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learnyogafreeforever · 1 year ago
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seraphinitegames · 6 months ago
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 13/Sept/2024
Well, my internet was mostly back this week! :D
I always take even half-working internet as a bonus these days, lol. But having it mostly back did mean I could finally finish up the social media this week!
But apart from that, my full focus was Chapter Four. It’s a more linear chapter—waaay more than the doozy of a variable chapter that was the previous one, lol!—so I really want to get ahead on this one.
Which I have been doing even better than I was pushing for! The big opening scene is already finished! It includes quite a bit of exposition about Li-Sar and what they’ve been up to, and that was fun to start sowing all the seeds of foreshadowing, hehe! ;D
I do sometimes get asked about advice on how to avoid telling instead of showing, so to that I say—don’t worry! For a start, it’s your story, and you can write it how you want, always remember that! All these writing ‘rules’ are guidelines, advice. You don’t have to choose to follow them if it doesn’t suit your style. I’ve read plenty of stories where I’ve been told a character is scared and not shown it through a paragraph of description—it reads just fantastic either way!
I do try and not to do big exposition dumps, but I don’t worry about it when the story genuinely needs it. Just write it in a fun and digestible way, and your reader will be more informed without it being too bogged down in the scene!
Having multiple characters to bounce off each other and react to the information is always a great way to break up the wealth of information, as well as having the MC react to it too with choices in Wayhaven’s case! This is also where having Unit Bravo in for meetings when this kind of things happens is perfect, even better when the LI can have some kind of emotional moment to it all too, hehe! ;D
I’m already part way through the next scene, which is another much more linear one where it’s only two characters, which makes things A LOT smoother to write!
I do love my branching scenes and variation, but it’s nice to have a more straight-forward chapter as a break too, lol!
And speaking of break, I will be away next week, trying to recharge my batteries and rest my brain! But I will be back on the 23rd September and diving straight back into it…especially considering the scene I’m currently working on. Things are getting…electric ;)
Hope you all have the most fantastic week ahead! I’ll update you all again after I get back! <3
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houseofoddballs · 1 year ago
Fuck it. Trauma bond Ghoap with a forgotten reader because all I can write is angst. Final word count is about 3,700, enjoy! Sorry about the lackluster ending and fair warning that Soap is a bit of a dick and fairly OOC.
Tw: Emptional neglect, light nsfw, mentions of torture. (Tell me if there are any more to add!)
You had never heard of trauma bonding, not before your 6'2 masked boyfriend brought back his Scottish best friend. Ghost was never one to be shy or sheepish, but the way that he bowed his head as he told you that he had fallen in love with Soap during their capture and torture, well, it broke your heart a bit. You thought that was going to be the end of it, that he was going to choose the mowhawked muscle over you (and you couldn't really blame him after the small tidbits about the incident you had heard) but then Ghost dropped to one knee and held your hands in his own as he looked you dead in the eyes and begged you not to make him choose, because he still loved you too. And how were you supposed to turn him down?
So, that's how you ended up living with two discharged military men. At first, things were a little rocky. You and Soap were getting along and getting to know each other after all. You weren't exactly dating Soap, but the threesomes made it hard to understand what exactly you were. Polygamy? It didn't matter, though, because Ghost was the one you loved. Ghost was the man who had stolen your heart and treated it like a golden retriever treats eggs. Gently, softly, sweetly. And you had done your best to do the same.
But Soap? Soap was... different. Where Simon was quiet and calm, Soap was loud and boisterous. Where Simon was introverted and kept to himself, Soap was ambiverted (at best) and loved social media. They were like night and day in a lot of ways, and it made your head spin. Another difference? Soap was SO *clingy*.
It was ok at first. Apparently, Simon and Soap had been captured for nearly a week and took turns watching each other get tortured. In the dead of night, when they got any reprieve, they spent that time whispering sweet words to each other just to keep them level-headed and alive. Trauma bonding. Ghost and Soap were bound to be connected at the hip for at least a bit. Right?
Well, 'just a bit' turned into months. Inseparable. You couldn't get five seconds alone with your boyfriend unless Soap was in the bathroom because he refused to do anything without Ghost.
That would have been OK if you didn't see how much it was wearing on your sweet Simon. Any time you got a minute alone together, he would gently hold your face and apologize to you. Murmur to you with his brows knit up about how exhausting Soap could be and how soothing your quiet company was.
He was burnt-out. No other way to put it. In the fleeting moments you got where you could hold Ghost and do things with him, he was simply exhausted and worn-out from Johnny clinging so tightly to him and making him a part of everything in his life. Simon was definitely an introvert, and hardly ever got time to recharge those batteries on touch and the like.
So what did you do? You gave him space. The time you got to spend alone was spent at a distance, small conversations about the things that interested Ghost, since Soap hardly ever talked about those. You had asked why Johnny was still here if he was really making Ghost so miserable, and all he had told you was that he couldn't leave Johnny, couldn't hurt him. So, you relented and just tried to be supportive. You could be happy like this.
Except you weren't. One can only live on table scraps for so long, but you were willing to try for Ghost, and even for Soap. So when Johnny told Simon that it was irritating how little alone time the two of them got because you were always hanging around and asked him to have a talk with you about it, what did he do? Well, he didn't defend you, that's for sure.
Groceries. How pathetic. Soap finally let you and Ghost get *Groceries* together, just the two of you, and your heart utterly soared. Just you and Simon, for possibly an hour. How long had it been since you could do this? How long had it been since you had even hugged or been hugged by your boyfriend? You had no idea.
But all of that went cold as you finished loading your haul into the trunk. Simon turned to you, dark eyes peeking out from behind his Skull balaclava that he only took off at home. He looked so tired, so exhausted.
"Listen, love... Johnny-..." You froze. Of course, you should have known better. No way Soap would let you and Ghost go somewhere together alone while he just sat at home scrolling through short clips on his phone. Of course, there was a condition, a caviot. But this was Simon, your Ghost, so you heard him out. "Johnny was wondering if you could... give us a bit more space. He feels like he doesn't get enough alone time with me. I'm sorry, love, I promise that I'll make it up to you."
If your heart hadn't sunk into your stomach, you would have had to resist the urge to laugh. Soap wasn't getting enough time with Ghost? The same Soap who had been draining every ounce of willpower out of Ghost until your strong-willed Simon was just complacent? The same Soap who drug Simon wherever he went and whined when you wanted to come with? The same Soap who had kicked you out of your shared room for reasons that you still don't know how he convinced Simon? And yet, he didn't get enough alone time with Simon.
You wanted to scream, to cry, to do or say anything to fight back. But one more look into Simon's weary, amber eyes shut down all of your complaints. He was slowly being worn down, and you didn't know what you could do to help. So, you just nodded.
The entire drive back was silent. At some point, you had reached over and gently held Simon's hand on the center console to let him know that you weren't mad, and he had let you. Your first physical contact with Simon in ages. You helped carry in and put away the groceries, acutely aware of Soaps eyes boring into and watching you for your next move, and then you simply retreated to your room. Alone.
That night, you had to listen as the two made love. Headboard banging against the wall, soft moans permeating through your headphones and into your ears, vibrations buzzing and echoing through the halls. You cred that night, just like so many other nights.
You were being forgotten, forced into invisibility in your own house.
And that's how so many months passed by. With you hiding away in your room and only coming out to eat or eagerly take Johnny's table scraps of Ghost's time. But Ghost hardly ever got any time to himself, so, sometimes you would just let him be and relax. Maybe it was simply time for you to move on.
That's when the texts came. Any time Johnny was gracious enough to give Ghost a moment of peace and you either didn't know or just let him relax, he would text you. "Johnny's still at work." "I miss you, love." "I'm on the couch." "Come see me?"
He was making you feel loved, needed even. Even though most of that time spent was him complaining about Soap, every time he would look at you with those soft brown heart melting eyes and thank you for being so understanding and supportive. He would tell you that he loved you so much and that you didn't know how much having you there kept him sane. And how could you leave him like that?
You wished that you had made Simon choose. Nearly five years of this neglect. Simon was so physically overstimulated by Johnny's constant need to be touching him, that something as small as resting your hand on his thigh made him irritable. Johnny would openly complain about you right in front of you, and Ghost would just sigh and let Johnny think he was having his way because it was better than fighting and dealing with Johnny being bitter and whiny.
It was fucking torture. Do you know what that's like? To be slowly isolated and forgotten in your own household? Yes, you do. Because Johnny has made sure of that. Are you going out too much? Johnny is complaining. Are you working too much? Johnny is complaining. You watch too many shows with them? Johnny is complaining. It was getting to the point where you only left your room to eat and when Simon texted you, period. Soap had insisted that with him and Ghost working civilian jobs, you should stay home to keep things tidy and make life a little easier. All it had taken was for Ghost to agree that that would make things easier for you to relent since your job wasn't the best anyway. But the pure isolation that you felt from only interacting with the two of them unless Johnny was gracious enough to let you come with them on an errand?
It was debilitating.
Finally, everything came to a head. "Hey Johnny, would you go to the corner store and pick up some soda?" "Would you come with?" "I would have bloody come with three hours ago right after work. Now I'm in my fuckin' pajamas. Not goin' anywhere like this." "Well, you know I dinnae like going right after work, Simon."
This was your opportunity, your chance. Soap was nose deep in some book he was reading and only half paying attention while you sat next to Simon on the couch, his feet propped up on your lap.
"I would go with you?" Simon's eyes flicked to you, a small smile pulling at his lips. "Yeah, love, that would be great. Mind makin' a list for me so I know what all we need to pick up?" A task. You loved when Simon gave you things to do, because whith those things to do was always some form of praise or appreciation upon completion. You ate it up whole and completely. "Of course, Si. I'll be ready by five tomorrow." "It's a date then, love."
And so, that's how you flitted around the house all day, straightening up and making a list of what you needed, absolutely giddy and buzzing wirh hopeless excitement. Soap got home early that day, which wasn't much of a shock, just made you retreat into your room early. Nothing new. Simon would text you when he was ready, right?
