fish stores if your place is coastal and has them. Eat both large but especially small and medium sized fish. Some fish like salmon and tuna should ideally not be consumed daily due to their high levels of mercury and fats 🐟🎣🍤
Herbs and spices. Feel free to use as much as you want however if you are interested also in the flavours of the Greek diet besides the health benefits, a tip is that Greek dishes do not contain extremely hot spices 🌿
Water: A lot of water daily and, mind you, plain clear mineral water. No flavoured water, definitely not sparkling water and ideally no other liquids in place of the water. I mean, sure you can have liquids but you should ALSO have plain water 💧
Eat a few times per week:
Poultry: Poultry and lean meats entered the Greek cuisine mostly after the Middle Ages however they are nowadays enjoyed as part of the Greek Mediterranean diet because they are tasty and healthier than other types of meat. Chicken has become especially popular in the Greek cuisine. Other birds are the pheasant, the quail, the turkey and more sparsely the duck 🍗
Eggs: eggs are healthy and should be consumed a few times per week but not daily because they can cause a rise in cholesterol levels 🥚
Dairy: Greeks LOVE dairy products, especially the various types of cheese, however they are often irritating to the GI tract and they are linked with rises in the level of inflammation in the body. This is why you should ideally limit them to a few times per week. One exception is the yoghurt, which is fermented and can be perhaps consumed more frequently due to its beneficial properties. Important note: if you want to follow the Greek diet, you should ideally opt for milk and other dairy products from goats and sheep! Cow milk is not traditionally used in the Greek cuisine often and sheep and goat milk are significantly healthier and more nutritious. The only drawback is the stronger smell, however if you can get past that, it is strongly advised to switch to those instead of cow milk. Another note: what is known as “Greek yoghurt” in western countries is not in fact a true Greek yoghurt. What you call Greek yoghurt is to us simply a strained yoghurt, a yoghurt from which the whey has been removed. Sometimes in western markets (and in Greek “modern” dessert yoghurt products) butterfat and powdermilk is added to them and they are mostly made of cow’s milk. Again, a traditional Greek yoghurt is made of sheep, goat milk or a mix of both and is unstrained. It also has a trademark thickened skin on its top (dunno if this is the actual term lol) which is in fact the part of the yoghurt that contains the most nutrients and personally it’s the tastiest part of the yoghurt but apparently it is not for everyone. As an example, a study showed that an unstrained sheep yoghurt has more protein, more omega-3 fatty acids and minerals yet fewer calories and fats than a strained cow yoghurt 🍦🧀
Wine: in small portions, like a small glass up to a few times per week and always in combination with your meal. You don’t drink it to get hammered, you drink it for the health benefits it has in very moderate quantities and for the reasonable mild euphoria it causes before it becomes harmful. The GI tract is linked to the brain and is detrimentally influenced by negative emotions. This is why it is important to try to be in a good mood, relaxed and peaceful when you sit down to eat. A sip of wine now and then can be good for that 🍷
Eat once per week or ideally less:
Red meat like pork or beef. In fact, beef should be the one most avoided not only because it is indeed the rarest of the common meats used in traditional Greek cuisine but also because you can’t separate the fat from the meat as easily as with pork. To follow the Greek style in a healthy way opt for goat, then lamb or pork and make beef your most occasional meat dish 🥩
Processed meats should be eaten rarely. If you are in a mood for it though, opt for Greek style sausages with herbs in or bacon at most. Cured meats like ham are better to be avoided but turkey is the healthiest of them. They are not a part of a traditional Greek cuisine though.
Refined grains can be enjoyed weekly but should not replace whole grains
Pastries. What’s new, pastries are not ideal for health. However, if you are yearning for something sweet, if you want to keep it healthy as much as possible in the “Greek way”, opt for desserts made of healthy ingredients like honey, nuts, olive oil and fruits. Chocolate came to Greece in the 19th century, however it has become an integral part of confectionery since then. Opt ideally for dark chocolate, combined with nuts or fruits such as oranges and prunes. Greeks especially love chocolate combined with nuts.
