#i think ascella is a star? i believe?
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marauders-bs ¡ 2 months ago
"Jesus Christ," Evan muttered to himself. "Okay, who broke the lamp? Be honest, you five."
Kay Rosier-Crouch stood, eyes wide, beside her cousins Luna and Ascella and a broken lamp. Estrella and Cherie Potter-Black stood guiltily behind Kay as though the twins were attempting to hide.
"Honesty is the best policy," Lily tried when no one spoke up. "We won't be mad if you're honest."
"Oh, okay," Cherie said, looking relieved. "All the time?"
"All the time," James agreed, looking at his daughter.
"Uncle Barty taught me the word fuck because I asked him to," Ascella blurted from the corner.
Absolute, dead silence rung throughout the room. Evan knew Pandora had the most pissed off expression and really, really did not want to look.
"Aunt Andromeda is my favorite," Estrella said.
"Last year I snuck onto the Hogwarts Express to see Bianca and lied to you about it, and her dads knew."
Regulus looked like he was trying not to immediately Apparate to his brother's house in a fit of fury at Cherie's words.
"We use your Netflix account," Luna told Evan. "You should really change your password, you know."
"I don't even care who broke the lamp anymore," Pandora said. "I just need a drink."
Regulus stood up, sweeping Cherie into his arms. "Yeah, I'm going with you."
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cursed-blade-gf ¡ 2 years ago
New OC. Meet the final member of the Sword Baes. @ebevkisk
Something Stares Back
The Astral Sea is a plane that exists outside of the Prime Material. An ocean of stars and planets and void home to many creatures of consequence, but also monsters the Prime Material plane could only have nightmares about.
The Astral Sea carries more mysteries than answers and with it, a deeper, darker fear of pure and true helplessness and loneliness.
As a Dreadnought swam in search for food, the city of Gogotor slowly drifts and an executioner reads out a sentence.
“For the crimes of necromancy, murder, and conspiracy against the royal family, we gather here today for the execution of the wizard, Ascella Ylteryn. Ylteryn, you stand here judged and you have been found guilty. Your punishment is death by guillotine. Have you any final words?” The executioner removes the gag keeping her from speaking and the creature took a deep breath.
A 27-year old humanoid composed of starlight stares into his eyes with a vicious glare with irises as gold as any heavenly object and sclera as black the abyss. Her feminine figure was almost human, but her body was filled with starry skies, but much more sky blue than the navy skies of the Astral Sea. Her garb was a divine material, but black and gold to match her eyes and her hair was a pixie cut of a deep purple shade.
Ascella spoke. “Tyrants fall by my hand. You may think this to be my last day, but I tell you that you believe a deception. Several people will die today, but I will not be among that number.”
The executioner redoes the gag and shoves her to her knees as she finishes and says “Then, by the authority of the King Buralto, may you find peace in the afterlife.”
As the axe swings into Ascella’s neck, it passes right through. From behind the executioner, a hand reaches out of invisibility and fires a Finger of Death into his brain. The executioner drops dead only to rise again a second later. Ascella comes out of invisibility and with an oppressive glare, directs the executioner on the crowd. “I told you that I would not die.”
Other guards turn their weapons on Ascella and fire in a futile effort to bring down a wizard with mere weapons. With a flourish, a Wall of Force rises and all of the bullets harmlessly bounce off as she Dimension Doors to the nearest tower. With a simple Dominate Person, all of the guards lose their ability to gauge who they should shoot at as Ascella disappears.
In the castle of Gogotor, Ascella appears in the throne room where an army of people await as a precaution in case the guards don't succeed. They charge and, as they do, Ascella’s eyes glow a hateful color as they snap, creating a Gravity Fissure. Several die, the remaining run in fear as, without breaking stride, Ascella paced towards the throne.
