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aygri · 2 months ago
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a neuvillette for @shizuna610
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grimmichibigbang · 3 years ago
The GrimmIchi Big Bang Presents:
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Grimmjow's boutique just closed, his last dreams closing with it and the fear that he might be falling behind in the fashion industry catching up with him. He has two saving graces;
1. An empty apartment while Urahara has left the country.
2. Someone with absolutely no goddamn taste.
Author: Metropoliszone
Artists: Shizuna & Squish
Editor: Cornification
See more GrimmIchi big bang projects HERE!
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15560931-moved · 7 years ago
Hello! (^^) Your art is really cute and I love your style! Your chibi art is the cutest thing ever (>w
Ahhh thank you, but unfortunately I’d have to reject your offer… Personally I always get really nervous and anxious in large chatrooms so I tend to avoid them… ^^;;
and for anyone wondering, I am low-key KaiShin trashcan. But you know what’s better?
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rachello344 · 7 years ago
Headcanon time~ Your fav Shinichi headcanons
OKAY I started this on my phone, but that was exhausting, so let’s do this again! 
Grand Gesture Shinichi!!!  I know I list this every time, but I’m hoping eventually it’ll catch on.  XD  Shinichi loves to do BIG THINGS to make up for his easily distracted nature to show his loved ones he cares!  See:  “Will you wait for me?” he asks at the restaurant where is dad proposed to his mom.  “I like you,” he says, in a convoluted way, beneath Big Ben.  etc.
Look, I know we like to pretend that Shinichi is Exactly like Yuusaku, and for the most part it’s true.  But listen.  Shinichi is Dramatic.  Yuusaku is all subtlety.  Guess where he got THAT from?  Those deduction shows?  Yeah, that’s the Yukiko Influence.  He’s the son of a great actress.  Of course he’s a drama queen.  XD
Shinichi is sooo easily bored.  If he’s done or experienced something before, it loses it’s edge, and becomes boring.  So, sometimes, when people are talking, he just… stops listening.  It’s no one’s fault, but it is something that happens more and more as he gets older.
Kaito is never boring.  Kaito is mysteries and riddles and magic in the shape of a person.  Kaitou KID is shadows and enigmas and illusions.  Shinichi is never bored with Kaito or at heists.
Shinichi thinks Hakuba needs to loosen up a little.  Hakuba takes the letter of the law a lot more seriously than Shinichi.  Shinichi is CONSTANTLY flouting chain of command and proper evidence procedures.  (Hakuba would be HORRIFIED)
After being Conan, no matter how long it really is, Shinichi has a hard time stopping himself from calling her Ran-neechan when he needs something from her.  Also, he can’t help it, but he’s gotten used to seeing her as an older sister, which makes it a little difficult to see her as a girlfriend.  (The same goes for her, seeing Conan in him, even when he’s grown)
Shinichi goes on weird research binges all the time.  “I wonder when particular satellites pass over Japan?” he asks himself before spending the next several hours looking up all of the satellites that pass over Japan and what their call signs are.  Not to mention his weird Death Facts about murder methods and rates of decomp.
Shinichi HATES not understanding how something was done, so he can’t watch magic shows without taking them apart.  Sometimes, though, he tries.  For Kaito.  He’ll get it out of his system during the opening act so that he can turn it off (mostly) for Kaito’s tricks.
Shinichi’s favorite adaptation of Sherlock Holmes is the PBS Masterpiece Mystery series with Jeremy Brett.  However, he does enjoy the Robert Downey Jr. movies as well.  (I don’t know about any Japanese adaptations, so I’m sticking to the ones I know about in the U.S.)
Shinichi actually really enjoys reading Kamen Yaiba, even if he pretends he only reads it for the kids.  After he returns to his proper size, he keeps up with the manga “so he can talk to the kids about it.”  Haibara is the only one that knows he’s lying and just enjoys the series.
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lunarscaped · 8 years ago
I'm a huge fan of your work! I just read 'Someone to You' and gosh it was amazing! I love your writing style so much. Also, you mentioned you were sick? I hope you're feeling better....Oh,for the fanfic writers ask thing: 13,14,17 and 49
omg thank you so much!! someone to you :D i’m fully recovered now (bronchitis is just… ugh)
13. hardest character to write: detective boys. this may be because i’m not the hugest fan of them in general, but i also suck at writing their dialogue. (please don’t dig up any of my old fics to verify. please)
14. easiest character to write: i find most of the main cast pretty easy to write, probably because i’ve been writing them for, like, five years. (god.) anyway, shinichi, kaito, ran, and aoko are generally pretty easy for me to write.
17. favorite au to write: i think this may have become pretty clear, but i like soulmate and superhero aus, as evidenced by the fact that i have at least two of each. ha…ha…
49. writing advice: i already answered this one, but here’s some more advice from a very unqualified writer. after you finish the first draft of your fic, leave it alone for at least a day–don’t think about it, don’t look at it, etc., just leave it alone. then go back and proofread and edit. when you proofread right after you finish writing, you miss more mistakes (like plotholes and technical mistakes) than you would if you came back to it after a break, because you’re already so buried in the plot, story, and words that you can’t really see what parts need work. i’ve…learned this the hard way.