You sat by your phone eagerly with baited breath. 5:30. You guessed that work had kept Simon late again. It wasn't that big of a deal. But you sent him a text just to let him know that you hadn't forgotten about him. "I'm ready whenever you get off work, no rush. I love you."
5:30 turned to 6:00 and that's when you finally got the message. "I'm here." Short, sweet, to the point. That was Simon for you. You practically threw yourself off of your bed and ran to the garage with a large grin on your face. Even if it was as simple as groceries, you cherished every moment of time you got with Simon as if it were spending time with God himself. Because, in a way, Simon was your God. You looked up to him, depended on him, revered him, practically worshipped the ground he walked on; because he deserved it in your eyes.
Your grin fell at the sight before you. "Oh, hey Bonnie." Soap was hopping out of the passenger seat of Ghost's Jeep, going around to the trunk and popping it to pull out several grocery bags. Hurt, confusion, and betrayal all pooled together in your gut as you watched him take the bags inside all in one go. But, what about your list? Your phone felt heavier in your pocket as your stomach churned at the realization that to bring up the completion of the task would be pointless now.
"Hop in." Ghosts voice shook you from your haze, and you slowly took Soap's empty seat beside Ghost. Why? The question swam through your head in several versions and variations, like fish in a barrel, trying desperately to find the freedom to burst forth from your lips. But, you just couldn't ask, too afraid of the answer.
"Where do you want to go?" The question almost caught you off-guard. Where did you want to go? Did he mean Groceries? Were there some left? Or did he mean just in general? Was he offering to do something with you? "I um, I don't know." You admitted, eyes flicking between Simon and the road.
"...'M sorry love." He admitted with a sigh, shoulders sagging with the weight of the world placed upon them. "There was a bit of a mix-up, ya see? I got home and texted Johnny to ask if he would ask if you were coming-" Of course, the plan had been to bring Soap all along. That hurt a bit. "- and he told me 'no' so I thought he meant that you didn't want to come."
"I didn't get your message until we were already in the bloody market, and when I asked Johnny about it, he told me that he had told me that he didn't ask you. I felt so plum bad because I knew that you wanted to come with. 'M so sorry, love."
You were so close to losing it. Hot tears stung at your eyes, but you refused to let them fall when Simon was trying so hard, going so far as to take you for an extra drive just to make sure you had some time with him and felt loved.
"I already told Johnny, so he knows that I'm spending some time with you. Tried to throw a fit, but I shut him down." Simon sighed and ran a hand down his mask as he looked over at you while stopped at a red light. "It's ok, Simon, really. I'm just happy to spend this time together with you. That's all I can ask for. Even though you're tired after work and going for groceries, you're still taking the time to make it up to me even though it wasn't your fault. I really appreciate it."
Simon didn't pull away as you clasped his hand in your own, softly running your fingers over the back of his knuckles. He looked so grateful and relieved, as if so much pressure had just been released. He had been so worried about how you were going to take it, about if this small bit of time would be enough.
"Thank you, love. You have no idea how much I appreciate you and how-" Simon was cut off by a loud click and a light being turned on on his dashboard. "Bloody hell, check engine? I'm so sorry. It doesn't seem too big a deal, but I should probably check it out before it becomes an issue. Is that OK, love?"
What were you supposed to say? 'No!' 'For the first time in months, I get some time alone with you, and it's just 20 minutes in a car!?' 'I miss you' 'please don't!' You couldn't. Simon was tired enough as it was with Soap clinging to him. You simply felt dejected as you tried to smile and reassure him that it was ok and that you enjoyed your time together.
When you got home, Simon muttered about checking the engine tomorrow as he herded you inside, plopping down on the couch next to Soap. The sight made your heart hurt even more. You were ready to just head to your cold, lonely room to cry out your frustration when Simon piped up. "Hey, love, mind cooking up some chips for me? I'm bloody starving, and they sound wonderful."
How could you say no? Sitting in your kitchen waiting for the French fries to bake, you couldn't do it anymore. You sobbed quietly into your open palm as you clasped your hand over your mouth to quiet any noises. What were you supposed to do? Staying was only wearing you down and tearing you apart. You felt more like the ghost in this household, forgotten and lost. You were losing yourself, touch starved beyond belief and to the point of isolation where you were starting to sleep more than you were awake because it made the pain go away for a bit.
But leaving would be just as hard. You hadn't been employed for so long because the boys took care of you, which wasn't going to look good on a resume, and you had nowhere to go. But worst of all?
Worst of all was how you knew your leaving would affect Simon. Johnny was consuming all of him and leaving mere shreds, and the only time that Ghost got to indulge in his own interests was with you. But he just couldn’t bring himself to leave Johnny. You were his support system, his pillar.
You knew this, and yet, it still felt so unfair. Simon was everything to you. When you had been at your worst, he had held you and told you that you were beautiful. When he had been deployed for months at a time, you always texted him and told him how much you loved and missed him. He gave all of himself that he had to give to you before Soap came and statched that all away.
And you couldn't blame Simon for how badly the trauma had messed him up! He still had nightmares about that week. Being tortured and having to watch Soap get tortured as well. Sometimes, you would wake up in the middle of the night to one of them screaming and waking up on a picnic only for the other to softly murmur and reassure them that they were ok and alive. You couldn't do that, not for Simon, not like Soap could.
A sharp 'ding' cut off your thoughts as the oven beeped, signaling the end of the potato strings furnace treatment. You pulled them out of the oven and put them on a plate, heading to the bathroom to clean yourself up. The time for your little mental breakdown was up. Now you had to go take the fries to Simon like you weren't just bawling, like you were perfectly fine and happy, like you didn't want to scream and shout and beg for things to be different, to change. But that would be selfish of you to do, and Simon couldn't deal with you and Soap both being selfish.
God, you looked like shit. Bags were heavy under your puffy eyes, your nose was red and runny, your face all splochy from your crying, tear streaks running down your cheeks. This wouldn't do. You sighed as you splashed some cold water on your face and took a deep breath, trying desperately to distance yourself and disassociate from these awful feelings.
Once you were sure you looked fine once more, you towled your face off and grabbed the plate, plastering on your 'I'm fine' smile as you took the french fries to Ghost. The way he smiled so softly and gently at you made it all worth it, made you temporarily forget all of that pain. "Thank you, love. You're welcome to stay?"
"No, thank you, I think I'm going to try and catch up in some games. Thank you, though." Ghost didn't press any, didn't ask again. You wished he would ask again, would even try just a bit to make you feel like he loved you a shred as much as you revered him. But you had to remind yourself that you were getting greedy. He had just taken you for a car ride just the two of you, he had just stood up to Soap so you two could have a bit of time alone, he had just done exactly what you were asking him for. And yet you still wanted more.
The realization that you felt terrible for wanting the bare minimum amount of attention and affection for a relationship was just another reminder of how unhealthy this was for you.
"I love you." Simon said, his eyes so soft and sweet. "I love you too." You had to hold back tears as your smile grew a little bit, and you turned. You couldn't even wait until you made it back to your room to start crying. It wasn't fair. You did everything right, did everything Simon asked, and asked nothing in return, you loved him unconditionally with all of your heart and gave all of yourself to him; meanwhile Soap didn't even care enough to give Simon personal space when they were together because it made HIM feel better. And yet, Soap was the one who got all of Simon's time and love simply because it was easier for Simon to cave to his whims than put up with his bitching. You couldn't handle it anymore! Couldn't take it!
But what were you supposed to do? What could you do? Nothing. The only thing you could do was throw a fit, and that would just wear Simon even thinner and wouldn't accomplish anything because things would be the same again within a month.
And so, you did the only thing you could do. You fell asleep crying again, clutching your pillow to your chest, wishing desperately that Simon would finally come to his senses and put you first for once. But you didn't fool yourself into believing it.
Only shooting stars Grant wishes, and all of yours had been shot down.
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goddessinnerglow · 2 months ago
Become Your Best Version Before 2025 - Day 29
Prioritizing Yourself and Your Needs
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Hey Goddesses! As we near the end of our journey together and after exploring how to stay motivated yesterday, let's dive into something equally important, making yourself a priority. This isn't just about self-care; it's about fundamentally restructuring how you value your own needs in your daily life. Think about it: how often do you postpone your own dreams because someone else's needs seem more urgent?
Research shows that people who prioritize their wellbeing are not only happier but also more effective in their relationships and careers. Yet, 78% of us regularly put others' needs before our own essential requirements. Let's break this cycle together.
Building on yesterday's motivation strategies, let's create a sustainable plan for putting yourself first. The key is understanding that self-prioritization isn't selfish, it's essential for your growth and ability to support others effectively. Look at it this way: if you’re running on empty, you can’t give your best to anyone or anything. Think of it like recharging your phone, you wouldn’t expect it to work on 1% battery all day, right? The same goes for you.
Understanding Your Current Patterns
Start by noting when you typically abandon your own needs:
Do you skip meals to finish work?
Cancel exercise plans for last-minute requests?
Postpone personal goals to help others achieve theirs?
Creating Your Self-Priority Framework
1.Morning Intention Setting. Begin each day with a simple question: "What do I need today?" This isn't about wants; it's about genuine needs for your wellbeing. Maybe it's 7 hours of sleep, a proper lunch break, or 30 minutes of quiet time.
2.The Energy Audit. Track your energy levels throughout the week. Notice when you feel depleted versus energized. This awareness helps you identify:
Activities that drain you
Relationships that need boundaries
Times when you're most vulnerable to saying "yes" when you mean "no"
3.Boundary Setting Strategy. Develop a systematic approach to protecting your time and energy:
Create a "non-negotiable" list of self-care activities
Practice delayed response to requests ("Let me check my schedule and get back to you")
Set specific times for availability to others
4.The Wellbeing Check-In System. Schedule weekly reviews where you assess:
How well you maintained your boundaries
Areas where you need more support
Adjustments needed in your self-care routine
Making It Sustainable
Remember our motivation techniques from yesterday? Let's integrate them:
Set small, achievable daily self-care goals
Celebrate when you successfully prioritize your needs
Build a support system that encourages your self-prioritization journey
It’s also important to surround yourself with people who respect and support your boundaries. If you’re met with resistance when you say no, remember: their reaction is not your responsibility. Taking care of yourself is not something you need to justify.
