#big bang x reader
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#bigbang x reader#g dragon x reader#kwon jiyong#g dragon#kwon jiyong x reader#big bang x reader#g dragon imagines#zenny yaps
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Hidden Secrets
G-Dragon x Reader
Summary: Life with Jiyong is good, but it has a way of throwing curveballs
Warnings: Slight angst, it's not too intense though. Mentions of a missed period and brief mention of possible abortion. Not detailed but like it's there in so many words. Please read at your own discretion. Some parts were harder for me to write so if anyone wants a summary of what happens comment or inbox/dm me, I don't mind explaining it.
A/N: I hope you all enjoy the chapter! <3
Chapter 7
Hidden Secrets Masterlist
Chapter 8- New Beginnings
Life couldn’t have been more perfect, you and Jiyong were together again, happy and content with each other. The last few months were bliss.
You’re getting dressed for the day when Jiyong comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He notices his arms don’t fit quite the same as they did a few weeks ago. His mind wanders where it came from, especially since you had been getting sick more recently. It was hard for you to keep food down, throwing up at least once a day.
“You feel ok this morning?” he murmurs in your ear. You shrug.
“So far, I don’t know why I’m getting so sick. And now some of my clothes aren’t fitting.” You whine with a huff.
“Too small?” he asks and you cut your eyes.
“You trying to say I’m fat?” You lift your brow accusingly in the mirror.
“No, jagi, no, I’m just asking.” He throws his hands up in surrender. There were times he noticed you’d get a little more sensitive than others lately.
“You look more beautiful every single day,” he says with a gentle kiss to your cheek. You sheepishly look at the floor.
“I’m sorry,” you rub your face, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“It’s ok, baby,” he smiles, “Out of genuine curiosity,” he says slowly. You look at him.
“Is it time for you period?” he asks hesitantly.
“I don’t know,” you say as you grab your phone to check. The app says your period should be starting any day now.
“Huh, yeah it is. Maybe that’s it.” He nods and walks out of the room. You felt a nervous pit in your stomach. You had missed your period last month but you hadn’t thought much of it, that happened to you every now and again. You go on about your day, going to the bathroom multiple times checking yourself. You notice some light spotting and sigh with relief. Thank God.
The week comes and goes your period only lasting a few days and the bleeding is light. You don’t mention anything to Jiyong, although you can't shake an unsettling feeling. You buy a test from the store just to see what it would say. You get home from the store; Jiyong’s out at rehearsal for Big Bang’s upcoming tour and you figure now is as good a time as any to take it.
You wait for the results, biting your nails the whole time with a shaky leg. Your heart going a million miles a minute. It was crazy, I mean you and Jiyong were so careful, protection was used, you were on the pill and he pulled out, this kept your chances extremely low. The moment came when a single pink line showed up on the test. You breathed a sigh of relief. Not Pregnant.
You throw the test in the trash feeling relieved but also, just a tiny bit disappointed. He wouldn’t be the worst guy in the world to have kid with. I mean, he loves kids. He’s great with them too. But you also knew you weren't ready, not really. You two still were figuring things out and enjoying where you are in life. A baby would complicate that.
“Baby, you’re pale, you feeling, ok?” His face scrunches into one of concern as he gets up off the couch. You feign a smile, pushing the anxiety away.
“I’m good,” you meet him halfway and put your arms around his neck kissing him passionately. His arms wrap around you and you smile against his lips.
“I love you,” you whisper.
“I love you more.”
“You got shampoo and conditioner?” you call out to Jiyong from the bathroom.
“Yeah,” he answers. It’s the night before he has to leave for the airport, you hated the fact that he had to leave, but it was part of the whole deal of dating the infamous G-Dragon.
“Ok, here’s some extra clothes,” you hand him a couple of extra shirts and underwear.
“Just in case,” you wink. He smiles and packs them away neatly in his suitcase.
“Oh, and in case you miss me too much,” you hand him a small sample size bottle of your signature perfume.
“You can spray this on the hotel pillow.” He takes it and tucks it away in his carry on. He walks over to you, embracing you tightly.
“It’s going to be hard, not having you with me,” he says during your sweet hug.
“I’ll be with you before you know it. I’d leave with you in the morning if I wasn’t being paid to sculpt.” You respond.
“I know, I know.” He sighs. You both climb into bed that night, passionate kisses and memorable touches being exchanged; ecstasy and thrill coursing through both of your veins. You lay beside one another for just a moment chests heaving. Jiyong pulls you close, both of you covered in a thin layer of sweat. He chuckles to himself.
“What if we ended up having a baby,” he laughs to himself while you freeze. He feels you stiffen and peeks down at you.
“Hey, hey, I’m not saying we should plan it,” his pulse quickens and he fears he’s scared you.
“I’m just, I don’t know, it’d be interesting.” All you can do is nod in agreement.
“Anyway,” he says with a yawn, “We should get some sleep, early morning and all,” he says as he shuts off the lamp beside you both.
“Goodnight, Jagiya,” he whispers in your ear as he holds you tight.
“Goodnight, Oppa.” You say, your heartbeat not slowing down.
The next morning Jiyong wakes up before the sun, stretching and carefully peeling himself away from you. He goes into the hall bathroom to wake himself up and grab a quick shower when he see’s something in the trashcan.
He starts the shower and bends down slowly picking up the discarded test you’d left in the basket. His eyes widen when he see’s it, a blaring single pink line, and a faint, barely there, pink line beside it. He stares at the test for what feels like hours.
He gently sets it on the counter as he forces himself to shower, the hot water scalding his skin, he rubs his face trying to figure out what to do. Does he wake you up and confront you? Why didn’t you say anything last night? Did you want to keep it? Were you going to just get rid of it without him ever knowing? He didn’t want to go straight to conclusions without asking you anything but at the same time how do you bring that up? He washed himself off and stepped out. He decided he was going to take the test on the road with him. It's not like you'd miss it.
He puts in it a Ziplock baggie and stuffs it in his suit case. He pours himself some coffee and sits at the island for a moment, letting the weight of the world rest on his shoulders while you’re blissfully unaware of the new reality he’s facing.
Just as he opens the door to leave, the bedroom door is opened.
“Hey, give me a kiss before you leave,” you yawn. His face is slightly pale, not just from the lack of makeup. He walks over to you, his lips devour yours as if he’ll never see you again, as if his life depends on this one single kiss. You can’t help but giggle at his sweet gesture.
“I’ll literally see you in a weak,” you mumble.
“You know, you can tell me anything, right? No matter how big or how hard, anything at all. I’m not going anywhere.” He says as he rests his forehead on yours.
“Yeah,” you say with inflection in your voice, answering him but sort of questioning him at the same time. You give him an awkward smile as you’re trying to figure out what he’s getting at. He doesn’t press the issue.
“Let me know when you land in Paris,” you say before shooing him out the door so he isn’t late.
At the airport Jiyong quickly spots Taeyang.
“The guys will be here soon,” Taeyang says as he notices his friends stressed out state.
“Dude, what’s going on?”
“Y/n’s pregnant,” he blurts out.
“Woah, congratulations!” he puts an arm around Jiyong.
“Right?” he asks awkwardly.
“She didn’t tell me; I found a discarded test this morning.”
“Oh,” was all Taeyang could say.
“I want a family with her, but I don’t know how to ask her about this. I mean, I even made a joke about us having a kid last night and she tensed and I think she freaked. That has to be why. She knew this and didn’t want to tell me. Oh God,” he rests his face in his hands. As he has his mini freak out Seunghyun and Daesung walk up.
“What’s going on here,” Seunghyun asks.
“Y/n’s pregnant,” Taeyang informs his friends. They repeat the same song and dance as Taeyang just a moment ago.
“Shit, I mean, does she want a kid?” Seunghyun asks
“I always assumed one day we’d have them, but we hadn’t exactly talked about it. Things were finally settling down and we were in a great place, both of us working on ourselves and on our relationship. I, I just didn’t want to ask.” Jiyong explains.
“What are you going to do?” Daesung asks.
“I have no idea, for now I guess just focus on work and hope and pray I can at least talk to her before she decides anything.”
He lands in Paris and in the limo he calls you on face time. You answer quickly with a cheerful, “Hey!”
“Hey, aein, we just landed, say hey to the boys,” you see their faces all in the screen and wave with an enthusiastic smile.
“Hey, guys,” you sing.
“The sculpture is looking great, baby.” He compliments. You hold the phone up to show him what all you’ve finished.
“It looks I’ll be done sooner than expected. So I might be able to come out sooner and see you guys,” your grin is large and Jiyong feels the knot in his stomach.
“Yeah? Well, just be careful. Make sure you vent the room well, stay hydrated, and make sure you rest if you need it. Oh and don’t forget to take your vitamins!” he reminds you. You chuckle in response to him.
“I will, dad,” you joke.
“Hey, that’s Daddy to you,” he smirks and you shriek hiding your face from the camera.
“Jiyong!” you scold playfully.
“Ok, I gotta go,” your face is beet red as you try to sign off.
“I’ll see you soon, I love you!”
“I love y’all too,” he says absentmindedly and he see’s the confusion on your face.
“Huh,” you ask. His eyes grow wide as he realizes his small mistake. In his peripheral he can see the boys looking at each other with wide eyes.
“You and the uh, the-the cats. Give my furbabies my love,” he covers. You nod still finding it odd but you don’t push it.
“All right, bye baby,” you end the call and he sighs putting the phone down.
“Dude, you’d be devastated if she got rid of it, just be honest with yourself.” Taeyang says.
“It’s ok to having feelings about it,” he tries to assure his friend.
“What if she does?” Seunghyun asks.
“What are you going to do?” Daesung asks.
“I’ll stand by her, I guess. I mean, I don’t want her to but, it’s not up to me.” He says slightly sounding somber.
“I guess I need to prepare myself for the fact that she may never bring it up.” He sighs and rubs his hand down his face. The rest of the day Jiyong goes through the motions and finally, after a successful show he’s back in his hotel room, calling you for the final time that night.
“Hey, jagi,” he says exhausted.
“Hey.” You’re laying in bed, exhausted too. You’d gotten sick worse today than the others.
“I’m going to have to go to the doctor tomorrow,” you inform him. His heart rate quickly picks up.
“Why what’s wrong? Do I need to come home? I’ll get a ticket,” you giggle at his anxiety.
“Jiyong I’m fine, I’m just feeling worse. I threw up four times today, I’ve been exhausted too. Plus I’ve noticed I’m using the bathroom more, so I just want to make sure I’m good before coming out there.” You explain.
“Ok, well just keep me updated, all right?”
“Of course, nae sarang.” You say with sleep climbing into your voice.
“I’ll let you get some sleep; I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He says with a nauseous feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“Goodnight,” you yawn and click off. He lays on his back in the hotel room staring at the ceiling. He didn’t want to sway you either way, but he was silently hoping it wasn’t to get rid of it, but he also knew either way he’d stand by you and you'd figure it out.
The next morning you wake up early and head to the doctor, but not before getting sick once again after eating a quick breakfast.
You sit in the doctor’s office anxiously waiting, keeping Jiyong in the loop.
“Ok, Ms. y/l/n, what exactly is going on,” she asks and you explain the symptoms. Along with the way you’ve had more mood swings and tender breasts.
“Have you been sexually active?” the doctor asks and you answer honestly.
“Yeah, but I took a test last Thursday and it was negative.” You reassure the doctor and she nods.
“Well, for good measure we’ll give you another test, just to rule it out,” she says and you oblige. You take the cup to the bathroom and let them run the test. The doctor walks back in not too long after the test has been run.
“The test says negative but I’d like to run a blood test too. Just to be absolutely sure,” you huff but comply with her wish. They take your blood and let you leave as it could be a few days before your results are back.
“If it’s negative, I’ll call you in something,” the doctor mentions as she walks you out. Your heart races once more, being pregnant wasn’t on your bingo card for this year, that’s for sure. You get back home and can’t sit still. You decide to work on your sculpture for a bit.
You don’t receive a call from the doctor that day, but on schedule you get a call from your adoring boyfriend.
“Hey,” he seems happier, more upbeat after the show that night.
“Nice to see you excited.” You grin.
“Jagiya it was great,” he sighs as he flops on the bed of the hotel room.
“The crowd, the energy, I fell, but I’m ok.” He says quickly.
“Jiyong,” you whine feeling suddenly emotional, “how’d you fall?”
“I was dancing and my foot slipped,” he says sheepishly.
“You have to be careful, Oppa. I don’t want you getting injured again. You just got completely back to normal,” you lightly scold your boyfriend.
“I know, I’m sorry,” he hides his face.
“What’d the doctor say today?” Both of you had the same thought, ‘Here we go’.
“They gave me pregnancy test and it’s said negative she said. But she took a blood test too. I’m waiting to hear back for the results.” Relief floods his features and he releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“How-uh, how do you feel about it?” he asks tentatively.
“I, I don’t know honestly. I mean, a baby isn’t something I’d given too much thought about,” you search his face, his expression is neutral.
“If you are, do you know what you want to do?” You furrow your brows.
“I mean, I always thought I knew, but honestly, no I don’t.” his heart sinks a little but he covers up any feelings he has with a nod of his head.
“Just, um,” he looks off to the side, “Just keep me in the loop either way, please. I want to be sure you’re ok,” his voice cracks slightly.
“Of course,” you say as you yawn.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” You say and he nods.
“I love you, I mean it.” He says seriously.
“I love you too, Ji,” you click off once more. Neither of you sleeps well that night, the few hours you both get are from pure exhaustion.
The next morning you get up, the usual routine, a healthy breakfast with puking to follow it. You decide that today you are going to take it easy, just relax in bed with movies and a lazy day. Around noon you get a call from the doctors office.
“Ms. Y/l/n,” the woman on the other end asks.
“Speaking,” your voice is shaky now is the moment of truth.
“Your blood test results came back and you are indeed pregnant! Congratulations.” She says and time stops.
