#cortisol and sleep
wellhealthhub · 1 year
Decoding the Interwoven Nature of Diabetes and Sleep Patterns: A Deep Dive into Sleep Quality, Associated Sleep Anomalies, and Their Consequential Effects on Diabetes Regulation
Venture into the multifaceted nexus between one’s quality of sleep, prevalent sleep-related disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea, and the efficacy of diabetes management. This all-encompassing article unravels how the intricate mechanisms of sleep can modulate blood glucose metrics, delineates the mutual impact between diabetes manifestations and sleep patterns, and showcases a spectrum of…
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violent138 · 6 months
I do not envy Batman at all. Imagine an entire League of superheroes-- aliens, gods, part gods, metas, verifiable geniuses-- all turning to you for the answers or the plans or even how to keep this delicate yet vital alliance going (not all the time, but it happens a lot).
He's the master of faking it till they make it and convincing himself that if one of his plans was really that bad one of the others would point it out.
But that does nothing about the stress that keeps him up all night, devising all kinds of contingencies because he has nightmares about suddenly being asked about any number of catastrophes.
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bittersweetresilience · 5 months
i desperately need to be able to save scum real life. let me save before i nap and then reload if i have bad rng and oversleep
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lonely-crescent · 5 days
Lmfao the 💩 was not 💩ing so I had coffee mixed into an iced matcha latte and now I have officially capital S Shatted and am surfing a tidal wave of adrenaline on 3.5 hours of sleep
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glowwupera · 23 days
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🌟Turmeric lemon lentil soup with hemp seeds
🌟Lemon water and coconut water
Attempting to lower my cortisol by cutting out all forms of caffeine, introducing nutrients that are being depleted by stress, hydrating, and improving sleep quality.
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So last summer, when my narcissist shitbag father kept sending me into sobbing-on-the-ground-unable-to-move-or-breathe breakdowns one after the other to the point where I went to the ER for suicidal ideation, all of my fucking hair was falling out
Like, to the point where it was noticeable. At least to me, maybe not to other people since I've always had Very Strong hair genes and it's always been thicc. So I basically went from a lions mane to an average amount of hair and I Hate It.
But it's finally growing back in a noticeable way!
Unfortunately, that means I just have a shit ton of frizz that I don't know what to do about (thanks, 2C hair). A significant amount of which is just right at the front of my head.
I'm hoping by next summer it will be better??? Like able to be shoved into the bun on my head???
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theiceandbones · 2 months
Thank god for evenings that let you slip into bed early
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emberwritesinsight · 5 months
Stayed up literally all night on Tuesday for no good reason. Expected I'd be really sleepy on Wednesday, but instead I was VERY awake. And twitchy. Flinched at noise more than usual. Couldn't concentrate even medicated. Got bitten by the inspiration bug and did some animating in a haze of divine madness, that part was fun. Overall fucked up and stressful would not reccomend
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tchaikovskym · 1 year
When I was doing some research due to MASSIVE problems with my sleeping pattern I've read somewhere that even though chronotypes differ ultimately it would be healthiest to get up and go to bed early due to melatonin- and metabolism-cycles (what you wrote about cortisol was mentioned also) - which made me wonder why so many people seem to suffer then from going against their chronotypes (including claims of destroying their health and cognition). Do you happen to know more/have any advice? :(
I get why it would be advised to go to bed early and wake up early, because melatonin reacts to light, and melatonin is the one of the main hormones involved in keeping your "biological" clock.
For a long time it was believed that a region in your brain (suprachiaszmatic nucleus in hypothalamus) is responsible for regulating your internal clock, by mostly reacting to light signals from your eyes.
First, modern human life is very illuminated due to artifical light and it might be the first problem with the sleep/wake cycle. Thus, the first recommendation I would make, is to get rid of light when you're asleep, be it black out curtains or sleeping eye mask. + blue light filter on devices before bed
But it's probably going to have only a small impact. And besides, blind people have internal clocks too, so light being the only internal clock regulator is a pretty shabby claim alone.
There are also peripheral clocks, that tune the same region in the brain (suprachiasmatic nucleus), according to what's going on with your body. And those signals are everywhere, your heart, your liver, your muscles, your intestines etc. They account for your physical activity, meals, stressors etc.
So, melatonin is not the only player, and also not the strongest one. Yeah it can help, but your lifestyle is a huge factor too.
Besides, going against your chronotype is actually harmful. "Evening" people are more likely to have metabolic, cardiovascular, mental and other problems, because we live in a "morning" people world. Honestly, it sounds fake but it really is like that. And it's not because of melatonin, it's because of your body and how you're used to living.
The same cortisol I mentioned is not working according to the time of day or the light outside. It's working according to your actions and schedule you live in. The same goes for other things in your body.
