#multigenic friendly
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archangel-whorehouse · 16 days ago
you seem to find yourself lost in a dark cave, hundred of blocks below the surface of the overworld. if only there was somewhere to take some rest, replenish your stats...
oh, whats this? a light the end of this tunnel? warily, you approach... and find yourself here!
this minecraft themed server is a welcoming and safe space meant for systems, age regressors, pet regressors, and alterhumans! some of the things we offer are:
-a safe and semi sfw environment for all kinds of topics and discussions
-a kind community of various individuals from different walks of life
-fun activities and helpful advice
-a handful of bots to use
-tons of adorable emojis
and more! so if this exactly the kind of place youre looking here, we would love to have you :)
(as a heads up, this server is 15+)
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thenamefluidcollective · 2 months ago
Sigh, alright, we need motivation
Let's do this
For every 5 notes this post gets, we will create one alter profile
For every 10 notes this post gets, we will finish an alter profile (aka, with the important stuff)
For every 15 notes this post gets, we will add a couple profiles to important folders (sissasystems, hierarchy, roles, etc)
For every 20 notes this post gets, we will fully complete an alter profile (with everything, including unimportant stuff like moodboards and playlists)
For every 35 notes this post gets, we will add 5 custom fronts
At 50 notes, we'll finish the system bio
If for some god forsaken reason this gets to 100 notes, we'll make profiles for the body and our singletsona
For every note after that, we'll fully complete an alter profile
Spam, do whatever, idc, go hog wild! Do your thing
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black-mesa-constellation · 21 days ago
i wish -genic labels weren’t such an important thing in the plural community
like yeah our system formed bc of trauma. it maybe also formed because of neurodivergence because being autistic is, imo, inherently traumatizing in modern society
yes we are traumagenic but are we multigenic? autigenic?
…BUT not all of our headmates were created because of trauma. some were just created bc we needed a guy for a job. some were also created on purpose- ex, forming someone’s sourcemates/partners???? and some also just showed up!! for no reason!!!!
are those specific headmates endogenic? willowgenic??? one of our sidesystems calls themselves traumawillow because they like the term, what does that make the other ones??
it’s so odd and complex and i wish the community wasn’t so label oriented :/ like obviously use the labels you like!!! but i wish we could just be plural without people, other plurals even, asking why, yk?
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4sqadia-8anthen · 24 days ago
been doomscrolling the “anti endo” tag
and omfg
the amount of misinformation, the amount of hate, the amount of anger, the amount of exclusion
anti endos sending endos/supporters death threats and telling them to off themselves
it hurts to see all of this :(
we are just trying to live our lives, but there are so many people/beings thats whole existence on this app seems to just be about hating endos
like, we just chillin here dude, yall callin us ablest and saying we invading ur spaces when we are just tryna show ya that there is plurality without disorder that we are caused by something other than trauma, whether disordered or not
im just fucking sick that we have to block so many damn people because we are on everyones dni im fucking sick of being hated by everyone
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frame-os · 3 months ago
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A few origin based blinkies we made! free to use ! , no credit needed ! more coming very very soon !
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dhddmods · 5 months ago
Plural/System Guide!
Hello! We wanted to share a quick plural guide for anyone that is confused about plurality.
(This guide mentions dissociation quite a few times, so you may also want to check out our dissociation guide. We also recommend you read our alterhuman guide, to understand experiences that non-humans & introjects within systems may have.)
Plurality/Systems is an umbrella term for anybody that has more than one person/entity controlling a singular body. Each member can have their own name, pronouns/titles, sex, gender, appearance, race/species, orientation, etc. Anyone that isn't plural is a Singlet.
Being in-control of the shared-body is known as Fronting. Fronting can be optional or forced by the brain. Co-fronting is when multiple people are fronting at the same time. If a fronter/co-fronter cannot retreat, it is known as being Frontstuck. When a system is swapping who is fronting, it is known as Switching.
System members are called sysmates, headmates, alters, parts, or facets. Every system has their own preference of what to call their members. In some cases, sysmates are temporary, and may go inactive/fade over time, or exit through a gateway (more on that later.)
Sysmates can have individual memories, or they may share all their memories as a collective. They may or may not get the choice of what to share. If a certain memory is not accessible to all of the system, it is known as having Amnesia Barriers.
