#for self improvement
recomvery · 1 year
One of the most dangerous things in the world is not being able to say no to people because you don't want to upset them or dissapoint them. This will completely ruin your life in every way possible, at work, in your private life, your sex life and your friendships. It's a way of removing your own consent in your own decisions and go against your wishes, it is always a crime against yourself. Let yourself have a say. Upsetting people is better than traumatizing yourself.
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Me when I remember something I said ages ago that was wrong or my values no longer align with
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thatpinkkwitch · 7 months
i just heard the phrase “if you wouldn’t trust their advice, don’t trust their criticism” for the first time and i don’t think i’ve ever needed to hear anything more
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selfhealingmoments · 1 year
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maxiglow · 5 months
be busy. busy not checking messages. busy reading those books you never started or finished. busy having a good night of sleep. busy taking care of yourself and your skin. busy moving your body. busy helping your community. busy reflecting on your life and what you can improve. busy doing things aside from the capitalistic viewpoint of “productivity.” busy slowing down.
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felineandhustle · 2 months
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sugarsprinklesoul · 7 months
Small ways to activate your "happiness" chemicals
DOPAMINE: the reward chemical
• Complete a task
• Doing self care activites
• Eating some food
• Celebrating your little wins.
OXYTOCIN: the love hormones
• Playing with a dog
• Playing with a baby
• Holding hands
• Hugging someone
• Giving someone else a compliment
SEROTONIN: the mood stabiliser
• Meditating
• Running
• Be in the sun
• Walk in nature
• Swimming
ENDORPHIN: the pain relief
• Laughing exercises
• Essential oils
• Eating dark chocolate
• Running
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4theitgirls · 6 months
the it girl’s spring cleaning
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phone reset
delete old contacts and messages
go through social media following
delete unused apps
go through photos
set a new wallpaper
add widgets for reminders, weather, battery, etc.
delete old songs and add new ones
environmental reset
clean your bedroom (vacuum, dust, put clothes away, etc.)
sort through and donate old clothes
organize your makeup, skincare, etc.
wash or change your bedsheets
rearrange your bedroom
open your windows and curtains to let fresh air in
get outdoors
clean your home with fresh scented products (lemon, lavender, etc.)
physical reset
try a new workout routine
get some new outfits
do a face mask
exfoliate and shave
oil your hair or do a hair mask
try a new hair color, cut, or style
do your nails or get your nails done
get some fresh makeup and try a new makeup routine
do a lip mask and scrub
mental reset
start journaling or try some new prompts
do a refreshing meditation
try a new yoga practice or workout
read instead of scrolling
put a time limit on your phone usage
reset your sleep schedule
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becomingthatgirl111 · 5 months
be aware of what you consume:
the energy of others: surround yourself with positive people and avoid those who drain you.
the videos you watch: select content that inspires, educates or entertains you in a healthy way.
what you read: look for reliable sources and material that enriches you intellectually.
who you follow: follow people who inspire and challenge you to grow.
what you scroll through on social media: avoid negative content and look for something that motivates you or makes you feel good.
the news: look for objective sources of information and avoid information overload.
highlights of others: compare less and celebrate more the achievements of others.
the advice you listen to: evaluate advice according to your criteria and needs.
source: @zamirasaba
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lalalychee · 7 months
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i'm so, so excited to share this painting with you. i have officially been making art for 20 years, and i thought it would be fun to repaint the first digital work i ever made.
i have wanted to give up art so many times over the years. i'm tremendously proud of myself for sticking with it and improving as much as i have. i hope you're proud of me too! please be sure to zoom in to see all those details i worked so hard on (especially the rhinestones!!). thank you for being with me during my art journey. 20 years, 20 more 🖤
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recomvery · 1 year
It's ok to want money. It's ok to be upset that you're poor and wishing to be rich. I understand. People who say that money doesn't buy happiness have never eaten pasta every day because it's 50 cents at the grocery store or been short on money for christmas presents. Constantly scraping by makes people miserable and depressed and of course you're gonna dream about money, about being happy and priviledged. That's not greedy or horrible, that's life. It's ok.
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malusokay · 24 days
small things to improve your life 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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compliment people more often
pick up a crafty hobby
start to learn a language that you've always wanted to speak
take more photos and videos
watch movies, documentaries, shows, read, write, etc etc..
practice your makeup skills and try different styles
law of affirmation
start a blog (or just read mine hehe <3)
write essays on whatever interests you at the moment
make new playlists and update old ones
workout, stretch, go for walks
allow yourself to be bored sometimes; you don't have to constantly be doing things
talk to yourself with love and kindness
go thrifting and update your wardrobe
try new coffee shops and find your favourite one
embody the energy that you'd like to attract
dress up every day, you don't need a special occasion to wear your favourite outfits
decorate and rearrange your room until it feels like you
journal and write about your day, dreams, and ideas
manifest and visualise
reach out to your friends more often
visit more museums and art galleries
talk to the moon
As always, please feel free to share your own suggestions and tips in the comments! <3
my insta: @ malusokay
love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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desultory-suggestions · 4 months
Stopping yourself mid-conflict to change your perspective is allowed! It’s okay and normal to be mid argument with someone and realize you disagree with your own stance. Often I find myself and others caught up in trying to win the argument (not the point of arguments!) or too embarrassed to back down and be wrong. I promise there is so much more pride in going “Stop! I’m wrong. I hear you and I see how I wasn’t in the right and I want to amend my view” than digging your heels in.