Today's Challenge:
Identify your top three non-negotiable self-care needs
Schedule specific times for these in tomorrow's calendar
Practice one "boundary phrase" you'll use when needed
Set up your first weekly wellbeing check-in
As we approach the final two days of our journey, remember that prioritizing yourself is a skill that improves with practice. Your "self-first" muscles will grow stronger each time you choose to honor your needs.
See you tomorrow for Day 30! Don't forget, this isn't about becoming self-centered; it's about becoming self-aware. When you genuinely prioritize your wellbeing, you become more present, more capable, and more available for meaningful connections with others.
♡ ☆:.。 Keep glowing, babes! ♡ ☆:.。 With love, Goddess Inner Glow.
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genderfluid-insomniac · 11 months ago
Can you do Harbinger Headcannons for a reader who has a hard time with being social and recharges by being held? For example: they get overwhelmed after being out and about all day but have a very hard time asking to be held because they don't have the energy to communicate it. (Oddly specific but it's what I deal with)
A/N: I chose these by generating random numbers 1 through 11 and then choosing said harbinger by their rank. It’s purely by luck and I’m happy that Scaramouche and Arlecchino randomly got picked.
Also I had a very hard time finding anything about Pulcinella’s personality or what he’s like since we only saw him in the winter's interlude so if you’re reading this from the future and I’m wrong then I’m sorry. I tried my best.
Harbinger headcanons for a reader who has a hard time with being social and recharges by being held
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- Isn’t thrilled with physical affection but he does understand having your social battery being drained so you both compromised so no one would be uncomfortable and you got to lay your head on his lap while he ran his hands through your hair until you were ready to interact with others. Sometimes he also used your want to escape and get away from social gatherings because he doesn’t like them on a good day.
- Eventually he does come around and grow more relaxed about the whole thing, going as far as to hold you in more ways that you’re both comfortable in and have tea brought for the both of you. You will have to specify if you want a sweeter tea because he’s having his bitter as usual.
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- Sandrone completely understands and often has her mechanical puppet use it’s hands to shield her from others so she’s “alone” in a sense. She is debating on making a hollow chamber in it’s chest so a person can rest in there comfortably and safely. You’re treated no different and if you aren’t sitting with her or on some part of the puppet (which almost never happens unless she’s in a harbinger meeting or called to see the Tsaritsa).
- You’ll never hear complaints or declines from her and you quickly taken somewhere else to recharge in her arms like how her mechanical puppet shields her with her arms or simply moving to another room. She’ll take you in her arms and let you rest against her chest, running a hand through your hair and cuddling with you in the hollow warm chamber if you ask.
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- If it were any other person then he’d say pushing your limits is how you should live however this is someone he deeply cares about and knows that when you speak up about needing to be alone and recharge you mean it. You’re always a priority to him and fighting is a second but if he has harbinger work then he’ll do his best to cuddle with you till you’re alright. Childe will bring you along if he has easy missions that he thinks won’t injure you and make sure that you can be comfy but also safe while he balances you and his work.
- He is the best at cuddling and sis very attentive however once he’s has you in his arms you’re staying there for at least an hour or too. So I hope you don’t have anything important soon because even when your social battery is charged he’s going to be very happy with snuggling with his lover and being able to not think about work for once.
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- At first you’re scared to ask her at all since she’s very intimidating but since she’s very observant and perceptive it’s only a matter of time before she’ll talk to you about it. Arlecchino is very loving and soft when it involves you and she’d do anything for you. Pretty much anything that doesn’t break her rules. When you tug on her sleeve and discreetly glance at her with a tired shy expression the knave will excuse herself from the public conversation she’s having. You’ll be lead to an empty room hand in hand and placed on her lap as she runs her fingers through your hair or drawing circles on the top of your hand while you recharge.
- You both made a sign for when you feel like this and she respects it without any question and when she put the pieces together she cupped your face with no judgement at all in her expression. Kissing you softly and resting her forehead on yours. “Try to not be scared of telling me your worries or wishes because I love you no matter what, darling. Now do you want a signal to let me know or would you rather be held now and think about it later?”
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- You don’t need to ask him because he’s going to insist that you never need to ask for permission about anything that’s bothering you or making you uncomfortable and simply guiding you to a small empty room so you can recharge with him. He can also almost know when you’re running low on your social battery if he’s with you and ask you, normally he’s right 99% of the time. If he needs to do harbinger work then he will work on some of it but you’ll be sitting next to him in a hug or leaning your head on his shoulder.
- He’s rarely called for on missions and so you don’t interact much with anyone but him but when you do it’s usually for galas and formal events that makes it hard to sneak away to get away from socializing. He makes it work though, easily slipping out of the conversation he’s in and making an excuse of an agent calling for an urgent message while guiding you to a small isolated part of the room where almost no one can see the both of you. You cozy up to him and he’ll talk you quietly about meaningly topic if you want to be distracted or remain silent if you want it to be quiet.
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jiminsfirstlife · 9 months ago
random svt headcanons
mix of boyfriend hc's and random hc's. there's no theme (requests are open btw pls send me stuff T.T)
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gives u money to go shopping
loves when u trace ur fingers over his back tattoo
doesn't like letting u drive (wants u to be a passenger princess)
loves watching u play with kkuma. especially when u don't know he's watching
has crazy bed hair
has mild road rage
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smokes/vapes with you
loves couple rings but he won't wear them in public
randomly buys u gifts if he sees something that reminds him of u
will let u choose what u both get for dinner
teaches u his skincare routine
if he shows you a movie and you guess the plot twist/ending, he'll lie and tell u that ur wrong
uses your shampoo
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LOVES couples jewellery
will take photos for your instagram (and vice versa)
always comforts u <3
stares at himself in the mirror for 10 minutes every morning
teaches you how to play guitar (will sing while you play)
makes bracelets for u
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loves quality time
will sniff his armpits when nobody is looking (lowkey loves the smell)
always talking (either to you or himself)
loves visiting his friends that have pets (is debating getting a dog of his own)
loves cooking for u
loves making jokes.. but he'll laugh mid-sentence and end up taking 5 minutes say the entire joke (he ends up laughing more than u do)
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blushes every time u give him a compliment
very affectionate
messy eater. he'll walk around with food on his face without realising
his wardrobe is bigger than urs
never washes his jeans
steals ur eyeliner
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will give u money whenever u ask (and even when u don't)
loves teaching u how to play his favourite games and is very patient while you learn the controls
makes u a couple playlist and listens to it 24/7
will wear the same hoodie for a week
laughs at everything u say
loves showing u his baby photos & loves seeing ur baby photos
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lets u listen to his demos and listens to ur feedback
will binge watch a 4 season anime within a week
doesn't like pda but he'll still hold ur hand in public
prefers to stay at home with u rather than going out on a date
practices aegyo in the mirror even though he hates it
will use you as inspiration for his lyrics
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steals your accessories
if you have a pet, he'll let your pet snuggle up to him on the bed
asks u to teach him how to use makeup (he loves when u apply it for him)
is very good with kids. he loves spending time with your nieces and nephews
loves showing you his favourite songs
loves matching outfits
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bed hog...
always smells good (will share his cologne/perfume so u smell good too)
loves pda (especially hand holding)
buys clothes for u
loud eater
he's a good driver but he'll drive extra cautiously if you fall asleep in the passenger seat
sometimes (rarely) sleep talks
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picks u up to show u how strong he is. "i could use you as weights"
does aegyo whenever he wants something from you
flexes at himself whenever he walks past a mirror
makes u take "candid" photos of him. he'll act like he doesn't notice you photographing him.. but after a few seconds he'll break out in laughter and beg you to start over
loves sharing food with you
will fall asleep if ur watching a movie late at night. the next morning he'll apologise promise to continue watching it later (he falls asleep again)
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loves sharing his playlists with you
gets embarrassed when you walk in on him taking selfies
loves when u pick out his outfits
sometimes drifts into his own world when he's reading a book or listening to music, but as soon as he notices your presence he'll put away what he's doing to talk with you
lover banter
takes the best/worst photos of you
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loves cuddling with you when he needs to recharge his social battery
affectionately gives you dirty looks (he thinks it's funny when u do the same to him)
constantly makes jokes in hopes that it'll make u laugh
sings in the shower
very comforting (but also loves and appreciates when u comfort him too)
randomly does aegyo and then cringes at himself
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has gone through multiple emo phases
always laughing at whatever you say
he whines when you disagree with him
keeps a deck of uno in his bag at all times just in case someone wants to play with him
takes selfies on ur phone whenever you leave your phone unattended
always asks how your day was (and gives you a recap of his)
will make fun of you, laugh at himself, and then apologise
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just-a-ghost00 · 6 months ago
What blessing is coming your way?
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Group 1
5 of pentacles, 10 of swords, Black Numen, Hanged man back of the deck
A period of isolation is coming for you. You may lose relationships, resources or situations that mattered to you and feel really sad about it. You may consider this as a betrayal or as life abandoning you. But the reality is that these changes and endings are important for you to shift your perspective and slow your roll. There were things you were not seeing or overlooking and in order for you to get back to light and clarity, the Universe is momentarily putting you in the dark. This is a blessing in disguise. And I know, how scary and depressing that sounds. Believe me I've been there. This will be a cleasing time for you. Things and people that were no longer serving you or were detrimental to your well being and progress will leave your life without you even having to lift a finger. Once you are able to understand why this is happening in your life and see past the darkness and confusion that surrounds this phase, you will then progress significantly and quickly go back to a better state of mind, a better way of living. This is likely to take a lot of time and patience. And I know how hard it may sound but I want you to know you are more than capable of overcoming this challenge. I send my best wishes and positive vibes to you with the hope that it will protect you and carry you through this trying time of your life. Remember that you are not alone and that your emotions and opinions matter. If you are having a hard time, feel free to contact any professional if you feel the need to. I am also ready to read your messages if you don't know who to turn to. I can't promise you that I will solve all your problems but I can tell you that I will do my best in providing a safe place for you to release your sadness and worries.