An Innerworld/Headspace is a dreamscape that many systems have, where members can live and interact when they are not in charge of the shared-body. They could have one set appearance (ie; a planet, a spaceship, a house, etc), or they could shift/change, either randomly, following a schedule, or at the will of sysmates (either specific sysmates or all sysmates.) The opposite of the innerworld (the physical space that the shared-body interacts with) is known as the Outerworld/Meat Space.
Many innerworlds have fronting rooms, which are areas that sysmates go in order to watch what is happening in the outerworld.
Not all systems have a innerworld. They may simply go into a "coma" when they are not fronting, or may "float" in an empty void. Innerworlds could be any size.
Some systems have NPCs (people who are incapable of fronting & engaging in shared memories). NPCs can be simple (repeating lines, repeating tasks, limited behaviors, etc) or complex (capable of new dialogue, capable of coming up with new tasks, a variety of behavior, etc). For complex NPCs, the only way to tell them apart from sysmates is by the fact that they have no special abilities (like fronting, sharing memories, or set-roles.)
Fragments are sysmates that are not fully developed. They are sort of in-between simple NPCs and sysmates. They have some system capabilities, but are not fully autonomous, and often to not have a full grasp over their personal identity.
Sometimes NPCs and fragments develop into full-sysmates.
Fusing/Merging/Integration describes when two or more sysmates merge together, either temporarily or permanently. If it is a temporary fuse, it is known as Blending. Their physical appearances may combine, or they may take on only one of the sysmates appearances, or a whole new appearance unrelated to either of their previous ones. Their identities may be merged as well, or they may be autonomous within their innerworld body; a system within a system.
Subsystems are systems within systems. They might be a result of fusion, or they may have formed as subsystems from the start, or developed their own sysmates unrelated to fusing.
Some systems have groups that live separately within the headspace (usually on different layers of a headspace). These are known as Side Systems. There may be a Main System (which consists of the people with the most control over the shared-body), or the system may be made up fully of side systems that have equal control over the shared-body.
Here are a few terms for sysmates:
Little/Syskid: A sysmate who is a child, typically under the age of 13. Middle/Systeen: A sysmate who is a teenager, typically 13-17, however sometimes 18-19 is included. Big/Biggin/Sysadult: A sysmate who is an adult, typically 18+. Ageless: A sysmate with no age. They might look like a kid, teen, or child, or they may have an ambiguous appearance. Age-Slider: A sysmate whose age is fluid/fluctuating. How frequently their age changes depends on the individual. Lost Adult/Disadult: A sysmate that is physically an adult, but mentally a child or teenager. Claudia/Paradult: A sysmate that is physically a child, but mentally an adult. Exomemories: Memories that did not occur within the shared body or innerworld; memories from a life outside of the system. This can apply to introjects & walk-ins. Exotrauma: Trauma that did not occur to the shared body or within the innerworld; trauma from exomemories. This can apply to introjects & walk-ins. Introject/Introtive: A sysmate who has a specific "source." For example, a sysmate who forms with the appearance and/or experiences of a fictional character or family member. They may or may not share the personal identity (name, gender, etc) of their source, and may have exomemories/exotrauma of their source. Fictives are introjects with fictional sources, and Factives are introjects with real-life sources. Core(s): The first/original sysmate(s) to exist within the system. Gateway System: A system with a gateway (either physical or metaphorical) that leads to other spaces, such as other layers of the innerworld, or into a different universe. This gateway may be a one-way walk (as in once someone enters, they cannot leave; or vice-versa) or it may be free range both directions. If a new sysmate enters a system through a gateway, they are known as Walk-Ins. Median System: A system where sysmates are not as distinct from one another, and are "blurred" or are simply "different versions" of one main identity.
Next up, system origins.
