#even that bitch lucy
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amanitapills · 3 months ago
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I want everyone to play sorry we're closed! Criminally underrated game!!! It's all I can think about ever since it came out lmaoooo
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phreia · 6 months ago
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BY @featheredcrowbones !!! THEY'RE SUPER COOL (they also drew this!)
worlds most tormented MC
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lesbianralzarek · 9 months ago
trying to not complain about the discrepancy between how much content fictional women and poc have vs the white dudes in every fucking fandom im in, because no one owes me fanart/fic and i can make shit myself, but holy fuck can any of you name a woman?
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maysrinn · 8 months ago
September 🍁🍂
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Nothing ever hurt as much as being left behind by her flock, not even Mayfairs attempted murder or her now broken wing were even close to the gut wrenching feeling of being alone…or so she thought 🍂🦆
The covey did not leave Goosey Gray because they wanted to; rather, Mayfair did something heinous before she told them Goosey was staying with her little “quackery boyfriend.” Neither Barb Azure nor Maude Ivory wanted to go. Both cousins held onto the hope that Goosey Gray would burst through the bushes and rejoin the flock, but that didn’t happen. Time was running out, and with their schedule already behind, they left for migration without her, thinking Goosey Gray would be fine with Coriolanus Duck. Unbeknownst to them, she was lying in a trench with a broken wing, trying to reach them.
Goosey Gray managed to see her flock one more time before they disappeared behind the mountains. She called out with distress honks, trying unsuccessfully to lift herself into the air. Her calls were so loud that even Coriolanus heard them, confused since he had said goodbye to Goosey the day before. After giving up, being exhausted from the attempts she stayed on the lake for quite some time until the nights grew colder and the leaves started falling not knowing what to do. Unsure whether to approach the farm and ask for help, Goosey hesitated, knowing the hoomans had a rifle.
It didn’t took long until Coriolanus Duck found her sleeping by the fence in the tall grass in the early morning, bringing her some good food like the perfect future duckie husband he is 🪿🍂
Mayfair wasn't static when she saw that Goosey Gray had not only survived but also multiplied as they returned
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girl4music · 3 months ago
Xabrielle VS Spuffy: Correlations between Xena’s ‘Fins, Femmes & Gems’ and Buffy’s ‘Something Blue’
You know they re-wrote the script 48 hours out before going into production for ‘Fins, Femmes & Gems’ from Gabrielle being obsessed with sexual positions to Gabrielle being obsessed with herself - but the funniest thing about that is they still had Xena obsessed with fishing but Xena never needs Gabrielle around her as much as she does when she’s not obsessed with that.
“She’s come for me. I knew she would. She can’t live without me for a minute. Not that I could blame her.”
Obviously it’s a metaphor but I still think it’s hilarious.
The way it comes across is that Xena is obsessed with Gabrielle as well as Gabrielle… But it’s just hidden behind the metaphor of “fishing” together. And they always pull that one out in this show: they’re “fishing”.
And so my question is - if Gabrielle’s apparent obsession in the original script was sexual positions rather than just an obsession with Xena… Why is it Xena that’s the main factor there? Obviously it’s because the “non-spell” parts of them still came through just as it does in the re-written script for the actual episode.
I just found it funny how Renee immediately jumped to “being in love with Xena” when the obsession in the original script was just about sexual positions.
Why is Xena even relevant to that?
And in the re-written script, if the obsession is fishing.
Why is Gabrielle relevant to that?
The answer is because they’re already in love with each other and they’re the main factor because that’s who the obsession informs regardless of the spell cast.
In this episode, it’s not a direct spell meant to make the one under it fall in love with anyone. It’s just making them have an obsession about something or someone.
But with Xena and Gabrielle in both the original and re-written script,.. the main factor is each other regardless what they’re apparently “obsessed” with because they’re not actually under a spell with each other.
They’re for real and so the “obsessions” they have are only so desirable because of that reason. Each other.
The same way in BtVS’s ‘Something Blue’ the spell Willow cast was “why don’t they just get married?” and not “why don’t they just fall in love with each other?”
It’s just a natural consequence because they’re for real.
It’s really about removing the restrictions/resistances to the characters’ sexual and emotional inhibitions. Meaning if you give them a reason to gravitate towards each other that does not directly mean “I chose this”, they’ll go for it because then they won’t feel any guilt.
Why would they? It’s just the “spell”.
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So with ‘Fins, Femmes & Gems’ both in the original and re-written scripts, the “spell” isn’t the driving force of what’s pulling Xena and Gabrielle towards each other. It’s the excuse. The driving force is their real love for each other and romantic attraction and unresolved tension because that’s what’s really bothering them.
