#poppy playtime x reader
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voxslays · 1 day ago
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car-o-line · 2 days ago
Oh boy uhm. Really nervous to ask this
First of all, I've recently started following you and I just have to say, I love your work. Everytime I read your posts it has me giggling and kicking my goofy little feet in the air./pos /gen
I was wondering if you could write about what if Doey and his 3 consciousness would do with a blind player /w broken glasses (Their vision is shit and can only make out things if they're REALLY close to their face 💔)
It's completely fine if you don't want to do this or don't have the time, just dropping down a small request :3
AHJBHEJFGWQKJBHKFER, ahem, thank you omg ur so sweet- and also this came to me at the right time because my vision is also ass but I refuse to wear glasses so shhh🤫🤫🤫 AND DO NOT BE NERVOUS ABOUT REQUESTING I DON’T BITE, PINKY SWEAR😤
Doey with a reader whose vision is bad bad 👓🤏😐
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You honestly had no idea how you’ve made it this far-
From using your grab pack to grab handles that seem just like a glowing color, to reaching for batteries that seem like a speck of dust, and even not knowing that you killed monsters(you didn’t even realize Catnap died until Poppy told you herself)
Speaking of Miss Wendy’s head, she also has no clue how you came such a long way. But she figured that if you could manage to do all of this without good vision, the things you could do with perfect vision would be unimaginable in a place like this.
Either way you survived and you did the job, that’s all that counted.
After escaping..uhm, a rainbow lion or whatever. You quickly came across a green dinosaur that somehow made piano noises, though for the 15 seconds that you first saw him, the next 15 seconds were how he died. You couldn’t tell what killed him until the something crawled out of the darkness and came straight up towards you.
“Hiya there pallll, don’t worry! I won’t eat you. Ahahah..”
You recognized who that something was, Doey. You were a pass employee after all, but he was hard to see. And hard to understand where he was at during the whole encounter. Was he spying on you when you couldn’t see? Who knows?
The mascot told you to follow him as he managed to squeeze his way through the holes in the brick walls, which made everything wayyyyy more confusing than it had to be.
Appalled, you literally just didn’t know where to go to follow him, you looked up, down, left, right, but all you could see was a blur.
Doey, eventually realized that you weren’t following him, so when be went back to where you first were, he was meant with you trying to grab the handle above(you found out how to follow him eventually) and missing each time miserably.
“Do you need help with that bud?”
(he scared you to death)
You sheepishly told him that you could not see a single thing unless it was real close to you. That’s why you’re missing so much.
He was a bit dumbfounded because if you were “Poppy’s friend,” wouldn’t she had chosen someone who would be the least at risk when it came to this sort of things. He imagined that if he grabbing a handle was a hassle for you, then everything else you’ve done must have been horribly troublesome for you.
Because Poppy wouldn’t let someone who’s basically BLIND do all her dirty work..right?
He decided to deal with that problem later, for now he wants to guide you personally to Save Haven. Somewhere where you can be safe until it’s not, or until he figures out what to do with you.
His way of transporting you was simple, just for you to piggy-back ride him til the area was reached(Jack just wanted a way to kind of actually touch someone without doing it randomly🎀)
Once at Safe Haven he had the Medic check up on you in case you got injured in anyway while he had a “chat” with Poppy.
“You let someone who can barely see go out and do all of the things someone in top-notch shape should be doing?”
“Listen Doey, who else is going to be down here and help us. Who else is capable to do the things they’re doing!?”
“Not them.”
“I know you want this to happen as fast as possible Poppy. But using Y/n isn’t the right option, it’s a miracle they’ve survived for this long. And if they would’ve died, it would’ve caused the Prototypes attention much more then if Y/n hadn’t came here to begin with.”
“You don’t get it, Y/n has potential- you’ve seen what they’ve done!”
“And it’s great, but they’ve done enough. They will stay here until the Prototype is dead, end of discussion Poppy.”
And he means to keep his word until he physically cannot do so anymore.
Matthew is definitely the most concerned about your predicament. When he’s in control he’ll kind of be like a butler or a guidance for you. He makes sure that the other toys in Safe Haven know about your vision so that if they play or you’re helping them do whatever, that they know to either play gentle or not ask too much from you when you’re around.
Kevin did not give two craps at first I’m so so sorry😭 He’s so inconsiderate ain’t he beginning like, they don’t have glasses? Are they poor? When he’s first met you he purposefully hid your items from you just so you get annoyed. But when you got closer with his personality, he yells at anyone who bothers you or hides things from you. A hypocrite at his finest.
Jack used your vision as an opportunity to bond with you. Even if he wasn’t purposely doing it he sometimes uses your lack of sight to his advantage for entertainment. If you need something but can’t see it(it’s literally on your sleeping bag and you’re IN the tent) he makes a game out of it like if he finds it first you have to give him a hug or a high-five. He also wonders about it most too, so you literally just cannot see? Interesting…he said he’d cry if that happened to him. Okay Jack. Okay.
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fiber-optic-alligator · 3 days ago
Here it is, chapter 3 of A New Safe Haven (This Family Needs You)! I hope you guys enjoy it!
Word Count: 4687
You can read chapter 2 here!
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You spend the rest of the night hiding within the Counselor’s Office, curled up in Stella Greyber’s frayed chair, your head resting on your arm while the other is covering your head. It’s a position that has every bone in your body aching, yet you hardly find it within yourself to care. With the office’s door barricaded shut and the room completely dark, you hope nothing finds you, and simply lie by your lonesome with grief and guilt alike swirling through you. Sleep is fitful; you see nothing but teeth and claws when you close your eyes, and Kevin’s words echo like whispers from the walls. You feel helpless, alone, and afraid. You just want to remain here forever, never to see the light of day again.
  No one mourns traitors.
  I will never love you.
  You squeeze your eyes so tight you see black spots behind your lids and clench your hands around your biceps to the point of pain. The physical discomfort distracts you from the inner turmoil.
  “You know, they’re gonna get rid of you eventually.”
  You topple out of the chair, falling onto your back with a low yelp. The voice snickers. “Geez, you startle easily, dont’cha?”
  Your head flies up, searching the dark for the unknown presence. You can see no one. “Who are you?” you yell. “Where are you?” You instinctively reach to prepare your flare hand for fire, but remember you don’t have your grabpack on you; you lost it in your chase with Jack. “Show yourself!”
  “Up here, dimwit.” There’s a shuffle from above; you look up and see a twin pair of glowing white eyes staring at you from behind a vent cover. “You see me?”
  “What…what do you want from me?” you ask. “How did you know I was in here?”
  A scoff. “I could practically smell your tears from the vents. Imagine me, minding my own business while searchin’ for some food, when allofasudden I hear you blubberin’ and sobbin.’ Are you really crying over what that dumb red kid said to you?”
  “You…you were eavesdropping on us?” you exclaim.
  “Listen, nothing ever happens down here. I’m not gonna pass up on some drama! Let me live my life, okay?” The voice pauses, as if its owner is observing you. “It’s my first time seeing you up close. You, the big bad employee who took out CatNap. I gotta say, I’m…not really impressed.”
  You wipe your nose and lean against Stella’s desk. “Gee. Thanks.”
  “I’m just telling the truth. You’re kinda pathetic. Are you gonna keep sticking with those kids?”
  “…They need me.”
  “No they don’t! Look at them! They’re giant monsters! You think they care about you? Sooner or later, they’re gonna get tired of you and rip ya to-”
  “Stop.” You punch a fist against the floor. The pain is a welcome sensation. You’ll take it over the idea of Matthew, Kevin, and Jack killing you. “I don’t want to hear it.”
  “Alright, alright. But just listen to what I gotta say, okay? You wanna get out of this factory? So do we. You won’t get far with those boys weighing you down. It’s either they’re gonna get you more lost, or they’re gonna eat ya. So, why not come join me and my crew? If you can help us escape to the outside…I’ll ensure your safety among our ranks.”
  “Who the hell even are you?” you ask, glaring at the vent. “Do you work for the Prototype?”
  “The Prototype? Ha!” The voice barks a rough laugh. “Of course not! The Prototype is who’s keepin’ us here. Nah, we’re our own leaders. We work for ourselves and ourselves only.”
  “That doesn’t make me feel the least bit better.”
  “Didn’t expect it to. Ah, well, looks like I gotta get going. But just consider my offer, yeah? If you wanna accept it, I’ll be around.” With that, the eyes disappear. You hear a skittering going down the vent, and then the stranger is gone.
  You don’t know what to think. It’s expected for you to be watched by others. You always have eyes on you: hungry eyes, angry eyes, sad eyes. Yet, you’ve never had a monster ask for you to join them, except for Poppy. Just who was that? You wrack your brain for any possible suspects, but none come to mind.
  You can’t abandon the boys even if a part of you feels that removing yourself from their lives is the best outcome for them. Kevin aside, Matthew and Jack wouldn’t know what to do without you. You can’t hurt them like that. You refuse to hurt them more than you already have.
  You look around Stella’s office. You remember her; you remember what she did for you, what she did for your career at Playtime Co. The memories of your past arise like flowers in spring, long locked away due to the survivor’s guilt plaguing you for years. This place has haunted you long before you received that fateful letter in the mail. You wish you never opened it. God, why couldn’t they just let you stay away?
  The waterworks come quickly. You feel the familiar tightening behind your eyes, tears working their way down the corners and down your cheeks. “Damnit,” you whimper, pressing the heel of your palm against your head. You bang it a few times, the throb in your skull only adding to the breakdown. “I want to go home. I just want to go home.”
  Home isn’t here. You fear you will never see it again.
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  When you emerge from the Counselor’s Office, you can hear familiar voices booming through PlayCare. Kevin and Matthew are by the fountain, with the red giant throwing his hands into the air while he yells. “I don’t know what you think I did! I don’t know where they went! What, you think I killed them or something?”
  Matthew, ever the saint, is being extremely patient. “I never said that. All I’m asking is where you think they are. You were the last one to see them, you said it yourself. So just point in the direction you saw them go.”
  “I don’t know! I saw them at the duck pond last night, then they disappeared! I’m not going to go sniffing around for them like a damn dog!”
  “Stop accusing me!”
  “I’m not accusing you, I just-”
  “Guys! I found them!” You hear Jack’s voice from above. Craning your neck, you see him perching atop the building’s roof, claws digging into the tiles. “Mommy! There you are!”
