#barry allen is confused
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DCU, DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Barry Allen Additional Tags: Dick Grayson Meets the Justice League, (Some of them) - Freeform, Dick Grayson is Robin, Bruce Wayne is Good With Kids, Somewhat, Wrote this for fun, in the depths of sleep deprivation, while a friend cheered me on, From the Sidelines, Hope you enjoy Summary:
Young Dick Grayson has had three rules drilled into his head by his father, Bruce Wayne. 1. Don't talk to strangers 2. Don't trust metas 3. If you get lost and can't find B, call Alfred
When he's brought along to a meeting that Batman has in Central City, he's alarmed to hear the Flash claim that he's friends with Batman.
B doesn't have any friends, after all.
(Entire fic under Keep Reading for those that don’t like using ao3 or going off tumblr for fics ^^)
The past week had been a bit rough for Dick. He'd gotten injured - mildly, he'd insisted. A goon landed a hit to his arm, but it was just a bruise - during his patrol on Saturday night two weeks ago and Bruce hadn't let him go out at night since. Which made no sense! He'd gotten hurt worse before and every time Bruce would panic and practically ground him, and it never got any less annoying.
He knew he'd been moping around the entire time, which was why he was so quick to get ready when Bruce told him to suit up.
It wasn't a regular patrol night for him - B tried his best to keep him home on school nights - and he couldn't help but be a little confused as he did what he was told.
His confusion, mixed with a bit of excitement, only grew as he was led to one of the zeta tubes. He was forbidden from using them and wasn't really meant to go near them at all without B around (not that he followed that rule).
"Where are we going?" He asked, flipping to walk on his hands for a while and staring up at his mentor, Batman outfit now covering his form. It amazed him how different B looked with the suit on, though he liked to think he'd gotten used to some of the Bats restricted mannerisms by now. He could tell what most of the grunts and huffs meant, and it was always fun when he made B smile during patrol because 'Batman can't be laughing at your antics, Robin'.
"Central City." The response was short, yet it made Robin spring back onto his feet.
"Woah. We're leaving Gotham?" Batman had never allowed him to leave the borders of the city during any patrols, and it seemed strange that he was willingly taking him outside the city limits. To a city that Dick knew The Flash operated in.
He wasn't meant to go near any metas, even if they occasionally worked with B. Their powers weren't fully known to Batman yet - they'd begun reluctantly working together just a few months ago - and even though Robin had been allowed to read the files they had on each of them they weren't the most detailed just yet. He remembered seeing a weaknesses section for each of them, most of which were yet to be filled in.
So, they weren't deemed safe for Robin to be around yet. Especially alone.
B just gave a slight nod of affirmation, disclosing no further information.
Which made things more surprising. They were going to the city that The Flash protected, and for some reason Batman thought it was necessary for him to go too.
Batman punched a few things into the keypad inside the zeta tube, and with a dizzying rush that caused Robin to squeeze his eyes shut they were transported to Central City.
Transportation felt weird and Robin kind of wanted to be sick, but Batman was resting a hand on his shoulder and crouching in front of him and it helped him feel a bit better.
"Remember what I taught you."
"Don't talk to strangers, don't go near any metas, stick close to you and if I get lost and my comms don't work, call Agent A." He rattled off the list confidently, having been made to memorise the first and last rule before he'd been allowed on patrol. The no metas rule was added somewhat more recently. They didn't deal with many of them in Gotham.
But this wasn't Gotham, and Robin didn't know the streets, and he stuck close to Batman's side because he didn't want to lose track of him, even if he was in awe of the city around him. It was much brighter than Gotham, and travelling to a spot halfway across the country made it so that the sun was still out here. It had just set back in Gotham, but time zone differences meant it was just beginning to set in Central.
"Whoa," he muttered, grasping a handful of Batman's cape. It was a nervous habit, he knew, but it made him feel better.
They came to a stop in a field not too far from the zeta tube and Batman turned to face him once more.
"I have to meet someone. I don't want them seeing you just yet. Go hide over there." He gestured to a nearby corner that was obscured from view enough to hide him, but not if he'd been an adult.
