#rachel answers
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alxandergoth · 5 months ago
hihi i’m kinda new to simblr and i wanted to know if u had any tips / could share ur methods on taking and editing screenshots? i looked a bit but i couldn’t find this answered at all so if u have feel free to link me to an old post or encourage me to find it myself @.@
hey! i'd love to help, i'm rly bad at explaining things tbh but with taking screenshots i usually will just snap a pic if something looks pretty! and with editing most of it is my gshade preset which is lithium, i also used this tutorial when i was just beginning to use moodlets + other pop ups in my posts, but i now use these psds instead
awkwardwhims psd collection
windslar psd collection + 2.0
i hope this was at least somewhat helpful!! 🫶
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ask-rachethabaster · 2 months ago
About non-godly parents: Rachel, how is your mother like? Ethan, Al, what do you think of your mortal fathers? Do you ever miss them?
[sorry if a similar question has been answered. I have bad memory.]
Ethan: You can't see this because we don't have a camera but the moment Rachel and Alabaster read this question, they both had the exact same expression on their faces. So in the spirit of being nice I'll go first to give them some time to think.
Ethan: My dad's great! I think I've mentioned him a little bit but he's one of my favourite people ever. I haven't had the chance to speak to him since I left Camp Half-Blood, I want to see him but I doubt I would have any spare time to travel there what with being Kronos' lieutenant. I miss him a lot but I know it'll all be worth it once this entire war is over.
Alabaster: I... don't like thinking about my dad. It's hard to even think of him as my dad, sometimes it felt like he really was my dad and he did love me, other times it felt like I was just a robot who had to perform every spell he wanted and needed to be fixed if I ever messed up. There's just a lot of mixed emotions about him. I'm not too sure if I'd ever go back to him, given the chance. I suppose it doesn't really matter, he's dead after all.
Rachel: My mother isn't too different from my father, I saw her a lot more often because my father wasn't present all that often. I always got the impression she was kind of a control freak, it felt like she had my entire life planned out before I was even born, I was supposed to be the studious boy who was going to inherit the company with no qualms. But then I turned out like, well like this and I don't think my mother ever really prepared for this. I don't have any plans to go back.
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i-hope-this-is-a-phase · 1 year ago
Ah i see thank you that makes sense! Thank you for explaining
I for one really hope that their main point will be to show how insane the twitter moral high horse mob mentality is like this is the worst ive seen it in a WHILE
Wishfull thinking of course would also be for them to dig a bit into the people who "exposed" and "publicly shamed" george just so show how hypocritic they are (like...the whole uk group tearing him apart while trying to burry beaus story,,,)
Like a girl can dream ya know😭😭😭
There was a YouTuber who actually did address the controversies of a big YouTuber while also pointing out the insane reaction. His name is Dream.
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buckupbuckley · 7 months ago
y’all have GOT to stop projecting your weird love boner onto Buck and Tommy. Buck doesn't likes that guy. He thinks he’s ugly. Kenny says he's ugly. Chimney and Tommy are not friends come on people. And Hen… you can read that deleted scene however you like (personally I think she was manipulating him because I have coworkers exactly like her and those expressions are screaming “I'll stab you straight in your heart.”) but as far as canon goes the entire point of Hen Begins is that Tommy and Maurice try to kill Hen— which directly leads into him hating Hen enough to fly into a hurricane for her in hopes to adopt her kids when she mysteriously goes missing.
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Edit: I’ve realized this is a response to an earlier post about Chim and Hen. This one is suuuuuper believable. Yup. Mmhmmm.
Anywho. Moving on.
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cutiebandlover202 · 7 months ago
Your url is cutiebandlover so how much of a cutie are you really?
0% the name was what just randomly what I thought about when I first made my accs...I was like 8-10 sorry to dissapoint
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rachello344 · 2 years ago
Hello there! I've been reading your book long time ago >< and to be honest I love your works, I was wondering if where can I reread again the 'Let Me Take Care of You' book. I've tried to search it but I couldn't find it >< that book looks so sweet and has been one of my favorite dcmk fanfiction.