  “Hi Ja-” You cut yourself off when he stretches his arm and easily reaches you, picking you up and retracting the appendage to normal length. “Woah, okay, okay, dough arms act like dough. Um, m-maybe give me a little warning when you’re about to do that next time?”
  “S-Sorry!” Jack nuzzles you apologetically. “I was just so worried! We’ve been looking for you all over! Why were you hiding in the Counselor’s Office?” His tongue flicks across your cheek. “Have…have you been crying? I taste tears!”
  Shit. You shake your head, giving him a forced smile. “I’m okay, I promise. I just…I had another nightmare, and I needed some time to be alone.”
  “But Mommy,” Jack says, mournful. “You shouldn’t have to feel like you need to hide yourself away when you’re sad. Next time, you come to me! I’ll tuck you away and keep you warm and safe! No nightmares while I’m hugging you!” He pats his stomach approvingly.
  God, he is so cute. You absolutely adore this kid. Your smile turns genuine, and you give his thumb a squeeze. “Thanks, Jack. I really appreciate that.” I think we’ll skip the eating part, though.
  Jack climbs down and returns to his brothers, presenting you. “Look, here they are! They’re okay!”
  “Thank goodness.” Matthew looks relieved. “Mom, what were you thinking, running off like that? I panicked when I woke up and found you gone!” He sounds like he’s the parent, and you’re the child. You have a feeling he’s given this talk to countless other children in days gone. “What happened?”
  You notice Kevin has himself slightly turned away, with his gaze straying elsewhere. For a moment, you hesitate, wondering if you should expose his threats from last night. It would be best to tell Matthew, so it won’t happen again. You know the eldest won’t stand for any sort of violence towards you, especially from one of his brothers. Yet, you seem to know that if you do, your chances of earning Kevin’s trust will drop drastically. He did hurt you…but if you tattle, it will only push him away.
  “I had a nightmare,” you say. “When I woke up, I panicked, so…so I ran away and hid for a while. I-I’m sorry.”
  Matthew sighs, running a hand through his hair. His gentle indignation melts into acceptance. “It’s okay. We aren’t mad. But please, next time you’re feeling scared or vulnerable…tell us. We can help you. You aren’t alone anymore. You have people to support you. So no more handling your nightmare on your own, alright?”
  He’s asking for a lot, and he knows it. Your nightmares are brought about through creatures like him. Just being around the boys is enough to spark the anxiety within you. Looking for respite in the arms of what you fear won’t be easy. But he’s offering you a chance. Little steps lead to big ones, and big steps lead to healing. If you can learn to trust these giants, maybe the pieces of yourself that crumbled in Playtime Co. can be rebuilt again.
  “Okay,” you say quietly. “Okay. No more running. From now on, I’ll stay with you.”
  Matthew smiles and nods. “Thank you. Don’t worry. We’re going to get through this. All four of us, together…as a family.”
  “Matthew,” Kevin says. He gruffly points towards Home Sweet Home. “Look.”
  You, Matthew, and Jack turn towards the orphanage. At first, you can’t see what Kevin is noticing. Then, there’s a glint of reflection against a pair of beady eyes. Then another. And another. Soon, at least fifty gazes are staring at you, little chitters and growls echoing across PlayCare. Little bodies scurry like ants, waiting on the precipice of the darkness, only holding back due to the presence of the fake moonlight.
  A shiver goes down your spine.
  PlayCare’s bout of peacefulness has ended. The scavengers have arrived to pick off what CatNap left behind.
  “Kevin, go get the peach boxes,” Matthew orders. He doesn’t look away from the feral toys. “Jack, don’t let Mom go. I guess our stay here is being cut short.”
  It’s only when Jack presses you to his chest and completely covers you with his hands that you realize you forgot to tell them about the mysterious voice from the vent. At this point, you don’t even know if you should. Perhaps it’s best for all of you that you forget.
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  Jack gives you space to breathe only when the four of you are at a safe distance from PlayCare, now traversing through the outskirts of No Man’s Land. Unlike Matthew, who lets you ride on your shoulder, he plops you right atop his head and manipulates his hair to keep your legs secure. It's terrifying at first, to be so high up. Yet Jack is careful, and his cheery attitude calms you down. “Look, Mommy, isn’t this fun? It’s like you're a dragon rider, and I’m your dragon! Rooooaaar!” He sprouts sharp claws and even molds tiny wings from his back, surging forward to run ahead while continuing his game.
  “Jack, slow down! T-Too fast!” you beg, hanging onto his hair for dear life.
  “It’s okay! I won’t let you fall!” Tendrils of dough wrap around your waist for added measure. “Fly with me, my rider! We’re going to defeat the evil wizard!”
  “Jack, be careful!” Matthew calls. “Don’t run too far ahead!”
  “Or do,” Kevin grumbles. “We won’t miss your loud noise.”
  “ROAR! The great dragon Jack does NOT LIKE KEVIN’S ATTITUDE!” Jack bares his teeth and lets out a playful hiss. “Imma EAT ya!”
  “Oh, yeah?” Kevin grins. “Not before I eat you first. Dragons eat dragons.” With that, he launches himself forward. Jack squeals with joy and expertly avoids the faux attack, flapping his wings while he runs, giggling. “Oh no! The dragon Kevin wants to devour us, rider Mommy! We gotta get out of here!”
  “JAAAAAAACK!” you scream, feeling very much like you are on a real dragon right now.
  Jack jumps and claws his way up a supporting beam, perching at the top like a cat and sticking his tongue out. While Matthew watches from afar with a clearly panicked expression, you lean forward a little and observe how Kevin slowly follows after your mount. “Oh, you think climbing is going to save you? I’m the king of climbing. Don’t try to challenge me!”
  “Mommy, hold on tight!” You feel Jack tense, dough rippling. “We’re going to fly!” With that, he leaps, little wings outstretched. You absolutely lose it and howl at the very top of your lungs while the two of you dive straight for Kevin. It’s a stomach-dropping moment of pure terror as you instinctively press yourself against Jack’s head and wait for contact to be made between the two boys.
  Jack tackles Kevin and sends him rolling. Both boys laugh, growling and snarling like playful wolf pups, while you feel very queasy from the amount of flips your body is being put through.
  Suddenly, Jack’s grip on you begins to loosen. You startle, scrabbling for contact, panic rising as your legs slowly begin to slip free. “Jack! Jack, wait! I-I’m going to fall-!”
  He doesn’t hear you. You can’t hold on; your grip isn’t strong enough, and in what feels like painful slow motion, you slip and go careening off of his head. “Nononono! JACK!”
  You hit the floor and slide backwards, pitching straight through a crack in the grounding, plummeting through air like a stone, wind whistling past your ears while you flail for some impossible way to break your fall. Agony screams through your battered body when you slam into the ground.
  It’s a good moment before you move. Your mind catches up with what just happened, and you groan in pain.. When you slowly push yourself into a kneeling position, you look up and see that the crack you fell through brought you a bit from where you originally were. You think you can hear Jack screaming your name, but you aren’t totally sure if it’s real or due to a possible concussion.
  “Urgh…” You stand, wobbling. Flinging an arm out to steady yourself, your fingers connect with jagged indents which cause you to quickly snatch your hand away. Blinking, you stumble closer to get a better look.
  There’s a huge hole running straight through the wall. The jagged edges you touched are…bite marks.
  “Oh, fuck,” you say, stepping back. None of this is due to the factory’s erosion. Something literally gnashed its way through, and then left the area in a similar way. What creature has a strong enough bite force and teeth to chew through solid concrete?
  You don’t want to find out. Somehow, you have to get out of here. This is completely uncharted territory for you, and you aren’t even sure you’re in the same area of the factory you just fell from. Looking back up, your heart sinks. Will Jack even notice you are gone? Will him, Kevin, and Matthew be too far away by the time they do realize you are missing? Will they come back for you? Will they even care?
  A treacherous part of your mind whispers to you that no, they won’t. Perhaps they’ll even be happy you are gone. Kevin certainly will. Maybe he’ll convince Matthew and Jack that you are dead. Helplessness crawls through your ribs and slowly starts sinking its teeth into your heart. You don’t have your grabpack. You have no way to defend yourself. Fuck. Fuck. I’m screwed. I am utterly, entirely screwed.
  Something moves behind you.
  You snap to attention, all of your senses focusing on the large shape shifting towards you from the darkness. Slow, steady thumps-footsteps-get closer. There’s a noise which sounds like distorted music coming out of a broken radio. You back up until you hit a wall, unable to do anything but stare as the figure reveals itself in the barely-there light.
  Your jaw drops.
  It’s…It’s Pianosaurus. Intact. Alive.
  The bigger body regards you with a tilt of the head. Dropping to a quadrupedal stance, it speaks to you in a broken voice constantly interrupted by the clattering of piano keys. “H…H…Hello…”
  It quickly dawns on you that this is not the Pianosaurus you watched Doey kill and consume. It’s smaller, with less grime sticking to its plastic, and not a speck of blood dotting its wide face. You work your dry tongue for a response to give. “...Hi?”
  “You…fell. I-I-I saw.” It swishes its tail. “H-Hurt?”
  “Um. No, not really. I have some bangs and bruises, but I don’t think I fell super far.” You rub your neck. “Why aren’t you killing me?”
  The dinosaur reels back, a horrified tune flying across its keyboard. “K-K-Kill? No, no kill! “I…cannot! Will not! No…no killing!”
  Well. This isn’t what you expected. But you are happy for it. You allow yourself to relax, if only a little. “Well, that’s good to hear. I…I’m Y/N. Do…you have a name?” Can you remember who you used to be?
  The Pianosaurus bends its neck down in a greeting. “C-C-Cassie,” it responds. “I…I am…girl. Before…this.” It plays a mournful song while looking at its paws.
  Your gut churns. “I…I’m sorry Cassie. I don’t know what else to say other than…thank you for not hurting me.”
  “No t-t-thanks. Not needed.” Cassie settles, at ease, and looks towards the hole. “B-B-Bad kid made that h-hole. How did…you fall through?”
  “Huh? Bad kid? What do you-?”
  “Mom? Are you there? Mom?!” Orange dough suddenly gushes down above. Cassie reacts immediately, flinching into the cover of the shadows. When Matthew forms, he is noticeably shorter than usual, yet still tall enough for his head to bonk against the ceiling. He yelps, rubbing his head, then frantically searches the small area. When he sees you, he lets out a cry of relief and embraces you in a desperate hug. “Mom! Oh goodness, I’m so sorry! Jack, he was playing too rough! He didn’t mean to let you fall! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Let me make sure you are okay!” He turns you over, gently bending your arms and legs, checking your eyes and your head. “Are you hurt? Are you bleeding? How many fingers am I holding up?” He holds four digits so close to your face, you go crosseyed.
