#mary bromfield
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weirdo-from-bonesborough · 2 days ago
Headcanon: Captain Marvel is bigger than Mary Marvel because the Captain is based on his idealized version of a hero and looks like off brand superman while Mary is based on how she imagines herself grown up so she is about an average height for an adult. however, Mary Bromfield is bigger than Billy Batson because she was well fed and healthy whereas he suffered from malnutrition.
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currentlyjaywalking · 1 day ago
Willy Watson
Mary: Whoa, who is that?
Billy: Black Adam. He's sort of like the evil version of me. Well, evil is kinda strong-
Freddy: Like your Wario?
Billy: Sure, I guess
Mary: Captain Warvel
Billy: No
Freddy: *Gasp* Willy Watson
Billy: stop
Mary: Obviously Willy is an evil Billy from an alternate universe
Freddy: Is that even possible? An evil Billy?
Billy: It's about to happen right now
Freddy: Do you think we'd be evil too?
Mary: That or dead, what else would motivate him to become a villain? Someone would probably have to murder us or something
Billy: Yeah, me in about ten seconds
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aroace-madness · 16 hours ago
Au idea that i talked about on discord
Billy and Mary being created Zeus' lightining, a single
Zeus split one of his lightinings in half and with each half he created the twins
The two share a soul
When they're apart they're strong, but when they're together? They unleash their full power
Their soul always reaches out to its other half, no matter where they are
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minibatson · 2 days ago
I ship FreeBat in all its forms in at least one universe.
I can see Freddy/Billy happening.
Freddy/Mary has been canon on several occasions.
Billy/Kit sounds hilarious and would be cute as hell.
Mary/Kit just to give their brothers a heart attack.
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ledesaid · 2 days ago
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I'm Desa, and I bring you Mary Batson / Bromfield / Marvel, the classic version of her human form.
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ultrameganicolaokay · 12 hours ago
The Marvel Family #17 (1947) ‘The Marvel Family Curse!’, ‘Freddy Freeman Plays a Part’, 'Fights the Tornado Man’ and 'The Future Car’ by Otto Binder, Bill Woolfolk, Kurt Schaffenberger, Jack Binder, Pete Costanza and more. Edited by Wendell Crowley. Cover by Costanza.
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Vintage Comic - Marvel Family #017
Pencils: Pete Costanza Inks: Pete Costanza Fawcett (Nov1947)
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fawcetttweets · 8 months ago
Do Billy being saved by the Flash from lightning strikes... when he has to turn into Captain Marvel
Close Call
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The Flash, holding Billy: Phew! That was a close one, kiddo!
Billy, trying to explode him with his mind: Haha sure was! :)
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wonderjanga · 6 months ago
Marvel Being a Terrible “Dad”
In the league’s point of view, Billy has to be a terrible dad… and if he’s not their dad… why is a grown ass man hanging around with these kids? So for peace of mind, they assume Jr. and Mary are his kids. I mean, they kinda look like him. Kinda. Like, I can already see a good portion of them not really liking that he’s letting Freddy and Mary fight bloodthirsty monsters and villains. But, even the heroes that don’t mind that have to take a minute to process Marvel congratulating Mary for going off and doing something extremely reckless:
*They all just watched as Mary flew into an alien spaceship to take it down from the inside out. They knew nothing about the ship, just that it was hostile.*
Mary: *Flies back down from the ship, covered in soot. Lands by Marvel.*
Superman: *Flies over to them* “That was extremely reck—”
Billy: *cuts off* “Mary, that was amazing!”
Superman: “Cap, that wasn’t amazing. It was extremely reckless! She could’ve gotten herself killed!” *gestures to Mary wildly.*
Billy: “But she didn’t!” *gives thumbs up* “Come on, let’s get victory ice cream.”
*The two fly off*
*All of them are talking about their kids, eating together at a little lunch table in the Watchtower’s cafeteria like middle schoolers*
Superman: “I wouldn’t let Jon fight any of my villains alone. Most of them, anyways.”
Billy: “Why? Is he not strong enough?”
Superman: “Well, I’m sure he is, but I don’t want him to get hurt, or traumatized. Being a hero can be harsh at times. He’s just a kid.”
Billy: “So? Just cause he’s a kid doesn’t mean that he can’t fight. Just let him.”
