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shidoglazer · 3 days ago
🦢 nagi seishiro fluff
boyfriend!nagi who’s a “do whatever you want as long as you’re happy and i can sleep.” guy
so you let his head rest against you two’s bathroom sink and he falls asleep quite quickly under your scalp massage. then, you start working your magic: box dyes.
when he woke up, he didn’t see any change when he looked in the mirror. he shrugged it off as one of your antics and went back to sleep in his bed.
but the next day at soccer practice, he’d brush his sweat-dampened hair up and boom. a whole colour bomb was hiding under that pure, white hair. streaks of red, yellow, green, blue…… he look confused when everyones eyes were on him before a burst of laughter came out.
after practice, he looked at the under-layers of his hair in the mirror of the locker room, analysing it closely. ..ehh. as long as it’s not a hassle to take care of, and even if it was, you’d help him take care of it anyways.
when he got home, he tackled you gently into bed and placed a long kiss on your neck before lifting his head up, looking at you with those usual innocent, blank doe eyes of his. “i’m assuming y’r the culprit of the colour bomb.” and you could only reply with a giggle before he went back to kissing you.
★ check out my masterlist
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liliapleasesteponme · 2 days ago
Mafia boss avis amberg hcs
Mama's richhhhhhh
Treats you like royalty, major sugar mama energy
Will protect you no matter the cost
Mafia avis isn't afraid to get dirty for you, if someone looks at you badly she'll have someone to deal with them
+ if anyone tries to touch you she'll deal with them personally
Dark luxury 100% everything is black and red
Always has a strong grip on your waist
She has such a powerful presence, can easily silence a room
You are always by her side no matter the situation (unless its really dangerous)
Much more dominant than regular avis
Roughest of rough sex possible
Takes all her work anger out on you (but she tries never to physically hurt you unless you're into that)
Always sits you in her lap during meetings definitely touches you under the table
Exhibitionist. Yeah.
Loves to hear you beg to be degraded by her "aww my poor pathetic baby wants to be degraded huh ?"
Neck kisses for days
Has you bent over a table taking her strap daily
Gets jealous very easily meaning you need to prove your only hers carve her name into your thigh
Will spank you if you misbehave
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rileyh20 · 3 days ago
Ponyboy Curtis core
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bimbochkaua · 2 days ago
Ok i decided that i should share my hcs here. Who knows, maybe you’d like them, + i’m not going to forget them!
So, Ink hc of the day(TW!!: mentions of blood, veins and other things)
I like to think that Inks tattos aren’t just like drawn on his body, but just very good designed cracks, and the black under them is his magic/blood/ink, whatever you want to call it. They are aalmost like veins, so, for example, if he comes to sci and he wants to take some blood tests(i don’t think he would, bc he has no reason to, but it’s just an example), he takes it from his “tattos” instead of a soul a normal monster whould have.
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allisluv · 3 days ago
Hi!! Do you have any headcanons for Katniss having autism? And how peeta would deal with it? And the people around her? ☺️
oh nonnie you are going to regret ever asking me about this... i've got so many thoughts on autistic!katniss!!! like. so many. my headcanons are under the cut!!
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★ katniss wasn't diagnosed until after the war for a multitude of reasons; there was a major lack of healthcare in the districts, as we see so often in the books/movies. even after she wins the hunger games, haymitch has his suspicions, but he doesn't want to bring it up to the capitol doctors because there's still such a stigma around it.
★ has the worst sensory issues known to man. she hates socks and shoes; she would much rather walk around barefoot, even if the people around her think it's unhygienic. as a child, she used to sob if her food was touching and she despises the heat and the way it makes her hair stick to the back of her neck.
★ tends to have frequent shutdowns cause she will push herself until she physically can't keep going anymore. peeta is the best with these. he doesn't push her to talk-- he knows she struggles with words when she's feeling overwhelmed. he is more than happy to just sit with her and let her decompress.
★ hyperfixates on things she likes and can infodump about them for hours. thats why she gets along with finnick so well; they will just trade facts about their interest back and forth until one of them get bored.