He frowned at that. Why had he been brought all the way there if he wasn't allowed to meet whoever B was here for?
But he didn't argue. Not when he saw the frown on B's face. Whoever he was meeting wasn't trusted yet, not with Robin, whether it be The Flash or someone else.
He nodded and went to hide. "In position, B," he whispered into his comm unit, slightly surprised that the channel had been left open. Maybe B wanted him there as a witness or backup, in case things went south? Or maybe he'd needed another pair of eyes or hands for whatever he's up to?
Robin had gotten so lost in his thoughts that he didn't feel the burst of wind or see the red blur until it came to a stop in front of him.
He jumped, moving back to put distance between himself and the newcomer.
The man wore a red suit, and he had his head tilted as he stared down at Robin. He looked confused, and his eyes scanned the area around them.
"What're you doing here, kid? Where are your parents?" His voice was gentle as he crouched down to be at eye-level with Robin.
Robin, for his part, knew better than to give a proper answer to that.
"Around. What are you doing here, Flash? Are you here to help people?" He pulled a smile onto his face, the same one he did when performing, and added a curious lilt to his tone. He saw the Flash soften, and knew something was working on him.
"Yeah, I'm helping people. Here to meet a friend about something, actually. But if you need me to take you to your parents first, I'm happy to do so. I'm sure the big guy wouldn't mind waiting." He offered a hand to Robin, though the younger vigilante didn't take it, shooting a wary glance at it.
It clicked into place in his brain that this man was here to meet B. Which made sense, sort of. But he didn't want to leave his cover when B had told him to stay there.
He shook his head. "I'm here on official business. From Gotham." He didn't want to say much else, just wanted to man to leave him alone.
Flash's eyes widened. "You're here with the Bat?" When Robin nodded, he continued. "Well, I'm a friend of his. You can trust me."
"He doesn't have any friends," came Robin's immediate response. He couldn't keep the suspicion out of his tone there if he tried. B didn't have friends, especially not metas, and it was suspicious that this man tried to claim that.
'I'm a friend of your dad,' was, after all, a phrase that B had taught him to never trust.
Flash's face scrunched up and before Robin could react he'd planted a hand on his shoulder. Robin froze, muscles locking into place at the unexpected touch. "You sure you're okay, kid?"
The hand hadn't moved. He didn't think he could take out this adult on his own, not without a lot of trouble and probably some injuries. So, he did the best thing he could think to do.
He pulled out a small taser that B had given him, for emergencies, jabbed it into The Flash's hand, using the moment where he reacted to spring away, running out from his cover and towards Batman. "B! There's a strange man trying to grab me!"
B, who had been in the middle of talking to someone, reacted immediately to the call. He ran the rest of the way to Robin and allowed the young boy to clamber onto his shoulders and wrap his arms and legs around him to stay up there. They both watched as the Flash appeared, Robin taking note of the red blur this time, a deep frown on his face.
"That little monster tased me!" He cried, pointing up at Robin where he sat. Robin stuck his tongue out at him, but B held up a hand and whispered for him to behave.
"Why were you attempting to grab a random child?" B's tone was low, the same gravelly tone that he always used when Batman seeming deeper somehow.
"I wasn't doing anything weird! You're making me sound like a creep. I thought he was lost!"
"And he was defending himself from a stranger that seemed overly familiar with him," B argued in his defence, shutting down any further complaints from the meta. He tilted his head to whisper a quick "good job" to Robin.
Robin beamed, happy to have his mentor's praise, even if it was small at the moment.
"Why the hell did you bring a kid here anyway? And whose kid did you steal for this?" The Flash seemed like the kind of person that didn't know when to shut up.
B didn't grace him with a proper response, instead just grunting and turning back to the other man that Robin hadn't got a proper look at before and-
His little hands slapped down on B's shoulders repeatedly and he whistled a few times in rapid succession. A sound B was growing familiar with.
Robin was excited. Because his favourite superhero was standing on the grass in front of them, a surprised look on his face as his eyes flicked between the two of them repeatedly.
"B, B, look, it's Superman! This is so cool. Can I go say hi?" He tried to whisper, he really did, but Superman had superhearing and he was certain that he'd heard it, with how the corners of his lips ticked upwards.
