#queer system culture is
queersys · 2 months
Queer system culture is thinking we were genderfluid and abrosexual before realizing that we were a system
Happens to the best of us, is like:
"My orientation and identity always fluctuates, I wonder why"
*System discovery* "Oh look, I'm a system"
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misc-system-culture-is · 10 months
Queer traumagenic culture is freaking out about a new split fitting into stereotypes because of trauma from gender related issues
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If you want to separate yourself from whiteness then you first need to define yourself outside of it. This means asking yourself what you believe in, who you are, and what you believe is right or wrong without relying on the law or the bible or your friends or your political party or queer infographics to tell you the answer.
It means asking yourself honestly if you would still choose to support genocide or Kamala or Trump or capitalism or Tswift or war or the death penalty or laws or borders or traffic cops or oil based energy or putting most of our planets resources into killing people or asking if you Actually ever would've married your beard and asking if you'd still be transphobic....
If you didn't feel like you had to do any of that to fit in anymore.
If you didn't have to do that to keep your privileged status...would you?
Without whiteness there to use shame to control every aspect of who you are... Who are you? What do you believe? Would you still want to be white?
Or would you claim to be something else? Something new maybe?
Whiteness as a race is tied to whiteness as a concept. You can't destroy one without the other.
Would you choose to belong to the land you live on and build a home and community there or would you still insist the land belongs to you and try to subjugate everyone?
Is the violence that's inseparable from whiteness also inseparable from you?
If we as a society are ever going to move forward and fight fascism it will be by making the supporters of all it's branches (such as white supremacy) come face to face with the reality that they have a choice in what kind of person they want to be and it is Their choice that determines how they are treated.
Someone who's grown up being fed propaganda from the belly of fascism would have no concept of that choice. The ability to choose whether to support the ideology of white supremacy was never a question posed. Instead the state asks it's targets which branch of the state they support most. Or the state asks them how realistic other options are.
Existing outside the systems built by white supremacy isn't something that's Ever presented as possible and in fact it's quite actively and aggressively kept from ever being taken seriously in conscious thought.
So this is me.
Bringing it to your conscious thought.
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finnslay · 8 months
Remember kids,
We're a system, not a cistem.
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elexuscal · 4 months
so. June. Pride Month.
listen, i love pride month. obviously. but partly as a consequence of being Terminally Online, partly because my country's pride month is in July which means all the actual in-person events don't start for another 30 days, often my first association with it is All The Discourse Posts
which means every year i have to physically restrain myself from making in-universe Pride discourse for different fictional universes
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aardwolfpunx · 3 months
punk as in i support SW
punk as in i support all plurality
punk as in i support “contradictory” or “cringe” queerness
punk as in i support all disabled people
punk as in i support alterhumans/nonhumans
punk as in i support
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This captures it. Chappell Roan is rightfully disillusioned by the two-party system.
Here are some of the correct responses to her (justified) criticism of the U.S. government.
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wittyno · 8 months
You can't just have Elton John sing lyrics like "oath of silence for the voice of a generation" and "you are what you love not who loves you" and expect me not to get emotional.
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Alloaro culture is wanting a similar word to qpr for a committed partner you have sex with sometimes that is not romantic: qpr isn’t right because it has the word platonic in it.
hi! in a very gentle way, i am vibrating to let you know this is incorrect :)
from the POV of someone who's been around the aro community since ~2013-2014 on tumblr, the only time i've seen folks start to say that qprs couldn't include sexual components has been when
they've learned an incorrect definition of QPRs, or
in one particularly notable case, the individual proposing it turned out to be quite sex negative and upset at the mere thought that people could think that qprs could include sexual activity. this individual suggested an alternative term for individuals desiring sex in QPRs in a rather explicitly alloarophobic measure. when gently called out from what had seemed to be a genuine attempt at coining a new term, the above came to light. smaller cases of this pop up every once in a while, but this one got some notoriety.
queerplatonic was always meant to mean "queering the idea of a platonic relationship", "queering the idea of what a relationship means", and by explicit definition, has always been broadly and radically inclusive. any relationship, so long as the partners involved agree it is a queerplatonic one, is queerplatonic. no exceptions. this can mean it involves romance, sex, traditionally platonic elements, and anything and everything those involved desire out of it.
tldr; the word platonic is in queerplatonic to say it is counter to the idea of a restricted "platonic" relationship.
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clowncaraz · 19 days
Empsys, Empsyse
("emp-sis"), ("emp-seas")
A reclaimation of the "empty system" term. This isn't to claim that empty systems are bad or their term is not good, it is to create a new culture surrounding empty systemhood and how it functions.
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What is an empsys?
An empsys is a person who exists alone in a headspace/system for any reason, and is sometimes accompanied by other people at random intervals. An empsys does not need to be plural, and yet is aligned with being a plurallet.