The king, sitting unmoved, yelled in defiance. “Pale witch, you do not scare me. You will die where you are.” He pulls a sword and glows with a deeply unsettling divine light.
Ascella remained undeterred. “No nonono, paladin. I am the master of life and death. There are powers you cannot match and I wield them for purpose beyond your understanding. You have nothing in your power that can contend with my arcane prowess.”
The king laughs. “Nothing can match the power of god.”
Ascella pulls her Staff of Absorption from the ether. “I am a god.”
With divine speed, the King brings down his sword. Not soon enough, Ascella appears behind and the king feels his skin wither as a Blight spell hits him directly in the back. He reacts quickly, but too slow to beat her Shield.
Ascella casts Fly and ascends out of reach as the paladin king fires bolt after bolt of Eldritch blast at her.
“Oooh, Good old king worships multiple gods. Eldritch blast isn’t something a Paladin should ever be able to cast.” With a spin of her staff, she fires a Cone of Cold directly down at him, chilling him to the bone.
The king snarls and dispels the fly and catches her in the stomach as she almost lands, flinging her across the floor. Using her staff to stand, she rises, blood dripping from her astral figure.
“Even you can’t evade death, child.” The king says as he attempts to bring down his sword one last time.
Ascella rises and slams her staff. From below the chiseled stone work, a 15-foot tall skeleton grabs the paladin and holds him in the air as the unsettling energy of purest death filled her body as the skeleton completely restrained the king. “Oh, darling, you have absolutely no idea. Kill.” And with that final word, the skeleton drags the king directly into the nine hells.
Ascella, with a deep breath, uses the Heal spell she stole from an old compatriot who does not exist anymore and, as she preps to teleport, she hears the clapping of hands as an intimidating presence drops from the rafters.
Ascella recognizes immediately the fear that tries to crawl into her veins as Dragon fear.
“What an impressive display. Truly magic beyond what most people would see on a daily basis.”
Ascella remains unmoved. “You don’t see very many dragons here either. Especially one with pale pink eyes. So you are Marasenna, the Purveyor of Nightmares.”
Senna strides up. “Petra hates necromancers, but you have skills that could round out the final member of our council. Provided you don’t kill us. Not that you could.”
Ascella gave a quick snarl. “Don’t question my abilities.”
Senna asserted her presence. “All I need is a yes. Come be friends.”
“I don’t make friends.”
Senna starts to walk away. “Suit yourself then.”
Ascella turns. “Wait. Do…you have a library?”
Senna smiles. “Of course.”
Ascella offers a hand. “All I need is something attuned to where we’re going.”
Senna takes it with a bow. “As you wish.” And with a flash, they disappear.
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caffeineivore ¡ 6 years ago
Spirits in the dark
aka Fic started longhand, on a notebook, illuminated by a flashlight during a power outage :P
Prompter: Ascella-Star
Prompt: “I’m a princess that lost her fairy tale, can you help me find it?”
M/K, Spiritverse.
The city that never sleeps is especially festive tonight, a sea of bright lights and giddy anticipation. Times Square is ablaze as the people of New York-- locals and visitors alike, wind down the clock for the last night of the year.
Of course, one can’t exactly expect the hospital to be quite as jubilant in atmosphere, but at the very least, Desirée thinks, no one has come in to die tonight. Thus far, it isn’t anyone’s final moments in anyone’s final year, and surely that counts for something.
The hospital’s a good two miles (and goodness only knows how many minutes in this traffic) away from the epicenter of the festivities, but from her vantage point at the window, Desirée can just about see the glittering lights in the distance, the throng of frolicking mortals. She can all but sense the excitement, and the hopeful joy in the air lights her eyes, dimples her face.
She hears the whoosh of wings against the still air, and doesn’t even try to hide her smile. It has been several days since she’d seen him last, but it seems right to have this moment together, here and now, as the world around them celebrates the new rather than mourns the old and dying.