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selfhealingmoments · 8 months
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the-joy-of-knowledge · 8 months
25 Laws of power for women
Conceal your goals especially the ones that are appealing. Losing weight, reinventing yourself, marrying wealthy. Instead talk about your altruistic goals - to help children, invest in education, this will chase insecure people with vile intentions.
Do not give anyone your source of power: Was is a book that changed your life? a mentor? a movie? Never give up your secret to success. If forced to do say allude to God, the universe, the a random phenomenon
Use the patriarchy to your favor; we live in a world that is, only associate with men who have power, use that power for good.
Never appear too perfect but be selectively vulnerable when needed. Only share something that you will be comfortable saying. You might say “I forget my keys all the time,” “I don’t know how to perfectly park a car “. But never disclose something you are not comfortable with just because you are afraid of being perfect.
Maintain distance in relationships. Friends are the best and you need them. But if you feel that they are becoming too dependent, see them at your own will. But also the reverse could be the case. Your friend may keep a distance, and that is the way of life. You have got to move on from it.
Develop your own style that makes you unique, beautiful, and elegant. Avoid trying to fit in the crowd of people who claim to care less about their style yet have too many opinions about other women’s style
Avoid male friends at all cost, you will have male colleagues, male bosses, male acquaintances, business partners. Keep it that way. You do not want a Truman Capote divulging your secrets to the world. Do not keep a man who does not fit your standard.
You do not have to win at every game. Pick and choose what is best for you and leave room for others. And step down if you have attained that level of success, do not let the society do it for you.
Trust people but remember that we are all humans. So trust with discretion!
Confuse people with kindness; people are not always comfortable with beautiful and intelligent women. That power is too intimidating so confuse them by being genuinely generous, curious, kind, and passionate.
Keep your strong opinions to yourself.. if you support a movement, a way of life, do so silently.
We all have dirty laundry, wash them privately, don’t expose yourself. Remain silent when people try to attack you or shame you. Whatever is not confirmed is not true. You are the only one who knows all the truth about you.
Don’t attract pity or praise: People who pity you do not help you, in fact they might think that you are weak and could mock you at their annual gossipping meeting. And if you are doing things for the sake of praise you are wasting your time.
Choose yourself all the time; never put any one’s feelings above yours.
Trust your own intuition if you feel someone is being malicious towards you, giving you back handed compliments then you should let them go
Never speak bad of another woman. Do not lazy around gossipping. Keep your hands clean and your conscience clear.
Avoid women with low self esteem they will bring you down. For some reason they do not like seeing other women who are doing better than them
Be careful who you seek validation from. Not everyone needs to be pleased. If they are in no way capable of contributing to your life in the ways you prefer, then don’t ask them for their opinions or please them.
Do not compete with other women, if you do you are only putting them on a pedestal. You are making the the standard by which you measure your progress. If you do compete, begin digging your grave.
Do not give unsolicited advice, do not share the inner workings of your mind, If your mouth is very charitable you better start journaling.
Be well-rounded and interesting. It attracts people. It also keeps you busy because you are continually improving and learning. An idle mind is an easily subdued one.
Avoid women who want to live vicariously through you; they want to know who you know, shop where you shop, befriend who you befriend, wear what you wear.
Pay attention to the source of your discomfort; get rid of them. You tell them your dreams and they remind you of all your hindrances. They ask why are you dressed so fancy as though fancy isn’t subjective. They undermine you interests and goals. They will also be quick to bring you down because they are afraid of your potential.
Do not fear power or please power. When we see powerful people we try to hard to befriend them, to be close to them but you need to be comfortable without them. Don’t push yourself in the name of friendship, do not try too hard to be in their inner circle. Your independence of mind is the most important. Instead become a powerful woman, aloof to the presence of power but aware of its importance. Be an ingenious and intelligent and use your creativity to uplift yourself. When you do so it will be hard to ignore you. Even the powerful will become an ally.
Enjoy moments of solitude. Use that time to develop yourself, improve your body, learn new skills, create with your mind, read widely, become more elegant, then launch yourself.
Remember the most powerful women are the most intelligent. Inspired by Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power. Use at your discretion.
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p1nkblog · 4 months
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wishing you a love so sweet and soft ♡
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