Hi! Thank you so much! You can read that fic here (link below), but you’ll need to be logged in to the archive. Because of the AI stuff, I locked all of my fic for the time being. Thank you for your interest, and I’m happy to know you enjoyed it! ❤️❤️❤️
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yakichoufd · 9 months ago
I just gotta say, I love the amount of pet names Scott uses for Nathan in your comics it's so wholesome 😊💕💕
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I guess that's my one headcanon for them! Scott only uses pet names for his baby bean!
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lunarw0rks · 8 months ago
hate to break it to you guys but soap would ask if “got any scottish in you”
and if you say no, he’d say “you want some?? 😏😏”
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mysterycitrus · 2 years ago
i love your art sm!! have you ever drawn raven?
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the 80s girlfriends of all time
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myhyperfixationisiforgot · 2 years ago
animorphs was like yeah what if you (child soldier) promised your best friend (also a child soldier) that you would save him, and that you would kill him before letting the body-snatching parasites take him. what if you realized that you can't ever do both. you can't save him without the yeerks. you can't kill him because if he dies everyone you've ever known dies.
what if you literally have to cut him open while he screams and pleads for you to stop and kill him. he hates you for saving him. he hates himself for hating you. you hate yourself for doing it, and you hate him for making you choose. all you can do is wash the blood off and go eat dinner with your family. you will wonder if what you did was worth it for the rest of your life.
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alxandergoth · 3 months ago
can we see eli’s parents? bc he is pretty so i wonder how they would look to make him lol
sure! here’s thorne and octavia
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ask-rachethabaster · 12 days ago
Rachel, have you ever had visions about Ethan’s future?
Rachel: To put it simply: I don't know, probably not, I hope not. The thing with my prophecies is that, unless there's some sort of hint or Morpheus is feeling nice, I have no indication of who the people are in them. I doubt I've had any visions of Ethan, I mean, he'd probably tell me if I had considering he sees all my paintings. I suppose I'll never know for sure.
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i-hope-this-is-a-phase · 1 year ago
I unfortunately think her using buzzwords and framing the story in a much more sinister light than it was while also leaving out a lot of things (and changing a few facts) really will hurt her in the long run
It worked for the quick and and emotional reactionary platform that is twitter but every other platform outside of that isnt that easy to 'fool' (for lack of better word)
I kinda think that she wrote it down like that so the viewers could experience the night from her pov and how she felt (poor girl i really feel for her) but unfortunately that was the wrong way to go at it and now here we are... And going on a weeklong trip also really isnt helping like i get needing a vacation after everything but please not right in the middle of it while your so called friends are ruining the story
I hope they can both heal from this and i really hope they both know now who their teal friends are,, (sorry for being an essay andy but man this shit sucks)
Yeah because now her story is becoming inconsistent, and if parts of her story start appearing to be fabricated, people might then assume her feelings are also fabricated instead of, yknow, supporting the situation.
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buckupbuckley · 7 months ago
🛶💙🩵💚🩵💙 it's a love canoe! send this to all the blogs you love! don’t forget to spread the love!
Awww thank you!