Adaptive System: A system that was formed in order to cope with something. This includes traumagenic, stressgenic, isolgenic, neurogenic, and physiogenic systems. Traumagenic: A system that was formed due to trauma. Stressgenic: A system that was formed due to stress. Isolgenic: A system that was formed due to loneliness or social isolation. Depending on how strongly the loneliness affected the person, it may also count as traumagenic. Neurogenic: A system that was formed due to pre-existing neurodivergence. For example, an autistic person who developed sysmates of characters from their special interest. Another example would be a person with substance abuse disorder who developed a sysmate to help them overcome their addiction. Physiogenic: A system that was formed due to physical disability. This is typically related to stress (stressgenic) or trauma (traumagenic) that either the disability itself caused, or ableism caused. Endogenic: A system that was not formed due to trauma; a system that is not traumagenic. This includes adaptive systems that are not trauma-related, created systems, protogenic systems, spontagenic systems, & unknown systems. Created System: A system that was willingly created. This includes willogenic, tulpagenic, spirigenic, & metagenic systems. Willogenic: A system that was willed into existence for non-adaptive reasons. They may refer to themselves as Willomancers, and might call their sysmates Willomates. If this creation was done subconsciously/unintentionally, it is known as being Catharigenic. If this was done through meditation, self-induced dissociation, and prolonged attempts at summoning, it is known as Tulpamancy. A Tulplagenic system might refer to their sysmates as Tulpas. Spirigenic: A system that was created through spiritual methods, typically connected to religious practices. Metagenic: A system that was created through metaphysical/spiritual methods, unrelated to religious practices/beliefs. Protogenic: A system that has existed since birth, or has existed for as long as the brain can remember. Spontagenic: A system that spontaneously appeared, with no identifiable cause. Unknown System/Quoigenic: A system that formed from unknown/uncertain causes. This includes cryptogenic & congenic systems. Cryptogenic: A system that does not know their origin. This is not the same as a spontagenic system, as spontagenic systems are certain that their system has no cause, meanwhile cryptogenic systems are uncertain of their origins, and may have amnesia or confusion relating to their origins. Congenic: A system with a complicated origin. Their origin may be so complicated that they are incapable of labeling it further, or finding a suitable category. Multigenic/Mixed-Origin: A system that has multiple causes, or a system that has different causes for different sysmates. For example, a system where some sysmates were formed from trauma (traumagenic), meanwhile others were willed into existence (willogenic.)
Now, lets dive into system roles. System roles are jobs/duties assigned to sysmates, typically pre-assigned by the brain as the sysmates are forming into existence (however for some people, roles are chosen after formation.) Roles might shift/change over time, or a person may have multiple different roles. Not every system has roles, however a majority of systems do.
There are hundreds of possible roles a system may have, far too many to list, so instead we shall be going over the most common ones:
Caretaker: A sysmate who formed to tend to somebody. They may have a parental/grandparental, older-sibling, or mentor relationship with whoever they formed to tend to. Protector: A sysmate who formed to protect someone/something. They could be protecting their sysmates, the shared-body, the shared-body's relatives, friends/partners, or even physical objects. Holder: A sysmate who formed to deal with a specific thing, for the sake of the rest of the system. For example, a Trauma-Holder is a sysmate who holds a large portion of the traumatic memories/symptoms, so that the rest of the sysmates don't have to deal with it. A Symptom-Holder is a sysmate who holds a large portion of neurodivergent or disability symptoms. Their holding may be voluntary (in which case, they could be classified as a protector), or the brain may be forcing them to hold these things. Manager: A sysmate who makes sure that everybody is fulfilling their duties, and that things are being maintained. Persecutor: A sysmate who causes harm (intentional or otherwise) to someone/something. This is often a misguided protector or manager who is intending to help through harmful methods (such as alcoholism, self-harm of the shared-body, intense criticism, physical punishment of other sysmates, etc). It could also describe a sysmate who is a trauma-holder or symptom-holder, and lashes out as a result of stress, guilt, shame, etc. Alternatively, an abusive sysmate (for example, an introject of an abuser) can also be labelled a persecutor. Gatekeeper: A sysmate in a gateway system that keeps watch over who enters or exits through the gateway. Architect: A sysmate that has the ability to create/edit/destroy the appearance/structure of the innerworld. Beastmaster: A sysmate that has the ability to create/edit/destroy and/or control non-sentient beings (simple NPCs, animals, plantlife, etc) within the innerworld. Host/Outernaut: A sysmate who is in-charge of the shared-body, and fronts most often. Some systems have multiple hosts. Co-Host/Perinaut: A sysmate who takes over when the host(s) are unavailable, or who otherwise helps out the host.
Disordered Plurality (DID & OSDD)
Plurality is neurodivergent in nature, however it is not inherently a disorder. Disordered plurality describes people whose plurality is linked to a disorder of some kind. This includes most traumagenic systems and many neurogenic systems, however there are also a few dissociative disorders that overlap with plurality as well.
Dissociative Identity Disorder/DID (formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder/MPD) describes plurality where the system has distinct sysmates (possibly fragments as well), dissociative episodes, sysmates often (or always) dissociate between switches, and sysmates have amnesia barriers between them. This often (but not always) leads to sysmates being unaware of each others existence, and having difficulty with communication. Access to the innerworld is frequently also limited. Dissociation and amnesia can be worked-out through therapy or communication, however it is usually quite difficult.