  “Matthew, Matthew, I’m fine.” You take his index finger and hold it over your heart, allowing him to feel it beat. “I’m not hurt. I’m okay. See?”
  Matthew’s bottom lip quivers. It’s the first time you’ve seen him this close to crying. “We thought we lost you. Jack didn’t mean it. He’d never hurt you, never.” He shakes his head and draws you towards his mouth. “I-I’m going to keep you inside for a little bit. Don’t be scared, it’ll just be until we reach another safe area. Please don’t fight me on this, it’s-it’s the best way to keep you protected right now.”
  “N-N-NO!” Cassie bursts forth. She stabs her claws into Matthew’s leg. “Stop! D-Don’t e-eat them!”
  Matthew hisses and looks down. His eyes narrow, and he raises his foot, easily flinging her away. Cassie crashes into a wall and slumps with a squawk.
  “Matthew, wait! Don’t hurt her, she’s harmless!” you cry with a desperate wave of your hands.
  The dough boy pauses. “She?”
  “Please…” Cassie struggles to stand. “No…no more…killing…”
  “Oh…you can talk.” Matthew bends down on one knee. “You aren’t feral. Where…where did you come from?”
  “S-S-Sanctuary…” Cassie’s head twitches. “G-Gone...Bad kids took it. Lots of b-blood. I…ran. Didn’t want to die. Found them.” She nods to you. “You…are their son?”
  “Yes, I am.” Matthew adjusts you in his hands, rubbing his thumb up and down your back. “This sanctuary, is it your safe haven? And you’re telling me it’s gone?”
  “Not gone. Taken. Bad kids.”
  “Who are the bad kids?” you ask.
  “They…not nice. Mean. Bad. Eat others. E-Eat each other.” Cassie whines. “Took my friends. Can’t save them…”
  You and Matthew exchange glances. “The Prototype?” you say.
  “Could be.” Matthew releases a breath. “We should stay clear. If he’s already taken over another safe haven, we can’t go there. It’s not safe for you.”
  “But…but what if they aren’t? What about her?” You nod to Cassie. “We can’t just leave her here.”
  Cassie curls in on herself, her tail resting atop her feet. She looks absolutely miserable, despite not having an expression to show for it. Matthew sighs again. “If we bring her with us, she might bring him with her.”
  “But if we don’t she’ll die. Look at her. She’s in no mental state to survive on her own.”
  “...Alright. Fine.” Matthew relents. He looks back at Cassie, and his gaze softens. “If their safe haven is still salvageable, maybe we’ll be able to get rid of these…bad kids, whoever they are, and save the toys that are trapped.”
  Part of you does not want to do any sort of thing. You want to escape this godforsaken factory and go home. But there are still children here, children who will continue to face terrible fates if you don’t do something about it. Plus, you won’t leave the boys. So you nod. “Alright. Let’s go.”
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  Jack is a blubbering mess. The moment Matthew sets you down safely away from the hole you fell through, he’s all over you, hugging you tight, sobbing blue dough tears. “Mommy! Mommy, I’m so sorry!” he wails. “I got too excited! I could have hurt you!”
  “Jack, Jack,” you soothe. “It’s okay. I’m okay. I’m not hurt, and I’m not upset with you. I promise.”
  “R-Really?” Jack sniffles. “You mean it? You still trust me?”
  “I’m…on track to trusting you,” you admit. His expression is a heartbreaking sight, and you are quick to continue. “But I know you don’t want to hurt me.” Not right now. “You were having fun, and…I’m happy you were playing with Kevin. I’m happy you were playing with me. Let’s try and play more often, alright? I like seeing you smiling rather than seeing you sad.”
  Jack wipes away his tears. You try not to get splattered. “Y-Yeah. I’d like to play more! Dragon and rider is super fun! And when we escape, we-we can play tag! And hide-and-seek! Would you do that with me, Mommy?”
  “Absolutely,” you say. “We’ll go to the park. You’ll love the grass, and the sun, and-and everything.” You begin to get excited just thinking about it. “We can take walks, and I can teach you how to play soccer! You could join the little league! And-”
  “Stop getting ahead of yourself,” Kevin snaps. You jump, completely unaware of his presence until now. He’s watching you, sitting down with his arms folded and his head low. “Dough can’t play soccer. Monsters aren’t allowed to go to parks.”
  Jack wilts. You feel frustration build within you. “Kevin-”
  “What, got something to say?” Kevin snaps his teeth. You flinch, and Jack quickly shields you, murmuring a soft “It’s okay, Mommy, you’re okay.” Any sort of reprimand you started preparing instantly dies.
  “Kevin.” Matthew walks over. “Now is not the time. We have some serious issues happening at the moment.”
  “Oh, really? Worse than what’s already going on?” Kevin groans. “Lay it on us.”
  Cassie peeks her head out from behind Matthew’s leg. She timidly steps forward. “H-H-Hello.”
  “Oh! A Pianosaurus!” Jack exclaims, delighted.
  Kevin licks his lips. “Can we eat it?”
  “No!” Matthew says. “Absolutely not! She’s not feral. Mom found her when they fell. Apparently, she’s come from another safe haven that’s been…taken over by some less-than-kind toys.”
  “Bad kids,” Cassie adds.
  “Bad kids?” Jack says nervously. “Like…like bullies?”
  “Yes, yes! Bullies, bad kids! They hurt, they eat!”
  You wonder if the bite marks you saw came from one of these ‘bad kids.’ “How did you get away from them?” you ask.
  “T-T-Tunnels. Quick travel. Ran away to f-f-find help.” She points a claw down. “H-Hotel.”
  “Hotel?” You are confused. “What do you mean, hotel? Playtime Co. doesn’t have a hotel.”
  Cassie clicks and whirrs. “I-Is real,” she insists. “Big. F-F-Fancy. Bad kids l-l-like.”
  “Have you guys heard of there being a hotel here?” you ask the boys.
  Kevin and Jack shrug. Matthew looks lost. “Never. We didn’t know much of what was happening outside of PlayCare, but I’m sure we would’ve known if there was a hotel.”
  “Secret.” Cassie stomps a foot. “Secret.”
  “You keep saying that, but it’s not helping,” Kevin says.
  “Cassie.” You step closer to her. “Can you bring us to this hotel? If there’s a chance we can help save your friends, I want to take it.” You pause, then look at the boys. “Is…is that what you want?”
  “Absolutely,” Matthew immediately says. “That’s what I’ve wanted from the beginning. If there’s any chance to save as many kids as possible and get them out of the factory, I want to take it.”
  “But what about us?” Kevin argues. “What if we get hurt, huh? Who’s gonna come to our rescue?”
  “I-I will!” you answer. “I’m here! I can help lead you guys to safety! I’m smaller, and I’m fast, and I’m pretty good at hiding. Plus-”
  “Oh, come on, you think you’ll be any help to us?” Kevin throws his hands up, exasperated. “You don’t even have your grabpack anymore! How can you protect us from enemies?”
  You feel your self-confidence wither. His words make sense; you’re just a tiny little human, and they’re three massive monsters. They’re powerful, dangerous, yet vulnerable too. What can you do to protect them? Without your grabpack, how are you supposed to have any sort of effect on the factory’s experiments?
  “Don’t say that, Kevin!” Jack says. “Mommy may be small, and not as strong as we are, but that doesn’t mean they’re defenseless! They’re fast, and resourceful, and smart! If anyone can help us-” He gives you a dazzling grin. “They can!”
  Kevin makes an annoyed sound. “You have too much faith in them. Remember the last time we trusted them with the lives of kids.”
  “Kevin.” Matthew’s voice grows dangerous. “Don’t you dare go there.”
  “No.” You hold a hand up to him, imploring him to be silent. “He’s right. I…really haven’t given you three very many reasons to trust me.” You sigh. “For all the time I’ve known you, I’ve been the scared one. And I don’t think I’ll ever stop being scared. But you guys…you guys are scared, too. You’re just kids, and this place is terrifying. It’s hell. You need someone to protect you from that. So, even if I don’t have my grabpack, and I’m not strong, or intimidating…” You fixate your gaze on Kevin, giving him as assertive a stare as possible. “I can still help. I will help. I-I’m your mom. And moms protect their kids.”
  Kevin doesn’t say anything. You think he may be baffled.
  “Mom…” Matthew whispers, voice thick with emotion.
  “Awww, Mommy!” Jack cheers. “I knew you’d believe in yourself soon! You’re the best protector! Nothing bad is going to happen to us while you’re here!”
  You aren’t so sure you can promise him that. Your rush of positivity is already wearing thin, bringing you back to a more realistic viewpoint: you are powerless without your grabpack. As far as you know, your original one is lost within the rubble of the prison, knocked away during your first encounter with Jack.
  You know there are more to be found in the factory. You’ve seen them.
  Maybe…the kids won’t mind a little side quest.
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queenbee298 · 3 days ago
lee!doey fic
Thank you for requesting this and I hope you enjoy the story. This story will have angst and fluff. Request #14
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It was nighttime. Everyone tucked up in bed and fast asleep. Except Doey.
Even if he’s out of the factory, it still haunt him. The scientists, the cold, the starvation, and the gentle voices.
He woke up in a panic. Sobbing and shaking. He left the bedroom to clear his mind. He didn’t want to wake every one, so he went into the living room.
You woke up randomly in the middle of the night. You looked you see everyone was still asleep, but Doey was missing.
You slowly got up, trying not to wake up the other toys and looked for Doey.
Y/n: “Doey?”
You headed downstairs to look for Doey. You looked in the hallway and the kitchen, but didn’t see him, until you found him in the living room.
Y/n: “Doey?”
Doey: “A-angel!? What are you doing waking!?”
Y/n: “I could be asking you the same question? Why are you-“
You stopped to see his face flooded with tears.
Y/n: “Doey, have you been crying?”
Doey: “N-no! I was just s-sweating! That’s all!”
He tried making up excuses, but you knew he was lying.
Y/n: “Doey, did you have another nightmare? Tell me the truth.”
Doey: “…Yes”
You walked over to the couch, sat down and patted the couch, telling him to sit next to you. He came over and sat down next to you.
