#long hair sirius
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tarraing · 17 days ago
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member of the order: sirius black
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rottensouldier · 6 months ago
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sapphic wolfstar repost 💖
progress shots:
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ifyouknowmenahyoudontt · 8 months ago
i love when men have lucious long hair. like why are such a slut i love you kiss me
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bradleysass · 29 days ago
Convince - @into-the-jeggyverse - wc: 359
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Regulus stomped out of their shared bedroom, arms crossed tightly over his chest, a scowl pulling at his lips.
"James, stop! You're not going to convince me to dye my hair silver."
He barely had time to roll his eyes before James came bounding out into the kitchen, an oversized album in his hands, looking far too excited for a conversation Regulus had already shut down twice this morning.
"But c'mon, Reggie!" James whined, flipping through pages filled with glossy, styled images of various hair models. "You'd look so hot with even just part of your hair dyed... It's already a hot image imagining you pulling your hair up like Sirius in a messy bun. Strays of silver hanging..."
Regulus blinked. James’s voice had gone breathy, his eyes just slightly unfocused as he stared at him—no, through him—clearly lost in some fantasy of his own making.
And then Regulus noticed it.
The way James’s pupils dilated just a fraction too much. The way his grip on the album tightened, knuckles going white.
Merlin. He was actually turned on by the thought of it.
Regulus scoffed, stepping back as if James's ridiculousness might be contagious. "Seriously? I'm not dyeing my hair. Especially now that I know it turns you on."
James had the audacity to grin, entirely unashamed, tilting his head as if he were considering pressing the issue further. "You say that like it’s a bad thing. You wouldn’t want to make your very devoted, very doting boyfriend a little weak in the knees?"
Regulus groaned. "Absolutely not."
James sighed dramatically, flopping onto the sofa with a pout. "You're killing me here, Reggie. I just know you'd look good with silver highlights. It’s the perfect mix of princely and rebellious."
Regulus crossed his arms tighter, shaking his head. "No."
James narrowed his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "Fine. But just so you know, next time I catch you tying your hair up, I’ll be thinking about it anyway."
Regulus turned on his heel and marched back into their bedroom, muttering under his breath about infuriating Gryffindors. James’s laughter followed him, entirely too pleased with himself.
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arliedraws · 2 months ago
Hey, why don’t we ever see ultra-feminized James, Remus, or Peter?
Why is the guy who canonically takes absolutely no care with his appearance the one who wears eyeliner/nail polish/lipstick in so many fanon interpretations? Like…if y’all agree with me that girl Sirius is butch…why would that change for guy Sirius…?
Sirius doesn’t want to attract attention. But James??? Come on. James would totally be into turning heads. Let’s be honest here.
Can you imagine sapphic Prongsfoot? For a fancy event, James is dressed spectacularly in something really striking, and Sirius is there at her side, with little to no makeup, dressed immaculately but quietly refined, her hand on James’s waist and smirking because she knows she’s got the hottest date in the room.
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lupinflowrs · 8 months ago
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have some sirius during the war <33
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grimst4rs · 1 year ago
“who is that? that man?”
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“who is that? that is sirius black, that is.”
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basiatlu · 1 year ago
thank you so much for sharing your lovely art with us all! i get so excited each time you post a new one, it's such a treat 🥰
for the headcanons: we've seen some glimpses of your long-haired draco, but what about both harry and draco with long hair? 👀 my personal headcanon is that they both grow out their hair after the war, and they're both attracted to eachother for it!
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I imagine Harry achieving that Brendon Frazier Tarzan mop that’s just unfair amounts of volume and gorgeous.
Long hair is easily achieved in college when you are either overworked or overly burnt out already. Who has the time for a haircut or even the time to notice? Just pull it back for now, or you know, just let it do whatever it wills. It’s clean at least, which is more than others could say.
“Witchcraft” by Vian Izak just started playing and now that’s the soundtrack for this moment in time for our bois.
And you’re a treat!! Thank you so much for the kind words and the ask-suggestion. Appreciate it oodles 💖✨
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siriusblack-the-third · 3 months ago
Tall. So damn tall. By the time he stops growing, he has reached 6'5, and he gleefully lords it over his younger siblings for years, until Ron manages to match his exact height, not a millimetre here or there. He sulks about it for a few days before inviting Ron to join him in taking the piss out of their siblings.
Wears his hair long specifically to annoy Molly. It was simply because he was so caught up in OWL studies that he forgot to cut it, but then Molly saw him with his hair that reached the base of his neck and freaked. He deliberately kept his hair long from then on, and it kind of grew on him by 7th year.
Speaking of hair, he has fabulous hair. Absolutely gorgeous. Stunning. It's pin straight like Arthur's, unlike Charlie who got Molly's tightly wound curls. He keeps it till mid back and braids it frequently. Bill And Ginny Days™ compulsorily have at least one braiding session.
THIS BOI IS BI! He is very bi and his type is ✨Badass Motherfucker✨ as evidenced by him falling for Fleur like look at her. Enough said.
Quidditch fiend, like all the other Weasleys, and was on the team from 2nd year all the way up to the end of 6th year as Chaser. Dropped Quidditch in 7th year, because being Head Boy and being a Quidditch player while studying for NEWT exams would have been too much for him and he knew it.