“T-thanks,” is all you can mumble. “You’ll need to see your ob within the next two weeks,” you hang up on her as you sit back against the headboard of the bed as the weight of the words hang in the air. You feel tears well up in your eyes, stress, fatigue and moodiness all being apart of it. How are you going to tell Jiyong?
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Tags: @loveesiren @natalicss @mashtatosworld @kjydrgnnnn @multifanxtvshows
Chapter 9
#g dragon#g dragon x reader#kwon jiyong#kwon jiyong x reader#bigbang x reader#kpop#gdragon x reader#bigbang#kpop fanfic#kpop fanfiction#king of kpop#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#masked crawford#choi seunghyun#t.o.p#daesung#taeyang#kang daesung#dong youngbae#big bang#big bang x reader#x reader#x y/n#x y/n angst#angst
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Stay With Me | Choi Seunghyun (T.O.P)

Summary: Your best friend finally gets back out into the acting world after a long hiatus. When you come to visit him on set the two of you get wrapped up in your feelings for each other.
Warnings: None. Author's Note: I have a lot of feelings for our boy and have been wanting to write this since he dropped those selfies the other day.
In the lot, where are you? You groaned as you looked down at your phone. You were late, very late. Stupid traffic. Your best friend, Choi Seunghyun had finally gotten back out into the world after years of hiding and you’d promised him you’d be there for the first day of shooting. You however hadn’t been expecting to sit in traffic for 30 minutes. Ten minutes out. You texted back, slamming your phone down next to you as traffic finally started moving. You sped off, keeping your attention on the road, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach.
It was just Seunghyun, it wasn’t like he was your boyfriend. There was no need to be nervous, you two had been best friends for as long as you could remember. Did you find him attractive? Sure, but who didn’t? Did you constantly put off relationships because you held onto hope that one day maybe he’d see you differently? Maybe but that was beside the point.
“Finally.” You sighed as the set came into view. You fished around for your credentials and drove towards the back lot. You spotted him and his mess of purple hair before he could see you and you grinned. This was the Seunghyun you remembered, before the military, before he’d shut out everyone but you. Standing confidently, hair colored something crazy, waiting for you. “Hey you.”
He turned around, his eyes meeting yours and a grin crossing his own face. “What do you think?” He barely waited for you to be standing in front of him before he spun around quickly, arms out for you to get a full view of him in character. “Looking good.” You teased as he spun around to face you again. “That’s all I needed, you can go now.” He smirked, pretending to turn away. He was being smug, acting like he hadn’t been waiting all morning for you to get there and see him as Thanos.
“Wait a minute!” You grabbed his arm, pulling him back to face you. That’s when your hand caught sight of his nails and you let out a laugh. “Nice touch.” You teased as you let go of his arm. He looked down, rolling his eyes, knowing exactly what you were referring to. “Thanks for coming.” He pulled you in for a side hug. Your heart pounding in your chest at then sudden closeness.
“Of course, nowhere else I’d be.” You’d stood by Seunghyun’s side for as long as you could remember, there was no way you were missing his comeback. It had taken a lot for him to even audition for this role, you had been so proud of him when he told you he was going to audition. So much so that you’d offered to run lines with him. He’d turned you down on the offer, partly because you were not good at running lines, but mostly because he’d wanted to wow you with his.
Seunghyun had liked you for a long while now, since before his hiatus, you’d been around each other since the start of Bigbang, being part of the team and mostly dealing with Seunghyun, you’d developed a fast friendship that had really stood the test of time. Neither of you ever dared to speak on the feelings you’d developed over the years, not wanting to ruin what you had. But as the years had gone on, it was hard for him to keep his mouth shut. Especially today with you standing here in support of him.
You were clueless when it came to his feelings for you, not wanting to get too close you overlooked every hint he dropped. You’d been so good at avoiding the subject that Seunghyun was beginning to think you didn’t like him anymore, not wanting to give up, he’d hoped that maybe if you saw him acting again you’d feel the same about him as he did about you.
“You like the look though, for real?” His voice was soft, taking you back a little by how vulnerable he sounded. “Of course I do!” Your eyes met his, giving him a nod of encouragement. “You look like a legit rapper, I don’t know how you even pulled it off.” You teased with a wink. It was cute how nervous he seemed around you today. He rolled his eyes, putting his arm across your shoulder. “Yeah, yeah.” He led you over to where the case had started to gather.
“I’m gonna go do my thing, try not to fall in love with me.” He winked as he waved goodbye to you and headed over to the arena. Easier said than done, you thought, as you watched him walk away. You’d tried not to fall in love with him over the years, always failing, of course, but you’d never admit that to him. Not now when he was making steps to get his life back.
You stood back by various other crew members watching the scene, take after take, a grin on your face. It was nice seeing Seunghyun having so much fun on set, you didn’t care if it was because he was acting the part of Thanos or not, it had been awhile since you’d seen him act like this in front of anyone but you. You didn’t know how he managed to not laugh though the ridiculous rap he had to do but you stood by proudly as he nailed take after take.
Once they were satisfied with their shots for the day, the director yelled cut and you spotted Seunghyun heading your way. You grinned at him as he came to stand in front of you, “You were amazing.” His grin matched you as he pulled you in for a hug, your heart beating so hard you were sure he could feel it. He pulled back slightly, studding your face, his eyes flicking from your lips to your eyes as if debating his next move, before you could ask what he was thinking his lips were on yours.
Your eyes widened slightly as you stood in shock for a couple seconds. Just as he was about to pull away, defeated, your arms moved to his neck pulling him back to you, kissing him back. You shut off your thoughts, allowing yourself to fully enjoy this moment. Reality came crashing around you as you heard voices in the distance and you broke the kiss, Seunghyun’s forehead resting on yours as you opened your eyes slowly.
There was a hint of fear in his eyes, and you frowned as you studied his face, as if all the answers you needed would be written in his eyes. “What was that for?” You whispered the question, almost afraid of the answer as you moved to stand up straight. “I think I’m in love with you.” He admitted, looking anywhere but you. Your eyes snapped to his at his confession and you moved closer to him, tilting his chin so he had no choice but to look at you. “I think I’m in love with you too - I had no idea you felt the same.”
“Are you kidding me? I thought I was being really obvious with my feelings.” The fear in his eyes was gone as he looked at you. “Why do you think I’ve not gone on a single date in years?” You shrugged, not saying a word as he continued talking. “I can’t get you out of my mind, all I want is to come home to you every day, hear everything about your day, every small detail. I am so fucking in love with you it’s actually driving me insane. It’s always been you, it’s always going to be you.” He took a step closer to you, eyes locked on yours. “Kind of need you either tell me you feel the same or to fuck off.”
You blinked, looking up at him. “I didn’t think you felt the same way about me.” You bit down on your bottom lip, wishing you were as good with admitting your own feelings as he’d just been. “I think maybe I’ve been in love with you since the day I met you.” You finally admitted. “I don’t think that’s ever going to change.” Seunghyun closed the distance between you, his hands resting on your face as he brought his lips back to yours.
You weren’t sure of a lot of things, but you were positive you’d never get tired of kissing Seunghyun. As quickly as the kiss had started it was over, you were still on set, after all. “Come on, let's go back to my place. We have years of lost time to make up for.” He reached down for your hand leading you back towards the lot you’d parked in a few hours earlier.
tag list: @wcnderlnds
#choi seunghyun x reader#t.o.p. x reader#top x reader#choi seung hyun x reader#big bang x reader#my fics#swm#divider by cafekitsune#bigbang x reader
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Guilty Conscience
choi seunghyun x american pop star!reader

summary: you’ve been out of the public eye for five years. at the 2025 grammys, you’re making your comeback. unbeknownst to you, your ex boyfriend has been making his own comeback to the industry.
warnings: angst, american!reader, lots of mental health talk, depression, anxiety, toxic music industry, toxic industry IN GENERAL, breakup, i kinda rushed this so it sucks lowkey
word count: 5.5k
nat’s notes: hey y’all!! i wanted to get this out as soon as possible so HERE I AM!! this is my first t.o.p fic so i hope yall enjoyyyy. i kept it angsty because ive been writing too much happy shit. you’re welcome. hope you guys enjoy, if you don’t…idk don’t tell me. i’m not promising a part two to this, but…never say never - xoxo former belieber
You sat at the vanity in your greenroom. You watched as your hair dresser and makeup stylist worked their magic, elevating your features in the most beautiful ways. Meanwhile, your stylist rambled on about your outfit, talking about how it fit your body in all the right ways, and how difficult it was to tailor it the way you wanted. A joke thrown out about how high maintenance you are. You don’t really respond, smiling faintly as you look back at your reflection.
Part of you couldn’t believe it. You were sitting in a greenroom, wearing custom designer wardrobe, getting your makeup and hair done by familiar faces, and within the hour you would be standing on a stage in front of thousands of people, all of whom had no idea you were there. Part of it felt normal. A familiar pattern easy to slip back into as if no time had passed. But that’s the thing, time had passed. Five years. Five years since your last tour. Five and a half since your last album. Five years since you disappeared from the media. Five years since your mental health had taken a detrimental turn and you needed to take care of yourself. Five years since you and your ex boyfriend broke up and never saw each other again.
Your own decision to go off the radar for so long had nothing to do with your breakup, not really. The media had been cruel, talking about you in ways it hadn’t before. Talking about your greatest insecurities, nit-picking at every move you made on and off stage, spreading rumors about your romantic life (all of which were false, but fans didn’t care), people you thought were your friends had turned out to be frauds. The world of fame of glamour that was usually just that suddenly felt ugly and dark. You had to escape. Your breakup had only been collateral damage, both you and your ex wanting the same things, but somehow you both paid the price.
The day you met him was a silly one. You were on a world tour, years ago. You had just made your big break, winning awards left and right, promoting a new album, traveling to places you’d never been. When you had a show in Seoul, you were ecstatic. The show itself was absolutely epic, and would go down in your music career as one of your best shows. Everything about it was perfect. From your vocals, to your dancers, to the lights, to the band, and to the crowd, it was legendary.
It was after the show, you were drinking water as your manager excitedly told you someone wanted to meet you. She said it was a big name, and you urgently moved to follow her to find who exactly had come to your show. And there he was. Choi Seunghyun, but in that moment you knew him at T.O.P. You tried to maintain your excitement, but you were pretty sure he saw right through you.
There was no intention behind his introduction. He had wanted to meet you after Kwon Ji-yong had played your song for him. She’s the next big thing, for sure, he’d said as he gestured to your album on his phone. Ji-yong had continued to rave about you, which only led to Seunghyun looking you up himself. He’d quickly become enamored. With your charm, your wittiness, your creative process, all of which was shown in your interviews and your videos. You were a force to be reckoned with, just like Ji-yong said, and Seunghyun had to know you. He had to see how your mind worked. All of his curiosity was purely about music, about the industry.
So, the two of you became friends, following each other on socials. And you’d be the one to text him first, thanking him for coming to your show. You liked to think that text was what sealed your fate. Your fate that you’d eventually fall in love with Seunghyun. A whirlwind romance. Unexpected, but it made more sense than anything else ever had. The media had not known about the two of you (a choice you both made, and later were grateful for). The softness he held for you and nobody else. The warmth of his voice when he called you daily. The mischievous twinkle in his eyes when he’d surprise you by showing up at your shows. Your hands in his hair as you helped him dye it different colors. Your voice when you sang him your newest love songs inspired by him. Your laugh when he’d wrap his arms around your waist and lift you in the air.
A whirlwind romance that ended in fire and ashes.
You don’t know where exactly it had all gone to shit, for lack of better words. Was it the distance? Was it the scandals the two of you had faced at the same time? Was it the pressure of society weighing you both down? You weren’t quite sure. You’d been there for Seunghyun during his darkest days. You’d stop your life to live with him as long as he needed. You faced his guilt, his anger, his grief, his anxiety, all with him even when he pushed you away. It never deterred you. Seunghyun, at the time, could never understand. Why would you want to be burdened by him and his actions? Why wouldn’t you leave him? He had tried, begged you, pleaded you to leave him be. He knew you deserved better than him, but he was too selfish at the time to end it himself. He didn’t want you to leave him.
And when your own world started to crumble, Seunghyun tried to be there with you.The media had pulled you apart at the seams. The fans that once adored you now treated you like you were a wicked witch. The fellow musicians who were your friends now stood back and watched as you struggled for air. They let you drown in the cruelty of the media. And what had you done? The truth was, well, nothing. You’d done nothing wrong, and somehow that was the worst thing you could have done. You were good, too good, so surely something must be wrong with you.
And as Seunghyun watched the light drain from your eyes, a guilt riddled in his chest. He’d tried to be there for you, but his efforts fell short. You were both drowning. Your own worlds were suffocating you both. He could not save you, for he could not save himself. But you could not save you, either, for you were too busy saving him. When he realized this, the selfish feelings he had were suddenly burning him alive. He could not keep you. Not when you paid the price.
That was five years ago. Five years ago, Choi Seunghyun had broken up with you in his home in Seoul. Five years ago, you begged him with tears to stay. You were too selfish to let him go. He had to be the selfless one, because if he wasn’t, he knew the world would lose you permanently. He’d rather you’d hate him and live than love him and rot.
His efforts pulled off. You spent the next five years healing. Therapy, medication, meditation, yoga, music, spending time with family or friends, and just about every other coping mechanism you could try. You did it all. Two years ago you started writing music again. A year and a half ago, you’d started producing. A year ago, you started working with your team to start talking about a comeback. And now, here you were, at the Grammy’s, about to announce exactly that. You were back, ready to face the spotlight after so long of praying it’d never find you again.
The setlist was simple. It’d start playing an old song of yours, your first hit that started your career, before glitching out. Then, the set would open up to reveal you under the flickering lights before your biggest song started. You were shaking, unable to focus on anything other than directly ahead of you. You didn’t even want to think of the song you were about to play, because of course your biggest hit would be a song about Seunghyun. It was the first song you wrote about him. It was upbeat, fun, energetic, sensual, and hit every mark that reminded you of Seunghyun. The song had skyrocketed your career even farther than anything you’d seen. You were already building a name for yourself, but this song had became the song that people associated with you when you were mentioned. If only they knew who you thought of.
