#billy batson headcanon
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bat-stuff · 2 years ago
Damian Wayne headcanons: “Totally can make girls swoon as long as he’s not standing next to Damian (we’ll talk about Damian’s body and pretty boy features in another post)”, can we get that post discussing Damian’s pretty boy features and how he most likely gets the most people coming after him thx to his perfect mix of Talia and Bruce’s genes (Talia’s brown skin color, her green cat shaped eyes w/long eyelashes, Bruce’s face (tho I headcanon the older dami gets the more he physically resembles Talia until the resemblance is uncanny, or he grows to become a perfect match of both his parents facial features), hairline (unless dami grows his hair out a little more in the future), the Wayne charm etc.)????????? Also how the others (Collin, Jon, & Billy) attractive looks attract others as well?????
Honestly, I totally forgot that Tumblr existed for a while so thess are way overdue. But here we go.
Also, excuse Damian's for being hella long but I've had a lot of time to think about Damian
Ok I also have a feeling that I haven't mentioned this before ...
All my content for these boys is aged up, which means they aren't a gaggle of 12 year olds. I'm imagining them between the ages of 16 and 18 unless otherwise stated.
Damian has green eyes, I know people will argue and say he has blue but his eyes are definitely a dark mossy green.
Though they definitely have the capability of changing color in the sunlight, they light up and turn into lighter shades depending on the lighting and time of day, but personally I think they are a dark mossy green.
I don't want to spend too much time on Damian's eyes but for example, in Gotham they tend to be darker because of the atmosphere, whereas when Damian goes to see Jon in Metropolis, they'll be lighter shades because of the sunlight
He 100% has Talia's eyes, and facial structure. I can see him having more of Bruce's features, but his facial and body structure is closer to Talia.
Strong jawline but softer than Bruce's. Damian looks a bit like Bruce but not as sharp, so to speak. His face is slimmer and more rounded, his eyes are more pointed and are sharper but Bruce's are wider.
Bruce is ruggedly handsome, Damian is flawlessly pretty.
Damian's body structure is closer to Talia's too.
I don't see Damian really being able to pack on muscle mass in the future like Bruce. As Damian gets older his body structure looks a lot like Dick's, he's very well fitted.
He does have nice biceps tho. To the point where when he moves you could feel the muscle flex underneath if you were touching them
(If you haven't experienced this personally with anyone, I highly suggest it. Biceps are hot.)
He doesn't have thick thighs like Jason, but he's still very muscular. Sometimes it's hard to tell unless he's flexing, he's not busting out of his clothes, but he is quite strong.
On to other features, Damian isn't white.
I think we've all established it by now but just to make sure.
His skin is a lot like Talia's, light olive skin. Though, in the summer, if Damian gets even the smallest ounce of light he tans instantly. I'm the winters in Gotham, one might mistake him for white because his skin is lighter but once he's put next to Tim it's easy to see that he's not.
Damian has perfect eyebrows. Nothing else needs to accompany this. His eyebrows are flawless.
Ok, so hair. Another thing I've seen some disagreement on.
I believe Damian's hair is Black, like Bruce. But unlike Bruce it's not coarse and heavy. It's light, wispy and soft. When he was younger at the manor he used to gel it up, but now that he's older he's come to realize that it'll just go wherever he wants and it will be fine.
Damian's voice, which I've kinda already covered, is wide range. He can sound like a little girl or Corpse. He generally leans towards a deeper voice, it vibrates a little so if he's talking while you're touching him in some way you can feel the grumble.
He hums a lot. Not musically, but in response to things. He's taken up a habit of humming into words, like saying "mkay" instead of "okay".
I strongly believe that Damian doesn't laugh, he chuckles. Deep, hearty chuckles that make anyone whose near stop and listen to him laugh. He also snickers and sharply exhales through his nose to make that snorting/snickering sound, I don't know what it's called but I think you can guess what I'm talking about.
Damian doesn't have veiny hands, sorry to disappoint. But his hands are very soft for being a swordsman. His skin is very smooth and he doesn't have many imperfections. No birthmarks because of the Artificial Womb, courtesy of Talia.