Soft and sugary drinks. Avoid them overall, especially the processed products in the markets. If you need a sweet drink really bad, you can keep it traditional by making your own sweet lemonade, sour cherry, pomegranate etc drink at home. You could also enjoy small quantities of lemon or mastic liquors which are good for digestion.
Try to find mastic if it’s available where you live. The mastic is a resin produced from the mastic tree, a species endemic to the Greek island of Chios and a small part of the opposite coast of Turkey. It has numerous beneficial properties, especially for digestion and gut health, and it combines them with a very pleasant fresh and sweet flavour. You can find it in gums that boost digestion, in drinks, in pastries and even in non-edible products like toothpastes. Learn about it and give it a try, no matter if you are interested in following Greek diet or not.
Greek cuisine does not go berserk on as many ingredients as possible (however Greeks typically add more ingredients than, say, Italians and perhaps fewer than the Middle Easterners). Don’t worry about adding as many foods and nutrients in one single dish. The most important thing in Greek cuisine philosophy is to pick the finest ingredients. Avoid deep frozen or precooked and processed ingredients. Pick whole fruits and vegetables from your local small grocery store. For example, don’t buy a watermelon slice in a zelatin bag from the supermarket. Take the whole freaking watermelon home. You heard me right. It’s heavy, yes, but you would be surprised how much tastier and healthier it is this way. Go to the butcher for meat. Go to the specific cheese shop for cheese. Go to the fisherman for fish and seafood. Go to the pastry shop and get a nice dessert instead of buying candies from the market.
Remember that in moderation you can eat most of the foods you desire, especially if they are not processed foods. There is nothing about the Greek diet that is restrictive in terms of its philosophy - historically the intake of various foods was regulated only based on availability and price. There are no foods you should limit due to any perception of them being “bad” and you should never feel guilty the moment you are actually having the food. Just work slowly and progressively by building gradual appreciation for healthy foods and prize less nutritious foods as occasional taste bud rewards.
As said above, a good mood is crucial when you sit down to eat. In the history of the Greek society this translated into eating with friends and / or family, maybe with the occasional sip of wine, ideally in a pleasant environment and always taking your time with your food. If some of these are less feasible than others, try alternatively to improve the setting in which you eat, to eat in an environment that calms you down. Schedule your meal so that you won’t eat in anxiety or hurry, if this is possible. Think of pleasant memories and feel grateful for your food. Cheers! Or, you know, εις υγείαν!
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
metal mouth
a lil pairing for @yesandpeeps's comic here about my beloved mountain getting braces. he's so fuckin cute i can't stand it
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1.3k of grumpy mountain under the cut:
"Now, caro, there is no need to be upset," Copia soothes. "They will help you, si? I do not want you to be in pain, my earth ghoul, that is no good for any of us."
Mountain shrugs, gaze downcast. “It just seems so . . . trivial.”
“Your health is not trivial; it is simply unfamiliar, or perhaps, er, too human?” Copia offers. 
The ghoul looks the man in his eyes, apprehensive. But he nods, agreeing. 
Braces. What a mortal thing to be burdened with as an ancient hellbeast. 
Mountain had started to complain about mouth pain a few months ago. His teeth, especially his fangs, had never been perfect. None of theirs were. Crooked teeth were not high on his list as far as complaints about appearance. Fitting oversized, monstrous bones into a mortal mouth certainly isn't a comfortable thing. 
But they all managed. Mountain managed. Until, that is, they started shifting, crowding in on each other and messing with his bite. The perfect space that his fangs fit into was suddenly too snug, the points of them clacking together if he chewed wrong or made a funny face at Swiss over his cymbals. His bottom incisors had begun to tip forward, threatening to give him an underbite. 
Suddenly, his teeth were just . . . wrong. And once they started becoming tender and sensitive to his favorite meals, Aether determined it was time for Copia to get involved, much to Mountain’s chagrin. 
“You know, I had braces as a child,” Copia muses now. “Quite bulky things. I could never pick out the right colors.” He chuckles a little, but stops when he catches the frown starting to form on Mountain’s face. He reaches up to pat him on the shoulder and scritch under his chin. “Not to worry, they will not look as bad as mine did, my ghoul.”
