#sleep monitoring
rainbowjay20 · 4 months
So I got a new nanny watch.
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Smart Watch for Men Women
For more info, see the previous post.
Part of my motivation for getting a new watch was that my old one had snapped the band. The other part, to be fair, is that I've been having a bunch of odd, non-specific symptoms. I have also asked my primary to do some bloodwork. She had no problem with any of the tests I requested. However, she had a feeling the insurance would be upset with a fishing expedition. So we broke my requests up into a couple of batches. Hopefully, as we move forward, we will have more clarification and a better idea of where to look.
For years, I have said that I have low blood sugar. I have gotten scoffs and derision from many, especially my family. My Dad's family runs to Diabetes and Pancreatic Cancer(and Heart Disease and any Cancer you can name) So me having HYPOgylcemia? F*ing Hysterical!🤣😂🤣😂
But everyone forgets my grandpop (Dad's dad) could pack away Tastykakes by the metric ton and never gain a pound. I don't know if he was ever tested. My Mom had reactive hypoglycemia. Basically, it is pre-diabetes. Your body doesn't handle sugar well. When you eat your body overreacts and sends out too much insulin. This makes your blood sugar drop too low.
True primary hypoglycemia is unusual. It is usually caused by something. It is just a matter of finding out what is causing it.
My thought is that having an idea of when(and maybe what) is triggering the lows and or highs might be helpful. Even if the numbers aren't accurate, the same should not be true for the trends.
These newer watches are very clear that these are wellness devices only. That they are not meant as substitutes for medical care.They are not approved in the US for Medical devices. They are making these overseas,(*cough* China *cough*) where there are different guidlines for these types of devices. They do have alarms for danger levels like low/high blood sugar, High pulse, irregular heart beat, hypoxia(low oxygen in the blood) and sleep apnea.
That being said, it already has been and I assume it will continue to be increasingly more so incredibly fascinating.
My blood sugar, well everything, seems to randomly jump about, up and down, at the whims of a madman. My temperature is sharing Mother Nature's menopause.(I did think that was part of my own problems but blood tests have indicated that is not the case.
Whatever is going on, it is clear that there is SOMETHING, at least. That's progress.
Ask any person who has chronic illnesses. It can be hard convincing doctors to take you seriously. I've had my share of that. Most of mine are good, but sometimes they slip. I do understand.
I get the weird shit. Do you know the saying, "if you hear hoofbeats think horses"?
Well, when a new doctor or nurse gets smarmy and says that crap? I have a pre-programmed response.
I'm a pygmy zebra running down Broadway in the middle of rush hour.
Believe it or not, that actually came from one of my doctors. I don't remember if it was my first endocrinologist or the surgical oncologist. They noted that if something happens to me, it may not be fatal, but it will be strange.
With me? It's never horses.
Hopefully, with this watch, I will be able to find the hoofprints and estimate the size of the zebra and in which direction it is heading.
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So for lows, I'm getting down to 95° core temperature and 59ml/dg blood sugar.
In the other direction, I had a temperature of 98.7° for a "record" high. and 130 for a high blood sugar.
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neon-wonderlands · 4 months
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helloedlife1 · 2 years
Sleep Monitoring Devices | helloEd Life
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Do you sleep peacefully or face a disturbing pattern? Track your sleep quality with the best sleep monitoring devices from helloEd.
We bring you the top-rated smart wearable for health.
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this-too-shall-bleed · 5 months
lmao so we can agree that this sign is up in the OIAR office right
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luluxa · 1 year
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pathetic wet boy 🥰
+a bit of the drawing process
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socksandbuttons · 1 year
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Alright have to separate into two posts here, first one is just the baby boys mostly!
We have Solar and Lunar who are were the backups for Eclipse and ... Lunar. Eclipse finds them and they immediately grabby hands that man as their dad. Yes, he does name them. Yes, he might be projecting. And also constantly says he's not their dad (but this is a baby au so-) Anyway he looks after them, totally not becoming more accustomed to healthy family bonding. (He does. You can expect Lunar the ORIGINAL being in disbelief over it.) Expect this tired man to be shopping at 2am somewhere looking for baby toys and clothes. He gets them matching jammies. Cause obviously. No other reason. Both boys are nice to eachother but they've only recently activated, only having each other for like, a bit before Eclipse finds them. Beforehand they may have seen the advertisements for the Pizzaplex's daycare. So they WERE trying to make their way there.
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dawnbreakersgaze · 5 months
I passed out for like an hour but had a weird ass dream I was writing a fic where Xav and Raf met and did NOT like each other. So when Raf found out Xav was MC's neighbor, he was purposefully giving MC the dicking of her LIFE to make Xav jealous and I got so worked up I woke myself up lmao
I gotta stop tumblring before bed yall are driving me bonkers 🥴
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queerofthedagger · 4 months
me, a fool, repressing the knowledge of exactly how long 15 hour shifts are: oh I'm sure it'll be fine, just one more shift to go, really how long can 15 hours be
this shift: i am going to end you and your entire blood line
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I know Kabru/Mithrun is the big Mithrun ship and I understand why but pretty much every other Mithrun ship is hilarious so unfortunately I will never ship Kabru/Mithrun.
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heavensims · 27 days
Oh hey, look, my GPU is already dead.
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paleiido · 1 year
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been thinking abt him
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annadeef · 8 months
Yeah, yeah, no, I got your files, I just can't open them on my second monitor because it's running 24/7 Cat TV for Cats to Watch 😺 Little Birds and Red Squirrels in 4K HDR for my cat
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iwantofall · 6 months
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dont forget to check up on your local idiot
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wondrouswendy · 2 months
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If you’ve played a game with me in the last month, it’s actually Penny who is playing for me. She is a Gamer(TM).
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teamhawkeye · 4 months
great news, lads!
Stringer had his first check up with the vet following his bloat. they said he's looking good and they're very pleased with his progress and behavior! his incision site is healed very well and they removed all his stitches - he got put on another week of antibiotics, just to be safe and clean up any lingering chances at infection on his belly, but otherwise, he's getting an all clear in about 5 days!
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poor guy has been through so much! just so happy and grateful to still have him here with us!
i feel like every pic i share is of him has him looking sad and lethargic, but he's always been a lazy dog who likes to nap, lol. here's one from last night when he was begging for my dessert
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many thanks for those keeping him in your thoughts and sending well wishes! means the world to me ❤️❤️❤️
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spazoutloud · 1 year
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Only these guys can make partnered posting so cryptic. [III] [II] [IV]
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