Group 2
The Fool, 3 of swords, 4 of wands, back of the deck ace of wands
After a heartbreak or a separation of some kind, whether this is relating to family, romance or business, you will be starting anew as a new partnership is coming your way. You may have a hard time trusting this at first, as memories of the past are still fresh in your heart. But you will take the opportunity nontheless and choose to move forward with a new positive mindset. This partnership may inspire you to get out of your comfort zone and overcome certain fears. It might be a bit challenging but your optimism and ambition will be your best tools in this situation. As the 4 of wands often represents the home and committed relationships, this may speak about the renewal of vows or of a contract. You are given a second chance to prove your worth and work on a clean slate. You will be supported in this journey by a feminine figure. Spirit animals may also be present to protect you and provide you with guidance. Especially the wolf spirit. You may have to travel or make a significant change in what you bring to the table. This may particularly concern your creativity and your ideas. You may feel inspiredto use your passions and creative skills as a fuel to progress further on your path. You are encouraged to keep an open mind and find support and inspiration by your loved ones and/or cowerkers. Though this may be intimidating, you will be more and more satisfied with this blessing the Universe is sending your way. When it comes to romantic relationships, you may feel a renewal of your desire and attraction for your partner.
Group 3
4 of swords, 3 of cups, Hanged man, back of the deck 4 of wands
The blessing coming your way is healing. Especially through friendships and siblings. You will be granted a period of rest to be able to focus on your needs, spend quality time with your loved ones and recharge your batteries. You could be spending a lot of time at home. If you're in a romantic relationship, your connection may be going through a very calm phase. You are feeling comfortable in the presence of your partner and the pace has slowed down. Some of you may get engaged during this period of time. You may be celebrating the healing of a disease. Your focus will be on your home and your center, as well as the relationships that matter the most to you. Your loved ones will be fully supporting you during this period of your life. If you are feeling a bit confused or uncertain, they will help you gain perspective on what is troubling you. Your blessing is the slowing of time to enable you to build solid foundations and restore your balance. I asked for further information as I wasn't getting much from your cards. You got the Queen of wands. You will be glowing up and also empowered during this period of your life. Though it may feel like not much is happening, a lot of changes are slowly but surely taking place for you.
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restinslices · 1 year ago
Ahhhh after some thought I’ll choose the earthrealm men with a lovey dovey s/o 👉🏻👈🏻
back to requests a mere 6 days after saying I was gonna take a break. Was that post a little unnecessary? Yes, but I didn’t want anyone to get mad at me for not posting everyday and not getting to requests immediately. ANYWAY, back like the flu.
Johnny Cage
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Johnny “Loves Attention” Cage is having the best time 
Do y'all remember how much of a cornball this man was in the game? He has no shame 
So a significant other who also has no shame? He's getting on one knee as soon as possible 
He tries to out cornball you 
He loves it all. The stupid nicknames, the cuddling, the gifts, the giggling, all the adoration, he's just in love
Definitely returns the favor. If you buy him smth, he's buying you smth (let's ignore that debt), you give him a nickname so he gives you one. It goes on and on
All this lovey dovey shit might exhaust some people. Johnny is not some people. 
The nicknames are probably his favorite part. He makes the most atrocious nicknames up because you won't be upset 
Some real dumb shit like Oogy Boogy Sweetie Weetie Cutie Patootie Kissy Face- yeah all that shit is one nickname. Why? Because it's funny to him and you'll laugh 
The type to get y'all dumbass matching shirts 
“If found return to stupid” “I'm stupid” 
Those type of shirts 
Everyone hates you because it becomes a competition of who can be the most corny. It's tortuous for anyone near you 
Cannot express enough how much this man enjoys the attention you give him. If one day you decided to ignore him as a joke, he'd actually be so sad and notice immediately 
He just adores having a corny lovey dovey partner. The best thing to happen to him. 
Kenshi Takahashi 
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He doesn't hate it but he definitely needs a breather sometimes 
Having a lovey dovey partner isn't terrible to him. All the touching and nicknames and being spoiled is definitely cute to him, but being lovey dovey also means you're on him a lot. Kenshi doesn't give me huge extrovert vibes so I think because you're so extreme(?) that there's times when he needs a break 
He thinks it's adorable though. He likes feeling wanted so he likes how outwardly you are with your love 
Idk if he likes all the nicknames though. I can see him easily cringing if you go overboard 
Idk how he'd feel about you spoiling him. He doesn't hate it but he feels like everytime you give him a gift, he has to give you one and he ain't got that shit on him. His own thoughts are running him dry 
When his social battery is recharged I think he'd like how physical and sweet you are
He enjoys how loved you make him feel. He's just not sure how to respond sometimes. I can see you saying something really corny and although he thinks it's cute, his brain doesn't move fast enough and he ends up just staring at you 
He rolls his eyes a lot too so it can give the appearance that he's annoyed by you but it's definitely not that 
You want some corny shit he'll definitely like? Matching jewelry. He'll eat it up like it's a cookie 
Also draw over his tattoos. He loves it 
Loves the corny shit his brain just legit shuts off sometimes 
Kung Lao
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Like Johnny, he enjoys the attention 
Idk if he necessarily enjoys all the corny things. I don't get a strong feeling from him. Maybe it depends on the day 
Likes the attention and spoiling but all the corny nicknames and shirts and just being a total sap makes him a little uncomfortable at times 
Once again, it depends on the day. Sometimes he's all for it and sometimes he's like “let's calm down for today”
Gets you a matching hat but without all the sharp shit because he doesn't trust you with sharp objects 
He's a mix of Johnny and Kenshi tbh
He refuses to wear those corny matching shirts. You'll have to kill him 
That applies to other things too
Those corny nicknames Johnny would make up? He'd prefer a beating from a serious Spiderman 
“Aw my Snookie Wookie-” “I'm gonna shoot myself right here right now. Please stop”
It's cute and he acknowledges that it's how you show love but certain things just ain't gonna work with him
Especially in public certain things just won't work with him because he has an ego and thinks certain things will make him look weird. It's giving insecure teen 
Don't doubt his love for you though. He loves his little sap. Just take it a bit slow 
At some point a switch would flip and he'd go from being embarrassed to thinking “wow, I'm so great my partner is willing to look silly in front of others!”
Now he feeds into your corny bullshit
A win is a win
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I fully believe him and Liu Kang are romantics, therefore he loves it 
He gets flustered easily so tons of affection makes his face go red and all that cute shit 
His brain also short circuits like Kenshi's. He's so bad at pretending he's not flustered 
“Are you blushing?” “...” “...” “...” “Raiden?” “Of course not”
Likes the consistent physical contact 
Spoiling him also makes him short circuit. He's trying to think of how to thank you but all that comes out is “oh!”
Adores you just as much as you adore him 
He likes gift giving. And idk mean just jewelry, I mean “you got me all these gifts so I'm gonna bring you a bunch of produce and hey, maybe we can cook later”
We saw him collecting cabbages like Cabbage Man from ATLA in the beginning of the game, he gotta still have the hook up
Loves receiving cheek kisses 
Man is so weak in the knees. Kung Lao can yell “STAND UP!” all he wants. That shit is not happening 
Play with his hair. Once again, weak in the knees 
He's having a great time. Sure he's easily embarrassed but it's not like “omg, you're being weird. Stop”. It's more of a “I love this but I feel like everyone's looking”
You two are super lovey dovey but not as obnoxious as you and Johnny. Johnny is like “you can't out corny me” and Raiden is just tryna vibe and love on you since you love on him 
All the embarrassment he feels is so worth it to him 
Liu Kang
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A romantic so all that lovey dovey shit? Heaven to him 
Liu Kang has so much love to give and he's never allowed to share it because his life is ass in every timeline 
So a partner that adores him and shows him how much they adore him? Did the Elder Gods hand craft you for him?
He's honestly a mix of everyone. He wants to love you all the time like Johnny, he loves how much you love him like Kenshi, he loves how much you outwardly adore him like Kung Lao and he's a huge romantic that loves how much time you spend together like Raiden
He's so love deprived so he loves everything you wanna do 
Matching shirts, jewelry, socks, whatever the fuck? Absolutely. 
Spoiling him with random shit? He'll take it all
Telling him how much you love him all the time? Yes. 
Giving him the dumbest and corniest nicknames? He'll take that too 
He's also lovey dovey so the feeling is very much mutual 
Enjoys quality time so you wanting to be on his hip is very much welcomed 
You're a breath of fresh air since you're so kind and loving to him. Remember he has all the memories of the past timeline, then this timeline gets fucked up. He's used to constant smoke and destruction so someone being so nice and sweet to him and relaxing with him is heavenly to him
Doesn't matter how corny it is. It's all he wants 
Real quick, two things. Firstly I wanna make more MK1 intros so y’all should give me ideas. Secondly I think it would be fun if we as a unit made an MK1 oc. I’d make polls, you’d vote on certain things and then we use the same results but tinker it to our individual liking. For example maybe we know they’re Edenian but their gender is up to you. It’d be like a bunch of variants. A Multiverse of Madness if you will.
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grimesgirll · 1 year ago
you look forward to your car rides with rick.
you love your group too but sometimes a long car ride helps you unwind and recharge when your social battery is low and you just need to stare out the window at some grassy hills. besides, most days rick let you choose the soundtrack for your drive so you could DJ.
the only cds you'd had when you met up with the group were your signed cds that you couldn't part with: your parents' favorite foreigner album and taylor swift's sophomore album. after playing those albums front to back and hearing "double vision" one too many times enough to nearly ruin the song for you - and rick too probably - you set out to find some new tunes. you and daryl came back from a record store with a crate of old cds - it was a shame that you couldn't preserve the records but you had yet to run into a working record player that was worth your time. nonetheless, you found fleetwood mac albums, soft rock compilations, and music to mellow your trips.
you were itching to see him today. you’d been preoccupied mass producing buckwheat cereal and it was never a good time with him. you lavished the opportunity to spend time alone with the perpetually preoccupied rick grimes.
rick is waiting for you when you climb into the car. hickory curls frame his face which is sunburnt from all the time spent outside finishing up the harvest.
“hey,” you greet, pulling the car shut and shifting into your seat.