So depending on how they approached it - it wouldn’t necessarily be an insult to queer people if they were allowed to produce the episode with the original script so long as they made it clear the “spell” wasn’t the main factor just as they did with the re-written script.
There are several times in the episode where their respective “obsessions” were completely forgotten about in the midst of the crisis of losing each other.
Obviously it’s because each other mattered more to them than some daft obsession spell they were under - of which only appears to be desirable to them because they have each other to be “obsessed” with them for.
It’s a metaphor… The “obsession” is really each other and I think that would have been the case no matter which script they decided to go with for the episode.
If Gabrielle was obsessed with sexual positions instead of herself. If Xena was still obsessed with fishing. So long as they still approached it the way they did in the re-written script - I think it would have been totally fine because even in the re-written script, it was pretty clear that these “obsessions” weren’t why they were so,.. so
MARRIED. That’s the only word I can use that justifies what’s going on in that episode. Their need for each other to be around because they’re already married.
Therefore, I think the comparison to BtVS’s ‘Something Blue’ is dead on. Because Spuffy don’t act that way because the spell forced them to get married. They act that way because they already behave as if they are.
It’s just more so because “it’s not us”/“we’re forced”.
‘Fins’ is exactly the same. Behind the metaphor or the excuse - it’s just 2 suppressed idiots in love that can let go of ALL sexual and emotional inhibitions and just be happy because in those moments they’re just “Xena” and “Gabrielle” and the plot/seasonal arc can TAKE A SEAT to allow for some crucial character stuff that needs to take some precedence after what happens.
Those kind of “love spell” episodes are worth watching because you are seeing what’s for real there with them.
It’s just so exaggerated because it’s a release for them.
The spell doesn’t actually matter. But without the spell as the excuse - they’d never go there with each other.
They’d never be brave enough to because of all the other shit going on around them or they’re enemies.
But it’s like when real romantic feelings are there - none of that is even a focus. None of that is even relevant.
Only each other. That’s how I see ‘Fins’ and ‘Something Blue’ because the spell cast is really only the metaphor.
What’s the real deal is why the metaphor is necessary.
The desire for each other and unresolved tension there.
If you can show that that’s the driving force and the main factor - then any “spell” episode - be it love, obsession or anything else - is successful storytelling and - if approached well - successful representation.
There’s major correlations between these two episodes because the “spell” is not why the characters behave as they do. But it is the reason why they would allow it in the first place and why they go way over the top with it.
As far as the characters are concerned - it’s a release of everything that’s pent up inside of and between them.
When you use a “spell” episode like that - and that ends up being what is interpreted out of it - it is successful. I mean technically Spuffy is just a “b-plot” of ‘Something Blue’ whereas Xabrielle is an “a-plot of ‘Fins’ - but nevertheless - what stands out is their odd behaviour.
It’s what people remember of the episodes themselves. But what’s not communicated is that behaviour is real because “we’re under a spell”/“we can’t be blamed”.
Yes, well that only stands when the spell is directly a love spell on each other. If it’s not - then it’s just void and the behaviour is a natural consequence of what is not being acknowledged and addressed in both the relationship and in the individual. So it’s a release for it.
In ‘Fins’ Xena figures out that the obsessions they had had nothing to do with the spell put on them but rather what it was that was bothering them deep down that they needed to get in touch with. It was about insight. Now if they were allowed to use the original script, then that insight could well have been that they were in love and were not letting themselves express it frequently. In that sense, it could have actually been a proper coming out episode that was very sincere in its intentional goal despite the “spell” factor because… I mean… I might be totally wrong about this but I don’t think anyone who watches ‘Something Blue’ - especially not on rewatches - believes that Willow’s spell was forcing Spuffy to kiss, so I don’t think that the spell in ‘Fins’ would have forced Xabrielle to “experiment with sexual positions” either - especially not if the obsession was really about insight because then the insight is that enough was enough. Either they come out to themselves and each other in how they really feel for each other and what to do about expressing those feelings physically or leave each other. And we all know there is absolutely no way the creators - not these creators - would have ever done the latter because despite not knowing the best way to go about handling it, they were all always on the side of the fans and shippers which is the only real striking difference between Xena’s ‘Fins’ and Buffy’s ‘Something Blue’.
Practically everybody in the writer’s room was on-board with Xena and Gabrielle. Not everyone was with Spuffy. But the jokes on them really because it was ‘Something Blue’ that even made Spuffy a twinkle in anyone’s eye because we had never seen either character so happy.