Still, you held your head high as you heard the cue. You could hear one song start, causing the crowd to go quiet. It only took a moment before they began to scream in realization. You sucked in a heavy breath, watching as the lights began to flicker, the set began to move, the audio began to malfunction, and the crowd got louder. It all came to a head as everything went quiet. A spotlight shined on you as you smirked at the camera. The crowd goes ballistic. Screaming, cheering, gasps of surprise coming from the guests of the night. You soaked in the cheers, the exact shot of energy you needed. You looked around, your confidence growing as you finally felt something you hadn’t in a long time. You felt like you belonged.
“Did you miss me?”

Choi Seunghyun was going about his own day. He’d been busy, of late. Interviews, working on his own music for the future, photoshoots. He’d been out of the public eye for so long, and he still was unsure of it all. Still, he was finding his footing in a world he once loved so much. His first step was acting. The perception had been mixed, at first, but now he was seeing the positives again. Something he hadn’t seen in years.
He was in between meetings, taking a quick break. He was sitting in an office, alone, scrolling through his phone absentmindedly. Part of him loved seeing all the positive feedback, the love he’d gotten for his new role, the support for the future of his career. But part of it still settled uneasy on his chest. Seeing comments about his past reminded him of the guilt he’d tried so hard to move on from. Ignoring it was difficult, but he managed to do well most days.
Then, on his instagram explore page, he saw a familiar face. Yours.
He clicked on it.
There you were, standing on a stage. For a moment, he thought this was an old clip, but he knew it wasn’t because your hair was not that length the last time he saw you. He looked at the caption. Y/N MAKES COMEBACK AT THE GRAMMYS. PERFORMS HER BIGGEST HITS ALONG WITH NEW SINGLE.
He’d never admit how quickly he opened YouTube.
Seunghyun felt all of the air in his longs dissipate as he stared at his phone screen. As the music of the song you wrote for him began to play. You looked different. Your eyes filled with a familiar light, something that hadn’t been there when you packed your things from his home. You looked healthier. Lighter. The weight of the media no longer crushing your bones like before. As the song started and your dancers moved with you, Seunghyun was mesmerized. The same way he was when he’d visit your shows. The way you move so effortlessly. The flirtation in your lyrics, when you’d lean against another dancer and let them sway your hips. The way you still sang it was better than the recording, in his opinion. He still new every word. He found himself mouthing them as he watched you command the stage like you never left.
For a moment, he felt jealous of you. The way it seemed like time hadn’t affected you like it did him. The way you seemed so…okay. He wasn’t okay. He had changed so much over the years, even more so when he finally bit the bullet and said goodbye. He wasn’t the same man he was. But you still looked the same. You had the same smile. The same choreography. The same dancers. You just looked…better.
“Did you miss me?”
Your voice rang in his ears, the words feeling like a mockery of how he felt. Teasing the way he sat there staring at the screen with conflicted emotions swirling in his chest. He couldn’t help but wonder if you had seen him. His return to the industry. He’d wondered if you saw the articles months ago, or if you’d seen him in Squid Game first. He’d wondered if you saw the interviews he’d just done, or if you’d somehow manage to dodge anything relating to your ex lover. Maybe you were the luckier one out of the two of them.
A familiar ache in his chest continued to build as he watched your performance. As you danced on stage with dancers he’d recognized from as far back as when he met you. As you sang to a crowd of your musical peers who’d either had your back or stabbed it. As you commanded the stage with a new level of confidence he’d hadn’t seen you wear in years. He felt that ache. He felt the way his heart pounded against his ribcage. How his lungs suddenly felt like they couldn’t hold enough air. How his eyes burned because he couldn’t blink. He could only stare.
As the song ended, the cameras cut to the various artists there, cheering and screaming loudly for you. A sense of pride washed over Seunghyun. This was the praise you’d deserved. To be recognized by some of the biggest stars in the industry. To be admired by the people again. It was all right there for you, waiting for you. Something he was sure you didn’t expect, but he did.
As your dancers started to move away, you started walking to the second stage in the midst of the tables of guests. One dancer hands you a jacket to cover up, and you come to a microphone. A slow song starts playing. Seunghyun closes his eyes tightly as he realizes this was one of the last songs you’d released. It was a breakup song. A song filled with his promises he broke and your shattered heart left in between the lyrics. He had hardly listened to it since it was released, the memories of your breakup coming in every time.
You had stared at him with doe-eyes, but he refused to look at you. He couldn’t. Not when he finally had just enough strength to let you go. He knew one look at your heart broken face would have him retracting, falling to the floor and hugging your body as he begs you to forgive him and forget what he’d said. But he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t keep you, no matter how much he wanted to.
You’d been living with him in Seoul for a while. Mostly to help him with his struggles, a choice you made without him asking. Your undying loyalty for him trumping any other option. The media’s cruelty towards you had started sometime after. You put on a brave face, at first, but as time passed by and their criticisms were more so filled with hate, your facade cracked. Seunghyun watched helplessly. He couldn’t save you. Not like this. He’d tried, but no words and no comfort were there. He was so broken, so lost within himself in the worst ways that he couldn’t even reach for your hand as you sobbed next to him at night.
But you, you always did. You wiped his tears when he cried to you. You whispered sweet nothings to him to reassure him that he was deserving of good things. You made his favorite meals, or ordered them if you didn’t know how. You surprised him with small gifts. You loved him so seamlessly, so effortlessly, so loudly…Seunghyun didn’t understand why he couldn’t be as good to you as you were to him.
And then, as he stood a few feet away from you, looking out a window, the guilt seemed to chew at his organs. The deafening silence felt cold. We can’t do this anymore, he had whispered to you. Your breath hitched, your soft eyes suddenly swimming with something else.
“Why?” Your voice came out in soft concern. “Seunghyun, what happened?” You were more worried about him. Because of course you were. Your love for him, your loyalty, it all seemed to matter more to you than anything.
Seunghyun closed his eyes tight as he tried to erase the way your voice sounded. “We aren’t good for eachother.” Was all he could say. His own voice would betray him if he said more.
You shook your head. You got up from the couch you’d previously been sitting on, walking closer to your boyfriend. He refuse to look at you. He was staring out at the city. A city he almost despised now. A world he had grown a resentment towards after it tore you apart. Him? Fine. He’d take his guilt and he’d drown in it again and again until it melted off his skin and left him nothing but bones. But you? You were different. You were better. You deserved better.
“I can’t help you,” He says softly, a quiet confession. “I can’t be the partner you need.”
It was almost naive of you, the way you only batted your eyes at him and shook your head. This wasn’t real. This wasn’t happening. This was some sick joke. Or maybe Seunghyun saw something in the media about him that made him feel insecure. You weren’t sure, but you knew that this couldn’t be it. Not like this. You reached for his arm, your fingers delicately touching his skin. “Seunghyun-” You flinched as he pulled away from your grasp. He’d never done that before, not even when the two of you got into your fights.
“This isn’t a discussion.” He said. His tone turned harsh, a way for him to get through this without shattering at your feet. It was another thing he didn’t do often with you. Sure, when you fought sometimes things got loud, shouting at each other to try and get your thoughts heard and understood. But the sting felt harsher here. You felt your eyes starting to burn as tears built up. You were so confused. This morning, the two of you were wrapped in each others arms, nothing more than tangled limbs and kisses with swollen lips. You two were smiling, your hands tracing each others bare skin. You two were happy, you thought. How could so much have changed in this short amount of time?
Seunghyun felt like he was going to throw up. Every part of his body screamed at him to shut the fuck up, change his mind, wrap you in his arms and throw the both of you back in the bed and stay there until your lips were bruised and your hands were molded to each other. Despite every urge, every instinct, every thought telling him to stop, he didn’t. He looked at you now, clenching his jaw hard as he watched the fat tears roll down your face.
“This isn’t working out. We aren’t working out.” He gestured to the air between you. Air that was usually warm and comforting had now became cold and suffocating. “I can’t do this anymore.”
You watched as he turned away from you, walking in the direction of your shared bedroom. Another emotion ate at you now. Rage boiled under your skin as you started storming after him. “What the hell is happening!?” You threw your hands in the air as you walked into the room. Confusion, frustration, it all swam in your expression as you looked at him. “You can’t do what anymore? I haven’t asked anything from you!”
That was true, and part of that was the problem. You never asked anything from him, because you knew how much he had on his own plate. Instead, you took what you could from him, accepting the little-to-no affection he’d give you most days. You accepted the uglier versions of him. The darker versions people in the industry hadn’t seen before. You accepted the days you’d go without seeing Seunghyun, knowing he was out somewhere coping in awful ways while you sat in your home and waited. You accepted the tears that he’d shed over his mistakes. You accepted the anger that came out at sudden moments, all swirled in with guilt. You took it all without a single complaint, and you loved him so deeply and so openly it hurt him more. Because he couldn’t do that for you. He couldn’t show his love for you in the ways you needed it. You were just to blind to see it.
Seunghyun ran his hand through his hair. “I know. I know, it’s not like that, okay? I just can’t-”
“Can’t what?” You walked closer, your eyes wide with desperation as you looked at him. You studied his face for anything at all. Something to explain this. Something that’d give away his thoughts. You wanted to understand. “What did I do? What can I do? Please, just talk to me. Please.” You begged. Your voice croaked as you tried to fight back your own sobs. “I’ll do anything. Just tell me what’s wrong and I’ll fix it.”
This time, Seunghyun is the one that’s fighting back his sobs. He swallows painfully has he shakes his head at you. His heart was tearing apart. “Y/N,” He whispered. You stared at him, watching as he slowly shook his head. Somehow that spoke more words than anything either of you could say. It wasn’t up to you. He’d made his choice.
That felt like a lifetime ago, and yet he still remembered it like it was yesterday.
The breakup song wasn’t a ballad. In fact it had an almost upbeat tune behind it as you sang. Different emotions swirling in every lyric. Anger, desperation, bargaining, all of the same emotions you’d felt the very night your relationship fell apart. You sang alone on the little stage, moving around to sing at the crowd, but oftentimes your eyes remained on the camera in front of you. It felt as if you sang to him directly, all these years later. Reminding him. Reminding him how you would have stayed if he had asked. How you were always his even if he was not always yours.
He clenched his jaw as he watched. Every time the camera switched to focus on the crowd or your band was a blessing. A second of freedom from the raw emotions you’d seemed to dig up when singing this song. It was like you were reliving it too. Just like he was. Both of you still stuck in that bedroom. Your voice still pleading for understanding. His body still yearning. His eyes avoiding you. His words shattering reality.
And when the song finally ended, Seunghyun couldn’t breathe. He wanted it to be over. He could click away, he knows that. But he doesn’t. He watches as the crowd cheers your name, and the cameras focus on the darkness of the room. A mystery lurking behind the scenes as people wondered what song you’d perform next.
The unfamiliar intro of another song began. Almost all vocals, the dancers crowded around your body, and you’re staring directly at the camera. The crowd goes wild as your dancers crowd around you, their hands dragging all over your body as you pose. A beat hits, the lights go out. Seunghyun watches. Another beat, the lights flash on, and you start singing again. A new song, your first song in five years. You start a new complicated dance routine, your body moving naturally with every line.
Seunghyun listened closely to the words. His mouth went dry as he began to register the words. Your comeback song was filled with confidence, but it had a meaning behind it. Seunghyun started to blink, tapping his phone to rewind ten seconds to listen again. Seunghyun felt like throwing up. He very well might. You singing a song about loving someone, despite the way the both of you are, well, not very good for each other. Felt oddly on the nose. The sound of the song was much more your style. Pop with electronic flares, music with fun beats and catchy chorus’s that fueled your dancers. Sensuality flowing through you.
It dawned on him, then. Realization. You were back. You weren’t hiding from the industry, and in a way, you weren’t hiding from him. Whatever had changed between five years ago and now…he knew it was clear. You’d found yourself, just like he’d hoped. You were ethereal as you moved around the stage. You were confident, strong, sexy, absolutely perfect. He couldn’t help but smirk, his chest swelling with pride.
He’d always been proud of you. You’d always been freakishly talented. Your creative abilities amazed him. It’s what drew him to you in the first place. Even after all this time, you hadn’t lost that flare. That spark. He saw it, even now, as you struck a pose in the center of the stage, finishing the song. Everybody cheered. Everybody was on their feet, clapping and loudly yelling in appreciation. It had been a surprise for all of them, and seemingly everybody loved it. You were breathing heavily, and he could see it. Underneath the emotional layers you wore on stage, he could see the nerves that had seemed to finally relax. He could see your eyes studying every face. Your lips curling up in a wide smile.
You’d made it. Just like he knew you would.
As the video ended, Seunghyun reopened instagram. It was still sitting on the same post. A news source that had already started making articles to explain how big of a deal this was. He could see comments piling up in excitement. You were breaking the internet, though that didn’t surprise him at all. A gentle, sad, soft smile on his face, Seunghyun double tapped the screen. A heart was on the middle of his screen, covering you for only a second, before he clicked his phone off. He looked up as someone walked in, telling him it was time for the next meeting. He stood up, adjusting the sleeves of his shirt, nodding politely.

You were basking in after parties.
Your music friends invited you out immediately, knowing you hadn’t been to one of these events in so long. You accepted, feeling deserving after making a comeback in a very loud way. Everyone was congratulating you, telling you how proud they were, how they couldn’t wait to hear what was next, and just about every other compliment imaginable. You let yourself accept them. It was praise you were no longer used to, but you’d be damned if you didn’t let yourself have it all for one night.
So, here you were, at some expensive hotel rented out by some super star for the party, dancing your heart out in a short sparkly dress, holding your third or fourth glass of champagne. You were having the time of your life. In your hiatus, you’d taken a lot of time for yourself. To learn to love yourself, to have more confidence in you and your choices. You took time to learn that the media was always going to be cruel; you just had to choose if you’d let it eat you alive or if you’d rise above it. It seems you’d finally learned how to do the latter.