★ believe it or not, haymitch is the best with her meltdowns. he's good at distracting her or simply watching over her in a safe place until she has regulated herself again.
★ struggles with naming her emotions and has to use different colors to explain how she's feeling (red is anger, blue is sad, etc...)
★ peeta is constantly researching into the asd spectrum. he's always asking katniss what he can do to make life easier for her because he gets that not everybody who's autistic experiences the same difficulties.
★ katniss is a big fan of her weighted blanket. will constantly have it wrapped around her if they're at home.
★ effie doesn't understand it to begin with, but she loves katniss, and even though at times she can come off as ignorant, she does try her best to listen and learn.
★ is so blunt, sometimes to a fault, but she's working on it! haymitch teaches her all about bubble thoughts-- if you don't know what a bubble thought is, think of a comic book character with a speech bubble over their head. thoughts that you think but do not say aloud!
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angelic-enj0lras · 3 days ago
Cosette has a porcelain doll collection
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arminsumi · 4 months ago
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Bff!Satoru, who immediately tells every guy that asks about you "Nah, she's out of your league... but not mine."
Bff!Satoru, who denies having hidden feelings for you, ignoring the panging in his chest, "I was just joking."
Bff!Satoru, who claims to be joking around but also hotly presses his lips against your face and finds his way to your lips when he's high on the night air... but then promptly plays it off the next day.
Bff!Satoru who is the first to comment on your posts, especially on photos of you and him — and he stares smittenly into the pixels. Maybe sometimes kisses his screen, right over your lips.
Bff!Satoru who stands tall, 6'3, at your side, so close that people just assume he's your boyfriend.
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idontknowhowtoplayguitar · 4 months ago
Lotr headcanon, having lots of patches on your clothes is fashionable in the Shire. The more patches, the cooler you are. Especially if it's a lot of different fabrics. It's common to trade patches with friends and family, and it's usually treated with high sentimental value. It's like carrying a piece of someone with you.
While the hobbits are on the quest, their clothes get holes and such. This leads Sam and Frodo to nab small things from the other members of the fellowship, like handkerchiefs or anything too worn for use, to use as patches. Merry and Pippin aren't so courteous, and cut pieces from the fellowship's clothes while they sleep.
Of course, the hobbits exchange patches amongst themselves while traveling, and they never go anywhere without a needle and some thread. Sam is the best at sewing. Pippin is not allowed around needles.
Boromir notices this, thinks it's adorable, and leaves things out purposely for the hobbits to use. Eventually, he asks about it, and they convince him to do the patches, too.
Aragorn also notices and thinks it's adorable, but doesn't bring it up to them. He's secretly flattered to find pieces of his rag on Frodo's pants. He asks Boromir about it instead.
Legolas doesn't notice. His clothes are elven-made, and the scissors refuse to cut it.
Gimli notices the random holes in his clothes, and the things going missing, but doesn't realize it's the hobbits. He brings it up to Legolas, who immediately convinces Gimli that he's crazy and it's all in his head.
Gandalf notices, obviously, and he doesn't mind until Pippin tries to cut his cloak while hes asleep. He proceeds to wake up and yell at him until dawn.
After Boromir dies, Aragorn takes his cloak, and sews pieces onto his clothes. These are the only patches he has.
Bilbo has a set of clothes with patches from the dwarves, from his own adventure. He told them about the tradition, and they all gave him pieces of fabric to use. He can still recount which patch belonged to who.
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spocks-husband · 4 months ago
Mainly because when he started adopting kids he just sort of figured 'this is just what you do with children' since it's how he was raised and then felt weird not doing it with the rest after Dick and Jason, all the Batkids have random super obnoxious rich kid skills that Bruce either taught them or sent them to classes for. Obviously they all know how to fence, that's pretty common knowledge-- but they're all also fluent in French and Latin (plus varying degrees of Arabic and Ancient Greek), very well familiar with dining and event etiquette for any possible situation (mostly by Alfred's doing), well versed in classical literature and mythology, capable with at least one instrument (piano for most of them-- though Dick plays the flute!), and quite comfortable writing in cursive to the point where for almost all of them it's their natural handwriting, just like Bruce.