Not me going back to his eyes, but he squints a lot. Out of confusion, anger, just looking at something, disgust. His eyes generally take the shape of siren eyes, so it doesn't look unnatural that he gives people sharp looks unintentionally.
His lips are on the thinner side but are still soft. Boy definitely uses chapstick. He doesn't have a big mouth or a little one, he's very well proportioned.
Probably has a plump bottom lip tho
Many know this but he frowns a lot. It's not because he's upset, but it's his thinking face. His eyebrows scrunch together when he's doing this too. If he's thinking about something unpleasant his nose with wrinkle. When Damian's thinking hard he looks very confused and upset.
Nicely shaped abs. He has a long torso
Smells like pine needles and sandalwood. Definitely a rich person scent that's strong but not overpowering.
Figured I would start with Billy because if we're ranking them, he's the second prettiest.
Personal opinion but you'll see what I mean.
So Billy's eyes are brown. Like a dark, chocolate brown.
Some people might say "Well in the dcau and Young Justice they're blue" but I have a personal belief that they're brown. How many blue eyed superheroes and children of superheroes are there? Too many. They're brown.
In the sun they turn into a dark honey color
DEFINITELY has light freckles across his cheeks, I mean really light tho. You would have to be pretty close to him to see them
Billy's hair is soft, and medium brunette.
it's sort of straight, but kinda wavy
the length of it depends on the season, for instance in the summer he has it cut shorter in the back. But in the winter he lets it grow out a bit more
The skinniest of the bunch but it suits him
He's not SKINNY tho, I mean he's being compared to Superboy, Batman's son, and a Gym Rat Gothamite, cut the little guy some slack
Billy has very slender, lean build. Most likely doesn't have Damian-level muscle but he's still easy on the eyes shirtless
Billy has a a bit of a lopsided smile that sometimes expresses laziness
Teeth smile 100%
He has that sort of soft handsome look
Where Damian is very sharp and defined Billy is smooth
He has softer cheek bones (squishy cheeks) and a defined yet round jawline
Billy has thinner lips
I'm not sure how to describe them honestly
Very calm deep voice, deepest voice of the bunch, adding on to this I imagine that he likes to sing and is the best vocalist in the group
His laugh, contrast to Damian, is boisterous and very open mouthed. He's loud and sometimes it sounds like a cackle, but most of the time Billy has a charming laugh that fills the room
Billy almost smells sugary with a hint of linen. Like warm bed sheets but they were washed next to a bakery.
(He once accidentally stole Mary's Japanese Cherry Blossom lotion and now has this sort of addiction to cherry scented things)
Honestly, Billy smells like a lot of things all the time, so the best description is that he smells very warm and sweet
Boy is part of the super soft hands club
Long. Freaking. Eyelashes.
Like, they might tickle you when you kiss him long
(This isn't a romance headcannon but he would be a great person to kiss, OOOH NEXT POST IDEA)
Ok so on to Jonathan
So our boys eyes are a sky blue
An open sky in the country, and where some eyes have grey tones, Jon's don't
Dark, black hair that has a loose curl to it
A lot of times it hangs down in his eyes so he developed a tendency to play with his hair
He has one of those headbands that comb/hold back your hair, and he wears it a lot
Wouldn't wear it around the guys, there's no way Colin wouldn't make a little fun of him for it. Damian honestly wouldn't care and Billy would probably buy one once he sees Jon wear it
He has pretty fair skin, but tans often due to being in the Sun at the farm a lot.
Has tan lines on his wrist and ankles from bracelets, he's that kind of guy
I mentioned in a previous post that Jon isn't really big on sweating so our boy probably always smells very clean
His scent is lemony with a hint of linen.
Not that the other boys don't smell clean, Jon is just less musky
Jon us bulkier than Damian and Billy, but smaller than Colin.