You’d also made the choice to stay off social media. You’d had side profiles to watch things, but you’d made the choice to focus on real life. It was an effort to keep the critiques and harsh words to a minimum for the last few years. Your team posted photos of your choice, let you pick the captions, they posted stories and such for you, but overall you remained off line. Until tonight, I guess. You had ended up sitting on a couch after dancing to way too many songs with your friends. You hiccuped, opening social media apps to see the reviews thus far.
Twitter, X, whatever, had been an expected mix. People mostly excited seeing you around again, looking happy and alive. Enthusiasm over the new music coming later in the year. There were the random haters, but you knew now to scroll past if it wasn’t meaningful or progressive in any way.
Tiktok was already swimming with edits. You giggled at the comments, knowing how absolutely wild fans could get on there. You didn’t stay there long, worried you’d start overthinking the way you looked in certain frames. Silly things you can’t control. You were confident in your appearance and your stage presence now. Something you lacked before. But the nerves still ate at you, even if only slightly. It was progress, something that’d take time and more performances to work through. You closed the app to move on to another one.
Instagram comments flooded your page. You hadn’t posted anything yet, but people were already raving about you. Part of you was surprised. Sure, you knew some people would be happy, but the overwhelming amounts of love you were receiving was still unexpected. Even with years of therapy and self-help, you weren’t sure many people would care about you anymore. It felt nice to be proven otherwise. To prove the dark parts of you that still lingered wrong.
You were looking at posts about you. From fanpages to news articles. Some included clips of your performance, some just random stills. You were smiling softly. People wanted more from you. They were ready for the single, the album, even a tour if thats what you chose. It all sparked a familiar joy in you. A familiar excitement that had been buried under years of torment from the media. But you weren’t letting it control you. Not anymore.
Then, by chance, as you scrolled through the recommended posts on your explore page, you saw something.
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You blinked, thinking it was the champagne making you read it wrong. You read it again. And again. And again. ttt. T.O.P. Choi Seunghyun. Suddenly you felt remarkably sober.
Admittedly, you stopped keeping up with him after Still Life came out. Your friends and people around you told you it wasn’t good for you, and they were right. You’d spent years waiting for him to come back to you. Waiting for him to check in. Send a postcard. Anything. You couldn’t fully heal while holding out for him. So you had to stop. You had to pull away even when every part of you hated the idea.
And now you were staring at his instagram username like it’d just kicked you in the stomach. It felt that way too.
You clicked his name. The air kicked out of your lungs as you looked at a photo of him with purple hair, painted nails, wearing a teal sweatshirt with the number 230. You’d heard he’d been in Squid Game, but you’d chosen to avoid it and Netflix entirely for the foreseeable future.
This leads you to a spiral, in the middle of an afterparty, googling your ex boyfriend and seeing all the things he’d been up to while you were gone. From his wine company to dearMoon to Squid Game. His interviews were filled with remorse and nerves. You hated how you still felt empathy for him. You hated how deeply you related to every sentence. You hated how even after all this time it felt like the two of you spoke the same language.
But you also had felt a smile form as you read his hopes for the future. As you saw photos of him. Clips of him doing press for the show. He was slowly coming out of the shell he’d been forced into. And he was still beautiful. Still soft and warm in the ways you remembered. You’d wanted this for him for so long, so of course you found yourself looking at photos of him with a level of fondness that felt unfamiliar now.
And as you stared at the video and series of photos of Seunghyun on Squid Games’s instagram account, you pondered your next move. What were the chances he’d see it? Slim, considering the post was a few days old. What were the chances fans would see it? Less slim, considering they’d be watching your moves now. So, you did the logical thing. You liked the image, a heart forming over Seunghyun’s face for a moment. Then, to cover your tracks, you liked a few more Squid Game posts. You’re just a fan of the show, you could say if people talked too much. You even were sure to follow Lee Jung Jae to make it more passable. Sure, your team and your friends would know the real reasonings, but it wasn’t obvious to anyone else.
Other than Seunghyun, of course, who saw it a few days later.
#choi seunghyun x reader#t.o.p x reader#top x reader#choi seunghyun#t.o.p#bigbang x reader#big bang x reader#kpop x reader#choi seunghyun fanfic#t.o.p fanfic
368 notes
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too steamy to sleep
choi seung-hyun x reader
word count: 3660
content warnings: none
summary: Interrupting your peaceful nap, Seung-hyun insists on borrowing your own and teases you further after noticing your flushed reaction.
( ao3 link )
Across the small house, you shared with the idol Choi Seung-hyun, you could've never expected real trouble to start between the two of you. For the most part, the house managed to stay relatively quiet. Part of trying to remain low and out of the eye of the public meant the two of you would hardly run into the other. At mid-afternoon, you found yourself lounging back in your bed. With no practices or meetings asking for your attention, it finally gave you a rare opportunity to rest and curl under the warm sheets of your bed. You let your eyes flutter closed, properly getting comfortable in the sheets.
…Until, of course, your peace was interrupted with the sound of a gentle rasp of the door.
If it wasn't nearly silent in your room, you might've sworn you were hearing things. But the noise was so clear, you were sure he must've been asking for entrance.
Too tired to get up, you groaned and threw your hand over your face, calling to the door, “What is it?”
“It's stupid,” Seung-hyun responded quickly, his low voice purring clearly through the door, “My shower is broken.”
Spreading your fingers, you squint toward the still-closed door as if it would have the answer to your question. Silly. For whatever reason, his shower was broken. So he asked to use yours, which should've been entirely normal. Until the image of the steaming room and his body wrapped up in a towel appeared in your mind and you quickly attempted to swat it away.
He was your roommate! It would only be polite to allow him in, of course. It would be easy to hide under your sheets and hide if he flustered you, you reasoned with yourself.
Finally deciding, you nodded and added, “Just make it quick, will you?”
From the other side of the door, you could've sworn you heard a muffled ‘yes!’ before it pushed open, revealing the idol himself. He was luckily still dressed, a nice button-up and pants suited his figure well and made him look oh-so-fancy as he liked to make himself appear.
“I was almost worried you wouldn't let me in for a moment there,” He joked, crossing the room to the side of your bed and letting his hand hover over the handle to your bathroom for a moment, “You look like you were almost asleep. You're sure this is okay?”
Hidden underneath a warm shirt pulled over your nose to hide from the man, you nod and gesture to the door behind him, “Really, it's okay. If anything, the sound of the shower will help me sleep.”
Of course, it was empty reassurances, now that you knew he would be showering right next to you meant you'd have no choice in sleeping at all. You rolled over to face him as he finally pushed down on the handle and entered.
Through the creek in the door he left behind, you watched as he went about casually undressing himself as if he hadn't practically left the door wide open for anyone to watch him.
Your eyes widened as his belt was abandoned, quickly pressed the blankets over your eyes before you could invade the poor man's privacy further than you already had. Though- really- shouldn't it be his fault in the first place?
Still hiding, you call from the sheets, “The door, you left the door!”
There was an audible chuckle from the bathroom and after a moment of wait, the sound of the door clicking closed, “So you're the type to look in?” He called back, slightly muffled from behind the door.
Something must've gotten into him today, “No, I notice when a door is left wide open.”
Your argument was either left unheard or ignored as the sound of the water finally started and you sighed heavily, pulling the blanket down from over your face, and struggled to collect yourself. You wiped your hands over your face, willing yourself to calm down as you could feel the room start to get slightly warmer from fog creeping into the room.
He must've been the type to shower hot. More images flashed behind your eyes and you rubbed at your eyelids, cursing yourself for your overactive imagination. Forcing yourself to calm back down, you worry the threads of the blanket through your fingers.
Reminding yourself: his shower was broken, he needed yours.
That was all. Right?
Letting your mind wander, the longer time dragged on you were finally able to get those teasing images out of your mind. The rush of water was a comforting noise, and you made yourself comfortable under the sheets again. It would be much less creepy if you were asleep when your roommate finished.
Pushing at your pillow until it was comfortable, you let your eyes bring you into a state of relaxation. It was hard to let your mind completely wander, somewhere between awake and dreaming as the man showered just feet away from you. Just Choi Seung-hyun, T.O.P, using the bathroom for its intended purpose.
Just as sleep finally began to cusp, that fluttering feeling of just nearly falling woke you– along with the sound of the door beside you pushing open yet again.
Peaking through lidded eyelids, Seung-hyun appeared in front of you yet again. Hit by a blast of hot hair and rising stream, you squinted through the temperature assault toward the man who entered. You weren't sure what to expect when he pushed the door open, but the sight of his bare chest still damp with water droplets and bare legs, only covered by a plush blanket hung nearly too low on his hips. Flushing, you were grateful for the blanket separating the two of you.
Seung-hyun tilted his head toward you and clicked his tongue with a sigh, “I thought you were asleep.
“I nearly was, before you woke me,” You argue, a pout forming on your lips to cover your embarrassment, “You should get dressed before opening the door.”
The idol scoffed at that, holding up a hand to his chest in mock offense. He held up his hand, letting go of the towel that thankfully stayed in its spot. He grabbed his shirt, pulling it over himself. The fabric stuck to him, his skin still damp. The towel must've been only for show, and you questioned for a moment just how much of the truth he had been telling you. He often enjoyed making you blush and fluttering you, relishing in your reaction afterward.
Steam still rolled off of him, and somehow the image of him with the shirt stuck to him might've been worse than his toned stomach. You pull the blanket over your eyes for a moment, “I swear, you're doing this on purpose!”
“Ah, so you're looking?” His low voice purred with laughter beyond the fabric you can hear Seung-hyun laugh along with the rustle of fabric as he re-dressed himself, “I knew you were acting suspicious. Like a dog with a pair of chewed-up remot.”
Your face burned behind your sheets, “I did not look!”
“So defensive,” Seung-hyun chuckled.
After a pause, you could feel the fabric being tugged from your fingers and folded down in front of your face. Finally dressed, Seung-hyun met your gaze with a mischievous glint. The steam had finally ceased.
“It's only natural to see a little skin from time to time, you do live with me after all,” He spoke softly, reaching out and tugging a little further so he could see your flushed face.
You almost want to kick out from the sheets, offended as you finally sit up from your spot, “I don't want to see you that way.”
“You don't?” He feigned curiosity as he held out his now-damp and cold towel, “I think you already have, though.”
He's as smug as always was, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips. The way he shifted his weight just right exaggerated his point further. Your face burned in response. You let out a frustrated grumble and snatch his used towel before promptly throwing it right back into his chest. He lets out a dramatic noise of mock pain, as if the towel’s assault had mortally wounded him. His hand shot up to catch the towel and hold it against his heart, staggering back until his shoulder hit your bedroom wall. In one slow and deliberate motion, he let himself slide down the wall, his wet hair falling over his face as he let his head loll forward.
The silence lingered for a beat as his mouth hung open. With his jaw drop also came along the descent of the towel, fulfilling his play-death. His breath is loud and sputtered, letting go of his last breath.
“Oh, for the love of…” You fully stood from the bed, shaking your head as you took the bundled towel from his ‘lifeless’ hands.
Eyeing him, you can spot his pupils moving from underneath his eyelids. As if he was somehow watching you from behind, or perhaps watching from a tight squint. You roll your eyes in response and pull away. Just as you went to toss it, Seung-hyun suddenly sputtered to ‘life’ and gasped dramatically, as if he’d been revived.
“Wait!” he blinked rapidly and his expression stretched wild with amusement as he glanced from you to the towel, “It's so easy to get a reaction out of you.”
Tired of his teasing, you manage a weak glare as you offer a hand out to help him stand, “You're impossible.”
He perked up at your offer, his warm hand grasping around yours, and braced himself against the wall. His hands are soft around yours and warm with the sensation of heat lingering from his shower. Just as he began to stand, smirked and let go. His balance wavers, although he hadn't been fully using your hand to help him up, the sudden loss of contact has him genuinely stumbling. His back hit the wall, much less graceful this time around. His mouth gapes at you in a show of playful betrayal.
“Oh, is this payback?” He questioned, finally standing fully and pouted down toward you.
You nod, pointing toward your door with a defiant, playful stomp, “That's right. You've used my shower, aren't you done here?”
Seung-hyun raised his hands to the sides of his eyes, maiming crying as he finally stepped out of your room. It left you in the wake of the image of his wet well-toned chest and his persistent teasing. If you didn't know any better– which you did– you could swear he'd done it on purpose. You step quickly across your room and fetch his used towel, tossing it toward him before he's fully gone.
“Don't pretend you didn't peek,” He argued back as he turned, picking up his- your towel from the ground and smiling at you.
You grab onto your door, “I'm taking a nap now, goodbye.”
Without any real malice or fight, you close the door as you willed your breath calm. He was just teasing, was all. You glanced toward your bed behind you, unsure if you could even rest again after the mental torment he made you suffer through. Regardless, you allowed yourself to forget it and sit in the bed. You grabbed your phone to check the time, confirming you still had time to rest. No texts, you could finally nap worry-free.
You pulled the blankets over yourself and flopped awkwardly onto the bed. The heat of it all was still heavy on your mind, you could still feel pink tease over the tips of your ears. Just as you began to rest, footsteps began in the hallway once again. Louder, coming closer to your door.
No, he wasn't–
With a low knock, Seung-hyun was right back as if he never left, his hair still tossed and slightly damp. His hair strands stuck out in odd directions from a lack of styling. Despite how silly he looked, he rocked the look so easily. It couldn't have been more than a minute he'd been gone. This was quickly becoming ridiculous.
“I forgot something,” He excused himself as if he hadn't just intruded into your room unannounced and stepped past your bed to your bathroom yet again, the condensation from the heat still on the mirror.
You sigh, lazily opening an eye and you watch him move around, “What now?”
“I forgot my dirty clothes,” Seung-hyun explained as he stepped again into your vision, his explanation confirmed with the clothes he'd been wearing earlier, “It's like I wasn't even here, right?’
“Seung-hyun, seriously…” You sigh, rubbing a hand over your face as you push your head further into your plush pillow.
