#french sirius
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tarraing · 17 days ago
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member of the order: sirius black
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azzzsleep · 7 months ago
Remus: Pad, do you dream in French or in English ?
Sirius: Huh, bold of you to assume that i SLEEP
Remus: Love, if you hate waking up you got to sleep.
Sirius: No actually, i am just too good for that
Remus: I dream...usually of you
Sirius: French.
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sunny-prongs · 9 months ago
Sirius use Irish nickname for Remus and Remus use French one for Sirius (their favs are "ma chroi" and "mon étoile")
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janeiscompletelyfine · 3 months ago
Also moon in French is Lune so Sirius can call Remus Lune and everyone thinks it's just a shortening of his last name, but nope its special and meaningful and Moony goes so red.....
Also he could call him Lune-y like Loony. And it means Moony.
french terms of endearment, featuring: jegulus
okay, so, i've been seeing a lot of posts talking about regulus speaking in french and making james go crazy but i absolutely adore the soft side of it. for example, different nicknames reg would use:
ensoilment (sunshine)
mon cœur (my heart)
petit chouchou (little cabage - which, yes, sounds a little bit weird but it's just the equivalent of sweetheart)
bébé (baby)
mon amour (my love)
and then, one time, everybody's hanging out together in the common room and remus, who's trying to learn french for sirius, asks regulus how to say my dear/darling in french. regulus replies a little too loudly with 'mon cheri' - so james absentmindedly says 'yes, love?'. cue sirius sticking his head out of the door with an 'i beg your fucking pardon-'
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eweexiy · 3 months ago
*the black brothers gossiping in french*
sirius: who's the hottest guy in school?
regulus: my james, of course.
sirius: no, you're dating him, it doesn't count-
regulus: your boyfriend.
sirius: WHAT-
*regulus looks slyly at lupin and grins*
*remus and james, who don't speak french, look at each other nervously and uncomprehendingly*
black brothers; wolfstar; jegulus;
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illustratinglaura · 1 year ago
Oh come one this song aaaaaaa is so good but what the hell it be saying? Hope the google translation is accurate because if it is this is definitely song for all them French Sirius fics.
You're like a punishment T’es comme en punition
Time doesn't pass quickly Le temps, y passe pas vite
Your things aren't moving Ça bouge pas, tes affaires
Especially when there is no visit Surtout quand y a pas d'visite
Fear of dying from boredom Peur de mourir d'ennui
Your dreams are bankrupt Tes rêves sont en faillite
Meetings that mean nothing Des rencontres qui veulent rien dire
Stray fires and sighs Des feux d'paille pis des soupirs
You create romances Tu te crées des romances
Absences must be compensated Faut compenser les absences
Drafts, false hopes Des brouillons, des faux-espoirs
You go back to square one Tu retournes à la case départ
It lacks fantasy Ça manque de fantaisie
Cloaks, swords and magic De capes, d'épées pis de magie
You do whatever it takes T’as beau faire tout c'qui faut
It's not hot in your castle Y fait pas chaud dans ton château
You're like a punishment T’es comme en punition
Time doesn't pass quickly Le temps, y passe pas vite
Your things aren't moving Ça bouge pas, tes affaires
Especially when there is no visit Surtout quand y a pas d'visite
The same game every time Le même jeu à chaque fois
And you leave empty-handed Et tu repars les mains vides
To search in the dark À chercher dans le noir
With eyes that shine Avec les yeux qui brillent
To search in the dark À chercher dans le noir
With eyes that shine Avec les yeux qui brillent
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del-stars · 9 months ago
james getting really stressed out when regulus and sirius are speaking heatedly in french meanwhile they're just discussing where they want to go to dinner
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moonyswarmsweaters · 6 months ago
Regulus: Tout est de ta faute
James, sighning: Yeah, I know
Sirius: Since when do you speak french?
James: I don’t, I just know the phrase "this is all your fault" in every language he speaks
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faerie-remuslupinsversion · 20 days ago
My version of the marauders first year is so funny to me.
Remus: heavy welsh accent, barely speaks English
Sirius: heavy French accent, speaks English but barely in an understandable way
James: Indian accent, least out of all of them, best english, is the translator
Peter: heavy Aussie accent, swears every three words, incomprehensible
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missmoonfrost · 11 months ago
Remus and Sirius in line at the supermarket
Girls behind them: *speaking French* Sirius (muttering under his breath): Some people clearly think they're the only ones who know French. Girls: *continuing speaking French* Sirius: *embarrassedly smiling* Remus: What? What are they saying? Sirius: They're talking about my arse. Remus: *grabs Sirius' arse, turns around, and winks* Girls: *gasps, clasp their mouths, and run off behind the nearest shelf* Remus and Sirius: *laughs uncontrollably* Sirius: What? You don't think I deserve a little appreciation? Remus: No one talks about your arse in a language I don't understand.