“I’m enjoying the lights out there,” she says quietly by way of greeting. “It’s just about an hour before the New Year begins.”
Kafziel’s lips quirk in their now-familiar faint smile. He’s not wearing a dark trench coat today, but rather a formal three-piece suit, silvery-gray over a snow-white shirt, with a spray of greenery in the lapel button. He evidently decided against a tie, however, and the column of his throat is tan against the open vee of white linen. It’s a starkly attractive, distinguished look, as though he, too, is celebrating the New Year in his somewhat formal way. “So it is. It’s the best time for new hopes and new dreams, as I understand.”
“Certainly so, for the mortals,” Desirée muses, glancing sidelong at him through her eyelashes. “Is it wrong of me to rejoice that it is not a busy night, here?”
“Not at all.” Kafziel intones. “At the bottom of their hearts, all mortals want the same thing tonight, really-- to live and see the dawn of another year. I don’t see why, just at the moment, we can’t grant them such.”
It’s as good as a promise of an evening’s reprieve, a solemn vow from one who’d never, ever go back on his word, and her smile spreads across her face. In the distance, the wave of excitement grows as the clock ticks ever-closer to the witching hour of midnight. Desirée watches through the frosty windowpane, with the faint warmth of a sheltering wing behind her slender back. “People generally take this moment to make promises for the New Year, share their goals and dreams, I think.”
“Yes. Resolutions, I believe. An affirmation to attempt a better-lived life in the coming year. Not always the best of luck or success, but generally the best of intentions.” There is a saying about good intentions and the damned, but he tactfully doesn’t mention it now. Instead, he glances down into her slightly upturned face, gray eyes calm and curious and almost warm. “Do you have any?”
That question startles Desirée into a laugh, short and gently ironic. “I’m rather not suited for that, wouldn’t you say? One who aids the dying with their final passage perhaps shouldn’t have any resolutions.”
“I don’t see you that way.” Kafziel says reflectively, and his eyes are soft as they gaze down into her face. “One who meets you would see a princess, I think, rather than a demon.”
She ducks her head, the part of her that still recalls human emotions such as embarrassment and esteem reacting to his words and something in his tone. “A princess who’s lost her fairy tale, perhaps. I daresay even you can’t help me find it.”
A woman doomed in love, in life. A spirit bringing warmth to every scrap of humanity she can, bequeathing the peace and caring she’d never had in life, in death. In the distance, the clock begins to chime the hour of midnight and the ball begins to drop. Kafziel gives it one brief, brooding look before lifting a hand to his lapel. Carefully, he tucks the two sprigs of fragrant green into her golden hair, one behind each ear, and much to her surprise, nothing withers as it contacts her skin. Evergreen. Eternally and forever.
“Rosemary, for remembrance. And Myrtle, for love.” His fingers brush against her temples, then her cheeks, gently tilting her face up to his. “You should know that you shall have both, eternally and forever.”
In a packed and noisy Square glowing with light and effervescent with new hopes, countless people kiss each other at the final stroke of midnight, sloppy and impulsive and exuberant, raucous and yet perhaps meaningless. 
In a deserted and silent hospital corridor, by a narrow window, lit with sterile fluorescents, Kafziel of the Watchmen kisses a golden-haired fairy-woman called Desirée, chastely and carefully and without a word. It’s a blink of a moment in countless lifetimes, and an eternity of memory and devotion condensed into a split-second. 
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rachello344 ¡ 8 years ago
RULES: You must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
TAGGED BY: @shizuna610​
TAGGING: Uh.....  @nonbinarylonk @piyo-13​ @sukekou​ @sybilius​ @dont-touch-my-sons​ and @ascella-star​
Under a read more because 85 questions isn’t that much, but it is quite a bit to scroll past.