B sighed, muttering back at him. "I said no metas."
"But B, please?" Superman had always been his favourite hero. He'd heard stories of him a lot, and the vibrant colours of his outfit looked fun and nice and nothing at all like the dark greys and black that B insisted on wearing all the time.
He wasn't given time to respond, because Superman had already moved closer to them and Robin was vibrating with excitement and The Flash was looking on with narrowed eyes and a gaping mouth.
"Hello," Superman said, smiling at him. He'd begun hovering so they could be at eye level. "Who might you be?"
Robin's eyes lit up and Batman had to adjust his stance as the kid sprung up to stand on his shoulders fully, his arms moving around in big gestures as he speaks. "I'm Robin! And I didn't think you'd be here, this so so cool and I am so glad you're here, even though B says I'm not supposed to talk to you - Superman is okay, yeah, B? – but I'm getting to meet you!"
B sighed, patting his thigh gently. "Robin. Calm down."
"I can't be calm, B! This is the coolest day of my life!"
Superman laughed - Robin had made superman laugh - and when he began speaking Robin snapped his mouth shut to listen properly.
"You seem like a very energetic kid, Robin. What are you up to today?" His voice was soft but he sounded interested in him and Robin felt like he was going to explode.
"I don't know, actually! B doesn't normally take me out of Gotham for anything, and he didn't explain much but I'm meant to be in bed in an hour so I hope we'll be here for longer than that."
He looked down at his mentor as he spoke, hoping he wasn't upsetting him by talking too much. Batman never smiled, but Robin could see a hint of one on his face, could feel the relaxed stance beneath him, and knew he was okay.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, but I think you should still abide by your bedtime. Sleeping right is important for a boy your age."
He normally got annoyed when people tried to tell him what he should do. But this was Superman, and he just nodded his head. "I know."
"What the hell? I get tased and Supes over here gets a normal excited kid? What did I do wrong?" The Flash complained as he watched the interaction.
Robin side-eyed him, a frown briefly crossing his face. "You're weird."
"What the f-" He was cut off by Batman, who also directed a glare at him.
Robin stuck his tongue out at The Flash again, bouncing up and down still as Superman watched him. It was a split second mistake that caused him to fall, the slightest misplacement as his foot came down awkwardly on B's shoulder.
But he knew how to use it to his advantage, and he twisted into a back flip, landing with his palms on the ground and using the momentum to spring back up and land on his feet. B hadn't reacted much to the fall except to watch his landing, but Superman and The Flash had both moved towards him only to stop when B held up a hand to them.
It made him feel good. To know that B trusted his abilities enough to not panic, and to stop two strangers - because as much as he loved Superman the meta was still a stranger and Robin didn't want to touch him, let alone be grabbed by him - from trying to catch him.
Robin let out a small "ta-da," as both the other heroes stared at him, eyes wide. He giggled, returning to Batman's side and as much as he tried to fight it he couldn't stop the yawn that tore from his throat, the excitement having taken his energy out of him.
He felt B's hand land on his shoulder and give it a small squeeze. "You okay, Robin?"
"Mh-hm," he muttered, pulling part of B's cape around his shoulders. "When are we going back to Gotham?"
"Soon. We're almost done talking."
Robin grumbled a bit at that, leaning against the older man's leg and burying his face against it. He normally slept longer in the mornings when he knew he'd have patrol in the evening, but since he hadn't been expecting this trip he'd woken up at dawn to have tea with Agent A before the man left to complete some after-breakfast errands.
Thinking of it like that, he figured maybe that was why B had brought him along. Agent A was taking longer than usual, and B knew that Robin hated being at home alone.
He was old enough to be left unsupervised. He could use the microwave and make toast without breaking anything. But the manor was large, and it felt so empty when it was just him there.
Plus, the last time they left him alone they'd panicked because he was 'missing', only to find that he'd fallen asleep on top of a chandelier.
He could hear traces of the conversation outside the cape. It seemed like Batman was discussing the construction of a base of operations for the group of heroes to work from. Robin knew about that project, he'd read about it on the computer in the Batcave.