anyway, thank you so much for your kind words!! :D hope you enjoyed hearing my answers and that they weren’t too boring haha
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bandaged-chessmaster · 8 years ago
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@renadragneel @shizuna610
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lazuliblade · 8 years ago
Hi Laz~ So, first of all, that new interview.....I have ascended *screams* Also, the bit about Kubo sensei trying not to show something to impossible, only to have been one up-ed by a program with five quads(!!) was just...wow. Do you think she'll go for crazier stuff in season 2? (*whispers* quad axel)
(referring specifically to these translated portions. The full interview is here.)Hey, Shizu~ (*nods sagely and whispers with you* Quad Axel)Kubo-sensei and Director Yamamoto have to increase the difficulty and I wouldn’t be surprised if they did decide to make it even more more crazy in order to stay ahead of the current real-life field. This is assuming it’s the next skating season and not a continuation of this season where the YOI skaters are already pushing their own boundaries. They’ll need the off season to rest from strain, polish jumps, and train for more difficult layouts.To explain to people why the difficulty needs to increase, and that it’s not just a storytelling thing…  Figure skating is an evolving sport. Every year things get a little bit tougher, skaters make their programs a little harder, and what people once thought of as “the hardest ever” will be surpassed by a new “hardest ever” program. It used to be thought that a quad was for dreamers, but one person landed it in competition, and then multiple skaters landed it, and now we’re in a full blown quad-arms race. People swore up and down that 4 quads in one program was the maximum that a skater could hope to land cleanly because of the strain it places on the body. Now we have a guy who landed 5 quads. There used to be a select few skaters who could land two different types of quads. Now two quad types places you in the top 10 men (top 5 when combined with good execution and other polished skills), and we have a small group of skaters who can land a variety of quads. As technology increases (internet, YouTube, phones, tablets), it becomes much easier for skaters to review jumps right there and fix the mistakes without delay. They can see their own jumps and run-throughs from different angles and can replay the video over-and-over to see exactly what works and doesn’t work. Is the jump failing because of the angle of the elbow? Or is it because the knees are crossed a little too high? Perhaps instead of focusing on gaining height, the skater should focus on distance? Having access to videos of other skaters’ successful jumps and their jump styles also helps a skater polish their own.
Basically, nothing stays still in figure skating, so it would be more unrealistic for Kubo and Yamamoto to keep the difficulty where it is, than it would be to include crazier elements. I’m thinking there will be more backloading in skater’s SP (and maybe like Yurio with his crazy FS), more quads in the second half and at the very end for “wow factor,” harder quad combinations (4Lo+3T, 4S+3T+2T), and harder quads in general – loops, flips, lutzes and the coveted Quad Axel. Things could get pretty crazy depending on what real life skaters are able to accomplish in the remainder of this skating season, and what they plan to put in their programs for the coming year.
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shizuna610 replied to your post: Instead of a handbag , I want to hit Moftiss with...
Ahshsvdj the vegetable bags my mom brings after shopping are probably enough to kill a person….
I’ll remove the cabbages and cauliflowers. Plus I’m a tiny angry indian grandmother so I’ll probably just swing it at their thighs.
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ao2fics · 7 years ago
written for @zeechan04 from the kaishin discord!
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phlegmykins · 2 years ago
CW: monsterfucking
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Secret Santa gift for my buddy @shizuna610
I don’t know much about Genshin impact, but one half of their otp is a dragon and that is. Inspiring haha
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aygri · 1 year ago
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mr. welt chillin <3
a little somethin for @shizuna610 !
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shunukitrash · 4 years ago
Cottagecore aesthetic tag game!!
I was tagged by: @lovecorethot!! Thank you!!!
Rules: google your name + cottagecore + house/outfit/pet then post your results!
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I'll tag: @shizuna610 and @hatcrufle , if either of you want to!!!
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grimmichibigbang · 3 years ago
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Find @shizuna610 here: Twitter & Ao3
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brotato-chibs · 5 years ago
Do you happen to know any kaishin (or muliti-ship) discord servers? Ive been wanting to join one, but dont know where to look
I know of a kaishin server ❀(*´▽`*)❀
And canon servers, and hakukai and akam. They're all kinda linked together since the people are here and there
For kaishin, ask @shizuna610 for the invite.
KaiAo and Shinran? @mintchocolateleaves
Hakukai? @nymphadorathetemplar
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rachello344 · 8 years ago
RULES: You must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
TAGGED BY: @shizuna610​
TAGGING: Uh.....  @nonbinarylonk @piyo-13​ @sukekou​ @sybilius​ @dont-touch-my-sons​ and @ascella-star​
Under a read more because 85 questions isn’t that much, but it is quite a bit to scroll past.