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wheeboo · 6 months ago
this is such a random thought but i had this idea in my head of superman!mingyu who’s just a gentle giant in a big muscular body🥺🥺 an adorable coworker at a newspaper outlet that fights crime
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no cuz ik mingyu would be the type to apologize for his superhuman strength after punching the bad guy 😭😭 like my dude is just always underestimates his powers ITS SO CUTE AND ENDEARING NGL 😭😭
anyway here's a long ass headcanon cuz they gave me SO MUCH BRAINROT LMAOOA
superman!mingyu who looks so DASHING in his suit and he always likes to wave to the pedastrians when he's flying and watching over the city
superman!mingyu who besides using his powers to fight crime he's always called to help save some kitty who got stranded in a tree, his red cape flowing so elegantly behind him as he floats down to the ground, cradling the little one in his arms :((
superman!mingyu who while patrolling sees some thug snatch a person's purse, making him throw away the doughnut he was eating and flying off after the thug. he manages to retrieve the purse back and returns it to back to the owner... to you hehe. his heart may have done a lil leap once you gave him a thankful smile
superman!mingyu who struggles to keep his heroic identity at bay, thankful for the pair of glasses that he wears to blend into the normal commotion of society. he's almost been caught one too many times, and there's even a lil dent in the elevator from his hands at the daily planet
superman!mingyu who finds out you work as an A-list journalist at the daily planet. tries his best to be so friendly and charming around you--gives you coffee in the mornings, opens the doors for you, offers you a shoulder whenever you're stressed. just doesn't help that he's called into action at the worst times possible, but this doesn't seem to sever your little connection together :')
superman!mingyu who asks to treat you after a stressful day at work, and even offers to walk you home, lamely using the reason, "well what if someone comes up and snatches your purse? I'll be there to save you!" and lowkey regrets saying that afterwards thinking he gave himself away HAHAH
superman!mingyu who almost impulsively confesses his feelings for you at your doorstep, but just has to be interrupted and called into action. has to contemplate for a moment, before promising that he'll explain everything soon and rushes off
superman!mingyu who secretly hovers near you when you're walking home at night to make sure you're safe :(( and subtly guides you away from any potential danger
superman!mingyu who thinks he's just so good at hiding his identity, thinking that you don't notice the way he looks a bit disheveled when showing up to work or the way he even wore his glasses upside down one time... but you're very observant, more than he thinks
superman!mingyu who finally gathers the courage to ask you out on a real date, suggesting a quiet dinner at a restaurant he knows you like. he's determined to spend the evening with you as mingyu, but he feels the urge to just tell you everything because he trusts you that much, yet he can't get himself to
superman!mingyu who finds himself stuck in a bit of an argument with you one night at the daily planet as stress had been piling up on you on top of his odd behaviour recently, which you also bring up out of frustration
superman!mingyu who freezes when you claim him to be superman, your words hanging in the air as the two of you stand together at the balcony near the top of the building. even with his continuous denials, the determination in your features is hard to challenge
superman!mingyu who suddenly feels a jolt of panic as he watches you climb onto the railing, your hands gripping the cold metal as you look back at him with a mix of defiance and trust
superman!mingyu who watches in horror as you let go of the railing and lean backward, your body tipping over the edge in slow motion, his heart catching in his throat as he sees you disappear from view
superman!mingyu who wastes no time, his glasses falling to the ground as he rushes to the edge and leaps off after you. his arms wrap around your waist when he finally catches up to you, pulling you close as he slows his descent to the ground
superman!mingyu who can't help but stare at you in pure panic and worry once you reach down the ground, looking over your face for any signs of injury or discomfort. his face softens when he doesn't though
superman!mingyu who tells you please never scare him like that again, and kisses you in that moment, hands trembling as he cups your face gently, silently vowing to protect you for as long as he could <3
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thealexchen · 9 months ago
thoughts on LIS: Double Exposure?
This is probably gonna be my hottest take in awhile, but: I deeply dislike the idea of an official LiS1 direct sequel game existing. Excluding all my thoughts on the gameplay, story, Max's character, etc. I don't think a game like Double Exposure is necessary.
This isn't a new take either; back in 2020 I made a Reddit post saying I was glad we never got a continuation of Max and Chloe's story, because in order to have a plot, you have to have conflict. And to have conflict means your characters are forced to change or struggle in some way, and I simply wasn't interested in seeing that again. I never even read the comics. As long as Max and Chloe's future existed only in the fanbase's collective imagination and not in an officially licensed game, Pricefield could be as happy as I wanted and I wouldn't have to witness DN or D9's version of canon.
A lot of fans, including myself, are also confused and upset as to where Chloe could be in Double Exposure. Even if Chloe winds up having a surprise role, it would likely be too logistically difficult to write Chloe into one version of the story and not the other. Either way, DE is strongly pointing to Chloe no longer being the deuteragonist. If D9 was going to make a direct sequel with Max and Chloe, I could at least be intrigued by how they might write their dynamic and how they'd use Max's power in new and interesting ways. But instead there's... none of that. Chloe's nowhere to be seen and Max can't time travel anymore.