Y/n: “Let me guess, it was about the factory?”
Doey: “Not only that, but just the thought of hurting you��”
Y/n: “Hurting me?”
Doey: “YES! What if I get angry!? I don’t want to hurt you or anyone else!”
Y/n: “Doey…”
Doey: “What if I hurt you, like I did to Jack’s parents!?”
You remember the tape of Jack’s parents visiting the factory to reunite with Jack after he got into an accident with the Clay to make Doey. Kevin ended up murdering Jack’s parents, thinking it was a trick from the gentle voices.
Y/n: “Doey…”
Doey: “I… I’m a monster…”
Y/n: “…No you’re not..”
Doey: “But I..”
Y/n: “Kevin.. you are not a monster. None of this was your fault. It was the scientist. They were the one who hurt you. You were a child. All of you are. You didn’t ask to be turned into a toy and I know you didn’t mean to kill Jack’s parents. You were afraid, hurt, angry. It’s not your fault.”
Doey: “….”
Doey didn’t say anything. And he broke into tears and began sobbing. You held him in your arms, comforting him.
Y/n: “It’s going to be okay…”
As you two were still in the living room, the mini critters came downstairs.
Bobby Bearhug: “Doey, are you okay?”
Catnap: “You and angel, weren’t in bed and we got worried.”
Hoppy Hopscotch: “Why are you crying?”
The mini critters gathered around Doey, concerned.
Doey: “I’m okay, just another nightmare.”
Kickin Chicken: “We would let those nightmares hurt you!”
Dogday: “Yea! We’ll fight them all away!”
Doey: “Thank you…”
You still thought Doey wasn’t feeling well, and thought how you could cheer him up. That’s when an idea came to mind. You whispered your idea to a little critter and they whispered to the others.
Y/n: “Hey, Doey?”
Doey: “Hm?”
Y/n: “Do you want to play a game?”
Doey: “Sure. What is it?”
Y/n: “It’s called ‘Baker’s men’. Me and the critters are the bakers. We’re making bread dough, we need to knead and bake the dough.”
Doey already knew he would be the dough, but thought the game would be fun and decided to play.
He laid out on the floor. Now you and the critters began the plan.
Y/n: “Now before we start we bake our dough, we need to knead our dough.”
You squish your hands on Doey’s belly, causing him to giggle.
Doey: “EHEHE! Careful! That tickles!”
Y/n: “Now, can my helpers knead the dough with me?”
Mini critters: “Yes we can!”
The mini critters began squishing and jumping on Doey’s belly to knead him. This caused Doey to break out into laughter.
Y/n: “Now, we have to knead the dough for the next 5-8 minutes.”
Hoppy hopscotch: “This dough is so squishy!”
Craftycorn: “We really need to knead the dough!”
The mini critters began tickling his underarms and his feet.
Y/n: “No, No, No. Not yet.”
Y/n: “Hmm… What do you think, my little bakers?”
Mini critters: “No way!”
Doey let out a squeal of panic.
All of you continued tickling Doey for the next 5 minutes. Doey was a mess. He kept squealing, kicking his legs out, and giggling.
After, you and the critters stopped the tickling letting Doey catch his breath.
Y/n: “Now we need to place our dough in the oven and let it bake for 30 minutes.”
You covered Doey in a blanket, as if he was in an oven. You and the mini critters joined him under the blanket and snuggled him.
Y/n: “We’ll always be with you, Doey.”
You placed a kiss on Doey head and soon you all fell asleep.
I hoped you all enjoyed this story. Sorry if I haven’t been posting in a while, but I going to get back on track. See you soon! ❤️
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bunji-enthusiast · 2 days ago
𝐘𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐲’𝐬 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐈𝐈
Summary || The factory makes you learn the cold unforgiving truth soon enough.
WC: 1k
A/N: part 2 was requested! Augh, Yarnaby my boy :(
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The cold, sterile walls of the examination room seem to close in as you sit in a metal chair, hands trembling. Across from you, Dr. Harley Sawyer, now mostly a walking machine with twisted wires and circuits visible beneath his skin, leans forward, his eyes gleaming with a cold curiosity. His voice is low, almost amused, as he studies you.
“Tell me, child, why are you here?” The one singular eye stays indomitable, searching your gait. As if he was waiting for something more, something that easily made your heart tick.
You swallowed, feeling the weight of his gaze. You try to remember how you got here, but everything blurs into a nightmarish haze. Memories are a fickle thing, he supposed.
"I... I was on a field trip. We went to Playtime Co. for a tour... to see the factory." You said, almost numbly wriggling in your seat, trying to not let the chill of the room get to you. The attempt oscillates.
He notices.
The Doctor tilts his head, the metal plates on his face emitting noise as he scans the child’s expression. One clink or two, just a small look into his thoughts. Just barely, perhaps. The silence doesn’t last longer than intended.
"And then?"
Your head tilts at his prodding, mental, or otherwise. It was as if he was trying to curl into the weight of your brain, the neural mapping of your thoughts. Maybe it was fear, or something else that heavily weighs into the metal shoulders of his. Though you paid no mind, you were a young child, and you preferably wouldn’t want to find out whatever it was. The energy he radiated was… mysterious.
"We went into Playcare... I don't know. I remember... screams. Screams from above. And then the crash... the train crash."
Your voice falters, mind flashing back to the horror. The weight of the memories raze your emotions, "My teacher... she was... killed. By that... thing. A Jack-in-the-box monster, Boxy Boo. It..."
The words catch in your throat as you try to push away the memory. You can’t forget the sight of their teacher being torn apart, the sound of the springs and the horrific laughter that filled the air. Such a gruesome sight was difficult to forget, who could ever forget every little detail, significant — or insignificant.
"I... I passed out from the smoke. Red smoke. And when I woke up, I saw him. Yarnaby. He was coming toward me, with those... eyes." Eyes easy enough to invade your once wonderful dreams, turning it into a nightmare like no other. Especially for someone as small as your stature.
You shudder, recalling the strange, multicolored lion and his unsettling grin.
Dr. Sawyer doesn’t react immediately. His face is unreadable, his metallic fingers tapping rhythmically on the metal table.
Finally, he speaks, breaking the disconcert silence with an oddly quiet tone; "Fascinating. And yet, you are not an orphan. Why is that, I wonder?"
You look down at your hands, suddenly aware of how different your situation seems from what the Doctor expects. You’ve always had a family—always had a place to go home to. And yet here you are, caught in this terrifying web. Only the vague warmth of your mother’s hug, and your father’s kind eyes remind you of what you had so suddenly been stripped away from. You barely have grown just yet.
"I don't... I don’t know why. I was just a kid... we were just on a field trip." The truth in your words ring an unbearing kind of hurt, so easily trodden upon, easy to mold and shape. Children trust, they laugh, they share kindness. A different kind of honesty.
And it hurts.
The Doctor’s expression softens, but only for a moment, before a sharp, knowing look creeps into his eyes. He mutters to himself, almost absentmindedly. "Reminds me of Riley... the child who left those pathetic little diary entries. So much potential. So much to learn. And yet... they were not meant to stay."
The Doctor leaned closer, the energy he radiated grew more intense. Whether it was intentional, his gait made it palpable.
"So, tell me, child. What do you think is going on here?"
You don’t know how to respond. Your heart pounds in your chest. There’s a dark curiosity in the Doctor’s voice, a madness hiding beneath the surface. It was something at play, and it was not something that you wished to dive into. Yet, you sense that you were not allowed the momentary transition of peace to be allowed to leave.
Hesitantly, you spoke, "Why... why are you doing this?"
The Doctor tilts his head again, his mechanical face emitting a soft whir. You both knew the answer.
"Why not?"
His smile, if it can be called that, stretches across his face as he leans back, watching little you with unsettling interest. The sound of metal creaks as he stands, his chair scraping across the floor.
Suddenly, a heavy thud echoes in the room, and Yarnaby enters, his multicolored yarn mane swaying as he lumbers closer. His amber eyes are fixed on you, and for a brief moment, you felt a strange tugging sensation—a cold, possessive feeling, as though something inside Yarnaby is claiming you
The Doctor observes the interaction with an almost detached amusement. "Yarnaby... You know what to do."
Before you can even react, Yarnaby leans in, his grotesque, monstrous form slowly morphing from his playful appearance into something far more terrifying. His face splits open, revealing that horrifying hollowed-out mouth, filled with jagged teeth and dripping with blood.
You froze in terror, unable to move, as Yarnaby presses his fangs into your arm. The pain is immediate and sharp, searing through your skin as the lion marks them��his property now.
"NO!" You scream, but it’s too late. Yarnaby pulls away, blood dripping from his mouth, as the Doctor moves quickly to bandage the wound.
"Good. You are his now."
His voice is almost detached, as if this is a routine procedure for him. Your mind was spinning, everything unraveling faster than you can process.
"Take them back to the cell. Let’s see if we can’t make a toy out of this one too."
Yarnaby growls softly in agreement, his eerie eyes never leaving you as he gently but firmly takes you by the arm, leading you out of the examination room. You stumble, barely able to keep your balance, as the Doctor’s voice echoes behind you.
"After all, what is a toy if not something to be molded? Something to be... played with."
The door shuts behind you, and you are left to wonder if you’ll ever see the outside world again. As Yarnaby leads you down the cold, dark corridors of the facility, your only hope is that somehow, against all odds, you can escape this nightmare. But for now, you are Yarnaby’s, and there is no escaping the twisted grip of Playtime Co.
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potatobugxo · 2 months ago
Hi I have an idea
Imagine the reader got all the toys from Safe Haven, Doey, Poppy, Kissy and Yarnaby out of the factory and make their basement the new home and how life would be like because I imagine all the toys need a wash, they probably forgot about privacy or knocking before entering so would lead to embarrassing moments like Yarnaby walking into the bathroom while the reader is showing and just joining them not understanding that it's wrong but the reader would make a huge meal of pancakes, bacon, sausage and eggs as soon as they're out of there no matter what time of day it is
Sorry if this is long just thought it was a good idea
this is such a silly idea I love this 😭😭
pairings: platonic!doey, poppy, kissy, and yarnaby x player!reader (plus smiling critters!)
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-after everyone escapes the factory (and nothing bad happens!!) you take the toys back to where you live, as that would be the safest place for them now that they're out of the factory!