But they’ll still look bad, is what his brain translates Papa’s words to. 
Mountain’s already regretting complaining about it all.
The afternoon and evening after getting them placed is spent alone. Mountain is none too kindly reminded of the first time his horns shed, hours spent hiccuping through tears as he stared at his foreign reflection. 
They look . . . weird. They feel weird. Little bits of metal poking at his gums, his tongue, the inside of his mouth. His teeth look too small, too human for his liking. Mountain couldn’t fathom adding some unnatural color on top of it all, so he chose the translucent, slightly frosted elastic chain. It may yellow overtime, the orthodontist had said. Mountain had nodded, accepted this potential side effect, but he really didn’t care. 
He’s thankful to have an entire drum kit to hide behind. But his pack? Well, he can hide from them at least for the next twelve hours. 
Mountain steps away from the bathroom mirror with a sigh and goes back to uselessly pruning the ferns hanging over the windows. 
He rises the next day from a fitful sleep just as the sun peeks through the leaded panes. His mouth is screaming at him, gums sensitive and too much pressure everywhere. Lines of pain shoot up his jaw when he rubs across a nerve, and Mountain winces with a curse on his tongue.
Begrudgingly, he gets dressed for the day, despite the urge to crawl back into bed and sulk for as long as he can. But he can't very well do that with tour starting up again in a matter of weeks, so he pulls on some sweats and slumps to the kitchen. 
Tea. He needs tea. And probably a few hours alone with a quintessence ghoul.
No one’s in the common area when he arrives, and he silently thanks the devil below for a moment of solitude. The earth ghoul huffs a sigh through his nose and rifles through the teabags for something smooth and spiced. 
The warm scent of chai and orange zest hits his nose as Mountain waits for his cup to steep, smiling ever so slightly as the fragrant steam wafts over his face. It makes him feel better, even if just for a moment. 
Mountain cringes internally as he hears small feet padding down the corridor. He knows it’s Dew before he sees him, the little ghoul often rising with the sun most mornings. He tucks his face further into his mug, caging his forearms around his face.
The fire ghoul lets out a big yawn as he rounds the corner, stretching to brush the top of the short archway as he enters. Dew chirps when he sees the earth ghoul hunched over at the table. 
“Mornin’ Mount,” he mumbles. He inhales a lungful of air, sighing with a happy hum. “Hm, smells good. Mind if I join?”
Mountain shakes his head, mussed-up waves falling in front of his face. 
“Thanks,” Dew says. He makes his way over to the cabinets with a lilt in his step, humming some indiscriminate tune as he selects his favorite mug. Tired, but still too cheery for how early it is. It’s quiet between them for a few moments, save for the clinking of ceramic and Dew’s song. Mountain lowers his shoulders a little. 
And promptly raises them back up under his ears when Dew asks: “How’re the braces?” Mountain knows the fire ghoul is looking at him expectantly, ears perked. He doesn’t have to look to know his eyes are kind, rather than filled with malice or ill-intent. Dew wouldn’t make fun of him he knows, but he would love nothing more than to escape to the forest and bury his head in the dirt right now. 
“Fine,” he lies. “Kinda hurts,” he mumbles as an afterthought, doing his best to speak with the least amount of mouth movements. 
Dew tuts empathetically. He doesn’t speak again, but Mountain still feels his eyes on him. He chances a glance at him, which was really the wrong thing to do, considering the way Dew’s face perks up when he does. His arms are folded across his chest as he leans nonchalantly against the kitchen counter, hair and eyes glinting gold in the rising sunlight. 
Dew gives him a knowing grin and raises his eyebrows, attempting to prompt the earth ghoul into sharing his new set of braces. Mountain stares back, shy. But, against his will, there's a smile tugging at his lips, like he simply can't help it when Dew looks at him like that.
He smiles wider. "Come on big guy, will you show me?" Dew shuffles over to him at the table. "Please?"
Mountain bites the inside of his cheek, eyes steely. He shakes his head sheepishly, already pushing away from the table, chair legs scraping against the floor as he moves to make his escape. 
