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erinwantstowrite · 2 days ago
what do you like to hc about tim drakes childhood? like I remember you mentioning something about him stalking the bats at night being fun (I think) but what about his parents and stuff? And like just tim hc in general I guess:)
i loooove the hc that tim was stalking the bats as a kid. Mostly because it's funny as hell, and that it makes sense for his character. With how he shows up in their lives, i wouldn't doubt that he had been watching them or keeping tabs on them somehow.
HOWEVER... I'm gonna be a little controversial... I don't like his parents being majorly abusive towards him. For starters, it's not canon and feels like a cop out sometimes for the way Tim is. He is a freaky little genius, and he's just Like That. I honestly don't think his parents had much imput on that part of his behavior. He just turned out Like That.
But!!! I also recognize that Tim was, in fact, abused. It was a while back and so i don't remember exactly which comic it was, but i'm pretty sure at some point after his mother's death, Tim and Jack started getting into arguments a lot and it felt pretty emotionally abusive with how Jack acted. And in canon, the fact that Tim was able to get away with like, literally everything he did, is because I imagine his parents weren't keeping an eye on him
That's not to say he wasn't taken care of- Tim had friends, he went to a boarding school (at least i'm pretty sure he did), he regularly interacted with people and he wasn't physically neglected in any way. Emotionally? That's where Tim wasn't getting his needs met. They were gone a lot for their archaeology studies and etc, and so I hc that Jack and Janet really only had a kid because they felt like it was the most natural progression for their marriage, not because they truly wanted one. They love Tim, don't get me wrong, but they were pretty distant with that love.
I also hc that Janet was closer to him before she died. I think her having health problems and being tired a lot would make it harder for her to connect with Tim when she's actually home, but she would make an effort and keep an eye on how he's doing at school and with his friends. She has the healthier relationship with him, but Tim might not know if it's because she was that good, or if it was because she was never around to have fights with.
Jack also loves Tim (as evidenced by the fact that when Jack is finally seeing Tim on a daily basis, he takes notes of Tim's behavior and schedule, and he figures out Tim's identity as Robin. AND the fact that he sent a search party for Tim during that time Gotham was blocked off from the rest of the world and etc). I also think he takes pride in the fact that Tim is so smart and good with people. But I give him that flavor of father that doesn't exactly know how to put that into words or actions, and just expects Tim to know it. There's also the fact that when Jack was alive, there was some emotionally manipulative conversations about Robin, Tim's life, etc. Jack might have been doing these things as a scared parent and wasn't aware that this was what he was doing, but it was in fact still pretty fucked up and I'm sure it left a lasting mark on Tim
So in Tim's eyes, they never really talk about "I love you" and stuff, because his parents didn't really feel the need to say it out loud. I think they're not the mushy type or overtly affectionate.
But, you know. Tim's a kid. And as smart as he is (we'll get to that in a second), a kid who doesn't hear "I love you" often might... wonder. Because they're never home and he's always at school, and he only really gets validation from them when he excels at school or with higher society. (I'm pretty sure in the comics, Tim wasn't as high society as fanon makes him out to be, but I like the idea of Tim being a little higher up there because it adds to that air of distance and reputation.) Him learning "I love you" means "I love you, but from over here", makes sense for how Tim is. He loves his people, but unless prompted to say it, he sort of assumes people get what he means, sometimes. Not all the time, because Tim has had interaction with friends (I'll say it again, fanon lovers: Tim has friends both as a vigilante AND as a civilian, he is not isolated from the world), he's not oblivious to the fact that sometimes it needs to be said. He's probably much better at it than his parents.
That goes to say, though, that I think Tim also isn't the type to delve really deep into his emotions. Not outwardly, anyway. He's just like his parents, after all. I'd think he HATES being vulnerable. ANY sort of expression of weakness or failure gets amplified in his mind and he takes that on like "I am now the worst." He sees his love for both friends and family as something to give, to offer, and likes being useful in that love. "I love you, from here, and loving from over here means I have to give things." I think he hates crying in front of people, and if Tim is crying in front of you it's either REALLY, REALLY bad, or he just trusts you THAT much. In the comics, Tim says that he doesn't know his worth outside of being Robin. (More proof DC needs to let him MOVE ON FROM ROBIN!!) He sees himself as being his most useful, and most cared about, and most able TO care about others, when he is Robin. That's why he's so confident in his role as Robin, why he told Jason (not a direct quote) "I actually am better than you, bitch" when they fought at Titan's Tower. Robin is the best of Tim, someone who can't make failures, who was taught by Batman and seen as useful by people he respects a lot. (He also wouldn't dare make any besmirch on Robin's name for Dick's sake. Because that's his hero and big brother.)