On a narrative level, Max and Chloe are the heart of the original Life is Strange. They represent the game's central relationship, and their very first interaction (Max saving Chloe's life) kicks off the entire story. Throughout the story, their dynamic advances the plot and mutually motivates their character arcs. You can't have LiS1 without either Max or Chloe; the story simply wouldn't exist without them. Now in DE, they don't even seem to be in each other's lives anymore. It's true, this series is meant to reflect universal feelings and experiences, which could include breakups, but the romantic catharsis of Pricefield as canon soulmates who defied time and space itself to stay together forever is something you can only get from the beauty of fiction. To jab DE's story with a dose of reality and go, "Eh, they grew apart. Shit happens," totally undermines everything the Bae ending stood for.
On a technical level, Max's rewind was an objectively brilliant game mechanic. LiS1 arrived onto the scene after Telltale had paved the way for the resurgence of choice-based, episodic games, but LiS1 totally reinvented the wheel by giving the player the option to go back and weigh each option before continuing, essentially save-scumming in-game. But the right choice was never that easy to determine, and Rewind brilliantly complemented Max's character arc of overcoming her indecision and learning to live with her choices. Not to mention, you could also use Rewind to solve puzzles, instead of the endless fetch quests the later games had. No other LiS game since then has given the player that kind of agency and interactivity. LiS2 had telekinesis, but the player couldn't use it, only Daniel. D9 tried with Backtalk and Empathy, but Max's Rewind was truly the narrative and gameplay jackpot that they haven't been able to recreate since.
So if you take away one half of the central relationship that made the first game so memorable, and the supernatural power/game mechanic that made it so fun to play... why even bring Max back at all? It just feels like D9 threw away their golden opportunity to build upon the major selling points of the first game and are only relying on name recognition of the Life is Strange "brand" and Max Caulfield.
What upsets me most of all about a direct sequel existing is that it proves that Life is Strange, as a series, now stands more for profits than originality. Life is Strange will always be an IP meant to make money for Square, I know that, but back when LiS1 was just a brand new episodic game, it stood out for how different it dared to be. In a landscape saturated with shooters, sexualized female characters, and casual misogyny, LiS1 instead featured a teenage girl in a contemporary setting that took her seriously and made her the hero of her story. Before it was a franchise, LiS wasn't concerned with the bottom dollar; it was a piece of art that just wanted to tell a thoughtful, unique story.
Whether you love it or hate it, Life is Strange 2 was an insanely risky follow-up to Life is Strange that refused to rely on the convenience of a direct sequel because Dontnod stuck to their artistic vision. Meanwhile, all of Deck Nine's games have leaned on the first game's following to generate interest (BtS being a direct prequel, TC bringing back Steph, and Wavelengths expanding on Steph's connection to Chloe, Rachel, and Arcadia Bay). In other words, all of the subsequent LiS games by D9 have played it very, very safe. It's worked like a damn charm because there are still elements I love about each game, but the basic principle is nostalgia-baiting fans. It's just that now, Double Exposure isn't hiding that nostalgia bait at all anymore and prioritizing profits over telling a unique story. It's sad to see that LiS has strayed so far from its risky, daring, original, and unique artistic beginnings.
Before I end, I'll say that I can't be too cynical about it all, nor do I want to be. Because I can't deny how much joy this whole series has brought me, too. LiS was what got me into narrative adventure games and pushed the boundaries of what a video game could be. If nothing else, I am truly thrilled that Hannah Telle got the chance to play Max again. D9's always been great at maintaining relationships with their actors, and the casts of their games always have consistently great chemistry. Getting recognized by Erika Mori on my own blog is still unbelievable and speaks to the amazing community that LiS has built. As you can see, I'm still posting and reblogging stuff about Double Exposure. And while I don't see myself buying or playing this game for myself, I know it'll keep all of us talking for awhile, and I still live for a good discussion.
Thank you for asking! And thank you for reading.
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