OSDD-1/Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder Type 1 describes plurality where the system experiences dissociative episodes, however it doesn't quite fit the DID diagnosis.
OSDD-1a is where dissociative episodes occur, however unlike DID, there are not distinct sysmates. Instead, the system is median, or made up completely of fragments. Sysmates are "blurry" and similar to one another, but amnesia barriers still exist despite that.
OSDD-1b is where dissociative episodes occur, possibly even dissociation between switches, however amnesia barriers do not exist. Trauma may still cause general system-wide amnesia, but not amnesia that is seperated between sysmates.
DID and OSDD-1 forms from trauma (typically childhood trauma, however older people can develop DID/OSDD-1 as well.) DID/OSDD-1 might cause the plurality, or the plurality may be pre-existing, and the dissociative disorder comes from trauma experienced later. (For example, a protogenic system that had trauma later in life and developed DID, turning them into a multigenic system.)
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systemserendipity · 1 year ago
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It still blows us away when anti-endogenic and/or fakeclaiming folx try to push their feelings in CLEARLY pro-endo spaces. Like. Get the memo, you aren't wanted here lol
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silly-string-sys · 3 months ago
We hope everyone in the plural community had/is having/is going to have a great Christmas, Yule, Hanukkah or any other Holiday you guys may be celebrating!
For us, we celebrated Christmas yesterday (not Christian, it's just kinda something you do) and we got some lovely new clothes!
Happy Holidays, everyone!
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abysstem · 1 month ago
[pt: The Abyss System. end pt]
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HELLO !!! We are the ABYSS SYSTEM !!!
[pt: Hello! We are the abyss system. end pt]
╭﹒⟢﹒Our collective name is Abyss, but we prefer to be called by the current fronter's name.
╰⪼ Simply plural: Abysstem (We accept almost every frq but don't expect to see every member !!
[pt: System info. end pt]
╭﹒⟢﹒Please call us: ╰⪼ Plural, system, you& (multiple or other system terms never or sparingly) ╰⪼ Headmates (pref), facets, members (alters sparingly, parts never) ╰⪼ Again we have no real collective name or pronouns, so please ask! If you have to use they/them though know not everyone uses those pronouns.
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[id: A black lace border with a heart in the middle. end id]
╭﹒⟢﹒Origins && system data ╰⪼ Mixed origins, Esogenic ╰⪼ We also coined the term hexabyssgenic for ourselves but it no longer fully fits, we still identify with the term however ╰⪼ Median (specifically parasian (no we're not from Paris?????)) ╰⪼ Panconscious (mostly monoconscious && split monoconscious) ╰⪼ Pro-endo, pro-willo, radical about it (may post syscourse sparingly here but won't get into arguments)
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[id: A black lace border with a heart in the middle. end id]
╭﹒⟢﹒Headcount, collective disorders && disabilities ╰⪼ Headcount is around 16-17 known though there’s likely more ╰⪼ We have ADHD (diagnosed) Autism (undiagnosed) Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder and likely PTSD (medically recognized), also likely more but we're unsure ^^' ╰⪼ We struggle very heavily from paranoia and are triggered very easily, and tend to react with aggression often. Please be careful and don't take things we say while triggered personally, usually we don't mean it ^^' ╰⪼ Because we have autism tone indicators help a lot !! ╰⪼ There's a chance we have some sort of chronic pain disability but we're not sure && need to do more research ╰⪼ We are collectively queer && most of us reclaim the slur faggot, many of us reclaim tranny but not all of us can !! We can reclaim the r slur but rarely say it. Also, even as a joke, NEVER call us the r slur and NEVER insult our intelligence ever. /srs (we'd also prefer if you just don't call us slurs but wdrc) ╰⪼ Some of us use a typing quirk where we double our "&" symbols and add spaces before exclamation points (&& sometimes other punctuations) usually we don't provide a translation because it doesn't affect speech that much but if you'd like one please do ask !! /gen
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[id: A black lace border with a heart in the middle. end id]