1. drink: Diet Coke 2. phone call: Mom 
3. text message: "pliroy is still the better AU tho haha” 4. song you listened to: "America’s Suitehearts” Fall Out Boy  5. time you cried: Uh...  I can’t remember.  I’ve teared up a lot lately, but nothing’s really kicked me over the edge  
6. dated someone: Nah mate, never 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Can’t regret a kiss you’ve never had *finger guns*  8. been cheated on: That would require a relationship lol 9. lost someone special: Um, lost how?  I’ve had several important friendships end, but otherwise... 10. been depressed: Uh today, I think.  Sometimes it’s hard to tell if I’m lonely, melancholy, or depressed, but I think there’s some pretty strong overlap.  *shrugs*  It’s not a big deal.  I just miss my roommie a bit, I think.  Nothing new. 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Never.  I don’t drink.


12. Blue Violet 13. Yellow 
14. Most shades of Blue

15. made new friends: Yeah!  Mostly online.  I’ve joined three chat rooms for ships I like!  (Shoutout to my bros in the Pliroy chat!  Y’all rock!)  (I’m still too new in the KaiShin and BakuDeku chats, but I appreciate you guys as well!) 16. fallen out of love: Kind of?  I love a few people less than I once did, but I’ve never been In Love, technically. 
17. laughed until you cried: Lol yeah.  SHE’S A WOLF.  IN MOUSE CLOTHING. 
18. found out someone was talking about you: Uh, not maliciously?  But people do talk about me, and I learned that some people even talk about my fic!  ^^ 19. met someone who changed you: Not within the last year.  Within the last four, yes... 
20. found out who your friends are: I haven’t gone through anything especially harrowing, but I do know who I can trust and who my closest friends are. 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: What’s a Facebook list?  (I don’t have a Facebook)
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t have a Facebook, lol, but if I did they would all be IRL people, not online people. 
23. do you have any pets: Yep!  A dog and two cats.  Plus my roommate has a cat that stays with us haha 
24. do you want to change your name: No, Rachel is my name.  It’s who I am. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Dinner with my family and my roommate. 
26. what time did you wake up: Uh like 1 and then I took a nap, so I wasn’t really awake until 3 p.m. 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Driving a friend home! 
28. name something you can’t wait for: Uh, next episode of BNHA 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Looking at her right now. 
31. what are you listening to right now: My mom telling a story. 
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yeah, that’s my dad’s name. 33. something that is getting on your nerves: Anti blogs, usually. 
34. most visited website: Tumblr and Twitter. 35. hair colour: Dishwater Blonde 36. long or short hair: Short for a girl, and loosely curly. 
37. do you have a crush on someone: Nah.  I mean Kento Yamazaki is a beautiful man, but no I don’t really crush. 38. what do you like about yourself: I have a lot of perseverance.  Even when it’s really hard, I will keep trying.  Sometimes it just... takes a while. 
