#only in fawcett
fawcetttweets · 2 months
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Billy being the guardian of the Rock of Eternity which holds many of the most evil creatures in the world like the seven deadly sins is hilarious to me. Probably not canon but in this au every few years he meets up with the other beings who watch over a bunch of dangerous sinners. They use the meetings to share any strategies or mishaps so they can help each other be more efficient but since they’ve all been around for thousands of years minimum, they’ve pretty much optimized their systems so they spend most of the time gossiping and hanging out lol.
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puppetwoman17 · 1 month
“Gotham people would totally get fucked in Fawcett.”
Me: oh completely. I agree 100%.
“People from Fawcett would DIE in Goth—“
Me: EEEEEEEEEEE. You’re wrong. Double triple wrong. Fawcett has dealt with too much to be sidelined as off-brand Metropolis. They have dealt with Lady Blaze, Ibac, Sabbac, Arson Fiend, they were stuck in time, they are closer to Heaven and Hell(RoE halves) than anyone else. Gotham would be a cakewalk for them.
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chaoticallyfluffy · 2 months
someone needs to make “only in fawcett” a thing. It’s kind of like “only in Gotham” but instead of talking about Robin casually stealing your cat and returning them neutered it’s about how you just saw a mob of angry people with pitchforks and torches talking about how Captain Marvel did something terrible (again. It always turns out to be that sivannah guy or whatever framing him but everyone falls for it every time, including you.) and you’re not quite sure how the heck they plan to harm the indestructible man and you have nothing better to do so you grab a nearby pitchfork and join in.
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Good news!
Mr. Heracles has come to collect his half brother Lord Bacchus!
City officials are still working to drain and refill the fountain so please keep clear of it for the time being! Waste management assured us that all Dionysian wine will be disposed of in a proper manner and the fountain will be back to normal within 1-2 days due to the required cleaning needed because of the wine residue.
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cerealboxlore · 5 days
Billy Batson and child safety laws
I'm finally free from my studies for a little bit so I immediately brain-rotted about Billy Batson. I kept thinking back on the Fawcett Freeze and how he and a lot of other people were trapped in the past (I HC the entire town), so when introduced to the modern day world, there would be some confusion.
Not about technology, medicine, or any of that important junk.
But about the kids of that era in the modern world, being so confused about why they can't play their dangerous games anymore. They don't think there's anything wrong about the way they play, but any person from the modern age can see that there's a group of Fawcett kids playing "toss the brick in the air" and complaining that their metal playgrounds got taken away.
Billy: What do you mean we can't play in the streets anymore? Running from the speeding cars were the best part! Average adult: It's not safe! Oh my god that's just plain dangerous, you know!
Billy: Ah, kids these days. Look, sometimes some of us got bruises from having fun, and sometimes we'd get black eyes when we played Duck Duck Goose, but we were fine. No need to worry about it too much, sir.
Average Adult, shocked: H-how do you get a black eye from playing Duck Duck Goose?! How did Fawcett's kids even survive recess back then?
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months
DC should have been forced to write about characters they bought, honestly. To my mind (which, albeit, isn't thinking too hard about it right now) that's the only thing that makes sense. You're going to buy Fawcett and Quality and Charlton? Fine, then you better use their characters! They should have been forced to keep writing Captain Marvel/Shazam, Bulletman, Ibis the Invincible, Plastic Man, Phantom Lady, Human Bomb, Judo Master, The Question, etc. These characters had potential, yet they mostly got relegated to the rank of C or D listers nowadays. Which really tells me DC isn't treating them well! If you don't want to use your characters DC, then you never should have bought them! I'm sure some indie publishers would be dying to do Ibis the Invincible or Bulletman or Spy-Smasher stories! I'm sure they would!
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lasthumaninwales · 2 years
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bibliophilecats · 4 months
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Read recently: The Grace of Wild Things by Heather Fawcett
What I was looking for: Heather Fawcett is quickly becoming one of my new auto-read authors and somehow, this book nearly sneaked past me.
Conclusion: This is a great, witchy middle grade story. I can see the influences of Anne of Green Gables in the story while at the same time, it is nothing alike. Bittersweet ending. All in all, I loved it. 
