#lantern batfam
glitter-stained · 1 month
Lantern AU part 2
(This is part of an AU in which some of the lantern corps work differently for a bunch of reasons, here's a post explaining it:
Kon: Holy shit, Rob, what's with the makeover?
Tim: Um yeah, so I guess I'm a Green Lantern now.
Kon: Well damn, I die and you become a whole new superhero? When did that happen?
Tim: Uh, somewhere between attempts 76 and 88 I think...
Kon: What?
Tim: What?
Cass: ...
Floating indigo ring:...
Cass: *squints*
Floating indigo ring: *flickers*
Cass: *tilts her head*
Floating indigo ring: *flips around itself*
Cass: *blinks*
The double dozen of goons she was busting: ...we could... Leave you guys to it?
Cass and the floating indigo ring: Shhh.
Steph: Hey dad, it's visiting hour.
Arthur Brown: Stephanie? What are you doing in jai-
Steph: *punches him in the throat*
Steph: *kicks him in the shin*
Steph: *punches him in the face with a bright green giant fist construct*
Steph, looking down at the green power ring on her finger: Now where did that come from
Hal, coming back to earth after hearing there's a bunch of new lanterns in the rough that spawned around the same time: So what's been up with Gotham?
Bruce: My blood pressure
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fakeicecubes · 5 months
Reasons why the rest of the JL believes Batman and all of his children are metas/cryptids
-Weirdly good instincts
-They only see the bat and kids at night
-Hasn’t died
-If they have died, they came back within the year
-The JL has seen all of them at one point or another stay up for 96 hours straight and act semi-normally
-One time Batman was stabbed and started bleeding green(it was slime Bruce packed for kids to play with if they were at a crime scene)
-Red Robin didn’t cry while watching A Dogs Purpose for Young Justice’s movie night(he did, the mask hid his tears)
-They all know an absurd amount of Golf facts
-Somehow none of them age
-All of them are friends with a super
Wonder Women has the list and they update it after every mission.
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jesterraconteuse · 5 months
Hal Jordan finding out about Nightwing: YOU. You have a *kid*?
Batman: well... Technically he's my oldest and age of majority... But he's still my kid.
Hal Jordan: OLDEST? YOU HAVE MORE? 2? 3?
Batman visibly annoyed:... 6... Legally.
Hal Jordan: I'm going home. This has single handedly killed my willpower for a week, I need to process this.
Superman: Ah so you finally found out. I'm proud of him honestly, good to see he's willing to bond with others again.
Hal Jordan: You knew?
Superman: ...His kids basically call me Uncle Supes. I've babysat. I was around when he still just had Nightwing
WW: They're so cute! Children of such strength and bravery. Not to mention his dog, his cat, his cow... His son has animals even I've never seen before!
Hal Jordan: I've had enough.
And Hal hasn't even learned about his crime fighting cousin, batwing, Oracle, bluebird, Spoiler, and of course Jarro.
Note: everyone knows Supes is a father, he's the dad to talk your ear off about it but he's too nice with too much country charm for anyone to say anything about it. WW and Martian Manhunter are the only ones who listen absolutely intently.
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ditzybat · 6 months
steph: why did duke just deck green lantern in the middle of the street, in civvies?
tim: they have beef
steph: cool, ten bucks says duke wins
jason: twenty says this becomes a meme 'random highschooler beats the shit out of justice league member' and hal wont show his face in gotham again
tim: forty, bruce will buy him a car for humiliating hal out of gotham
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file808 · 7 months
I have a head cannon that non of the batboys favorite superhero is batman, but they don't know that he isn't Tim and Damians favorite.
Jason or the most loyal Wonder Woman fan: Dick I can't believe that you're a Superman fan
Dick an superman fan: Hey at least I'm better than him. *Points to Damian*
Damian: Tt I'll have you know that I'm an avid fan of Black Canary. Father is not my favorite hero unlike somebody. *Glares at Tim*
Tim: You know that Batman's not my favorite hero right?
Dick genuinely shocked: WAIT WHAT!?!?
Jason: Yah Tim, Damian makes sense but you??? You have been such a Batman fan sense the beginning.