And now to get to how smart Tim is, and why I love the hc that he stalked the Bats as a kid so much:
All of these headcanons for his family history helps fit into the most canon version of Tim, imo, and doesn't dull the fact that Tim is clever as hell. Tim was neglected by his parents, for sure. But he still was watched. He had supervision, they have rules at these boarding schools. Tim is the type to get around those rules and sneak out whenever he wants. Maybe it started as something to do to get his parents attention, but no one ever caught him because Tim was so good at escaping. And then he starts seeing the Bats and the hobby evolves from there. He goes Batwatching and no one at school is any the wiser about it. He gets photos and knows their patrol routes, he gets good at parkouring around Gotham and ups his stamina (I think while Tim might not be the strongest or the most flexible of the Bats, he'd the one with the most stamina and therefore, is the fastest fo them). No one even suspecting that Tim is gone at night, especially at a pricey boarding school with security and probably someone in charge of making sure kids at the dorms aren't doing anything stupid, makes Tim look a lot more clever and sneaky than a kid who just has to get around a camera at his family home.
And if you personally like Tim being at home more than at a school, and he actually is neighbors with the Waynes and therefore would have a pretty big house, his parents would 1000% have staff at the house. Bruce Wayne is strange for having only ONE staff member, Alfred, for a manor. The Drakes are well off CEOs that get to gallivanting around the world for their hobby, they know how to hire a whole bunch of people to take care of the big house they bought and "modernized." For large houses like that, you definitely need more than one person keeping an eye on it. So in this case, yeah, Tim would also be very clever to get around someone there at the house where there entire purpose for being there is watching the kid.
Tim stalking the Bats also just... Makes sense. Because I think Tim 1) broke into Titan's Tower BEFORE ever meeting Dick, 2) found out where Dick lives and met Kori there who was like "What???" 3) knew where the circus was when Dick went there to visit and investigate it, 4) figured out their identities in the first place. People often forget that with detective characters, you're gonna have one of their biggest traits be curiosity. You're telling me a really smart kid just found out the identities of Batman and Robin and he did nothing about that information until later? Baloney! For sure he was doing shit he wasn't supposed to! Tim Drake's biggest trait is also the fact that he has no self preservation instincts and is likely only still alive because 1) it'd disappoint/make Batman and Nightwing sad and 2) he's lucky as hell. Tim is a clever kid who likely thinks he's invicible based on survivor's bias or something like it. "Well of course I got out of that pickle, I'm not an idiot." Is probably his catchphrase
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cosmicpoutine · 11 months ago
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someone beat his highest score in cheese viking. (if anyone tries to be weird and ship them in the tags im gonna fuck your mom and block you)
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livsoulsecrets · 6 months ago
Reading Tim Drake: Robin #3 and losing my shit over how Tim describes each Robin
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Damian as “My baby brother” 😭😭😭 will take 3 business days to recover
Jason as a “protector” (don’t talk to me I’m crying), Dick as “the coolest person he knows” and Steph as the most unpredictable, which he “loves about her”
also the way he talks to a Damian impersonator right after just kills me:
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were-wolverine · 1 year ago
jason, coming back from the dead and seeing tim as robin: how could bruce replace me? how could he give robin to someone else?
dick, who created robin in honor of his dead parents and then had bruce take it away and give it to jason without even asking him:
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confused-wanderer · 1 year ago
The biggest fuck you the bat kids can throw at Bruce is to appoint someone else as their father figure when they get mad at him.
Bruce doesn’t really care if they go to anyone else for help. It stings sure, but he trusts them. What he can’t handle is them going to someone for simple things like ice cream. Or movie night. Or quality time. That’s HIS job. You can partner with them, you better not try to parent them.
Once when kid Dick was pissed at Bruce for not allowing him to be violent towards a villain, he’d grabbed Superman’s hand and declared he wanted Uncle Clark to tend to his injuries and tuck him in bed.
The amount of jealousy and anger radiating off the Bat was so enormous Superman almost thought the man was about to stab him with a Kryptonite sword and couldn’t stop fearing for his life.