Superman: “What? I can’t just let him. How would you feel if Junior or Mary had to fight Black Adam on their own?”
Billy: *shrugs* “Depends. Are they gonna fight him individually or together?”
Batman: *Eating a bat shaped sandwich, made by Alfred* “Individually.”
Billy: “Oh, yeah. Sure. I could trust them to handle Adam alone. I don’t think they could incapacitate him though. A couple times, when I’ve been busy, they’ve held him off for me until I get there.”
Flash: “You just let two little kids (Freddy and Mary look like pre-teens) go out and fight Black Adam? The same Black Adam that destroyed like a quarter of Metropolis in a day?”
Billy: “When you put it like that, it sounds crazy.” *Eats spaghettios*
Green Lantern: “Dude, it is crazy.”
Billy: “Wha? No it’s not. Wondy, when’d you start training for being a whole Amazonian warrior princess?”
Wonder Woman: “When I started adolescence.” *Eats ice cream*
Billy: “Seeeee? It’s fine.”
Martian Manhunter: “How old exactly are Mary and Junior?” *Also eats ice cream*
Billy: “Mary’s eleven and Junior’s twelve, they’re close enough.”
*All except Marvel exchange slightly concerned glances*
*Marvel and Junior are bickering next to one of the windows of the Watchtower.*
Black Canary: *Minding her own business and walks past them.*
Billy: “How about I slam your head through this window so we can really see if you can breathe in space, huh?”
*Canary pauses, and wow. Junior didn’t even flinch. That’s actually crazy. The bickering just got worse. This really doesn’t look good from a licensed therapist’s point of view.*
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toobytoobs · 6 months ago
I need more fics where the JL witness Captain Marvel (Shazam) get angry for the first time.
Like that dude would be absolutely terrifying.
Imagine, JL are on the regular mission and suddenly it’s revealed that the villain has two kids tied up and gagged as hostages (Freddy and Mary)
And the JL don’t even get to react before lightning starts to crackle off of the Captain and his eyes are practically glowing. And this dude just starts absolutely TEARING through every defence almost as fast as the flash and with more strength than superman. And if it weren’t for his morals you know he’d kill the villain on the spot just for laying a finger on his family.
So JL are just standing still in shock as Captain Marvel’s rage turns off immediately as soon as he’s with those random kids, bonus points if he’s on the verge of tears of relief that they are okay.
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cakypa120 · 10 days ago
Captain Marvel's villains know the hero's true identity. It's a truth that the Marvel family knows, and Fawcett knew it, too, for that matter.
But when Marvel was grumbling at his villains, he accidentally blurted out:
"I'm pissed that my villains are using my civilian identity to send boxes of glitter to my house. Sivana sent a glitter bomb last time. My whole house was glitter! Do you have any idea how hard it is to get glitter off a carpet?!"
And that was the beginning of the end. The captain was immediately surrounded by heroes, demanding answers.
Batman: You mean your villains know your identity?
Marvel: Oh, yeah? They keep shouting it from the rooftops. Especially Black Adam.
The heroes don't know what to do with this news. First, they were offended that the villains knew the hero's identity, but they didn't. Second, they began to listen to the words of the villains when they fought Marvel again. And so they were able to hear a lot of interesting things. For example:
Sivana: So, Little Red Cheese, are you ready to lose?
Marvel: I'm not that much younger than Ms. Marvel.
Sivana: I think three minutes is enough to call you a baby. Especially since we know that all the intelligence has passed to her.
Marvel: Harsh, but fair.
Captain Nazi: skill issue!
Junior: And because of whom?! Suck my dick!
Marvel: Don't swear.
Junior: I'm older than you, don't whine.
Ms. Marvel: Prepare to be defeated, Black Adam!
Adam: A girl like you won't be able to defeat me!
Ms. Marvel: An old man like you won't last long! You're a wreck!
Adam: I wish I killed your parents. They were supposed to raise you to be a beautiful lady, not this.
Ms. Marvel: Well, they can't be brought back to life, but I can send you to them to say hi!
Thus, the life of Marvel and his family slowly unfolds before the League. Some facts about the Captain's life are frightening. The loss of parents, amnesia, a close brush with death, some wizard stealing children and many other things that make the League look at the cheerful Captain differently. But some of the conversation between Adam and Marvel makes them feel a little terrified.