“hey there.” the sheriff farmer replies gruffly, hands already tensed and gripping the steering wheel.
you don’t need to ask what’s wrong because you already know: carl.
you love the boy but he wasn’t playing the part of the pacifist farm boy rick wanted him to. you don’t blame either of them. rick was right to rein carl in after he fired on that boy from woodbury as he surrendered.
that shook you up a bit too, but you remembered that carl was young and after weeks of planting, it won’t hurt to let the boy kill a walker or two on fence duty. there’s at least no reason for rick to give him shit about it.
rick’s so pent up though. it could be not just carl but the young infant going through the four month sleep regression.
settling judith for the night seemed to be a never ending battle, every battle a losing battle. you’d managed to take the little girl off of rick’s hands so he could sleep but she rarely went down for you either anymore. the baby that was once happy to fall asleep in your arms before bed was now fighting bedtime with everything she had.
your leader was saddled with stress. you can see it in the white of his knuckles against the steering wheel and how he doesn’t say anything before starting the car and pulling out of the prison, the gate being pulled behind your car by glenn and daryl.
almost forgetting to put in the new cd in your lap, your eyes are glued to the steering wheel. navigating whatever you have with rick is treacherous when just the sight of his taut hands has your breath picking up.
the two of you had no opportunity to get away lately. it’s not like you’re going to pester rick or jump him in the fields.
you’d already heard a, “later, sweetheart” earlier this week and it made you want to curl up into a ball.
waving the cd so rick can see, you ask if he likes the eagles. he shrugs. not much of a response.
“i’m gonna pop this in,” you inform him and lean over slightly to eject the cd currently residing in the media console - one of daryl’s buffalo springfield cds - to slide in an eagles’ greatest hits album.
he doesn’t pay much attention, just keeps his attention on the road and his knuckles wrapped around the steering wheel.
the sound of a guitar transitions you into the first song, which you think is aptly named. “take it easy” is exactly what rick should do but the song doesn’t seem to lighten his mood.
you two sit in silence. this isn’t unusual for you guys. sometimes you go quiet on parts of the drive.
rick breaks the silence.
“you like older stuff?”
i like older, rugged, handsome ex-cops with hands that can-
“i like all kinds of stuff.”
the older man laughs. “just wouldn’t have pegged you for an eagles girl.”
“it’s dad rock. don’t you like it?” you ask, catching his blue eyed gaze.
he slouches his shoulders. “they’re not bad. i would’ve liked if you put on that fleetwood mac cd a bit more.”
you grin. “i’ll remember to put their greatest hits cd on next.”
what you should be doing is reaching back to grab the cd booklet from the backseat but you’re fixated on rick. he’s driving, hyper focused on being aware of his surroundings again so he doesn’t notice the path your eyes take from his hands on the wheel to his pants. he doesn’t see your eyes cloud with thoughts of you two.
“pull over.”
“what?” rick questions, shooting you a skeptical look. “why?”
“i really have to go number one.”
he scoffs. “that’s why you wanna stop?” he shakes his head at you. you’re always asking him to stop on the side of the road for you to pee or find a dilapidated bathroom to go in. “next time, you gotta go before we leave.”
you nod, working overtime to conceal the early signs of victory on your lips. rick heeds your request and pulls into a rest stop parking lot, telling you to make it quick.
“be right back!” you chirp and use the bushes behind a gazebo to maintain your angle - and actually empty your bladder.
then you’re hopping back into the car and pressing the passenger side button to lock all of the doors. your hand stops rick’s when he goes to start the car, using the other to unbuckle his seatbelt. you’re in his lap by the time you’ve gotten his seat reclined by pushing down the lever.
the dark haired man is chiding your name. “what are you doin’?”
“helping you relax.”
“we gotta get on with our run.”
“i think you having fun is a bit more important.” you argue as you undo his belt. “why don’t you just relax?” you smile at him while you turn up the music slightly.
the sheriff rasps your name. “we have to stay vigilant.”
you send him a look that his him straining in his baby blue boxers. “rick, the doors are locked. we’ll hear a walker if they come up and we can drive away. just trust me and relax.”
it’s hard to argue when you’re tugging down his waistband, hands finding him and fondling him until the only sounds coming out of his mouth are pants.
opening up nice and wide, you slip him into your mouth. you smile when your tongue on the side of his length is met with a breathy moan.
one of rick’s hands are on the back of the center console and the other is pressed against the driver’s side door. between you wandering up and down his shaft with your tongue, he feels cornered. even more so when you take the opportunity to guide his hands to your hair.
it takes a few minutes but rick is no longer preoccupied with scanning the perimeter or heavy under the worry you could always sense under his skin, distracted by the curve of your ass. just leaning with his head back, basking in the soft rock playing and the woman so keen on relieving the pressure that weighed down on his reddened shoulders.
“such a good girl,” he’s gasping.
you move faster. suction your lips a little tighter. you haven’t been fooling around with rick for long but one thing is true without a doubt for him; he’s long and thick. you still haven’t mastered what must be some kind of witchcraft to fit all of him down your throat without gagging, but rick doesn’t care. as long as his dick in your mouth, he’s not complaining. especially not when you look up at him with his cock halfway down your throat.
success bubbles in your core and even with rick stuffed down your throat, you’re beaming. you’ve managed to get him to sit back and take a moment to enjoy himself - to enjoy you.
but you realize that your work is far from done when your favorite farmer cums down your throat, relishing the moment despite his still rock solid cock. he pulls your mouth off of him after you swallow, seemingly relishing the sight of you, lips in a pout in his lap.
“it’s your turn,” rick growls before fervidly dragging you to the backseat to pin your hips down and return the favor.
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ash-says · 1 year ago
Be Bold. Be Shallow.
Before you start judging me and formulating your own illusions sit down and hear me out first.
Do you think being introverted is cool?
Do you think bonding with people on so-called social anxiety issues is cool?
Making memes and cracking self depreciating jokes is cool?
Having a sense of superiority in being a rut along with someone who is your bff is cool?
Trauma bonding with others and making fun of how your parents are strict and don't give you the autonomy to even go out for a trip is cool?
Ohh, honey. How incredibly dumb of you!!!
It's really astonishing to witness that you still haven't recognised the micro patterns standing in between you and your growth.
Here we are blaming the economy, genes, society and what not...
First thing first, if you can't speak up for yourself no one else is doing it for you.
But Ash being around people drains the fuck out of me. It's easy for you to say that. I am an introvert.
What are you a battery?? If yes then please recharge.
Being an introvert will get you nothing. If you can't communicate effectively trust me no company is going to hire you easily no matter the amount of knowledge you possess.
Learn how to sell yourself. Not saying in the sexual way of course.
Cure your social anxiety. Do things that are challenging and step out of it.
Be Fucking bold I mean it. Ask for whatever you want. Have opinions. Voice it out. Stand your truth. That's the only way you can work it out. Develop the courage to talk with people. Be comfortable in being the centre of attention. Be loud. Be self aware.
Today's world is filled with a lot of noise. Don't expect that someone will notice you and adopt you automatically. Nothing will happen until and unless you put yourself out there. Figure out what you want and demand it. Things don't happen magically you have to make it work for you.
Now doing all that let me tell you one harsh reality. When you start stepping into your power and having a voice you are going to trigger a lot of people. Your truth will shed light on their false decorums. It will make them uncomfortable. They will want to tame you. Put you in your place. Tell you to compromise. Try to show you, you are not all that. Accept what you are served silently without creating a ruckus.
That's where you have to be shallow. Shallow towards their attempts to bring you down. Shallow towards their triggers. Shallow towards their fears. It's not your job to coddle their insecurities and make them feel safe at the expense of your growth. You stand in your truth.
You have to be cruel at times. People will call you names. Say you are self absorbed. Selfish. Don't care for others. But at this point you need to be deeply self aware, bold and assertive with your needs, desires and non-negotiable then only you will be able to separate that noise from your true self and be shallow enough to ignore it. To not let it affect you. It takes being borderline cold hearted to go on living with this kind of experience. To smile slyly when someone calls you selfish just for choosing your mental peace over their drama. To be cocky when someone tries to taunt you and make you feel bad about scoring good grades or having it easy compared to them. There's an indescribable peace in being unbothered.
Always be empathetic. Be kind. Understand the pain of the underprivileged, poor, traumatized, shattered people but don't let it turn you into a doormat.
Your depth shouldn't become the reason for your drown.
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braidlottie · 1 year ago
it's classical, anyway.
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pairing: mommy!lottie x inexperienced!transmasc!reader
summary: lottie takes you to buy your first sex toy.
tags: smut, nsfw, 18+ (minors dni), vibrator, reader is a little shy, but lottie is so soft with him :(, lubricant, cute nicknames for reader :3
word count: 1k
a/n: i figured out the custom coloring!! so thats Nice :]
title inspired by lotion by deftones
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“we don’t have to do this if you’re not ready, honey.” lottie’s hand rubbed your knee as the two of you sat in the car in front of an adult toys shop not too far out of the city.
“but, i want to, mommy.” you were a little scared, but you’ve been wanting to take this step with lottie for a while now. lottie’s hand went to caress your burning cheek before giving it a small peck. “i wanna go in.”
the older woman nods, taking the car keys out of the ignition. “i’ll be right by you the whole time, baby, m’kay?”
you nod, mirroring her smile shyly.
the bell at the top of the door chimed when you and lottie entered the store, catching the ear of the worker at the front desk. she smiled, putting some boxes down behind the desk. “welcome in! is there anything i can help you two with?”
lottie smiled back, walking up to her with a question.
“could you point me to the vibrators, please?”
your face burned at lottie’s words, looking down at your feet. “no problem, right this way.” the worker smiled once more, you and lottie following her to the aisle.
the walls were lined with different toys, all color coordinated and stacked perfectly. “let me know if you need anything.” the worker walked back to her desk and left you and lottie alone in the aisle. the store was empty, it was just you, lottie and the worker.
well, a sex shop wouldn’t be packed at 11 am on a thursday, right?