-lets hope your basement is big enough to fit all these critters bc if not, there might be some capacity issues sgfhs
-doey and poppy have the easiest time settling in compared to the others, as they're the most sentient/human, while the other toys are a bit like animals you just brought back from the adoption shelter lol
-the toys are all extremely grateful you saved them and are now giving them a safe place to live outside of the nightmarish factory
-but be warned, they WILL raid your fridge, these guys are starving 🥺
-yarnaby immediately dominates your bed, taking up the entire mattress with his body, so everyone will have to sleep around him. kissy will probably curl up beside the bed with poppy while you and the smiling critters pile up onto yarnaby
-they cannot be without you for more than ten seconds apparently, especially yarnaby and kissy, they are always following you around like lost puppies and wanting your attention!
-say goodbye to privacy because now with giant toys in your house, you never get an ounce of alone time lol
-yarnaby likes whenever you play music, he'll lay down and purr and listen to it for hours!
-poppy is glad to finally have the chance to be a real girl, and asks you if you'll teach her ways about the real world so she can fit in someday!
-doey helps you a lot with chores, since he's the most mature out of the toys. he also feels like they're all a burden to you but you assure him they aren't, and that you appreciate his help!
-the smiling critters kinda just chill, they don't cause too much trouble, aside from climbing all over the place, especially the fridge to reach the sugary cereal you put up high!
-they all LOVE it when you cook breakfast for them, or any meal really! they've only ever eaten scraps from carcasses in the factory, so getting to taste bacon, eggs, and pancakes for the first time is a wonderful experience for them!
-overall the toys are very happy to be at your side, as now they get to live a happy life, away from the cursed playtime factory
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theoneandonlysourcandy · 2 months ago
Harley sawyer X reader Headcanons
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Gosh he’s so HHHOOOOTTT I couldn’t wait for people to start writing about him I HAD to do this. Writing this at 1 am so if there’s stupid stuff sorry. Also I rewrote some of the headcanons and got rid of one bc they felt mischaracterizing
Inspo: @thatssomegoodsoup
Content warning: mentions of death, some spoilers
📺 - He’d want to cuddle sometimes, but, he would be reluctant to. He’s a cold, metal robot, that wouldn’t be very comfortable. But, if you did, he’d try to use something to cover his robot body, like, how most people draw him with a long black cloak thingy?
📺 - You can see his screen faintly glitch for a moment if you suddenly kiss him. If you ask him about it, he’ll try to convince you it never happened and your just seeing things.
📺 - He’d HATE you leaving his lab. Do you see how dangerous this place is? He can’t have the one person he actually cares about dying. Whenever you do leave the lab, he has yarnaby come with, while keeping a close eye on you with the cameras.
📺 - Even if he worries for you sometimes, he’d never say it.
📺 - He’s rarely that affectionate, but he’ll let you hold his hand or arm if you’d like. Sometimes while he’s thinking he’ll just subconsciously do either of those with you. If your not there, he’d tap his finger against something or click a pen over and over.
📺 - One of the toys hurt you? Oh. Oohh. They’ll feel pain worse then any experiment he ever put them through.
📺 - There really isn’t anyone that can make him jealous in the factory anymore, but if there was, he could get jealous pretty easily, and he’d make sure to “take care” of them quickly.
📺 - Keeps you far away from most of the toys. Though, he lets yarnaby and that weird big baba chops thingy he has be with you as much as they like. They can protect you, plus, he knows you think their adorable, even if he doesn’t quite understand how you can see those creatures as cute.
📺 - Sit on his lap and he starts overheating. Seriously, you saw some smoke coming from him once. He said it was from one of the many broken machines.
📺 - On rare occasion you can catch him staring lovingly at you with his eye. Though, he does it pretty often, he’s just quick to snap out of it and hide it before you can see.
📺 - He loves your looks. He’ll tell you your beauty and your handsomeness, how your eyes have a beautiful sparkle to them, how your hair frames your face perfectly, he can see all the beauty in you, and he can see what you think are flaws. You are his beautiful trophy that he earned.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 month ago
Since you’re writing for Poppy Playtime again, may I request a sequel to the Janitor who is still at Playtime Co? The toys aren’t sure if they’re a ghost or just really good at hiding.
Oh I remember that one! Glad you do too ^^
Here's the first part for anyone curious
You were a survivor of the Hour of Joy...or so he thought.
A lone janitor? Working and listening to music throughout the slaughter?
It sounded impossible.
But after all the toys dragged the corpses down below to be eaten, you were still cleaning their blood off the steps 10 years later, somehow not feeling as terrified as any normal person would be.
Despite his best efforts, Catnap could never capture you.
Just when he's finally ready to pounce or thinks he has you cornered--you vanish before his very eyes, almost as if you were a ghost.
Yet you wear a gas mask through the clouds of red smoke, so...you must need it.
Therefore you must be a human who was really good at finding hiding spots he wasn't aware of.
But you can't hide forever.
Your luck will surely run out soon...right?
The Playhouse had turned into a torture chamber for nonviolent toys and anyone who went against the Prototype's will according to Catnap.
That being said...why would you enter this place willingly? Why would you keep doing your job despite the horrors those two have orchestrated?
Surely one of them would've caught you by now...
But from within his cell, he catches glimpses of you cleaning the blood off the playstructures, or removing the corpse of a feral Mini Critter from his sight.
He tries calling out to you, but you never seem to hear him...
Maybe all the trauma and blood loss is making him hallucinate?
Or maybe it's the red smoke. Who knows?
He's not so sure anymore, and he doesn't count on you being able to help him.
Cleaning his enclosure was no small feat.
Sure, he wasn't a massive Bigger Body, but his hunger was about as great as theirs.
And he only sees you, the janitor, as a snack leaving themselves wide open.
His piano teeth have been malfunctioning, causing a tune to go off every once in a while.
That gives you an advantage, as it allows you to figure out where he is in proximity to you--even in total darkness.
After the Hour of Joy, Pianosaurus returns to his enclosure, finding you cleaning somebody's carcass so calmly.
Yet when he charges....you suddenly vanish, and he rams headfirst into a wall.
Since then, he hasn't been able to find you anywhere. But under Harley's orders, he stays put in that same place for years.
He can wait. He's a patient hunter.
Unfortunately for him, he'd never find you--yet you were there to witness his demise at the hands of Doey when another employee fell into his enclosure.
While you pitied him, it was best that his suffering ended.
He didn't partake in the killings (at least none that he could recall), but he's shocked to find you alive, cleaning blood off of a machine he was inspecting.
But how did a janitor get this far down into the facility without proper clearance?
"Hey, buddy! Are you......huh??? Where did you go????" In the blink of an eye, you're gone.
He hears footsteps, but doesn't find you when he tries following their sound.
Did you go down some secret path he wasn't aware of?
He keeps catching glimpses of you in No Man's land, as well as in the caverns around Safe Haven.
Despite his best efforts, he could never quite catch up to you, even with his doughy abilities and dozens of shortcuts.
But somehow, throughout the years, you've been finding Mini Critters and Huggies/Kissies to bring to him, and they all claim that you've spoken to them and cleaned their wounds.
Yet for some reason...you either couldn't or wouldn't visit Safe Haven yourself.
He understands why, but...he just wanted to thank you for helping innocent toys find safety here.
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helooorrr may i request u to write about a what if the Player dies instead of Doey, can be either strangulation (from Doey) or hypothermia, then Doey regrets it after? whhahah its okay if it makes you uncomfortable but thank you ‼️
Thats a good question, Anon! You just can't beat some good angst👌
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Doey's reaction to the players death
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★ He didn't really want you to die. It was just a temporary lapse of judgment where his emotions got the better of him. In a panic Doey drops your body, now lifeless, onto the ground. The personality of Mathew shining through. "No, no, no… Please, wake up!"
★ The moment Doey realizes what he's done, a wave of horror crashes over him. The personality that lashed out quickly retreats, leaving the other two to grapple with the reality of the situation.
★ He regrets his actions, his three personalities are in turmoil, each feeling some responsibility in this tragic outcome. Jack's side is devastated, mathew is mortified at their collective failure, and Kevin is filled with a crushing sense of remorse.
★ In the fallout he clutches at his head, sobbing uncontrollably. He can't stand to be around anyone for a while after. The personalities that make his being argue and struggle to come to terms with the event.
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rorydrawsandwrites · 1 month ago
Hee hee hee... it has been finally done
Not the first to be inspired by this fic (and definitely not the last, especially once it continues) by @wakebymoonsleepbysun, but I just had to sketch some of the moments in it
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Don't mind the fact that he looks different on every one of these... I was still uh... figuring him out ^^"
I could just envision every scene so clearly, no doubt thanks to the vivid writing!! I was very charmed!! And I love AUs where we get to save him in some way, he (they) deserved so much better. Doey being so small is of course adorable, 10/10 would store him in my shirt pocket and feed him whatever he'd like
Though I saw he'll return to big boy size eventually... ah well
And oh yeah here are the paragraphs these are referencing, in order:
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voxslays · 16 days ago
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Me whenever a character ‘roughly pushes you against the wall’ knowing damn well I’d call the cops irl… 😏😼
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yarnabee · 2 months ago
harley sawyer ( the doctor ) x reader
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tags/warnings: sfw (15+), light gore, torture/impact, power imbalance, degradation, abusive behaviour, posessive behaviour, kidnapping i suppose
sawyer is a HUGE jerk to everyone, including to his own little precious plaything, you. of course, such a cold, dense body made out of metal wouldn't make sense if it had a heart, wouldn't it?
besides.. your timid reactions to his sick, little experiments were what piqued his interest in the first place. what a lovely sight it is to see a flesh roaming around his prison like a helpess, pathetic rat who lost its way home. whether you writhe, yelp, whine, sob, or scream.. it's all melody to his ears.
he loves purposefully letting you escape from his lair, making you think that there's still hope to escape his hellish prison. just as you thought you were free of his grasp, he'll pin you, his beloved trophy, down—his mechanical figure hovering over you, eyes daunting as it pierces towards your cowardly ones, squeezing your neck tightly with his iron first, making sure that you knew there's no use fighting someone much stronger than you are. oh, how he loves watching the glint of hope fading from your pupils—dulling them with fear instead. he'd purposefully taunt you, mocking you with his laugh as it echoes through the hallways, "you really thought you could escape me, hmm? what an interesting thing you are, little rat."