But of course, it would be cool if everything would be aligned in your body, so it would be ideal to have your melatonin rhythm align with your peripheral clocks. Thus the well-intentioned advice to go to sleep early and wake up early.
I wouldn't apply that advice to everyone. If your sleep schedule is messed up, I doubt forcing yourself to morning bird schedule would help you. My best bet is that you'd lie awake staring at the ceiling until wee hours in the morning, force yourself to wake up, be tired for the whole day, and repeat the thing again. (Because by forcing yourself to sleep by melatonin schedule will ruin your cortisol secretion schedule, as I talked in the cortisol post).
However, as per usual, gradual changes with tiny steps could lead you to where you want to be with your sleep schedule. See what works best for you, maybe you can go to bed a minute earlier, maybe you can eat breakfast (it helps), maybe you can eat a bit earlier in the evening, maybe take a nap, just try stuff out and see how it goes.
Idk what you can find out there, but meal timing is also important. If you want to go to sleep earlier and wake earlier, big meals should be in the first half of the day.
Physical activity and sports help, no matter what kind, no matter what time (but like, stick to the hours you want to be awake when doing sports). (Although it's recommended that sports is better in the later half of the day but not for chronibiology reasons as far as I remember)
So yeah, just do what you can, and hope for the best. Sorry I don't have a clear simple answer and a clear simple advice.
Here is one review that I assume has a lot more information (just glanced over it but it seems good), and idk how familiar you are with the topic and terminology, but like, feel free to contact me if you want me to explain something from the review or other article or another topic honestly I'm a nerd I love rambling about this
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craigtowens · 1 year
Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
Doctors and scientists have repeatedly shown how important sleep is for us physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. So it’s an important question to ask: Are you getting enough sleep?
Listen to the podcast of this post by clicking on the player below, and you can also subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or Audible.  https://craigtowens.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/are-you-getting-enough-sleep.mp3 Doctors and scientists have repeatedly shown how important sleep is for us physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. So it’s an important question to ask: Are you getting…
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lonestardust · 1 year
#Can't believe I graduated last week and that I've quit my job. I'M FREE!!!! for a while at least but I AM FREE#there are so many things I wanna do so many things I wanna get back to. fics to read posts to reblog & to reply to. little fanarts to create#also fixing my sleep schedule is on top of this list!! because surprise you can't do life when you need to fucking rest all the time#my body has been in a state of hypervigilance for the past five years because of uni and intense work#and i'm aware that chronic dysregulation takes a lot of energy to sustain..#it takes time for the body to recover and recuperate and get used to the new feeling of normalcy and safety after#running on super high levels of cortisol and adrenaline which it is NOT meant to do chronically#I'm looking forward to rest and to eat well and connect more with nature and spend carefree time under the sun#without feeling like I'm running late or that there is a shift I need not to miss#I'm looking forward to be consumed by art freely without feeling STRESSED because time is limited and I need to be doing other things#i'm excited to rewatch ls (which you do regularly!! ofc) but it's exciting that we have four whole seasons now and there is a SHIT LOAD of#gifs posts and fics i want to read and interact with and comment on!!!!#ironically i'm not really feeling good today. and there's a lot of family drama going on but good days are coming and I'm optimistic#:') hope you all have a good day. love youuuuu#about me
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
Do you ever think about how Eichi loves Wataru sooooo much? Do you? Because I do. A lot. He loves his Wataru a lot <3
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navigating new bits of adulthood (switched banks so now i cannot get my cash the way i used to)
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aceyanaheim · 2 years
Not enough was exploited about the fact that the leaf 12 are at most high school freshemen if not middle schoolers and the fact that teams spend most of their time together tbh
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eatclean-bewhole · 1 day
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It’s time we talk about it.
Studies show that chronic stress from unresolved emotional issues or toxic relationships can increase inflammation in the body, contributing to conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, and autoimmune disorders. Unhealed trauma is also linked to elevated cortisol levels, which disrupt sleep, digestion, and immune function. Additionally, negative thought patterns trigger the brain’s stress response, keeping you in a cycle of fight-or-flight, which over time weakens your physical health.
To fully experience physical health, you also need to support your mental health. You can’t have one without the other.
1. Furman et al. (2019). Chronic inflammation and disease. Nature Reviews Immunology.
2. Yehuda et al. (2009). Trauma and cortisol’s impact on health. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
3. Brosschot et al. (2006). How negative thoughts affect the body. Health Psychology Review.
4. Holt-Lunstad et al. (2010). Social relationships and health risks. American Journal of Public Health.
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The Silent Saboteur: How Disrupted Sleep Wreaks Havoc on Your Hormones and Overall Health
We all cherish those mornings when we wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. But what happens when those mornings become rare, replaced by groggy, irritable starts? It’s not just about feeling tired; consistently disrupted sleep can set off a chain reaction within your body, throwing your hormones out of balance and affecting your health in ways you might not even realize. Let’s…
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