Another member of the super soft hands club, as well as the pretty shoulders club
he has a soft voice, but it also holds a lot of energy. He talks fast
the highest pitched voice of the bunch, and for the longest time was slightly squeaky.
lovely sounding voice, can't sing for shit tho. Hes a bit tone deaf.
has DEFINED dimples, the king of dimples
always has a content look on his face, looks and is incredibly friendly
I have a feeling Jon doesn't have completely straight teeth, but still a beautiful, toothy smile
he isn't a mouth breather but has a habit of staring at people with his mouth open a bit.
kinda like a goldfish
lip biter (In the cute/hot way)
(ok so my best comparison for Jon is Dave Lizewski from Kick-Ass. I feel like they would have similar energy. I feel like he and Jon would sound similar as well.)
Toned abs. He doesn't even try, they just happen
nice arms, not super huge but you can visibly see the muscle
His entire vibe is secretly buff nerd boy
loves his glasses, only takes them off when he suits up
they're the round-ish square ones with the iron rim (Dave Lizewski glasses)
sharp jawline, but has a square face
Pouty, thick lips
Jon has fairly big hands, and skinny fingers.
Slightly veiny hands
Has never had a lick of acne in his life so incredibly clean face
Definitely a pretty boy
Colin is definitely the scraggiliest of the 4
Silly ginger boy
Has straight-ish hair but probably got a perm at some point and it kinda worked for him so he's recently discovered that if he puts stuff in his hair and takes care of it right he has some natural wave
Puppy dog brown eyes that look like melted chocolate
Used to have freckles but they faded as he got older so you only see them if you're extra close
Colin had the widest smile of the group
Never had braces because he couldn't afford it so his teeth are a bit uneven
But they were significantly worse when he was a middle schooler so he's glad they figured themselves out a bit
This dude has the broadest shoulders of the group, the thickest thighs, the meatiest arms.
Colin is built like a tank
Has the veiniest hands, and they never go away. Just constant veins
Is ALWAYS smirking/smiling.
Has a look on his face that always makes it seem like he'd done something bad and he's proud of it
Obviously he hasn't but it somehow lands him in trouble 9/10 times
Colin is the palest of the group, not just because he roasts like a turkey in the son but because he obviously lives in Gotham, where sunlight doesn't exist
Like Billy, his lips are on the thinner side, but they're NEVER chapped. Loves chapstick, probably would eat it
Colin has a fairly round face, when he was younger he had huge gigantinormous ears, but by 15 he had grown into them
If any of the boys had a glow up it was Colin, he went from Kiddo to Daddy within a summer
Smells like grass and mahogany. Also lysol. Sometimes leather. It depends on what time of day it is.
In the morning, it's lysol and leather because that's when he goes to the gym. But after he showers it's mahogany and like Irish spring. But by the end of the day, for some reason he smells like grass and no one can figure out why
Colin's just kinda strange
His voice is lower than Jon's, but slightly higher than Billy's. (When he's Abuse his voice is much, much deeper)
It's rumbly
Has the best morning voice
When Colin laughs, it's a cackle. He sounds like a hyena
Definitely has toned muscles. The most defined muscles of the group
Has ENORMOUS hands
Rough and calloused from weightlifting but the rest of him is fairly soft
Rougher face because he shaves, puberty hit him HARD
He's not pretty, he's hot
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colossrat · 13 days ago
Batman: Captain, you're hurt. Is there someone you want to get in touch with?
Well… Vic (cyborg) is already there, Barry and Diana too… who else is he friends with?
Constantine? Yes, but John doesn't like the league and will give him a hell of a lecture for getting hurt…
Harley? poison ivy? Batman wouldn't like to know they were friends. two-faces? oh- absolutely not.
Captain cold? No. Snart knows Billy, not Cap. And Batman wouldn't like that either. Maybe Barry would like…?
Freddy and Mary are probably sleeping right now…
Marvel: Can you… can you call the Fawcett zoo, sir? I have a friend who works there… I'd really like to see him right now. and say that I'm fine.