Adam: Wearing your father's face. Aren't you disgusted by it?
Marvel: My father was a hero to me, to Ms. Marvel. He made me feel safe. I just want to do what he did. Do good and good will follow. I know you know those words Adam.
Adam: How noble. You're right, he was a hero. After all, he chose to save his wife and daughter first, but no one saved him. Tell me, child, who will save you?
Marvel: My family.
Adam: Family. I'll be there when you lose them. I'll watch your light fade under all the darkness of grief and despair.
Marvel: There are differences between us Adam. Unlike you, I know how to resist the darkness. I believe in the best for everyone.
Adam: I was like that too when I was your age. Remember, I'll be there when you fall.
After the fight, Diana hugs Marvel tightly and Superman joins in, followed by Barry, Hal, Oliver and Dinah. Batman stood aside and stared at the Captain. Billy, meanwhile, didn't understand why they were doing this. Everything went well. Yeah?
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wwprice1 · 9 months ago
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Stunning Dan Mora and Alejandro Sanchez art from Absolute Power 1!
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ciel-bell · 14 days ago
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batson twins
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wildglitch · 2 months ago
In a mission slip up, both Captain Marvel and his "Daughter" Mary Marvel get captured in an unknown location while they are being secretly recorded and live streamed to the masses. These are some of the noments that have gone viral since this has started.
Mary: *Silently puting her hair up to focuse better on getting out*
Captain:...You look like her.
Mary: Hm?
Captain: What? Uh, a nothing.
Mary: Wait wait, do you mean mom?
Captain now visiballly nervouse: Hey we should focuse on getting out of here.
Mary: No wait come on! You never talk about her and you know I dont remember anything.
Captain: Then ask Jr.
Mary: What!? Hey what would he know? Jr. never met her.
Captain: He would know not to ask dumb questions.
Mary: I- ughh just. Please.
Captain sighes: ...Ok ok...just give me a second.
Mary: So?
Captain: You haver her mannerisms.
Mary: Mannerisms?
Captain: You- god I'm bad at this. You do things, little things just like she did. Like the way you tie your hair or the way you avoid small obsticals by jumping over it. Or how when you read you refuse to break the spine even though I find that ridiculouse.
Mary: It protects to book!
Captain: From what? The Bend?
Mary smacks him causing the Captain to laugh.
Captain: Hey now that I think about it. You also have her temper.
Mary: You!
This goes Viral everywhere, #captaindad and #singlefathermarvel start trending along side #marvelfamily and #babybrotherjr for some reason.
The League saw this while trying to locate them and get a hold on the situation. They have to take a moment for themselves to proccese what they just saw. Some more then others. Jr. Is getting many weird looks from the YJ he does not want to acknowlege.
Alls this to say that when they get back Billy gets a really weird and uncomfortable talk with the JL about "being more open" and "letting his kids know more about their family" which he just does not want to deal sith at all, please leave me alone, we are not talking about dead lovers, wtf.
Mary gets treated to some sort of "so you have a (suprisingly) emotionally consipated parent" initiation club by the teen titains. They have cake.
Jr. Is laughing his ass off, from where hed hiding from the YJ and their plan to "force family therapy.
Why cant they all be normal?
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dailydccomics · 10 months ago
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Absolute Power artwork by Dan Mora
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why-i-love-comics · 3 months ago
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Justice League Unlimited #2 (2024)
written by Mark Waid art by Dan Mora & Tamra Bonvillain
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aroace-madness · 4 months ago
Captain Marvel being Suicidal
Billy and Mary in their Shazam forms at the Watchtower getting important info from Batman
Batman: do you swear not to tell that to anyone?
Mary: Of course
Marvel: I swear on my life
Mary: yeah I don't think you can do that since you tried to kill yourself many times before
Flash: huh?
Mary: not to mention the time you did manage to kill yourself
Superman: HUH?
Mary: yeah it was a whole thing with daughters of Atlas and a dragon, good thing we managed to get him back
GL: can we come back to the fact that Cap is suicidal?
Marvel: I'd prefer if we didn't
Black Canary: oh no we are
Marvel: oh boy
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