“which one would you like, sweetheart? you can pick out any one, it’s just for you.” lottie smiled before pulling you closer by your waist. you couldn’t choose all the colors and different prices were too overwhelming- until you found the perfect one.
it was a small, black bullet vibrator that had multiple types of speed and vibration patterns. you try to grab it, but it was a shelf too high, making lottie help you out. “this one, darling?” she gave it to you, watching you scan the box for more facts.
rechargeable. 6 hours of battery life! dishwasher safe?
“you like that one, don’t you?” lottie smiled down at you, pinching your cheek. “but the price-”
“nooo, what did i say about that, honey? mommy would buy it for you, no matter how much it cost.”
you shrugged, avoiding lottie’s eyes. “let’s buy this and go home, yeah? i know you’re just dying to try it out.”
you whined, hiding your shy little smirk into lottie’s shoulder. “i’m only teasing you, little one.” she squeezed your hand as the two of you walked up to the cash register.
as soon as you got home, lottie told you to undress, taking off your pants and your boxers frantically, and your shirt lastly, ready to finally try it out.
“come sit on mommy’s lap, sweet boy.” lottie was across the room on the couch. she had taken the toy out of the packaging, pulling you in closer when you sat down. “it’s beautiful, isn’t it? are you ready?” you heard the cap of a lube bottle snap shut after lottie put some on the vibrator.
she rubbed your tummy, keeping a secure grip on you around your waist because you were definitely going to squirm. “i’ll start slow, then we’ll work our way up, yeah. don’t hesitate to tell mommy to stop.” you copied her nod.
lottie rubbed the toy against your t-cock, making you shiver from the coldness of the lubricant.
then she turned it on.
you gasped softly, your stomach already flipping as the low buzzing sound filled your head. “you’re such a brave boy for doing this with mommy, yes you are.” lottie cooed, her hand still rubbing your stomach.
your breaths were jagged, biting your lower lip as a moan almost slipped out. “don’t be afraid to moan in front of mommy, baby. c’mon,” she coaxed you, a small whimper from you muffled into her chest.
“there's my boy, does that feel nice?”
“mm- yes, s’good,” your words were slurred together but lottie could somehow still understand you. “you want it faster, don’t you?” lottie smiled sweetly, spreading your legs farther with her knee. you would've never thought that such a tiny thing could make you feel this good.
“mommyyy..” you almost cried, holding onto lottie’s wrist. “i know, sweet boy.” lottie couldn’t take it herself. holding her little boy in her lap while he squirmed and whimpered against her shoulder, it was such a precious site. “do you need mommy to stop?”
“nono- please!”
the pressure in your stomach was getting tighter and tighter as you rocked your hips into the new toy. “are you close, my baby?” lottie deliberately pressed the vibe into your little cock, marveling at how perked up every so often.
“faster, please mommy- ‘m so-” your sentence was cut off by lottie turning up the speed once again, dragging the tip of the bullet up and down against your dick, resting it directly on the head. “so close for mommy, i just know it. let go, my darling boy, c’mon.” she kissed your ear before whispering. “cum for mommy.”
the high pitched moan you let out was alarming, to both you and lottie, but you couldn’t feel embarrassment now, only pleasure as your orgasm bursts through your stomach, a tear falling from your eye when you blinked. “such a good boy. how was that?” you nodded, smiling from the praise. “good, mommy.” you rubbed your wet face with the back of your hand.
“you know, you don’t have to ask mommy to use this. you can use it whenever you like. while i’m at work, or at the store, even if i’m in the next room, baby.” she teased, watching you get flustered for the umpteenth time today.
“or mommy can teach you, baby. if you don’t know to use it.”
you nodded once with a smile, buzzing with excitement at the thought for using your new toy again.
taglist (i forgot it): @antlerbf @deerlottie @theyellowjacketschewtoy @girltwinklater @kessellluvr @lotties-ashwagandha
141 notes · View notes
isadollie · 8 months ago
— matchup —
for: @thecurrator <3
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i match you with...
Bachira Meguru!
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★ i can clearly see the introvert x extrovert trope here ngl
★ Bachira is very outgoing and let's be honest - not shy at all, and i think your relationship would be kinda balanced this way. Bachira would definitely want to introduce you to all of his friends, however if you ever tell him your social battery needs recharging, he will understand it
★ something the two of you have in common is spacing out and daydreaming, which was a main reason i chose him for you haha. i also think he would share all his thoughts with you, regardless of how crazy they are
★ also! i imagine that Bachira also gets lost in new places very easily... so that makes two of you! it would happen way too often tbh, so whenever it happens you two have 2 choices: either try to work it out on your own, or call for help. it's always a debate, which solution to choose lol
★ oh, he's sooo talkative. he can talk for hours with no end. but! he wouldn't cut you off when you're talking. i think he doesn't like to be cut off himself, so wouldn't do that to you as well. however, wouldn't hesitate to cut off someone he doesn't like lol
★ he might not be the best at giving words of affirmation (he probably prefers physical touch) but wouldn't mind to try for you. would ask his friends for advice, so that he knows what to tell you when you feel bad. it might take some time, but he'll learn eventually:)
★ something about him just screams cottagecore to me for some reason. i can't really explain it 😭 also, i think Bachira would be a fan of all sort of cute stuff! would love to buy you every single cutesy item he sees with no hesitation. would also like to choose your clothes, but let's be honest, he would choose things that don't really match lol
★ overall, i see you two as a pretty good match, and there you have him: someone who you would never be bored with!! hehe
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your second match was chigiri hyoma :> thanks for doing an exchange with me!!
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padfootagain · 2 years ago
Celebrity Crush
Hi ! I’m answering a request I’ve received a few weeks ago today! This was requested by an anon: “Watching Twilight or The batman with Ben. Yn has a huge crush on Robert Pattinson it was her childhood crush and Ben is Jealous?!? Idk something fluff”. So… here we go! I hope you enjoy your fic, anon!
I hope you all enjoy this fluffy and silly piece! Tell me what you think about it!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x Reader
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff and domestic silliness
Summary: Movie night turns into grumpy-Ben night when you watch a movie staring one of your celebrity crushes.
Word Count: 2842
Ben Barnes' Masterlist - Main Masterlist
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Today is Friday, which implies several things for you.
End of the week, beginning of the weekend. A couple of lazy days ahead to recharge your batteries before going back to work on Monday morning.
Going home to your boyfriend. Hearing him play the piano as soon as you open the door to your apartment. The smell of the scented candle you lit up that morning. Quiet and warm and filled with your shared memories. A smile on your face and a peaceful heart.
Friday night is movie night. Tradition. Friday evening means pizza, cuddles, some snacks while you watch a film lying in your boyfriend’s arms. He’s choosing this week; you take turns, to keep things fair.
You’ve barely taken off your shoes that you hear the notes from the piano fade into silence.
“Darling?” you hear Ben call from across the apartment.
He must have heard some noise, but couldn’t quite recognize what it was. You smile as you answer him.
“I’m home, honey!”
You’re not surprised to hear hurrying footsteps pad their way to the hallway where you’re still standing, taking off your coat and hanging it by the door, next to Ben’s. You put away your shoes, right next to his. Smaller pair by his bigger ones.
When you turn around, Ben’s grinning at you, casually leaning against the doorframe leading to your living room. He’s staring at you, waiting for you to properly step inside your shared home.
A grin of your own spreads across your features the second your eyes land on him. You don’t know what it is about him that simply… makes it easy to forget about work and your busy day and all that you have to do…
Maybe it’s the way his black t-shirt fits him so well, complimenting his silhouette without him even noticing. Maybe it’s his slightly dishevelled hair, after a day spent composing and writing. Maybe it’s the darkness in his eyes where you lose your soul, that still holds more tenderness than you’ve ever encountered. Maybe it’s the way he smiles at you, fond and quiet and soothing… loving…
You’re not sure what it is. It doesn’t really matter. Every time you see him, your heart skips a beat, and that’s enough.
“How was your day, darling?” he asks, welcoming you with a tight hug as you finally step closer.
“Busy. Quite awful, to be honest,” you mumble against his shoulder, breathing deeply his familiar scent, something of oud and something sweeter coming from your shampoo you used this morning as you showered together.
He coos at you, rubbing your back, and you feel your muscles relax under his touch.
“Really? What happened?”
But you shake your head.
“Nothing in particular, just… busy, and I couldn’t wait for the weekend. What about you?”
“It was quiet,” he answers, pulling away just enough to look at you. “Just… spent some time writing and playing the piano. Called a few friends. Had a meeting with my agent to talk about future roles. Then I just… waited for you to come home. Nothing much.”
You grin at his last statement, going on your tiptoes to kiss his lips. And when you pull away, his smile is matching yours.
You head for the bathroom while Ben orders a pizza. When you come out, wearing more comfortable clothes, Ben is browsing on your TV to pick up a film, lounging on the sofa, already snacking on some popcorn.
“You’re not even waiting for me!” you complain with a bright laugh, falling by his side on the couch and stealing some popcorn from his bowl.
He merely shoves a full handful of food in his mouth as a response, making you laugh harder.
“I’m starving,” he explains after swallowing his mouthful.
“I can see that.”
“It’s not my fault if you came home late tonight and spent an hour in the shower…”
“I did not!” you swat him playfully on the shoulder, faking outrage, while he struggles not to laugh too much.
“I’ve timed you.”
“You did?”
“No, I obviously did not! What kind of madman do you think I am?”
“A stalker? A creep?”
“I love when you give me compliments.”
You both can’t hold your laughter anymore, and he wraps his arm around you to pull you closer when you lean towards him as you laugh.
It’s quite late though, on that point Ben is right. Sun is setting, bathing the world in pinkish shades, painting the clouds in orange and gold. The light comes as colourful rays into your home, it bathes the feet of your coffee table and gives every item in the room a warmer shade.
The pizza is soon here, you go to get it at the door. Meanwhile, Ben has made a choice, paused the film to wait for you to settle comfortably again.
“What did you pick?” you ask, handing him a plate and a slice of your favourite pizza.
Ben grins.
“The new Batman movie! What do you think?”
He takes a bite of the pizza, lets out a content humming, before chuckling at the trace of tomato that lingers on your chin because you’ve hurried too much to eat…
“Nice! Good idea!” you nod, letting Ben wipe your chin with a napkin.