1. drink: Diet Coke 2. phone call: Mom 
3. text message: "pliroy is still the better AU tho haha” 4. song you listened to: "America’s Suitehearts” Fall Out Boy  5. time you cried: Uh...  I can’t remember.  I’ve teared up a lot lately, but nothing’s really kicked me over the edge  
6. dated someone: Nah mate, never 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Can’t regret a kiss you’ve never had *finger guns*  8. been cheated on: That would require a relationship lol 9. lost someone special: Um, lost how?  I’ve had several important friendships end, but otherwise... 10. been depressed: Uh today, I think.  Sometimes it’s hard to tell if I’m lonely, melancholy, or depressed, but I think there’s some pretty strong overlap.  *shrugs*  It’s not a big deal.  I just miss my roommie a bit, I think.  Nothing new. 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Never.  I don’t drink.


12. Blue Violet 13. Yellow 
14. Most shades of Blue

15. made new friends: Yeah!  Mostly online.  I’ve joined three chat rooms for ships I like!  (Shoutout to my bros in the Pliroy chat!  Y’all rock!)  (I’m still too new in the KaiShin and BakuDeku chats, but I appreciate you guys as well!) 16. fallen out of love: Kind of?  I love a few people less than I once did, but I’ve never been In Love, technically. 
17. laughed until you cried: Lol yeah.  SHE’S A WOLF.  IN MOUSE CLOTHING. 
18. found out someone was talking about you: Uh, not maliciously?  But people do talk about me, and I learned that some people even talk about my fic!  ^^ 19. met someone who changed you: Not within the last year.  Within the last four, yes... 
20. found out who your friends are: I haven’t gone through anything especially harrowing, but I do know who I can trust and who my closest friends are. 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: What’s a Facebook list?  (I don’t have a Facebook)
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t have a Facebook, lol, but if I did they would all be IRL people, not online people. 
23. do you have any pets: Yep!  A dog and two cats.  Plus my roommate has a cat that stays with us haha 
24. do you want to change your name: No, Rachel is my name.  It’s who I am. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Dinner with my family and my roommate. 
26. what time did you wake up: Uh like 1 and then I took a nap, so I wasn’t really awake until 3 p.m. 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Driving a friend home! 
28. name something you can’t wait for: Uh, next episode of BNHA 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Looking at her right now. 
31. what are you listening to right now: My mom telling a story. 
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yeah, that’s my dad’s name. 33. something that is getting on your nerves: Anti blogs, usually. 
34. most visited website: Tumblr and Twitter. 35. hair colour: Dishwater Blonde 36. long or short hair: Short for a girl, and loosely curly. 
37. do you have a crush on someone: Nah.  I mean Kento Yamazaki is a beautiful man, but no I don’t really crush. 38. what do you like about yourself: I have a lot of perseverance.  Even when it’s really hard, I will keep trying.  Sometimes it just... takes a while. 
39. piercings: None. 40. blood type: I honestly have no idea.  Probably some kinda A? 
41. nickname: I use “Ra Ra” when I play games online. 42. relationship status: Happily Single 
43. zodiac: Aquarius 44. pronouns: She/Her 
45. favourite tv show: Uh, right now, probably BNHA 
46. tattoos: None 47. right or left handed: Right-handed 
48. surgery: None 50. sport: I’m not active now, but I used to fence and ice skate (neither competitively).  I mean, I’ve played most sports, but those were my faves. 
51. last vacation: My family and I all went to Huntington Beach! 
52. pair of trainers:
 Uh, like how many sneakers do I own?  Like 3 pairs, because I need them for work.  Unless you count Converse, in which case there are significantly more.

53. eating: I just ate pasta  
54. drinking: I just had a Diet Coke 
55. I’m about to: Work on fanfiction ^^ 
56. waiting for: KS chapter and BNHA episode!! 57. want: to finish SOMETHING 
58. get married: Unlikely, but not impossible.  I’d be down to marry one of my best friends, but mostly for tax benefits and household expense convenience. 
59. career: 
Student, and I work at the school’s library.

60. hugs or kisses: Hugs 61. lips or eyes: Eyes 62. shorter or taller: Taller 
63. older or younger: For boys, older (though no more than 5-8 years older); for girls, a little younger or older (like a year younger or the same upper limit above) 64. nice arms or nice stomach: Arms 
65. hook up or relationship: Relationship 
66. troublemaker or hesitant: It depends.  I like confidence and kindness and comfort.  Probably troublemaker, but not necessarily.

67. kissed a stranger: No 
68. drank hard liquor: No 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I would not survive if that happened.  I would be unable to function without my glasses, so no.  I’ve never lost them. 70. turned someone down: Yep.  Twice.  Once in high school and once in college.  Both of them were extremely uncomfortable situations, lol  I can explain more if anyone wants to know, but it’s a bit too long a story to fit into this (both are, tbh) 71. sex on the first date: No. 72. broken someone’s heart: Uh, yeah, I guess at least once? 73. had your heart broken: Yes, but not romantically. 74. been arrested: No, but I’ve gotten a parking ticket before. 75. cried when someone died: Yeah. 76. fallen for a friend: *shrugs*  Kinda?  The line between “I love you so much, you’re my best friend” and “I’ve fallen in love with you” is difficult for me to navigate.  I just roll with it.

77. yourself: Yeah, most of the time. 
78. miracles: I don’t disbelieve in them? 
79. love at first sight: More in fiction than reality. 80. Santa Claus: Of course!  People who don’t believe in Santa don’t get presents from him!  ;D 
81. kiss on the first date: I would have to trust them a lot first, especially for more than a kiss on the cheek or the forehead.  Also, that would require me dating. 82. angels: I don’t disbelieve.

84. eye colour: Hazel 
85. favourite movie: The Princess Bride or Love Actually
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