This usually isn't an issue... Except for that time when, early in his crimelord career, Jason sent a threatening note reading--
I will find you 🩷✨
--to a gang leader in his territory, which... Didn't have its intended effect. He used magazine cutouts to write his threatening notes from then on.
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lukewarmcomic · 4 months ago
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the one who remembers.
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thisiswhereikeepdcthings · 1 year ago
HC that the average life expectancy in Gotham is actually four years higher than the national average because they collectively just keep refusing to die
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frownyalfred · 1 year ago
hc that Clark doesn’t get the human instinct/reaction of a gut feeling or the hairs standing up on the back of your neck since he’s Kryptonian, so sometimes Bruce just freezes up and says “something’s wrong” and Clark resigns himself to it like ah yes, that weird human thing again and is baffled when 99% of the time Bruce’s gut is absolutely right
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fishsinsareacknowledged · 4 months ago
Hhhhh stalker ghost who you know has been stalking you for the past month or so and yet. He's done nothing about it. And somehow he paid for your bills? Yeah imagine moving out when your rent has been paid five times over, envelopes full of cashed stashed neatly beside your desk on random days found when you wake up.
If a lil stalking is all it takes to survive in this economy, who's to blame you. Okay maybe they will when that familiar blonde hair shows up one day. Almost unrecognizable without the mask in sight, flowers concealing the lower half of his face.
He's shyer than you expected, letting you lead him in while he just barges inside. Closing the door behind him perfectly because you know he's been inside the kitchen is still spotless from his last visit.
"Uhm- Hi?"
"Okay, lets start over then? Hello Simon."
Shifty eyes still at you for a moment. Taking a deep breath and out,
"Love you."
Then he's walking out. No room for opposition when he unlocks and closes the door in a fraction of a second. The perks of long legs.
You reach for the flowers to find them freshly ripped from the ground. Roots still attached when they go into a vase. He drops off a soil filled pot and some cash next time he disappears. Its odd, he reminds you of someone you once knew. Like a forgotten memory.
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amaranthinespirit · 8 months ago
simon riley who lets you wear whatever you want because everyone else only gets to look. he gets to be the one to take you home and fuck you until nothing but his name falls from your pretty, pink, puffy lips.
another night out at the bar with simon and his boys, wearing a dress so short, your ass is peeking out the hem, and a cut so low, your cleavage is on full display—and only more pronounced with the low lighting that casted shadows across your skin. the way your nipples hardened—prominent through the material of what you wore—and goosebumps arose your skin at the cold breeze of the ac.
simon saw the way eyes lingered on you every time you detached yourself from his side—and admittedly, he was one of those pairs of eyes. every time his arm wasn't slung around your waist, or around your shoulders pulling you flush against his body, it was like it was an invitation for those around to take a look at you—but it wasn't.
it had made him jealous—possessive even—but he knew it was not your fault, nor your intention. in fact, he encouraged you to wear whatever you wanted—he can fight. and besides, it wasn't like they were the ones that were going to take you home and fuck you on their heavy, lengthy cocks till nothing, but their names spewed from your lips—only him.
regardless, the feeling brewed in the pit of his stomach; a fuzzy tingling feeling that made his dick twitch in his tight jeans. he felt the blood rushing south, his flaccid cock chubbing up at the sight—and thought—of you in that tight, skimpy material that was a sad excuse of a dress. the outline of his bulge in the blue denim becoming more pronounced than before.
he groaned lowly before taking the last remaining sips of his bourbon, muttering an excuse to the guys about it getting a bit late; that he needed to take the missus 'ome.
before they could make a comment, he rose from his seat and crossed the room to you—who stood at the bar waiting to order the next 'round of drinks.