oh, how he loves turning every single thing into a game that he knew you'd lose from the very beginning. it's amusing to see how you'd react time to time, whether you try to fight back or whimper out of fear, he feasts on it nonetheless. he'll purposefully make you play hide and seek with him, taunt you with his creaking footsteps, then having his way with you once he got his fingers wrapped tightly around you—dragging you into his lair once again as your fights and cries means nothing to him. "don't try to fight, little rat. i know you're at least smart enough to understand why."
don't get him wrong, though. just because he's able to leave cuts and bruises all over your delicate skin doesn't mean any of those filthy creatures roaming outside has the right to leave a scratch on you, not even a single one. oh, how sawyer wouldn't even think twice to rip appart the limbs off those past experiments who still roams in the area, who dares to touch you without any permission. you're his plaything, and only his. no one else.
the doctor wants you to DEPEND on him, just like how yarnaby depends on him and obeys him like a God. he wants your pathetic self to see him as YOUR lifeline, as he purposefully brings the necessities you need such as food and medicines, his mechanical joints placing them gently next to you without saying anything. afterall, he needs his little lab rat on good condition to play with, no?
at times where he's not running any 'experiments' and 'games' on you, he always kept you inside of his lab—no contact is allowed without his permission. he'd occassionally let yarnaby roam around and get used up to your presence, but he won't let you or it get too attached to each other.
he barely speaks to you, his answers are either mockery or straight degradation. you never really ask him anything about his motives too, he never liked it when you were curious. "say, little rat, i'd be amused if you hadn't learn what happens to curious little rats who gets too nosy."
a little fun fact; the doctor can easily destroy you if he wanted to. he always lets you know through his grips—how he's controlling it steadilly, letting you know that if he puts just the littlest more effort into squeezing you, you'd have your bones crushed within seconds—and he makes sure that you always remember that at all times.
"now, little rat, go on and amuse me. let's see what else i can get out off you."
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fiber-optic-alligator · 3 days ago
I have been reading the New Safe Haven fic and its been my first time indulging in anything written with soft vore. I've been a bit scared to indulge in it because of my own complicated feelings on it, but I like how you've approached it; you get the sense of fear of being swallowed whole, while conflicting with the comforting of the player/Angel by the boys. Also just the angst potential of the whole idea. I want to ask if you plan on posting any more of the chapters on Tumblr, or is exclusively on AO3? If you are planning on posting the next chapter on Tumblr, I'm sorry for sounding pushy! Not my intention at all. 😥
I've also kind of imagined some scenarios related to New Safe Haven. (A bit angsty.) I've pictured something of a reoccurring phrase based on our first meeting with Doey. When he says that he won't eat us, I thought of the player/Angel asking "Are you saving me for later? 😨" The first time they say this, it's because of their past experience of all the toys trying to eat or hurt them and are unsure about Doey. The next time they ask it, I imagined it being with the player/Angel at an all time low because of EVERYTHING that has been happening and rising tensions between the boys; maybe they're just expecting at this point and are just waiting for it to happen because of survivor's guilt and feeling undeserving of being called Mom. After time and lots of healing, the phrase is said in a joking manner if the boys are fighting over them. I don't know if that sounds but it just what came to mind. 🤔
Hello! Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm honored that my fic is your first exposure to soft vore! Vore is a very complicated trope that can become very complex at times, and sometimes consuming this form of media leads down bad paths. I want to write vore for those who are like me: who see it as a supremely comfort trope with angst, hurt/comfort, and protection! I'm happy you are liking how I approach it!
I do plan on continuing to post the chapters on here! I'll be posting them on both Tumblr and Ao3! You aren't being pushy, don't worry!
Ooooo, that is a great angst idea! I like the thought of it becoming an inside joke between the reader and the boys as they grow closer. The boys would definitely fight over who gets to nom the reader (Jack and Kevin do it the most). Matthew really wouldn't (mainly because I see the reader trusting him with noms the most), but Jack and Kevin will literally wrestle with each other to see who 'wins' and gets to eat you.
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maiko-san · 1 year ago
Catnap + Dogday x Reader ( Part 1 )
Part 2 >>>
Relationship : Fluff
Reader : Female, age 20.
Plot : You are one of the Playcare employees that looks after the Smiling Critters and makes sure all the mascots are in good shape.
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The very first day you were assigned to the Playcare, you didn't expect the mascot to be huge and very tall. Hell, even taller than Huggy Wuggy themselves!
You were nervous to be around these mascots but it was your job to keep them at a top notch.
Dogday, the leader of the smiling critters was the first to greet you. His personality is as bright as the sun necklace around his neck.
The others follow his lead and greet you with smiles on their faces, welcoming you to the daycare.
Well, except one.
Which was Catnap.
The purple cat mascot is high up on one of the buildings, watching everything from above and his eyes looking down at you, judging you from afar.
For the first week, you monitor the smiling critters and their behaviours. The others are fine interacting with the children, except for Catnap who prefers to be on his own.
You tried to get the cat to do his job but the mascot refused to listen to you. Which was frustrating.
You were amazed that the technology in place is far more advanced and the mascots in this Playtime Co. have their own personalities like a real person would which was..... intriguing and at the same time.... terrifying.
According to Dogday, Catnap used to be very friendly but he had been distancing himself from the group recently.
He never knows why.
The supervisor told you that Catnap was the most troublesome in the group and they said to keep an eye on the cat and make sure he does his work and doesn't get in any trouble.
It would take time for you to properly work with him. So, you respect the mascot's boundaries and try interacting with him slowly.
Day by day, you make sure to visit him first every time your shift starts. you greet Catnap with a 'Good morning' and 'How are you doing?'.
The cat only stares at you with a swishing tail, you set down a bag of croissants and look up at the mascot.
"Hey, Catnap! If you're hungry, you can have these croissants! Eat it while it's still fresh, okay bud. You can't work with an empty stomach!"
Again, he just stares at you.
You also learn that these mascots are able to consume organic matter which again shocks you, so you always sneak in some food from the cafe for all the smiling critters, in secret.
The smiling critters began to like you and saw you as their favourite out of all the employees.
Things go on normally in the daycare, the smiling critters keep themselves busy with the children ( that you weren't allow to interact with )
You spend your time in the office and look through the papers. When you were about to take a sip of the hot drink from your cup—
"Hiya, there! Mrs. (L/n)!"
"Oh, f—k!"
You jump out from your seat and some of the hot drink spilled onto your pants causing you to curse under your breath.
It was Dogday.
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!"
The dog apologises for startling you and offers you a handkerchief that magically appears out of thin air.
You said you were alright. You turn to ask what makes Dogday come to your office.
The smiling critter just said he wants to see you, saying to you that you have been coup up in your office for hours now.
You were grateful that he was concerned about you but you told him that the papers kept you busy.
"Sorry, bud. I just have a lot of papers to look through. Ya know, I have to keep all of you in shape"
"I see. Thank you for caring and taking care of us angel........unlike the others—anyways!"
Dogday whispers the last part which cannot be heard clearly by you.
"Do you need help with anything? I'm free! I can help you with everything and as a leader of the Smiling Critters, it is also my job to help you too!"
Dogday offers a helping hand, his tail swishing as he awaits for your answers.
You told him you do need help sorting out the papers into the folders which the dog excitedly said yes.
He sits on the floor next to you, since how tall he is. You point out the paper that he needs to sort out in the correct order.
Dogday have trouble picking up the papers with his large hands. You couldn't help but stifle at the sight, yet he managed to find a way of picking up the paper without crumpling it.
After a few hours passed. The bell rings loudly, signalling it was recess time.
You stretch your limbs and stand up from your chair, you turn to Dogday who already finished sorting out all the papers.
"You did a great job there, Dogday. Thank you!"
"Hehe, no problem Mrs. (L/n)! Glad to help!"
"Just call me, (Y/n). Dogday. No need to be so formal and besides I'm not THAT old..."
"Alright, (Y/n)!"
You yawn escape your mouth as you rub your eye, a nice nap is the only thing that comes to your mind after a long hour of paperwork.
Dogday notices how tired you look.
"A good nap will make you feel energetic afterwards!"
"Yeah, it does. I'm going to the staffroom and sleep there. You can go back to the playcare, Dogday"
But the orange dog didn't leave and instead picks you up which surprises you.
Dogday held you close to his body and said.
"No need! You can sleep here with me!"
His arms wrap around your smaller body, your face buried into his chest and his fur smells like vanilla. Which was comforting....
Before you know it, you already drift off to sleep.
"Sleep well, angel...."
Next day.
Following the same routine, you visit Catnap again but the cat was nowhere in sight.
You call out for the feline and you hear a loud thud behind you. Hot breath tickles your back which causes you to quickly turn around to see the purple cat staring at you with beady white eyes.
You hold out an apple pie to him, which the cat takes and devours with a wide open mouth.
"I want....more"
It was the first time you heard Catnap speak, his voice was deep and distorted.
You now have learned that Catnap likes sweets. Which gives you quite an advantage over him.
"Yes, you can have more sweets.....If you do your job"
You told the cat which he grunts roughly in return.
"You can request any kind of sweets you want in return, I promise. Just as long you do your job as a play care attendant"
Catnap seemingly thinking about the deal that you had offered to him. The sweets seems to get to him since he never gets to eat such food....
It was tempting and he finally agrees with you.
With that simple okay, Catnap begins to do his job in the play care to Dogday's delight.
After the shift is over, you give Catnap his sweet treats as you promised.
"Haha! See, it wasn't that hard, right! You did a great job there, Catnap! If you keep doing that, I might bake you a cake!"
You praised the feline mascot with a bright smile. Which causes the feline to look away slightly.
The feeling of praise makes his heart flutter with warmth.....
It was a very long day at work and you bid the smiling critters a good night before you leave the playcare.
Unknown to you, some of the higher ups have noticed how well you do with the Smiling Critters.
You are safe....
For now....
A/n : There will be more interaction with Catnap in the next chapter! I am aware that Catnap is Theo which is a child!
I am not sure who resides in Dogday and he might be one of the employees of the playcare since he knows so much.
Relationship between the three would be fluff. If romance, it could be focused on Dogday maybe...?
Well, it's up to you guys.
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ablobwhowrites · 2 months ago
When I say I NEED that fanfic where reader keeps them in their house I MEAN IT.
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(For the first post of this kinda ideas is here. And the second part to this au is here But this is kinda more of explaining the idea of this au that I call: New home sweet home au. And yeah my yap session is starting here rn and some rambles about other stuff too so be warned mega yap session.)