You know sometimes things don’t work out the way you want them. Other times they’re just a happy accident. A closer look at both Xena’s ‘Fins, Femmes & Gems’ and Buffy’s ‘Something Blue’ provides that of something which is missing in the TV art/entertainment of today.
FUN. CAMP. RELEASE. The other side of the spectrum where the plot/seasonal arc is not so important then. But the character representation and development is.
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speakofthedebbie · 5 months ago
okay guys... lowkey, if the mood is right i will sometimes treat radioapple fics as selfinserts LOOK IM SORRY HEAR ME OUT-
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darkpoisonouslove · 8 months ago
Hc (and something I wish would've actually happen): During that scene in 3x23 where Griffin, Saladin and Faragonda fight eachother Griffin realized at some point that something's was off bc she just knew that Valtors powers felt diffrent in that moment. Like she still recognized his powers but she knew in a real fight with him it would be diffrent. So she stopped attacking and instead just defended herself bc she knew how he works and there could be the chance that all of this is a twisted illusion and that Saladin and Faragonda still could be there.
That's always bugged me! Forget knowing Valtor's magic! The idea that Griffin, Saladin and Faragonda wouldn't recognize each other's magic is absolutely mindboggling! They've known each other for literal decades and have fought a war together!!! There's no way they wouldn't realize they're fighting each other! But once again, plot is prioritized over having character situations that make sense (because otherwise the Winx wouldn't have gotten to fight Valtor with the Water Stars and had the shocking revelation that Valtor has trapped Bloom's parents in his body that's... debunked by the end of the next episode... by the Ancestral Witches... who are beings of pure evil and have zero reason to tell the truth to the daughter of their sworn enemies... I give up; the writing for this show is atrocious!!!!)
Anyway, my idea (haha, RIP my rewrite that was supposed to include this) was that Valtor sends the Trix in his place to fight Griffin, Saladin and Faragonda after he gives them some magic to help emulate his own and because they used to have the Dragon Fire, small sparks of which have remained inside them since it can never be extinguished. So Griffin ends up fighting Darcy and she still figures out the deception! Because YES, she fucking knows him and his magic! That is to say, I completely agree with your headcanon! (And seriously, he should have used the Trix! This is a perfect three-on-three battle opportunity and could have brought us back to the time when the Trix were an actual threat!)
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bitchdafuqyousay · 9 months ago
i cannot stand you hoes
you fuckers will really just find any reason n excuse at all to hate on female characters, huh. like damned if she does damned if she doesn’t. they cannot win with you bitches smh
she’s upfront n emotional? ugh she’s so annoying she’s always in hysterics she needs to calm down. she’s levelheaded n even faced? god that woman is such a cold hearted bitch she doesn’t care about anyone she’s practically a villain! she’s got a temper? she’s always angry she’s so mean. she’s jovial all the time? she’s so annoying whys she always so happy it’s not realistic!! she’s super smart? she’s such a know it all she thinks she’s so clever n better than everyone else. she’s not a super genius? oh lord she’s sooo stupid what a ditz. she’s open n trusting? how can she be so naive n forwards she’s such an idiot! she’s reserved n keeps things to her chest? she’s so dishonest n a total snake i bet she’s secretly a villain!!
she’s super strong? she’s way too op it’s all just plot armor n makes no sense she needs to be knocked down a peg! she’s not as strong as the other (male) characters? god she’s useless she’s a total drag an absolute burden on the other characters!! she’s conventionally attractive n sexy? the over-sexualization is terrible she’s just pointless eye candy it’s annoying. she doesn’t meet conventional beauty standards? that bitch is so ugly haha look at the size of her forehead n her flat chest!
let’s not even get fucking started on the way y’all scream “villain” at any female character who isn’t a saintess of pure n unrestrained morality, but then throw a bitch fit about “mary sues” when another one is. female characters cannot do anything right in y’all’s eyes n you’ll take any chance to hop on them n drag em through the dirt by their necks. you hate a woman for the same qualities that make you love a man it’s pathetic.
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sweetersongss · 2 years ago
nervous!teenlockwood getting flustered at every little thing lucy does because girls are still a bigger mystery to him than poltergeists has gotta be the most delicious fanfic trope
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ittybittyluci · 10 months ago
I just gotta ask!! Why do you think the reasons Lucifer's relationship with Lilith nosedived? How would YOU handle that aspect of the show were you involved in the show? Do you think Lilith is possessed by eve? Do you think he should/would get back with Lilith or try and move on, either just with Charlie or just being friends with her like divorced parents on good terms?
Oooo! Look at this, what a question! And I am happy to answer!