The system can either choose an empsys or one can be selected at random. This is called a selected emp and a random emp.
How does one become an empsys?
Empsyse usually experience fusion, system collapse, hopping, or migration. All possibilities result in different kinds of empsyse.
Fusion - Empsyse left behind by fusion tend to have behaviors reminiscent of previous people who are now unified with said empsys. Can be caused by stress, trauma, coercion, etc.
Collapse - Empsyse that go through this are either normalized to the collapse through cycles, or experience a sudden disappearance of people in a short time. Can be caused by stress, trauma, coercion, etc.
Dormancy - Empsyse left behind by dormancy of other people. Caused by any factor.
Hopping - Empsyse left behind are usually not left alone for too long when people hop. Can be voluntary or involuntary.
Migration - Also known as Moving Out, empsyse who are left behind are most likely the permanent resident of the system who watches others leave to another world/reality. Voluntary.
So far, I have not seen definite terminology other than "fused empty system" being used frequently. Here are some empty system related terminology.
Displural - Someone who was previously plural system but now is not, and integration or fusion doesn't describe their experiences.
Corelet - The remaining headmate in an empty system.
UTB System - "Used-to-be" system. Once plural, now a singlet.
Backroomtien - "...Headmates seem to have 'no-clipped' out of the system."
Abysstien - "...empty system that fluctuates between having more than one member, but always inevitably goes back to having one."
Daromate - Imaginary mental figments based on headmates that had left, fused, or migrated from the system.
Comprestite - An umbrella term for any causation to empty systems.
For those who are empsyse.
Why do empty system spaces feel so desolate/depressive?
Systemhood is seen as this collective thing rather than an interpersonal journey with how you as the individual headmate experiences life with others you cannot always see/hear, but know they exist with you somehow. Since empty systemhood breaks that, whether intentional or not, it's no longer seen as system "enough" and is evaluated as being a singlet space. It can seem depressing because most if not all empsyse there just lost their friends, family, loved ones to comprestitude.
How does one adjust to being an empsyse?
Depending on who or what kind you are, it gets difficult as it goes. Some empsyse never adjust, others use methods such as journaling or reminding yourself that you are with them as one.
Can an empsys regrow the system?
Again, that varies. At certain intervals, people can just show up in the system again from wherever they disappeared from. It is possible for them to voluntary do so as well, with tulpamancy/willogenic origins - though I have not heard of any voluntary regrowth.
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queersys · 2 months
My favorite thing about being a queer system is that the only two female presenting alters (me, a gxrl alter, and a femme enby) are the “transmasc protectors”, our body is AFAB, we're legally male, and collectively agender seeking male presentation, and we're beginning to transition, and a lot people think that transitioning will makes us sad and cause dysphoria for the female alters, but that is not our case, we want the comfort of the transmasc alters, so it doesn't matter if our voice gets graver, we grow beards, muscles, or we're a walking lumberjack, that doesn't take away the femininity of the female alters and if it gives comfort to the male alters, it makes us very proud. Let's go boyssss 💅
That's actually pretty nice and sweet of you
People have to understand that is not always about dysphoria when transitioning when comes to the point of alters identifying like the gender/presentation the body was pre-transition
I'm happy for you that want the best for the rest of the alters, and it's true, transitioning doesn't erase your femininity! Hope the best at transitioning and good luck for you, the other fem and the masc presenting alters !!
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indigenous-gender · 3 months
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If you were wondering why many lesbians of color are fighting back against identity policing and rightfully calling it out as white supremacy, it is because this rhetoric is dangerous, harmful, and antithetical to our liberation. Invalidating lesbian manhood is rooted in antiBlackness and antiIndigeneity. Excluding lesbians of color for our race and culture is colonization in action. Excluding trans lesbians of color for our cultural gender and sexuality and for being trans in a way that subverts colonial gender systems is racist and transphobic. here is a fantastic article that talks about African gender and sexuality and highlights the existence of male lesbians or lesbian men. As an Indigenous person of triracial descent, I am proud of my Indigenous cultural gender and sexuality, and I will not allow white supremacists and queer assimilationists to erasure the history and cultures of my ancestors. Male lesbians and lesbian men are STILL HERE. We are proudly Black, Brown, and Indigenous! This is our tradition!
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syscultureis · 1 year
plural + queer culture is ur parents knowing absolutely nothing about you
It really is
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finnslay · 5 months
Tired correcting someone on our pronouns today. Unleashed religion war in the community in schools room. But the teacher stood up for me, and so did her ex step daughter.
Not only for gender, but also because we're plural, so we use they.
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"queer love is revolutionary"
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If I had a nickel for every character in this series who works to enforce the status quo of their evil many-planet empire while forced by that status quo to use illegal materials to present as a specific gender out of the wider-than-cis-human range of possibilities available to their species, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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