Basically this idea is just ex employee y/n just being like "fuck it" and getting the toys out of the factory and put them at their house and that's was the only plan. Now they got about a shit ton of trauma and injuries and 17 traumatized alive toys who are now living in their house so thats cool.
y/n was a kinda tries to make them feel at home especially after all thats happened and the other toys y/n couldn't save. They try to make the toys they did save feel better and the toys do and well once they feel at home, it's chaotic is the basics of it. And to toys who tries to kill y/n (kinda includes kinda doey for his very understandable crash out but he feels bad for it) try to apologize by trying to be helpful to y/n and trying to protect y/n from anything that tries to hurt them as well. Plus miss delights face was also kinda fixed as y/n tried to fix it with some molding clay but fixed it to the best of their abilities and it's looks good but y/n is trying to get crafty corn to help them with repairing miss delights face because y/n nearly had several heart attacks because of seeing miss delight in the darkness at night when they try to go into the kitchen for a snack.
One night there was robbers who broke into the house once to steal stuff but mommy long legs and catnap heard them and yeah, the robbers ended up being torn apart cause Mommy long legs and catnap ain't going to let their new home and the person who gave them a second chance to die or get robbed (yarnaby ate the evidence). Once y/n was sitting on the couch watching SpongeBob with dogday and basically released the wildest like it went like this.
*y/n and dogday watching SpongeBob*
Y/n: "you know I'm in a metal band and once at a small concert, I was clocked in the head with a phone being thrown on the stage and ended up getting into a fight over a bag of cheeze-it's?"
*Dog day pauses and slowly looks over at y/n, who keeps watching the TV*
Dog day: "what made you remember that while watching SpongeBob!?"
I do imagine that doey (and the rest of the toys) get worried when y/n leaves the house cause like what if something happens and they can't help so they all made a rule that y/n has to call very 30 minutes (or less) and if they don't call in 30 minutes then all hell breaks loose as they all think y/n is dead and never coming back until they do and end up having do Uber eats their groceries for the next 2 weeks. I imagine that y/n has some old game consoles that their parents gave them and some new consoles that y/n doesn't use anymore but they give the toys the old consoles like the Nintendo entertainment or game cube as I do Imagine that if y/n used their new consoles for them. They would flip out cause like all the toys (especially the younger toys) have never seen a advanced game like this as like playtime co was open to 1930 to 1995 so I imagine they only remember the old consoles and I do imagine like doey playing Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo entertainment or any of the toys playing different Nintendo games is just a funny idea for me.
Also imagining that y/n somehow got daddy long legs and baby long legs as well and totally imagining that mommy long legs wearing hair curlers and daddy long legs using some for his mustache cause like you can't tell me they won't do that, maybe even the baby has one for that one strand of hair
But the looming fear of the prototype still is in them. I mean of course the prototype could never leave the factory but with all those materials and what the prototype might be thinking. It's not always out of the question of the prototype will try something like try and leave the factory it's trapped in. Who knows but the toys put all their trust on y/n and y/n has faxed worse and almost got eaten alive by smiling critters and Nightmares critters has weighed on them a bit but could be worse.
(so that's the main basis of this au idea and if you guys like it and want more don't feel shy if you guys wanna request for this au for any ideas or just want more of this. But that's it's for my yap session, please stay safe and drink water!)
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bunji-enthusiast · 1 month ago
I had this in thought alot! (It's gory if you don't mind!)
Poppy playtime player becoming so hungry at this point that their losing their sanity and thinking of eating the corpses For survival so the rest has to hold player down from eating the corpses!
(I know its gory and so sorry if it made you uncomfortable)
𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐖𝐞 𝐆𝐨
Sypnosis [The tempting smell of the corpses becomes more and more frequent, it eventually became too hard for you too ignore due to your increasing hunger. Luckily, you had some allies to help you resist it; even if forcibly.]
Characters [Kissy Missy, DogDay, Poppy, Doey The Doughman. (Seperate)]
Note || you didn’t make me uncomfortable at all! Don’t worry, but it’s a topic I tried to write with care. This shit is a very real thing that can happen, and should be treated with caution and respect.
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Kissy Missy
You had never imagined it would come to this: an insatiable hunger gnawing at your gut, unrelenting as the hours passed. You, once a proud employee of Playtime Co., found yourself trapped in the eerie, decaying remnants of the factory, alongside strange, monstrous beings that had once been your colleagues. The stench of death lingered thick in the air, a heavy reminder of the atrocities committed during The Hour of Joy, but now it did more than just disgust you. Now, it tempted you.
At first, you fought against the gnawing cravings that threatened to overtake you. How could you—someone who had worked here—ever think of consuming the bodies of the very ones you had once known, even if they were twisted remnants of their former selves? And yet, each passing hour made it harder to resist, each sight of a fallen figure, each whiff of their decaying flesh, made your resolve falter. Hunger, once a mere inconvenience, became a ravenous beast clawing at your insides.
But you were not alone in this misery. Kissy Missy, who had once been just another experiment under Playtime Co.'s cruel reign, was there, always by your side. Tall and slender, her pink fur now marred by the scars of countless battles, she seemed almost... human in a way. Her blue bow and yellow hands stood out against her once pristine pink fur, now tattered from years of neglect and violence. She had been through her own trauma, the burns on her right side proof of that, yet she still managed to offer you a strange sense of comfort, a reminder that you weren't the only one left with so much lost.
You hated the hunger, but it was her presence that kept you from succumbing. Despite her own pain and injuries, she remained strong, acting as a barrier between you and the darkness threatening to overtake you.
Kissy's efforts were not subtle. She could see the desperation in your eyes as you edged closer to the corpses scattered around the facility, the lifeless remains of those who had been victims of the Prototype’s reign. She had already seen what the hunger could do to a person, and she would be damned if she allowed you to fall victim to it.
"Don’t," she would warn, her voice surprisingly gentle despite the fierceness that radiated from her. "Stay with me."
You hated that she had to intervene, to hold you back with both her force and concern. But you knew deep down that she was right. If she weren't there, you might have already given in, becoming something far worse than you already were. The hunger was more than just physical. It was a pull, a drive to consume the very thing that you had once been, the remnants of a life that had crumbled away into twisted, grotesque shapes.
Each time you got too close, her grip tightened around your arm, pulling you away from the gruesome temptation. There were moments, though, when you could feel your resistance weakening, when the hunger surged so strongly that it drowned out every other thought. At those times, she was not gentle. She would force you back, pushing you away from the remains, her sharp eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and fierce determination.
It was only then, in those moments, that you saw the lengths she was willing to go to keep you from crossing that line. The force she applied was not cruel but necessary. You were no longer yourself, a mere shell of who you once were. And she, though herself a victim of this cruel factory, refused to let you become something even worse.
"You’re not one of them," Kissy would say, her voice laced with a fierce protectiveness. "Don’t lose yourself."
There was something strange about the way she said it, as though she knew something deeper, something that had been lost to you. You were not just another victim of the Prototype’s horrific games—you were something else, something worth saving.
The hunger didn’t go away, not entirely. But you fought against it, clinging to the memory of who you used to be. And as each day passed, as each battle with your own cravings grew more intense, you realized that you weren’t alone in this anymore. Kissy Missy, despite her own pain, was there, holding you back from the abyss, keeping you tethered to whatever humanity you had left.
She would do anything to prevent you from falling, even if it meant pushing you to your breaking point. And in the end, you knew you owed her more than just your survival. She had become your anchor in a world that had long since drowned in darkness, guiding you through the factory’s nightmarish halls with a strength that you had long since lost.
But even then, there were moments when the hunger threatened to overtake you, and in those moments, you understood just how far Kissy Missy was willing to go to save you from yourself. She was more than just an ally; she was a reminder of the last shred of humanity that existed in this forsaken place.
Would you be able to resist the temptation forever? Could you both survive the horrors that awaited you in the depths of Playtime Co.? Only time would tell, but as long as Kissy Missy was there, you felt a sliver of hope that you might just find a way to escape the darkness together.
You stagger through the cold, decaying corridors, your stomach gnawing at you with an unbearable hunger. It's been hours since you last found food, and your body is betraying you. The thought of cannibalism has been creeping into your mind, tempting you like a forbidden fruit. The idea repulses you, but with every passing hour, that same thought grows more and more alluring. Your lips are dry, your body weak, and every fiber of your being is screaming for sustenance. You grit your teeth, trying to push the urge down, but it rises again, a terrifying whisper in the back of your mind.
"Why not?" it asks, a cold voice that isn't your own. "What else is there? Food is food, isn't it?"
You stumble forward, your vision blurred from exhaustion. The floor beneath you seems to shift, as if the very foundation of this forsaken place is alive. You know you're being driven mad, but your hunger, that primal instinct, is overpowering. The walls seem to close in on you, their decay a reflection of your own deteriorating state of mind.
Just as you're about to give in to the temptation, a voice, soft yet commanding, cuts through the haze of your thoughts.
"Don't," DogDay says, his monotone voice a calm anchor in the storm that rages inside you. His words are a gentle plea, a reminder of the bond you share with him.
You turn to see him, his disfigured form standing in the shadowed corner of the hallway. His orange fur is a stark contrast to the darkness surrounding you, and despite his monstrous appearance, there's a sense of comfort in his presence. His body is a grotesque mockery of what it once was, bisected at the waist and held together with leather straps, yet his eyes, black and expressive, seem to convey nothing but concern for you.
"DogDay..." you mutter, your voice hoarse, as you struggle to stand. "I can't... I don't know how much longer I can hold on."
DogDay's head tilts slightly, as if he understands the torment you're going through. He knows. He's been there before, though perhaps in a different way. His stitched-together body speaks of an existence far more painful than yours could ever be. And yet, he chooses to help you, to guide you through this madness.
"I won't let you," DogDay says firmly, his voice barely above a whisper. "You can't. This isn't the way."
You can feel the weight of his words sink into you, and for a moment, you close your eyes, trying to push the hunger down again. But it lingers, gnawing at your insides. It's tempting, so tempting to give in.
But DogDay is here. He always has been.
You turn to him, and for the first time in what feels like forever, you take a step back. Not just from the hunger, but from the madness that has consumed you. You're not alone. DogDay is here, and though he can't move as freely as he once did, he is steadfast in his support.
The moment passes, but the hunger is still there, lurking beneath the surface. It's waiting for you to falter, to give in. But DogDay won't let that happen.