Granted, he wasn't supposed to have done that. But he was bored last weekend, and B wasn't there to stop him.
The conversation began drawing to a close, some dates vaguely listed as a possible time of completion for the base. B had enough money to make it so that it'd be done by next month. He told the others that a donor had supplied those funds.
Robin smiled at that. He liked knowing more about Batman that anyone else - besides Agent A himself.
"So, going to explain the kid?" The Flash asked, almost like he had a death wish. B tensed, and Robin didn't like that. He wasn't sure if he liked the man, purely because he was overly comfortable with random kids and he was bothering his mentor.
"No." Batman's response left no room for further probing, and as much as both of them wanted answers they didn't want to push him and have him call off their partnership.
Robin yawned again, tugging on the cape. "We going back now?"
He was careful to not use the word home around the others. B didn't seem to want them knowing their exact relationship, and Robin didn't want to give it away either.
"Sure, chum. Let's get you to bed before your guardians kill me."
Robin cracked another smile. Guardians referred to Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth. In this case, Alfred would likely be fretting about Dick's absense. His bedtime was soon, and Alfred was more strict about it than Bruce himself.
He climbed back onto Batman's shoulders, getting a final look at the other two men as B nodded his farewell.
The Flash looked as confused as ever. Robin didn't think he was very smart, at least not when it came to Batman. B was the smartest person Robin knew (he may have been biased towards him).
Superman looked a little concerned, though Robin didn't know why that'd be. He raised his hand to wave goodbye, and Superman returned the gesture. The Flash did too, but he ignored that one.
They were heading back to the zeta tubes, and Robin rested his head on B's shoulder, yawning again.
"You did good, Robin. You can add to their files later, if you'd like."
He grinned, pressing his face further against his mentor. "Thanks, B."
He wasn't sure if it was his exhaustion or the rush of the zeta tubes that won over, but he was asleep by the time they arrived back at the cave.
The last thing he heard was his dad chuckling beneath him.
#DC#DCU#DC Comics#Dick grayson#richard grayson#Bruce wayne#Robin!Dick#Batman#bruce wayne is a good dad#dick grayson is a ray of sunshine#batfam#batfamily#superman#superman is dicks favourite#the flash#barry allen is confused#the archives
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i love you season 1 of the flash
#cw the flash#the flash cw#the flash#the flash fandom#hartley rathaway#eowells#barry allen#4 am thoughts#4 am posts#4 am posting#4 am ramblings#unhealthy workplace relationships#unhealthy work environment#hartley rathaway x eowells#but not in an i ship it way#but in the fact that it definitely happened and was unfortunate for everyone involved#hartley blew out his parents and harrison’s windows and blew up the pipeline but decided to murk barry in the streets??#hartley saw eowells let some twink run around in red leather while praising him for it#and decide to make it literally everyone else’s problem#he really went ‘there’s only one person who’s gonna destroy this twink and that’s gonna be me!’ and meant it literally#all the ‘villains’ in this show are so cunty#cisco and caitlin heard that hartley was causing drama again and they went ‘oh shit’ and grabbed their popcorn#meanwhile barry was looking around confused scratching his head and sighing
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Trick or treat >:D
I just love billy and his divine twitch chat, can we get more of that?
Happy Halloween!
One Divine Twitch Chat coming right up!
Billy groaned dropping his head onto the desk, barely registering the the thump due to his growing headache.
Who knew the gods could be so loud when they didn't even have physical forms?
He wasn't sure what had started the argument, or even what it was about, but battle lines had been drawn and each of his patrons was trying to egg him into action just to spite the others.
"Cap buddy, you okay?" Barry's voice cut through some of the noise. He almost hadn't realized the voice had come from the physical plane at all.
He glanced up with a grimace. "It's just...loud."
"Loud?" he asked curiously. He glanced around at the notably empty room.
"Yeah," he grunted. Zeus thundered even louder in his mind, insulted at the dismissal, annoyed at the possible interruption. Mercury took that as a personal insult as Flash was one of his favorite mortals. Atlas scoffed at his favoritism and within moments things descended into chaos that had their Champion curling in on himself.