He doesn’t get very far. The fire ghoul steps in front of him, one hand grabbing Mountain’s sweater sleeve and the other reaching up towards his face. Dew waggles his fingers under his chin with a stupid giggle, bouncing on his toes as Mountain jerks his head away from his hand.
“Dew,” he warns, unable to escape his little fingers. “Swear t’ Satan, ‘f you don—”
“Ha!” the smaller ghoul exclaims, grabbing Mountain’s cheeks at last and squishing them together until the earth ghoul can’t help but bare his teeth, a grimace more than a grin. Mountain pulls at Dew’s wrist to try and dislodge him.
“Stooop,” he groans. Dew gives him a few squeezes before releasing him, opting to wrap both arms around Mountain’s middle instead and nuzzling against his chest in apology.
“But you look fine, Mount. Cute, even,” he laughs, looking up at him. 
“Do not,” Mountain responds, shaking his head. He rolls his eyes, sighing. He brushes a stray strand of hair out of Dew’s face, holding back a laugh when Dew purposely bats his lashes and nods solemnly back at him.
“You do. It’s different, yeah. But you’re still you,” he offers. 
“Thanks,” Mountain says in a small voice. 
Dew gives him one last squeeze before pulling away and sitting down at the table. He smiles and waves his earth ghoul back over. “Come on, finish your tea. I’m sure Aether’ll be up soon, and I’m sure he’ll need no convincing to help you with the pain.”
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Hello ! How have you been doing lately ? Pls always remember to take care of yourself and the your health is always important!!
May I request Akechi and joker making out HC ?
Thank you!
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Persona 5
Character(s): Akechi, Joker
Type: Headcanon
Genre: Fluff + Light Spice
Description: Rushed breaths, loving lips and yearning hands - what is it like with them?
Warnings/Notes: gender-neutral reader, kissing + light touching, reader is the same age as the characters
hi! i've been doing rather well! I hope you've been well too <33 thank you, thank you for requesting!
remember to take care of yourself as well! hope you enjoy <3
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》 Joker
It's easy to press a kiss to each other's lips and then fall into another. Well, he makes it easy. There's always this look in his eyes, a gleam and an ever so slight squint, as if asking - or perhaps daring - you to give one more. It's like he's leaning in even though he isn't.
He always lifts a hand to cup your jaw, thumb brushing against the corner of your lips just before his meets your own. His lips part when he pulls away and then he comes in again after a short breath.
It's gentle, each one only getting a bit more longer. His lips mould against yours like a firm embrace, encapturing you with a tenderness only he seems to have.
He isn't one to let his hands grasp you - at least at first - rather, he trails them down slowly.
Sliding his hand away from your jaw to run the backs of his fingers along your neck, turning them to just barely wrap them around the side of it. His palm presses against the crook of your neck, slipping to the curve of your shoulder as he parts from your lips with a quiet breath.
Peeking at him with lidded eyes, you can feel the tips of his fingers press into the side of your bicep.
It's sweet and ever so breathtaking.
》 Akechi
Affection from him is always rare with how he opts to remain withdrawn despite any yearnings. Perhaps something about it was admirable. It does take much strength to ignore one's wants and needs after all. Though, every once in a while, he indulges in his feelings beyond just existing with you.
A private place with just him and you, likely his apartment or your own, he'll reach for you. Eyes that usually avoid you meeting your own.
The backs of his fingers brush across your cheek, trailing until he can curl the tips around your ear.
He doesn't dally, easily moving his hand until he can grasp the back of your head. His lips meet yours and there's a sense of restraint. A sense of restraint that grows ever weaker the longer he's near you - the longer he touches you. It's almost endearing to see; to know he does love you the way you love him.
There's little movement from him as he presses lingering pecks and open mouthed kisses to your lips. Fingers curl into your hair as if he's afraid to let go, tangling them almost purposely.
If you touch him back, he falters. Almost as though he never expected you to.
He, ever so hesitantly, lifts his other hand. And, though so very scared, he slides his fingers between yours.
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