Got his ear pierced in 5th year from his best friend after winning a Quidditch match. He was half drunk, and when he woke up the next day he freaked the fUCK out. He managed to hide the piercing from Molly for a record breaking eight months, and the shouting match that happened in the summer before his 6th year was the worst argument he ever had with her.
Has Eldest Daughter Syndrome™. He resents Molly a little, because he never entirely got to be a child. He always had to be the Responsible Older Sibling, even as young as 3 years old. He loves his mother, but living under the same roof as her was suffocating, for him. He said as much to Arthur in a very long conversation, and they both decided with much difficulty that Bill wouldn't be returning home after 7th year— he would immediately leave for Egypt.
In the first year of his stay in Egypt he decided to say "fuck it" and got a tattoo. It's on his shoulder, a falcon in greyscale that spreads down over his bicep and out on his shoulder blade. Molly does not find out about it until the end of HBP when he gets mauled by Greyback, and he does not tell her anything about it, claiming that he is "an adult and can get a tattoo if I want to Mum, back off."
N E R D. Such a huge nerd but people look at his piercings, long hair, muscles and his whole "90s rockstar" vibe and immediately assume he is the "popular jock" type, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. My man freaks out over magical history, ancient runes and languages, transfiguration and arithmancy. A total nerd, I tell you, and scary smart. He got 12 Outstanding OWLs and 8 Outstanding NEWTs, and reduced Molly to incoherent happy crying both times.
The Hat offered him Slytherin, and he seriously considered the option for a good few minutes. "You have a lot of ambition," the Hat told him to his pleasure, "and a thirst to find your true calling." At the age of eleven, he was already sick of being "just one of the Weasleys" and wanted to step out of his parents' shade and figure himself out. In the end, the Hat sorted him in Gryffindor, but many times he has wondered what life would have been like if he ever sorted Slytherin.
Knows a lot of dances. Arthur and Molly are both fabulous dancers, and a few of his favourite childhood memories begin with his parents teaching him how to move his hips and slide his feet and enjoy the music. He's great at waltzing, knows the foxtrot and swing dance, and learnt paso doble and the tango in the seven years he spent in Egypt.
Listens to a lot of muggle rock music. All the cool bands like AC/DC, Oasis, Nirvana, Green Day, and all of those, plus a few obscure bands that he decided he liked the sound of. He's also big on different types of classical music, courtesy of his love for dance.
His favourite sibling is Charlie. Don't get him wrong, he loves all his siblings, but Charlie has a special place in his heart because they're both close in age and understand each other better than anyone else. Bill and Charlie are almost like Fred and George, a bit: one look and they know everything the other is thinking. Doesn't have a least favourite sibling, but seriously considered Percy for the role during OoTP.
Loves learning languages. The languages he is fluent in are English, Gaelic, Welsh, Old Norse and Icelandic, Latin, Ancient Greek, Spanish, Arabic (Egyptian and Hassaniya dialects), and Persian.
Has a soft spot for Ginny, like every other Weasley. That's his baby sister who can put him on his back in less than 0.2 seconds and he adores her.
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ttroubledwaters · 1 month ago
some of the sirius fancasts would make a better severus fancasts.
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garlicbreadart · 1 year ago
Me, holding my cartoon Remus and Sirius together like dolls: “They’re boyfriends… and they KISS”
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Tumblr, you motherfucker, stop robbing me of my picture quality
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lulublack90 · 5 months ago
Prompt 26 - Ribbon
@jegulus-microfic September 26, Word count 285
The welcome-back feast was everything James had been looking forward to. All his Hogwarts favourites were there. Roast chicken, Yorkshire puddings, treacle tart and chocolate éclairs. By the end, all four of them were stuffed, so full even Remus had slowed down to just licking cream off his fingers. James was amused when he saw Sirius staring unabashedly at Remus’s mouth when he sucked on a digit. If those two didn’t figure it out by Christmas, he was going to have to do something about it. His eyes flickered to the Slytherin table, zeroing in on the person he was looking for. 
Regulus was surrounded by his friends, finishing off their puddings. His hair was longer this year, Walburga must not have insisted that he cut it. James looked closer as Regulus turned to scoop another spoonful of trifle into his bowl, and that’s when he saw it. 
It was almost invisible in his dark hair. Regulus had gathered his hair up to keep it out of his face while he ate and tied it up with a black velvet ribbon. From what James could see, it had a silver design woven into it, but he couldn’t quite make it out from where he sat.
He could feel the flush creeping up his face when he thought about how lovely that ribbon would look around Regulus’s wrists later if he could convince the boy to give it to him. He shook his head to rid it of the lewd images forming behind his eyes and threw a profiterole at Sirius, breaking his trance and earning him a handful of sugared almonds to the face. This year was going to be excellent. He just knew it.
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doomedtokill · 3 months ago
something about sirius in wizard robes is so hot
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fandoomrants · 5 months ago
I love how we've all, collectively as a fandom, chosen to ignore how a werewolf supposedly looks according to the movie version of PoA and in fanarts and fics it's just a wolf, or very wolf-life portrayal.
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twink-remus-lupin · 8 months ago
weird that people seem to insist that remus is a top because he’s the dominant one (first of all bullshit) but okay!! then let him be a power bottom. no? I wonder why! maybe because 90% of the fandom seems to want to make wolfstar a hetero relationship where sirius is the girl? idk just some thoughts hahhaa
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remusawoooo · 4 months ago
the most tolerable way to interact with "mainstream" wolfstar is to literally just read the characters in reverse, sometimes.
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