"Ugh, shut up!" he snapped.
Barry jumped at the sudden anger in his voice. "But I didn't say anything...?"
He winced. "Not you. Them."
Barry looked even more confused. "Who?"
He tapped the side of his skull before dropping his head back down. "My gods just suck," he said.
His pronouncement brought a moment of pure blissful silence inside his mind.
Then they all began screaming at him at once.
#ask me whatever you want y'all#shazam#billy batson#dc captain marvel#barry allen#divine twitch chat au#love it when they cause him problems#Barry is so so confused#Billy is not in the right headspace to help with that
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Barry probably has showed up so often to Saints and Sinners to talk to Snart, debate with him, ask for help, etc. (with a complete absence of the fear anyone else would have) that it's basically common knowledge that Cold has a boyfriend that will show up and scold him like a Missus
#coldflash#leonard snart#barry allen#the flash tv#it's like. they figure out the bf is the flash. go “i don't know shit” and continue on#bc if snart is so whipped he not only is dating the flash but letting him talk to him like That? on the regular??#nah fam you fuck with that twink you're 110% gonna DIE#snart didn't even have to DO anything people just assumed riak of instadeath via context#also barry is fully unaware anyone thinks they're dating and is confused that no one he sees at Saints is willing to fight him as the Flash#fanfic prompt
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Was reading old Flash comics to figure out how to write speedsters in a fight. Then I see,
...Barry, bro, you are too funny for DC. You should be in a sitcom being silly and randomly giving flash facts.
#dc#flash#barry allen#these old comics made me go insano style about Wally tho#like Im reading Barry comic and here enters Wally#a 10 year old acting like he has cronic depression#I mean we know his home life so no suprise there but bro...#why are you ready to die at the ripe age of 10?#then people gets confused why we love his friendship with Dick#like the relationship is writing itself#anygays#Wally meet Robin the other 10 year old ready to murder or die.#no im not joking#yes he is wearing a speedo#no you cant wear them#why the fuck do you want to-#birdflash#god end my suffering
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Barry and Iris future daughter came back in time more than once to seek help and provide back up. In the time she was a part of the Arrowverse we meet more than one version of Nora from alternative futures to times when she gave in to the darker side of being a speedster. But which version of Nora did you like best?
#nora west allen#iris west allen#barry allen#jessica parker kennedy#*the confusion i have with this one and no I won't solve it by watching the episode I refuse too i prefer the mystery of blonde nora#the flash#dctv#arrowverse#the flash cw
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(on the Watchtower)
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan): Does anyone wanna explain what's going on here?
Red Hood: I died. Then got better.
The Flash: I don't think that's what he meant.
Batman: Then what did he mean?
Superman: I think it's because the one person who has been an international terrorist while also being a Justice League priority target is the same tiny teenager they saw get grounded a few years ago.
Red Hood: Ah, ol' Felipe Garza. I wonder how his trip to hell is going?
Flash: So not the point-
#dc comics#incorrect quotes#incorrect dc quotes#green lantern#red hood#barry allen#batman#superman#hal jordan#jason todd#the flash#bruce wayne#clark kent#so many are so confused#bruce is wondering why everybody is like this#his child is getting the same look lex luthor gets and he doesn't like it#he's ready to punch another green motherfucker on the JL
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Reading 60s/70s Flash and then watching an episode of Flash (2014) makes you go "holy shit Barry ur so slow!" It takes him 15 min to make a cross country trip smh.
Like if pre-crisis!Barry met 2014show!Barry he'd be like, "oh man I'm so sorry that your speed got so fucked up that sucks man. You don't even have control over all your individual molecules? How do you live like that? You can't even hit one rømer? How are you supposed to run on photons if you can't even hit rømer one."