╭﹒⟢﹒Headmate list ╰⪼ Note: You will NOT see every headmate here, the emojis used but not with an attached headmate will be at the bottom !! ╰⪼ Calypso/Emerald/Syren - Host - She/they/xe/it (fluctuating) -🧜‍♀️ ╰⪼ Wild - Fictive - He/she/they + neos (fluctuating) - ⚔️ ╰⪼ Spoke - Fictive - It/?/null - 🌌 ╰⪼ Squiddo - Faitive - He/she/they/it (fluctuating) - 🌐 ╰⪼ Ash/Ashswag - Faitive - He/him (?) - 👾 ╰⪼ Valerie - Fictive - She/they/gold/shiny/locket/study (+ academia themed neos) - 🔏 ╰⪼ Aria - Caretaker (?) - They/them - 💿 Emojis you will see that do not have public headmates attached to them: 🪶🪺💎♊🥊🐰🐟🥩🪼
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[id: A black lace border with a heart in the middle. end id]
╭﹒⟢﹒Source list (feel free to send an ask if you share any !!) ╰⪼ Lifesteal SMP (5) ╰⪼ Kaboodle SMP (1) ╰⪼ Glitch SMP (1) ╰⪼ Linked Universe comic (1) ╰⪼ Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom (1) ╰⪼ Rot in Paradise (1) ╰⪼ The Amazing Digital Circus (1) ╰⪼ OCs (1)
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[id: A black lace border with a heart in the middle. end id]
╭﹒⟢﹒Coll. interests / spinterests / hyperfixations ╰⪼ MCYT (lssmp, uu, wp, evboverse, csmp, trsmp, ksmp, gsmp) ╰⪼ Psychology ╰⪼ SIGverse ╰⪼ Arcane ╰⪼ Cookie Run Kingdom ╰⪼ Plurality & systemhood ╰⪼ + many more fandoms that we're in !! Please feel free to ask ^_^
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[id: A black ibispaint X themed border. end id]
Find the borders we used for this in the tag '#borders we used' !!
[pt: Find the borders we used for this in the tag borders we used. end pt]
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seraphimcrimes · 2 months ago
Whats it called when you, as a person in a system, dont see yourself as plural?? Like
Like its not that i dont think im plural, its not denial
Its like.. Being plural is a title i dont want to wear. But being plural is an identity i love identifying with
I guess its a Persa-id ???
But its not "only i& and close, close friends may call me plural" its "ONLY close friends can call me plural, and sometimes i can call myself plural"
Does that count as a persa id? ????
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forestsystems · 2 months ago
**General Information:**
* coll name : Quinn
* ethnic/nation[opt] : European, Asian, middle eastern
* coll prns : He/it/they
* # Alters : 1k
* gender : transmasc
* # yrs : 18
* System type : Traumawillendo (truamagenic, willogenic, endogenic)
**Frequent Fronters:**
* name : Quinn
* name : Star
* name : Felix
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pluraflvttershy · 4 months ago
Hello and welcome to our blog!!!
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we are flvttershy!!
we go by flvtter or styro collectively.
we use she/fern/leaf collectively.
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This blog is for creating things for plurals, systems, or anyone else! mainly for things like userboxes!
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we are a multigenic OSDD system!! we are not entirely endogenic, we are TRAUMATISED and did not CHOOSE to be plural.
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we are disabled! (POTS)
we have ADHD, SPD, BPD, CAPD, Anxiety, OSDD
we collectively identify as transmasc.
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Basic DNI criteria.
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p4r4dis3-r0t · 9 months ago
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“Rolling in nonsense, deploying the fantasy.”
𖥔 our sys name is Paradise Rot — our collective names can be found here!
𖥔 we collectively use cae/fae and more found in previous link— they/it/he works as an auxiliary
𖥔 we are a minor !! We have NPD, BPD, ASPD-traits, psychosis, AuDHD, BIID and bipolar 2
𖥔 we are physically (the body wise) dead ! Please note this influences how we think and do things. Our body hasn’t deteriorated a lot but it is getting worse. We are also an IRL of Sunday from honkai starrail
𖥔 we’re collectively ahuman from being dead— we are also an angel trapped inside a human form. Besides that we kin serpents and krampus. We are also snow-hearted due to living in a winter area.
𖥔 we are a D.I.D system formed originally from severe mental trauma. Currently we are a endogenic forming system functioning like a D.I.D system
𖥔 We identify as pangender and gendervoid, along with paradoxigender. We use aroace gaybian to describe our experiences.
𖥔 We practice the worship of demons! We currently work with lord Leviathan.