Sitting up to argue with him was too much work with sleep tugging at the corners of your mind. You would only ignore how up-close you couldn't miss how his shirt stuck to his skin. It did nothing to hide his muscles underneath, and you still weren't sure if it was worse when he was completely shirtless. You averted your gaze, squeezing your eyes shut as if that would be enough to make him disappear.
“I didn't mean to interrupt your nap,” He said, and even so he still made no move to leave, “You're still awake though, aren't you? I thought I might keep you company.”
Your fingers tighten around your blanket as you slowly open your eyes yet again. A flush crawled its way over your face. Behind your blanket, you hoped it was enough to hide from his scrutinizing eye. You willed it to fade away as undeniable as it was. It wasn't enough.
He casually leaned against your wall, tilting his head and savoring the moment, “You know, it's cute when you get flustered like that.”
Defensive, you quickly sputter in response, “I'm not flustered.”
The smirk curling at his lips told you all you needed to know: he didn't believe you for a second. Emboldened, Seung-hyun tugged at your blanket once again and pulled it down beneath your chin. His eyes lit up at the sight of your flushed face. His close gaze only made it worse, and you knew it must've spread to your cheeks. His smile turned into a smirk at your misfortune.
“But now, you look like a tomato,” He pointed out, leaning in from the edge of the bed.
He's getting closer to you, so much that you had to look away from him. The scent of his shampoo stuck to his hair mixed in with the trace of his signature cologne. Even without your gaze pointed at him, he was impossible to ignore. It wouldn't be enough to shield you from his attention.
“I'm trying to sleep,” You mumbled, your voice quieter than you intended.
Of course, the man in front of you just seemed to revel in it, “You're sure that's all?” He teased, “If I didn't know better, I'd say you liked me, and you peeked on purpose.”
Your body is tense, and he’s still so close. His voice has deepened slightly, a purr curling at the edges of his words. He knew how he sounded and he was using that very thing against you, torturing you every moment he could manage it. It was enough to make your pulse skip in your chest, tensing up at his accusation.
“I-” You argue, though your words caught in your throat and faltered under the weight of his gaze, “What are you saying?”
“Silly. I'm trying to fluster you. I noticed how you're always looking at me, so I figured I'd show off a little,” He explained, inching just a little closer, “Unless I've read this wrong?”
His confidence was infuriating. He knew from the beginning that all of this would fluster you and caught onto your blatant interest in him and found a way to hold it against you, the sadist he appeared to be. It shouldn't have been shocking.
You pouted and your brows furrowed as you trained to regain some control over the situation, “Tell me if you're serious. Is this all to embarass me, or do you… do you-”
“Like you back?” Seung-hyun cut you off, slicing the tension of the conversation like a blade.
His tone remained unreadable now, something almost deathly serious., speaking the words that were hard to admit too easily, “This isn't the proper way to admit such a thing. Hovering your bed while you try to nap?”
You squinted at him, skeptical. He was too careful with the way he chose his words, beating around the bush and sidestepping a proper answer. He was still toying with you, even now. He enjoyed watching you squirm. You grit your teeth and sucked in a sharp breath. You willed away the irritation bubbling to the surface of your mind.
Two could play at this teasing game he’d started. You decided to challenge him and pushed in closer. It forced him to either back away, or accept the new closer proximity. He still hadn't moved. The heat between you was palpable and his dark eyes flickered with something unreadable. You squint at him, pressing closer to him and tilting your head. It's only a breath away from a kiss. You reach out and grab onto his damp collar, sending a mean gaze his way.
Instinctively, your hand raises from the blankets, abandoning your shield and grabbing onto the fabric of his collar. It was a dare for him to move first, and he only responded with a quirk of a brow and that growing smirk of his.
“Say it clearly, what you mean,” You insisted, your voice remained firm despite the pounding of your heart in your chest.
“Yes, I like you,” He admitted with a grin, pulling away from your hold.
Just like that, the tension built up between the two of you dissipated. Before you can fully react he had already slipped through your fingers and left behind the ghost of his warmth that had just been there. You blinked, momentarily stunned as he reached for the door. His confession laid out plain to you as he grabbed onto the handle of your door. You sit up to argue with him, anything to make him face you rather than admitting his feelings and running away from the scene like a kid on the playground.
Tugging on the handle, he tilted his head at you, “You should know how happy you make me. Every day, I look forward to seeing you– so yes, I lied about the shower,” He admitted easily, brushing a nervous hand through his hair, “Let's continue this conversation later, before you're tired.”
“You like me back, you really mean it?” You demand, sitting up from your spot on the bed and standing.
This moment felt too fleeting, too fragile. Worry flooded you he might slip away if you didn't move to act, now. The sheets pooled around you as you pushed yourself to your feed. You cross your room with quick determined steps, meeting him at the doorway before he could make his escape. You've caught him for now, even if he could press on the handle and easily escape. He willingly allowed himself to be trapped between you and the doorway instead. In a shift of his shoulder, he was suddenly closer to you all again.
“I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it,” He assured you, his voice low and steady.
It carried none of the teasing from before, and he lifted a hand to gently tap the tip of your nose with his finger, “You realize you're starting this confrontation in your pajamas?”
You blinked, momentarily caught off guard. Your oversized sleep shirt draped over you more like a dress, bunched up awkwardly around your sides. Your shirts were nearly hidden beneath the hem of your short. It was hardly the outfit for demanding things out of him. Heat crept up the sides of your neck and up to your cheeks, but you refused to let it shake you.
With a small huff you grabbed his wrist, not tightly or forcefully. Only just to be sure you would stop him from running off again. He'd gotten away one too many times, so you'd force him still for one moment longer. Even if he could easily break your grasp, he allowed it with an amused smile.
“You started all of this,” You pointed out and pressed back against his finger, “Now, you should conclude this properly.”
His eyes flickered with amusement for a moment as he hummed as if he was considering it for a long moment, glancing between you and the rest of your small room. Finally he decided to oblige you, he turned his hand to grab onto your wrist instead. He didn’t drop your gaze for a moment as he lifted your hand to his lips. Deliberately slow, he pressed a gentle kiss to the back of it. Just as quickly as it had started his touch was gone yet again. A kiss usually meant for royalty.
“There you are. Now, go to sleep,” He teased with no room for an argument, slipping out before you could speak back.
He left no room for argument. The realization of it all teased your stomach. Even better after all of this he liked you back. You found sleep somehow easier even with the anticipation of the future on your mind with the reassurance of his returned affections. You nod a bit sheepishly, a warm feeling bloomed in your chest with the reassurances the two of you would have something real. Letting go of him, you return to the side of the bed.
Seung-hyun left you to rest and you curled yourself beneath the sheets one final time before you could finally nap. Somehow even as you drifted to sleep, you knew it was only the beginning.
#choi seunghyun x reader#choi seung-hyun x reader#bigbang x reader#top x reader#kpop x reader#kpop#t.o.p x reader#t.o.p fanfic#choi seunghyun fanfic#big bang x reader
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Lets Vlog!
Content ; you were a famous vlogger, and many of your fans had been requesting a vlog featuring you and your boyfriend, Choi Seunghyun.

You never told your fans that you were taking up their request for this vlog. Instead, you decided to surprise them with it this friday. So you let your boyfriend, seunghyun about the planned vlog in advance so he could make time for it.
THURSDAY 27/02/2025
You set your camera in front of the kitchen counter, placing it on a tripod to perfectly capture both you and your boyfriend, seunghyun, who was still on his way to your house to record the vlog.
As the doorbell rang, you quickly walked to the door and let him in. he greeted you with a warm smile, holding up a bag of ingredients he had brought for the vlog.
‘’Thought we might need a little extra’’ he said with a playful grin.
You laughed, stepping aside to let him in. ‘’I already set up the camera, so we're all set to start.’’
He slipped off his shoes and followed you to the kitchen, glancing at the tripod.
‘’Looks professional’’ he teased. ‘’Are we aiming for a Michelin-starred dish today?’’
You rolled your eyes with a chuckle. ‘’Let’s just try not to burn anything.’’
With everything ready, you both started the vlog. You introduced the vlog with a bright smile, explaining that you would be baking cookies together. seunghyun stood beside you, listening attentively as you briefly went over the recipe. The atmosphere was light and comfortable, with occasional glances exchanged between you two as you prepared to start.
Just as you reached for the mixing bowl, seunghyun stopped you, holding up an apron and a chef’s hat with a playful grin but before you could react, he placed the hat on your head, adjusting it slightly as you burst into laughter. you knelt down, laughing and he took the opportunity to slip the apron over your head and tie it around your waist.
‘‘Hold still’’ he teased, making sure it was secure before stepping back to admire his work.
Once he had his own apron on, he gave a satisfied nod. ‘’Now we are ready!’’ he announced confidently.
Still giggling, you got up, adjusting the hat before finally reaching for the mixing bowl to start baking.
you measured out the flour while Seunghyun grabbed the butter and sugar, ready to help. The sound of utensils clinking, soft mixing, and the rustling of packaging filled the kitchen as you both worked together.
‘’Is this the right amount of butter?’’ he asked, holding the measuring spoon as he looked at you for confirmation.
You leaned under his arm to check, tilting your head as you eyed the butter in the bowl. Your shoulder brushed against his, and you squinted slightly before nodding.
He noticed your hands cramping as you mixed, and without a word, he stepped behind you, caging you between him and the counter. Gently, he took the whisk from your hands and set them aside before starting to mix the batter himself.
You huffed playfully and gave him a light push, though he barely budged. Rolling your eyes, you reached for his sleeves, carefully rolling them up so the batter wouldn’t get on them.
He glanced down at you with a smirk. ‘’Taking care of me now?’’
You scoffed, brushing some flour off his arm. ‘’Just making sure you don’t make a mess.’’
With a chuckle, he focused back on mixing while you leaned against the counter, watching him work.
You made your way to the oven with the tray of neatly arranged unbaked cookies, carefully opening the door to slide them in. As you placed the tray in the oven and set the timer, seunghyun slowly stepped away from the camera. At first, you didn’t pay much attention, but when you turned around, you noticed his gaze fixed on something, your guitar.
Noticing this, you walked up to the counter and leaned against it, glancing at him from a distance with curiosity. You didn’t say anything, simply watching as he reached out to take it.
‘’Haha, you put that sticker of me on your guitar?!’’ seunghyun suddenly exclaimed, his amused laughter breaking the silence.
You watched as he leaned in, tracing his fingers over the small sticker of himself stuck onto the body of your guitar. His expression shifted between surprise and amusement, a playful grin forming on his lips as he turned to look at you.
Crossing your arms, you smirked. ‘’Noticed that, huh?’’
He chuckled, shaking his head. ‘’Wow… you really admire me, don’t you?’’ he teased, shooting you a smug look.
Rolling your eyes, you grabbed a kitchen towel and playfully tossed it at him. ‘’Just put the guitar down and help me clean up!’’
Once the kitchen was cleaned, the timer went off, signaling that the cookies were ready. seunghyun grabbed a pair of oven mitts and carefully took out the tray, the warm, golden-brown cookies filling the kitchen with a delicious aroma. He placed the tray on the counter, stepping back slightly to admire the freshly baked batch.
Meanwhile, you reached into the cupboard, pulling out an assortment of icing and decorations. Setting them beside the cookies, you smiled, already imagining how fun it would be to decorate them together.
seunghyun raised an eyebrow, eyeing the colorful icing tubes. ‘’You trust me with this part?’’ he asked, a teasing grin forming on his lips.
You laughed, handing him one of the icing tubes. ‘’Let’s see how artistic you really are.’’
You both focused on decorating, the kitchen filled with quiet concentration, interrupted only by the soft sound of icing being squeezed onto cookies. seunghyun worked quickly, finishing his cookie before you and without saying a word, he lifted it slightly, tilting it toward the camera to show that he was done.
After quietly showing the camera his finished cookie, he placed it down and rested his forearms on the counter. He glanced at you, watching as you carefully added the finishing touches to yours.
A small smile played on his lips before he shifted, moving behind you and without a word, he leaned against your back, his arms gently wrapping around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder. You paused for a moment, feeling the warmth of his presence, but continued decorating, pretending not to be affected. He stayed there, comfortably close, watching your hands as you finished up.
It had been almost an hour of decorating, laughter, and quiet concentration. You were finally on the last cookie, carefully adding the final touches.
Just as you focused on the details, seunghyun quietly stepped away from the counter, moving off-camera. You didn’t think much of it until you noticed the slight shift in the angle of the lighting.
Glancing up, you saw him holding the camera, bringing it closer to you. He adjusted the focus, capturing you from a new angle as you worked.
‘’Take a look at this cutie working super hard’’ he murmured, his voice laced with quiet amusement.
And right at that moment, as if on cue, the icing tube suddenly burst, spilling icing all over your hands and the cookie.
Seunghyun, holding the camera, stayed silent for a moment before slowly zooming in on your face.
You turned to the lens with wide, pleading eyes and whimpered, ‘’Oh no…’’
That was all it took for him to burst into laughter, the camera shaking slightly as he struggled to hold it steady.
Still zoomed in on your distressed expression, he teased, ‘’This is definitely going in the final edit.’’
You both wrapped up the vlog with a cute and heartfelt goodbye before you turned off the camera. With a cookie still in his mouth, seunghyun pulled you into his arms, holding you close.
‘’I still have the rest of the day off, you know?’’ he murmured, his voice slightly muffled.
You looked up at him with a smile. ‘’Movie?’’
He smiled, picking up the cookie tray and moving to the couch, still holding you tight against him.
Later that night, you sat down to edit the video and scheduled it to upload on friday which was tomorrow.