Tim: Like a year after becoming Robin Batman stopped being my favorite. Why is this such a surprise?
Damian: So Drake who's your favorite now?
Tim: Green Lantern!
Dick: Which one? There's a whole Corp of them.
Tim: ...
Jason: Tim...which one??
Tim:*Sigh* Hal Jordan.
Bruce in the distance: REALLY HAL JORDAN?!!!?!!
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theaceofarrows · 21 days
The Justice League meeting Jason for the first time
Robin Jason: Come on, you egg sucking piece of gutter trash! You like pushing people around who are smaller than you? Well, I'm smaller. Try pushing me!
Lex Luthor: What did you just call me?! Egg sucking-
Robin Jason: [launches all 4ft of his feral self at Lex]
Superman: Uhh, should we help him?
Batman: [shakes his head]
[Jason running circles around Lex while mocking him]
Wonder Woman: Are you certain we shouldn't assist him?
Nightwing: Nah, don't worry he's fine. He just has a case of crime fighting zoomies to work out
[Jason, knocks Lex down after throwing as many smokebombs and batarangs as he can]
Jason: Learn your place you Mr. Clean looking B-lister lump of trash!
Everyone other than Batman and Nightwing: ...
Green Lantern: I really like this little dude! Let's keep him!
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
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mikeluciraphgabe · 1 year
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I never really wanted the heroes to be in this but I thought this time it would be funny. You may or may not see them again idk yet
Part 6 master-post
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tiredofsatansbullshit · 4 months
Another chapter of my "The Waynes on Twitter" work on AO3
Masterlist of Tweets
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43 - *chuckling awkwardly* uh what
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Taglist: @gin2212 @wizardofstories @kassette-tape @she-went-that-way @terrylicious @kazenotsuyo1 @salz-mit-wasser @sk3tchyrac00n @ejlyt @sonotashipper @deniedmysign @emilynight555 @aurorasleepsin @thereallyreallylatebird @peachykeenlemonbean @cosmic-marauder @anxious-chaos-art
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neuro-psyche · 5 months
I think there would be a major disconnect between the bats and the rest of the JL/super powered folk due to injuries and pain.
Let me explain.
I saw this post and it made me think of the healing factor/invulnerability of most of the JL. Clark is practically impervious, Diana’s worst injury is a paper cut at her day job, and the Green Lanterns have a passive force field, so on and so forth. But Batman bleeds. The only one who’s got any sort of healing factor is Jason, but it’s nothing compared to the flashes.
I can imagine Batman nursing some sort of injury like a broken rib from a punch he took from some super villain of the week, whereas Diana, who took the same punch, just shook it off. Batman isn’t jealous. He’s not bitter or angry. He just notices it. He knows he’s not as unmovable as them. But no one else sees that.
But I think it would really become an issue with his kids. Seeing all of his kids participate in a superhero team at some point, most of which start those teams or lead them at some point, because he trained them harder than anyone else. Because they’re not invulnerable.
And the turning point would be if one of those kids gets hurt. Like if Dick broke a bone or something and needed to have it reset in the field, Batman telling him “Scream if you need to” and it actually happening would really make the supers around them take notice. The bats aren’t invulnerable. But they’re the most dangerous of the JL.
Idk I just thought it would be interesting. I might write something with the concept because I could go on about it.
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confused-wanderer · 1 year
Okay but Bruce has to grow out a beard for a mission and after he shaves it all his kids are screaming bloody murder, the justice league lose it and the public is heartbroken.
The league still maintains some decorum in front of him, though they pout whenever they see him without it the first time. The public has been crying in outrage demanding he grow it back because the man looked like a fucking Greek god.
His kids? Oh, they don’t acknowledge him as the same person.
There’s Beard Wayne, and Bruce Wayne.
And nope. To them, they’re not the same. No matter how much Bruce tries. And to his chagrin, Alfred agrees with them.