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marvelouscryptid · 2 months
Happy day because i got permission from Red Robin to keep 2 batarangs!! They look very cool too! :D
And sharp, but i like them so i will still keep them😺
And update on Patches! She is currently sleeping on a bunch of clothes that i leave on my mattress, it's not much but she seems to like it so i won't disturb her
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fawcetttweets · 1 month
Do Billy being saved by the Flash from lightning strikes... when he has to turn into Captain Marvel
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The Flash, holding Billy: Phew! That was a close one, kiddo!
Billy, trying to explode him with his mind: Haha sure was! :)
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puppetwoman17 · 4 days
I imagine that when the time bubble on Fawcett popped, they sent some people out to scout this new world they were in(same world but ya know it’s the ✨future✨). So out goes Billy, Alan Armstrong(a.k.a., Spy Smasher), and Billy’s boss Sterling Morris, who is very adamant on going because he knows how reckless his reporter can be.
It all immediately goes to shit.
Billy sees all the large screens with COLOR(I mean color tv was made in the late 30s, but I imagine it was much more expensive back then), and asks where they go to listen to the radio. Passerby laughs at him for “listening to that oldie art”. Don’t you know people only listen to that in their car when there’s nothing else to do? It’s all about streaming now!
Billy has a mental breakdown, of course.
Alan is still living in wartime. Why are all these people out and about in the open during DAYTIME?? What was that popping noise? Oh it was a balloon? Okay—WHAT WAS THAT—Oh, it was a chip bag being opened? Cool cool, that’s fine. Rad. Coolio.
Alan also has a mental breakdown.
Sterling says fuck this, is this really what we spend decades fantasizing about? He packs up and they go home.
Oh and Mary has a breakdown when she sees that no one really wears bright, white on color frilly/poofy dresses out in the open for things other than a costume party or something else. She’s a MODEL. She knows all the latest trends and all the girls go to her for how to wear their bows this month, what color goes with what leggings, what—
No one leaves Fawcett. Not because they’re a cult. Not because they have a way of life that no one will understand(but that counts). No, no one leaves Fawcett because everyone is damn near terrified of what the heck the rest of this world has come to.
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my-fandom-polls · 1 year
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I just had tea with a talking deer who walked into my living room through the patio. He asked for some sandwiches and chamomile. I don’t know how to feel about this. Has it happened before? Is it normal? Does the deer have a name?
Some odd stories like this do happen frequently in Fawcett, yes, and there’s a few reasons as to why you met a talking deer.
It might have been one of the local Fae, Greek god, or many shapeshifters in need of a snack, which would definitely put you in their favor for such sweet hospitality. Many magical species do use the loophole of open or unlocked doorways as invitations inside and it has been difficult to communicate modern standards for property and privacy with them so there’s probably no malice or intrusion intended on their part.
There’s also the likely chance that they simply are another animal learning human English and wanting to socialize with humanity like our local Tawky Tawny who learned his English speech and manners after a life as a normal tiger speaking his native tongue of Tignorian, the deer you met might still be learning human social customs and didn’t know he was being at all rude or impolite in coming in your home uninvited asking for tea and food.
As to your more pertinent questions; There has been a few cases of talking animals asking for food and temporary companionship, it happens infrequently here but it is a talking point locals indulge in during conversations frequently, and currently I am not aware of a name for the deer you met.
If they come around again I would recommend politely informing them about human social norms and boundaries when it comes to visiting peoples homes, like said before they might not know better.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 10 months
The most heartwarming thing about Julian's email to Margot is that he probably could have asked Alison to type it up for him as he dictated what he wanted but instead he took the effort of several hours of gruelling energy to type it himself one letter at a time. Just to make it personal. 🥺
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wolfsbanesparks · 4 months
Where is Fawcett City supposed to be exactly?
Hi anon!
So like most things in comics, the answer depends on the continuity!
The most common assumed location for Fawcett City is in the Midwest in either Indiana, Minnesota, or Wisconsin. But it has never been explicitly confirmed.
However in current comic continuity Fawcett is a suburb of Philadelphia, so it would be in Pennsylvania.
When I write about it, I typically go with an ambiguous midwest setting without 100% committing to a specific location because the relative location is more important than the specific location.
Hope this helps!
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kurokmask · 1 year
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leave it to the randomest characters to get you out of an art rut! thank you lady rhea <3
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