Then came Jason, and after getting mad at Bruce for not letting him buy five libraries, he finds Alfred and spends the day as his son, calling himself Jason Penyworth. When Tim came along, he was once fed up with Bruce’s antics and dragged Dick - who had just entered after a gruelling week - out of the mansion, declaring he wanted a different parental figure and insisted they get takeout and have an arcade night. Hell even when Stephanie stormed off and decided to crash at Barbara’s instead of the mansion, Oracle could’ve sworn that Bruce was pouting under his mask, silently sulking at his rejection.
And Damian, well Damian had heard stories of all of this happening, and although he wasn’t a child and refused to throw petty tantrums like the rest of the siblings, one day Bruce’s advice wears on his last nerve and he marches upto the figure reading a book on the other end of the room before demanding they go out to an art studio that day.
He grabs hold of the hand, hears him stuttering behind him but doesn’t pay any heed. Grayson wouldn’t mind after all. He was sure of it. They go outside, and Damian whirls around, about to declare that he wanted to go to the art gallery and spend the night somewhere other than the mansion when his eyes meet a pair of confused blue ones and the words die down in his throat.
He could feel the heat building on his face as he and Tim stared at each other for a few seconds.
It wasn’t his fault Drake and Grayson looked so damn similar! And Drake was sitting on Richard’s spot! Why was the failure doing that?? He knew it, he was trying to throw Damian off his hand and he’d succeeded! He was going to turn around, and hand Damian off to Bruce. Served him right for being so mindless.
Damian knows he should say something, but his mind was blank. He stuttered, furiously trying to think of an explanation before the other man chuckles and lets Kon know he won’t be available for the rest of the day.
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mrmanbat · 4 months ago
What if Tim had a teacher who was so concerned for this kid bc Tim skips all the time and keeps showing up with bruises (from being Robin)?
Like Tim’s just trying to make sure Batman isn’t gonna off himself or anyone else- he doesn’t need Mr fucking Ross trying to get him to ‘talk about his home life’ after class.
And poor Mr Ross is just trying to make sure this kid isn’t abused and simultaneously trying his hardest to make sure Tim doesn’t get held back??
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colbycheeseslice · 4 months ago
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Rainy Tim
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badghostwriter · 10 months ago
Dick stared at the ceiling fan. It spun, slowly but surely turning, ever ignorant of the world around it. It spun, regardless of the ribbon tied on the third blade, regardless of the breeze blowing in the window, regardless of the winter chill almost making his breath visible. The ceiling fan spun and the world spun and Dick couldn’t comprehend it.
The front door opened. Footsteps pattered into the hallway, past the kitchen and into the living room where he was laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling fan. The footsteps stopped for just a minute, before walking over to the window and sliding it shut. The lock clicked into place and a hand reached up to turn off the fan. Dick waited until it ceased any and all motion before tearing his eyes away from it.
“Have you eaten?” Tim asked.
Dick pried his mouth open, ignoring the awful taste that spoke of dehydration, “I…”
Tim waited a minute before accepting that was all he would get in response. He nodded, turned around and walked out of view. Dick watched him go with a pit in his stomach. A fourteen year old shouldn’t have to do the things him and Bruce made Tim do. Tim was too good. Too young. Too innocent. Except he wasn’t innocent because Bruce was breaking him and Dick was letting him and they were poisonous vines, weaving their way into Tim’s life, sucking the life out of him. Just like they did with Barbara. Just like they did with Jason. God, Jason. His baby brother, who was scared and suffering and died, all without Dick knowing.
“Dick,” Tim nudged him with a foot. Dick blinked, registering the water bottle and microwaved food in Tim’s hands. When had he had time to do that? Dick blinked again and he was sitting on the couch, food on his lap and opened water bottle in his hand.
Tim handed him the lid and a fork. “Drink and eat.”
Dick mechanically took a bite. Then another. Then a sip of water. He turned to look at Tim. His eyes were clouded and bruised, with his lip sporting a bloody cut that made Dick want to cry.
“Bruce?” Dick asked, voice raspy.
“Locked in the cave.”
Dick hummed, leaning over to bump his shoulder against Tim’s. He pressed his lips into the side of Tim’s head in the mockery of a kiss, trying not to remember doing the same thing to another little brother.
“Thank you. I’m sorry.”
Tim ducked a little to slide into place perfectly cuddled up against Dick’s side. “‘S okay. It’s always hard on the anniversary.”
Dick’s eyes watered. “It’s not okay, baby bird. You shouldn’t be…” looking after two grown men just because they can’t get their crap together.
“I’m sorry,” Dick said again.
Tim pressed closer. “Okay.”