#bigbang x reader#choi seunghyun x reader#kpop#choi seunghyun#top x reader#top#bigbang#big bang x reader#kpop fanfic#fanfic#imagine#x you fluff
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don't look back [part two] | kwon ji-yong (g dragon)

・❥・ summary: after walking out on jiyong, you were heartbroken hiding away in your house until you get an unexpected visitor on your doorstep. ・❥・word count: 1.6k ・❥・warnings: nothing, really! angst and fluff ・❥・ authors note: this is part two to a collab with my best friend and the ultimate g dragon lover @ldydeath <3 PART ONE HERE
Weeks had passed since the last conversation with Jiyong. The second you had given him his ring back, you’d walked away and never turned back. The way he’d treated you, the way he’d talked to you — it wasn’t okay. Maybe leaving had been an overreaction but he had hurt you. Tour was stressful and Jiyong always put so much pressure on himself but all you had wanted was to be there for him. Instead, it had turned into the worst trip of your life. What had meant to be a happy few weeks with the love of your life had turned into you losing him. There were no words to describe the ache in your heart. It was like someone had taken a hammer and smashed it into little pieces. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t piece it back together. Only one person could but you hadn’t heard a word from him since that day.
Your friends had told you he was miserable — working himself to the bone so that he didn’t have to think about what he’d lost. The second he stopped was the second he realised his life was worthless without you in it. What could he do, though? He has been awful to you when all you had done was care about him. He didn’t mean it; you had caught him on a really bad day and he’d let his emotions get the better of him. He’d never forgive himself for how he’d treated you.
As the days passed it only became more and more evident to you how badly you needed him. He was a part of you, a part of everything you held so dear and close. It felt like something was missing, emptiness consuming your every thought. The idea of flying to wherever he was and trying to talk to him had floated around in your head but you couldn’t. What if he didn’t want to see you? It could end up like last time and make everything so much worse. Actually, maybe you had done that by giving him the ring back. Now all you could do was sit and get lost in your own pit of self loathing and misery. Time heals all wounds — that’s what everyone said but you weren’t sure it would heal this one.
Cocooning yourself in your blankets on the couch surrounded by all your favourite snacks had become your routine. Thank the stars that work had decided you could keep working from home. There was no way you were in any fit state to go into the office and be face to face with anyone. In fact, when you had come home, you’d taken those first few days off which was unusual for you. There was nothing that usually stopped you but apparently a broken heart could tear even the strongest people down.
There was a knock on the door which caused your head to snap up instantly. Who could that even be? As far as you knew you weren’t expecting anything and most people knew not to bother you right now. The first thought was to ignore it so you kept your eyes glued to the television screen until the knock sounded again. Okay, whoever it was they were being persistent. Very reluctantly, you got to your feet, holding your hoodie – well, it was actually Jiyong’s that you’d stolen weeks ago to sleep in while he was gone – tight to you, the sleeves coming past your hands.
Opening the door, your eyes almost comically widened at the person stood in front of you.
There he stood, a bouquet of your favourite flowers in his hand, shyly glancing at you. All it took was one look at him to know that he was nervous, more so than usual. He was the last person you had expected to show up on the doorstep. Sure, it was your shared place – you both lived there and he could’ve easily let himself in but he still had tour dates left overseas. He shouldn’t be here. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you took in his appearance. The dark bags under his eyes showed that he wasn’t sleeping, he wasn’t taking care of himself and that hurt more than anything else. All you ever wanted was the best for him despite everything that happened.
“What are you doing here?” You couldn’t help the quiet question falling from your lips.
“...I needed to see you,” he took a step forward, his shaky hands holding out the flowers for you. “I know it’s stupid and flowers aren’t going to make up for everything I said but…”
Gently, you took them from his hand, your fingers lightly brushing against his; that spark that always ignited whenever you touched him shooting through your body. “They’re beautiful.”
Silence fell between you, the air thick with tension. There was so much to say, so many things that had been left unspoken. Your eyes found the ring that he still had on his pinky finger. At least he hadn’t taken it off or got rid of it.
“I’m so-”
“You can come in. It’s your place, too.”
You didn’t mean to cut him off but you couldn’t hear the words ‘I’m sorry’. Anyone could say them but it didn’t make them true. Actions and words spoke louder than a simple phrase. Turning your back, you headed towards the kitchen to place the flowers down. Once they were on the counter, you were about to grab a vase to place them in but Jiyong’s fingers wrapped around your arm softly, turning you to face him. Your breath caught in your throat as you almost pressed against his chest. It had been so long since you’d been this close to him. Every nerve ending was on fire, it was hard to not reach out and caress him especially with that sad frown plastered on his face.
“Nothing will ever make up for what I said to you and I’m so, so sorry that I acted the way I did. That isn’t me – you know it isn’t. If there's one thing in this world that I know, it’s that I love you. I want a life with you. Everything I have is meaningless without you by my side and I messed that up. I hurt your feelings, I said things that I didn’t mean. I was just… in a bad place. I should’ve talked to you instead of pushing you away but I did the worst thing imaginable. I’ll spend forever making it up to you if I have to,” his words were rushed, quiet. The emotion weighed heavy in them, you could see how much he meant them, how much pain he was in just by the look in his eyes.
“You basically said what I was giving you wasn’t good enough, Jiyong. I was giving you everything and so much more and if that’s not good enough, I don’t know what is. I love you so much but is that enough for you?” Tears had started to fall without you even realising. It only made it worse when Jiyong stepped closer, the pad of his thumb brushing away the tears from your cheeks. “I want to be with you but I need to know that it’s enough. That I’m enough.”
“You are enough. You are more than enough. I’m just an idiot. I was caught up in my own head and letting the bad thoughts win. How you make me feel, what you give to me? It’s always been enough. Please trust me when I say that. I want to be with you. I want a life with you. I want to marry you, give you everything you deserve.”
Knowing Jiyong for as long as you had, you could tell when he was lying and right now? He was more than telling the truth. He was bearing his heart and soul, putting all his feelings out there. Being vulnerable was hard for anyone but especially for Jiyong so to see him standing there trying, it made it a little better. Just a little. There was still a long way to go yet.
“I wish you’d just talk to me when you get those thoughts. Stop hiding in yourself. I’m here for you. I don’t care if we’re in different countries or timezones, you can always call me. I need you to keep being open with me like this. If things are going to work with us again then we need an open line of communication and honesty.”
“I will, I swear from now on, I will. What happened will never happen again. I promise to you, baby. If I ever treat you that way again, I’ll get Youngbae to beat me up.”
That caused you to giggle a little. The tension slowly easing from the room, a feeling of ease once again settling between you. “He is the third best fighter after all.”
Jiyong smiled, a real smile, one of his hands slowly sliding down to rest on your hip. “Does this mean I have another chance?”
“Yeah, I love you Kwon Jiyong but mess up again and that’s it.”
He didn’t say another word but instead he dropped down to one knee, taking the ring off his pinky finger as he held your hand. The stupidest grin was plastered on his tired face as he looked up at you. “Will you marry this stupid idiot?”
“Yes, now get up, you idiot,” you laughed, taking his face in your hands and pressing your lips to his for the first time in weeks. His arms winded around you, pulling you flush against him. A sigh of content passed his lips, his eyes closing as he let himself get lost in you. This was where he was always meant to be. With you and he’d make sure to never, ever mess that up again.
taglist (ask to be added!): @ldydeath @infinetlyforgotten @mirahyun @mattsturniolosbabymama
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I think I need myself some secret romance T.O.P and GD's little sister

Discretion ? I don't think So
Hello ! So, first of all, I'm sorry for the wait, it often take me some time to do the request cause I need time to think and get inspired. The challenge with that was to make it in one part so it's more of a relation than romance. Otherwise for a fanfiction it probably could have been a cute Slow Burn. I hope you will still Like it. TW : Not full Smut but mention of it.
You stepped out of the train and directly rushed into Jiyong's arms when you noticed him. Since you didn't live at Seoul and didnt have a car Yet, when you want to visit your brother, you always take the train and of course, he’s always there to bring you at the train station. With all the fame Big bang has, having you around is always a little bit dangerous. Even If you are G-Dragon's little sister and all the fanbase knows about you, sneaking you into the house is not that easy. After all, your brother lives with other guys and if the fans came to know about you staying with them even for vacation, that could be a problem. Who knows what can happen in those walls. And actually, The fanbase wouldn't be wrong this time. After all, you are secretly in a relationship with Seung Hyun for almost a year now and even your own brother doesn't know about it. When You visit him at Seoul, it's of course to see and spend time with him but also with your boyfriend. When you can’t do a trip to Seoul, it happen that Seung Hyun come to see you or his days off and pass two or three day at your place and as much as you like to have him around, it’s kinda hard since you can’t do activities like a normal couple outside of the horse so you prefer to see him at Seoul. It’s easier to plan things and have more privacy. On your way to the boys house, you talk with Ji Yong about recent things that happened at work and some drama around it. You said how some coworkers are annoying, asking you out again and again, making him laugh.
_Why are you Laughing ? _They seem to like you a lot to ask you again and again. Why do you not accept to just go out with one of them ? _Well, because… I don’t want a Boyfriend. I need to focus on my work and I don’t want any distraction. And if things didn’t end well, I don’t want things to be weird or the other coworker to involve themselves into everything. _Yeah, now that you mention it, it’s totally fair.
It’s kinda hard to not be able to say to Him that you already have a Boyfriend. Normally I would have been the first to know, but since this person is a member of his group, you prefer to keep it secret to avoid potential problems. As much as you wish to marry Seung Hyun and end your life with him, you are still careful cause you both don’t want to create issues if your relationship has to come to an end.
Once you entered the boys house, you could smell something nice in the air and smiled. Daesung and Taeyang, who were playing video Games came to greet you and hugged you. Seung Hyun was the last one to come see you and when you saw him, you couldn’t help it and smiled more. He wore a dirty apron, making you guess he was one who cooked tonight. He does that often when he comes to see you at your place. Actually He never let you cook when he’s around. You hope it’s not cause once Ji Yong told everyone you messed up some easy recipes like rice or eggs. You even burned some cookies you had made for school when you were sixteen. Now you are way better at cooking things since you live alone.
_What are you making for us Tonight, Seung Hyun ? Asked your brother _Oh, you're gonna see. Something you will probably enjoy, he answered as he gave you a look. _And How do you know she will ? _You talk about her so much, I start to guess what she will like, he answered before his eyes went back to you. You will have to excuse me for not giving you a hug like the others did, I'm sort of… dirty. _It’s fine, let’s save this for later, you answered with a smile. Do you need help in the kitchen? _Hell No, answered Ji Yong, I would like to still have a Kitchen by the end of the evening. Let Seung Hyun handle it while we go put your stuff in your room.
The boys laugh at your brother’s comment and you blush,embarrassed. Your brother let you use Taeyang old room. Since he lives with his wife now, this room is empty most of the time and almost became yours. You planned to stay a week so you packed a lot of outfits and even some more… revealing, hoping to have at least one moment alone with your boyfriend. As you put everything in the drawers, someone knocked at your door before it open. You turn around to see who it was and smile when you notice Seung Hyun. He had removed his dirty apron. You didn’t lose time and threw yourself in his arms, hugging him tightly as he hug you back.
_I missed you, you said. _I missed you too.
You stayed a little more in his arms before he let you go. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back to your clothes duties.
_For how long did you plan to stay, he asked. _A week, at least. I took vacation from work because I wanted to spend more time with you. I hope it’s okay.. _Of course, We will figure out when we can have a little date.
You both heard Ji Yong's voice from the kitchen, saying the meal will burn if Seung Hyun does not come back to watch after it. You rolled your eyes as your boyfriend opened the door.
_See you later, love, He said before leaving.
The first evening you had with the guys was fun. Seung Hyun's food was delicious as alway, he even cooked cookies. He was right about how much you will enjoy it, cause you did. After dinner, you helped the boys to clean the kitchen and discussed having a game night. Taeyang refused, saying he had to go home, but all the others agreed. Ji Yong and Daesung left to go grab some snacks at the grocery store, leaving you alone with Seung Hyun. You quickly decided to go take a shower. As you undressed in the bathroom, the door behind you slowly opened before you could feel your boyfriend’s arms around you and his lips on your naked shoulder. You shiver and smile.
_Want to take a Shower with me ? You asked softly. _I would love to, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. The guys will come back soon.
You turned around and passed your arms around his neck, still smiling.
_So we're gonna have to make it quick.
You pressed your Lips against SeungHyun's, as your fingers slided in his air. His hands on your hips pulled you closer to him as he answered your kiss. You slowly take a step back, still holding him, carefulling making your way to the shower, your lips still glued to his. When you were close enough, your hands went down to the base of his top and removed it, pulling away from his lips before you crashed it back to it.
_Okey, You win, Go first, I will join you in a minute, said Seun Hyun against your lips.
You pulled away, smiling before you started the shower and entered it. When your boyfriend was ready, he joined you in it and pushed you against the cold wall of the shower. His lips came back to yours and you quickly started to forget that you had to make it really quick. The room was filled by the steam of the shower but also from the heat of your bodies collapsing against each other. Once you finished ‘’ taking a shower ‘’ you got out and rolled yourself in a big towel as Seung hyun put his around his hips. He gently kissed you on the forehead and left the room first. That’s when you heard your brother’s voice coming from the living room.
_What about time guys. You could have told us at least that you wanted to be alone.
Seung hyun had frozen in the living room when he noticed JiYong and Daesung on the couch. You felt your cheeks burning and you quickly put on your pyjama before getting out of the bathroom to join them in the living room. This time, you had nothing to say. No excuses could be used.
_From how long have you been back ? You asked _Long enough to hear things I would like to never hear again. But at least we had our headphones.
You looked at Seung Hyun, he looked as embarrassed as you.
_I know you guys are a thing but next time, warn us. Since when ? Asked your boyfriend _I had my doubts when Once a month your snapchat map says you are at my sister’s house. And We also caught you when we came back from the studio and you were asleep on the couch last time Y/N visited. And after today I can be certain that discretion is not your thing at all.
As much embarrassed you felt, you were sort of happy that your brother knew. You will not have to hide anymore in front of him or any other group member, at least.
#x reader#t.o.p x reader#t.o.p bigbang#kwon jiyong#g dragon#big bang#big bang x reader#choi seunghyun x reader#top x reader#request
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Valentine's day ideas go!