he felt the way your body jumped at the contact of his large hand splayed across the small of your back, the way his thumb dragged back and forth across the material slowly as he looked down at you. the tense muscles across your body relaxed under his hand at the realization it was him before he tugged you out the bar.
a smug smirk painted his face at the sight of the eyes that followed your earlier movements realizing that you were with him, that you were his—but he would make sure they remembered for the time you guys came back.
he was eager to get home, to tear that tiny little dress from your body. he wasn't sure he could make it past the front room with how hard his dick was in his jeans, twitching with every contact of your skin. his hand grasping your plush thigh tightly in his calloused hand, his skin rough against yours.
goosebumps rising underneath his palm as his hand slid further and further up your leg. his fingers grazed the hem of your panties, feeling the lace material under the pads of his fingertips. trailing along the junction of your thigh and cunt, teasing the skin as he felt your muscle tense beneath his touch.
a huffed chuckle escaped his lips at your eagerness, your desperation while his middle finger grazed down the center of your silken cunt, feeling the folds of your labia through the fabric of your panties that soaked with your wetness. a quiet mewl escaped your lips and you could see the smug expression etch itself onto his face by the way his eyes glanced your way before peeling back to look at the road once more.
he continued to toy with your pussy through the fabric, parting your folds back and forth with a pinch to your sensitive clit every so often that sent a hand flying down around his wrist.
but his movements didn't falter. his teasing finger worked your pussy all the way home, groaning lowly when he finally pulled his hand from between your legs, away from your completely soaked panties, to look at the glistening and pruned finger you caused.
he salivated at the sight, slipping his fingers under his mask to get a taste of you—a sample of what's to come for him.
it wasn't long before he had you pushed back into the bed, dressed hiked up your hips and pushed down from your tits, leaving the material bunched around your midsection.
he growled at the sight of your dampened panties, hooking his hands around your thighs to press your clothed cunt against his painfully hard erection, feeling his heavy dick twitching through the material.
he was desperate, you were desperate, but he couldn't resist the urge to tease you, to punish you for what you had made him feel for the entirety of the night—even if he had been the one who told you to wear whatever you'd felt like.
he rolled his thumb up your panties, pressing down against your clit as he watched you squirm beneath him. he chuckled lowly at your heightened sensitivity as his other hand worked to unzip his jeans. he didn't bother to get undressed, to throw his shirt off and tug his jeans down his hips to hang around his thick thighs.
while you lay practically naked under him, he hovered without a single article of clothing shed from his body as he pulled his erect cock from his boxers.
the sight from below had made you impossibly more soaked—the way he looked down at you with a tiled head, balaclava still on while he remained fully clothed with just his thick, meaty cock poking out from his jeans as he stroked the length with one hand, the other toying with your clit.
he hadn't bothered to pull your panties down your legs, or tear them off even as he lined his weeping dick up to your pussy, biting back a groan at the sight of you desperately clenching around nothing in anticipation for his heavy cock.
precum oozed from the head of his dick, swiped away by his thumb as he stroked himself before teasing his length across your slick. he cursed under his breath at the warmth before slipping his bulbous head past your walls.
he felt the slight stretch of you around him, the whimper desperation for more as he fucked just the tip into you.
"think this'll teach ya what happens when i let ya do what ya want?" his voice is low and strained with withering control as his hips buck further into you involuntarily, "but i think ya do it on purpose, don't ya, love?"
you whined, his name spilling from your lips in response to his words because other than 'simon,' no other words could be formed. just like he wanted.
he watched the way your sopping pussy swallowed his dick, the way his meaty, veiny cock glistened with your slick every time he pulled out, only to slam back in. his bulbous tip kissing your cervix with each pounding thrust, his clothed hips hitting the back of your thighs, turning the skin red and staining his jeans with your slick.
his hips pistoned his cock further into your cunt with an unrelented pace as he leaned over you, feeling your bare skin through the fabric of his shirt as he sucked at your skin. he left marks purposely in areas he knew would be shown off the next time you dared to wear a dress like the one he's fucking you in. his lips bruising the fatty flesh of your breasts and the valley between them, up to your collarbone.
when he felt your first orgasm wash over you, his hips bucked relentlessly and unfaltering into you. the way your body trembled under him didn't stop him from rolling you onto your stomach.