#show!barry is really confused and slightly offended#“nothings wrong with my speed I'm the fastest man alive!”#okay honey if u say so#apparently he does manage to go a whole 1.001 rømer in season 6 i never got that far#as u can prolly tell im v charmed by Barry calling multiples of the speed of light rømer#barry allen#⚡#⚡.txt
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Being a Flash fan is having arguments about how specific suit designs signal which Flash or Kid Flash we're looking at and then turning around to find DC isn't actually sure anymore and artists are constantly mixing Barry and Wally up. 😔
#new 52 ruined all the tells to know for sure who was who#and then the Rebirth suit for Wally tried to make them distinct but mostly managed to make Wally feel like second tier Flash#and now they have distinct suits again not artists are always getting confused#and don't get me started about the all in Wally design 😭#the flash#wally west#barry allen#that person talks comics
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Wally: Burger
Barry: Wally that's a hotdog
#inspired by some friends#we went to eat something and one of them got a hotdog#but she got confused and said burger when explaining to her mom (by call) what she was eating#and the other one laughed her ass off and said “that's a fucking hotdog”#unfortunately barry refuses to swear in front of a child (who is actually 25 years old)#but it's still pretty funny#dc#wally west#the flash#barry allen#kid flash#the flash comics#flash#dc comics#speedsters#flash fam
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Characters with super speed often use it to do tremendous tasks in fractions of a second. Say a task should talk 5 hours to complete, but they do it in 5 seconds, what type of toll does that take on the body? Clark complains that because she is there, he can't do the work in seconds like he normally could, but the amount of work is the same. Which begs the question:
Different writers and eras might depict it different, and it can change depending on the character. As a generalization of the power of superspeed, what do you think?
#i honestly have no idea#it really confuses me#it feels like it should expend the same amount of energy as a 5 hour task#but? it doesnt??#so idk#maybe they just have amazing stamina#and i dont#so i would get exhausted immediately but they're fine#idk#dc comics#superman#clark kent#supergirl#linda lee danvers#kara danvers#the flash#wally west#barry allen#my polls
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The Flash 9x09
Short random thought post about the episode. AHHHH! Okay so I didn't really get into Green Arrow or The Flash from the beginning, but I kinda got pulled in by the characters- tbh that's how I get into shows now, I see a character I like, and then I see if it's worth the plot, lol. ANYWAY though, it was really nice to see Oliver and Barry together for a final? (honestly idk anymore lol) time. When Diggle showed Barry the bow- and then when Oliver and Barry hugged- their banter- Stephen and Grant just have a dynamic that I like to watch.
Idk how I felt about the explanation behind how they were able to bring Oliver back, but what really got me was the ending of the episode. There were some references from Arrow that they included which I really liked. We got a bit of a Felicity mention.
Okay but that leads me to why I made this post actually. Yes it was fun to see Oliver again, but what Diggle said about William specifically made go "huh"? So he mentions that William is in college. Last I remember- and if I'm remembering this correctly- he was kidnapped right? And then Mia goes looking for him in one of the crossover events-Armageddon I believe? But she doesn't find him, right?
SO my question is, what happened? Are there any theories out there? Like because there's now a multiverse again, did the kidnapping NOT happen? Or is it not a thing YET? Sigh. I'm not gonna bother myself too much with the Arrowverse and timelines. I just tried researching on what happened and I mostly found on Reddit that most people said it was setting up the spinoff that was supposed to happen so if it had been greenlit they would have explored it.
But where does this mention of William fit? I guess I could have just led with that from the beginning- but I am curious. Once again, my fandom nerd self has made what I thought would be a short post into another TLDR, lol.
Alright, that's enough from me for now though. At least it was reassuring for me personally to hear that Oliver keeps an eye on his kids. Love that. Well, until next time y'all.
#the cw#the flash cw#the flash 9x09#barry allen#green arrow#oliver queen#john diggle#felicity smoak#mia queen#mia smoak#william clayton#one of my fave sibling duos got a mention! but I am still slightly confused lol#William and Mia you will always be appreciated by me!#olivarry!!#loved seeing Stephen and Grant together again on my screen for a bit while it lasted#not going to be thinking about how the arrowverse is even closer to literally ending
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Something I realized a little while ago: Jesse and Morgan’s birthday is October 11th, 1998, and Barry’s is (canonically) March 14th, 1989. Morgan turns 16 in the first half of s1 (and 17 in s2, along with Jesse), and Barry turns 26 in the second half of s1 (and 27 in s2)
This means that between October and March, they’re 9 years apart…but between March and October, they’re 10 years apart!