Character reacts to you getting them flowers
Character reacts to you wearing a ball gown
What flower character would get you
What would character do to celebrate Valentine's day
Character x reader Valentine's day smut 👀
Character eats aphrodisiac chocolate 👀
Character reacts to reader drinking a love potion that intensifys readers crush into obsession(or reverse it)
Character reacts to reader kissing them all over their face leaving lipstick marks
Character x reader who switches genders (or once again reverse it to character switching genders)
Proposal type one shot
For murderous cannibal characters, they react to reader gifting them a heart, idk that seems like something Hannibal would enjoy
#jessiesworks#fem reader#male reader#gn reader#reader x jjk#haikyuu x reader#slashers x reader#reader x anyone#percy jackson x reader#reader x mha#reader x#teen wolf x reader#reader x character#bimbo reader x cod#dexter morgan x reader#obey me x reader#top male reader x#shadowhunters x reader#todoroki rei x reader#x reader#clarisse la rue x reader#daemon targaryen x reader#chuckle sandwich x reader#dead by daylight x reader#ghostface x reader#reader x modern warfare#friends x reader#big bang x reader#tv show x reader
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Hi babies!! Thank you so much for all the sweet comments and notes on my silly little story. I’m happy you guys enjoyed it and I want you to know that I have a ton of ideas brewing for the next part.
Since I’m trying to insert the reader into different aspects of Seunghyun’s (and BigBang’s) life throughout the years, I’m thinking about writing snippets of different eras instead of a novel length story (because it would be over 100k and idk if anyone wants to read that lmfao).
Here are a few of the ideas I’ve got rolling around in my brain; feel free to vote on what you want to see next and I’ll take it from there 😋
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I was thinking of writing some bigbang and squid game imagines would anyone read them?? 🤍
#big bang x reader#top x reader#top bigbang#gdragon#gdragon x reader#kwon jiyong#dong youngbae#daesung#taeyang#bigbang#t.o.p bigbang#thanos squid game#squid game 2#seong gi hun x reader#in ho x reader#nam gyu x reader#player 230
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Credits to the respective editor
#bigbang x reader#g dragon#g dragon x reader#kwon jiyong#kwon jiyong x reader#big bang x reader#choi seunghyun#g dragon imagines#we love this man
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Relaxation Technique
G-Dragon x Reader
Warnings: Pure fluff.
Summary: You relax with your boyfriend
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this, I once again put two requests in one bc it seemed to fit well, so I hope both of my lovely Anon's enjoy!<3
You show up at Jiyong’s door with snacks in hand. It takes him mere seconds to open it and he gives you a smile before pulling you inside.
“What’s up babe?” He takes the bag from you and you give each other a kiss. You let out a dramatic sigh.
“I need a break from reality. My brain is fried,” you admit. He gives you a big bear hug and you both make your way to the couch.
“You want to talk about it?” you smile as you grab a blanket and lay with him on the couch.
“Yeah, actually,” you snuggle up to your boyfriend as you begin to recount the drama to your friends.
“So, Zoe is dating Karlyee’s ex, right,” Jiyong nods listening intently,” mind you Karlyee and Trevor haven’t been together in over a year, but I swear she still has a thing for him.”
“So anyway, now Karlyee is saying Zoe never really cared about her or her feelings, even accused her of flirting with him while they were together.” Jiyong stays silent letting you vent.
“So long story short they want me to pick a side, which I refuse to do. To their faces at least.” This elicits a small chuckle from him.
“So do you have a side?” He quirks a brow.
“I agree with both of them to an extent. I mean, girl code, you don’t date your friends ex.” He nods as a movie plays in the background.
“But,” you take a brief pause, “It’s been over a year and it’s not like Karlyee didn’t know Zoe was interested in Trevor, they talked about it and she said she didn’t care if they dated.”
“So you think they’re both wrong and right?”
“Basically, I honestly just want to stay out of it. It makes my brain hurt,” you feign a headache for dramatic effect, causing him to breathe out a laugh. You both focus your attention on the movie, trying to forget about the petty drama.
“I’m getting hungry, you want something to eat,” Jiyong asks but he see’s your so relaxed you’ve ended up falling asleep against his chest. He smiles to himself as he kisses the top of your head. Part of him was happy you were relaxed, but he could sense the toll this was taking on you. You weren’t one for confrontation.
“Jagiya,” he whispers.
“Hmm,” you whine half asleep.
“I’m going to make us some dinner,” he chuckles.
“Ok,” you reluctantly sit up and let him off the couch. You pick up your phone to see a text from your friend Zoe.
She’s literally insane. I’ve done nothing wrong. She called me a whore and a boyfriend stealer and blocked me. WTF. You agree with me, don't you?
You sigh and run your hand through your hair. Then your phone vibrates again.
Zoe is literally horrible. I mean, come on, he’s my ex. How could she do this to me??? You're on my side, right?
You groan and dramatically flop the top half of your body against the couch.
“More drama?” Jiyong pokes his head into the living room.
“Yeah,” you say staring at the ceiling. He walks over and opens your phone.
“What are you doing?” He doesn’t answer but you hear the sound of a sent text message. He hands your phone back to you
“What did,” you stare at the message that was sent to your friends.
Figure it out for yourselves and leave her out of it. Don’t make her choose when she isn’t part of the problem. It's stressing her. She'll be busy the rest of the night. – Jiyong
Your heart flutters a little as you smile at him.
“Thanks,” you mutter as you stand up and stretch.
“You want to stay over tonight?” he asks as you both walk into the kitchen.
“Yeah, that sounds great.” You yawn. You help him finish making dinner and you both eat. You notice Jiyong rushing a little and you know he never rushes through a meal unless he has some kind of idea.
“What cha got cooking up in that head of yours?” you ask suspiciously.
“You’ll see,” he smiles as he finishes.
“Wait here, I’ll be back in no time.” He grabs his keys and leaves the apartment. He’s back within minutes with a bag and a wine bottle. He strides into the bathroom locking the door and you tilt your head in confusion. You hear soft music begin to play and the water flow in the tub. You smile to yourself as you realize what he’s doing.
“Come on,” he beckons you to him once he comes out. You walk in and see a romantic looking bath complete with rose petals and candles. You gasp quietly as you feel his hands wrap around your waist.
“You like it,” he mumbles in your ear as he places a tender kiss to the side of your neck.
“You didn’t have to do this,” you breathe out as you hug his arms around you.
“I know, but my baby’s tense." He begins to help you undress and you step into the scalding water.
“Wait, are you going to join me?” He lifts a brow.
“I can if you want.” You nod enthusiastically. He undresses himself and slides in behind you, wrapping his arms around you holding you. The both of you are silent for a moment, just taking in the moment of intimacy he’s created for you.
As you play with his fingers you get an idea. Before he realizes what happening you’re kissing his tattoo on his finger. He watches you closely as you make your way to his arm feathering kisses until you get to his other tattoos. You trace a few with your tongue, looking up at him through your lashes and he’s watching you with pure concentration. You leave open mouth kisses up his arm and ghost your lips over his before kissing either side of the wings on his neck. He lets out a soft moan at the feeling and his hands kneed your thighs making you smile against his skin.
You giggle in response to him and continue your assault on his body, slowly and carefully kissing and licking over each tattoo with precision. Once you finish you wrap your arms around his neck and you rest your forehead against his.
“Thank you for this, for today,” you whisper. He kisses your nose.
“You don’t have to thank me; it’s my job to make sure you’re good. To take care of you,” he plants a meaningful kiss on your lips.
“Now, let’s finish what we started,” he smirks before feathering his own kisses down your neck.
If you enjoyed, consider buying me a coffee
#g dragon#g dragon fanfic#big bang#g dragon fic#big bang x reader#g dragon x reader#kwon jiyong x reader#kwon jiyong#big bang fic#kpop fanfic#kpop#kpop scenarios#masked crawford#kpop imagines#kpop fluff#kpop x reader#x reader fluff#x reader#x y/n#x y/n fluff#fluff#g dragon fluff#kwon jiyong fic#kwon jiyong fluff#big bang imagines
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Too Fast to Live | Kwon Ji-yong (G-Dragon)
Summary: Jiyong is busy on tour while you’re busy with work. You finally find time to come see him, but Jiyong gives you a fright when he’s too exhausted to keep up with his demanding schedule.
Warnings: fainting, but that’s about it.
With the MADE tour being in full swing you and Jiyong hadn’t been able to see each other much. This was something you’d discussed a lot prior to the tour kick off and despite the odds and distance you two had decided to make it work. You two had been together for a little over a year now and loved each other too much to walk away despite busy schedules.
Every chance you got you were making stops along the world tour, living for the days your schedules aligned perfectly and you got more than a few hours together. When Jiyong had first left you’d thought this was going to be the longest year of your life, but truthfully with how busy you’d also been the past year, the tour was flying by.
You and Jiyong would facetime after every show, regardless of what time zone you were in. You honestly didn’t mind being woken up at all hours of the night, not when it meant you got to wake up to the most beautiful face you’d ever seen. Your phone buzzed on your nightstand, your arm moving out of the comfort of the warm blankets to fish around for it. Your peaked open one eye to check the notification, a grin quickly crossing your face when you saw who it was. “Hi handsome.” Your voice raspy from sleep and Jiyong’s face came into view. “I woke you?” He frowned as if this wasn’t an almost daily occurrence at this point.
Jiyong was almost done with the tour which meant his nights were early morning for you. “It’s fine, I need to be up soon anyway to head to the airport.” You shrugged, sitting up fully in bed. His frown turning to a smile at the mention of your trip. You’d be back in his arms in 24 hours and he couldn’t wait to see you. “How’d it go tonight?” You took a minute to look him over, noting how exhausted he looked - even on a grainy screen. “It was good. Just a lot, again.”
You knew what he was referring to, Jiyong had been struggling for a while now with the extended set time he was on stage, but in true Jiyong fashion, he wasn’t willing to press the matter. “You need to rest, Ji. Try to take it easy tonight?” You knew his nightly routine by now - dinner with the guys, a quick call to you, and then he’d be locked in his room until morning. That didn’t mean you didn’t worry about him, because of course you did. “I am resting, look!” He moved his phone showing off his bed and you rolled your eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I have to get going, ok? I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.” He pouted on the other end but nodded in understanding, “I love you too.”
The next twenty four hours passed pretty slowly , thanks to spending most of it in the air. You’d been antsy the entire flight and practically ran to baggage claim. Jiyong had sent a car, not being able to pick you up himself. You practically jumped out of the car while it was still moving when you pulled up to the venue, Jiyong waiting outside for you. He let out a laugh as you leaped into his arms, pulling him in for a bone crushing hug. “Hi you.” He grinned as he held you tightly. “I’ve missed you.” You practically melted in his arms at his words and pulled back to take him in. He looked well, more rested since your previous conversation and you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. “I missed you too.” Jiyong leaned down, pressing his lips to yours but before you could deepen the kiss behind you brought you both back to reality.
“Hate to break up the happy reunion but we’re needed for sound check.” Seunghyun offered you a friendly smile before pulling Jiyong away from you. You grabbed your bags and found your way to Jiyong’s dressing room. You had about an hour to kill while sound check was going on and decided a nap would do you some good if you even wanted to make it to show time. Kicking off your shoes, you plugged your phone into the nearest port, texting your family to let them know you’d made it in and curled up on the couch, falling fast asleep.
You awake an hour later to Jiyong pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “Hi” you whispered, whipping your eyes, sitting up fully. “You look tired.” You frowned, noticing the fast difference in his appearance. “Just what every guy wants to hear” he teased as he moved to open the door, letting in his glam team. “Oh, stop, you know what I mean.” You rolled your eyes, playfully at him. The next couple hours went by quickly as you watched your boyfriend get ready for show time.
“Ready?” You asked as you both made your way towards the other guys. He nodded, words failing him. Despite how many times Jiyong was on stage he still got nervous right before going on. You squeezed his hand, a reassuring smile on your lips as the guys came into view. “I’ll see you after.” You pecked his lips, said a quick hello to everyone and followed his team to your favorite spot backstage.
No matter how many times you watched this show you never got tired of it. You’d lost count by now how many times you’d seen it, and had come to enjoy memorizing every detail of the show. Zutter, which was arguably your favorite song, had just started and you sucked in a breath. This was the part of the show Jiyong had been complaining to you about the whole tour. Jiyong, as usual, killed it and the show continued on. But as the intro for Bae Bae started you noticed your boyfriend walking towards you. That wasn’t right. Before you knew it he collapsed in front of you. “Jiyong!” You shouted. Before you could get to him the crew had surrounded him. Your heart raced as you watched them fan him off, helping him change into his jacket. As he stood back up, your hand brushed his gently and he offered you a small smile before rushing back onstage.
A few minutes later, he was back on the ground in front of you, this time you refused to be pushed to the back. You brushed his hair out of his face, pleading for him to wake back up. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as he came too. You, as well as the crew helped him to a sitting position and your hand went to rest on his as you handed him water, trying your best to not show the panic on your face. “You don’t have to finish, they can do without you.” He shook his head as he gulped down the water. “Have to finish.”
You knew that would always be his answer and as much as you didn’t want him to go back out there, you helped him to his feet anyway. The dancers and Seunghyun were close behind and you exchanged a look with his best friend. Begging him to take care of him out there. “You’re sure?” You asked and he replied with a nod, kissing your temple before turning back to the stage. You could tell he still wasn’t with it, sweat was dripping down his face as he took his place amongst the dancers.
Jiyong wasn’t going to disappoint his fans though, and proceeded to give it his all out there. You didn’t only thing you could, and watched on. You weren’t even sure you were breathing as the song came to an end. The lights dimmed and in a flash, he was backstage the rest of the guys left to entertain the crowd. You walked over to wear he was panting on the ground and kneeled down next to him, a rag in hand. “What do you need?” You whispered as you wiped the sweat off his face.
He shook his head, his hand coming to rest on his chest and he let out a shaky breath. “Just need a minute.” You nodded, your hand going to rest on his and let out a breath. You couldn’t remember a time in your life where you’d been this scared in your life. But he was here, he was talking, he’d be ok. As the guys came backstage you went to move so they could check on him, but Jiyong clutched your hand tightly, a pleading look in his eyes. “Stay.” You weren’t going anywhere.