As for what I think the CANON reason for their relationship going sideways, honestly I have absolutely no idea. However, here’s how I would go about writing that (and it’s similar to how I touch on their relationship in my fic What Time Is It. It’s not centred around their relationship, just Luci, but they do have a small arc and I talk about their history)
Anyways. EHHEHEM!
To be honest, I think it would be extremely interesting to write a narrative where Luicfer became an uber depressed shut in, and Lilith didn’t know how to deal with it so she left. It would make a narrative of good character complexity that wouldn’t villainize either part, and would be pretty accurate to how poor mental can have a negative impact on relationships irl too. On one hand, Lucifer is hurting and needs support, but on the other hand they have a daughter and Lilith shouldn’t be forced to take care of him if it’s not what she signed up for.
I also like the idea of her just… not being able to fully grasp how much losing his home hurt him. The place she got cast out of was beautiful, sure, but the only other person was an asshole to her. Lucifer grew up w/ a family and people he cared about and wanted to do right by. She never understood how much that hurt, and this was never able to sympathize with him. Part of her views him as weak and sensitive, part of ehr feels BAD for thinking that because he’s her husband. In the end, however, she thought it would be best to take Charlie and leave because she didn’t want their daughter to see Luci so low.
Alternatively, Lucifer was so deep in his depression that he inadvertently ended up neglecting his duties as both a father AND a ruler, and pushing them on her. He loves his wife and child, but he spends most his time in his office. When he WAS near Lilith, he was clingy and desperate, and overly sensitive about everything because he was afraid that SHE was going to push him away too. Creating a sort of self-fulfilled prophecy for himself. However none of that is REALLY his fault because he grew up in a world where he was just supposed to be happy and perfect, where there was no real depression that anyone got help with, and the w as cats to a place where therapy was never really an option.
Ofc it didn’t start off that way, but as the millennia went by things got worse and worse until Lilith left, and Lucifer completely shut himself off from Hell, thinking his family (and any potential friends he MAY have made) were better off w/o him because he always managed to fuck things up.
Personally I think that’s one of the more compelling approaches the story could take. It just makes both of them feel more human, make u able to sympathize with them, and doesn’t completely villainize either of them. It’s just a messy, complicated situation that neither knew how to handle. But they both still love each other deeply. If they DID choose to go this route in the show, I think they COULD move forward if they just got better communication, and found someone to help them navigate the complexities of the relationship. Lilith would have to learn to be more understanding w/ Luci during his bad days, and Lucifer would have to work on himself to get better, and help take off some of the workload.
(As for what Lilith’s doing in heaven,.. honestly no real clue. There’s too much info we don’t know for me to make a guess that isn’t just COMPLETELY fanon. I kind of know how it would work into the above topic if I took some big leaps, but I don’t wanna get TOO outlandish w/ this post. So we’ll just leave that alone 😅)
Anyways, THANK YOU for this ask! It was so fun to write and speculate and PLEASE let me know what you think ;)
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kwyoz · 6 months ago
i keep wanting to continue watching edgerunners whenever people hype it up again, but i absolutely hate lucy and i think i only got to like episode 3.
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 2 years ago
Can't wait for people to remember he’s gonna be bald for 1/3 of the movie 💀
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gigawatt-smile · 2 years ago
Seeing the new fans rip into Holly after reading the books for the first time and seeing bits of discourse about it is so??? yeah
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1-888-narcolepsy · 2 years ago
Araki try not to have his fem characters get assaulted challenge! Go!
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lucy-the-demon · 9 months ago
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So I was drawing and I wanted to draw a different pose
Then I remembered a video of Elora from Spyro ( the remake version) and I said "fuck it..we ball"
that's why I made this..
" I saw a video similar to this..."
shut up nobody cares
Reference under the cut
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e-m-p-error · 2 years ago
📔 @dont-take-shxt-from-other-demons
send “📔” to read an entry from my muse’s diary about your muse
[ Valentino ]
It's not fucking fair. It's not. Fucker rawdogs Al right be-fucking-side us, and what do I get?????
That's Right!!!
I get drunken head holds in his lap and then abandoned for a stupid movie. Fucking. Shitstick.
I'm gonna fuckin' scream. I had other shit on my mind but now I'm thinking about this and I'm.
Not gonna go this week. Yep. They get to watch the movie...s. They get to do it sans Valentino, who is going to stay home and get drunk, and get high, and watch Godzilla by himself. Because it's not fair.
I want that. Why can't I ha
[The rest of the sentence is blacked out from top line to bottom line with a different colored red pen. It is crossed out with the same pen it was written in. The page is partially torn out, and then taped back into place.]
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