Bat makes the call, Billy asks for the phone and they chat for a while
Marvel on the phone: Oh, no, no… I'm high right now- Noo! its cus im right above the sky-- I'm fine, just space... But I think I'm also high on morphine yea, some opioids yes… no? Oh, I would love to! Yes. Uhm. The one next to… yes-- I know- i know you know, and you know, I know you know! Stop fishing. Yes, waits waits, buh-bye!! I'll see you soon. mwaaah and he gives the phone back to batman Marvel: Hey? Boss? My friend is coming to bring me some tea that I like, kay? to make me feel better. Don't be rude to him, he's called mister tawky tawny. Just stay cool, okay? Be cool…
And he drops his head on the pillow and falls asleep, snoring loudly
Nobody understands a thing and from what Batman researches, Tawky Tawny is a tiger from the zoo, and they think the captain was just delirious on morphine But not five minutes later, a bipedal tiger in a suit arrives at the watchtower via the Zeta Tubs using the captain's credentials. he carries a little madam's bag that is carrying a tea kit and some biscuits
Tawny presents himself as the gentleman he is with an education that would make Alfred blush, but he doesn't allow anyone to slow him down. He goes straight to the room where the captain is, because he can smell him maybe? The league doesn’t know for sure.
There, he takes a small table and a portable OVEN from Madame's tiny ass little bag and begins to make tea. to. make. tea. The second Tawny opens the cookie jar, Marvel wakes up to the sound and smell and starts crying with joy at seeing his best friend and familiar
he introduces him to the whole league while drinking tea and stuffing his mouth with cookies, fat tears streaming down his face and tawny just enjoys his friend's company and takes care of him, but he doesn't avoid giving a dirty look to anyone who decides to judge their friendship
Tawny, pretending to be hurt: I'm surprised by your surprise. Don't you talk about me, cap?
Marvel, afraid that he hurt the tiger's feelings: I do!!! I talk about u all the time, all the time!!! they know you are my best friend!!!
Superman: it's true! he speaks a lot and very highly of you, we just--
Barry: we thought you were crazy, bro! Tim was hacking the watchtower cameras at that time by coincidence, so in a matter of minutes Damian would be running there to see the bipedal tiger and ask to pet him and tell him everything he knows about tigers
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im-not-buying-it-ether · 7 months ago
Still not over the “Captain Marvel is 8’5” to Billy Batsons 5’4”” reblog and thinking of someone seeing this unit of a man with all the kindness and positive radiance of a pure hearted child stopping a giant robot from crushing them like “sorry to bother you, I’ll get this out of your way lickety split!” And when he’s done demolishing the robot and looking like the wrath of god while doing so he just pops back down to ask if he can pet someone’s dog he saw while fighting.
The dog loves him, people are slightly perturbed bc he doesn’t even look human, he does but he’s uncanny. Just perfect symmetrical face with no blemishes and hair that refuses to budge but so unapologetically sweet and courteous Fawcett gets used to him and just get used to him being a home grown sweetheart.
Cue anyone else seeing him, like the League, and its alarm bells. He’s too good, he’s too perfect looking, and by god why is he so big.
First day? Batmans is upset he can’t find a facial match, Clark is suddenly in everyone else’s shoes at having to crane his neck to talk to the guy most the time, and Barda challenges him to a few strength tests he stalls out to have pleasant conversations with her during.
Diana just rings up the Olympians like “hey, did you guys make someone because this guy doesn’t look human right and says he works for Zeus.”
Again, down the line, identity reveal after the JL just got used to him after a week, and they are staring down at this scrawny teenager with chunky glasses, hearing aids, a face only a mother could love with all the scars, and rope burn scars on his wrists as he politely waves and introduces himself as radio host Billy Batson.
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ballinandcantgetup452 · 7 months ago
I'm really fond of Billy Batson being like the 4th or 5th superhero to debut. Like, he pops up RIGHT after the trinity pops up. I think it's a prime chance to see essentially a newly reborn DCU through a child's eyes. Not in like the New Frontier "Wow! Look at all of these guys!" way (not to knock that, it's still great when moments like that do happen). But in the "everybody is green enough that the idea that this grown man is acting like an 11 year old is extremely suspect" kind of way.