After getting fully checked out, Jiyong decided he was well enough to finish the show, and you watched on nervously throughout the rest of the night. He seemed more like himself on stage. But he’d also seemed fine that morning and now you’d watched him faint twice. Once the show was over, he met you back in the dressing room, the exhaustion still evident on his face. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
He nodded, but before you could move his arms were back around you, his chin resting on your head. You wrapped your arms tightly around him, breathing in his scent. “Thank you for being here. I don’t know that I would’ve had the confidence to get back out there if you weren’t here. I promise I’ll take it easier on myself the rest of the tour. I love you.”
You nodded your head as he spoke, as horrible as the situation had been, you were just glad you could be there for him in some way. “I love you too. Are you sure you’re ok?” He smiled at you as he pulled away, “Yeah I’m good. I have you.” There it was again, those words that always made you melt. You grabbed his hand, leading him out of the room and towards the car. Even if the tour was almost over you vowed to yourself you’d do whatever it took to keep Jiyong healthy for the rest of the shows.
Tag list: @wcnderlnds @alosss-blog @sooyasya @dprvivi
#g dragon x reader#kwon ji yong x reader#gdragon x reader#kwon jiyong x reader#big bang x reader#g dragon#kwon jiyong#not my gif i found it on google if its yours let me know and i will credit u <3#tftl#my fics#divider by @cafekitsune#bigbang x reader
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Sick Simps (g-dragon x american popstar!reader)
i’m sick off my ass and wanna make an actual comfort fic like this but i am legit too exhausted sooo have this nonsense
#kwon jiyong x reader#gdragon x reader#bigbang x reader#gdragon#kwon jiyong#big bang x reader#kpop fluff#kpop x reader#kwon jiyong smau#fake texts
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playing pretend
pairing: choi seung-hyun x reader word count: 2557 summary: When you just try to enjoy your day at a bar you're bothered by your ex, so you ask Choi Seung-hyun to help avoid them. content: fake dating trope, alcohol, strangers to (fake) lovers
( ao3 link )
The bar you'd chosen for the night thrummed with low music and quiet conversation. The slow pulse of a bass-heavy song lingered in your ribs, buzzing against your skin. Overhead, dim golden lights hung low and cast hazy reflections against the polished counter. The faint scent of whiskey and something musky clung to the air, mixing in with the occasional clatter of glasses from the bartender’s study hands.
The crowd was sparse, just enough to make the place feel more intimate than you prepared. You sat by the bar, sipping through your drink before a figure poked out from the crowd. You were enjoying your drink, letting the warmth settle in your chest, when a shadow flickered at the edge of your vision. The moment your gaze landed on them, a heavy weight settled in your stomach.
Suddenly, the sickly sweet aftertaste of the alcohol you'd sipped on was sticking to the roof of your mouth, burning the back of your throat. Your grip went stiff around the glass, your knuckles paling. You tore your gaze away before they could catch you looking, but the damage was done. None other than your ex had decided to sour the night in an instant. You pressed your palms onto the table, close to making a break for it.
No. You wouldn't let them ruin a good time, especially when you'd gotten here first. You avoided glancing back at them, instead focusing on the man who had just slid into the seat beside yours.
Choi Seung-hyun.
Of course, you knew who he was. Anyone with half a sense of pop culture would recognize him, it was no wonder he would pick a less popular venue. To avoid the prying eyes of the media and crazed fans. His presence had a quiet gravity as if he could change the mood of the room without even trying. Still, he managed to lighten up the heavy atmosphere that took hold over the room.
Your eyes bugged out for a moment. Instead of gawking you gave him a polite nod, not wanting to make the idol uncomfortable as much as you felt close to fumbling over yourself. He was a person, just like you were.
“You don't look like you’re having fun,” He mused, tilting his head as his eyes flickered toward your barely touched drink.
You exhaled sharply and glanced toward the table where your ex still sat, “Just bad company.”
His gaze followed yours, lingering for a moment before turning back to you. He leaned in slightly, his elbows propped up on the counter. The corners of his lips quirked up into a small smirk.
“Ah, that kind of night?” He quickly became comfortable beside you, breaking his concentration to tap at the counter.
The bartender attended to him, taking his order quickly. You weren't sure what made you admit why you'd come, if only for how reassuring his presence managed to be. Silence passed as his drink slid across the counter to him and he took a sip of it, peering back to you. The way he looked at you had you speaking before you could second-guess yourself.
“Be my date.”
Seunghyun blinked, caught off guard, “You want me to be your date?” His expression melted into a small smile, his eyes crinkling, “To make them jealous?”
“Maybe I want to remind them what they lost,” You shrug, playing nonchalant.
You were certain this wouldn't work. Seung-hyun would laugh you out of the bar or politely turn your offer down. It was a ridiculous thing to ask if someone who had the media breathing down his neck, had all eyes on him. You grab your drink and quickly take a sip to steady yourself. You could practically hear the cogs in the other man’s head turning. Beside you, Seung-hyun broke it with a low, rich laugh. The sound made you want to lean in just a little closer.
“So, you want to give them something to watch?” He asked, tipping his glass toward you.
Surprised at his seeming eagerness, you nod slowly, not quite sure what he meant by it. His grin spread out wider and his hand slipped around your waist, scooting himself closer beside you. The edges of your chairs met and he was warm. Dangerously, his hand closed around the side of your waist and held onto you there.
Outside of this moment, Seung-hyun was an idol, a name, and a presence larger than life. Here in the dim glow of the bar, he was just a man warmed up easily to your side. It was easy to forget under the heat of his gaze this was all just an act.
A flush rose to your cheeks and you pressed into his side. Playing into the show he was putting on, as flustered as you felt at the moment. He raised his glass between the two of you for a cheer before throwing back his drink, exhaling hard as he set the glass back down. Through the reflection, you spot the mischief in his eyes.
“You're selling this, you know,” He leaned in to purr into your ear, teasing you.
You couldn't help how you fought between shying away and melting into him, “You're the one putting on a whole show.”
Seung-hyun pulled away just enough for you to see a playful part. His eyes sparkled even in the low light of the bar, with a mask of a false allure towards you. Somehow, even if you knew it was an act, his gaze was hungered. He kept staring at your lips before pressing close enough that his warm breath teased the shell of your ear.
Shuttering from the sensitivity, he chuckled, “That was the point, wasn't it?”
It was a show, after all, you reminded your traitorous mind wandering too far with the attention he gave you. The way he treated you was all too natural, the comfortable weight of his arm and how his gaze never left you. How quickly hid demeanor shifted from a kind stranger to a man you could've imagined as a partner instead. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch sight of your ex beginning to shy away from the crowd.
You were grateful no one had seemed to recognize him. Your luck was beyond you. Even as your ex began to shrink away, Seung-hyun wasn't quite done playing along with you.
“We should kiss,” He proposed first, his eyes wide and managed to be much more desperate than you expected.
Your eyes widened as you whispered, “I know what we planned, but– really?! Are you crazy?”
Your demands were met with a low chuckle from him. He let go of his glass and pressed his thumb over your chin, his other fingers hooking underneath to guide your face to his own. You didn't back away, and instead melted underneath his warm gaze. He gave a little nod before pulling you in, tilting your head to the side at the last moment. He helped to create the illusion of a fake kiss, but you were still so close.
The warmth of his cheek pressed against yours, his hand pressed against your back slowly stroked over your back. The faintest trade or cologne lingered on his skin, an earthy subtle sweetness that made your head swim. The hand on your back moved in slow, deliberate strokes. His fingertips dipped down along the edge of the fabric of the shirt and pressed forming, as if testing your reaction.
Then, with a practiced ease, his fingers ghosted beneath the hem of your shirt. His skin was surprisingly cold against your back, jumping slightly. It was a touch so fleeting you could've written it off as an accident, yet still enough to make your stomach tighten. Again he teased his palm against the small of your back, lingering right at your waist. A touch that painted the image of a touchy, even possessive partner.
Dizzies by the attention, your breath catches as he pulled away and gestured toward the crowd with a lazy tilt of his chin.
You had just enough time to witness your ex push their way through the crows, their stiff shoulders and quickened place made it all too obvious they'd seen enough. They disappeared through the exit without so much as a glance back your way. Your plan, surprisingly, had worked. That should've been the end of it.
Seung-hyun still made no move to retreat. Instead, he stayed close as his lips curled into a slow, teasing grin. His face only made his amusement more obvious to you. Toeing the line between genuine enjoyment and playing it up to keep your ex far, far away.
Instead of pulling away though, Seung-hyun gave you a teasing grin, his voice was rich with satisfaction, “That was a job well done.”
“Thanks for playing along,” You exhaled a quiet laugh and shake your head at the sheer absurdity of it all, “I owe you one.”
He clicked his tongue, in mock disapproval, waving a dismissive hand, “Don’t be silly.”
His glass sat forgotten on the counter, barely half-finished. The amber liquid inside caught the low light and casted a golden glow in the countertop. You had assumed he might have needed the buzz of alcohol to humor your plan, but he couldn't even be tipsy. His gaze flickered across the table before looking back to you.
“You know,” He hummed, his fingers tapping idly against the counter, “I didn't expect it, but we do make a good team.”
“What are you getting at?” You raised an eyebrow, tilting his head in his direction.
“Why stop now?” Seung-hyun turned slightly, propping his elbow against the bar with a playful gleam in his eye, “If we keep this up, you get to keep them on their toes. Maybe even a little bit jealous.”
You hesitated, unsure of whether to laugh at the suggestion or to consider it. The idea was ridiculous. For someone of fame such as himself you knew it was reckless, too. The thrill of it, and the giddy unpredictability made something spark inside you. Still, you couldn't help but be skeptical.
“You're serious?” You asked, narrowing your eyes slightly, “What's in it for you?”
“Well, I could use a good distraction,” He chuckled, slow and rich, “What's life without a little fun?”
You studied him for a long moment, searching his face for a sign of insincerity. Curiosity fueled you- this game seemed to be going a bit too far, yet you couldn't bring yourself to mind it. The same easy confidence he displayed had an undeniable pull to it. The warm lighting, and his magnetism made anyone steal a second glance. You weren't immune to his charms, especially not his looks.
“Alright,” You finally leave your drink behind, “Let’s pretend I agree. How far do you plan to let this go?”
Seung-hyun as a second nature, reached across the bar and let his fingertips brush against your own. He pushed his hand far enough to enter twine your fingers together, clasping your hands together. He was savoring the anticipation, of this fake date the two of you created.
“Until you're out the door? As far as it needs to go,” He murmured.
There was something about the way he carried himself that felt more real than you could've expected. Before you could unpack it, he straightened himself up and unlaced your hands that were ones kept together. Besides the two of you, your glasses are whisked away. You're too busy meeting his gaze to fully register it.
“We should make it believable,” He considers, “For the sake of our relationship.”
You scoff softly, “Oh, now you care about commitment?”
“You wound me,” Seung-hyun held up a hand to his chest in mock-hurt.
Seung-hyun was effortlessly bold, leaning into your space yet again. As if he belonged there. Instead of curling around your waist he lets your hand find its way to your knee under the bar, curling at the fabric of your pants. His touch was warm, steady. It felt like a silent invitation rather than a demand.
“I don't do things halfway,” His voice dropped low as if he was warning you, “If we’re going to pretend, we might as well do it right.”
Your heart kicked up against your ribs. The absurdity of the situation must've been getting to him, suggesting such a thing to you.
“This was only supposed to be until they were gone,” You reminded him, though your words lacked any real conviction, “What if someone sees?”
His thumb brushed absently against your knee, considering your words for a moment. He glanced out to the crowd and tilted his head. He made a point of looking over it another time, pointing out no one could've cared about the two of you, as unlikely as it felt. Then, he pushed his way out of his chair without another warning.
Suddenly his warm presence was gone, his gaze expectant on you, “Then let’s make sure they left.”
The challenge in his voice escalated a thrill in your stomach. Adrenaline soared through you, the way his hand was so warm and so inviting, you found yourself wondering. What if you didn't just stop at tonight, and you let yourself see where it went? The thrill those thoughts gave you was unfamiliar, but entirely welcomed.
You nod and follow him through the crowd. He leads you through the quiet bar and makes a show out of stopping by each table, exaggerating his movements as he makes sure that shadowy figure is gone. You're breathless with a giggling laughter by the time he’s made it to the exit, slipping out into a silent alley.
Ducking between the low lighted sidewalk, and the soft glow of passing headlights you walk by his side. The crisp night air brushed against your skin along with the soft fabric of his shirt. At he distant hum of the city surrounded you. Despite the coolness of the evening casted by the setting sun, a warmth lingered in your chest.
“Wow,” You sigh, fidgeting with your shirt, “This was really fun. Someone could've seen you, made rumors, but you helped me. It means a lot. Thank you.”
Beside you, Seung-hyun reaches out and grabs your hands to stop you, stopping you at the intersection, “I'm glad I was able to help you out of there.”
Before the opportunity is gone, you break your hands held together to sheepishly pull out your phone and shove it into your hands before you can think better of it, “We should go out again sometime.”
Somehow, Seung-hyun only managed to look more eager. He took your phone, typing on the screen for a few moments before sliding it back into your hands. His promise was kept, his contact jokingly titled Oppa. You couldn't help but chuckle at it, hiding your flush behind your hand as you meet his gaze yet again.
“Oppa?” You read out loud, unable to help the grin that spreads across your face at his terrible humor.
Seung-hyun shrugged, “You want them to believe we’re together. I should get going,” He gestured back to the alleys, “I'll see you later, ttoki.”
Soon enough you were left to the empty alley, your heart restless. The rush left in your chest was palpable. He called you cute.
taglist: @petersasteria @sherrayyyyy
#choi seung hyun x reader#choi seunghyun x reader#bigbang x reader#big bang x reader#top x reader#t.o.p x reader#choi seunghyun fanfic
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