#my hcs
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terrifiedtooth · 2 days ago
Everyday I ache to know what made Cal so desperate to die.
Andre never wanted to die and he deluded himself into believing that he'd be able to escape right until he put that gun to his head, and even then he struggled with going through with it depsite knowing it was the only option,but Cal? Cal seemed to almost crave it,he talks about su1c1de in nearly every video entry he does. It's like it's all he thinks about.
and at the end, he seemed so impatient to get Andre to agree to die with him,rushing him to agree on the numbers while Andre was clearly trying to delay the inevitable.Its haunting.
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elyyp · 2 days ago
Things of love
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Hc malleus, little hc I have, spelling mistakes, English is not my first language.
Hc!malleus To which you have to explain the terms you use while you tell him about your day.
Hc!malleus Who loves long hugs, especially when he’s going to leave you in your bedroom.
Hc!malleus That he waits and tries to make his presence outside your bedroom as noticeable as possible, and when you notice his presence, he will say that he hasn’t been there for long.
Hc!malleus When they sleep together he loves to stick his cheek with yours, it helps him sleep better.
Hc!malleus That sometimes I try to improve his expressions in the mirror to give you a better impression of him and you won’t think that he doesn’t know how to express himself.
Hc!malleus That if you give him something he will keep it as his priority.
Hc!malleus That if you do the homework alone you will take it as an offense because doing tasks together is time for both.
Hc!malleus That he tries to collect the best tips on romance and will discard them according to his logic.
Hc!malleus That he loves it when his hands come together, a small moment where he feels that their souls connect.
Hc!malleus That he longs to have a family together, that you are the one he has to see for the rest of his life.
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radberry-ink · 2 days ago
(I'm sorry about the wording of this ask, ur ask box is named "ask god". I'm so funny guys trust.)
I shall requesteth thou more of N in your style pretty please with a cherry on top..
Or manor V cus OUGHFBFB i LOVE that version of V. (My shayla..)
Anyways. Coughs
That shall be all
(thou I also thouest offer thou to yappin head canons if thou wants /NOTFORCED.)
Have a good day/night/morning/evening! /vpos
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How could I not heed the call of such a humble ask most wonderful by such a brave mortal
Have some silly little Nuzi as well as a treat
Small hc crumbs below
V would find N's drawings around the manor, he would loose them often. V kept every one of them she'd find in a box and looks through them of rough days.
This carries over to her time on Copper 9 :] (though she keeps them well hidden)
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evignonita · 3 days ago
HC nervous steals small things from the curiouses' house, like pencils and stuff like that. lazlo knows this and buys the strangest pens in existence so nervous can steal it
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disastersappho · 2 months ago
i’m cackling imagining criminal-justice-major-andrew minyard as a paralegal. like he’s simultaneously really good at his job bc of his eidetic memory. but is also an absolute asshole to attorneys. and occasionally alludes to having committed felonies.
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towelenjoyer · 10 months ago
Ghost: It's four o'clock in the morning, go to sleep sarge.
Y/n: I'll sleep when I die
Ghost: We're both legally dead, you can now legally sleep in my arms, chop chop.
Y/n: Damn like what they did to your family huh, Lt.
Ghost: >:(
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grabby-smitten · 5 months ago
Sylus is for those who are seeking someone who can be genuine and honest with them. That will put them and their relationship first and wont betray the same trust that is given.
Sylus is for those who are scared of being loved completely. The ones who believe they have a dark side and want someone who will still stand by their side and love them still the same.
Sylus is for those who sometimes need help and can’t ask for it. He would do the things, guide you or simply accompany you through it all.
Sylus is for those who struggle to see a bright side of themselves, but he will remind you time and time again how a wonderful person you are. In his eyes, there is nothing more precious than you.
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beyondn0rthernlights1 · 8 days ago
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a unserious headcanon on how hetalia nations get 'born' : they just pop into existence , sometimes randomly found from a geographic feature or something idk XD... Anyways Iceland was ejected from a vulcano as a baby.