Every member of the trinity has generally the same reaction.
Clark is much more of a "this is the only other person who will TALK to me... BUT he's also probably autistic". Where he's cordial and kind to Billy but also keeps his distance. He's a country bumpkin, and as an autistic person who's ALSO a country bumpkin, I can bet that he'd use the signature "be kind at a distance and let him work it out himself" strategy that I most often see used. Not to say that Clark is going to be a jerk about it. He just knows that he's not qualified to help and since he's an adult he can take care of himself.
Bruce ALSO assumes that Billy is autistic. Especially since the first time he even MEETS Captain Marvel is when he's interrupted on a stakeout. I always envisioned a Year 2 Bruce not being cruel to strangers, but also not being nice either. He just kind of ignores him until eventually he calls Captain Marvel over to whatever he's doing and explains what's going on. Bruce is the kindest to Billy, even if it's not as overt as Clark's.
On theme, Diana ALSO assumes that Billy is autistic after meeting him. Of course, she assumes that after somebody explains the concept of autism to her after explaining how something's just off with "that guy". She's not fond of the fact that some asshole is using the power of old gods, but lets it slide because she doesn't know how to confront that and can tell that the conversation and confrontation with him simply isn't worth it. She's a whole lot more proper and Billy finds her nice and all, but a little bit too grown up for his taste.
Billy isn't a founding member or anything, but once he is indicted, each member of the trinity keeps an eye out on him. Batman doesn't find out that Billy is a LITERAL child until he's a couple of years in with Dick. So he just keeps the lie going. It's easier to tell somebody "he's autistic" instead of "he's a 12 year old swapping bodies with an adult deity"
Any other potential headcanons that can come with Billy Batson becoming the 4th or 5th or just a really early superhero?
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snail-friend · 4 months ago
I think Cap should be allowed to swear. But only in morse. He's smiling and nodding and chatting happily to another leaguer while in a bad mood, tip tap tapping away with a finger tip on the table. The ones who understand Morse are giving him increasingly horrified looks but he's not even LOOKING at them.
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toonerdformyself · 12 days ago
I have been reading a lot of headcanons of the justice league, my favorites are when batman reveals his identity but only to....Green arrow
It's so fun because imagine if for any reason Batman is forced to reveal his identity and everyone thinks he will choose Superman or/and Wonderwoman (because you know THE trinity, the dream team) BUT NO, he chooses green arrow
at this point the justice league already put aside whatever they were doing and start questioning batman, that is to say without hate towards Ollie but he is not the most secretive, nor the most competent, I mean HE IS NOT EVEN THE CLOSEST TO BATMAN, so yes, even Oliver is wondering why him?
and then without anything else Batman does or says some kind of code, at that moment everyone thinks that he must have already lost his mind when they hear the BIGGEST gasp from none other than Green Arrow, now he is running to hug Batman jumping and holding on like a koala while screaming
"so you understand?"
That's when J'onn leaves the room because he's not going to deal with the nonsense that these supposed heroes are thinking, the earth is doomed with these fools
Flash is screaming terrified that someone replaced Batman and brainwashed Ollie
Aquaman and Captain Marvel are pretending to know whatever is going on because they totally didn't sleep for half of the meeting
Black Canary's eyes are so wide and she looks like she had an epiphany from something Ollie said
Green Lantern still doesn't get over the fact that Batman is revealing his identity? (of course in such a weird way that only one of them understands, fuck him) but at the end of the day revealing his identity?
Wonder Woman and Superman are having a crisis and they are GREEN with envy, because not only did Batman reveal his identity to Green Arrow of all people, but he is also HUGGING him (also, they are the Bat's best friends, thank you very much)
Then Oliver, oblivious to everything, finishes by saying
"Wait, this means I kissed THE KNIGHT OF GOTHAM, THE BATMAN?, wow B you are killing me"
everyone explodes
totally based on this amazing post
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the-fyre-flie · 1 month ago
Batman going Father Mode for Shazam is genuine one of my favorite fan interpretations.