39. piercings: None. 40. blood type: I honestly have no idea.  Probably some kinda A? 
41. nickname: I use “Ra Ra” when I play games online. 42. relationship status: Happily Single 
43. zodiac: Aquarius 44. pronouns: She/Her 
45. favourite tv show: Uh, right now, probably BNHA 
46. tattoos: None 47. right or left handed: Right-handed 
48. surgery: None 50. sport: I’m not active now, but I used to fence and ice skate (neither competitively).  I mean, I’ve played most sports, but those were my faves. 
51. last vacation: My family and I all went to Huntington Beach! 
52. pair of trainers:
 Uh, like how many sneakers do I own?  Like 3 pairs, because I need them for work.  Unless you count Converse, in which case there are significantly more.

53. eating: I just ate pasta  
54. drinking: I just had a Diet Coke 
55. I’m about to: Work on fanfiction ^^ 
56. waiting for: KS chapter and BNHA episode!! 57. want: to finish SOMETHING 
58. get married: Unlikely, but not impossible.  I’d be down to marry one of my best friends, but mostly for tax benefits and household expense convenience. 
59. career: 
Student, and I work at the school’s library.

60. hugs or kisses: Hugs 61. lips or eyes: Eyes 62. shorter or taller: Taller 
63. older or younger: For boys, older (though no more than 5-8 years older); for girls, a little younger or older (like a year younger or the same upper limit above) 64. nice arms or nice stomach: Arms 
65. hook up or relationship: Relationship 
66. troublemaker or hesitant: It depends.  I like confidence and kindness and comfort.  Probably troublemaker, but not necessarily.

67. kissed a stranger: No 
68. drank hard liquor: No 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I would not survive if that happened.  I would be unable to function without my glasses, so no.  I’ve never lost them. 70. turned someone down: Yep.  Twice.  Once in high school and once in college.  Both of them were extremely uncomfortable situations, lol  I can explain more if anyone wants to know, but it’s a bit too long a story to fit into this (both are, tbh) 71. sex on the first date: No. 72. broken someone’s heart: Uh, yeah, I guess at least once? 73. had your heart broken: Yes, but not romantically. 74. been arrested: No, but I’ve gotten a parking ticket before. 75. cried when someone died: Yeah. 76. fallen for a friend: *shrugs*  Kinda?  The line between “I love you so much, you’re my best friend” and “I’ve fallen in love with you” is difficult for me to navigate.  I just roll with it.

77. yourself: Yeah, most of the time. 
78. miracles: I don’t disbelieve in them? 
79. love at first sight: More in fiction than reality. 80. Santa Claus: Of course!  People who don’t believe in Santa don’t get presents from him!  ;D 
81. kiss on the first date: I would have to trust them a lot first, especially for more than a kiss on the cheek or the forehead.  Also, that would require me dating. 82. angels: I don’t disbelieve.

84. eye colour: Hazel 
85. favourite movie: The Princess Bride or Love Actually
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mintchocolateleaves · 5 years ago
Is there an open KaiShin discord?
Mmmm, I know there’s a KaiShin discord because I’m in it, but all invites ae given by @shizuna610! 
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