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juniperpyre · 2 months ago
when harry is like "oh my dad wouldn't want you two to turn into murderers 🥺" to remus and sirius they don't spare peter bc harry made an effective appeal, they do it bc they don't want to correct harry and tell him that james and lily each killed multiple people
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 months ago
Things the batkids would comment on tiktok
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eveysnotebook · 2 months ago
how the batboys blush
Dick blushes easily, but it isn’t very noticeable. His cheeks might become a little redder, a nice tone on his already warm colored skin but it’s not super obvious that he’s currently a blushing mess.
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Tim blushes like crazy, I mean full body blush. Face becoming redder, elbows, hands, knees, torso I mean truly a full body blush. He gets flustered and turns into a tomato. I feel like it would be easy to catch him off guard with you’re words, but not necessarily easy to make him blush.
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Jason doesn’t blush easily, he’s better at making you blush. But when he does blush, it’s usually just his cheeks and tips of his ears. He gets all shy and hides his face, all though you know he has a derpy smile and red cheeks under there.
stay hydrated xx
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terrifiedtooth · 2 days ago
Andre with his 30 step skincare routine and Cal who perpetually smells like bo and weed
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crows-rook · 3 months ago
The students of theoretical metaphysics are thrilled to finally have their professor back from his year-long sabbatical. They’d heard some pretty interesting rumors about Proefssor Emmrick "by the book" Volkarin having left Nevarra to help save the world but there's no way that's true. The gossip mill is rife in the Necropolis but there is no way that a man as uptight as him fought blighted gods, venatori, darkspawn and antaam all over northern Thedas.
The first day of class is pretty boring, they go through the motions of talking about what will be taught this term, what texts are best to understand this year's material and extra credit options they can undertake for their end of year scores. At the end of the lesson, one of the students raises a hand and asks about the professor's so-called connection with the veilguard and with Rook.
Every person alive now knows the story of Rook, Slayer of Gods and Hero of the Veilguard. They chat and brag about what stories they'd heard about them or even boast if they'd gotten a rare look at them out and about with their companions. It's great hearing the rumor that the Hero of Thedas is a Mourn Watcher, but without knowing who they actually are, all the young students can do is guess. It's become a game at this point.
The professor is about to answer when the door bursts open and Manfred comes bustling in dragging Ingellvar with him. Now everyone knows about that watcher, kicked out of the Mourn Watch for their role in the War of the Banners, only to be allowed back nearly two years later. What surprises them is the fact that they are not alone. There are two others with them, Neve Gallus and a warden called Davrin, both members of the veilguard.
With Manfred running around the room hissing Rook's home, Rook's home, it quickly becomes pretty clear to the students of Professor Volkarin's Theoretical Metaphysics class that their stick-in-the-mud teacher did spend his sabbatical fighting ancient gods and darkspawn. But there's no way it means the rest of the rumors are true right?
Least not until they see Thedas's hottest new hero practically examines the man's tonsils with a kiss that is not appropriate for the classroom.
When they leave, the flustered man looks at the class and asks; "Are there any more questions, or do you mind if I go home to my spouse?"
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vaultureculture · 2 months ago
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Of course these are just my personal HCs for the boys! We don't know how they look yet <3
This was so so fun, if you guys know me you surely know I adore drawing different features and portraits! I love them all hah
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driftingvoid-155 · 6 months ago
“Chat how we looking?” -Mike to the five voices in his head that possessed his corpse and refuse to leave.
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disastersappho · 2 months ago
twinyards hc that aaron has a shit memory and so before his bio exams (tons of vocab) andrew makes associations for him with stupid insults to help him remember.
aaron doesn’t realize the first few times, until he’s blanking on an exam and randomly thinks of a time where andrew made a comment about kevin needing to grow a spine or he’d give him spondylolisthesis and his notes on vertebrae conditions come flooding back
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