“I do think so myself,” he jokes, still amused as you voraciously take another huge bite of the delicious food.
You settle down more comfortably, the movie still paused, shuffling closer to Ben so you’re sitting shoulder against shoulder. He rests his hand on your sigh, giving your limb a tender squeeze through your pyjama pants.
“Isn’t Robert Pattinson playing Batman in this version?” you ask Ben, handing him a glass of sparkling water, and he thanks you with a peck on the lips.
“He is. He fits the role quite well, I reckon,” Ben nods, taking a sip, before putting his glass down on the coffee table.
You grow more excited all of a sudden, and Ben looks at you with amusement, a little puzzled.
“What is it?” he asks, while you happily wiggle.
“Robert Pattinson… dear God… I had a huge crush on him back in the days,” you answer.
Ben raises an eyebrow.
“Really?” he asks, and you notice how his voice is a little lower than usual.
But you nod, humming as you drink some water.
“Twilight… teenager me… Holy shit!” you squeal, wiggling again, and you’re too adorable for Ben not to let out a fond laugh.
“So… he’s your celebrity crush, huh?” he teases. “Didn’t see that one coming.”
“Well… tall, dark haired… is it that surprising?” you answer, and Ben explodes with laughter.
“Oh, I see! So that’s it, then! You’re with me because you have a type…”
“So… if Robert Pattinson walked into our apartment now, and offered to take you on a date…”
“Ben… it’s Robert Pattinson. He can do whatever he wants to me, I’m down for it.”
You both laugh, and Ben shakes his head at you.
“Anything? Really?”
“I mean…”
“Well, you know what? That’s it, I don’t want to watch the movie anymore,” he jokes in fake annoyance. “No rival in this house…”
You laugh at him, putting away your plate to wrap your arms around him.
“Aww, my poor honey!” you coo, kissing his cheek a couple of times to make him look at you, and it works. It works every time…
“What? You want to do nasty things with this man!”
“Nasty things?” you laugh.
But you shake your head, brushing your nose against his in the process, making him grin from ear to ear.
Faces close, lips almost touching, breathing the same air… you love this. Feeling Ben’s warmth spreading across your frame, his hands holding you close, his beard brushing your jaw when he moves…
You can feel that his heart is pounding, it matches your own heartbeat.
You still do it. After all this time, after the domestic life that has settled in your shared home that fills your days with habits… Ben doesn’t know how you do it, but you still make him feel giddy and excited, just by being near, by a simple touch, by the ghost of a kiss… He should be used to it by now, he reckons, but he isn’t. Something in him tells him he never will be. You’ll always make him feel like this.
That’s love, after all. It holds magic in its simplest form…
“There’s only one person I want to do nasty things with.”
Your tone is seductive now, and he grins. He can feel that his cheeks are turning a little red, but he doesn’t care. He loves it. He loves you… so much…
“Really?” he asks, his voice huskier.
You nod.
“And who might that be?” he asks, voice low, deep, and his hand on your thigh slips dangerously higher along your limb…
“Well… he’s my boyfriend. And he’s very handsome, so… tough competition for Robert Pattinson.”
Ben chuckles, his hand moving to your hip instead of your leg, pulling you closer, if it’s even possible. He tilts his head to drop kisses on your neck, and you can’t help the way your eyes close as soon as you feel his warm breath across your skin.
“Good to know,” he answers, and there’s something a little cocky in his voice.
He rubs his beard against your neck intentionally a few times, just because he knows it drives you crazy, and it works. You run a hand through his hair in response, tugging a little on the soft strands, making him chuckle.
But you don’t let him win. You won’t let him win that easily, at least. So, you pull away, kissing his lips passionately one last time, before settling next to him again, picking up your food.
“You’re so damn cruel,” Ben complains, but you merely laugh at his answer. “Such a tease…”
“It’s movie night! I want to watch a movie!”
“Alright, alright…”
The film finally starts, and you eat your pizza together. After your meal, you’re back in Ben’s embrace in a matter of minutes, the empty plates abandoned on the coffee table along with your empty glasses, and none of you care about the mess you’ve made. You’ll clean it up later, before going to bed. For now, the movie is good, night has drawn its shadows upon the busy city and lights are glowing orange and white to fight them. You haven’t turned on any light in your home, enjoying the darkness. It feels a little like being in a cinema. Only, you’re in your pyjamas, in your home, on your sofa, in Ben’s arms, and it’s a lot better than the real thing, you reckon…
He's focused, he’s quiet. He has you in his arms, lying partly on top of him, his hand under your shirt to feel the warmth of your skin against his palm and draw soothing patterns on the skin of your back. And he loves it. The peaceful, domestic feel of these evenings spent with you. Just the two of you. Doing nothing interesting, nothing special just… some pizza and a good movie, and your body relaxed against his. He loves it, every second of it. He’s home…
From time to time, the two of you comment the scenes, ask questions. You’re caught up in the action though, but you’re also mischievous, and you’re not done teasing your boyfriend this evening…
When Robert Pattinson appears with a particularly intense fight scene, and you see he’s clenching his jaw next, a little bloody… you can’t help but let out a sigh.
“That was hot,” you blurt out.
Ben chuckles.
“That’s quite true,” he admits.
“There’s something about… violent scenes and very intense staring that’s… hot…”
Ben seems to think for a moment.
“So… does that mean that you find it sexy when the Darkling cuts people in half?”
You laugh, and he soon joins you.
“I mean… it’s terrifying. But yeah, that whole scene was hot.”
You can feel his smirk against your hair. Perfect time for teasing…
“I do believe that this was hotter though.”
He gasps, outraged.
“How dare you?” he protests. “I channelled all my sexiness in that scene!”
You laugh.
“Well… sorry to disappoint but… I think my old crush on Robert Pattinson is coming back strong!”
He rolls his eyes. But he doesn’t fight back, and you wonder if his annoyance is, for a part, quite genuine this time.
“You’re not jealous, are you?” you ask, sitting up a little to stare at him.
“Absolutely not!” he defends himself, but he doesn’t sound very convincing.
You laugh at him.
“Come on you have advantages he doesn’t!”
You know he’s fishing for compliments a little, even though he’s being playful again. You won’t give it to him so easily though.
“Dark hair. Tall.”
“We have established the pattern already, darling,” he rolls his eyes.
“You’re British! Sexy accent.”
“Isn’t Robert Pattinson British too?” Ben frowns.
“He is.”
You laugh, while he shakes his head.
“Hmm… you’re handsome.”
“Well, thank you,” he smiles. “But he is too…”
“You… are an actor…”
“How is that an advantage? And you’re just listing things we have in common!” Ben laughs.
He rolls his eyes at you as you chuckle.
“I can’t believe it.”
“Are you really jealous?”
“… a little bit.”
You chuckle, shaking your head at him.
“Well, Robert Pattinson doesn’t have your sweet voice,” you reply, and you feel him relax as you run your hand through his hair. “He doesn’t have your beautiful eyes either. And he’s not as handsome as you.”
“Really?” he asks, grinning again as you gently pull him down to you, a hand holding the collar of his shirt.
“Really. Besides… you’re sexier in fight scenes.”
“Am I now?”
“Billy Russo was very hot…”
He explodes with laughter, your faces so close again.
“I didn’t know you had a thing for villains…”
“I don’t. I’m just saying that… it’s rather sexy.”
“Maybe I should play with knives more often then…”
“If you cook more often, then sure, do!”
You both laugh, and Ben playfully pushes you away.
“I can’t believe it!”
“I’m joking, honey! I’m joking!”
You grab him by the collar to pull him closer again, until you’re kissing, and kissing, and kissing… the movie forgotten, and Robert Pattinson with it.
You let out a soft gasp as Ben pushes you down to lie down fully on the couch.
His lips have left yours to settle on your neck again, open-mouthed kisses sending delightful shivers all over your body, and you throw your head back to give him better access to your skin. He groans when you pull his hair a little.
When he pulls away, propping himself up to look down at you, his body hovering above yours, just out of reach, he has a cocky smirk on his lips again and his eyes glimmer with mischief and something a little dangerous that you adore. His features are bathed by no other light than the changing ones of the TV, it’s almost ethereal.
“I reckon I don’t need to be bloody and fighting bad guys for you to find me sexy though, do I?” he asks, voice low and husky, and you hate the way you tremble a little at the sound, but you can’t help it. Your breathing is a mess by now, and your heart stumbles under your ribcage.
When you smile up at him, it’s more tender than he expected the gesture to be, and he offers you a matching grin.
“No, you don’t. You’re very sexy. Very handsome. Very kind too. I think that’s what I love the most about you. Really… Robert Pattinson doesn’t stand a chance.”
Ben grins, and it’s not that flirtatious anymore. It’s more loving, the gesture soft and soothing, reassuring.
“Good. Cause I don’t like having competition. Not when it comes to you. I love you too much for that.”
It’s your time to grin, and you let Ben settle down again, lying on top of you so he can rest his head on your chest. You play with his hair as you start focusing on the movie again, his arms around you once more.
“Anyway… he wasn’t my biggest crush by then…” you add after a couple of minutes.
“Really? Who else do I have to compete with?”
You chuckle, looking down at Ben to catch his reaction.
“There was this other British actor too… I saw him in a movie and… wow. Just… wow!”
“Oh no… who was it?”
“Don’t remember his name now but… he played that character… Prince Caspian?”
You both explode with laughter, and it takes a while for you to grow quiet again.
You don’t remember how the film ends. You don’t really care. Because Ben is back at kissing you after that last remark, and he doesn’t stop this time…
After all, you’d choose him over Robert Pattinson a thousand times over.
Taglist : @reg-arcturus-black @wolfmoonmusic
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sugudoe · 8 months ago
HI I am literally OBSESSED with your works and wanted to send in a match-up request after lurking for a hot minute <333 Please and thank you!! You are awesome!!!
I use she/her pronouns, and I'm of pretty average height with a pear-shaped body type. I have thick, wavy brown hair and moles all over my body. I wear thick plastic glasses and wear loose, comfortable clothes.