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lexithwrites · 1 year ago
my roman empire is imagining remus quietly walking out of sirius's room at like 3am and then turning around to see james coming out of regulus's room and they both just stare at each other for a long time before going downstairs and silently drinking beers together not discussing it
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azzzsleep · 8 months ago
I want a BrzRemus and MexJames fighting in there mother tongue. And they understand eachother.
I want FrSirius to chime in for no other reasons then chaos knowing that all the boys understood eachother, and just start confessing his love for Remus bc chaos.
So the arguing changes to a screaming match about Pokemon to James confessing his love for Lily and Remus confessing his love for chocolat Sirius. But still "arguing".
And so BrzRemus ,FrSirius and MexJames keep on "arguing" with no other purpose then to keep screaming at this point.
Arrive GrmPeter, he does not understand the move, except for Sirius cuz its basics for Sirius to be Sirius. But want to feel included so he start "arguing" too, Sirius style, with them, and scream about how lovly Marys hair was and how he would like to give her gifts bc she is awsome.
So in the common room we would find 4 radio boomboxes in Spanish, Brazilian/Prt, French and German on how much they love thier SO.
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marauders-bs · 2 months ago
"Jesus Christ," Evan muttered to himself. "Okay, who broke the lamp? Be honest, you five."
Kay Rosier-Crouch stood, eyes wide, beside her cousins Luna and Ascella and a broken lamp. Estrella and Cherie Potter-Black stood guiltily behind Kay as though the twins were attempting to hide.
"Honesty is the best policy," Lily tried when no one spoke up. "We won't be mad if you're honest."
"Oh, okay," Cherie said, looking relieved. "All the time?"
"All the time," James agreed, looking at his daughter.
"Uncle Barty taught me the word fuck because I asked him to," Ascella blurted from the corner.
Absolute, dead silence rung throughout the room. Evan knew Pandora had the most pissed off expression and really, really did not want to look.
"Aunt Andromeda is my favorite," Estrella said.
"Last year I snuck onto the Hogwarts Express to see Bianca and lied to you about it, and her dads knew."
Regulus looked like he was trying not to immediately Apparate to his brother's house in a fit of fury at Cherie's words.
"We use your Netflix account," Luna told Evan. "You should really change your password, you know."
"I don't even care who broke the lamp anymore," Pandora said. "I just need a drink."
Regulus stood up, sweeping Cherie into his arms. "Yeah, I'm going with you."
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jamie-potters · 2 months ago
ok so everyone knows how sirius speaks french, james speaks hindi/urdu/spanish.
and so what if remus whos welsh feels left out because he never learned how to speak welsh
he only knows lullabies that are in welsh because they were what his mother would sing to him
so he goes through his hogwarts years being really sad whenever james/sirius would speak their languages
but then his mother dies and hes even more sad but the thing is
she left a bunch of journals or diaries (whatever you want to call them) for remus
and she started writing them from when she was 9 so theres like a ton but all of them are in welsh
so remus finally has a way to teach himself welsh
and he does just that by reading them
researching them in the dictionary
and finally one day he figures it all out and he wants to show off
so he finds some hufflepuff who speaks welsh while he knows james and sirius are around
and starts a full blown conversation which ends with the hufflepuff complimenting his accent
while sirius and james thought it was cool
they didnt know that it meant the world to him that he finally had a way to connect with his homeland
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gaybeanman · 11 months ago
I love French black family
Regulus who has a French accent that slowly fades the longer he's away from home but becomes so strong when he's scared or excited he speaks French (it drives James mad)
Sirius who stopped speaking French when he ran away and hated his accent for years until he reconnected with regulus and when he and remus started dating and his life clicked back in place he started speaking French again
After they reconnected and regulus joined him at the potters place (it's canon) they went on a trip to France for 2 months to bond and connect to there roots (they almost killed echother so many times) when they came back they started arguing in French and just in general talking to echother in French like they did when they where kids
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that-bitch-kat3 · 6 months ago
you know a wolfstar fic is good when you need to pull up google translate in another tab
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