Bruce, who has up until this moment, adopted almost every single young hero/vigilante and is staring down Shazam mid meeting, trying to figure out if adopting Billy would throw a wrench into their work/home life relationship or not.
Bruce, post battle: All of you did horrible. No one listened to my plans and what did that get us? A half destroyed city. All of you are horribly incompetent-
Bruce, looking over at Shazam, his gaze softening: Except you. You did wonderful, Shazam. Thank you for following my directions.
Shazam: :D of course mister batman sir!
The other League members: !?
It's always so much funnier when the rest of the League has no idea about Billy. They start to question if Shazam is a result of Time Travel weirdness and is secretly Batmans future kid or something and that's why Batman doesn't chew him out.
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jasontodddidnothingwrong · 2 months ago
Hc that Batman HATES Justice League social events because, as the only JL member who knows Captain Marvel's secret identity, he feels obligated to make sure the TWEEN BOY on the team doesn't drink any alcohol. He spends the entire time hiding in the shadows and swooping in to switch Marvel's champagne for lemonade.
Billy doesn't notice and gets placebo drunk. He "passes out" on the couch (it's past his bedtime).
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toobytoobs · 4 months ago
Headcanon that whenever somebody in the Marvel Trio says something stupid another Marvel smacks their head and says “get outta there, Mr Mind!” And only other heroes from Fawcett understand it.
It would be such a cute inside joke that confuses every other hero.
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aroace-madness · 1 month ago
Captain Marvel has the biggest, saddest most effective puppy eyes anyone has ever seen
Every time he uses them nobody can say no to him
Nobody wants to say no to him
Billy knows that and abuses the hell out of it
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kenandeliza · 1 year ago
A random thought / headcanon
Superman learns knitting/sewing, deciding to give an “ugly sweater” to his friends, including captain marvel
He doesn’t make them ugly intentionally, he’s just bad at making designs
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incorrectbatfam · 5 months ago
Retail steph with damian and Jon? :) i love retail steph so much
(featuring Billy Batson because he only adds chaos and I love him)
Previous: Margie | Batkids | Rogues | Justice League | Retail batkids | Retail Bruce | Young Justice | Black Friday | Valentine's Day
[grocery store]
Steph, working the bakery section: How can I help you boys today?
Jon: We're getting a cake for our friend's birthday. Chocolate with buttercream frosting, please. 
Steph: Do you want it to say anything? 
Jon: Yes. "Happy 14th B-day, Billy!"
Steph: What color?
Damian: Red. 
Steph: *starts writing on the cake*
Damian: Please also add: "Despite your shortcomings and lack of maturity, you are a valuable part of our team and as you get older, I expect you to gain greater wisdom that will aid us in our goals and prospects."
Steph: *struggling to fit it on the cake*
[coffee shop]
Damian: Can we try the five-drink espresso flight?
Steph: You sure?
Billy, eyeing an unsuspecting Jon: Yes.
Steph: Alrighty.
*moments later*
Jon, after his fifth espresso: I'M KING OF THE UNIVERSE!
Jon: *shoots through the ceiling*
Damian: *grumbles and hands Billy ten bucks*
Steph, sighing: I'll get the broom.
[clothing store]
Jon: *dancing in the dressing room with light-up shoes*
Damian: *T-posing in a trenchcoat*
Billy: *filming them*
Steph: What are you doing?
Billy: Making a TikTok. 
Steph: Well, you can't have cameras in the dressing rooms. I'm gonna have to ask you to stop. 
Damian: One vegetarian Batburger, one regular Batburger, and one order of Night-Wings. And an extra-extra-extra large Ivy Salad.
Steph: Did you take the Batmobile again? 
Damian: No. 
Steph: Why don't you pull up to the window and prove it? 
Damian, Jon, and Billy: *ride up on Bat-Cow*
[furniture store]
Jon: What's a warranty?
Damian: It's a court order to arrest someone. 
Steph: That's a warrant. A warranty covers the cost of something if it gets damaged within a certain amount of time. In our case, the store has a one-year warranty on all items. What are you looking to buy?