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glitter-stained · 1 month
Jaykyle enemies to lovers misunderstanding AU where they hatefuck once during Countdown to Final Crisis and part ways. Jason becomes Star Sapphire from a different mechanism than usual just because he's so powered by love, and forgets to mention it to just about everyone but Carol. Cue a very confused Kyle being accosted by a bunch of curious/angry bats and/or outlaws who think the reason why Jason's struggling with his power (his magic keeps exploding in his face) is because Kyle broke his heart. (It's not, Jason just needs to learn about self-love). Upon learning that, Kyle goes through three different crises in ten minutes and decides that while he still doesn't like Jason he has to "take responsibility" and "make this right" because he thinks Jason loved him and was being defensive of Kyle's hostility and he used and ditched him, so he decides to help Jason with his powers and resolve the situation. Eventually this is what they needed to give eachother a chance and they fall in love, but god does Jason laughs his ass off when he finally learns about the misunderstanding.
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dc-comics-enjoyer · 6 months
Random things I like to hc (part 1)
- Constantine calling Batman "love" anytime.
"Good plan, love. Now, if I may add..."
- Diana constantly fighting the urge to add multiple times in the footnotes of her research papers : "*I know that because I was there."
- Clark feeling some type of way whenever anyone from the Batfam calls him Uncle Clark (he does tear up a little the first few times).
- Anytime Booster would get cancelled for a tweet, he'd go back in time just far enough to prevent from tweeting it. He did that way too many times.
- Barry and Hal being that one best friend duo that are big on PDA. Most of the time during JL meetings, Hal's leg would be intertwined with Barry's.
- Given that the way they usually interact correlates with what he learned about married couples, J'onn assumed for the longest time that Bruce and Clark were spouses.
- Much like how Clark switches off his kansan accent when he's being Superman, Bruce switches off his "posh" accent when he's being Batman.
- On the contrary, Oliver always sounds filthy rich.
- Everytime someone mentions (any) Robin, Hal's mind still can't fathom that Batman's sidekick is a literal child.
- Dick is a bisexual flirt in and out of costume.
- Regular occurence : Batman enters the meeting room, sees Booster's stupid expression that's a clear sign he's going to share very stupid ideas, and Batman exits the room without a word. He doesn't come back for the rest of the meeting. After it happened more than once, some of the members get the clue and walk out as well.
- Superman can recite entire movies by heart. Not surprising in and of itself, but surprising that Bruce silently lets him do it over his shoulder when he's working in the batcave. Lets Clark unwind and gives Bruce background noise.
- After multiple complaints, Batman had to soundproof Dinah and Oliver's room in the watchtower.
(Part 2 here )
(Good dad Bruce hc here)
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raileurta · 5 months
Idk what this is honestly
*After a Justice League meeting*
Green lantern: You know spooky with your army of children you must be quite the ladies man.
Bruce has decided to mess with Hal.
Batman: I gave birth to them lantern.
Green Lantern: I- what?
Batman: *deadpan* I. Gave. Birth. To. Them.
Green Lantern: But- I- you're a man.
Batman: I don't know how that is relevant to this conversation.
Batman: I must depart I have important business elsewhere.
Hal tells everyone, no one believes him.
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ashoss · 6 months
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“Yeah, well…” Hal slips off his jacket and holds it out to the other. “I’m getting warm. You should wear this instead.” “Hal, I’m not—” “Hold it for me then- as thanks for throwing the trash away and feeding you.” “I didn’t ask to be fed,” Bruce says as he takes the flight jacket anyway, putting it on with a slight smile and an eagerness Hal didn’t expect. “Yeah, well…” Hal just shrugs. They walk, the two following behind everyone in silence, content to listen to the chatter before Hal speaks again. “You know,” Hal looks at Bruce in the jacket, looking at the patch with his last name, heart racing, “my last name does look good on you.” “Is that so?” “It is.”  “Hm.” Bruce smiles a little wider, tone still joking. “I’ll take it into consideration before our wedding then.” Being away from Gotham's stress must be good for the man.
asdj i have a new fav fic rn and i had to draw something for chap 16 !!
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daydreamerwonderkid · 6 months
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It's been 1 month since Jason's last international incident.
Obligatory click for better quality
You do NOT have permission to repost my art.
Meme references under cut
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And, of course:
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