"Stay with me," he urges, his voice as steady as ever. "I know the darkness calls to you, but you're stronger than it. We just need to keep moving. Keep moving, and we'll find a way out."
You nod, wiping the sweat from your brow. The hunger doesn't go away, but for now, it's bearable. You can withstand it. With DogDay by your side, you will survive this.
As you walk together through the decaying corridors, the weight of the past still hanging heavily on your shoulders, you can't help but wonder just how far DogDay has come. He was once part of a group, the Smiling Critters, living in harmony with the experiments, but all of that changed during The Hour of Joy. The chaos, the bloodshed, it shattered everything. DogDay was left behind, a solitary figure in a world gone mad. Yet, through it all, he remained resilient, steadfast in his determination to help you.
"I was not always like this," DogDay says quietly, as if reading your thoughts. "I had a family once. A purpose. But that was taken from me, just like it was taken from everyone else."
His words hang in the air, heavy with grief and longing. You know the story, of course. The Smiling Critters' revolt against the Prototype, their deaths, and DogDay's subsequent imprisonment by CatNap. It was a tragic tale, one that left DogDay scarred in both body and mind. But despite it all, he chose to survive.
And now, he chooses to help you survive.
The thought is enough to steel your resolve. You can do this. You will not succumb to the darkness. Not while DogDay is here to keep you grounded.
The two of you move forward, one step at a time, the silence between you comfortable, yet filled with unspoken understanding. The hunger still claws at you, but for now, you resist. With DogDay by your side, you know you can make it through this.
The atmosphere in the factory was suffocating. The low hum of machines, the distant clattering of metal, and the unsettling silence in between all gnawed at you. You'd been walking for hours now, your stomach growling like an angry beast inside of you, each hour dragging the hunger closer to the surface. There was a time when you’d had a deep hatred for the idea of cannibalism. But now? The thought didn’t seem so absurd. Every inch of your body ached with need. The edges of your vision blurred with hunger, but still, you resisted the impulse.
"You need to hold it together," you muttered to yourself, your voice hoarse and desperate. You couldn't let your mind go there, couldn’t let the gnawing hunger take you to such a dark place.
Then, out of the corner of your eye, you saw her—Poppy. A doll, yes, but one that seemed to hold some kind of strange power over you. She was small, porcelain skin cracked, but her eyes... her eyes were too real. Too alive. The crack running across her face only seemed to add to the unsettling, almost haunting nature of her presence. Yet she was there, watching over you, her concern evident even with her painted smile.
"Are you okay?" Poppy's voice, though childlike, held an unexpected firmness, as if she knew exactly what you were going through.
"Do I look okay?" you snapped, frustration bubbling to the surface. "I'm starving. I'm dying. And you're... just a doll. What could you possibly understand?"
Poppy didn't flinch. She merely tilted her head, her glassy blue eyes reflecting your pain in a way that only made the hunger worse. But there was something else behind those eyes. Understanding? Sympathy? It was hard to tell.
"I understand more than you think," she said quietly. "You don't want to go down that path. Trust me."
Her words held a strange weight. Despite her being a mere doll, she exuded a certain authority—like she was guiding you, almost protecting you from your own darkness. It was unnerving and, yet, comforting at the same time.
You stepped back, wiping your brow, but the hunger wouldn't let you go. It clawed at you, deep within, screaming to be fed. Your hand instinctively reached towards the nearest source of food—a small, half-eaten rat carcass lying in the shadows.
Before your fingers could wrap around it, Poppy's small, porcelain hand shot out. "No," she said sharply, her voice cutting through the fog in your mind. "I won't let you."
You froze, staring at her, confused. "What... what are you going to do about it? You're just a doll. What power do you have?"
Poppy's eyes narrowed. "I have more power than you think. And I will stop you."
Before you could process the words, Poppy was suddenly in front of you, her small hand placed firmly on your chest. You felt a strange warmth spread from the spot where her hand met your skin, and for a moment, the hunger seemed to ebb away, replaced by something else—something deeper. But just as quickly, the warmth was gone, replaced by a biting cold as Poppy stepped back.
"You don't understand," she said, her voice softer now. "I won't let you become like them. I won't let you become like... him."
You stared at her in confusion, your mind too clouded with hunger to process what she meant. You'd heard the whispers about the Prototype, the monster who twisted everything around him, but you couldn’t focus on that now. Not with the gnawing ache in your gut.
"I can't hold on much longer," you whispered. "I need food. Real food."
Poppy took a deep breath, her porcelain face still. She seemed to consider something before her eyes flickered to the side, as if she were contemplating an action. Then, with a sudden, sharp motion, she grabbed your wrist.
"You will not fall to this. Not while I’m here. Not while there’s a chance."
The intensity in her voice stunned you. You'd never expected a doll—a toy—to show such determination. But it was there. Her unwavering resolve was impossible to ignore.
"You don't understand," you said again, more urgently this time. "You can't stop me. You don't know what it’s like to be on the edge like this... to be so desperate."
Poppy's eyes softened, but her grip on your wrist tightened. "I do understand," she whispered. "I've seen the consequences of desperation. I've seen what it can turn you into. And I won't let you become that."
You looked into her eyes, seeing not a doll, but something much more complex. Something alive, struggling with the same darkness you were. She was just as broken as you, perhaps even more so, trapped in this hellish place for who knows how long.
"I will fight this," you rasped, voice trembling.
"You will fight this," Poppy repeated, as though reinforcing the promise to yourself. "I won't let you lose."
The hunger still gnawed at you, but there was something in Poppy's words—a lifeline. A chance. You weren’t sure if it was enough to save you, but you weren’t alone anymore. She had no power over your body, but in this twisted game of survival, she had become your tether. Your reminder of something you had long forgotten: humanity. You just had to hold on.
And for the first time in hours, you didn’t feel entirely alone.
Doey The Doughman
It had hours, maybe even more then a couple days—you couldn’t tell anymore. Time had become a blur, and the hunger gnawed at you with an intensity you could hardly describe. Your stomach was a hollow pit, and every hour that passed, the sensation grew worse. You hated it. You hated the very idea of what you were beginning to consider. But your options were running out.
The factory, once a place full of life and color, now stood desolate, a rotting carcass of what it had once been. Its walls, dim and cracked, seemed to close in on you with every passing moment. Your search for food had been fruitless, and what remained of the once-thriving operations was little more than discarded remnants of forgotten lives. Desperation had begun to seep into your thoughts, and with it, a temptation you never thought you would entertain.
Cannibalism. The idea lingered in the back of your mind like a whisper in the dark. You knew it was wrong, morally abhorrent, but the hunger—it was becoming unbearable. You couldn’t deny that the flesh of another being, even one of the toy creatures that had once roamed this place, might offer a solution. You didn’t want to think about it, but your body cried out for sustenance.
It was then that you heard the soft squish of footsteps approaching. You turned, blinking against the fading light, and saw him: Doey.
The dough-like creature was an oddity in this forsaken world. His body, made of multicolored, clay-like dough, seemed to shimmer in the dimness. His long arms—orange and yellow—hung at his sides, his short, stubby red legs moving with surprising speed. The blue bowler hat perched on his head was almost comical against his mismatched features, and his simple, expressive face, with a line for a mouth and two holes for eyes, always seemed to radiate an air of cheer, even in the darkest of times.
"Hey there," Doey’s voice was calm, but there was an undertone of concern that you couldn’t ignore. He could always tell when something was wrong, even if you hadn’t spoken a word.
You had never been one for speaking about your feelings, especially with a creature like Doey. You didn’t trust anyone—not after everything you’d been through. But there was something different about him. Something about his kindness, his willingness to help, even when it meant putting himself in danger.
"I know you're struggling," Doey said, his eyes narrowing as he read your expression. "But you have to resist it. You can’t let the hunger take control of you. Not like this."
You swallowed hard, feeling the knot in your throat tighten. "I don’t know if I can hold on much longer," you muttered, your voice barely a whisper.
Doey stepped closer, his large arms almost seeming to engulf you in their reach as he gently placed a hand on your shoulder. "I’m not going to let you fall into that darkness," he said firmly. "I promised you. I’ll help you resist, even if it means doing things you might not like."
You blinked, looking at the doughy figure in disbelief. "What are you talking about?"
Without warning, Doey’s expression shifted from that of a friendly companion to something far more serious. The playful demeanor that usually characterized his every move was gone, replaced by a cold determination. "I’m going to stop you if I have to," he said, his voice stern, yet full of understanding. "I won’t let you give in to it."
Your breath hitched, and for the first time, you felt a flicker of fear. It wasn’t from Doey himself, but from the fact that you knew, deep down, he was right. If you gave in, it wouldn’t just be your body that suffered—it would be your soul, too. But the temptation was so strong. It was almost impossible to push it away.
"Don’t make me do this," Doey warned, as if sensing your internal struggle. "You don’t want to go down that path."
The hunger inside you raged, a beast that tore at your insides. Your thoughts were clouded by the vision of the soft, tender flesh that could satiate you. You tried to push the thoughts away, but they clung to your mind like a shadow.
You took a step forward, your hands trembling as you gripped a nearby piece of metal, your mind flickering with the thought of using it, of ending the misery that had overtaken you.
"Don’t," Doey’s voice was sharp, his body blocking your path. "I will stop you, even if it means I have to restrain you."
He wasn’t threatening. He was determined. And in that moment, you knew he would do it.
You locked eyes with him, the weight of your internal battle becoming unbearable. The hunger had made you weak, both physically and mentally, but Doey was your anchor, a reminder of the better part of yourself. He wasn’t just a friend; he was a lifeline.
"Please," you whispered, the word escaping you before you could stop it. "I can’t—"
Doey didn’t give you a chance to finish. His long, orange arm shot out, grabbing you by the wrist with surprising force. "I won’t let you go there," he said softly, but with an unmistakable firmness. "You’re not alone in this. Not anymore."
For a moment, you struggled, but the strength in his grip was like nothing you had ever encountered. He wasn’t trying to hurt you—he was holding you, not with force, but with care.
"Just breathe," Doey said, guiding you to sit down on the cold concrete floor. "We’ll get through this. Together."
And for the first time in what felt like forever, you allowed yourself to lean into him. The hunger was still there, gnawing at the edges of your mind, but with Doey by your side, the battle didn’t seem so hopeless.
You weren’t alone.
And that, you realized, was more than you could have hoped for in a place like this.
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