Billy: *enters pushing a Pinball machine*
Damian: ...It's for school.
Steph: What can I get you?
Damian: We'll split a pizza. 
Steph: Okay, anything else?
Billy, as Shazam: An alcohol.
Steph: "An alcohol?"
Billy: Yes, your finest alcohol. Sharing size, please.
Steph: I'll need to see some ID.
Billy, nervous: What's there to see? I'm clearly an adult. 
Steph: I need them for everyone at the table. 
Damian: *pulls out Jason's crime lord license*
Jon: *sticks on a fake mustache*
[call center]
Steph, stifling a yawn: Wayne Enterprises account support, how can I help you? 
Damian: Why are you still working? It's midnight. 
Steph: Overnight shift. This is a 24-hour line. What do you need, Damian?
Damian: Nothing. We just wanted to annoy you. 
Steph: We?
Jon: Hiya!
Billy: 'Sup.
[sleepover at the Manor]
Steph: Alfred told me to bring you some snacks.
Damian: Excellent. 
Steph: *leaves the room*
Steph, internally: What do kids these days even do at sleepovers? 
Steph: *presses her ear to the door*
Damian: Truth or Dare? 
Jon: Truth. 
Damian: Which one of my siblings do you like best?
Jon: Steph, all the way.
Billy: I agree, she's the coolest. Remember when she drove us to get midnight breakfast on my birthday?
Jon: And when she promised not to tell my parents when I broke the café ceiling.
Billy: Or when she took us for a walk and actually explained why we couldn't make TikToks in the store instead of going "because I said so" like other adults. 
Jon: Plus, she gave all the leftover salad to Bat-Cow and helped us set up the Pinball machine downstairs.
Billy: Ooh, and she's really good at making mocktails. 
Jon: Also, she extended our free trial of the Daily Planet for our social studies project. 
Damian: Hm... point taken.
Billy: And she's hot.
Damian: Say that again and I will smite you with your own powers.  
Steph: *smiles softly*
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colossrat · 14 days ago
Random Villain after committing a very evil act: hahaha, now what? What are you going to do with me!? I know you don't kill!
Billy is furious, there is smoke coming out of his ears and he is red with anger as he holds his fists and grinds his teeth
the sky closes, the environment begins to cool and the shadows around you seem to move, threatening to grow and swallow all the light
Villain: what...?
Villain: You dont mean-- *hiccup* --oh... and then marvel leaves after handing the guy over to the police
the villain actually goes crazy some days later. he sobs incessantly. He can't sleep properly because he keeps waking up, the other prisoners don't stay close to him because he doesn't stop making those sounds, he choked several times because he was hiccuping while eating, his throat and lungs started to hurt because he didn't get any rest from the muscle spasms too So he has body pain, no one interacts with him or wants to stay in the same room as him, he can't communicate properly, nor sleep or eat. Eventually the government asks Marvel to remove the curse so he can stop hiccuping, because he entered a catatonic state and tried to strangle himself to make it stop The Justice League eventually finds out about this case and they honestly don't know what to make of it. They knew the captain would never do something harsh because he's good that way, but they were quite surprised that he managed to turn a relatively silly punishment into something that was almost torture
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chronicwhorebatman · 10 months ago
i Need a scenario where the jl needs to identify a child’s parents (maybe the child has powers?) and multiple people are claiming to be the child’s parents and shazam (armed with the wisdom of solomon) goes “let’s cut the child in half”
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valletydarwin · 1 month ago
My DC AU+Headcanons' memes
I was bored so I decided to make memes, I made some of Fawcette
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andys-dc-headcanons · 1 month ago
(not an expert on how Shazam's transformation works so bare with me if this is wrong) I imagine Shazam is hugely based on what Billy views as a hero, so hes almost perfectly comic accurate because of course a kids version of a hero looks like a comic book, but observant people notice something fascinating and thats that Shazam looks very slightly like Clark Kent, the dude that drops by to be Billys youth mentor and make sure he's okay. Billy hates that people noticed this
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