My personality type is INTP, though I'd describe myself as an ambivert. I really like talking to people, I just have a limited social battery and (medicated) anxiety. In public I'm cracking jokes pretty much all the time because I love making people laugh (I also think my jokes are funny asf so I'm usually laughing too). At home I just want to cuddle my cat and quietly recharge (parallel play rules!!). Also, if it matters, I'm a Pisces!
My hobbies include: playing guitar, D&D, reading comics and manga, and playing video games (though I'm lowkey bad at them). Mostly, I'm into nerd shit. I get really excited when I get to share it with someone, especially when they're just as into it!
I'm an adult, so I would appreciate if you could match me up with an adult too. Thank you again! Pls take your time writing this if you choose to and be well <3 looking forward to your next SMAU!
first of all, thank you for putting your pronouns and telling me to not pair you with a minor, sometimes i have to scratch my head with the other matches, fearing i might do something wrong or uncomfortable. anyways, thank you for enjoying my work, it means the world to me! hope you enjoy this!!
✶ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: geto suguru
How wonderful and scary it is to be your most vulnerable self with someone else? Geto Suguru had always hold his emotions into the deepest parts of his soul, trembling in fear of the face others would give when seeing his pure self. He should know that there is no way to hide himself from you, his best friend.
To his credit, he tries, at first. Holding his hands in a fist, letting his stoic voice shake while he recounts his life as of lately. That’s so out of character for him, it takes you no more than a second to hug him, desperately.
Truth be admitted, Geto crumbled into your arms and cried, cried. . . cried. Until, he begged you to take his mind away from this cruel world, let him be lighted by your presence, do whatever it takes.
And that’s what you do. Grabbing your guitar, you decide to stroke some chords, the soft melody blending with his quiet hiccups, before you decide to teach him to play.
“You have always looked like the type of guy to play guitar.” You mumble while you’re positioning your fingers on top of his. Geto laughs.
It’s like giving him medicine, if the world seems too chaotic, and his thoughts are spiraling terribly, he grabs your guitar. His emotions gallop around your room in the form of melodies, you dare not complain.
Suguru takes attention in other things you do, copying your way to cease his fears, have new hobbies and avoid the voices and fears plaguing his mind. He reads comics with you, even growing red in the face when you both disagree on a plot or losing a game. Unfortunately, he draws the line at D&D, not because it’s not his cup of tea, it’s just when you start to teach him how to play, his mind goes blank — not for bad reasons, his focus and thoughts goes only to you.
Your way of fixing your glasses, hands moving while explaining the game, your beautiful voice. And, once, you used a shirt that presented your upper body moles for him, and how beautiful it seems to be crafted with dozens of constellations, like a designed creature made by the universe itself. In that moment, he knew you were not his world, but much better you’re his whole sky, shinning bright the light of millions of stars.
He kisses you while you explained your character he could barely record the name.
It’s a habit he takes while your relationship is blooming and it will last until your very last breath. When you talk happily of your interests, and you move a certain way or the breeze flows into your body, he will kiss you, and you’ll let him. Geto kisses, specially, after your jokes, and he could get drunk on the sight of your lovesick smile mixed with your sweet laugh.
It shakes him. Your whole essence and presence, it all shakes Geto Suguru to a crazy extent. It can be admitted that love with him can be intense, but none of you would pick any other way.
──── ✎ ° ⋆ FUN FACTS.
◛ ₊· geto loves you to a whole extent, that being said, he would fight you for the chance to cuddle your cat.
◛ ₊· said cat also has a thing for your boyfriend, much rather preferring to be on his lap during hours to no end.
◛ ₊· you go to sleep and wake up in the same way everyday, peacefully into his loving arms, and his hands are always tracing your moles. he has been doing it for such a long time that he has them all memorized.
◛ ₊· if you leave your glasses anywhere and suddenly they are missing, chances are your boyfriend is using them and acting as if not. or maybe he forgets, he should be going to an eye doctor, actually.
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the-blossica-fan · 5 months ago
One deep rooted idea I have is the fact that Mesmer, in her Monologue, hates being touched
So I thought. Wouldn't it be something if she asked Vertin to hold her hands throughout it all, no matter how much she shook
She wants to love. But before she can truly love, she needs to trust.
Vertin is a foolish Martyr. And yet, one that Mesmer cares for
Laugh, cry, scream; those are what she was taught not to do.
But Vertin was always both a rule breaker, and a bad influence...
I'll flesh out on this one more than the others so you can go to sleep thinking about them.
Vertin has always been the kind to touch people to show she cares, since she's not as expressive as other people, she shows it through physical intimacy.
It helps those that are in need of touch to feel something, she's really considerate of their feelings after all.
Mesmer Jr is someone who does want touch but not from anyone, you know what I mean? Touch adverse, but still starved.
I haven't played her voice lines (I will after this) but I can see how she'd warm up to Vertin's touch after a while.
It'd be a harsh route for Mesmer Jr to accept touch without feeling weird (/neg) about it, but there will be a moment where she actually asks Vertin to hold her hand.
It will not be explicit, she will not say it out loud, but she will hold onto Vertin's sleeve, slowly waiting for Vertin to hold her hand, to interlace their fingers. And she won't say anything during nor after, she's completely silent, but Vertin knows why.
And it's the first step. Soon enough, they're holding hands all the time. Mesmer holds onto Vertin's hand for lifetime, as if it's the only thing bringing her some warmth (and maybe it is), as if it is the only thing she needs.
Then she asks for a hug, verbally. She wants to be held, for she has never had comfort before, and she doesn't want it from anyone.
It's a common occurrence when they're alone. Vertin hugs Mesmer Jr, she lets her know she's always there for Mesmer Jr even if she's not the best at expressions. And Mesmer knows, those moments are the best for her. To heal her old wounds and cure her damaged mind, to recharge her battery after a whole day of exhaustion.
Vertin is a bad influence for Mesmer, always have been, Mesmer knows. She's always getting into trouble, and Mesmer can't always take that. It's been rooted into her mind that she hates arcanists.
As I said before, it's a hard route for Mesmer, and she's willing to try. Willing to give her all to Vertin, willing to believe Vertin would never break her trust because she's been by her side for so long.
Even with the troubles they've been through, Mesmer tries to put those aside. Because she wants someone to touch, someone to hold her, someone to embrace and someone she can rely on.
If that's Vertin who her heart chooses, she will put her trust in her, because she knows Vertin would never let her down.
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inmymagnetoera · 1 year ago
A little fic with David 8 & Charles Xavier (future relationship maybe?) because I love that little xenomorph-loving android.
David didn't choose his name, he didn't choose his tastes and he definitely didn't choose this too light hair color. David just has to make his creator understand this.
A heart of metal and cables
David got up at 6.05 a.m like every day. He opened the capsule where he closed himself for the night in order to recharge his batteries and after putting on some slippers (he didn't feel cold, but his creator had said that humans did) and went to the kitchen to prepare some coffee for the professor.
He prepared it as he prepared it every day: Three quarters of a cup, a teaspoon of sugar and a little bit of milk, because the professor always complained that the coffee tasted too bitter. He went to his creator's room, already knowing he wouldn't find him there but doing so out of habit, heading into the laboratory almost immediately afterwards. When he opened the door, he saw the professor hunched over his desk examining some documents. He looked up when he heard the door open.
“David, my friend, you are a blessing!” The professor exclaimed, getting up from his chair and taking his coffee. The smoke from the cup fogged his glasses and he immediately withdrew his mouth when he felt the excessive heat.
"Were you awake all night again, Professor?" David asked, remaining rigid in his position as he always did.
“You have to call me Charles, David, how many times do I have to tell you?” He continued to blow on the steaming liquid as he sat back down.
“More times than eight, as I never learned in my previous seven releases, Professor.”
"I didn't remember programming you with sarcasm, my friend." His creator said without looking at him but with a small smile.
"Do you need anything else?" When the professor responded negatively, he left the room and continued with his day's tasks. He watered the flowers on the porch, fed the professor's turtles, cleaned the floors and windows, and finally began preparing dinner.
David hated this.
He didn't hate the professor, no, he could never hate his creator, he didn't even hate the turtles for that matter, but David needed freedom. If he did something outside of his program or without the professor's permission, his systems would short out and the professor would have to reactivate him, a very long and tedious process for both of them. David wanted to change. He wanted lighter eyes, darker hair, he wanted to wear something different from this horrible gray jacket and above all he wanted to be more human, but how could he tell the professor? Would he be scared? Would he turn David off forever?
“I can hear you thinking, my friend.” His creator said coming up behind him.
"I can't think, professor, I'm a machine." David said turning to face the other person. Charles looked at him and put his hands on his hips.
"If I had wanted you to be just a machine, David, I wouldn't have given you a name. You can think and you know it. You are much more than just an android." The professor smiled at him and, after taking a pen from the counter, was about to leave before David stopped him.
"If I... If I'm not a machine, then what am i? I'm not a person if i can't have free will. Wouldn't it be right to give it to me?" He asked almost hesitantly, his stiff tone of voice gone.
"Well, when I programmed you I made sure you always had to have the OK from me but now I know you, I know you wouldn't hurt a fly. But why so all of a sudden?" The professor leaned against the marble counter. David was silent for a few moments.
"I... I don't like the color of my hair." David said staring at the professor who now had a confused face.
"Excuse me?" Charles asked crossing his arms over his chest.
"I don't like the color of my hair. And my eyes. And my clothes. And my name. And..."
"Ok ok, easy David, I get it, you don't like a lot of things." The professor seemed almost amused.
“It's just… I want to be myself, but I can't do that if everything has already been decided for me.” David looked at the floor and his black fabric covered slippers.
"All right." The professor nodded.
"Okay? Really?" David asked looking into the other's eyes.
"I guess it's fair that an individual wants to have particular characteristics for themselves so yes, I can reprogram you. We could start now, do you want to change something? You said you didn't like the name David." David thought about it for a few seconds.
"Erik." He said
"I want to be called Erik." He repeated with a hint of a smile.
“Great, Erik, tomorrow we can think about the more complicated aspects of your reprogramming.” The professor picked up his pen again and left the room.
"Thank you, Charles." Erik said almost in a whisper, a strange sensation he had never felt before blooming right where his generator was positioned in the center of his chest.
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