"mm, 'm not done with you yet, lovie," he cooed from above, a hand running along your spine, feeling each vertebrae through your flesh.
his hand slid under your hips to hike your ass into the air as he fucked you into the mattress as one rough hand trailed to your waist to pull you back into his hard cock, and the other tangled in your hair to keep your pretty little wrecked face into the bedding.
with this new angle, he fucked his meaty dick further into your sweet cunt, feeling the way you clench around him with new sensitivity and the way his name fell from your lips in a new octave, muffled by the pillow your face was shoved into.
when he would find his release, he didn't stop either. he continued, though his paced slowed as he watched his creamy load seep from your glistening pussy, fucking it back into you with hard, slow thrusts. a ring of creamy white forming at the base of his cock and soaking into the denim of his newly ruined jeans.
he growled at the mewls that spilled from your lips at the feeling of his jeans against your overly sensitive cunt, pulling out of your pussy with a squelch as he replaced his dick with his fingers, swiping his load that spilled down from your hole to thrust it back into you.
a satisfied and proud hum rumbled his chest as he looked at the bruises and hickeys littering your skin so next time you decide to wear a dress so short and low cut, everybody can tell that you're his.
and maybe you would if it got you fucked like that by simon—but he doesn't need to know that. that's our secret.
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potatobugxo · 2 months ago
Hi I have an idea
Imagine the reader got all the toys from Safe Haven, Doey, Poppy, Kissy and Yarnaby out of the factory and make their basement the new home and how life would be like because I imagine all the toys need a wash, they probably forgot about privacy or knocking before entering so would lead to embarrassing moments like Yarnaby walking into the bathroom while the reader is showing and just joining them not understanding that it's wrong but the reader would make a huge meal of pancakes, bacon, sausage and eggs as soon as they're out of there no matter what time of day it is
Sorry if this is long just thought it was a good idea
this is such a silly idea I love this 😭😭
pairings: platonic!doey, poppy, kissy, and yarnaby x player!reader (plus smiling critters!)
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-after everyone escapes the factory (and nothing bad happens!!) you take the toys back to where you live, as that would be the safest place for them now that they're out of the factory!
-lets hope your basement is big enough to fit all these critters bc if not, there might be some capacity issues sgfhs
-doey and poppy have the easiest time settling in compared to the others, as they're the most sentient/human, while the other toys are a bit like animals you just brought back from the adoption shelter lol
-the toys are all extremely grateful you saved them and are now giving them a safe place to live outside of the nightmarish factory
-but be warned, they WILL raid your fridge, these guys are starving 🥺
-yarnaby immediately dominates your bed, taking up the entire mattress with his body, so everyone will have to sleep around him. kissy will probably curl up beside the bed with poppy while you and the smiling critters pile up onto yarnaby
-they cannot be without you for more than ten seconds apparently, especially yarnaby and kissy, they are always following you around like lost puppies and wanting your attention!
-say goodbye to privacy because now with giant toys in your house, you never get an ounce of alone time lol
-yarnaby likes whenever you play music, he'll lay down and purr and listen to it for hours!
-poppy is glad to finally have the chance to be a real girl, and asks you if you'll teach her ways about the real world so she can fit in someday!
-doey helps you a lot with chores, since he's the most mature out of the toys. he also feels like they're all a burden to you but you assure him they aren't, and that you appreciate his help!
-the smiling critters kinda just chill, they don't cause too much trouble, aside from climbing all over the place, especially the fridge to reach the sugary cereal you put up high!
-they all LOVE it when you cook breakfast for them, or any meal really! they've only ever eaten scraps from carcasses in the factory, so getting to taste bacon, eggs, and pancakes for the first time is a wonderful experience for them!
-overall the toys are very happy to be at your side, as now they get to live a happy life, away from the cursed playtime factory
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