#barry allen#oc: morgan wells#jesse quick#jesse wells#brotp: i know my hero#barry & jesse#morgan wells au#i just thought it was funny 😂#and worth clarifying in case anyone gets confused later
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Lmao Flash (which I’m assuming is Barry) and GL (which I’m assuming is Hal Jordan) are going to be deeply invested in this to the point they start to unknowingly raise Billy.
At some point the various school administrations think the two are gay dads trying to raise their wayward son.
If Billy ever calls them ‘dad’ they will think it’s sarcastic or an inside joke.
When Billy gets revealed, you bet the two will be in too deep, this officially adopting them. (Whether this is platonic or romantic HalBarry is up for interpretation).
Billy hasn’t gone to school in years. naturally, he’s curious about others experiences with it.
Marvel: “You’ve gone to school?”
Flash: “Yes? You sound surprised about that?”
Marvel: “What’s it like at school?”
Flash: “It’s boring. Really boring.”
Marvel: *sounds disappointed* “Oh.”
GL: “Cap, have you never gone to school before?”
Marvel: “Nope!”
Flash: “Not even in Ancient Greece? You were born around that time, right?”
Marvel: “What? No??”
GL and Flash: *share a look*
GL: “Cap, how old are you?”
Marvel: “Chronologically?”
Flash: “Yes?”
Marvel: “It’s between 92 and a hundred thousand.”
GL: “That uh… doesn’t really give us much to work with, man.”
Marvel: “Let’s just go with 92.”
Flash: “So you’re saying that during your 92 years of living, possibly more, you’ve never even stepped foot into a school?”
Marvel: “Well, I went all the way up until I was eight.”
GL: “That doesn’t really make it better.”
Flash: “Maybe we can work something out with Black Canary?”
Marvel: “What?”
Flash: “Well, she manages the kids on the team. She tells them to go to school and stuff so who’s to say she couldn’t find a way to make you go to school too? She’s resourceful like that.”
That’s how Billy ended up going to school as Marvel while shapeshifted into Billy.
Flash and GL: *dropping Billy off at a school in their civies*
GL: “You’re such a cute kid, man!” *pinches his cheek*
Marvel: “Dude, stop!” *slaps his hand away*
GL: “Alright alright, fine.”
Flash: “Have a good day at school!”
Flash, GL, Marvel: *all walking to a zeta tube while munching on hotdogs*
Flash: “So, Cap- er Mark, how was school?”
Marvel: *takes a bite so he can chew in silence for a bit* “I got expelled.”
Flash and GL: “WHAT?!”
#HalBarry for the win#platonic or romantic#you decide#I decide romantic#because I’m a sucker for a misunderstanding slowburn coworkers to friends to unknowing parents to lovers#all of that before knowing their child is an actual child#billy batson#shazam#dc captain marvel#Flash#Barry Allen#green lantern#Hal Jordan#when they figure out their kid is an actual kid but also actually older than them#I bet they’ll be confused on why the nicest hero is a terrible child in school#and it’s not about grades#he’s just a feral Racoon#so teachers think Hal and Barry coddle their demon child and think Billy is an Angel#teacher: ah it’s one of those parents who think their kids are perfect#Hal and Barry knowing full well their ‘kid’ is a symbol of perfection in the hero community#I did so many tags wtf is wrong with me
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I stopped watching The Flash before they got to the Impulse part but does anyone know why they made him Barry's son rather than his grandson in the show?
#found out about him today and I was deeply confused as to why people were calling bart barry's son#jess talks#dc comics#cw the flash#bart allen#dc impulse
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Twice Barry had Eobard defeated but released him. Both times for very different reasons. Which of the two do you prefer?
Once again thanks for the inspiration for this poll to the anon who suggested Eobard defeats.
#eobard thawne#tom cavanagh#matt letscher#the flash cw#barry allen#cisco ramon#not gonna lie fellas i'm confused about the earth-x one. alwasy have. always will be. the pipeline was right there why'd you let him go!!#but him (technically) playing a part in saving cisco's life will always be top tier for me. so that's the winner to me#the flash#dctv
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