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Amethyst— Ocitive/D&D fictive/accidental thoughtform : He/it/thing -🔮
Aventurine/Aven— Honkai Starrail introject/created headmate : He/chip/dice/ace/spade -💵
Boothill/Beau— Honkai Starrail introject : he/it -🔫
Charles/Chauncey/Lucifer— Bible fictive (the devil)/ocitive/accidental thoughtform : He/love/doll/lace/fluff/artery -💌
Dottore/Zandik— Genshin Impact fictive : He/it/thing/bleed -💉
Elelogap— Ocitive/spiritual introject : She/they -🪼
Furina/Neredia — Genshin Impact fictive : He/she/drama/hydro/pearl/sweet/fae -🫧
Herta/Andromeda/Helios — Honkai Starrail fictive : She/it/vae -💫
Layla/Solstice/Juniper — Genshin Impact fictive : He/they/as(/astro)/frig(/frigid)/star/freeze - ❄️
Leviathan— Bible fictive (Leviathan)/spiritual introject/ocitive : he/him -🐍
Pantalone— Genshin impact fictive : He/vae - 🎻
Pez/Haribo— brainmade : none (they/it aux) - 🍬
Sparkle/Hanabi/Lucy/Molly/Hinamatsuri/Bunraku/Firecracker/Crossette/Confetti/Mentos/Astro— Honkai Starrail fictive : She/silly - 🧨
Dr. Vertias Ratio— Honaki Starrail fictive : he/him -📖
(more will update soon)
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4sqadia-8anthen · 9 days ago
which one of us would you guys like to see more art from?
most of us feeling lots of artistic motivation
( some doodles for reference [link] )
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mintyeels · 1 year ago
Call me Splat or Scissors. I go by xe/god/slime/it. I prefer masculine language.
Alright fuckers, this is my honesty account! Im gonna be keeping this separate from my mains for a good fucking reason because like fuck am I losing all my damn moots and shit for this <3
I am (or we are) a polyfrag multigenic system with npd, bpd aspd, and possible hpd along with several other mental illnesses. I experience psycosis, I have adhd and autism, and I have several controversial special interests. Get used to that if you stay here.
I will not censor my thoughts here. If you wanna be friends then you should know im a two-faced cowardly bitch who loves attention and pushing others away. I do not fucking trust you <3
That being said if I say something bigoted or unjust, lmk. I’m incredibly aware of my potential impact on others, and I pride myself on being helpful, non-harmful, and using progressive language. I am physically disabled.
(That is to say, in non aspd language: pls lmk if I say smth offensive. I genuinely want to learn and become more aware, as its important to me that im not harming others with my language or actions. Call my bullshit out (politely!) and I will be more than willing to accommodate and adjust!)
I am currently in an environment where I cannot safely seek treatment or therapy for my personality disorders & systemhood at the moment, however I am educated on mental health, mental illness, and psychology (self researched). I also plan to pursue a career in social work or psychology.
With that context it should be clear that I DO NOT self-diagnose myself lightly. I am not making light of, purposefully demonizing, or making a bad name for people with these disorders. I am simply being honest about how they affect my life and outlook on this blog.
I have been medically recognized as a system, and don’t give a fuck what you think of my origin or pronouns. Mind your fucking business and shut your fucking mouth.
Self diagnosis is valid. Endogenics are safe and accepted here. Introjects are real (I cant believe I have to say that). I refuse to call source memories/exomemories “psuedomemories,” as it is invalidating imo.
My proper BYF is much longer, but here’s the gist. [late addition, im anti-sexual age-regression (CGLG/LB [squick] or CGLG/LB agere [immoral imo]), and pro-nonsexual age-regression. sfw regressors are welcome here, though please be aware that this blog is not always child/little-friendly!]
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My spins (special interests are):
Shifting (scientific interest)
Dsmp (dream sucks.)
Slimecicle cinematic universe
Video games
Categories of suicide and/or muder
The sorry boys
Mental health
Personality disorders
Marble hornets
Indie Horror
The forest
Poppy playtime
Resident evil
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travellingnews · 6 months ago
ΗΠΑ: Η Ελλάδα «Καλύτερος Οικογενειακός Προορισμός» στα Wherever Awards 2024
Ιδιαίτερα δημοφιλής προορισμός για τις οικογενειακές διακοπές των αμερικανών ταξιδιωτών παραμένει η Ελλάδα, γεγονός που επιβεβαιώθηκε από μία ακόμα σημαντική διάκριση που κατέκτησε η χώρα μας στην αγορά των ΗΠΑ. Συγκεκριμένα, για δεύτερη συνεχόμενη χρονιά αναδείχθηκε νικήτρια στην κατηγορία «Καλύτερος Διαγενεακός Οικογενειακός Προορισμός» (Best Family-Friendly MultiGen Destination) στα έβδομα…
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