Dick closed his eyes and thought absolutely nothing was okay.
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i-got-harvey-dent-pregnant · 5 months ago
*looking at a picture of robin!dick on top of batman crying at a joker who didnt even doing anything yet*
Dick: WHAT?!?! I was afraid of clowns! Sue me!
Tim: .....you LIVED at the CIRCUS!
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7weaslesinacoat · 3 months ago
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tim drake nation!! ! i bring you an offering !
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erinwantstowrite · 5 months ago
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i swear my art style changes depending on the brush i use anyways here's some timkon because im thinking about them
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cosmicpoutine · 11 months ago
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weaponized spite
another batch of badly drawn shitpost incoming
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livsoulsecrets · 2 months ago
Batfam + References to being family (Part 21)
Part 20
In Detective Comics #982, after Duke survives an explosion, but the one he was trying to save dies, Bruce comforts him: “Steady, son… You’re going to be all right.”
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In Batman and Robin Eternal #10, Azrael calls Tim and Jason “two brothers in red”.
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In the same issue, Jason calls Tim “kid”.
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Truth and Justice #18 features Ra’s offering Damian immortality. Babs tells Damian they are all his family and Bruce supports him.
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In Batman & Robin Eternal #2, Dick refers to Tim and Jason as “two men I know like brothers”.
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In Batman & Robin Eternal #16, Jason says in a message to Dick: “We started as an army. We chose to be a family.”
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Duke refers to Cass as “sis” in Batman and the Outsiders #11:
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Part 22
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were-wolverine · 1 year ago
anytime someone asks me “there’s more than one Robin?” i begin to vibrate at a frequency only dogs can hear and my brain goes to static and then i open my eyes hours later to find i have explained the entire history of all the Robins and their vigilante identities after outgrowing the title to some poor unsuspecting soul
(this does not include carrie or jarro. i just don’t rlly care abt carrie, and i hate jarro with a burning passion. there is no reason for me to, i just do. i hate that stupid little fucking starfish)
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confused-wanderer · 2 years ago
I can imagine that when Jason comes back from the dead and he finds himself patrolling Gotham at night as Red Hood (filling in for someone or just for kicks you pick)
And he notices an old bicycle right by where he used to live. It seems familiar for some reason so Jason goes to take a closer look, just to realise it was actually his bike from before Bruce took him in.
He follows its owner around, realising that the owner was a broke college kid who lived on the streets and so he pays for a small apartment (Gotham apartments are ridiculously cheap) and says that the only way the boy can pay him back is by continuing with his education.
And then he keeps doing it for more orphans trying to get off the street and have a good life.
But then they start wanting to help him.
Cue him arguing with Dick about how they’re so adamant and stubborn on protecting and helping him and he keeps trying not to involve them but they’re not taking no for an answer.
And Dick’s smiling, he has an evil glint in his eyes before saying : Do you not realise who you sound like rn?
Jason:…son of a bitch. I’m Bruce.
Cuz lets be honest Bruce wanted to help them he never actively wanted to put them in danger as Robin.
And Jason finally gets closure as he truly understands how Tim became robin.
And now, the kids Jason has adopted helped are not vigilantes (thankfully)
But that doesn’t stop them from finding an injured bird in the street and dragging their ass back to their house and patching them up before lecturing them and calling red hood to pick his family up.
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mrmanbat · 1 month ago
Okie-doki— I’ve seen several statements along the lines of “Tim Drake never wanted to be a vigilante and he only did that bc Batman needed Robin!”
That’s not inaccurate is also not 100% right.
Pre-Robin Tim did want to be a vigilante in the same way you want to famous. It was an unrealistic daydream and he was okay to leave it at that.
(I’m not sure if this is explicitly stated but this is definitely a reasonable interpretation.)
Once Jason died Tim did shift the responsibility onto himself (his motivation can vary depending on the comic but a good portion of the time it was for Batman’s sake.)
Now while Tim’s moral compass is incredibly hard to pinpoint we do know that now that Tim has taken this responsibility there is no going back for him. Now he has the power to protect so he has to protect. In his eyes it would be immoral not to use this power.
(keep in mind Tim has the tendency to be hypocritical and his characterization changes a shit ton over the years so this will not apply to every comic— I’m speaking more of in a general sense. )
there are some nuances between ‘want’ and ‘feel-the-responsibility-to’ but I don’t really wanna get that deep into the topic— just know that if Tim didn’t ‘want’ to be a vigilante he’d quit once Bruce came back.
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